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Windows 7 Loader/Vista Slic Loader 2.4.8(x86 and x64) by omdhar
Software PC
Windows 7 Loader/Vista Slic Loader 2.4.8(x86 and x64) by omdhar
2010-03-10 (by Askeen. )
This loader works when others fail.
Ensure you login as administrator. Activate your copy of windows 7 / Vista/ Server 2008, all edition or uninstall all types of cr**k (bootmgr,bootloader or key/cert) from any loader in one click..
If you have no idea of OEM activation, just click install (default) and wait for install to finish. If loader info inside SLIC Info shows in GREEN color, reboot ur PC and check status. If ldr info is in red, try changing option under bootloader from random to normal, repeat the steps above. If it stills fails, i recommend you to uninstall bootloader function within to its original state.
It will work in
* Windows 7 Ultimate x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Professional x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Home Premium x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Home Basic x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Starter x86
* Windows Server(R) 2008 Standard x86 & x64
* Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x86 & x64
* Windows Server(R) 2008 Enterprise x86 & x64
* Windows (R) Small Business Server 2008 x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Ultimate x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Business x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Home Premium x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Home Basic x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Starter x86
MD5...: fe8e128b1bd6a171ddcf2b32eec299d6
SHA1..: ce7a1c0c13b2b9899f0d71cb539845cf085727f0
Update :
Vista7 Slic Ldr 2.4.8
* Fix for autoselection of OEM slic, cert and key.
1. Unzip
2. Just press 'Install' and restart pc and it will be activated and genuine
Basic Info:
* OEM (Certificate & Key) install only where bios already (or modded) contains slic 2.1
* Add slic 2.1 to Bootloader (0.97 grldr customised by Zsmin for me) with option (Default,Alternative, Low Memory, Debug, Forceful)
- default option allows auto-detect best method where possible
- alt method relocates SLIC, RSDT, XSDT and RSD PTR to low memory
- low memory method relocates SLIC to low memory
- forceful mode tries to activate on systems where some checks don't complete successfully, may cause problems.
- Debug mode allows view to process behind bootloader.
* Install GUID Path (Thanks to PAYMYRENT) failing which install using Mount method.
* Add Security to bootloader (Read Access only).
* Randomly renamed grubloader (Thanks to PAYMYRENT) failing which allow its user to try normal grldr.
* Add slic 2.1 to Bootmgr (No grldr means less time to boot, not recommended).
* Certificate install where you want to replace certificate only.
* Key install where you want to replace key only.
* OEM Slic detection with matching OEM Key if possible. (You can always choose different OEM Key available or own custom key)
* Check incorrect custom key.
* Detects SLIC version(Thanks to MasterDisaster) and then autoselect best activation mode.
* Detects BIOS Mod, any loader or if no loader installed in most cases.
* Option to add custom slic and certificate.
* Works when Multiboot OS too (tested with XP, Vista, Linux and Mac on different partition)
* Fast Install (since based on WMI script).
* Single file.
* Much smaller in size (since based on .NET Framework 2.0).
* Bootloader are randomly renamed and so uninstall of old ldr not necessary.
* Slic can be added in bootmgr (Not recommended).
* Cert & Slic option are together for OEM install.
* Cert can be installed/replaced only.
* Key can be replaced only.
* Option to add your customised OEM info and logo.
* Option to backup and restore your licence (useful for retail and mak key users).
* Option to dump slic matching OEM certificate.
* Default start autoselect best activation mode, slic, cert and key.
* Detects BIOS Mod, any loader or if no loader installed in most cases from MBR of disk.
* Option to add CUSTOM certificate & slic for bootloader or certificate only for bios mod includes validating MATCH.
**If you are having problems activating Windows, make sure any other cracks/loaders you used before this one are either uninstalled from your computer or you can just do a clean install of Windows then run this loader and activate it without any problems.**
Files count:
756.49 Kb
Gbread (2010-03-10)
Im a bit of a newbe,could u pls explain 2 me how 2 install this on2 my computer afta downloading?..much appreciated.Superpirate420 (2010-03-10)
can someone please explain to me what the color of the skulls next to users names mean,i assumed, that green means new they're a newbie.
pink more experienced
and blue....well i dont even know what the hell blue means. so can you help me understand?
thethingy (2010-03-10)
no skull = general userpink skull = trusted
green skull = vip
blue skull = helper, reports bat torrents, recatogorises torrents, edits torrent descriptions and titles
psyllium (2010-03-11)
Hello, thank you for the loader,Would you please help me with a problem?
I used it for my win7 notebook (the only changes I made from default settings was about it being an Acer) and now it starts from its (factory) sucky Vista recovery partition over and over.
In the bios setup screen (pressing esc when starting) I can change the boot device order but cannot chose between partitions, same with F12.
Repairing win start with win7 disc didnt help.
Is there a way to change back the boot to the windows partition (C:)?
I can access the registry and fool around in DOS, the loader wont run under this conditions do.
Sorry for the bother but the solution may be easy for an advenced user.
Acer Aspire with slic 2.1 and currently downloading BartPE to see if I can run the loader with it. Thank you.
psyllium (2010-03-11)
Fixed and working; greetings...[V].. (2010-03-11)
I just want to kiss u , I tried lot of loader , toolkit and all s**t but this one is real deal for mebcBIGbud420 (2010-03-12)
worked for me! even after using windows activation on their website,thanks a million!Kyoma (2010-03-12)
i have that problem where it starts the vista recovery partition over and over again can someone tell me how to fix it plz thxKyoma (2010-03-12)
nvm i figured it outif anyone else gets this problem you type
bootrec.exe /fixboot in the repair command prompt
simonlevy1 (2010-03-13)
dear alli'm getting the same problem mentioned above, where my notebook starts from the vista recovery partition, i see there are some solutions, but i have no idea how to use them as i am unable to get a command prompt.
please help
simonlevy1 (2010-03-14)
nvm i figured it outsimonlevy1 (2010-03-14)
but my windows is still in nitification mode, so i guess it didn't work...paveziBR (2010-03-16)
My Kaspersky ORIGINAL antivirus detected a specific Trojan... Trojan-Dropper.Win32.VB.alsiI didn't use the Loader.
bcBIGbud420 (2010-03-18)
to the 2 people above meI use bitdefender internet security and it didn't pick anything up,and i can confirm this loader still works
Askeen. (2010-03-18)
it is't any virus in this one, if it is, upload it to and search and post link here with the result.twinkle123321 (2010-03-20)
Worked perfect on vista x64 sp2! thanks! :Dcoleix (2010-03-30)
i also got a trojan on my kaspersky and this is the virustotal report.Análisis del archivo recibido el 2010.03.24 15:40:36 (UTC)
Estado actual: análisis terminado
Resultado: 4/42 (9.52%)
Fortinet 2010.03.24 W32/VB.ALSI!tr
Ikarus T3. 2010.03.24 Trojan-Dropper.Win32.VB
Kaspersky 2010.03.24 Trojan-Dropper.Win32.VB.alsi
VBA32 2010.03.24 Trojan-Dropper.Win32.VB.alsi
4 out of 42 detect a trojan or something, is this a false positive?
coleix (2010-03-30)
i forgot the permalink:
coleix (2010-03-31)
i tried but doesn't work on my PC? can someone tell a little more detailed instructions on what to do?Askeen. (2010-04-01)
coleix -false positive
2. Just press 'Install' and restart pc and it will be activated and genuine
Askeen. (2010-04-01)
coleix --or try this one
billy_on (2010-05-09)
Its no virus and confirmed by omdhar. It can be confirmed after installation by full pc scan by any AV. Its because of LinqBridge.dll included which copies itself to current folder (linq not supported in 2.0).billy_on (2010-05-27)
New version out. Vista7 Slic Ldr 2.4.9. False Virus Detection fixed.Check here
TheOnlyElias (2010-07-14)
Hi!rnrnGot a Virus Alarmto.rnrnTrojan.Generic.3675368rnrnGoogled
it and found out it was one of the most dangerous viruses you can get...rnrnBut I have to ask, is it a false alarm, can you prove it? :Pratc (2010-08-24)
Worked great for me :)I had installed Win 7, and when activating it with another loader it messed up my Vista Loader, and vice-versa.
Then I used this one and it did the job, and it didn't mess with previous loaders/activators.
I have 5 OS's installed in 2 hisks, with 4 different boots, OpenSuse 11, 2 Win XP's, Win Vista and Win 7.
ascharbarth (2011-02-07)
srinumad (2011-09-25)
What is the difference between loader and SLIC? both are used for making genuine only. Is SLIC is better than the loader??Please help me Askeen. Thanks
Little_Devil (2011-10-28)
Thank you! worked like a charm no probs use itToasty204 (2012-02-17)
Perfect! Thanks so much :D !!kemcolian822 (2013-05-22)
Awesome ! worked like a charm !Thanks a bunch uploader !!
Matthewt1970 (2013-06-28)
I am confused, Does this actually install the correct SLIC into the bios where any future format and installs of 7 will automatically activate or is this a windows trick?Files:
1. 756.49 Kb