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Final Fantasy (Full PSX Collection) (PS1) (Use ePSXe)
Games Playstation
Final Fantasy (Full PSX Collection) (PS1) (Use ePSXe)
2011-02-28 (by FuCtUpPuNk )
Use an Emulator to run the games.
Recommended: ePSXe 1.6 or 1.7
I have also uploaded the emulator to run this game on the following link:
Final Fantasy Origins (1-2) I-II
Final Fantasy (3) III
Final Fantasy (4) IV
Final Fantasy (5) V
Final Fantasy (6) VI
Final Fantasy (7) VII
Final Fantasy (8) VIII
final fantasy (9) IX
Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy (4) IV
Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy (5) V
Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy (6) VI
Final Fantasy Chronicles - Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy Tactics
NOTE: I included ff 4-6 and ff chron 4, anthol 5 and 6 because i'm not sure if there is or is not a difference (i'm not a huge fan of the ff series).
Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online).
Land of the Dead
Postal 1 and Postal 2 Share The Pain (All Mods)
Sniper Elite
Serious Sam: The First and Second Encounter
Doom Collection (all the older doom games) NOTE: This Requires a mod to play online (skulltag), it's free, google it
- epsxe
- psx
- ps1
- playstation
- sony playstation
- classic
- oldskool
- old skool
- shooter
- adventure
- fps
- first person
- rpg
- arcade
- action
- rpg
- roll playing game
- adventure
Files count:
5900.31 Mb
lostlegends (2011-03-01)
Cheers Punk, One of my kids has been nagging me for an age too get these, Might keep him quite for a while.FuCtUpPuNk (2011-03-01)
lol glad to be of service :PFirox23 (2011-03-01)
Are these games PAL or NTSC ??FuCtUpPuNk (2011-03-01)
ntscFAKMAN (2011-03-04)
Man You rock!!!You get better and better....Thanks a lot punk!!!This one took me back ages.....
ps 1:I think it doesn't matter if it is pal or ntsc if you play it on pc.
ps 2:try doing something with god of war II (ps2) with 0.9.7 emu and make another awesome up......cheers!!!
1TWISTED (2011-03-04)
thanks,.. nice upload,... well done,.. ; )xanderdaxs (2011-03-31)
Hey Punk I have to tell you Thank's for the trip down memory lane, last time i remember playing most of these games I was 15. Kudosleecox1000 (2011-04-01)
u are simply legend !!! thanksWings1024 (2011-04-05)
This is awesome, thanks! A question though, what's the difference between the standalone IV, V, and VI, and the ones that are a part of the Chronicles/Anthology collections?BozoTheWicked (2011-04-05)
Great torrent! Thanks for upload. Haven't played most of these in a while.songco123 (2011-05-18)
Punk, can you only upload the file for Final Fantasy 9 only? I have 1-8. If it's okay with you. Thanks! Good uploads! :Delturbo9077 (2011-05-20)
@songco123u total noob if u use bittorent utorrent bitcomet bitornado go to files then u see the name of files and and press right click and skip on the files u don;t to download
songco123 (2011-05-21)
I use utorrent, I uncheck the other files that I don't need, but when it started downloading(only 4 files), it is still 5.76G. tskReImagine (2011-05-22)
move these to ps2 or other catagory im searchin for ff games for pc only not ones that require emus since they are more likely to stuff up via emusand it really isnt a pc game toreent so doesnt fit where u put it
ConeBone (2011-05-24)
^ lol. "move these"... how about asking nicely instead of just telling somebody to do something.tibs83 (2011-06-21)
@ReImaginedude quit being a duchebag, u nag more than my ex.
great torrent, thank u for giving me the chance to play some of the greatest games in history, im defently gonna seed this!
kakashi_the_last_warrior (2011-07-07)
These games bring back memories! You bet I'll seed as long as possible. Thanks man for the great games, even work great too with the emulator, I'm using ePsxe 1.5 and they run great. THANKS DUDE! I'll have many many hours of fun.jszipsp (2011-07-13)
ty vm im only taking ff 8 an 9 of this... got the rest@kakashi epsxe 1.7 is out
@fuctup (nice name btw) pink skull deserved cheers!
kray194 (2011-07-21)
Dude i love you ! no homo :Dmctonkka (2011-08-09)
i downloaded ff8 but i played first disc but when i swap for disc 2 it just put black screen.(i made memcard)(and i use PSX but i tried ePSXe still wont work[same problem]) sorry for bad eng pls help
pinzmoo (2011-08-12)
having an issue with FFIX game loads and plays well through the emulator, but when fight scenes go down the action menu is invisible, anyone else having this issue/know of a fix? thx in advancegreat up punk
mhawkebert68 (2011-09-02)
@pinzmooi haven't tried this torrent, but it sounds like you need to play with your gfx plugin settings. do a google search for "best config for ff9" and look for a link to follow posts instructions exactly. should fix it.
soyuz16 (2011-10-02)
same problem as pinzmoo :(TruubDeluxe (2011-10-18)
Awesome! My original FF IX cd is scratched so my PS2 won't take it. Thanks a lot for the torrent!SirTroy (2011-11-19)
PERFECT! I own 7 and 9(still, to this day, and a playstation 1 original), and I have downloaded off of PSN 7, 8, 9 on my PSP, now I can have them all on my computer! thanks Punk!!! nothing is better then old school Final Fantasy games, :)...well, except the new, awesome ones, but you guys know what I mean, XDrabman13 (2012-01-12)
I've downloaded them but I don't now how to play them how do I do it. Please helpdannyhen (2012-02-17)
hey i tried the ff VII but on disc 2 when u got the huge materia and u need to go to the forgotten city theres a big problem, after u put in the ancient staff in the music box and you return in the circel it crashes helpMestriss (2012-02-19)
Hey, I've downloaded this torrent. And tried running it with epsxe 1.7, but it's not working.. please help :)citi100 (2012-02-26)
Thanks, that would be great. I thought I was 10 years younger :PVinnyT85 (2012-03-23)
For anyone confused with how to get these running for ePSXe Emulator, it's best to go to the FAQ Section on the emulators website
You will need to configure it with a BIOS and plugins. All of which is explained in the above link :)
BTW - Awesome torrent, I have all the original PSX games but my PSX and PS2 no longer work properly. Brings back many memories of wasted hours during high school. Will seed this for a while :D
NeroAkira (2012-04-03)
damn this is great, 3 days ago i only had 2 epics for ps1(Brigandine and Azure Dreams) now i got the FF's and several other ps1 games thnx man, and don't worry man, the punk is like funk, never gonna die, loljohndro1 (2012-06-13)
Thanks for the great upload. Only problem I'm having is getting battle menu's in FF VIII. Playing on ePSXe 1.7.0. Please help. I love this game, but if I cant tell what I'm doing, I rally don't want to play itjohndro1 (2012-06-13)
Never mind. I fixed the problem. Turns out it was my emu settings. Again, thanks for the great uploadrhoken (2012-08-01)
Thanks man, been searching for these for a while (found VII but not the others). Downloading atm and will seed to 500% if they work.miorim (2012-09-13)
To use the emulator save states u need to create the sstates folder manually.Aquiles_Wy (2012-09-17)
So awesome, thanks dawg!BoomErupt (2012-11-06)
Awesome -wipes tear from eye- Freakin AWESOME! I seen this and did the happy dance FuCtupPuNk ty -bows- ty my cd's are not what they used to be and I don't like using them this has made me VERY HAPPY ^ ^awsmfury (2012-12-20)
Thank you sir! You deserve a cookie.Lvobjectx (2013-02-13)
Thanks Punk! I've only tried FF9 on my device so far but it works like a charm!!! Thank you!!Wwarez (2013-07-03)
Uhhh... Considering doing a recording because I don't see it from Google searches. Anyone else get a REALLY weird glitch on FF7 in end bosses in Crater? Every time I jump from a platform (and fight next miniboss), an FMV pops up (of gold saucer?) showing a giant gold guy with an evil laugh. Cloud avatar is glitched in the FMV, but when FMV finishes, can go on next platform. Happens every jump. Freakin' me out, man!Wwarez (2013-07-03)
^Don't think it's related to torrent images in particular, fwiw. Every cutscene was playing out of order, and whenever a battle finished or menu closed, the FMV playing that level (would be the same FMV until moving to a new "zone"). Creepy laughing gold guy got my hairs to stand, though... heh. Probably from loading 3rd disc at save screen or from occasionally using save states instead of always mem card emulation. Missed final cutscenes :(Elgguod (2013-10-19)
hell yeah, been wanting to get back to my roots, stoked to play some OG RPG.Thanks for including the Chronicles, LOVE me some Chrono Trigger!
Will seed for a very long time.
lordfanatic (2015-11-06)
Can I play it on my ps1, it has a modchip, or is this only for ePSXe?Files:
1. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (8) VIII.7z 1712.58 Mb
2. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/final fantasy (9) IX.7z 1401.56 Mb
3. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (7) VII.7z 1317.27 Mb
4. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Chronicles - Chrono Trigger.7z 244.88 Mb
5. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy (4) IV.7z 205.91 Mb
6. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (4) IV.7z 205.91 Mb
7. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Tactics.7z 184.74 Mb
8. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy (6) VI.7z 159.07 Mb
9. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (6) VI.7z 141.03 Mb
10. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy (5) V.7z 120.17 Mb
11. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (5) V.7z 103.89 Mb
12. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy Origins (1-2) I-II.7z 102.85 Mb
13. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/Games/Final Fantasy (3) III.7z 480.70 Kb
14. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
15. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 52 bytes
16. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/torrent downloaded from/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes
17. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/A LIST OF ALL MY TORRENTS.txt 4.07 Kb
18. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/INSTALLATION.txt 1.73 Kb
19. Final Fantasy Collection (PSX)/contacting me.txt 1.36 Kb