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Final Cut Pro X 10 [Mac]-[CYBERPiRATEN]
Software Mac
Final Cut Pro X 10 [Mac]-[CYBERPiRATEN]
2011-07-04 (by Cyberpiraten)
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Release Name: Final Cut Pro X 10
Release Date: 21.june-2011
Release Type: Video editing
Release By..: CyberPiraten Exclusives
Platform....: Mac Os X
System......: 64-bit
Developer...: Apple
Language....: English
Final Cut Pro X
Motion 5
Compressor 4
Some other updates can be downloaded here:
Final Cut Pro X Content -
ProApps QuickTime Codecs -
Seeding and Positive comments are highly appreciated.
Files count:
4729.25 Mb
spy_v_spy (2011-07-06)
i have a problem getting FCP and Motion to work. it says there is a problem and i just have to ignore it? wondering what i can do to fix. Compressor works like a dream! thanks!spy_v_spy (2011-07-06)
i also downloaded the updates for it to see if that would fix the issue but didn't seem to do anything.impact_ (2011-07-06)
Final Cut X and Motion 5 content is already included into the apps or not?yuiop264 (2011-07-06)
uploaded 12.7GB. works great!Cyberpiraten (2011-07-06)
@spy_v_spyCould you explain more? What's the problem?
Final Cut Pro Content can be downloaded from the links in the Instructions inside the torrent/info on the botton of the description.
Thanks! Uploaded 12 myself ^^, Appreciate it :)
spy_v_spy (2011-07-07)
when I open the app an error msg comes up and says check to make sure this software iscompatible with your OS. I'm currently running snow leopard so I don't think that should be an issue. Esp since I grabbed all the updates. I'll keep working on it and see what I can do but any suggestions would be great. ialso, downloaded FCP Pro 7 last night in 30 min and works perfectly!Cyberpiraten (2011-07-07)
u got x64? Maybe your prosessor or something like that (in you computer)spy_v_spy (2011-07-07)
yea i have a 64 bit processor. Any guesses as to why it's not working? Maybe I should try to download again?Shenzhen (2011-07-07)
So happy to see you uploaded this! Then I know it works.... Appreciate it! Tak... eller tack.Shenzhen (2011-07-07)
So glad to see you have uploaded this! Ur stuff always works!! Appreciate it! Tak... eller tack.Cyberpiraten (2011-07-07)
@spy_v_spyDon't know mate, try google it ;)
It's "Takk" ;) But anyhow, enjoy it!
aroushan (2011-07-07)
I have the same problem as spy_v_spy. Compressor is the only app that works the other two give that error! Has anyone figured out why?julialy (2011-07-08)
I'm downloading right now...kingr930 (2011-07-09)
Will this run on an '09 macbook?Cyberpiraten (2011-07-09)
Most likely yes.IslandFlyer (2011-07-09)
Downloaded great on my end. Much appreciated. I can't try it right now though, as in the instructions, it says I must replace my old version with the new one, and I can't do that right now with major projects in the works. As soon as I try it I will leave another comment. Again, much appreciated.thiagoamado (2011-07-10)
What about the crack or patch? works good?bronco4 (2011-07-10)
Re. the 64 bit mode: If I am not wrong, to use FCP in 64 bit mode, take info on the app itself, the info box will show. There in the middle is a box and the text reads ”64 bit mode” tick the box, and now you are in 63 bit heaven! This I have done in PS, and I´ll bet you can do the same in FCP! (Shame on me i I am wrong....)knA7ySz (2011-07-10)
Stabilization doesn't work for me, anyone have this problem?thiagoamado (2011-07-11)
For me doesnt work... just bounce the application and close =( help!gordanasarcanski (2011-07-13)
dude, I just seen your name on the FCPx torr and know my problems are over. For this and for many other amazingly clean cracks - THANKS!!HellFire12312 (2011-07-14)
Software update just popped up and theres a update for final cut pro and imotion , should i install or not ? If i install it will apple find out that its a illegal copy?ZIMOFOZ (2011-07-16)
I'm so ecstatic about this download thanks so..... muchCharltomWintale (2011-07-18)
download was fast & I've very happy with it so far :D thank you so much!CharltomWintale (2011-07-18)
just noticed on my app store this email address pops up about an angry bird update[email protected]
meaning I had to uninstall Final Cut Pro X for it to go away :( this is a shame.
Just though I would give people a heads up :)
barnaclefred (2011-07-18)
Will this work on my PowerPC G4 mac mini? Is it 64 bit and does it matter?idontcare007 (2011-07-18)
Hey is it possible for you to upload ispeak translator for mac....I REALLY need it! :DThanks!
aaronazza (2011-07-18)
plz seedHawkTheGod (2011-07-23)
@CharltomWintale - You just need to change the receiptfile for FCP and Motion.To do that follow these instructions:
1. Go to the Mac App Store and download any free app.
2. Go to your Applications Folder, right click on the free app you just downloaded and choose Show Package Contents. Select _MASReciept Folder and Command C to copy to clipboard.
3. Now select FCP and right click and choose Show Package Contents and Command V to replace it with the old one.
4. Do the same thing with Motion (use the same _MASReciept).
It's NOT necessary to this with Compressor!!
- Hope it helps you out. :)
HawkTheGod (2011-07-23)
Btw - awesome torrent! Everything works perfect for me so fare. Though there is a little problem with the receiptfile, that makes an Angry Birds-update appear in your Mac App Store. If others are having this problem just check my comment right above, that should solve it. :)IXLSoft04 (2011-07-25)
I have Final Cut Pro X ready to ship.Final Cut Pro X + Motion 5 + Compressor4 (Updates Work As Of July 2011)
I have tested and verified each disc to make sure they are working 100%.
Don't want to spend hours, days, weeks, months, or maybe YEARS downloading this.
Contact Me!
I ship within 24hrs with tracking # and insurance. I accept PayPal.
I also provide photographic proof when I ship
email me ONLY at [email protected] and I can provide detailed information
serious buyers only... I have other MAC software to sell also. Final Cut Studio 3 (Updates Work), Ableton 8.1, Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection (Updates Work), Aperture3 (Updates Work), DJay 3 (Updates Work), Logic Studio 9 (Updates Work), Office 2011 (Updates Work), iWork 09, Mac OSX 10.6 Server Snow Leopard (Updates Work), Native Instruments Komplete 7, iLife 2011, Pro Tools HD 9, and Rosetta Stone (All Languages).
Multiple software orders are given a discount.
This is for people who have bandwidth caps and other situations where downloading it is not a option.
Coinya (2011-07-26)
Works Great thanks! :)pratik_src (2011-07-26)
@IXLSoft04dude.. why are u here to say us to buy stuffs... if we were to buy those stuff we would be at appstore we pirate.. download illegal copies ... dont try to sell yur copies mate... we want FREE stuff :D
jessieboone (2011-07-31)
i've got an Intel Core i7 processor which is apparently 64bit, but the apps have a cross through them and when i click on them i get the error message "You can't use this version of the application Final Cut Pro with this version of Mac OS X. You have a Mac OS X 10.6.6. This application requires Mac OS X 10.6.7 or later."Is that something I can fix or update? Or are am I screwed?
jessieboone (2011-07-31)
oh i just had to update. i'm an idiot. all fixed...dkh13 (2011-07-31)
all my clips turn a gray darker color when i put them in the timeline please helpmarkrocco (2011-08-01)
Funciona muito bem.Trabaja mui bien
Work fine
Loay.aj97 (2011-08-02)
Can u Please seed ?My Net is 250kpbs , and its going 20kpbs !
Seed !
Loay.aj97 (2011-08-02)
Running Great Now !Downloading at 200kpbs !
daddie05 (2011-08-03)
How is it on Lion? ThanksLoay.aj97 (2011-08-05)
@daddie05 It Works Great On Lionamitabhbansal (2011-08-05)
i have downloaded FCP other version which was of 24 or 25 GB then how this FCPX is of 4.62 GB only?michaelbe (2011-08-06)
Hey dude!! Thanks alot for sharing. Works fine for me!!X-Y (2011-08-07)
Thanks for sharing. Working fine.But how can i do the update without getting caught?
obstacle1 (2011-08-13)
Brilliant! Thank you so much, I really appreciated. Setup was a breeze!ladyluck1 (2011-08-18)
Hi Cyberpiraten, I am brand new to the mac community. I tried downloading the torrent but I get an error message ""Setup-1.exe" is a windows application downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" How can I get the download to run on my mac? Thanks!!!PyroLsx (2011-08-24)
My shared is greyed out. How do i fix this. Wont let me export. I googled everything. Everything else works finekkanedaa (2011-08-29)
I just created an account for solely making this comment here.Thank you very much, Cyberpiraten, for this wonderful torrent. It works perfectly without bugs, and it is able to update without problems. I'm running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1.
The only problem occurring after installing this app is the App Store displaying an update for Angry Birds. This can be solved by following HawkTheGod's instructions:
To remove App Store's update notification, you just need to change the receipt file for FCP and Motion.
1) Go to the Mac App Store and download any free app.
2) Go to your Applications Folder, right click on the free app you just downloaded and choose Show Package Contents. Select _MASReciept Folder and Command C to copy to clipboard.
3) Now select FCP and right click and choose Show Package Contents and Command V to replace it with the old one.
4) Do the same thing with Motion (use the same _MASReciept).
It's NOT necessary to this with Compressor!!
- Hope it helps you out :)
KuskoW (2011-09-06)
Hi, I have a strange problem with this Final Cut Pro X. Whenever I install any of the cracked version it always shuts down the application displaying a bloody long note from Apple. It repeats even after I uninstall the program and then reinstall it. This is one of them (running on the latest Lion). Any help very much appropriated. Thanks.Process: Final Cut Pro [790]
Path: /Applications/Final Cut Cut Pro
Version: 10.0 (179114)
Build Info: ProEditor-179110400~1
App Item ID: 403961173
App External ID: 3154134
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [116]
Date/Time: 2011-07-28 00:31:55.326 +0200
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7 (11A511)
Report Version: 9
Interval Since Last Report: 68185 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 23
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 2469 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 5
Anonymous UUID: 27C5D532-2DB3-4E86-BCBC-DD3BA59550B6
Crashed Thread: 13 BGTask: FFThumbnailRequestManager Dispatch queue:
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000012d3d13f6
VM Regions Near 0x12d3d13f6:
MALLOC_LARGE 000000012d391000-000000012d3d1000 [ 256K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV
MALLOC_TINY 000000012d400000-000000012d600000 [ 2048K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV
Application Specific Information:
objc[790]: garbage collection is OFF
Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8ca3ebca __psynch_cvwait + 10
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8385b274 _pthread_cond_wait + 840
2 0x00007fff858bef80 -[NSCondition wait] + 261
3 0x0000000100828d08 -[FFSharedLock _writeLock] + 120
4 0x0000000100c0e5e3 -[FFSequenceInfo _updateThumbnailsOnMainThread] + 99
5 0x00007fff80d6811d -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 61
6 0x00007fff858b2830 __NSThreadPerformPerform + 214
piratejig (2011-09-06)
plzzzzzz help me i downloaded this and it was really quick and thnaks a lot for the now whn i try to strt this it says the following"Final cut pro cannot be opened beacause of a problem.
check with the developer to make sure final cut pro works with this version of mac os x. you may need to reinstall the application. be sure to install any available updates for the application and mac os x"
i just bought an iMac like month ago and dont knw wht the prob is ... please help
Thank you
jonnykwest100 (2011-09-07)
piratejig : "Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6.7 or later, 64-bit processor"IXLSoft05 (2011-09-08)
I have Final Cut Pro X ready to ship.Final Cut Pro X + Motion 5 + Compressor4 (Updates Work As Of July 2011)
I have tested and verified each disc to make sure they are working 100%.
Don't want to spend hours, days, weeks, months, or maybe YEARS downloading this.
Contact Me!
I ship within 24hrs with tracking # and insurance. I accept PayPal.
I also provide photographic proof when I ship
email me ONLY at [email protected] and I can provide detailed information
serious buyers only... I have other MAC software to sell also. Final Cut Studio 3 (Updates Work), Ableton 8.1, Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection (Updates Work), Aperture3 (Updates Work), DJay 3 (Updates Work), Logic Studio 9 (Updates Work), Office 2011 (Updates Work), iWork 09, Mac OSX 10.6 Server Snow Leopard (Updates Work), Native Instruments Komplete 7, iLife 2011, Pro Tools HD 9, and Rosetta Stone (All Languages).
Multiple software orders are given a discount.
This is for people who have bandwidth caps and other situations where downloading it is not a option.
luissjossue (2011-09-10)
when are we gonna be able to install final cut pro on a deam windows vista or 7?.....mrzitara (2011-09-13)
u are fantastic thanx lionjjmontroy (2011-09-14)
I just installed this and everything works fine except video playback. When I skim over a file in my library the video is all jumbled, it looks like my whole computer screen scrambled in the little video box... any help?ChEnZoRuNz (2011-09-15)
hey man i have an issue. i completely downloaded everything correct and when i go to open the applications, it says "you cannot use this version of the application Final Cut Pro..etc with this version of Mac OS X". what the heck do i dojjmontroy (2011-09-16)
@chenzorunz, you need to have Mac OSX 10.6.7 or better, just use system update to upgrade you unless you are still on an old operating system like leopard, then just download the torrent for snow leopard then lion :) but you also have to have a 64 bit processor to run this btwChEnZoRuNz (2011-09-19)
@jjmontroy, could you provide that link for snow leopard for me? i couldnt find it. thanks for the help btw. appreciate it. Also, i am on a 64 bit. MacBook pro.Archduk3 (2011-09-21)
So the 10.0.1 update anyone?Since my appstore is not letting me touch that I was guessing maybe some genius could help out.
markas123 (2011-09-22)
looks like i am getting this message too."Final Cut Pro cannot be opened because of a problem.
Check with the developer to make sure final cut pro works with this version of mac os x. you may need to reinstall the application. be sure to install any available updates for the application and mac os x"
but i have o sx 10.6.7 and 64-bit core i7 and 8gb ram.
please help!
itub (2011-09-22)
i want up Final Cut Pro X Version 10.0.1what would you mind ?
imOusy (2011-09-23)
Superb!!! W.O.R.K.S | L.I.K.E | C.H.A.R.M!!! Thanks man!mendoza96 (2011-09-26)
how would you up date it to 10.0.1?... or better question, can youFilipG5 (2011-09-26)
Why do fcpx and motion show up as bought in app store but not comp?Datswatshesaid (2011-09-26)
WINDOWS SUCK!!!!!milyonen (2011-09-27)
Awesome!!!! So, so easy. Thanks Cyberpiraten!dantools (2011-09-27)
Anyone knows how to uptade from the 10.0.1?gizmorr (2011-09-27)
ok i fallowed direction, opened the file FXP X copied the 3 app files in there into my apps folder on my desktop and after all were dragged over i tried to open FCP X app and it just opened up safari browser, did I miss something? Did I put it in the wrong folder?gizmorr (2011-09-27)
Problem, After I fallowed the directions I finished dragging and dropping the apps from the FCP X folder into the Desktop APPS folder. Then I tried to open FCP X and Safari opens up but not the actual program. I'm confused, Obviously I did something wrong, I have i7 2600K processor, Lion 10.7.1, so i should be good. Any Tips?gizmorr (2011-09-27)
PROBLEM!!!!I fallowed the directions, put the apps into the apps folder and then tried to open FCP X and safari browser opened up but no actual FCP X app, did i do something wrong? I think i have the proper hardware which is i7 2600k, 8 gb and Lion 10.7.1
gizmorr (2011-09-27)
DIDN'T MEAN TO SPAM!!! my laptop wasnt connecting to internet or posting the comments, at least i thought it wasn'tnotluana (2011-09-30)
Hey, thanks a lot for this! I truly appreciate what you do.chinkrawr (2011-10-05)
Any way to get the 10.0.1 update? it shows up in my appstore but every time i click update it says i need to log into a different accounto0WDB0o (2011-10-09)
I'm getting the same thing as chinkrawr, something about [email protected].This hasn't cracked into my iTunes account, has it?
lxiguy01 (2011-10-13)
I have Final Cut Pro X ready to ship.Final Cut Pro X + Motion 5 + Compressor4 (Updates Work As Of October 2011)
Contact me at [email protected]
coezz (2011-11-03)
again and again :Dthx cyberpiraten :)
DAPS12 (2011-11-24)
does this have a working serial numberScrizzy (2011-11-29)
thanks :) worked perfectly, just follow the directions.3.147r8 (2011-12-25)
You, sir and/or ma'am, have done a great job at preparing this content for us. It has gotten me excited about dabbling in the video editing process again. I'm no white knight; however, if I ever get into a situation where I start making money from editing, I hope to have the decency to buy it from the app store. This is just letting me get my hands dirty for tools I hope to use in the very near future.I have a question regarding the updates: Any word on the 10.0.2? Have I overlooked an important comment here? Also, I am running into the same issue with Angry Birds. I followed the instructions of an earlier post, but to no avail.
The DL time for me on this app was blazing fast and the install was so easy it makes me think there has to be something wrong. This is the first day of the DL so I will keep checking back for updates and I will report my results.
Warm regards from the Hi-Cs.
P.S. (is p.s. really necessary when on a computer?) The most experience I've had with FC is FC exp 4 so I don't have much to go on when comparing it to past products. There are mixed reviews but this works great for what I have plans for.
Again, than you very much!
3.147r8 (2012-01-02)
Was good for a few days. I'll let you know after I restore my computer from a damaged drive that happened shortly after the download. Related? IDK but seems suspicious. Pirating software carries serious risks.Rubeck (2012-01-02)
Installed Successfully, was able to remove them from showing up in the app store, anyone know how to update them yet? thnxlanglanglang (2012-01-11)
Hi Everyone.Did anyone ever work out how to fix the "you cannot run this version of Final Cut Pro with your Mac OSX" problem?
I'm running 10.5.8 MacBook Pro 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Hopefully someone can help me. I have no idea what to do.
p.s Motion, compressor, final cut app all have the strike through them.
beagle67 (2012-01-13)
Спасибо огромное за эту программу.Удачи
WeezyWeena (2012-01-27)
How am I supposed to update it? It needs a password.songjiayu (2012-02-04)
thanks works well but how can i update ?Jchristo4 (2012-02-14)
Hey Cyberpiraten, I've downloaded many mac apps from you but I have problems installing this Final Cut Pro X.Can you or anyone here guide me the step to install this?
Hondaorren (2012-03-19)
Tnx i'm trying it now ;)eldiab13 (2012-03-29)
bitch we don't need your final cut pro ready to ship - we got it from here already tooKeisersozze (2012-03-30)
This version cannot be updated.Disappointment considering it's cyberpiraten.
Soli4Deo (2012-03-31)
Hey man, nice clean download. Easy as pie, and thanks for the update links A+++eirrehc (2012-04-01)
NICE!PLEAS UPLOAD FIRETASKinflicted13 (2012-04-03)
i downloaded it and it says i need to update it but it wont let me update itinflicted13 (2012-04-03)
can someone help me?eurobred (2012-05-27)
why is this denying access? cant download...?eurobred (2012-06-02)
downloaded on my buddy's Mac... once download is done via utorrent, the file disappears.... but still takes up hard drive space..? where can i find the file? ive tried making hidden files visible and nothing... solution?imajet2 (2012-06-10)
Right click and select Open File Location. Or something to that effect.imajet2 (2012-06-10)
Show in Finder if you're in uTorrent.fijea (2012-06-15)
works perfect!Thanks!
is it possible to update this version to the latest?
curtbloom (2012-07-07)
I dont understand why every torrent i try to download has a size of 0B and therefore never downloads. Any suggestions?curtbloom (2012-07-07)
all downloads i try say 0B for the size and never end up downloading, help anyone?zeeyad (2012-07-07)
kooooolsinko_6 (2012-07-11)
hey can we update this??my app store is asking for update but i dont have the right password???
thnx for upld
ZachBWCW (2012-07-24)
Absolute great torrent! Words can not explain how happy i am to have this. Thnk you!anedgomar (2012-07-26)
Great torrent!!! keep it up!tyrionlanister (2012-07-27)
good job :)vhnguyen (2012-07-31)
I just downloaded this for my new Macbook Pro Retina and it works great! The only thing is that it asks me to update through the app store but I cannot because I do not have the password to the Apple ID used. The links for updates also do not work. Is there a solution for this to be able to update?cnguyen353 (2012-08-18)
@HawkTheGod thank you for the advice, it works for me. The updates from the Angry birds and Final cut pro went away after I followed your steps. If anyone ran into the same problem, I suggest you go look at page 2 of the comments and follow HawkTheGod's instructions@Cyberpiraten great job my friend, flawless download, fast and work right away. Thank you!!
toyechar (2012-09-01)
Hey, thank you very much for this torrent, it does work so nobody complain. Is there a way to update it?Thanks
brussell (2012-09-05)
won't open.It thinks my machine doesn't support it (which it does).
jprs.22 (2012-09-13)
I followed @HawkTheGod's advice, but now whenever I go to the App Store to get updates, I get this error message:"(NSURLErrorDomain, erro -1100.)
Sutnevroc (2012-09-19)
It works great except I cant click on titles and change text in viewer - apparently this is a problem with version 10.0 and i need to upgrade to fix - anybody out there have a solution?vimaschi (2012-11-06)
how can i update to final cut pro x 10.0.6 ?can u show me the steps ?
AAARK (2012-11-08)
can we fix this Capture One Pro 7SofieClementine (2012-11-16)
CYBERPiRATEN: Thanks heaps, torrent works perfectly. Just saved me $330 bucks haha ;^)TomTheAstronaut (2012-12-06)
Hey Cyberpiraten exceptional torrent, it all worked fine, but it's not possible to update since it asks me to log in with an different account (this one by the way [email protected]) is there anything that can be done to arrange that?Thank's a lot.
TechnoSam (2012-12-08)
Works Great! For some reason WebRoot detected some threats in it, though... Kinda weird...Crazy8sOB (2013-01-08)
Thanks very much for uploading this, Cyberpiraten. Legendary!I'm just having some issues with setting things up. I added FCP to my apps folder, and then added the others. When I try to use things like adding text to a video, it says that I have to install a copy of motion, which I've already done.
Completely lost.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you very much.
DARPA2050 (2013-01-16)
Ok...I created a login to post this. How do I take update all the programs & how do I get rid of the update notifaction for Angry Birds? If I dont get a sensible answer, Ill have to delete the file unfortunately. Thank to the uploader for your work.thepinkbandit (2013-02-13)
I signed up just to say thanks. :)phongng (2013-03-04)
Thank you very much for sharing. Great stuff. It's working great.mauper (2013-03-13)
Exelent torrent! very easy to install :) thank you! you make our lives easierwaveonetravel (2013-04-07)
Thanks @cyberpiraten! Install worked, program opened, haven't run any video through it yet. I followed instructions with the receipt file to get rid of the update balloon for FCP and Angry Birds. That worked. Now if I go to update in Mac App Store it says "Please sign in using the account you used to purchase."Is there a way we can update to the latest version? Thanks.
m.A.r. (2013-07-09)
does this work in 10.5.8?Cyrano89 (2013-10-17)
Hey i need help to get cinema tools too slow down my clips, is cinema tools in this package? Is there any way i can get cinema tools without buying the whole thing?Any HELP IS APPRECIATED!:D
1. Final Cut Pro X [Mac]-[CYBERPiRATEN].dmg 4729.25 Mb