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Gunsmoke Movies
Gunsmoke Movies
2009-02-18 (by shadow1a)
This is the new upload. I had to convert them from DVD tro AVI on another machine using a different program. I hope no one loses what they've already downloaded. Please let me know how this worked out. Thank you for your patience.
I'm sorry for all the problems but I couldn't help the PC crash. I'm still trying to restore it but I can't get the mouse to work. Oh Well!! I hope I did everything right and everyone who started downloading this makes out OK>
aslaug (2009-02-19)
this wont start dowload at all chek your uploade thank you
shadow1a (2009-02-19)
According to the info I have I'm showing 1 seeded (Me) and 4 downloading.
aslaug (2009-02-19)
looks like its speeding up now was very slow at first i will keep you informd thank you
shadow1a (2009-02-19)
I see I have seeders, could someone please comment on quality. I hod to use a different PC and different converting software to get this re-done. Thanks to the seeders and downloaders!
aslaug (2009-02-20)
the quality is good i have now 100 % downloaded will help seed for a while and thank you my friend for 3 realy nice movies
shadow1a (2009-02-20)
Thanks for the much needed comment. I'm glad it worked out OK after the PC crasher. Thanks for seeding.
shadow1a (2009-02-21)
I have a share ratio of 5.5 to 1. 4 seeders and 10 leechers so I'm going to stop seeding. I will keep an eye on it and if I need to I will seed more. Thank you all!!
shadow1a (2009-04-26)
It's good to see this torrent doing so well. Thanks for seeding and downloading.
MrBluesman8931 (2010-11-25)
Please reseed this torrent, I have 95.4% of it, I'd love to have the rest...
mgroulx (2011-06-12)
Wow downloading at 425 kB/s, thanks a lot. Will seed a lot!
mike_1991_7 (2011-08-12)
Seed please!
Bebop720 (2012-10-22)
Where are the seeders for this torrent? I would love to seed this torrent myself, but can't because there is no one. Please Help!!! I've been stuck at 95.4% for 5 days now.
Bebop720 (2012-10-22)
Where are the seeders for this torrent? I'm at 95.4% and have been there for 5 days. Please Help!