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Age Of Empires 3 + Both Expansions




Games PC


Age Of Empires 3 + Both Expansions




2009-04-20 (by bluemgt06)


Age Of Empires 3 + Both Expansions KEYS are included in the Keys folder.


  1. AOE3
  2. AOE3 Expansions
  3. Age Of Empires 3
  4. Age Of Empires 3 + Both Expans

Files count:



2952.39 Mb




Weszsz (2009-06-01)

Seed plz.

Weszsz (2009-06-03)


And3rs11 (2009-07-17)

can some one seed plz??

JordinRichardRoss (2009-11-21)

Are they supposed to be in ISO format?

harshlovestorrent (2009-12-07)

hey do they have crack in them

harshlovestorrent (2009-12-08)

Tito156 you can have the serial key in

dafemads (2009-12-13)

working great nice upload currently seeding

vanne_st (2009-12-23)

hi, i'm not a computer wiz, so can somebody tell me how i install this game. thx

lordtom23 (2010-01-04)

my download is stuck at 99.7%
can some one seed pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

N519AB (2010-01-06)

You have to mount each image to a virtual drive ( I use Deamon Tools ), then you can install like normal. And use key provided in the Key folder

N519AB (2010-01-06)

Get Deamon Tools here

paveywavey (2010-01-07)

Why are people asking for keys when it says where they are in the description? Pay attention.

RyuzakiLCross (2010-01-09)

they said i need a disk to play... what the fuck?

Tatne01 (2010-01-09)

is it posible to play online on this??

Rikuhomo (2010-01-20)

Seeeed >:L ?

throwback99 (2010-01-27)

works perfect great upload!!
mountwith daemon tools and use disc 1 to play the game if u have no crack which isnt included

lordtom23 (2010-01-29)

thnx 4 seeding

iiiioooque (2010-01-30)

good game, the torrent works fine ;) tks bluemgt06

unrealdj (2010-02-01)

You can play this "ONLINE" with tunngle now *3rd party app* Good shit. Just make sure you update the game and download the latest nocd crack before trying to play online.

AbnerD4 (2010-02-04)

85.9 %

xterkelx (2010-02-17)

which one should i start the game with ?

xterkelx (2010-02-17)

should i start the game with disc 1 ?

de_wijns (2010-02-23)

an error says the game is not compatible for my computer; i have WIN7
What should i do?

de_wijns (2010-02-23)

Oh yea and when i say ignore, a while later it says:
D:Downloads/AOE3/DISK1/Age Of Empires III/Age3.exe. Verify that the file exists and that you can acces it.
But then when i want to open Age3.exe he errors me for a file d3dx9_25.ddl ...
i spend lotta time finding it but all i get is errorzz...

n0mad30 (2010-04-30)

Great torrent, recomend! Asian dybasties does not need replacing of launcher, besides there is troyan in cracked launcher.

duggan1989 (2010-07-17)

1.9 meg download stop saying seed get better internet thanks for up

gogokiller (2010-08-18)

thx man very much

Hansie007 (2010-09-13)

Dude great torrent, no probs what so ever. One thing though, I'm having compatibilty issues running with windows7. Any ideas???????????

treaty (2010-09-14)

I could use a suggestion or two here guys. I mount the AOE3 disk 1 ISO in daemon tools and after the install shield wizard initializes, I click "next." However, less than a second later the same window pops up, again prompting me to click "next" ad infinitum. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is Vista once again boning me?

bigjohnas (2010-11-20)

Hi, i heard that many people says this game is not compatible with Win 7, ....... OK, Does the expansions are compatible with Win 7 ?

TRMxKNW (2011-01-01)

I didn't have any problems mounting and getting the game onto my computer. I don't know why people are saying Windows 7 doesn't work with it, because I have Windows 7 64bit, and it works 100% for me.
Thanks for the upload!
(will continue seeding)

kevinkm77 (2011-01-03)

Just run it in compatibility mode if it doesn't work in Windows 7. Right click the icon for the program, properties, compatibility.

Armenia1994 (2011-01-19)

Great Torrent thanks uploader and Seeders ;)

Armenia1994 (2011-01-19)

:( I can shoot behind the walls, is there a patch to get this shit out?

kewlkid (2011-01-25)

it says that i need to insert disk one when i launch it. any help?

Bandi_t (2011-01-25)

Great seeding 2.2MB download
easy install and working perfectly
thx bluemgt06 and off course all seeders

amil88 (2011-02-07)

sweet thanks a bunch

Solsx (2011-02-11)

Omfg it keeps telling my the Keys are invalid!! why am the only person getting this?

Solsx (2011-02-11)

Okay nevermind I finally got it to work -.-* stubborn file.

Ville888 (2011-02-20)

i have downloaded age of empires 3 is it possible to just downlaod expansions and will it work on this torrent

Crni2008 (2011-03-02)

excellent torrent, no viruses and easy to install....keys are working.

veikko575 (2011-03-06)

Good Torrent.WORKS 100%.Thanks bluemgt06 and all the guys for seeding this torrent.

rohit_1491 (2011-03-10)

Superb torrent, no viruses, works 100%.

ryan61913 (2011-03-17)

Yo i just downloaded it and the download was fine, however when i open the files it takes me to nero to burn the files on to a CD is there anyways in which i can jst use a program to play the files or something? please let me know asap thanks :)

el_punissher (2011-03-17)

HELP! I installed/played aoe fine but when I mount expansions w daemon it says aoe 3 is not installed...any ideas?

sprule (2011-04-03)

Hi, I've got a problem and if someone could help I'd be very greatful! Everything is installed, i think I've pasted all the cracks into the right place.
All the games works separately and I'm able to play both expantions.
The problem is that when I'm trying to play "Asian Dynasties", the warlord expansion isn't included (I.E. I can't play the Indian cultures when playing "asian dynasties)
THX for answers:)

sprule (2011-04-03)

And with indian i mean native american...

ty2419 (2011-04-17)

can you play online?

Truth82 (2011-04-23)

Can more ppl please seed right now I cant get very much speed its taking forever

willemark01 (2011-04-24)

Both me and my friend downloaded this no problem but the keys folder is empty for both of us? What do we do? We have the ISO's and the Keys folder but nothing is in the folder. (2011-06-15)

I recieved an error
Please insert Age of empires III : AOE Disk 1
Any suggestions how I fix it? Please much appreciated!!!

arielpaluan (2011-07-15)

You can download a crack or just mount the image of the disk 1 o.o
For play this online you can download GameRanger, it wornks fine and its very easy to manage
Perfect upload, faster download ever, i got 1Megb/s *0*

pijef (2011-07-21)

Lol, thats funny. Piratebay website says its on;y has 6 seeders but I'm getting 90...
Anyways, thank bluemgt06 for the UL.
and kingredrider for the link and seeding it.

elitekiller (2011-07-25)

2 MB/s awesome download thanks!

danilo86 (2011-08-08)

Fast download speeds.
Thanks uploader.

RooSalad (2011-08-19)

Awesome Upload!
I purchased regular Age of Empires III, now I have the expansions as well!
Hooray! +'d

calief (2011-08-29)

1-mount AOE3 Disk 1. use key in key folder
2-when asked mount AOE3 Disk 2
3-when asked mount AOE3 Disk 3
4-continue to follow instructions
5-mount AOE3 ADE to install The Asian Dynasties
6-mount AOE3 WCE to install The Warchiefs
7-crack files are located on the AOE3 WCE cd. install both files into your programs directory

thedarkrai (2011-10-21)

works perfectly on win7 64bit...and loving the game completely

-weed- (2011-11-06)

Hey um its says that Age of Empires 3 is incompatible with my Windows any soulutions on how to fix this it happens after i mount image

SlimShady25 (2011-11-28)

Please seed!!!!
Not getting good speed..............
PS. I hope the game works....... :|

Davidy2011 (2011-12-15)

Use daemon tools lite to mount!

PirateBayIsAwesome (2012-01-11)

Thanks for the great upload and fast speed. I will definitely seed. I bought this game when it came out but lost the first disk so i couldn't play it. If for what ever reason anyone need a product key, heres mine:

mikepuff (2012-01-12)

1. check iso's for cracks as calief said
2. WINDOWS 7 compatibility fix: download update from AOE site:

Thanks blue mgt06, works wonderfully!

pIZza17911 (2012-01-24)

yeah i have the same problem with no keys in my folder whats with that?

lildavejr1 (2012-01-28)

Hello can someone please seed me. Im running at 100Kb/s. This is taking forever.

4kzero (2012-02-04)

Hey man i'm from brazil and if this torrent works and have no virus i will seed for a week!

lance12427 (2012-02-10)

Can anyone tell me why I can't see the mouse arrow? The game installed and starts fine, but the mouse arrow disappears upon start of the game after the title screen.

lnocontestl (2012-02-18)

why is my online not working?

theondrus (2012-03-01)

Never dropped below 1.5mbps, great upload easy to install and get going, cheers.
-Will seed at least 10 days-

sexy_sam (2012-03-08)

Thanks...I'll come back for further comments once I complete the d/ wishes...

sexy_sam (2012-03-10)

-------need help----need help-----need help----
Guys...I am getting the error message..'Age of Empires III is not installed. This setup will exit.' Anyone please advice me. FYI, I'm using windows 7, 64 bit laptop. Would appreciate your help.

sexy_sam (2012-03-13)

"Error 1311.Source file not found:E:....AOE3AOE3 Disk Verify that the file exists and that you can access it."
Guys, I am getting the above error message. Someone pls help me.
@Calief: you said..Mount AOE3 Disk 1...etc. I followed the step..then, '2-when asked mount AOE3 Disk 2', what do you exactly meant by mount. Pls pardon my ignorance, but if someone advice me on this, it'll be of great help to me. Thank you guys...

sexy_sam (2012-03-19)

Thank you's working perfectly...for those who are as novice in installing games as I am, you need to mount (to write a cd or use s/w like magic disk) which will make the installation easier and flawless. All the best.

sham6 (2012-03-20)

Hi guys, i spent 3 days downloading this torrent, it installed and everything perfectly but when i run it, it says msxml 4.0 not installed properly. I tried installing 4.0 and 6.0 my pc said installed but still the game gave the same message after re-install. please could someone help

sexy_sam (2012-03-26)

@sham6: I'm really not aware of the msxml and anything related to your probs. However, it's working fine with my windows 7. I would just suggest you to religiously follow the installation instructions. It works and I've just finished playing the Warchiefs part. Still to play Asian Dynasties. Good luck man..

benjilatino (2012-03-29)

works like a charm

reev92 (2012-03-30)

@sexy_sam to mount you can use Virtual Clone Drive, choose to emulate 3 virtual drives, 3 cd drives will apear, mount one iso in each drive and install :)

amathaka (2012-03-31)

worked perfectly, thanks!

whatit2u (2012-04-09)

does any know how to save in the game once it is downloaded?

blupaw (2012-04-28)

@sexy_sam obviously you did not install it perfectly lol

Heertie (2012-05-07)

Its a great torrent for the campaign but my multiplayer on this one doesnt work.. any program for that?

foreverbright247 (2012-07-02)

Hey, I just downloaded this torrent, mounted the 3 disks to install, and halfway through the first cd it says it can't read Any ideas on how to fix this? The file is there, I can open it, but the disk can't read it.

foreverbright247 (2012-07-02)

Wait no, it's working now....rerouted some of the files and it cleared it up :/

Don_key_no1 (2012-12-22)

Get it Right and get it from

Don_key_no1 (2012-12-22)

Don_key_no1 (2012-12-22)

sorry multi PM

wazza2222 (2012-12-25)

Works very well thanks uploader

081jbrent (2013-01-02)

i am having the same problem as sexy_sam and i dont know what to do please help me by telling e-mailing me at

mfgw (2013-01-12)

okay i want to download but i need to know what i will need to download for the installation process im new to this so i want to make sure i have everything for a smooth download and installation

mfgw (2013-01-12)

need to know what programs i need for installation new to this whole thing and wanna make sure i got everything i need for a smooth install

audia4greek (2013-02-14)


Lukathetech (2013-03-15)

You can play this game online by downloading "game ranger"