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Resident Evil 4 1.1.0 with Enhanced Texture Patch 2.0




Games PC


Resident Evil 4 1.1.0 with Enhanced Texture Patch 2.0




2010-12-29 (by FuCtUpPuNk )


This Is The Best Resident Evil 4 torrent you will find anywhere! It has the game, the v1.1 patch which is the latest and last version, and it has a texture patch that gives the game FAR better graphics. the texture patch gives the game the gamecube versions graphics, which were the best out of any system the game was released for. RESIDENT EVIL 4 NOTES: on the pc this game has far more to offer than it did on any console system. It has the original gameplay, Mercenaries mode, Assignment Ada, and Separate Ways. 4 different games to play. the GC version only had some of that. it was missing the "Separate Ways" adventure the game has and extra unlockable gun, along with all of the other guns. this extra gun is a HUGE ASS LAZER called the P.R.L. 412. this will kill any enemy, boss, etc with only 1 shot. then is has all the other unlockable content from the other console releases too. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- RESIDENT EVIL 4: *****GAMEPLAY***** The player controls Leon S. Kennedy from a third-person, over-the-shoulder perspective during a mission to rescue the daughter of the President of the United States, Ashley Graham. The gameplay focuses on action and shootouts involving crowds of enemies in large open areas. The camera is focused behind Leon, and it zooms in for an over-the-shoulder view when aiming a weapon. The addition of a laser sight adds a new depth to the aiming, allowing the player to aim in various directions and easily change their placement at any time. Bullets now affect the enemies specifically where they are shot: shots to the feet can cause enemies to stumble, while shots to the arms can cause them to drop their weapons. Another new aspect of Resident Evil 4 is the inclusion of context-sensitive controls. Based on the situation, the player can interact with aspects of their environment: kicking down a ladder, jumping out of a window, or dodging an enemy attack. There are also dynamic cut scenes, in which the player must press buttons indicated on-screen to execute actions such as dodging a falling boulder or wrestling an enemy to stay alive. These are often incorporated into the game's many boss battles, where the player must avoid one-hit kill attacks. The Wii version expanded on this concept slightly by including a quick Wii Remote shake as a possible context sensitive action. Capcom added new content made specifically for the PlayStation 2, which was later incorporated into the PC and Wii releases. The largest addition is "Separate Ways", a minigame which revolves around Ada Wong's involvement in Resident Evil 4 and her connection to Albert Wesker, a former member of STARS, who is now attempting to revive Umbrella. "Ada's Report", a five-part documentary, analyzes Ada's relationship with Wesker and his role in the plot. Other unlockable content in all versions included the minigame "The Mercenaries", new costumes for Leon and Ashley, new unlockable weapons and a Movie Browser. The main enemies are parasitically-controlled humans referred to as Los Ganados ("The Cattle" in Spanish). Significantly smarter and quicker than the zombies from previous games, Ganados are a very different sort of foe. These new enemies dodge, wield melee and projectile weapons, and are capable of working collectively and communicating with each other. Once simple farmers, these Ganados are the product of an infestation of Las Plagas ("The Plague" in Spanish). The inventory system of the game features a grid system, represented by an attache case, that has each item take up a certain number of spaces. The case can be upgraded several times, allowing for more space. Weapons, ammunition and healing items are kept in the case, while key items are kept in a separate menu. Items may be bought from and sold to a wandering merchant that appears in various locations throughout the game. He sells first aid sprays, weapons, allows for weapons to be upgraded and buys various treasures that Leon finds. The various weapons each have their own advantages and disadvantages. One major goal for the game design was to increase weapon diversity to improve player freedom and gameplay depth. *****PLOT***** In 2004, the Umbrella Corporation's secret activities within Raccoon City have become a public affair. Following an investigation conducted by the U.S. government, several Umbrella officials are implicated and prosecuted. The government indefinitely suspends Umbrella's business, bankrupting the company. Leon S. Kennedy was recruited by the U.S. Secret Service after they learned of his actions in Raccoon City. Leon is sent on a mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the President's daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious cult. Leon travels to a rural village in Europe, where he encounters a horde of violent villagers who pledge their lives to Los Illuminados ("The Enlightened Ones" in Spanish), the cult that has kidnapped Ashley. During the course of the mission, Leon is injected with a mind-controlling parasite known as Las Plagas. He is also reunited with Ada Wong, a woman from his past, and Jack Krauser, one of Leon's former comrades from his years of training, who was thought to be dead. He also meets Luis Sera, a former Los Illuminados researcher who aids Leon on his mission, but is later murdered by Osmund Saddler, the leader of the Los Illuminados cult. By examining Sera's notes, Leon discovers that Los Illuminados gained control of their subjects with Las Plagas. Their plan is to inject Ashley with a parasite, and then allow her to return to the U.S., where she can infect government officials. After Saddler discovers that Leon has rescued Ashley, he commands his subjects to use any means to recover her. Meanwhile, after defeating the village chief, Bitores Mendez, Leon and Ashley take refuge inside the castle of castellan, Ramon Salazar. Ashley begins to cough up blood, indicating the slow maturation of the Plaga egg in her bloodstream. Distressed by this, she runs off. Leon eventually finds her, but she is later captured again. Leon then battles his way through the castle to find Salazar, only to learn that Ashley has been taken to a nearby island research facility. After numerous altercations with Saddler's forces, Leon is able to rescue Ashley, remove the Plagas from both of their bodies and defeat Saddler with Ada's assistance. Leon recovers a vial containing a Plagas sample from Saddler's body, but Ada forces him to give it to her at gunpoint. She then escapes from the complex in a helicopter, leaving Leon and Ashley to escape via her jet-ski. ENJOY, and please seed -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online). DOWNLOAD ALL MY TORRENTS HERE: Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online). DOWNLOAD ALL MY TORRENTS HERE:


  1. shooter
  2. resident evil
  3. zombie
  4. zombies
  5. undead
  6. 3rd person shooter
  7. 3rd person
  8. evil
  9. living dead
  10. walking dead

Files count:



4044.82 Mb




m0t0maniac (2011-01-03)

Doesn't work, get 'd3dx9_30.ddl is missing' message when I try to start game.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-03)

@m0t0maniac IT WORKS JUST FINE. that error means you need to update your directx time try googling an error before assuming something doesn't work. better yet look in the contact info.....

m0t0maniac (2011-01-04)

@ FuCtUpPuNk - Meant doesn't work for me (nothing personal). You're right though, I should have googled it.
@Ghost232323 - FU, you must have a tiny penis if you need jump on people about their posts to make you feel good about yourself.

m0t0maniac (2011-01-04)

@ FuCtUpPuNk - Meant doesn't work for me (nothing personal). You're right though, I should have googled it. Thanks. :)
@Ghost232323 - FU, you must have a tiny penis if you need jump on people about their posts to make you feel good about yourself.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-04)

@m0t0maniac :) get it working yet?
@ghost232323 you're welcome, glad you enjoy.
@everyone look in contact info. add me. especially if you are having trouble getting stuff to work, i am usually online.

m0t0maniac (2011-01-05)

Works great, thanks for the up, thanks for your help.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-05)

@m0t0maniac you're welcome bro :)

wtfronsson (2011-01-08)

not having success with "FINAL-Y" mouse aim mod. is it incompatible?

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-09)

there is a mouse support mod that does work but it's not called "final y". i have never heard of that. but perhaps it is the same mod i'm thinking of, you must be using it wrong. when you use the mouse aim mod you must use the exe provided in the mod to run the game, not the exe you'd usually use. hope this helps

aaagk (2011-01-13)

Is there something i gotta do about this virus? "HATRED" and i mounted the image and all the boring stuff when i click setup nothing happens. It just plain doesn't work so i right clicked and opened then clicked install and it gave me an error? Can anyone help if i'm doing something wrong.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-13)

that isn't a virus, its a crack for the game. you need to disable your anti virus and all that shit. then re-extract the torrent. then mount and install.

AceKiller420 (2011-01-13)

Torrent Works great to bad my computer is to slow to play it :P Ill seed for a while tho.

1TWISTED (2011-01-14)

thanks,.. nice upload,... well done,.. ; )

mcdooby (2011-01-17)

can i use my game pad with this game or is it keyboard n mouse only?

cleaner (fear) (2011-01-18)

Ty m8, I didnt even know this was on PC. :)

foxmankarl (2011-01-23)

Cool torrent ! :) Thanks ! :D

jhall95350 (2011-01-26)

Hey FuCtUpPunk I didn't see any ISO file to mount and everything installed but now it says that it has to shut down everytime I try to play it.

jhall95350 (2011-01-26)

Dl'd great but no ISO file to mount and installed fine but now won't let me play. windows shuts it down everytime I try to play it.

nips122 (2011-02-04)

hey do u need a better grapihc card for the tecture patch me pc can handle the game perfect but my graphic card isnt great but mangeable

narnians2 (2011-02-08)

with that error havem0t0maniac is that he must download drivers 4 his video card

Mrpepperson (2011-02-09)

As I unpacked my game from the ISO, my Avast Antivirus picked up a rather interesting thing, A nice Trojan virus! I'm not saying its actually a virus, but it seemed to move to my Virus chest, which I don't mind all that much, at least it isn't screwing my computer over. I just wanted to let you guys know, be cautious.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2011-02-09)

@Mrpepperson the torrent is clean, and anything ur anti virus picks up will usually be moved to it's chest. im assuming your anti virus picked up the crack/no cd as a virus?

asif105878 (2011-02-20)

How do I install the Enhanced Texture Patch 2.0? I first installed patch 1.1.0 and ran the game and then extracted 'Resident Evil 4 texture patch 2.0.7z' an put the folders ogg, xfile & xscr in the install folder and ran the game again. In both cases the graphics look the same to me :(

Slyder212 (2011-02-21)

Not working. When I play as Ashely, and I'm trying to bring up the inventory screen, or see the map, it just crashes. Cant finish the game with this problem.

Nelskine (2011-03-04)

When i try playing the game it starts just fine but after starting a new game and watching/skipping the intro video it just crashes and doesnt come up with an error message, how do i fix this?

Canonjac (2011-03-07)

I'me stuck. I've done everything right so far and i just updated the 1.1.0 and the instructions told me to go the the 1.1.0 no cd folder and get the crack but when i open it all there is, is a game.exe and when i click that it just opens up a blank black box. What am i doing wrong.

cknell546 (2011-03-08)

I'm trying to run the install.exe file on windows 7, but it keeps giving me this "C:\.... is not a valid win-32 application" crap. wtf?

Monkaay (2011-03-13)

People saying it doesn't work...
I even got it to work on a Mac OS X, using CrossOver Games.

datian197 (2011-03-16)

seed pls

Livy.the.pixie (2011-03-21)

For those who use Windows 7 x64, set the compatibility mode for the file "install.exe" in the iso to Windows XP SP2 before installing. Otherwise you'll get an error when trying to patch the game to v1.1.0 (it says it cannot find the game to update). Remember, Windows XP SP2. SP3 won't work. After 3 fail installations, I finally got it working.

Livy.the.pixie (2011-03-22)

Sorry about the previous post. This torrent works well with Windows 7 x64 w/o any compatibility settings. The reason that causes the update failure is that I add a backslash (\) at the end of the destination folder when choosing the destination. If you set the compatibility mode to XP SP2, it may broke your game after the second cutscene.
The graphics patch was awesome. Everything looks good after applying this. For those who cannot notice the changes, you can temporary delete 3 folders in the patch (to Recycle Bin) and then restore them to see. The easiest thing to see is Leon's coat's engraving and the wall in the houses -- they looks better after applying the patch.

Livy.the.pixie (2011-03-22)

Sorry about the previous post. This torrent works well with Windows 7 x64 w/o any compatibility settings. The reason that causes the update failure is that I add a backslash (\) at the end of the destination folder when choosing the destination. If you set the compatibility mode to XP SP2, it may broke your game after the second cutscene.

Livy.the.pixie (2011-03-22)

The graphics patch was awesome. Everything looks good after applying this. For those who cannot notice the changes, you can temporary delete 3 folders in the patch (to Recycle Bin) and then restore them to see. The easiest thing to see is Leon's coat's engraving and the wall in the houses -- they looks better after applying the patch.

Hardak (2011-03-24)

Sometimes the scenery looks static-like but other than that this torrent works great.

dgkresge (2011-03-31)

copy the .exe and paste it into the re4 folder wherever you installed it (i.e c:\programfiles...)
when you paste it into the resident evil 4 folder, it will say that there is already a file named that, replace it and viola! =]

BioShockerr (2011-04-03)

seed pls :/

Tygoger (2011-04-18)

Thanks for the upload. Looks great!!!
I have one question (I tried googling' it, but can not find a solution)
Do you know how to run the game in 1920x1080?
Game on!!!

HorrorGeek (2011-04-29)

hey there! i wanted to make it work but i cant. tells me i am missing help me please

limedisciple (2011-05-02)

Thanks so much for the upload, and +1 for the installation text. Seeding because of how awesome you are.

premierlove (2011-06-02)

hi FuCtUpPuNk
How do i use the mouse aim? I don't know how to use the different modes. can you help me? Thanks

USA890789 (2011-06-08)

im not sure what took longer, downloading the 3.95 gb torrent, or installing and updating lol.

F3rny111 (2011-06-26)

Would like to know what software I can use so I can use with a mouse. If not, does anyone know if a xbox360 controller will work, I know it should use only PS2 based controller, but wanted to ask anyways

F3rny111 (2011-06-26)

Nevermind, found this:

It has mixed reviews but it could work. The patch allows the game to be played with a mouse/keyboard set up :)

F3rny111 (2011-06-27)

So mouse controls suck, so I'm just using my PS3 controller instead. Also, I believe the patch is the one by Albert Garau, but not sure. Be sure to check this site to view a couple other add-ons
Sorry about the multiple posts guys

Drugoh (2011-07-18)

Keygen or "Hatred" is inaccessible on W7 64 bit. If I try to open the file from the folder, I get denied due to access rights. It says that I have to get confirmation from all the users on the computer, but I only have this user. The same message appears if I copy it or move it somewhere else.

Disconnected_sheep (2011-07-31)

is there any ways to apply the mouse to move the camera? it would be nice...

mw2pro123 (2011-08-28)

Dude i love your torrents, keep up the good work! Your torrents are actually better than the extremezone ones ;D

dppendon (2011-09-06)

Working great on my Windows 7 Home premium. Haven't finished the game (about 30% progress) but so far no problems and graphics are awesome after the applying the patch. Thanks!

Silent_Hatred (2011-09-12)

Hello im having a bit of trouble with this and i dont know if its because im using windows XP or not but when i try to epdate my game it gives me an error saying that the patch detected no game that needed an update any solutions? :\

dothackjhe (2011-09-15)

I installed the game on Windows 7 x64, it works just fine. No problems encountered even when patching the game. The only downside I've noticed with the PC version is, when the texture patch is attached, conversations on Leon's mobile device shows lagging mouth movement in parallel with their statements; poor quality videos in between scenes; and lack of widescreen support on some computer's I think.

dppendon (2011-09-27)

Finished the game w/ no probs on my Windows 7 64bit. You definitely need a PS2 type controller to enjoy this (keyboard control sucks). Then you have to manually modify your controls by editing the Setup Tool located at your installation folder. You can also change your screen resolution in this file (changed mine to widescreen 1366x768). Cutscenes are blurry in the PC version and not due to the texture patch.

SirRudolph (2011-11-28)

This game has equal content to the PS2/Wii Release, which entails;
P.R.L: (Plagas Removal Lazer) -Obtained from completing game on Professional
Hand Cannon: (Infinite Magnum) -Obtained for free from the merchant after 5*'ing all mercenary missions
Chicago Typewriter: (Infinte Thompson) -Obtained from beating the game on any difficulty, 1m pts at merchant.
Infinite Launcher: -Obtained same as Chicago Typewriter
This game contains Special Costumes 1 (Raccoon Police Department Leon/Pop Diva Ashley) and 2 (Mafia Leon/Armored Ashley).
Both Assignment Ada and the 5 Chapter Ada Story line.
This PC remake isnt worth downloading without the texture pack included. Or at least applied afterwords. It seems Ubisoft was the one to port it and it was terribly done.

SirRudolph (2011-11-28)

There are high def cutscenes as well;
(change XX to tt, and remove line breaks, wont let me post links)

jaffer (2012-02-01)

Hope this will work on win7 64bit professional with:
AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 645 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6670
Display Memory: 751 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1008 MB
Shared Memory: 3839 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
(the display dont have 64 bit drivers)
Monitor Model: BenQ FP93G
Native Mode: 1280 x 1024(p) (60.020Hz)
(working res 1024x780(>?)
So its not HD of those lcd(osd?)ones.
and logitech gamepad(ps2 type without rumble)?
The reason why Im asking this that sometimes I have no problems with antivirus..or adding games on DEP list.But windows itself sometimes shuts no-cd games down with"windows has worked flawlessly(without error or done the right thing)and the program/application will close.That´s a rough translation from finnish version.

jaffer (2012-02-01)

Sorry for the second one..But I have had those installation problems with some games.It seems that only way that my pc lets extract some of cracked games is to put hem in C..Not in c/program files or c/program files(x86)and hope the files are not all over the place.Well what the heck.I seed back anyways.Just wondering if the textures are too much for the monitor.Or which folder to try to put it.or can this be burned on to disc?

jaffer (2012-02-03)

Thank you..Had just one crash.I burned and installed exactly as instructed.Weird thing is that I have two separate save files?Another one is when I just click on Desktop icon normally and other appears when I run it as administrator.Which one to use?Kind os odd that I have a save that has been saved on to slot 1 and four..and another which I have saved on four slots?It crashed on another.Don´t remember which one.But I played over six hours straight so might be that.Just to clarify things.Which to use?Too odd to play n two different saves.One of them is in capcom folder save.dat named.But dont have a clue where that another is or has come.

Epicosss (2012-02-04)

I have a problem........ there is no texture!!!! all the enviroment is black with a few exeptions..... wtf do I do?? plz answer!!!

aeresaxel (2012-03-31)

great torrent. I have a request can you upload a ps1 game Digimon 1, 2, and 3. please....

mehdi_jey (2012-04-30)

Is it works on win 7 32 bit?? plz answer me :)

mehdi_jey (2012-04-30)

another question , is it european version?

C4rn4g3 (2012-05-02)

more seeds pls

w3schools (2012-07-07)

Look this version :

SgtEagleFort (2013-01-13)

Works perfect, No HD cutscenes but I'm totally okay with that, I can now play my favorite game again :). Thanks for the upload man

ariescabrillas (2013-04-05)


Dark.heart012 (2013-04-21)

please SEED!!!!!!!

LoadJunky (2013-10-23)

Why is the download- and uploadspeed so low?

chitoryu12 (2014-01-14)

Be warned that the PC port of Resident Evil 4 is pretty horrible. Not only is there no tutorial in the game for the controls, all of the controls are simply listed by numbered buttons instead of actual keys. Even if you figure out how to play, the mandatory QTEs are almost impossible. You'll be less aggravated if you just buy the game and a Gamecube if you need one.

dmmm123 (2014-05-20)

IMO, the control problem isn't that bad once you get used to it (and once you download the "mouse support" unofficial patch). Plus, there are a bunch of mods out there by now in 2014, that you can play this game on the PC no problem.
The Ultimate HD version much worse than the original PC port ever was. Sure, the controls are a bit more responsive, and the graphics are updated...a bit, and there is mouse support, but the controller button input is laggy, the graphics aren't that great..for TODAY's games' standards, and...well, I'm a bit biased since I love the original port to death. XD