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Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)
Diablo 2 With Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play) (Latest
2011-01-12 (by FuCtUpPuNk )
Extract "Diablo II Lord of Destruction (v1.13c).7z" using winrar or 7-zip. (, it's free)
Run "diablo 2.exe"
Play (from anywhere on your PC)
If the game is having graphical problems/errors. such as: distortion, miscolored areas of the screen, etc.
then run it in compatibility. mark ALL of the compatibility options, and run in compatibility
for Windows XP SP 2. then the game will work PERFECTLY, without any glitches, distortions, etc.
IF THE GAME IS STILL DISTORTED AFTER DOING ALL OF THEE ABOVE, then try running in compatibility for earlier versions of windows (95, 98, 2000/me, ETC)
The story of Diablo II takes place some time after the end of the previous game, Diablo, in the lands of Sanctuary. In Diablo the main body of the story takes place beneath the floors of a cathedral in a small town known as Tristram. It is here that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, is defeated by an unnamed warrior after many previous battles are also won.
The unnamed warrior that vanquished Diablo drove the demon's soulstone into his forehead, in an attempt to contain the monster's essence within his own body. Later in the canon it is suggested that this is what Diablo intended so that, should he be defeated, he had an "escape plan" in place of dying.
The unnamed warrior is ill fated from the moment he does this and is gradually corrupted over the course of the next few days by the demon's spirit. Deckard Cain recounts the story to the next band of adventurers that pass through the Rogue Encampment in Diablo II. It is one of these adventurers that appears in the wake of the destruction caused by the now possessed unnamed warrior, and attempts to find out the cause of the evil, starting with the corrupted warrior (known as the Dark Wanderer throughout Diablo II).
As the player continues through each of the four acts, he faces off against two of the Prime Evils (Mephisto - Act III and Diablo - Act IV, with Baal, the last prime evil, being the main boss in the expansion pack i.e. Act V), and two lesser evils (Andariel - Act I and Duriel - Act II), who act as minor bosses for the first two acts. The player learns of the truth behind the corruption and the story of the soulstones. Diablo released Mephisto (Lord of Hatred) and Baal (Lord of Destruction) from their soulstones, as they were taught long ago how to corrupt them by the fallen angel Izual (also a minor boss in Act IV).
In the end, the player eventually reaches and slays Mephisto and Diablo, in their respective Acts. The story continues in the expansion to the game, where the player chases the last of the Prime Evils: Baal, who is going after the mythical Worldstone in an attempt to corrupt it. See the main article on the expansion for more information.
*****Features The Expansion Adds*****
Lord of Destruction adds a number of new features to the core gameplay of Diablo II. These include:
* Two new character classes: the Assassin and the Druid.
* A fifth act taking place in and around Mount Arreat in the northern Barbarian Highlands, with an additional act boss, Baal.
* Many new weapons and new pieces of armor:
o Runes can be placed into sockets and provide different bonuses from gems.
o "Runewords" are very powerful bonuses that are granted to an item when specific runes are socketed in a specific order.
o "Jewels" gain the same random bonuses that items can. These can be placed into sockets. They have the same effect no matter what the base item is. Unique jewels are "Rainbow Facets" which have different bonuses to a certain element.
o Ethereal items that are normally more powerful than their standard counterparts, but they have lowered durability and cannot be repaired.
o Charms that can be kept in the inventory and provide passive bonuses.
o Class-specific items that can only be used by a certain character, e.g. Claws for an Assassin.
o Additional unique and set items, including class-specific sets.
* An expanded stash for storing items—two times the size of the original stash.
* An alternate weapon/shield/spell setup that can be switched to via a hotkey in gameplay.
* Hirelings can now follow the player through all the Acts. They can also be equipped with armor and a weapon, can gain their own experience (originally they leveled up with the player), can be healed by potions, and can be resurrected when killed.
* The game can now be played at 800x600 resolution, up from 640x480.
The Assassin relies on a mixture of martial arts skills and the ability to lay passive traps. She can also open locked chests without the use of a key.
Her Shadow Disciplines tree contains a mixture of passive bonuses (such as Claw Mastery or Weapon Block) and buffs (such as Burst of Speed or Venom), along with a few spells such as Mind Blast which stun and confuse the enemy rather than causing direct damage. She also can summon a Shadow Warrior or Shadow Master, which are useful summons that are also capable of dealing significant damage themselves.
The Traps tree provides a few direct attacks, and more importantly, a number of summonable traps. The traps are stationary devices that will attack any hostile target in range a certain number of times before breaking. Traps are either based on fire or lightning, though the Death Sentry trap can explode nearby corpses in addition to shooting bolts of lightning. The blade trap skills are essentially ranged projectiles that cause physical damage.
The Martial Arts tree consists of charge-up skills and finishing moves. Attacking with a charge-up skill increases the number of charges, up to three, then the finishing move releases the charges in a single powerful blow (note that a normal attack also counts as a finishing move). The charge-up skills include attacks like Blades of Ice and Fists of Fire, which add elemental damage to the finishing blow, and also skills like Cobra Strike, which adds life and mana stealing to the finishing attack. The finishing blows are, for the most part, kicks, such as Dragon Talon, which releases a number of kicks in quick succession, and Dragon Flight, which teleports on to a target and kicks them, releasing any charges.
The Druid specialises in nature-based magic and shapeshifting, with direct damage spells and a variety of minions. The Druid is voiced by Michael Bell.
The Elemental tree consists of the magic of earth and sky. The 'storm' spells have effects like Cyclone Armor, which protects the Druid from the elements, and Tornado, a vortex of swirling winds that moves somewhat randomly and can deal massive damage. The 'fire' spells are more earthly than the Sorceress's, with spells like Fissure and Volcano. The ultimate Elemental spells are Hurricane and Armageddon; both create a storm that follows the Druid, damaging all that come too close.
The Summoning tree governs the calling of natural allies to the Druid. While the wolves and grizzly the Druid can summon are traditional melee summons, the other summoning spells are a bit different. Ravens do marginal damage, but can blind enemies and cannot be targeted. Ravens disappear after they have attacked a certain number of times. The Druid can summon sages that provide Paladin-like Auras, such as increasing damage, life, or returning damage back to the attacker (like the Necromancers Iron Maiden). The Druid also can summon one of three vines. These can poison enemies from below, or consume corpses to replenish the Druid's life or mana.
The Shape-Shifting tree gives the Druid the ability to become an animal himself, with gigantic bonuses to life. The Druid may either become a nimble Werewolf or a large Werebear. Each form has its own special attacks, such as the Werewolf's Feral Rage, which causes the Druid to get faster and faster as he continues to attack enemies, and the Werebear's Maul, which makes the Druid swing harder and harder during attacks. The Werebear is also able to obtain substantially more life and armor than the Werewolf is. It is worth noting that all of the Druid's equipment functions as normal when shifted, if at different speeds, but the druid is virtually unable to cast spells, except for Armageddon and summoning ones.
hails from the islands of the Twin Seas, near the border of the Great Ocean. The class is based on the Amazons of Greek mythology. She is similar to the Rogue of Diablo: both primarily use bows, and both make equal use of strength and magic. The Amazon can also use javelins and spears. Many of her passive skills are defensive in nature, especially Dodge, Avoid, and Evade.
is a versatile death-themed spell caster. Necromancers are the priests of the Cult of Rathma from the Eastern jungles. His Summoning skills allow him to raise skeletons, create golems, and resurrect dead monsters to fight alongside him. The Necromancer possesses powerful poison spells, which rapidly drain life from afflicted monsters. He also has "Bone" skills, which directly damage enemies, while bypassing most resistances. His Curses also afflict the enemy with debilitating status ailments, sowing confusion and chaos in their ranks.
is a powerful melee fighter from the steppes of Mount Arreat. He is an expert at frontline combat, able to absorb great punishment, and is the only class capable of dual-wielding weapons. His Combat Masteries allow him to specialize in different types of weapons, and also passively increase his resistance, speed, and defense. His Warcries dramatically increase the combat effectiveness of him and his party, as well as afflicting status ailments on enemies. He has a variety of Combat Skills at his command, most of which focus on delivering great force upon a single foe.
hails from a rebellious coven of female witches who have wrested the secrets of magic use from the male-dominated mage clans of the East. She can cast ice, lightning and fire spells. Nearly all of these skills are offensive in nature, besieging the enemy with elemental calamity. Her Cold Skills can freeze enemies solid and bypass resistances, but do less damage than lightning or fire. The Sorceress's Teleport spell allows her to instantly travel to a new destination, making her very difficult to hit. The strong point of the Sorceress is her damaging spells and casting speed; her weakness is her relatively low hit points and defense.
is a crusader from the Church of Zakarum, fighting for the glory of the Light. To reflect this, the zealous Paladin's combat skills range from fanatical attacks to heavenly thunderbolts. His skills are split into Combat Skills, Defensive Auras, and Offensive Auras. His auras have a range of abilities, such as increasing damage, or resisting magic attacks, or boosting defense. The Paladin's auras affect all party members. The Paladin is highly proficient in the use of a shield, and is the only character that can use it as a weapon. The Paladin also has specialized skills for eliminating the undead.
Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online).
Land of the Dead
Serious Sam: The First and Second Encounter
Doom Collection (all the older doom games) NOTE: This Requires a mod to play online (skulltag), it's free, google it
- monster
- monsters
- zombie
- zombies
- undead
- evil
- emo
- goth
- gothic
- rpg
- roll playing game
- adventure
- 3rd person
- third person
Files count:
1808.33 Mb
1TWISTED (2011-01-14)
thanks,.. nice upload,... well done,.. ; )Epik_Riot420 (2011-01-24)
how do i run in compatibility? plz help someone. =[Epik_Riot420 (2011-01-24)
how do i run it in compatibility? help someone? =[koekjies (2011-01-24)
umm it says i used a cdkey tht is not aloud to use and to uninstall and install with a good cd key..can u help ? plz? lol
Chaos117 (2011-01-25)
Works perfect, too bad in order to run it on windows 7 I have to unzip it into the directory after clicking Diablo2.exe every time I want to play. Otherwise it does nothing except show random symbols letters and numbers in the top corner of my desktop. Clicking every single compatibility option also does not work, you just need to disable anti-aliasing on your video card.EonFromTeton (2011-02-16)
Works Great! Thanks! Hey you should also make a direct play of Diablo 1 with Hellfire, or point me in the direction of some sort of how-to on making your own direct play. Direct plays are a lot more convenient than messing around with Daemon Tools.Devilmatrix (2011-02-16)
The battlenet isn't working :Sits say that it need to reinstall it cuz the cdkey it didnt got read sooo please help :( :(
EmanRetcarahc (2011-02-22)
the game starts up super good if you use in windowed modecreate a shortcut and put -w at the end
Deezo420 (2011-02-23)
Thanks for the up Bro, works like a charm! You are a freakin' genius!Thanks for taking the time to make great rips of games like this, for people like me that are fairly new to ripping games.
sarcophagus (2011-03-04)
Help!!!I Already Tried The Compatibility Solution
Chaos117 Solution
But The Graphics Still Have The Problem
Need Help!!!
RSCA1500 (2011-03-06)
Didn't work for me, nothing happens when i run either Diablo II or 'game'. My pc acting weird i think its EVILRSCA1500 (2011-03-06)
Forget my last post :PIt just takes 8minutes to start when u ran .exe :P
Now, How do u do the thing?
maverichrist (2011-03-08)
SET RESOLUTION TO 800x600 (on game)
maverichrist (2011-03-08)
@FuCtUpPuNkjust wanna ask if you removed some cut scenes/movies etc etc because the size is much smaller compared to other d2+lod.rar
and is there no other way to access battle net using this upload? great torrent btw :D
nicqawsed (2011-03-13)
koekjies, i dunno if you will see this but this isnt really for play online (i think) srry you are just gona have to buy a coppydramacydal77 (2011-03-15)
how do I unzip it to the directory?only numbers and symbols come outlepziboy (2011-03-18)
how do I do the compatibility thing?Palon (2011-03-20)
Works on my win7 32bit.@lepziboy: Right click on the "diablo II.exe" then choose properites then choose compatibility tab and mark what you want. Games is still very addicting and worth downlading. Thx for upload
koopatroopa_15 (2011-03-20)
At first thought there was something wrong with executable file, but it just turns out that it took about 5 mins between opening the .exe and the game actually starting to run.Having some issues with funky colors on win7 64bit but I imagine that is to be expected.
I am going to redownload a regular install seeing as I would rather not wait 5 mins to play the game after trying to run it.
But it *does* work.
Tuxx7 (2011-03-23)
IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS OPENING OR WITH GRAPHICS: Go inside the diablo 2 folder, go to "vid test" and let it run. when the test is done use the recommended settings, and then you will be able to run diablo 2 smoothly. if you still have trouble, use "run as admin" from right clicking on diablo 2. if you STILL have trouble, diablo hates you. your welcome.Tuxx7 (2011-03-23)
to set the compatibility settings right click the .exe and select properties then theres a tab compatibility!Lonepup (2011-04-09)
Works great on my Windows 7 X64.Just follow the directions. Also to get the video to work, I ran the video setup program inside the folder.
Remember, this game was released in around 2000. That was a long time ago (I was the beta tester - thought I'd get a discount on my purchase - but I was wrong)
So, however you tweak your video settings, they wont be that great. Great game play, however.
Diablo III will be released sometime next year - look for better video quality then.
Thank you!
CrossStitch (2011-04-17)
hey dud! works greatly winxp 32 bit sp3 thanks!CrossStitch (2011-04-21)
someone help me with this thing. i ran it in winxp 32bit sp3 and when i upgrade my os to win7 32bit, color distortions happened. i tried everything in compatibility mode but nothing happens.GANGRELFUHRER (2011-04-30)
NoScrub (2011-05-02)
For Windows 7 users - Read here:-Download the torrent
-Open with your Torrent program
-Once the game is downloaded use WinRar or any other Rar opening program and extract them anywhere.
-Once extracted right click the 'Diablo2.exe' (It has a little icon of a skull-type thing) and go to Properties.
-Click on the Compatibility tab and tick every box except Run in 256 colors.
-Please note: You need to run it as Windows XP Service pack 2
-Open Diablo2.exe and it should load fine.
-Close the program and then look for the application D2Vidtst.
-Let it run
-Once its complete Diablo2 should look fine and work perfectly on your computer.
jhunvallim (2011-05-16)
@NoScrubThanks mas. Works great on my Windows 7 32bits.
jjr0012 (2011-05-19)
I am having trouble getting the multi-player ( to work... has anyone figured this out? A buddy and myself downloaded it and want to play it through together before D III releases.. any help would be appreciatedcrioskun41 (2011-05-27)
Nice torrent dude!!! Thanks a lot :Dwolf586 (2011-06-08)
awesome speed on dl, i'll seed when it's done! keep up the good work man.wolf586 (2011-06-08)
now it won't let me get past 2% and it says the machine has forcibly stopped the download...a little help please?DouGh74 (2011-06-09)
Good torrent homie!myroslavmail (2011-06-27)
I have high-end PC, Windows 7, 64bit, works great without any additional setup!Thank you! Great release!
JimmyBaby269 (2011-07-07)
Well done FuCtUpPuNk, well doneYenrock7 (2011-07-21)
Is there a way in which i could connect direct ip with my brother though we're not on Lan? Tunggle perhaps? thanksSamAres (2011-07-31)
Does anyone know if there's a way to export the save file from one pc to another? The reason being is that I installed this on my laptop but figured i want it on my stationary aswell, but I don't wanna start over since i've gotten pretty far. I glanced through the files but couldn't really make out what is what, or if it will even work, better ask first.Killard2000 (2011-08-01)
Everytime I go to play I get thisUNHANDLED EXCEPTION:
What do I do to fix this?
Killard2000 (2011-08-01)
Please help, It says I have an access violationMrhibye (2011-08-01)
How do I get access to (2011-08-01)
is this just lord of destruction or is it both cuz i already have the original with out the exp.ADGMOD3 (2011-08-02)
Unable to scan for viruses...deleted.camallama (2011-08-06)
Can anyone tell me if this works online. If not does anyone know how I can get a version of this online without paying (as i will be buying diablo 3) :phennepincrawler (2011-08-08)
Please help: How do I fix It's not allowing me to connect. :(toothpick007 (2011-08-08)
For some reason when I want to go east it freezes and doesn't go any further help anyone ...Nice upload thou :-)
ChinoTacos (2011-08-09)
and if u need help add me on xfire:ChinoTacoswwell988 (2011-08-13)
Like Tuxx7 said, run the VidTest.exe from your D2 directory. After the test is finished it will recommend you use D3D instead of DDraw (Windows 7), click ok and the weird colors will disappear. All the other shit that's been posted here didn't help.ShadowXL (2011-08-16)
Great Game ;)maodogo (2011-08-19)
Get no sound with wine under Ubuntu 10.04,anybody know a solution?
Mlio84 (2011-08-21)
Have tryed and cryed whit 3 different versions of this but havent get it to work whit win7. But this one in the game whit few cliks. And works perfectly!I humbly thank and bow!!
zachosen (2011-08-22)
I have downloaded this torrent, it is Diablo (2) indeed but I've had massive Graphic problemsseems like many others has experienced the same issue !!
Can't wait for Diablo (3), I would even purchase this game :)
Sephinator (2011-08-23)
To remove ALL graphical glitches under Windows 7.Run in compatibility.
Windows XP SP2.
Disable visual themes.
Disable desktop composition.
Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
And then rightclick on your desktop and open up "Screen resolution".
Keep that window open under your gaming session!
Now start the game and enjoy this awesome game from Blizzard.
Note: Buy the game =)
faizsh (2011-08-25)
wtf!!!fastest download ever,i will be seeding till 20gigsohh and the game work fine for me win7,thanks dude ^_^
skorb (2011-08-27)
***To Fix Graphical Errors***Go into your d2 folder and find d2vidtest.exe. Run it. Problem solved. (At least for me in Win7)
Echo2 (2011-08-30)
People SEED for pete's sake! I am getting an average of only 4kB/s ...:/Echo2 (2011-08-30)
Please seed! I am only getting 4kB/s!Ed2399 (2011-08-31)
Im getting a CD-ROM drive error. Any one know how to fix it?Dr.DivZ (2011-08-31)
Works great, no issues. Just extract and you are good to go. I played this almost 10 years back. My all time favorite.Whitekinekt (2011-08-31)
I need help. I have done everything everyone has said to no avail. When i open it colors and everything are perfect. But it is small in the corner and the rest of the screen is all jacked up. All goes fine when i close out but i would not like to play it in that small corner.majuaraan (2011-09-01)
atention all ya playas an pimps you really don want it with red, seen a man cross red before ended up with a cross above his headclaptrap30 (2011-09-03)
For all you guys having trouble with graphical glitches in Windows 7 you may want to try running VidTest.exe located in the Diablo II folder. I did this and I am now playing the game with no graphical problems of any kind, without having to mess around with compatability mode.I am using Windows 7 64-bit with a Mobility Radeon HD5650.
Hope this helps!
claptrap30 (2011-09-03)
oops - credit to skorb, didn't see his comment up there from 26-Aug.We both got the file name wrong tho! The correct file name is D2VidTst.exe
Nucy (2011-09-06)
Works perfect on Ubuntu through Wine... thanks FUP.matty777 (2011-09-09)
Hey FuPunk,I recently wrote a different comment on the other Diablo 2 download. I am having a big problem with this copy as well because the CD key that you have permanently installed into the film is not allowed on Battle net any more. I am wondering if you have some way that I could just use my own Cd key that i have or if you could just upload a new version of the file but with a good Cd key.
jknappy46 (2011-09-12)
to get to run in windows 7 simply run the D2vidtest running diablo2 in compatability will cause some serious lag while playing multivdutch (2011-09-13)
sucks i cant change the cdkey i tryed about 7 different progrmas to change the key but no luck i thought about using regedit to change it but then figured it wouldnt work sense its not installed. guess ill dl another one, great for single player tho works fine no bugsAlok125554 (2011-09-20)
Thanks a lot ..Works great on window 7.
kcarxl (2011-09-21)
duechtin (2011-09-22)
Works great the graphics are a little jankey but all is well beggers cant be chosers i guess but this i must say is the most reliable Diablo 2 download Do what PuNK says and blam it works like a charm if your looking for a flawless game experience your best bet is to buy the damn game but in any case this is a 100% working torrent just the lighting graphics in the game are a little bizarre but plays and saves good thank you bro made my dayduechtin (2011-09-23)
i must say this is worth the download ya its got some lame ass thermal vision that happens occasional. Just control alt escape and it will minimize the window and go back and click again start moving or whatever and it should go away.....but not for long pretty much any time there are too many monsters and what not it will happen but its a quick and annoying fix just to get through the game you will permanently have some kind of thermal torch and caves can be pretty gay with that crap but all in all it is worth playing through the onlines a bitch too but who cares its bad ridicules post
ivan85nish (2011-09-27)
Thx, I'll seed till ratio 20+LaughingRain (2011-09-29)
You dig this, then check out Median XL. Total overhaul of this old classic that makes it soo much more! search Median XLAlaerys (2011-09-30)
This worked perfectly for me. Thanks for the upload. *thumbs up*MikiTORCA (2011-09-30)
Where I can find SAVES ??noel_lee (2011-10-01)
thanks,at first i thought it doesnt work. but patience have it.after like 8-10 mins it comes up positively.thanks anyways.+1 from me
MikiTORCA (2011-10-01)
I cant find saves of singleplayer.. please help me.. :(DovahFeyn (2011-10-05)
Hello everyone! come join me on odins realm private server! (2011-10-10)
for windows 7 if you did the vidtest and it still wont start it might be the game explorer reakin havoc. After double clicking the diablo 2 icon double click it again and the game will start, then alt tab out of the game open the task manager and go to process's end the rundll32 that is hogging your resources alt tab into the game and playBears.Theodore (2011-10-16)
Anyone know if works on this please say yesBears.Theodore (2011-10-16)
Does this work with this?huggeyface (2011-10-21)
Thanks!Pron009 (2011-10-24)
not working on win 7 .. just some numbers in the corner .. looks like virusKinectd (2011-10-24)
Does not work on Windows 7. Downloaded it, ran it, and all I get are little numbers in the upper left corner of my screen.killagoku (2011-10-26)
Works fine thanks :)Dufox (2011-10-28)
this does work on win 7 32bit professionaldidnt work at first but i put it on an external harddrive to figure out later, ran it from the external and works just fine.
lanceo92 (2011-10-29)
There is no viruses in this. The numbers in the corner is an error if you don't follow the directions.Speaking of the directions though, you don't have to mark ALL the compatibility options, just "Disable Desktop Composition", you don't even have to run in compatibility mode.
No matter what options you choose there will be discoloration. But once you're in game, "save and exit", then the misconfiguration goes away.
Shorthand: "Only mark DISABLE DESKTOP COMPOSITION" > Once in game, change resolution to 800x600 > save and exit > fix'd
pdeluna12 (2011-11-02)
SEED!!!sixor (2011-11-02)
thanks, works perfectmvkprincey (2011-11-03)
downloaded and it works good for some computers you need to be patient i installed it perfectly but you may ned to wat 1-5 minutes before the game launches the mouse dissappears few moments later games runs idk why it does it but i dont really care ty for the uploadRekot24 (2011-11-09)
The letters scrolling in the top left of the screen is caused by a couple things. You are likely using a 64bit version of windows and using Direct3D for graffix. There are a couple easy fixes for both of these.Do a search for "Sven Labusch Glide Wrapper" and download the file bundle. Unzip the files. The one you need is glide3x.dll. Copy this file into your diablo 2 directory, then rerun the D2VidTst.exe that is located in your diablo 2 directory as well. Let it do it's thing and after it runs, it should now allow you to choose the 3dfx glide option. Click Done/OK.
Next step is to right click on your diablo II.exe file and choose properties. On the compatibility tab, run the program in compatibility mode windows XP. Also check to run this program as an administrator. Then OK.
That should do the trick! If not, you might have to check the box for run in 640x 480 screen resolution as well.
forcrp (2011-11-14)
Perfect. Great upload.Simple. Here goes
-Run D2VidTst. It'll do its stuff and then ask you to choose the best options.
-Right Click Diablo II, in Compatibility, choose XP SP2, and tick all the boxes under it.
ccharsell072188 (2011-11-18)
hey im tryin to give back to the community but i dont know how to create torrents please helpNembar (2011-11-22)
Can someone help me? I Followed all the instructions to try and make this run. I get a message "The program can't start because Storm.dll is missing from the computer" I have tried googling this and most fixes i read is for "D2Loader" I am not sure if this effects my process but i am using an official copy of Win 7. I Downloaded it a few months back... thought i had it cracked or wtvr then it expired... so i dont know what to do about that but i can use my computer fine anyways.... unless everytime i try to do stuff like this it fucks me! lol. If anyone can tell me do i need to download a Storm.dll? If so can u explain to me a simpleton simple directions.Nembar (2011-11-22)
Hi Was hoping someone might be able to help me I am a Nub when it comes to this stuff, I have completed download, followed directions and when i try to extract and run i get the message " The program can't run because the file Storm.dll is missing" I am not sure if it relates but a few months back i downloaded a copy of Win 7 from TPB, was a trusted uploader/user and comments said it was great... i must not have registered it correctly because my Win 7 expired soon after completion. So now my Win is always telling me to register on startup everyday lol. Like i said im nub. can someone help?WarRobe (2011-11-22)
for missing .dll issues, you had to download them, usually put in game directory works. If don`t, try system32 folder at windows directory. Hope this helpsZombieBitch899 (2011-12-12)
is there online play?? or are there cd keys needed??ZombieBitch899 (2011-12-12)
is there online play?? or are there cd keys neededLiviu-Razvan (2011-12-19)
Got it working by running the VidTest first, and choosing D3D. However, the game is messed up! I've got 2 minor rejuvenation potions and 2 gold items before I completed my first quest... Also, since when does Akarra reset the stat/skill points? (that one is only after you've completed the first quest)angel295 (2012-01-19)
i love this game .. i play it a long long time ... the reason Battale net not work because you need a original CD key o acces Blizzard Battalenet .. but you can find private servers to play on .. or you can make your own server it's werry easy to setuphaveaquestion (2012-01-21)
i don't think this game works on windows 7, id be nice to play it one more time...Dizzaztir (2012-01-24)
The Akara reset is one of the newer additions, as well as Tokens which do the same thing.Also the drop rates were increased last run, which could easily explain that, but offline play is always a bit faster in that regard. While I love Piratebay, I have always bought this game so I could get online, and also to support it and hope for D3, which may finally be coming Whoop Whoop!
teemu9492 (2012-01-30)
WORKS FINE ON WIN7 64BIT people, just be sure to open the screen resolution window before playing to avoid the rainbow colors bug.peuserejo (2012-02-11)
Plays well, but the game is running crazy fast! I mean, the characters run like hell, is there a way to fix it??FuCtUpPuNk (2012-02-16)
if things are to fast force vsync on ur graphics card settings. run vid test to make work on vista and 7. the vid test should remove all graphical distortions too, but if not in game change resolution, then change it back if u like. that will remove them though this may need to be done everytime u play (changing the res).TSPxW (2012-02-24)
i can't load this game ??? why ???it doesn't work with win7 x32???
when i click and start this game nothing happen...!!!!
isegata (2012-02-29)
Hi guys, i downloaded this torrent and i had no problems extracting and playing it, everything smoothly.i just noticed that the game's speed is faster than the normal game, and that the monster's are sick-fast too. i tried running it in compatibility (and other options) but it was the same, any comments about this?
win7 sp1 user here, no problems with anything but the gameplay.
surferguy93 (2012-03-02)
yes this game DOES work for windows SEVEN!All you need to do is run as administrator, run in compatibility mode for xp SP3/2, then volia!
MAA11792 (2012-03-06)
Thank you, it works flawlessly! +1MAA11792 (2012-03-06)
- on Windows 7 Home Premium x64.nowbob420 (2012-03-07)
Thanks, using this online right now on a private server at templeofzakarum.comdeeahhblow (2012-03-08)
you can play this onlinedeeahhblow (2012-03-08)
tpb will not let me post the name of the program with all the diablo 2 servers..deeahhblow (2012-03-08)
im having issues leaving comments..LTnexLT (2012-03-11)
look i have newest torent version i acidently clicked some random box before download and now i cant download what to do?dokkeneng (2012-03-12)
Works like a charm on Windows 7 64-bit. Thx a lot!Metllica12 (2012-03-19)
I'm confused and kind of irritated. I downloaded the torrent (which took about 5 hours) and I was greeted by an empty folder and no option to extract it or anything else. I doubt I did something wrong because all I did was click "Get This Torrent". So what do I do?LeDrakkar (2012-03-22)
Maybe your torrent software has an auto-unzip feature and the content is placed automatically in an other folder. Try searching in windows with file names or something like that, or check the preferences.If it's not it, then download it again, maybe something crashed...
HeadPopper14 (2012-03-24)
Trying to run this... when i unziped it i went and clicked on the diablo 2 .exe and well when i do the only thing that happens well there some things showing up in the upper left corner of my screen... keyboard keys.. i dunno what to do... help?HeadPopper14 (2012-03-24)
Never mind got it to work... but now question is how am i able to play with a friend on the internet... i read about hamachi... is there any other way ? if no how does it work ?haluwasa1 (2012-03-27)
Whenever i start it nothing happens?? i already set it to windows xp sp 2? help?ovnoglavi (2012-03-28)
Working smooth on win 7 ultimate!!! Just run the video test first!!! After it run the .exe file and that's it... Piece of cake!Fuckeduppunk is not fucked up at all, he's The Man!!!
Thanks a lot for upload and seeding...
Somacruz_92 (2012-03-29)
My game starts with a small, small window in upper left corner showing symbols, then starts from a-z, then numbers, then some symbols, then a-z again but lowercase... the fuck? O_oUr1el (2012-03-31)
For graphics you need to run "D2VidTst".If u still have problems... I can't help at this point
brok47 (2012-04-03)
hay the game saying that insert expasnion diskhelp me bro
brok47 (2012-04-03)
hay it saying that insert expansion discwhat can i do ?
lemmmiserable (2012-04-03)
hey thanks for the game!! IT WORKS PERFECTLY..rai3idwolf (2012-04-04)
About 9 files in the Rar are listing as corrupt. Will redownload and try again but not holding my breath.raylugojr (2012-04-10)
Just dl this game and I have to say your dl's are so easy to install and the game is flawless. No virus, no errors. Thanks for all your hard work!STFUuNoob (2012-04-14)
God forbid anyone actually take the time to learn about their computers (sigh)Nice upload, as usual, FuCtUpPuNk, no problems whatsoever.
Cokaric (2012-04-24)
I had a problem with pink, green colors in game on Windows 7 and delay before game starts...Fixed those two problems with Program Compability (Set to Windows XP SP3 and selected all options bellow) and installed Sven's 3dFXGlide OpenGL wrapper,
Super_Ninja (2012-04-26)
Ok, I need help on this. I've unzipped and installed everything according to instructions. I am running as an administrator with compatability mode on for xp sp 2 with all the boxes checked. When I run in the screens goes black and the colors get a bitch grainy and it switches back and forth between that and desktop then nothing. It's right back to where I was at the beginning.zzzfirefox (2012-04-29)
works fine run the video test firstrdeuce88 (2012-05-01)
Super Fast torrent! As usual you come through again FuCtupPuNk. thx manJeros420 (2012-05-02)
I DL'd this Torrent, very fast btw. but during the unzipping numerous files were found to be corrupt. After trying again the same problem occurred :/ gonna DL from a different source.heromarcostrago (2012-05-06)
Fast download and worked as soon as Winrar finished extracting my files. Just clicked the .exe and it ran smoothly! No probs on Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit. No need for Win XP compatibility for me. Thanks for the Upload. FuCtUpPuNK, this is the first of your torrents and it worked! I will download from you in the future. That skull is well deserved!pokesmotr (2012-05-07)
works great, run the vid test firstnow my only problem is to figure out what character to be
thanks fuctuppunk
jedimoose (2012-05-10)
Ok so a little bit of an issue that I can't seem to resolve and hoping somebody can help.Download all fine and fast, unzipped to desktop and when I try to run the .exe or the vidtest it says that I need to insert the disk and click retry. Suggestions?
MaddoxXBanger (2012-05-11)
Easiest way to fix the color problems with windows 7:Open task manager
Go to Processes tab
Killed the process ‘‘explorer.exe’’
After you're done playing create a new instance of Explorer.exe as follows:
In the Task Manager window, go to New Task
Type ‘‘Explorer.exe’’ without quotation marks.
afonzi (2012-05-12)
Thanks FuCtUpPuNk!The speed isn't that great, really unreliable speeds, varying from 50 kb/s to 700 kb/s all the time.
Just follow the instructions he gave you and you'll be fine, don't forget to use D2VIDTEST for the video settings, or it won't work.
mojo5040 (2012-05-14)
@Tuxx7 tHANKSnothing worked for me but if you do what he said!! its on the first page look for Tuxx7. ( im talking about everyone that uses windows 7) !!!
bloodred125 (2012-05-15)
this owns Diablo 3, uploader you rock, waiting on torchlight 2 a game ive preordered over Diablo 3 because i dont need to be connected online to play and its the real diablo guys that made it anyway.Klakwa (2012-05-15)
Well I read every commen and helps, but this game don't work for me yet...I have an original CD: Don't work
This torrent: Don't work
I'm on Win7 x64 running D2 with administrator prrivilegies/compatibility options all checked/compatibility mode tried with XP sp1/2/3, Win2000,98... Still doesn't work :/
Klakwa (2012-05-15)
Doesn't work*thement0r (2012-05-18)
Everything works great except for one thing: no music during game play. Any solutions?BIOMODS (2012-05-20)
it´s working on a windows XP...gonna try later on a windows 7 labtop.just 1 problem...n i kinda need help with this, cus i dont really know what 2 do.
i used a mod in diablo 2..its called plugY
u can c it here
it worked on another diablo 2 game torrent.
i need 2 put this mod working.
im having this error in installing the mod
error: diablo 2 install directory not found.
plz reinstall your copy of diablo 2 lord of destruction
i hav placed the unziped folder in my programsdiablo 2 n placed the mod installer in that folder n gives error.i think the problem is that the game doesnt install u run directly from exe, without install.
so does anyone knows how 2 solve this problem plz?
n about online play, how can i play on a pirate server using this game torrent?n where is the pirate server?
about diablo 3...its on store now, i didnt get it yet, n it seams that in some weeks will b cracked n available 4 everyone i hope.
check the game.. torchlight its cool n the second one is in store now. i hav the frist one n its a really nice game.
contact m on: [email protected]
thanks a lot in advance!
haluwasa1 (2012-05-22)
um what do i do if the game is just not starting?AdrenaLiNv2 (2012-05-26)
Just play this until Diablo 3 gets cracked, it's worth it.AdrenaLiNv2 (2012-05-27)
PS: If you have trouble not being able to start the game you must first run "D2VidTst.exe" located in the installation directory along with Diablo II.exehuby44 (2012-05-28)
I'm using x64 windows 7 and when I try to extract the file I get like 130 errors and the extraction never happens.HahaOhMan (2012-05-28)
I tried to play the game, and followed the directions, but when I clicked on Diablo 2 after all was said and done, it gave me and error telling me I needed to put the CD in. What am I doing wrong?Luxen (2012-05-30)
hello and thanks for the good torrent.I'm just facing a problem currently, after i did the video test it said everything was ok so I went to try and play through diabloii.exe and i got the following:
any tips? only saw one post about this before mine :( (windows 7 64bit sp1)
Luxen (2012-05-30)
PS: using the compatibility mode!zmaster1985 (2012-05-30)
Works great!Just had to change the exe file compatibility mode to WIN XP... working fine now!
thx alot uploader!
Keep Seeding, Z
Timmygutten (2012-05-31)
can you get higher resoulution than 800*680?constantin_md (2012-06-01)
constantin_md (2012-06-01)
constantin_md (2012-06-01)
constantin_md (2012-06-01)
constantin_md (2012-06-01)
[Show][Hide]spoiler_contentRedmacun (2012-06-02)
Is it possible to get the Pandemonium event to take place using this version and get a Hellfire torch?Great torrent I am thoroughly enjoying it.
olibuddha (2012-06-03)
great upload! I was scared for it took 7 minutes before Diablo2.exe would even start....some colors are messed up but I'll follow the instructions to change them...thanks =)smile1989 (2012-06-04)
hi, i have been reading all the comments but i don seem to be able to find any solution regarding where to find the save file. Can someone pls help me? thx.fullmetal1riku (2012-06-05)
So when unzipping at the end 2 files didnt unzip (one was the .exe)I just tried unzipping again and told it to skip all the repeats and it worked for some reason.
fullmetal1riku (2012-06-05)
okay yeah Im on windows 7. 32bit and it works fine if you do the compatibility stuff. its all color messed up at first but for me I just hit enter and it goes away after the first menu screenweinerwad3000 (2012-06-08)
How do you make it full screen. I've tried the D2MultiResGame.exe but it says ERROR: Unable to load D2MultiRes.dll. Exiting Diablo II... And when I try glide-init.exe it says "Setpixelformat failed! OpenGL could not be activated. Pleasy check your graphiccard-driver."MMentoR (2012-06-09)
If someone is having problems running it under Windows 7, try running D2VidTst.exeIt worked fine for me.
burgertim (2012-06-09)
didnt work for me, windows 7 64bit. even though i did everything people suggested. waste of databurgertim (2012-06-09)
scratch that. it actually works. restarted my computer and set it to win xp sp2 compatibility mode.ty
tiz2 (2012-06-10)
@ BIOMODS: Torchlight 2 is not in stores, there isn't even a release date yet.xXmattyboyXx (2012-06-18)
Good Game but downloading is too slow. need more people to seedv__d (2012-06-21)
seeding plssv__d (2012-06-21)
keep seeding pls!!watamouri (2012-06-22)
can this be played offline too?just1aim (2012-06-26)
yo i trust this d/l [virus free] although on my ASUS g75 W7 home premium had
unzip= no prob
when i run [diablo II] nothing happens except some single letters in top right corner of screen
also task manager could not end process
so i reboot change compatability to XP sp2 and sp3 = no difference so any advice?
timeclaps (2012-06-29)
just1aim, in the D2 folder, run the video test, select one of the 2 options and then run the D2 executable. Should work fineCoincidence1988 (2012-07-01)
Read the description! It says: "CAN BE PLAYED VIA LAN OR OVER HAMACHI!!!!!!" and as everyone knows, it can be played offline too.olohj11 (2012-07-07)
do i need to install diablo 1 to play this?? thanks.mehelpu2 (2012-07-07)
cant get this working without graphical bugs , I am using win 7 and it is not working on both my laptop and on pc too , still color bugs ...Ninchio (2012-07-10)
@just1aim you have to enable every compatiblity option you see and run it in win2000Robe17 (2012-07-12)
i think some of you people are with slow internet speed .. LOL then you all write SEED PLEASE dude just get a faster internet pack i desnt cos much 20 mbps is enough for 4-10 gb pack download ! :Dcoolmurphy (2012-07-12)
it worked but.... having graphic issues so i stopped playing. same thing with sc1Dime94 (2012-07-21)
Is there a way I can log onto Battlenet? Hamachi confuses the fuck outta me lolTrahelion (2012-07-23)
Hey guys! At first I had trouble getting this to work on my Windows 7 64 bit laptop. What I did (In this exact order) got it to work, I'm not sure which steps - if any- were unnecessary.Set to win XP comparability
Set to run as administrator
Run the file "D2vidtst"
The run the game file!
Before doing this it would show the spinning loading circle, then random changing letters in the top left corner and nothing else.
Hope this helps! And thankyou for the wonderful upload!!!
PerutekB (2012-08-06)
Thanks for the upload!tomahawk13 (2012-08-14)
Worked perfectly. Just download this first, then go to and download that. Extract the Diablo 2 file through the 7-Zip program to a destination. Opens up and works fineantidentity (2012-08-15)
ONE question: Does this work with Eastern Sun 3.00 R6? because otherwise, why even bother? lol....downloading, will test & postD1srupT (2012-09-15)
I used to have legit d2 battlechest but since i moved house i seem to be unable to find it. Will i be able to use my own account with this version (i know the old account login info)?betray92 (2012-09-21)
Does the cinematicas works?betray92 (2012-09-21)
sorry for double comment it was cinematics not cinematicas :P,i mean the video played after each Actunopposed2sex (2012-09-23)
a sexually exciting torrentt34bagm (2012-10-07)
Thanks for the Torrent, DL'ing it now.VesperianSorrow420 (2012-10-11)
good upload!!! Thanks!ClipMT (2012-10-12)
ClipMT (2012-10-12)
tinniwinie (2012-10-26)
use d2vidtest.exe and then you're done. :)great torrent! works 100% win 7
ollox360 (2012-10-27)
Ïf someone could seed please..MongKP (2012-11-04)
Thanks FuCtUpPuNk and all seeders. I got very impressive download speed, 3,000 KB/s. You guys are so generous.Wreckles (2012-11-07)
This torrent works. After you've done the video test.Just a small warning, if you attempt to connect to with this game, your IP will get banned for a couple of days/weeks.
NuitTom (2012-11-19)
Excellent.squigels123 (2012-12-02)
how come i am not able to play with my friends over hamachi? I have tried what seems like everything but nothing seems to work. I cannot connect to him and he cannot connect to me if anyone has any ideas they would be very appreciatedtasian (2012-12-18)
To solve graphics priblem, right click, properties, shortcut, target, add " -window" to make it looke something like this "C:UsersSergeiDownloadsDiablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)Diablo IIDiablo II.exe" -windowP.S too bad it can't be played in battlenet, even tho i have a key, other version just isn't compatible with windows 8.
cudavaca (2012-12-27)
Muito bom!Great torrent!
realLies (2013-01-14)
does this download not allow online play? cd key is not validzlucca (2013-01-16)
thanks :]welhim (2013-01-20)
im using windows 7 ultimate 64bit and the game is 100% works fine...(read the instruction)FuCtUpPuNk (2013-02-04)
best way to fix all graphical errors is to run "D2VidTst.exe" this will get rid of all distortions.tusanata (2013-02-22)
Works like a charm. Thanks!haroldathampton (2013-03-03)
I have download but it tells me that it can't access game.exe. What do I do to get the game to play. I am using OS Windows 7.haroldathampton (2013-03-03)
It says it cant find the game.exe file. I am running windows7vj_dustin (2013-04-01)
Blizzard can keep their screw up Diablo 3.I'll just play this again! X(
Trojan95 (2013-04-01)
it keeps saying i need to insert expansion disk and no one is explaining how to get it to work and its driving me nuts! HOW DO YOU GET THE EXPANSION TO WORK??!!Trojan95 (2013-04-01)
it keeps telling me to insert the expansion disk and no one has answered this question: how do you get the expansion to work?nolwat (2013-04-18)
What do you click to play? I click Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Expansion Pack and it takes like 2 hours to load. It just puts symbols at the top left corner of my screenTimmy812 (2013-05-05)
Nothing happens?Apaleytos (2013-05-06)
U could try my torrent,makes game even better:)
jkdtorre (2013-05-09)
HELP!! When I try to shift+right click on buying a full rejuvenation potion, it only buy one piece of potion :(jkdtorre (2013-05-09)
HELP!! When I try do duplicate my rejuvenation potion by shift+right click, it only buy 1 potion. I'm only playing lan game.pirateman77 (2013-05-18)
i want to know why every time i double click on the game it shows every number and letter on the very far left on top then it takes to minutes to load while its doing that how can i fix this problem game works fine its just the loading timeBetterNerfNunu (2013-06-10)
Works perfect on windows XP, thanks FuCtUpPuNk!Perfect game for old PCs that cant run new games.
CptErikku (2013-06-28)
Changing my resolution to 800x600 and running in 16 bit color got rid of distortions for me.Good torrent, downloaded fast and installed easy!
CrowellDubs (2013-07-03)
Okay so after completing ACT 1, I click on Warriv to go to Act 2, but it doesn't let me? The loading screen appears and does nothing and no matter what key I press all it does is close the game. Can anyone help me out here?David89an (2013-07-08)
I tried installing d2 for hours, now it finaly works.I got OS Windows 8
I used these links:
The trixs where (with Win8) ; compatibility mode, something with adding on the shortcut direction target, add "-w" (open in window mode), dunno if that worked really for me.
Options for "compatibility mode", google it for pictures, options checked: "run in 16-bit, run as admin, disable display scaling on high DPI settings, disable desktop composition (dosnt exist on win8).
Another trick, try wait 8min if d2lod dosnt start directly.
SaggyDaKlown (2013-07-11)
@David89an Win 8 suxx the BIGONE anywaySaggyDaKlown (2013-07-11)
@David89an WIN 8 sux the biggone anywhoSaggyDaKlown (2013-07-11)
@David89an WIN 8 sux the biggone anywho one stupid question what the fuhk iz Hamachi?!drackmore (2013-07-17)
I recommend if you get this to get Median XL mod it completely overhauls the game, makes it more enjoyable, and adds TONS of stuff and features. And with Median XL you can use a Gateway changer to play online on several populated Median servers.PanzerVor (2013-08-21)
Took forever to start. Installed fine and everything but nothing happened for about ten minutes when I clicked the exe. running in Win XP sp2 mode.GSB2000 (2013-08-23)
If you're looking for a great server for Diablo 2 LoD, is your choice!!
You will enjoy this game when it's online! :D
[info on how to connect in the forums, and some resolved issues]
[pictures of some spec's the server has]
>> more info:
*new.level (realm.of.the.snakes with Uber Nihlathak)
*3x.exp rate
*3x.drop rate
*great.gaming.environment with active.staff
Join Now!
Abellus (2013-09-23)
Lol.."what's Hamachi?"There's this thing, and I know it's pretty new so bear with me, called
Try it. You'll like it.
red_reaper13 (2013-10-07)
I tried to use my save file with Jamella Hero editor and it came up with an error that said, "Corrupt field encountered in save game file! (@ offset 0)"what the hell does that mean? and how do I fix it?
sixbynine (2013-10-11)
Don't use jamella in v1.13c. It's an outdated editor anyway.Instead, look for Hero Editor V1.04. That should work with this version.
D3moN81 (2013-11-20)
Working flawlessly on WindowsXP SP3 so far.Thanks for the Direct-Play.
Wesx420 (2013-12-25)
Downloaded and installed fine. Played without any problems up until ACT 5.Everytime I kill the boss for the first quest of Act 5. Right as he's about to die the game crashes and comes up with:
Anyone else getting this problem or know of the solution
masterpilu (2013-12-29)
For some reason 7z won't extract the files for me. That's the first time it ever happened. However I managed to extract them with winrar. So if anyone has a problem extracting with 7z just use winrar instead.badfish5555 (2014-01-06)
PARA TODOS LOS QUE TENGAN PROBLEMAS PARA JUGAR EN WIN 7/ ALL YOU HAVE PROBLEMS TO PLAY WITH WIN7Hice TODO lo que decian ahi y no conseguia poder jugar. Cuando intentaba la pantalla se me veia negra y aparecian y desaparecian pedazos de pantalla, las palabras se veian todas juntas, amontonadas en un mismo lugar. Ya lo solucione haciendo esto.
1. Tengo el acceso directo con la terminacion en -window (no se si es necesario pero intentandolo arreglar me quedo asi)
2. Al acceso directo, al game.exe y al diablo2.exe le puse compatibilidad con win 98 (no se si es totalmente necesario, puede q funcione con xp sp2) , desactivar los colores del escritorio y ejecutar como administrador.
3. ejecutar el video test y cuando le de la opcion pongan en 2d, NO EN 3D SINO LA OPCION DE ARRIBA
4. Inicien el juego. Ahora se vera mejor pero en colores raros. ahi apretan crtl alt supr y terminan el proceso EXPLORER.EXE. Entran de nuevo en el juego y se deberia ver bien.
ok. i dont know english so i try explain the steps like a neandertal.
1. direct acces ends in ¨-window¨
2. direct access, game.exe and diablo2.exe go in compatibility mode and execute like administrator, compatilibity with win 98 (try with xp sp2 maybe it works) and click in the option ¨disable desktop colors¨
3. execute vid test, in some point u have to choose ¨2d or 3d¨ . YOU CHOOSE 2D. (the top one)
4. play the game. Now the game looks ugly, all purple, but looks better than before.
Press crtl alt supr and ends procces ¨explorer.exe¨
Now looks fine.
Saludos desde argentina! Im sorry for my english.
scruffyotter (2014-01-21)
I am on W7 and checked off some of the compatabitilites options , but I'm still getting graphical glitches. I used this torrent before but I don't remember what settings to use.HELP!!!
scruffyotter (2014-01-21) have to run "D2Vidtest" firstsilvrwulf (2014-01-27)
Odd question. Does this work with WINE on linux?t0bys1ate (2014-02-28)
I'm on Win7 and it works fine after doing as told in the instructions + running the video test (D2Vidtest.exe).Also the first time I tried to open the game, it took a good 5 minutes to load up. It looked like nothing was happening. But then everything was fine the next times.
Thanks for this torrent!
soupygbs (2014-03-05)
this torrent sucks balls. dont downloadSaggyDaKlown (2014-03-28)
@Abellus hah funny ive used this "google" too bad it doesnt tell me why there are so many ASSHOLES like you in this world who have nothing better to do other than shit talk peoples comments =)Himble07 (2014-04-24)
@GSB2000 This site leads right to a backdoor Virus to bad for you my Norton's got it. DO NOT USE the site all the downloads are a virus or key logger in some sort of way.I forgot to copy the File insight after scan but you can check my other comments I am just a normal person trying to warn people against idiots like this.
virusboy (2014-05-05)
@himble02 Lol at you for using Norton, I thought everyone knew better.whogivzaratz (2014-05-28)
does anyone have a link to this game MAC compatible????tpbcrazy (2014-07-03)
@silvrwulfyes it does. I play it under wine only. works smoothly, no bloody problem, none at all..feels like playing in native environment
johnnxiv (2014-08-11)
I click on the game icon but it doesnt run the game, what can I do?Nicstar543 (2014-11-06)
Downloaded it and when i opened, my pc instantly became slow and now im infected with spyware, not a safe download.Nicstar543 (2014-11-08)
I'm fuckin stupid actually, ignore my comment^^^gamer1995 (2015-07-23)
Great upload. Thanks!rotcivbr (2015-08-17)
the best torrent!lordatari (2015-09-29)
great game, great upload, some bugs that were surpassed by uploder's advises... (bugs cause of windows seven)Files:
1. Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
2. Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes
3. Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)/Diablo II Lord of Destruction (v1.13c).7z 1808.32 Mb
4. Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)/INSTALLATION.txt 1.79 Kb
5. Diablo 2 with Lord of Destruction (v1.13c) (Direct Play)/contacting me.txt 1.15 Kb