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SL2 Discography (Oldschool Rave/90's Techno)
SL2 Discography (Oldschool Rave/Early90s Electro)
2010-05-06 (by ef6854)
µ-Ziq RG
SL2 Discography (Oldschool Rave/90's Techno)
µ-ZiQ RG - Please Seed
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Files count:
220.46 Mb
snadge (2010-05-07)
great torrent, more rave should be put on to TPB... hence my 500 track torrent aswell..good job matey, downloading it now and will seed
ef6854 (2010-05-07)
check out the rest of my torrent i uploaded, Its all I listen to mate, I dj a shitloadef6854 (2010-05-07)
by the way snadge I was wondering since you seem to know your shit if you knew what song they were covering in the first 2-3 mins of the old skool set, its this ambient oldskool rave song they use to always play but I dont know the name of it, can you help me out?dove91 (2010-05-07)
go [woodtick mix]-moby was the first track on the sl2 mixgood uploads by the way ,thanks mate.
ef6854 (2010-05-07)
Cheerz for that I never would of suspected Moby for that cause I always associate him with mainstream stuffdove91 (2010-05-08)
in the early 90s he used different names like 'brainstorm-rock the house' for example,and sold out with play to buy a house for himselfAYZI (2010-09-27)
please can someone seed this i was doin 112 kba second im down to 0.2 a at 99.5%paulo_c2010 (2012-01-23)
Thanks dude, EF.Files:
1. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/07.SL2 - Bassquake.mp3 7.81 Mb
2. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/08.SL2 - Do That Dance.mp3 7.64 Mb
3. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/13.SL2 - Live Together (SL2 Remix).mp3 7.32 Mb
4. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/12.SL2 - Hypnosis (SL2 Remix).mp3 7.18 Mb
5. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/09.SL2 - On A Ragga Tip.mp3 7.13 Mb
6. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/06.SL2 - DJ's Take Control.mp3 7.03 Mb
7. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/04.SL2 - Changing Trax.mp3 6.92 Mb
8. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/03.SL2 - The Noise.mp3 6.91 Mb
9. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/01.SL2 - Drumbeats.mp3 6.49 Mb
10. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/10.SL2 - S.L.Ectro.mp3 6.36 Mb
11. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/05.SL2 - Aftershock.mp3 6.34 Mb
12. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/02.SL2 - Way In My Brain.mp3 6.08 Mb
13. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/11.SL2 - Pleasure.mp3 5.76 Mb
14. SL2/SL2 - DJ's Take Control (Best Of 1990-92)/Picture.jpg 78.17 Kb
15. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/02-sl2-drumbeats-tt.mp3 8.70 Mb
16. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/03-sl2-aftershock-tt.mp3 8.55 Mb
17. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/04-sl2-s.l.ectro-tt.mp3 8.46 Mb
18. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/01-sl2-way_in_my_brain_remix_edit-tt.mp3 7.18 Mb
19. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/00-sl2-way_in_my_brain-1992-tt.nfo 2.39 Kb
20. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/00-sl2-way_in_my_brain-1992-tt.sfv 563 bytes
21. SL2/SL2-Way in My Brain-1992-TT/00-sl2-way_in_my_brain-1992-tt.m3u 118 bytes
22. SL2/SL2 OLD SKOOL SET.mp3 52.98 Mb
23. SL2/SL2 _ On a Ragga Tip _KLUBBHEADS 2008 BOOTLEG REMIX_.mp3 15.18 Mb
24. SL2/04 Sl2 - On A Ragga Tip (Original Mix).mp3 7.07 Mb
25. SL2/SL2-THE NOISE-1991.mp3 6.95 Mb
26. SL2/03 Sl2 - Changing Trax (Original Mix).mp3 6.83 Mb
27. SL2/02 Sl2 - Pleasure (Original Mix).mp3 5.63 Mb
28. SL2/SL2 - Way in my brain (original version).mp3 3.91 Mb