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[Documentary]Crimes Of Israel_talmud_settlers_sharon


Video/Movies DVDR


2006-03-30 (by KonspiracyKooknspiracyKoo)


"The Crimes Of The State Of Israel" DVD Compilation with interactive menu's. 1) "Checkpoint". Details the daily grind Arabs must go through at Israeli checkpoints. Intimidation, humiliation...all on order for the day. 2)"Israels Next War". Details the fight the mostly 'secular' Israeli state must wage with fanatical settlers. Truly, these people are complete nutters. They make Hamas look like pure middle ground. Watching a settler scream..."the Talmud is a book of revenge, revenge, pages filled with revenge!" says VOLUMES!!!!!!! This is an eye opner as to what the Arabs must put up with...Israeli tanks and mad as hatters Israeli settlers. 3) "The Killing Zone Gaza". Details the assassination of human rights workers like Rachael Corrie and the kid Herndon...shot through the head. 4) "Israels Secret Weapon". Goes into Israels nuclear capability and the whictle blower Vanunu. I pray for all the innocent souls who are going to die in the region very soon. Greater Israel...all the way to the river Babylon is the goal of these Talmudic monsters.

Files count:



4464.00 Mb




samwazoo (2006-03-30)

any other subs??

mito2005 (2006-03-30)

death to the great satan

FitMic (2006-03-30)

Seeding might help downloading this...

KonspiracyKooknspiracyKoo (2006-03-31)

I have 100k upload and a server that runs bit torrent day and night so people just need to be patient.
As for Israel? I'm just glad I live in Oz. The Talmudic monster joooze will kill and deport ALL Arabs at the first sson as they can stage manage an attack on themselves to justify their actions to some degree.
God will judge the Scribes and Pharisees.

bananaman2 (2006-03-31)

You guys crack me up. Agreethere are religious fanatical nutters on all sides. Lets hope the moderate people prevail and the blodshed stops.
Personally far more scared of born again Jews/Christians/Muslims and any other religion that directly/indiectly aims at the vulnerable and turns them towards very extreme views that have no form of compromise

tomtomx (2006-04-01)

You forgot this one!

 adamvas (2006-04-01)

Jo det liknar egna historie beskrivningar.Ni glömmer så lätt vad som hänt under alla dessa attacker från alla länder runt omkring sedan tidigt 1900-tal.Ryssar o araber har satsat mycket för att förgöra Israel.Och de ska alltså inte få försvara sig..bara vända andra kinden till o dö.Målet har alltid varit att förgöra Israel till sista man,kvinna o barn.

KonspiracyKooknspiracyKoo (2006-04-06)

I've limited connections to 4 at a time to get things moving.
My original mistake.
Be patient, i'll seed til the cows come home.

Pirate 32 (2006-05-13)

you fucking idiots. the reason there was an occupation in the first place was because of suicide bombers and the like. If i had to worry about getting blown up by some random islamizombie everywhere i went you're damn right id invade and occupy the source of suicide bombers to protect my people.

Pirate 32 (2006-05-13)

You muslims started this whole thing with israel shortly after they peacefully declared statehood -ON LAND BOUGHT AND PAID FOR FROM MUSLIMS- IN 1949. Islamizombies from all over the world (mostly turkey and egypt) came to overthrow israel and almost did in the 6 day war.
Now your all pissed because your idioticly murderouse invasion was routed by Israel.

Pirate 32 (2006-05-13)

If the tables were turned, and palestine had the superior warpower (and inteligence) ISRAEL WOULD HAVE BEEN WIPED OFF THE MAP BY NOW. And all jews would have been killed/raped/tortured and looted.
I have been researching your shit (islam, quran, hadith, muhammads life, history of muslims) for 8 months now and the evidence is clear.

Pirate 32 (2006-05-13)

Islam is a dogma that sanctifies intollerence, violence, murder, looting, and jijad. You palestinians and pakistanians have nothing to bitch about except for the doctrine that drives your people into becoming the murdering madmen that they are.

Pirate 32 (2006-05-13)


Hell Haxxor|SWE (2006-07-14)


lovegren (2006-11-03)

Finns kanske skäl varför alla hatar landet Israel och deras befolking, de hör inte hemma där och så länge de befinner sig där är det krig. Ibland får faktiskt folk falla inför trycket. Det handlar inte om judendommen lä är det bara hämnd. Skit ner er ni som klagar på detta.

 SweBullDoG (2006-12-27)

Hur kommer det sig att folk kan gå omkring med amerikanska flaggan över hela tröjan men man kan inte ens ha kippah på sig? USA har alltid fört sina krig på bortaplan medans Israel alltid fått försvara sig ändå är det Israel som får all skit.. Judarna hör visst hemma i Israel, det bodde mestadels judar i Israel även innan staten blev utropad. Arabstaterna får skylla sig själva om dem angriper ett land som slår tillbaka och tar land som kompensation för kriget.

tomtomx (2007-03-27)

The Israeli Ambassador at the U.N. began,
"Ladies and gentlemen before I commence with my speech, I want to relay an old Passover story to all of you ...
"When Moses was leading the Jews out of Egypt toward the Promised Land, he had to go through the nearly endless Sinai desert. When they reached the Promised Land, the people had become very thirsty and needed water. So Moses struck the side of a mountain with his staff and a pond appeared with crystal clean, cool water. The people rejoiced and drank to their hearts' content.
Moses wished to cleanse his whole body, so he went over to the other side of the pond, took all of his clothes off and dove into the cool waters. Only when Moses came out of the water, he discovered that all his clothes had been stolen. "And," he said, "I have reasons to believe that the Palestinians stole my clothes."
The Palestinian delegate to the UN, hearing this accusation, jumps from his seat and screams out, "This is outrageous! It is widely known that there were no Palestinians there at that time!"
"And with that in mind," said the Israeli Ambassador, "let me now begin my speech......

allwin27 (2009-02-01)

Allah Akbar Means kill kill kill kill kill.this is what these muslims do all the not only in israel but all over the world.we will not let you muslims conquer the world.

asma272727 (2012-12-27)

the palestinians have lost
they know it and the israelis know it, even some americans know it.
the palestinian movement is dead, no one comes to their demonstrations anymore and
israel settles legally in a controlled and planned way on unoccupied land.
palestinians dont object anymore because it’s a futile waste of their time, there are hardly any demonstrations at all, and they are poorly attended, except by middle age liberal euro women hoping for adventure!

the best part is that the palestinians are being paid by israel to build israel !
while israelis work good jobs that help build the country, palestinians build houses for settlers.
everyone is happy and 30% of the west bank is already jewish, with more people moving into israel every day, and making more babies everyday, and abbas hasnt a clue and neither does hamas,
israel will continue to grow and flourish!
the chosen have returned and will populate every centimeter of historical israel.
the northern part of jordan was israel too, but we dont need that now.
the only people upset about it are silly leftists, who
were married to communism, arafat, stalinism, anti americanism
and now do not know which way to turn, and nazis who are racist hateers, but jews have the guns this time.
come get some nazi punk assed bitch!