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Windows 7 Beta (7022-0-090115-1850) Ultimate 32 bit DVD Interim




Software PC


Windows 7 Beta (7022-0-090115-1850) Ultimate 32 bit DVD Interim




2009-02-08 (by ofsound)


Windows 7 Beta (7022-0-090115-1850) Ultimate 32 bit DVD Interim id Windows 7 Beta (7022-0-090115-1850) Ultimate 32 bit Date 2009-02-07 size 2.47 GiB (2648850575 Bytes) Version 7022-0-090115-1850 categ Build (Interim Build) Phase BETA (Interim Build 7022) First Build of Year 2009 desc Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit Booting Disk Leaks 32 bit (X86) 2009-02-07 ----------- CRC Values ----------- X86 CRC32 9515BF4C MD5 FE2FA5C146D7A727075E86D70C8DB67B SHA-1 B7AF9B94A1EE42D31E8EF1C2773BFB4EE91F4EA1 _________________________________________________________ X86 Windows 7 Ultimate.iso (0X9515BF4C) install Burn-Boot-go Upgrade Run setup-go Windows 7 Beta 32-bit Product Key 6JKV2-QPB8H-RQ893-FW7TM-PBJ73 TQ32R-WFBDM-GFHD2-QGVMH-3P9GC GG4MQ-MGK72-HVXFW-KHCRF-KW6KY Betta gone Beta rush Goldy


  1. Windows

Files count:



2526.14 Mb




Kirakiralina (2009-02-09)

Thanks. Waiting for the 64.

perlxyz (2009-02-09)

Thanks for sharing. downloading now. :-)

crise_maxi (2009-02-09)

friends what is the difference between built 7000 and 7022?? will any body describe please.. i am running built 7000 uploded by ofsound and didn't find any major difficulty.. will download this version after getting your response.. and thanks to ofsound..

tiimarko (2009-02-09)

where i can get 64-bit version?

lennzoil (2009-02-09)

how do i get this O.S on a dvd using nero?
please anybody!!!

RobrPatty (2009-02-09)

Thanks ofsound

justlistener (2009-02-09)

Changes from build 7000 :
1. The new sidebar color that was shown in previous screenshots. See below?
2. New Paint, as we saw in previous screenshots. See below?
3. HomeGroup gets a new icon. See below?
4. IE8 updated to RC1
5. Faster search in startmenu, instant.
6. General higher stability in OS
7. New animations when moving between things in Windows Explorer
8. Desktop Gadget Gallery is the new name for Sidebar. It gets a new icon!
Btw thanks for the upload !

hboi (2009-02-09)

lennzoil: assuming you finished downloading the ISO.... If your using nero 8 (that's waht I use btw), run Nero Express then use [Image,Project,Copy] option, then [Disc Image or Saved Project], look for your Win 7 iso, then burn away.

hboi (2009-02-09)

oh..and when burning with Nero, set the burn speed at 4x [that's the minimun for Nero, I believe] to make sure it boots and installs properly. [Tested on Win 7 7000 build and works great].

crise_maxi (2009-02-09)

thanks justlistener.. that means its almost same.. any bugs fixed?

kelsoi (2009-02-09)

who installed ....... the problem with install alcohol it`s resolved?

lennzoil (2009-02-09)

thanks hboi,i tried to unpack iso file first !

CrispLite (2009-02-10)

ofsound: Thanks for the UL.
justlistener : ... thanks for the details! i will probably wait for one with more significant changes to the 7k build

 grimreaper420 (2009-02-10)

thanx to uploader, but I'll wait for another 64bit build:) maybe RC X64 by then

crise_maxi (2009-02-10)

ya me too.. will wait till RC built

GoldenEye006 (2009-02-10)

Thx for fast seeding +/- 1MBps.
Now i'm seeding till 17h this stuff @ 2MBps upload

Rouze (2009-02-10)

How does all the drivers work on this Windows 7 ???

Daddy_Spank (2009-02-10)

Waiting for 64bit

andy72184 (2009-02-11)

Does it work with Daemon Tools?

Negone (2009-02-11)

Changes from Build 7000 and older OS:

Lost_and_High (2009-02-11)

can't wait to test this build
well seed when done!!

kelsoi (2009-02-11)

does work with alcohol??

kelsoi (2009-02-11)

the daemon tools work in this win???

BvvM (2009-02-11)

build 7032 screenshots are out, so its torrent will appear and relegate this one in integer=X days
//start geekbrain assist code
if 8>X>0
do WAIT.4.IT
//end prophecy

stiffler99 (2009-02-12)

I want the x64 bit version!

Idolsys (2009-02-12)

kknp666, BS.
Running x64 here with NO DRIVER ISSUES! It found everything from my 8600GT to my 10 year old HP 4L. Only issue is with PunkBuster which fails in x86 as well for most people.
So waiting on 7022 or 7034 x64 ;)

ysolovyov (2009-02-13)

andy72184, Daemon tools does not work on beta-versions of windows.

PlayGoat (2009-02-14)

Perfect download , no viruses nothing.
But it isnt faster then xp.
Xp runs at 294mb with alot of programs on my pc.
And windows 7 takes about 800mb + out of your ram.
Stick with xp if your pc sucks : )

Negone (2009-02-14)

The speed for this torrent is pretty low at this points. I bypassed that problem by downloading windows 7 from here:

My speed was 700mbps. Trust me it's a whole lot faster than this.

liq456 (2009-02-14)

i just received this message in vuze
[Feb 13, 18:51] Tracker for 'Windows 7' returned warning 'Closed by copyright holder'
never seen this before, has any one else?

 grimreaper420 (2009-02-14)

"stop downloading porn and start seeding! "
lmao haha ur rite they are.

PlayGoat (2009-02-14)

lmao.. Just sayings its slower then xp cause everyone that it was better.
Up yours.

Lange_93 (2009-02-14)

cmon seed, seed SEED!!

MILKOD2001 (2009-02-14)

it works!
I'm impressed with the speed, it performs like Xp,
just hope the final release will be the same as beta speedwise :)

could not get Deamon tool installed thought,
this seems to be working:

good work BILL :)

asrocker (2009-02-14)

Does anyone know when this beta will timeout or if theres a way to get round the timeout?
BTW thanks to the uploader!

SiroHunter (2009-02-15)

Works great for me, keys are genuine and work perfectly.
Thumbs Up!

cursive1 (2009-02-15)

Looks like Microsoft is only releasing five different activation codes for 32 bit, and five for 64 bit. I took them all. Hope Microsoft gives us full version after beta period.

CTVA220 (2009-02-15)

works great! thanx
here's how to install on a virtual machine (and fix blue screen error if you get)

patriklofstedt (2009-02-15)

SEED FFS! Goes around comes around!!!

kyleju (2009-02-16)

i havent got this yet but if i do does it replace vista or can i open and close it to go back to vista please answer dont want to replace vista i like it!=]

Nautibear (2009-02-16)

You fuckheads...
You can download this one on

josh_b (2009-02-16)

Not anymore ;)

stunna13 (2009-02-16)

then go pick up your ass and download it from MS
you asshole! i dont understand why do u want to download w7 if u like vista. make a partition on your HDD and try it out. it doesnt make sense to me but u can try that.

stunna13 (2009-02-16)

we need seeders by the way

gravesite (2009-02-16)

hopes it works or i wont buy it! (lol)
i'll seed a bit 1st..Took 1hr49m to download.

BigSniff (2009-02-16)

I believe you got your ass handed to you on a plate Nautibear... FUCKWIT!!! lmao

reaper492 (2009-02-17)

" Nautibear at 2009-02-15 19:58 CET:
You fuckheads...
You can download this one on"
Ahhh the intellect and art of verbal articulation in some is absolutely mind boggling. And they say I have issues. All in favor of over chlorinating the gene pool raise your hands!!!!
Thanks for the up.

maxgunnar (2009-02-17)

works a whole lot better on my old box than Pissta. works with all my older stuff, IE is laggy as all get out, Firefox and Chrome are much faster

Yazoo87 (2009-02-17)

i get the message "closed by copyright holder" from the tracker ?!? WTF

Valmaix (2009-02-18)

OMFG!!! Tell me why Win 7 is better than Win Vista??? I dont find any reason.. Vista works much better and faster than this crap. U all like this because this is new.. woohoo!!!!.. LOL or what?

Valmaix (2009-02-18)

many, many programs not work also!!!

Goopet2008 (2009-02-18)

can i install this on vista

MILKOD2001 (2009-02-18)

''Valmaix:Tell me why Win 7 is better than Win Vista??? I dont find any reason.. Vista works much better and faster than this crap.''
Did u install w7 to find out or u just think so :). It runs faster and better then Vista and even Xp(on my computers and thousands others, maybe your's different :) . It not that annoying than Vista and overall it seems to be better system than Vista. Microsoft have to release better system then Vista, cos it's not popular at all an it looks like W7 is an answer.

MILKOD2001 (2009-02-18)


Valmaix (2009-02-18)

MILKOD2001 , yes I have Installed this.. also upgraded this.. and all is same like Vista, only Win 7 use littlebit more RAM and have new taskbar.. thats all. Win 7 not faster or better.. not yet!

Mush_Mushi (2009-02-18)

Funkar mkt bättre än Vista iaf, sen saknar jag ju iofs endel tweaks jag hade på gamla Vista.
Men det absolut värsta är att Deamontools inte fungerar ihop med Win7 än, om inte ngn har nåt bra tips på hur man kan göra?
Works much better then Vista.
Biggest problem is that Deamontools's not compatible. Someone's got a sollution for that?
Great upload otherwise, tnx!

erikalex (2009-02-18)

What is the difference between this build and 7000 ?

neumanix (2009-02-19)

Mush_Mushi, du kan prova PowerISO istället. Borde funka...

iansltx (2009-02-19)

It's an operating system. If you have 3GB of memory or so (2GB is pushing it) you can run Windows 7 in VirtualBox...see
for how to do that sorta thing.
I'm running Win7 pretty much exclusively on one of my computers and I must say, it rocks. I have build 7000. Will torrent this probably tonight.

chitownd (2009-02-21)

I'm already running Vista but in the last phase of the setup this install tells me I can't run windows 7, whats up with that?

andy72184 (2009-02-22)

@razr777 seriously stfu it's a pile of shit vista and 7 is shit. Been using XP I tried 7 for a week it sucks ass wont let you get the full cd key will run out in 6months or sooner.
vista is slow and shit needs to redo the kernal
XP never crashed been using it for quite a few months. Works perfect. They just want more money. FUCK MICROSOFT, KILL GATES!

jekabsonf (2009-02-22)

@ andy72184
Gates quit while he was ahead

princemac (2009-02-23)

does this expire after a certain time period???
or can i use it until the offical release?

ice54 (2009-02-23)

Great now hopefully when Windows 7 isn't Beta i Hope They can CRAK it

omfg-skillz (2009-02-23)

@ andy72184 & Valmaix - i totally understand that you can't handle a new environment, and it's not 7's fault that you can't properly setup anything, it's your own fault, xp is 8years old, so i would be suprised if it didn't work correctly, xp had problems in the beginning too, but this BETA (ITS A BETA FFS) works great like it is. All programs works for me (except some, maybe 2 but there is alternatives for those so np) , all drivers from vista works fine also, so i don't get it, how cna you not get it to work? you guys must be very retarded, because you guys seem to do something wrong. Oh well, are you guys sticking to your old hardware too if you argue like that? If it works, don't change it? Geez.

B0sc0 (2009-02-24)

i don't get this idiots who looooove XP and say Vista and Seven sucks. But then again it's the same idiots who said the same thing about installing XP when it was in beta trying to run it on an old 286 with 512k of ram...for god's sake people either install it on something at LEAST Vista compliant or buy something thats at least only a couple years old and stop bitching.

Rouze (2009-02-24)

Is there any other languages or only english?

mopfool (2009-02-25)

What is with the movie comments?

fuzzyballs84 (2009-02-25)

In a way I agree with Valmaix and Andy. Vista is crap. I liked Xp a lot but face it it's old. It doesn't run things as fast but is still more reliable than Vista. Anyway to the dumb asses on here, the reason you can't get a fucking cd key is because Microsoft has not as of yet confirmed a release date for 7. Hard to buy a product when you don't know when it is available. Do some research. It's called So I don't seem biased I do appreciate some of the features of Vista but when it comes to drivers and hardware and anything technical Vista can blow my balls.

 grimreaper420 (2009-02-25)

@ mopfool
These jerkoffs are making stupid comments like "what a great movie, nice movie, cool soundtrack" or a was sent a letter by my ISP" you people can suck me off ...lmao
They do this to prevent us from DL these files, thus giving TPB a bad name.
Who u gonna trust, me, or them?
Just a heads up!

iansltx (2009-02-26)

Anyone want to pitch in for a nice seedbox for this one? No, seriously. IMO it's helping M$ to get this out to people. I'd do it but...heck...50/50 me + whoever else wants to serve this sucka.

Matthewt1970 (2009-02-26)

Excellent download but Windows 7 is missing a LOT of drivers and almost no support whatsoever.

 grimreaper420 (2009-02-26)

@ Matthewt1970
I think ur mom is calling you to go play with the kids outside...leave this site're too young to understand.

PazzyR (2009-02-26)

how to install it xD

DeliciouslyThick07 (2009-02-28)

Will this work for parallels?? If not someone please point me in the right direction :( Thanks in advance ;)

jlp09550 (2009-02-28)

Awesome. Thanks for the upload.
Only thing is.. I can't run this build on my laptop. It simply crashes on almost everything I do. Build 7000 is more stable than this. (I had to downgrade..)
Just wondering, but what does "Interim" mean about the build?

Antwerper (2009-02-28)

Is there any risk if I left the "Automatically activate Windows when I'm online" box checked? Should I uncheck it? Thanks in advance.

iansltx (2009-03-01)

For running this virtually, see:

Haven't tried out 7022 but 7000 works fine in VitualBox. Have a friend who has 7022 bare-metal and it works fine.
Btw seeding this at 3-4 MB/s :D hth!

altaria (2009-03-03)

Shit, sorry I accidentally clicked the minus button instead of plus, great torrent and nice speed!

hayden1 (2009-03-04)

Thanks ofsound! I will seed to at least 1.5.
Does anyone know of a way to use Windows 7 Beta indefinitely?

espo195 (2009-03-06)

"andy72184, Daemon tools does not work on beta-versions of windows."
This means two things. My question is can you run daemon tools on win 7? Is it supported?
You meant to say, you can't mount this .iso using Daemon Tools right?

theunis007 (2009-03-06)

thanks and nice

 Mbb15 (2009-03-07)

@ XxX-DeNiS-XxX
Version 7022 is the old one version 7048 is the new one

hacktolive (2009-03-13)

Download Windows 7 Build 7057 (32 bits):

SpooZ (2009-03-14)

Latest version here


rob_u (2009-03-15)

i'm only getting 10 kbs...for hours. Can some people seed pleez? Much appreciated! TPB rulz.

rob_u (2009-03-15)

sharing is caring....seed pleez

rob_u (2009-03-15)

sharing is caring....seed pleezl

rob_u (2009-03-15)


ineedcrysis (2009-03-19)

The Pirate Bay Needs Support...
Download this torrent and read the description section
your support needed...spread this comment.

The earthman (2009-03-25)

pls. seed...
there is many seeders but no one who seeds!!!

qazwsx123454321 (2009-03-29)

more keys on
http://gta4-crack.ucoz ru

seankerr (2009-04-01)

i love how half way through the installation the screen just turns black and nothing else happens...

b0mberman (2009-04-18)

hi people is the official download link
Have fun

KingoRome (2009-04-22)

hey guys, this is kinda old. lol. if you want one of the latests ones, such as Windows 7 Build 7077, theres a direc+ download posted on the ShareiT! Community. just google the site and u should see the link. both x86 and x64 are posted there, and u get your full bandwidth speeds cuz its not a torrent link, its direc+. take a look.

wontpayforit (2009-04-27)

This is a funny article about Windows 7 on P2P
It's funny that some people actually think that anyone is "pirating" Windows 7 betas. It's clear that Microsoft is deliberately leaking them to build up buzz around the new operating system. Don't believe me? Then why does Microsoft give away free authentication keys that will let any copy of Windows 7 work? If the company didn't want those copies of Windows 7 out there, it wouldn't do that. This tactic is fairly subtle: By making people work -- but not too hard -- to get copies of Windows 7, Microsoft is leading them to believe that they're onto something special. And since it has been a long, long time since anyone thought there was something special about Windows, this is savvy marketing on Microsoft's part.
(Mind you, I've been running Windows 7 for quite some time now on a variety of test boxes, and it's not all that great. It's better than Vista, but that's really not saying much. For my money, XP SP3 is still the best of the Windows family.) "
article source:

layda (2009-04-28)

How can i burn this on a disk? i know how to do that with Iso's but not with files as these.

jonas6190 (2009-04-29)

i have window vista home basic will it work on window 7?

layda (2009-04-29)

Yes it will, and scrap my other comment :P

dpoz (2009-05-03)

Will this expire or will i last like regular vista??
Cause some ppl have beta that expires.

[x] (2009-05-04)

I've read all the comments and this release sounds good. I'm an xp user, switched to vista and back to xp... but xp IS getting a bit old, maybe. Hope this works. Guess I'll pause the porn for a while. Thanks ofsound

ejay79 (2009-05-06)

How can i make a bootable dvd of this iso file????

shen36 (2009-05-13)

Which is better x86 or x64?

snw1993 (2009-05-21)

if i install this beat, can i uninstall vista ?

snw1993 (2009-05-21)


rbgpira (2009-06-04)

Do I have to validate?

Mr_Xpert (2009-06-08)

My pc requierement is,
Intel P4 2.26 Ghz orignal with D865GVHZ mboard,
512 ddr single,
80 Gb hdd with 15 & 60 Gb partition,
DVD combo rom
will windows 7 32 bit version work on my pc ? and i also wana ask coz i have used vista 32 bit version but problem is that i wasnt able to install my AGP driver, does windows 7 support every kind of old hardware drivers?

danman94 (2009-06-16)

GREAT if you want it but don't want to screw up your os use virtual pc 2007 search in google it's free

 jpuff (2009-06-17)

thank you uploader and seeders

 jpuff (2009-06-17)

btw, I have intel core duo, around 500 mb ram, so far so good, Im happy.
I needed this for my new lap that had vista and couldnt change to xp cause of the f drivers (fing toshiba).
anyway this has worked perfect so far.
if this is time expire, just dl the new one and install, easy, but as always back up your data.

ozzyozz (2010-06-22)

will this work for installing on a mac disk partition? if so can one of u guys give me some instructions? thanks!