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Keys To The Bible - Bible Code Software






Keys To The Bible - Bible Code Software




2006-06-10 (by bucky katt)


The Keys to the Bible includes all the decoding features of Bible Codes 2000, plus new ones such as turning the matrix vertical or horizontal, reversing it as a mirror, and drawing a specified area in the matrix for statistical analysis the codes found inside the area. The best new code feature is the automatic production of a 4 page (parameters, findings, matrix information and statistics) report of the found code, which can be printed or saved in Word format. "The Keys to the Bible" Allows you to search the Bible for any event or name, including your own and your families. Includes Bible Codes Plus (Bible codes 2000)and Gematria software. It is the ideal Bible Code software for both the beginner and the advanced researcher. The most complete, advanced, and easy to use Bible Code program. If you wish to study, understand and decode the Bible you will love the Bible code program "The Keys to the Bible!" CTCA

Files count:



28.24 Mb




greybigtop (2006-06-10)

Garbage in - garbage out.
The bible is a collection of infantile fairytales, invented by idiots to control fools.
ALL religons are nonsense for morons!

bucky katt (2006-06-10)

You can always tell who has believed everything the government has taught them to believe by their use of words like morons, idiots, and fools, whenever an idea that challenges their childhood brainwashing comes along. I was like you and I fully understand where you are coming from so good luck, I know it is pointless to debate this.

bucky katt (2006-06-10)

Chuck Missler- Cosmic Codes

Bible Codes ( Yacov Rambsel )

Secrets Of The Bible Code Revealed DVD

Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed DivX

Daveh616 (2006-06-10)

Thou shalt not pirate.

greybigtop (2006-06-11)

"whenever an idea that challenges their childhood brainwashing comes along"
You mean like the retarded infantile notions about socalled gods and crap like that?
The only reason some monkeys believe in this nonsense is that it has been hammered into their head while they were infants.
I for one just donĀ“t feel inclined to mindlessly copy the childish superstition of the particular tribe that I grew up in.
All religions are so obviously manmade fairytales for the feeble minded.

s2bdoo (2006-06-11)

stories for round a fire in a cave scared of the dark,i have an inner light that does not need your vengeful petty childish god or any other diety to feel part of the multiverse, nice that this stolen torrent is sandwiched between some wanking material i didnt think religeous people would be on this evil tracker but just goes to show no one is really scared of god or they wouldnt be here, heh heh,all praise Bob.

Deleter2 (2006-06-12)

It is interesting to note how little we all know of the universe and what might have happened. As far as The Holy Bible goes, any true christian already knows that it is a collection of stories put together. What most people seem to forget is the reason for stories. At Christ's time very few people could read, let alone write, and a story was the main way of passing along facts. Did people embelage (make things up) ? Of course they did! But the message was carried on. And the message is the important thing. Now different religions have different slants on things but there is still an underlying theme. That of a power greater than we humans can ever imagine and the fact that we are here "could" be because that power made it so. Only an true athiest would say that couldn't be so and that is because they don't believe in anything. But then believing in "not believing" is contrary to what an athiest believes. :)

nowyouknowwho (2006-06-16)

the bible is thruth for the one who beleves it like me if you dont beleve it just dont download this . in the bible stands you shall not steal:P I arent stealing right now someone gives it to me

nowyouknowwho (2006-06-16)

Thx for the program

bucky katt (2006-06-16)

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Christian777 (2006-07-22)

Thank you so much uploader, may God bless you for this. The word of God should be free for everyone. However, whoever can afford it should support the software vendor so they can keep up doing Gods work. Praise the Lord, he loves everyone at Piratebay, even those who mock Him, He even let Himself be cruzyfied for them who mock Him, while He was tortured on the cross, He asked Father God to forgive them who Tortured Him.

Crosis (2006-10-16)

These codes were checked in moby dick to. And moby dick came up with some scary shit. All pray to Moby king of whales

Crosis (2006-10-16)

Eh Christian777, there is one unforgivable sin. NOT BELIEVING in the holy ghost, for that our loveable god will send us eternal damnation in hell Where the ARCHANGEL AZRAEL torments people for eternity, this is written. You ought to see the god who wasnt there. You also ought to interpret the bible yourself not let other people tell u what actually stands there, this is called deception (isnt that what satan is supposed to do. I personally believe that Jesus existed but so did Hercules. C the point

retarded redneck (2006-10-29)

what i dont understand is why if some many of you disagree with the bible why then would you concern yourselfs so much as to take the time to actually comment
it would seem to me that since you care so little in this book that you would simply snicker at those who do and call us suckers under your breath and go about your merry way
it would seem to me that perhaps you are angry at "God" and are ?jeolous? {cant spell :) } at the rest of us because you maybe he favors us most?
let me assure you that if fact the truth is he favors YOU most and is waiting to rejioce in your return (story of the lost son)
most professed cristians are full of shit and i my self at times am too
do not look upon us few fools as true exsamples
but instead simply pray and ask to be show the truth
didnt mean for this to come out all preachy

MaximilianSeptillion (2008-01-09)

Thank you! The Missler Videos are great. As Christ would have said, it isn't about religion, it is about relationships. Peace

savestheeday (2008-01-27)

HOW DO YOU USE THIS F'N PROGRAM! It's pissing me off, I can't find any guide ANYWHERE

Crosis (2008-01-31)

What do you mean favors u the most. God loves a good sinner of this i am sure. Ok maybe the jews god was all fire and brimstone. But his sonn told us about atonement and forgiveness. In fact christianity is socialistic, were all equal under God. No socialdarwinism in what jesus said. And remeber the beggar at the jewish funeral. See what the bible says about betters and richer

Crosis (2008-01-31)


sick_exile (2008-02-14)

An aetheist cannot begin to understand a belief higher power because an atheist does not even believe in there own self. this is just my experience having been one. now i'm just a man with questions....and beliefs that may or may not agree with other people of faith. there's my 2 cents thank you for the upload-Exile

Devlin315 (2008-03-23)

everyone may think just as he likes and it matters not what relogion or nonreligion someone practices or not. Try to judge nothing you precieve. just try. it may be very hard because the true conspiracy may be the fact that we are all taught to judge, and rape the world of resources, when the earth would gladly give us all that we needed. we tend to think that we are separate from everyting else, even when Respectable Science has said that we are all connected.

pilatuspilot (2008-05-25)

"huss" the whole life of "Phx" is nothing more than to lurk & find any file on TPB that concerns itself with religion or spiritual matters. his feces trail seems to be on every one of them, like a puppy with 2 buttholes.
a "grown up" mature person wouldn't waste his (or her) time going into, let's say, a paris hilton or brit spears file consideration, to comment or anything else. for what purpose would one want to waste the mental energy or time? unless there is a disturbance located deep in their pit that has to let everyone who enjoys that stuff that they don't like it. it's sort of like a spoiled little brat who's not getting enough attention from the dolting (sp?) parents & grannies. they got to get everyone in the hood to notice the shit in their nappies.
thanks "bucky" for all these fine & interesting uploads. good on ya, mate.

proxbyhid (2008-06-27)

dont work for me also some sort of a dialer attached to the rar file ???? wtf

sevenarmy (2008-08-04)

The bible is great. And for those who dont believe they can only go so far. Everything you do will not be done completely. There will be no harvest and you will feel incomplete. It is not a sin or burden to do good unto others.What you do today from this day forward will be rewarded back to you in great numbers!

katdoral (2008-09-04)

Interestingly enough, the bible as it's understood now was written first by esebius in 319AD, under commission of emperor constantine. lol, not that that matters in the least with this, but figured I'd throw something out there

jigx (2008-11-05)

Christianity is not only about religion, it is a life-changing experience.

dani83 (2008-11-05)

Thank you bucky.

margolik (2009-01-06)

You know what would be nice? Less of your stupid fucking religious opinions and views, and more about this software.
A big fuck you to both sides ;)

MaBros (2009-05-09)

Could someone give instructions for installing this program?

Esmad3 (2009-06-08)

Notice that all bucky katt's uploads r from 2006. That's because god stroke him down for dicking around with his holy works. Now he's in hell but thats ok. All part of the great design.

dwnlder (2010-10-14)

ive read all the comments and as a people we are so missplaced. everybody knows what th PB is. when you download this software im sure its for a reason. if you think the bible an all it religous representation is fake then why are you wasting your time with this torrent. go download a atheist bible or something.if you are a advocate of it then try doing what it says. you just might be a happier person, what ever your belief system is why does everyone else has to wrong and judged by you. no one can argue that if we all did what the bible says then the world would be a better place. why? because that book is about relationships starting with God and His Son Jesus Christ who did for our sins. that means each and everyone of us is guilty before God, But His son was sinless and died when we should have died for our sins. His blood wash shed so that God could wash away our sins and see us as His children again. Aint it funny that we cant fix ourselves but put down that which can fix us. What other hope do you have. Your heart beats without ac or dc power and its not solar operated. it beats because Almighty God determines that it should because He take pleasure in His creation. If you use this software then stop looking at things that dont count such as who is right or wrong look at what the Greatest minds that ever lived could not figure out. thats God almighty maker and creator, and sustainer of the universe died for us and thought so much of us to give us a Bible so that we can have some kind of explanation as it relates to our existance. Its not by chance we are here because if it was then even chance had to come from some where. so study this book and seek God not the apporoval of man cause when you look at me you will miss God and i dont have a authority to will you to live or die, and i niether any other man have a heaven or hell to put you in.

charles338 (2013-04-10)

Thanks for the upload!!!