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Classic XXX - Traci Lords (1984 1st movie) -1 What Gets Me Hot a






Classic XXX - Traci Lords (1984 1st movie) -1 What Gets Me Hot a




2005-05-03 (by painless )


Classic XXX

Files count:



577.66 Mb




bm1ctw (2005-05-03)

may he who posted this torrent live a life free of pain and suffering for all any more traci lords you've got & thank you!!!!!

Cain303 (2005-05-03)

Traci Lords was born 7 May 1968. So she was 16 in this one.

L0rdi (2005-05-04)

Hmm... I rememebr that here in Finland you can buy hardcore magazines and probably videos if you are 15... damn, I'm confused with the law.

muxfolder (2005-05-04)

I think in Finland you can buy hardcore magazines but not videos. So if there's a hardcore video included in same package as the magazine, then you must be 18. Don't consider this as child born either. If she was so eager to be a x-rated actress at the age of 16 then I don't see a problem here. BTW I think I was sixteen when I saw this movie. It was actually in my uncles pornstash. :P

Beaverlicker (2005-05-04)

I think Americans should be prohibited to download this video or even add comments to this torrent.This is So NOT child porn!!! by the way

knalle_pelle (2005-05-08)

read her book, "nattens barn" in swe / "nightchild" or "something" in Eng... some fucked up shit... makes me ill just thinking about her life and what shes gone though...

dademurphy (2006-01-23)

Some of you are so fucking stupid.
Oh, she was 16, no 14, no she was born on this date at this time...morons! Google the Traci Lords faq and read before you post something that proves how fucking dumb you are!

tuger (2006-04-23)

some fucked up shit... makes me ill just thinking about her life and what shes gone though...
What she's gone through? she was a manipulive little bitch from an early age, she went through exactly what she wanted to go through.

demonbeast (2006-05-29)

Whether Traci was a victim or opportunist is besides the point. If this film is found in your possession in certain countries (like the US), you would be guilty of having child pornography. Saying you didn't realize she was underage would not save you.

blownchunks (2006-05-29)

what if your underage too? :p

demonbeast (2006-05-29)

Then you're not allowed to look at yourself naked. lol

meshugg (2006-06-09)

Charles Darwin...

XcureBSDisease (2006-06-12)


dacianus (2006-06-14)

tracer dead?
cant download the torent

jan60 (2006-06-15)

Helemaal top painless classic porn is "echt".... geen doorgeregiseerde shit wat ze tegenwordig maken,ga zo door ik ben blij met je:)

dorn (2006-08-05)

NĂ„gon som har denna:
Supergirls Do General Hospital
med...Ginger Lynn, Raven, Taija Rae, Kristara Barrington,

moondog203 (2006-09-02)

How can i not download this now. Well said babisgr.

ccclaudius (2006-09-20)

Hear Hear!
true words spoken babisgr

aitos01 (2006-09-29)


spatzman (2007-01-27)

can someone please seed ? thanks for your help

scuddbuster (2007-02-02)

if your so worried about it then why are you here...why are you searching for Traci Lords if she was 16 when she did film dont that make you perv also

kalas-claes (2007-02-15)

Seeds pretty good. Note: this is a videotape-rip

presidentofzero (2007-03-31)

can you pleeze seed!!

Neffin (2007-08-22)

anyone got a pie we can share while discussing this horrible, HORRIBLE child porn movie?
If you're turned on by it, Wack to it

Neffin (2007-08-22)

If it's wrong, Keep wacking and don't let anyone catch you

Neffin (2007-08-22)

And also, if its wrong.. Stick to wacking

Neffin (2007-08-22)

and no, I'm not turned on because of the fact that she was 12, 14, 16, 93 in this movie. I'm turned on because she's hot

Neffin (2007-08-22)

I live in sweden, The real land of the free

bobbie07 (2007-09-19)

Sweet sixTEEN

thephog (2007-10-29)

From Wikipedia: Lords herself was never charged with a crime, since as a minor she was unable to give informed consent to perform sex acts on film for money. Instead, the agents and producers who accepted her fake IDs were charged and people affiliated with the films in question experienced legal troubles for years. Eventually, the Justice Department was forced to drop all charges when it was revealed that the fake ID which Lords had used to dupe the pornographic film industry was a U.S. passport in the name of Traci Lords.

cept2005 (2008-01-19)

can any body tell me why i am getting access denied

EduardoSilva (2008-04-06)

I think this film needs no description by my side. Only one thing I would kindly ask to the uploader: Why not upload only the Traci Lords scenes, and maybe with a little higher image quality if possible?
Thanks anyway.

garbage217 (2008-05-26)

"Its only illegal, if you get caught"
- Al Bundy

Bahash (2008-06-28)

I know America isn't so popular around the world but don't get so down on americans. I'm an American who will be downloading and hopefully blowing a load to this video. The whole child porn argument I get but really take a look at her movies, there is (or at least was before shaving) hair on the infield so to speak, so I say"Play Ball!"
(Todays technically child porn safely downloaded thanks to VPN Proxy. Suck on that NSA!)

comedy (2008-09-13)

I guess I need to learn me some VPN proxy

TheBigHase (2008-11-10)

Traci Lords - maybe the dirtiest little slut ever ? I love sluts! lol Just her hairy snatch was a bit disapointing to me but I still like her - she is a pretty chick (and is still from what I've seen!?) ;-)

FoxHound111 (2009-02-28)

Wow old torpedo tits first movie eh? Ill add this to the sticky spank bank thank you very much!!!

meinlove (2009-03-31)

I fell in love with Traci the first time I seen her sucking dick and fucking I was 13 at the time she big natural tits and a big natural bush so she lied and got a lot of people in trouble I will watch her any chance I get and that chance is now.

CoMIYC69 (2009-03-31)

Excellent download. Thanks.
Anyone got a copy of Harlequin Affair they could share?

nunyiz (2009-08-03)

Of course it is a VHS rip! Duh! None of Nora's were ever remastered to DVD, were they?

martian_neighbour (2009-09-14)

I'd love to fuck 15 year olds, and I'm 20. Guess what I'm not from the US or some western country. Not even in a fucked up muslim pig country. I'm from a pathetic third world christian country living in a average middle class income family. I once had a classmate who's 19 yrs. old dating a hot 12 yr old chick with a well-developed body and there's no problem at all. That's the only good thing about bullshit christian third world country.

Nazca_ (2009-09-25)

Cool, 15years old Traci

Ratmanslim (2010-03-05)

Hi future pedophiles! I hope you jerk off real good to the 16 year old child Tracie.
Pathetic freaks

lemon714 (2010-03-23)

lol at pedo comments.
she in no way looks prepubescent in this film.

sabbat666 (2011-03-05)

Its funny when people comment here bashing those of us who downloaded. My question is, how did they get to this torrent page? Each one of them searched it themselves so they were obviously looking to download it too.

fjoson (2011-07-06)

Its not wrong for me to get turned on...
I'm 16 :P
so fuck you assholes saying its wrong and that downloaders are future pedophiles. Its a girl my age

conewizard (2011-11-18)

lol does this count as downloading child porn

xenahope (2012-06-06)

why all the crying about age,, you have downloaded and wanked off to it and now you complain,, GROW THE FUCK UP and grease up your palms again Traci Lords deserves more than one wank before you delete is so your mommy does not see it,, ENJOY and shut da fuk up

N0llKOll (2012-08-02)

Here is a link with extensive facts and info on T. Lords for those who like.

rascalxxx (2013-03-09)

can you please upload MASTER AND HOUSEMAID starring Inga Ridere...thnx

Alundra_B (2013-09-05)

Harlequin Affair was teh first porno I ever saw. Traci was older than I was when I saw it.

sinjanju2 (2013-10-16)

i havet get out of school when this movi get out! tracy was the most nice and horniest poorn girl i ever seen then i was a young boy ,and my first sexul experince was with a perfekt lookalike of tracy at the age of 15 (girl) and me one year older even here tits was youst the sam i sade yesus you look exact as tracy loords and was so happy a young man could bee :) great times :)

sinjanju2 (2013-10-16)

I havent even get out of school when this movie get out! tracy was the most nice and horniest poorn girl i ever seen then i was a young boy ,and my first sexual experince was with a perfekt lookalike of tracy at the age of 15 (girl) and me one year older even here tits was youst the sam i sade yesus you look exact as tracy loords and was so happy a young man could bee :) great times :) Age of Conscience is 15 years in my country and some sourounding 13y but there are nerly no virgins at age 12-13 left now days all girls look like 18-19 from age 12. Schame girls are not alowed to be children so long any more with modern comercial advertising of sexy clothes etc
but i find USA with 16 to drive cars and 18Y to vote and fuck to be strange.
nerly 60 yers in my country with 15y to drive small motorpeds and 18 to drive car it is alowd to fuck anu one and be resposible to there action and laws at 15 and then your are a child under 15 you cant be prosecute by law if you break it but if you brake it sever times you end upp in foster homes or youth homes with hard rules of cource

alejoreba (2014-05-01)



1. Classic XXX - Traci Lords (1984 1st movie) -1 What Gets Me Hot.avi 577.66 Mb