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Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Intel Cider)






Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Intel Cider)




2009-07-06 (by osokinas)


Release year: 2006 Developer: Funcom Genre: Adventure Requirements: ------------- Mac OS version: OS X 10.4.11 Processor: Intel Core Duo RAM: 1024 MB Video RAM: 64 MB (GMA 950 is not supported) Harddisk space: 6,2 GB Plot: ------------- "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey" is the sequel to Funcom's "The Longest Journey", released in 1999, and takes place ten years after the events of the first game. The story focuses on three characters, Zoe Castillo, April Ryan, and Kian Alvane, who live in two parallel worlds: technologically advanced Stark and magical Arcadia. April was the protagonist of the first game, while the other two are new characters. The main storyline follows Zoe, a Stark resident who investigates her ex-boyfriend's disappearance and other mysterious occurrences that lead her to April. Meanwhile in Arcadia, April battles the villainous Empire of Azadi while Kian, an elite Azadi soldier, is sent to assassinate her. The game features returning characters from its predecessor, such as Brian Westhouse and Gordon Halloway, but playing "The Longest Journey" is not a prerequisite to understand its plot. Known issues: ------------- Sometimes items in the inventory box are shown incorrectly. Now you can download the complete soundtrack for this fantastic game! This game was converted by thedoctor45 and fixed by me. Enjoy and keep seeding this one, bitchez! Sincerely, OSOX


  1. osox
  2. thedoctor45
  3. dreamfall
  4. longest
  5. journey
  6. intel
  7. cider
  8. adventure

Files count:



3498.46 Mb




osokinas (2009-07-06)

Right now I'm in Italy with a very slow "Alice" internet connection. My upload speed is up to 100 K. So if you really want this game - you have to be patient. And please do not make comments like "please seed" or "I'm stuck at...", ok? :) Thanks.

tomtykwer (2009-07-06)

One other thing though. (And thanks for the up.) The demo is also 3GB. Is this the whole game?

osokinas (2009-07-06)

It is compressed to DMG, original file size is 6,2 GB. This is full game, I've finished it allready.

tomtykwer (2009-07-06)

Thanks, didn't read your comment carefully enough. Could've deduced it. Merci.

lolfactor (2009-07-10)

Someone seed!!!!! stuck at 61%

lolfactor (2009-07-10)

just to say i will seed for a while after finishing

rollininslow (2009-07-11)

ok you have a slow connection. but not seeding at all is a little douchebagy... no offense

osokinas (2009-07-12)

What is your problem? You will have this game after a little while. If you want it now - make a Cider port! Can't? So just shut up and wait.

L-Jazz (2009-07-13)

0 seeders, what's up with that?

osokinas (2009-07-13)

0 torrents uploaded by you? What's up with that?

SaintIzzy (2009-07-13)

Thanks for the upload

osokinas (2009-07-13)

So tell me guys if it is working properly for you. And don't forget to write your Mac configuration.

rollininslow (2009-07-13)

I said no offense

bybullet (2009-07-14)

great game on mac alu OS leopard, but i dont find the saved games when i want load them :-( where are they ? thanks

SaintIzzy (2009-07-14)

The game works fine for me. Mounted and installed without error. I'm running an iMac with "straight out of the box" specs: 2.4gz core 2 duo, 2 gigs of ram, and a Radeon HD2600 (256 MB vram).
OS X 10.5.7.

osokinas (2009-07-14)

But the first intro sequence you saw correctly (with a man writing something)? Try to change graphic options in main menu (eg disable anti-aliasing, change resolution, or other options).
Did you try "LOAD GAME"? But you can play this game without saving, just by pressing "CONTINUE" button in main menu to load the latest auto save.

osokinas (2009-07-14)

This may be... Try to change every option, this should not trigger any bug. By the way, which version of X11 are you using?
Anyone else is having problems with 10.4.x version of Mac OS?

L-Jazz (2009-07-14)

I bought this game back in 06 so I don't need to download. Merely noticed the amount of seeders. Seems to be alright now though.
If you like this game people, BUY IT so that Funcom gets more money to make the sequel which you'll want if you like this game.

osokinas (2009-07-14)

But you can copy this game from DMG to your Application folder or not? Also, open X11 and see what version it is (Applications -> Utilities). If it it newer than 2.3.2, you MUST remove it and install 2.3.2 or older version.
If you didn't notice, this version of "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey" is for Mac computers. And there are no official releases, only for PC. So you CAN NOT buy it legally.

L-Jazz (2009-07-14)

Yeah, that really stops you from downloading this, play it, then buy it to support Funcom.

osokinas (2009-07-15)

Did tou copy APP from DMG to your Applications folder? You can not play it from DMG file - the game won't save! Because all save games are stored in APP file.
I am sorry, I have no ideas how to solve your problem...

L-Jazz (2009-07-16)

If you download this and it works, you play it, keep it AND buy any version available, just to give Funcom cash. That's what it's all about.
I myself own 2 different PC versions of Dreamfall and 2 versions of TLJ.

Akyno7 (2009-07-23)

If you want to SAVE AND LOAD game, you have to copy file to your application folder. OPEN DMG - then copy file to your app. Its take a while. Then start new game and now you can save and load. IT WORKS GREAT :)

Dethes (2009-08-13)

This is a greate game and I cant wait for the sequel. But because of Piracy they havent afford to make a sequel.
So if you like this game, BUY IT!!!
For god sake I want to know what happen next :p

L-Jazz (2009-08-13)

So if you're given the choice between a PC sequel to Dreamfall and no sequel at all, you choose the latter?
Stop whining and buy a PC like normal folk ;)

donk125 (2009-10-05)

Yep agree about the PC.
I have the same problem as zinjanthropus. 4 core 2xdual Intel mac, NiVIDIA 7300 graphics card.
This doesn't work for me either, I just get a black screen when the game loads up. The only graphics are the menus and loadup - the in-game graphics seem to be disabled in some way. There is a small EYE visible bottom right but attempting to click on this makes no difference.
Cider seems to work fine with other games, so my reckoning is, it may be some setting that has been made incorrectly in this particular version.

Mitashade (2009-11-30)

OMG No fucking way!! I thought there was NO WAY this game was available for Mac. I have it for PC, but I lent it out and still haven't gotten it back.
Man I'm so bloody happy right now. :D
Thanks so much! Will seed like mad.

alifun (2011-01-14)

Can anyone seed please?? I really want to get this game on mac working! With one seeder it will be hard to get it.

alifun (2011-01-15)

Hey, after couple days of downloading I finally got it! Everything works good on 10.6
Thanks to osokinas, love this game. Do you know if its possible to make Syberia on intel cider?
Thanks again!!!!

vert1call (2012-06-28)

Hey, guys! I hope at least someone will see my message, cuz I'm trying to download this game during the last 7 days and there's still absolutely no result!
Please, seed!))

maya777 (2012-11-24)

this actually works guys, and I have been seeding this for ya'll kay? cause they were peeps who helped me seed it too. but i got one problem, when i use my ps3 controller, the d-pad doesn't want to work! D;

_monix_ (2013-06-05)

Game works almost perfectly, I cannot save it though. Even if game saves automatically, it doesn't load. I'll be gratefull for any solution, 'cause I'm really enjoying the game...