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Need For Speed: Most Wanted Crack-Fully Working!!




Games PC


Need For Speed: Most Wanted Crack-Fully Working!!




2006-01-04 (by freeyayo50)


This crack is fully working 100%. I use it myself. Just replace the cracked speed.exe with the original one in the Need For Speed dir/. Enjoy!!

Files count:



7.09 Mb




netpimbas (2006-01-04)

it gave error does not result :-(

freeyayo50 (2006-01-04)

I dont know. It works perfectly for me :-/. Anybody else have problems??

nyttanoje (2006-01-04)

funkar det till alla "wanted" spel här eller?

Sweetleaf (2006-01-05)

working great on the black edition :) nice post thank you

kitara (2006-01-05)

i have black edition, crack works not to me.

freeyayo50 (2006-01-05)

Also to add, I did not have to apply the v1.3 patch to NFS to gtet it to work. Maybe some ppl have to.

Ultima8891 (2006-01-05)

For those having probs. try running in compatibility for windows 2000 in properties

bitye (2006-01-05)

1.2, 1.0, 1.3?

freeyayo50 (2006-01-05)

It works for my CD black edition US with no patches

jimbob22 (2006-01-05)

it also works for my black edition w/ patch 1.03. i just hope it doesnt stall out like the earlier sd4hide where it wouldnt work after a few times. plus lotr:bfme would self destruct after 5 mins. thats ea games for you. anyways - kudos to freeyayo50 for this! you da man

kristersson (2006-01-05)

Jag läste att man skulle högerklicka på exefilen när man har kopierat in den i spelet och sen på egenskaper och sen på kompatibilitet och ändra så att det kör under Windows 2000 istället för Windows 95 så funkade det för mig i allafall.
Lycka till.

uggurhuggu (2006-01-05)

dette funker ikke til meg :(
det står att speed.exe har et problem å kjøres. hva skal jeg gjøre da??

P1R4T3 (2006-01-05)

For peeps having problems:
Just download the loader n this crack.
Launch the game through the loader.
No patch needed.

suziii (2006-01-06)

it doesnt work how should i do??

suziii (2006-01-06)

det funkar inte hur ska jag göra??

shop (2006-01-06)

RELOADED har kommit ut med NFSMW - även Black Edition ... finns på bl.a. filelist :D

sammex (2006-01-06)

Jag får också bara upp ett felmedelander när jag startar filen. behöver man någon update eller cfg fil?

jeronantropis (2006-01-06)

RELOADED has released a no-dvd crack. it's only in their dvd-image for now, but as soon as one has downloaded it, one will put this no-dvd for public download. i've been waiting for this no-dvd for a long time now :) ...

Frigg18 (2006-01-18)

my game close every time i started the pizzatrain

blaze7 (2006-01-24)

This the reloaded one with about 6MB of 0's added to it to try and disguise it.

abid11 (2006-01-24)

will anybody tell me how to download this crack?????????????????????????????????? i cant find out its download link

dead end (2006-02-05)

Vad är Crack??

Lacoste90 (2006-02-19)

Får man hela spelat om man laddar ner det här?

Etts (2006-03-19)

hey, how do i replace the cracked speed.exe instead of the original one in the Need For Speed dir? Can someone tell me because it don't work for me.

vitunpaska (2006-04-23)

Please seed this torrent its really stupid if 7mb file took 30min to download so...

david-p (2006-11-01)


Mahtmah (2006-11-20)

crack gör så du kan spela spelet utan skiva.
om det är flera discar att installera så behöver ni daemon tools. sen ersätt bara cracket med fillen med samma namn

ollis93 (2008-04-17)

Is this crack version 1.2?

ssstoni (2008-08-01)

????? ?? ??????.? ???? ??????:-D

DannyJohn (2008-09-04)

All sweedish pepole that wright comments. STOP WRITIG IN SWEEDISH!!! For fuck sake it is not everyone that understand sweedish!!!

Stanniejj (2008-10-15)

Doesn't work for me. Placed it in the map and overwrited it, and when I click it it says: Program does not work anymore...

Stanniejj (2008-10-15)

Maybe Vista is the problem?

Jack_t_ripper (2008-11-10)

ok... för alla som inte vet... en crack är en .exe fil som man ska byta ut mot .exe filen som ligger där man har installerat spelet. om man kan engelska så kan man se att de står ''NO-CD CRACK'' å det betyder att det är en .exe fil som gör att man inte behöver ha en skiva i datorn. vilket är VÄLDIGT användbart om man nu inte har en skiva... och en sista sak.. NEJ !! man får INTE hela spelet om man laddar ner dehär... -_-'

MrHabu (2008-12-18)

nej du får halva.. idiot

fab010s (2009-01-02)

nope doesnt work, maybe its just vista though.

vrouwt (2009-04-04)

what do you have to do when you got vista?

nikond3 (2009-04-28)

doesn't work for me

Volvo_242 (2009-06-08)

dead end and locaste 90, has got the first price in a stupid contest.

Basse94 (2009-12-26)

@DannyJohn learn swedish then
@david-p om du inte har något att hjälpa till med(eftersom du inte ens kan)så kan du hålla käften
ok guys looks here it's so simple for you who dont know what this is or how to use it, this is simply a replacer for the exe to need for speed(the file that the game starts up with) and you just replace this with the one in your game directory,in my case it's placed in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Need for Speed Most Wanted\ and in here you drop it and replace it PIECE A CAKE

ekimiscoolio (2009-12-28)


Encor3 (2010-01-14)

Ty man!

TNSnipezz (2010-01-21)

[ENGLISH] How the fuck can i replace this file in this torrent "speed".Basse94 you say im gonna replace it with the original file. The one in my game directory??
What am i going to replace it with? U think im gonna buy the game and install it and then replace it there?? OMG!?!
If i double click it says "speed.exe has been interupted and will shut down"...... Write EXACTLY on what to do. It will help most of us....
[SWEDISH] Hur i helvete kan jag ersätta denna filen i torrenten "speed".Basse94 du säger att jag ska ersätta den med orginella filen.
I spel mapparna??
Vad ska jag ersätta den med? Tror du jag tänker köpa hela spelet sen installera det sen ersätta filen där?? OMG!?!
När jag dubbel klickar på den står det "speed.exe har stött på ett problem och måste avslutas".......
Skriv EXAKT hur man ska göra. Det kommer hjälpa dom flesta......

karossii (2010-01-28)

This doesn't work for me... Win7 64bit. I tried compatibility modes; including 32bit, XP(sp2), XP(sp3), and even win98. Just crashes immediately.

Sirreal420 (2010-02-14)

@danny john
S.T.F.U. and G.T.F.O. if not for the sweeds we wouldent have tpb, so you shut your crap hole and show some respect.

bk12321 (2010-03-27)

This crack works, and I tried about 10 of them. This was the ONLY ONE that would run in windows 7 64-bit. Good luck.

pogogogo (2010-04-10)

732 Lamborghini wallpapers 1920 x 1200

ChiefBig7 (2010-04-19)

Umm yeah I have downloaded this and as soon as I click on the crack to start it, it crashes immediately. It did this even on the speed.exe it puts in there automatically, so I have no idea as to how to fix this...any help?

sanjeevkafle (2010-05-25)

This one works perfect on Windows 7 32 bit.

Korban82 (2010-09-28)

IT KEEPS TELLING Me i cant put exe file in game directory and asking if i want to make a shortcut on my desktop, can any1 help me on getting the crack into my directory pls

danny_6690 (2010-10-09)

-Go to C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Need for Speed Most Wanted
- DELETE the old speed.exe
-RIGHT click and cut the CRACKED speed.exe (THE NEW ONE)
-PAST the cracked speed.exe in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Need for Speed Most Wanted

DaBomb3rZz (2011-04-25)

I used this crack but when i launched it it said speed.exe has stopped working.
System requirements are met I think, well here they are just in case:
Windows Vista Home basic (32 bit)
Intel Core Celeron 2.4Ghz
50+Gigabytes in HDD
1 Gigabyte Ram :(

HerraKar (2011-05-14)

Scanned by Avast! and Trojan virus detected.

AnderCart (2011-06-19)

@HerraKar antivirus detects virus on 75% of all cracks -.-

ANGRYUNIBR0W101 (2011-10-19)

@danny john
You would look smarter if you knew how to spell write and writing.

frideska (2012-08-28)

Thans for Sharing this file ...

PolarBearo (2012-11-23)

Fixed "Speed.exe has stopped working."

nipubaral (2013-06-22)

sorry to say its still not working ... nothing happen after clicking on it ... :(


1. speed.exe 7.09 Mb