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Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)
Games PC
Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)
2008-08-06 (by Booster2)
Max Payne
Max Payne, a cop in the NYPD, returns home one day to find his wife and baby daughter murdered at the hands of drug addicts, high on a designer drug called Valkyr. After 3 years of working on the case, Max and his best friend Alex go undercover to bust a V-deal. However, things go wrong: Alex is suddenly killed, and Max is framed for his murder. Hunted by the cops and driven by determination to avenge his family, Max Payne sets out to uncover the truths behind his family's murder.
ESRB Rating: Rated " R " For Strong Graphic Violence And Blood.
Written By: Sam Lake
Genre: Action / Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Plot Keywords: Sawn Off Shotgun / Sequel Mentioned During End Credits / Bloodshed / Bullet Time / Framed
Tagline: Max Payne. A Man With Nothing To Lose.
Country: USA / Finland
Language: English
Color: Color
Sound Mix: Digital Stereo (EAX Technology)
Company: Remedy Entertainment
Official Website:
Supported OS's: Windows 95 & 98SE, Millenium, Win. 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Max Payne II: The Fall Of Max Payne
The brooding cop has left the DEA and returned to the NYPD. When his latest case ends up involving the thought-dead femme fatale Mona Sax, he finds that his journey through the night is far from over.
ESRB Rating: Rated " R " For Strong Violence, Blood, Sexual Themes And Language.
Written By: Sam Lake
Genre: Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
Plot Keywords: Corrupt Policeman / Sawn Off Shotgun / Multiple Perspectives /
Shot In The Arm / Russian
Tagline: A Film Noir Love Story
Country: Finland / USA
Language: English
Color: Color
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital (EAX Technology)
Company: Remedy Entertainment
Official Website:
Supported OS's: Windows 95 & 98SE, Millenium, Win. 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
This Torrent Is Created And Released By: Booster2
Installation Guide
1. Install Daemon-Tools or MagicDisc to open/install the "Image" file(s).
2. When the game has been installed, install the Patches first.
3. Go to the " Crack & Patch " folder and copy the crack file.
4. Go to the Max Payne destinated folder you installed. Example: "My Computer" - "Program Files" - Max Payne / Rockstar Games or something like that.
5. Replace the original " MaxPayne / MaxPayne2 " file with the crack.
6. Play the game. (If it has been done right or if it works though).
NB!: "Max Payne 2" can be played from the third disc (called "Play" Disc) or be cracked. To be sure you should burn the game to a CD and then play or else you will have messages like "Cannot Open Disc" or something from the Virtual CD/DVD-ROM were you have mounted the game.
So it is up to you wich way you want to play it.
You can also burn both games on a disc and use the disc when the game ask for it.
Files count:
2446.42 Mb
Pette94 (2008-08-07)
can someone seed?Booster2 (2008-08-07)
I am seeding now. Don't worry. ;)daluxe345 (2008-08-16)
how come the avaiablity is red on every torrent i download :(mhaynie (2008-08-22)
It says that I need a display adapter that is compatible with direct x 8 or 9 .....i have direct x 10. WHat do I do??Booster2 (2008-08-23)
Either you are using an old graphic card or you are using the integrated graphic card on your motherboard wich doesn't support the latest DX. Doesn't matter if Windows has DX10 if the card do not't support it.RLB3 (2008-08-24)
seed this baby, in honor of mark wahlbergBooster2 (2008-08-25)
daluxe345I don't know wich client you are using, but I suggest that you use either Vuze (formely called Azureus) or uTorrent. /
If you still get no downloads, it'll means that you have to open ports on your router.
MhnyRd (2008-08-31)
I'm having mouse problems on the menu screens for both. Install went fine, patch and crack run great. Anyone else having control issues on the menu screen?Drekzz (2008-08-31)
Am I the ony one having troubles installing the game? I mount the image in Daemon, can run throught the complete installation menu, but the minute it starts the actual installing, my pc crashes woth both Max Payne and Max Payne 2. Never had this before with an other game.Top-catti (2008-09-01)
i seed if others do it first!!izeagee (2008-09-05)
Am I the onlyone who has problems with this game? When I press the button "New game" in game menu it throws me out to my detskop and gives me an error.Booster2 (2008-09-05)
In wich one of Max Payne? 1 or 2?!Z3R0OneOneSe7en (2008-09-08)
will this work on vistaBooster2 (2008-09-08)
Yes.CrazyMetal256 (2008-09-11)
Wow, waste of my time to download this, half of the sound doesnt work and the game randomly crashes. Don't know if its me or the torrent but wow. Has this worked for anyone?Booster2 (2008-09-11)
CrazyMetal256I would like to help you but it would be fucking great if the piratebay guys could start fixing bugs on their site if they want to keep the downloaders and uploaders. I'll get a "Database Error" when posting a long comment.
Booster2 (2008-09-11)
CrazyMetal256The first Max Payne came out for about 7-8 years ago and it's an old game. It is mostly designed to work from Windows 98 SE to Windows XP.
But when Windows Vista came to the world, things become more differently than people use to be on Windows XP. And I believe that you are running Windows Vista since you mention that the sound doesn't work. Well, there is a fix for that. If you have a Sound Blaster card, search for Creative ALchemy on Google and read it. You'll understand why.
If you do not have a Sound Blaster card, then there is another way to fix it. Go to Mininova and search for Max Payne Vista Fix and download it.
By the way: before being frustrated you should ask someone that could help you about the problem(s) before telling that your time is wasted or not. It gives the downloaders wrong impression before they download something that are genuine. No offence. Then again: Good luck. :)
centurion105 (2008-09-11)
I just got a error saying that it couldn't be run on my vista 64bit. I tried to open it by mounting the image file via daemon tools...centurion105 (2008-09-11)
I would like to add, that this does not occur whilst installing Max Payne 2.Booster2 (2008-09-11)
Centurion105Have Max Payne 1 mounted, go to My Computer, rightclick on the mounted CD/DVD-ROM and choose "Open", go to the folder called Disk1 and click on the "Setup" file (the blue one).
Then it should be ready to install. You may notice a message with Memory Error or something, but just pass that and go on with the install.
scrool (2008-09-16)
works perfect in windows xp but in vista have some problems with sound or instalation etc.the game designed for windows xp means work perfect in xp.zhitnik (2008-09-16)
seedyoncenator (2008-09-18)
The first one rocked! So great to find an R rated game that will play on my lame graphics card. This was so much fun!! I'm goin back for the second Payne right now!! AND seeding for 200% also!centurion105 (2008-09-18)
Thanks Booster2 for your help ;)Booster2 (2008-09-18)
No problem. :)Sutra666 (2008-09-20)
Seed please :xbiggi007 (2008-09-21)
i´ve installed max payne 1 and patched it up and put the crack in, but when i´m going to play this message comes "runtime error, program files/maxpayne/maxpayne.exe, abnormal program termination".Can any1 please help me?
Booster2 (2008-09-21)
Serach the sentence "Abnormal Program Termination" on Google and you may find some answers on that.biggi007 (2008-09-21)
i did search it on google and people were talking about this error but mostly about internet stuff and microsoft word or something. I found one comment where a guy had the same problem but no answers.DeacoN (2008-09-24)
hello, Booster2, well i downloaded the game but I have no clue on how to make ti work, is there any website or place where i could find the way to do installed, sorry to bother you, but i have not clue how iso or daemon tools work.Thanx
Booster2 (2008-09-24)
yoncenator (2008-09-27)
Max 2 was the SHIT! So much fun! I'm seeding the shit outta this. Cracks worked great no glitches.gtixdlanor (2008-09-28)
good torrent but i have 1 problem when i installed Max Payne 1 and im playing it my computer is shuting down anywone have a suggestion???Booster2 (2008-09-28)
gtixdlanorDoes it shut down completely or does it restarts?
xSyphoNx (2008-09-29)
Thankyou for uploading Booster2;Works great.ajdellas (2008-10-01)
I have installed and beaten Max Payne (1) succesfully. Now I have installed Max Payne 2, installed the patch and the crack and when I click play from the menu nothing happens, any help?Benny-9999 (2008-10-01)
seed please! :)shamoni8 (2008-10-02)
great comments by the uploader. very very friendly, which is rare for a torrent as famous as this. thanks dude, u din't have to do it, but u r and that's great.i am downloading it. don't know if it will work or not, cos my graphics generally suck, but i sure hope it does. wanna play the game before i watch the movie.
milisek (2008-10-04)
o no! Max payn!GOOD. seed? sind?Bojangles5477 (2008-10-07)
The game seems to work fine but some of the sound is missing, like his narrative during the cut scenes etc.. Anyone else having this problem?Bojangles5477 (2008-10-07)
Ok cool, i downloaded that fix and the sound is fixed. However, now, after the initial intro when the game starts my PC crashes when the loading starts. The error is:Exception in engineInit: x_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID
Damn.. Any idea guys?
[bleed_through] (2008-10-07)
I'm such a noob at this but could someone tell me how to install? I downloaded MagicISO and extracted all the files from both games and fully installed them both. But when I try to play the games, it says i have to insert a cd, does that mean i have to burn the PLAY disc?Booster2 (2008-10-07)
[bleed_through]You have to copy the crack file and go to the destinated folder of Max Payne you have installed and replace the original file with the crack.
Sounds like a typical OS error or it might be driver(s) problem. I do not recognize that kind of error.
bigbilll (2008-10-07)
boot nice game i hope they made a 3 someday .Booster2 (2008-10-07)
I heard and have read it somewhere that they are doing Max Payne 3 now.k3N70n (2008-10-07)
Cool! Where did you hear this?Can't wait to see the movie!
[bleed_through] (2008-10-07)
wait...replace the crack with what original file?Booster2 (2008-10-07)
[bleed_through]I believe that I have included a "Installation Guide" file. Did you read it?
Booster2 (2008-10-07)
k3N70nThere has been some announce on that in different newspapers on the internet.
k3N70n (2008-10-08)
Thanks for getting back to me. Looks good. Hope the story line kicks ass again.arsenal51 (2008-10-09)
please seed!!!!!!!!Asyilius (2008-10-10)
i cant conciously download this, but i urge everyone to experience these games in any way you canorangejuic3 (2008-10-11)
SEEEDflatus69 (2008-10-12)
If you have problem with Abnormal Program Termination,do this:Go to the "Movies" folder- delete the "Intro" file- create a file called ''Intro.mpeg''
Worked for me.
Thanks for the upload Booster2
Booster2 (2008-10-12)
Or just delete the Intro Movie completely. The game will then enter directly instead.Akerberus (2008-10-12)
I downloaded the sound fix but when I try to extract it says that the access is denied. I am running on vista and everything else works fine (but I gotsta have the sound!)Great torrent :D
Booster2 (2008-10-12)
This is for all the one who uses Windows Vista and ONLY Windows Vista x32/x64: If you have a Creative Sound Blaster card like X-FI or Audigy, you have to make sure that you have Creative ALchemy installed. In the Creative ALchemy you have the list were you have to enable the games who use the EAX Technology. Max Payne is one of them. Creative ALchemy can be downloaded at the Creative's site or here: (2008-10-12)
My card is realtek high definition audio so it isnt on the list.djTeka (2008-10-12)
Thank you for the upload!I bought both of them before, even both on Xbox and PC, lol.
But I lost my MP1, and I need to play both of these again.
I, for one, hope the movie doesn't suck complete ass, just glad Uwe Boll didn't get a hold of it, only movie I remotely liked of his was POSTAL, but even that one sucked.
Thanks again!
Booster2 (2008-10-12)
DjTeka: John Moore is a more serious director than Uwe Boll so I believe that this film will kick some ass (as long as the directing and the production has been done properly though). At the moment "Max Payne: The Movie" seems to be a PG-13 rated wich I think it's a little bit sad because Max Payne is actually an R rated concept. I also heard that the film will be in two different versions. One in PG-13 and the other in an R rated version. And we all know that R rated movies is best. ;)friedrice6 (2008-10-12)
help! everything worked fine until level 7. it won't load and it displays "unable to read data from 'part1_level4.ldb'"Vixx (2008-10-13)
Oh please seed, going so very slow :/Awesome torrent tho!
djTeka (2008-10-14)
Oh, you are so right!I mean, when both of the games are "M"-rated, it just doesn't seem right to make a PG-13 movie out of it.
Seems like they made the theatrical version for a wider audience, but hopefully there were scenes that will make it on the (Rated/Unrated) disc, if they even put the rated version on a retail DVD.
All I know, is that I am enjoying the hell out of MP2 while waiting for this torrent to finish, my computer may not be the fastest, but mods make it so much better.
I'm a PC/Console guy, not really exclusive.
Will comment when I get this done on whether or not this is a good download, even though I know it will be, just have to make sure!
jsc315 (2008-10-16)
Thanks for this. Been a long ass time since i played this.eggplantjerusalem (2008-10-16)
Hey so I got installed everything, got the crack in the right place, but when I try to start the game the load bar goes about half way before it boots me out and says max payne has stopped working... is this happening to anyone? any way to fix this?? any help would be awesome thx :)orangejuic3 (2008-10-16)
Great games. ThanksBooster2 (2008-10-16)
eggplantjerusalem: That is most likely your Operative System or that the game might have been damaged while the download. Do a Hash-check and see if the game has been downloaded 100%. Or try the game on another computer and see if it does the same. That way you can indicate were the actual problem is.eggplantjerusalem (2008-10-16)
I figured out the problem, I had not installed the patch, and as soon as I did that I was slow-time-fucking gangstas up!Thx for the torrent! :)
Booster2 (2008-10-16)
Good to hear that it worked. I had a little feeling that it could be the graphic card driver since I once experienced that kind of problem on another game.Booster2 (2008-10-17)
It looks like that "Max Payne: The Movie" will exist in 2 versions as said. The movie has been stripped down to PG-13 because of some conflicts with the director and the MPAA raters. The director says that he will release an R rated version on DVD for adults."Initially rated R by the MPAA, Moore strongly criticized the MPAA in an interview - calling the ruling unjust. Moore and crew "trimmed some frames more for the sake of trimming frames" and the film will now open with the PG-13.
The director also tells Game Daily that he is planning a "Gamer Dedicated Cut" of the film:
"It's a little slower and a little more atmospheric. There are some rougher edges on it, but it's not going to be a bloodfest. I want this to be the Max Payne that I set out to shoot. It's not that I wanted to release one version in the theaters and make a cheap buck by following up with a blood-drenched DVD version. The movie you see in the theaters will be an intense experience and the movie you see on DVD will be as intense an experience with some extra sensibilities for people who really adore the game."
Max Payne in an R rated version FTW!!!
djTeka (2008-10-17)
I am going to go see the movie with some friends, but I will also buy the DVD, to hell with some of these RottenTomatoes reviews, maybe I like crappy movies?Nah, can't be it.
I'm uploading a ModPack for MP2 sometime, even though it will be pretty big, some people trying to find the movie to download, people will go,
"Hey, there's a modpack for Max Payne 2, while I show my stance on PG-13 movies, I will download the movie when it's uploaded!
While I wait for the movie to be uploaded, I will play these mods!"
Nah, but I will upload the mods sometime, that will happen soon.
OH!: I forgot to say that all of this torrent works very well, I liked the inclusion of the wallpapers and screensaver, as well as the Official mod that adds a couple of Remedy Dead Man Walking levels.
dj_synchro (2008-10-18)
Thanks for this. Seeds please!scarfall (2008-10-18)
Sorry to sound like a noobBut after downloading MagicDisc, how do I do to install Max Payne (1) ?
Booster2 (2008-10-18)
Install MagicDisc first and then open the game from MagicDisc by rightclick on the Tray icon.scarfall (2008-10-18)
Thanks for the help Booster2BTW, anyone that has downloaded the fix can please seed the Demonoid Vista sound fix that is on mininova?
Booster2 (2008-10-18)
If you have a Creative Sound Blaster card you do not need a/the Sound Fix for Windows Vista. It is only for those who do not have Creative cards. Make sure that Creative ALchemy is installed and Enable the games you see on the list.scarfall (2008-10-18)
Don't have those sound cards.Thanks to whoever seeded the fix. Y'all rock.
TheDelf (2008-10-18)
Man, I've never seen a torrent with so many leachers.scarfall (2008-10-18)
Installed the sound fix correctly, didn't work. :(winfix (2008-10-18)
Thanks!Booster2 (2008-10-18)
matttyger (2008-10-19)
fanx, worked gr8!will seed couple of weeks.
canksta (2008-10-19)
Need more seeders!!!! GGGAAHHH! At 97%!!RaginMerc (2008-10-19)
I installed and played Max Payne 1 with no problems at all, but when I go to install Max Payne 2, I get an error message saying "Error Code -6002" and installshield closes. Can someone help?Sodosma (2008-10-19)
Hello, i've downloaded this and for some reason i can't open the CD files. Magic ISO says "Fail to mount CD/DVD Image", others like Daemon tools mounts the image but doesnt let me run it at all, not even if i simply try to "open" it, says the cd is corrupt. It's possible i guess that somehow in the download the files were corrupted but that seems a bit far-fetched no? Any ideas at all? Help would be most apreciated considering i downloaded this and cant even run it :pjohnmar (2008-10-20)
thanx very very muts!!!!!!!!!!Sodosma (2008-10-20)
Dhu, its working now, thanksBooster2 (2008-10-20)
RaginMercWhen something like that occurs, then there is at least 2 ways to find out if it is the game that is the problem or the computer/OS. Try it on another computer and see if you get the same thing. If you get the same thing, then the game has not been downloaded properly. Could have been damaged while the download or something like that.
But it could be other things like software.
RaginMerc (2008-10-20)
Thanks Booster2, I'll try it asap.Wromthraxx (2008-10-20)
Everytime i try to run Max Payne 1, i get this:Runtime Error!
C:\Program Files\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe
Abnormal program termination
I've searched google, but found nothing... Maybe I'm just blind but I've been searching for a couple of hours now without a single result. BTW I'm using Windows Vista 32bit...
Any Ideas guys? Any help would be much apreciated :(
oroblram (2008-10-20)
guys, i've downloaded the game but when i troed to play it, an error appears, "Couldnt Find CD" what should i do? reply asap thanksrokpelnis (2008-10-20)
Hey,Saw a guy having the same problem, but did not find a suggested solution to it - respectively: when I run Max Payne 1 after some 10 minutes of running the computer shuts down(completely).
Any suggestions!?
Booster2 (2008-10-20)
rokpelnisIt is most likely your CPU. If it gets to hot, the computer shuts down to prevent the damage.
To see if it's really the CPU: Play a game or do something until the computer shuts down, wait a few seconds, start the computer again and go directly to BIOS and check the "Temperature" of the CPU. If it's somewhere at 70-90C or that it slows down, then you know the where the problem is.
Booster2 (2008-10-20)
Booster2 (2008-10-20)
oroblramDid you read the "Installation Guide" (txt)? It's in the Max Payne folder you downloaded. Read it and you'll find the solution to it.
Booster2 (2008-10-20)
2theextremeI'm not sure of that kind of problem. It would ofcourse be easier to be at the computer and fix it.
It's either your OS or that the game could have not been downloaded properly. Do a hash-check and see if the game has been downloaded 100%. Or ask someone that could help you about it.
Jawkster (2008-10-21)
For those users with the Exception in engineInit: x_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID problem after installing the sound fix for Vista!I've found a solution to the problem. All you need to do is to disable Vista's User Account Control and reboot your computer.
After that, right click on the sound fix (MaxBatch.bat) and run as administrator.
Got through the loading screen with no problems. Enjoy the game!
enbein (2008-10-21)
seed you fuckers. stuck at 99.8 againkav30 (2008-10-21)
how u install this game mi confuse what are the programs needed.kav30 (2008-10-21)
plz help mi confusekav30 (2008-10-21)
hey forget it mi just a read the guideSlimeboy (2008-10-22)
Is it only me that have got the problem where the sound is like sparking? Anyone knows the problem? I've got windows xp and it's only in Max Payne 2 the sound is like that. Anyone got a clue what the problem is?Devil_Jin_KaZama (2008-10-23)
thank you very much!seed = fellow feelings
ed765 (2008-10-23)
ok so this is'nt Dead space Crack but really a Farcry 2 crack i really want dead space to be released as a torrent already , and Bully scholarship edition please if you feel the same way let IT BE KNOW MY PIRATES WE WANT DEAD SPACE WE WANT IT NOW!!!! GIVE US DEAD SPACE WE WANT IT NOW!!!PIRATES UNITE!!! AND FIGHT THE PIRATE FIGHT!!! WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT AND PAY FOR NONE, WHAT IS YOURS IS OURS AND YOUR FIGHT WILL NEVER BE WON!!! the pirates code live by it mates lol
Helliam69 (2008-10-23)
seeeeed pleasMr_Balle_kuuk (2008-10-25)
Tack för ul. men seeda gärna lite mer.boobagumps (2008-10-25)
hi !i got a problem, max payne 1 works, i can play the game
i was tryin to run max payne 2 but when i click on the desktop logo it says wrong disc insered ?
why ?
why do i need to do to play this game please help me booster.
boobagumps (2008-10-25)
and when i click on "play" nothin happens.i dont know why, what do i need to do ?
Booster2 (2008-10-25)
boobagumpsYou'll understand why when you read the txt file called "Installation Guide" that are included with the game.
boobagumps (2008-10-25)
damn i must be dumb, but i cant find find this fille.... :sBooster2 (2008-10-25)
It lies for itself when you click on the Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition) folder you downloaded. I will also paste the installation guide here on the Information above so everybody won't "miss" it.shamoni8 (2008-10-26)
the crack din't work for me on the first game. i'm on xp, SP2
the first one here did the trick.
p.s. i haven't tried the 2nd game yet.
Mr_Balle_kuuk (2008-10-26)
stuck at 62,7%.buhuhuhu
ACider3 (2008-10-26)
Alright, I'm trying to install MP1 on Vista 64, but I'm getting the following when I try to load the CD image."The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher."
I feel like I'm SOL here, or is this something fixable?
Booster2 (2008-10-27)
ACider3Have Max Payne 1 mounted, go to My Computer and rightclick on the mounted game, choose "Open" and go to the folder called Disk1 and click Setup.
You'll get a message about Not Enough Memmory Spaces or something. Just press OK and go on with the install.
clarkyps2 (2008-10-27)
hey booster 2 when i go to mount the image the only choice i have is to mount the ccd file if you could help thxBooster2 (2008-10-27)
You can use/open it on the CCD file.ACider3 (2008-10-27)
Thanks a lot man! Couldn't get over (after seeing the movie) how awesome I remembered Max Payne being, so I knew I had to get it again.ACider3 (2008-10-27)
Oh, haha. Didn't notice you'd already answered the exact same problem already. : PI'm downloading a vista fix right now for the sound problem since I don't have either of those two that Creative ALchemy would fix. Hope it works.
ACider3 (2008-10-27)
Shoot. I'm getting this error message now (after installing the patch and the sound fix) that reads:Exception in engineInit: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID.
I looked around in the folders for lists of weapons with IDs, but couldn't really find any. Any idea what's up?
Dinosaurus2142 (2008-10-27)
Seeeed Seed Seed SeedBooster2 (2008-10-27)
ACider3You're not the only one who gets that. It seems like it doesn't work in some occasions and looks like it depends on the Sound/Audio card too. It is "uknown" for me what that kind of error actually is. Since I use a Creative Sound Blaster X-FI Platinum card, I do not need to think over it. Sorry. :(
F3nNec(real1) (2008-10-28)
Color: Colorl0l
ACider3 (2008-10-28)
Ha ha, shit. Well, maybe I'll spend as much time working somewhere as I did trying to get this working. I'm sure I'll get the money to buy it.X P
Jawkster (2008-10-28)
ACider3: If you even bother to read the previous comments, I already posted a solution on Page 4.====================
For those users with the Exception in engineInit: x_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID problem after installing the sound fix for Vista!
I've found a solution to the problem. All you need to do is to disable Vista's User Account Control and reboot your computer.
After that, right click on the sound fix (MaxBatch.bat) and run as administrator.
Got through the loading screen with no problems. Enjoy the game!
Booster2 (2008-10-28)
LOL, I was about to paste that comment now.maxpayn (2008-10-30)
i installed the first game, the crack which was included in this download didnt worked , so i downloaded new from internet. Then it worked, but after the intro scene, the load bar stucked at half way and suddenly i was back at the desktop.Nothing happenedBooster2 (2008-10-30)
maxpaynAnd the reason is: The Patch was not installed before the cracking. That's why.
maxpayn (2008-10-31)
actually, i followed the installation guide and i installed the patches firstBooster2 (2008-10-31)
Well, there is nothing wrong with the files itself. Just to clear that up. Unless they have been corrupted under the download. Do a hash-check or try the games on another computer. Then you can verify where the problem actually is.HeavenlyAnarchy (2008-10-31)
First off: Booster2 should be thanked again, it's clear why he's VIP, helping every single person with sometimes the same issue. Also for making an awesome torrent (also clear by large number of leechers). My game isn't working yet i have some suspected issues and i suggest for anyone with an error or problem they first consult the installation guide.txt file included and then the previously posted comments on this torrent.Save Booster2 the time.
Hopefully my own problems will resolve soon haha
djoksa (2008-11-01)
seed plsduded (2008-11-04)
Max Payne 1 dont work :(. When comes the first loading screen and then when it ends then game stops and reads the game stopped working. What can I do????????????? PLEASE HELP ME!!csibu99 (2008-11-06)
PLS SEED! 96,2% = 25 seeder :..(djoksa (2008-11-08)
I'm stuck on 96.2% too, can someone please seed?xgevara (2008-11-10)
seed pls I'm stuck on 96.2% :(j0ket (2008-11-10)
thanksshepdog (2008-11-13)
soooo i downloaded the torrent, followed the directions, installed the vista fix, disabled the user account control, got the game to load, ran through the tutorial, but when i play the actual levels, the game stops responding after only a minute or two.I'm on vista sp1
insomniac7371 (2008-11-14)
ok...i keep getting this error in Max Payne 2Exception in engineInit:R_Script: Can't parse assignment to variable "id"
Assignment: "id_player_2d_speech" Format:"%u"
i followd the intruction, and using Dameon Tools with CD3 to run it
alen_ba (2008-11-16)
seed? please please please :$stunna13 (2008-11-24)
both games installed right and both of them runs perfect.i have vista ultimate sp1.
didnt even turned off the user accaunt control or run as administrator.
one thing i dont understand is the sound in pax payne 1. i havent played the first one so i dont really know whats up with it but it does not have sounds under the intro and when the comic book comes up still desnt play any sound
Booster2 (2008-11-24)
Stunna13. Do you have a late Creative Sound Blaster card?stunna13 (2008-11-24)
so u think i have to update my sound card?okay but why is that max payne 2 does not have any problems only the first one.
i thought its supposed to be like the first release runs good and the second is bad. i dunno but that how it is with graphics card
Booster2 (2008-11-24)
The reason that I ask is because: If you do know that you have a Creative Sound Blaster card, like Audigy or X-FI Platinum/Elite Pro/XtremeGamer or something like that, you have to install Creative ALchemy ( That is for all who uses Windows Vista 32/64 bit edition.If not, try this Patch for non-Creative user:
Max Payne 1 has some small audio problems in Vista because of the EAX Technology. Max Payne 2 has also that, but not as badly as the first one.
Booster2 (2008-11-24)
Just one thing: I cannot garantie you that the "Audio Fix For Vista" patch will work 100%. But it is only optional. But read stormalv's comment. He might have the solution if you have to use the patch.IDownloadYou (2008-11-25)
Booster2 (2008-11-25)
Braver (2008-11-27)
Thank you very much, Booster2. I'll help with the seeding.sonjemer (2008-11-27)
seed plsssA.P. (2008-11-29)
look when i try ti unzip the files from the discs 1 2 and 3 its says: "error: internal error processing iso files." how can i install the gameBooster2 (2008-11-30)
A.P.Read the "Installation Guide" on the information.
.BONE. (2008-12-01)
thank youstorm-83 (2008-12-03)
Hmmm, i bought the game when it came out, just wanted to know if anybody else gets the "bad allocatoin" error when reaching the load of "part 1, chapter 7 - the million dollar question" ? i have xp sp 2, and have updated to version 1.01 in order for this problem to not occur, but it did anyways...any one else get this ?
moryman (2008-12-03)
Thanks for the up!Booster2 (2008-12-09)
lol. Just ignore him.Azordead (2008-12-13)
Thank you! I'll seed this 2:1! =)Booster2 (2008-12-14)
How about telling us the problem.SatanX (2008-12-19)
This is a great torrent. Love both games and have them for xbox. Thanks booster.soulreapermarco (2008-12-19)
engineInit: x_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID . I get that even WHEN I DONT HAVE THE SOUND PATH INSTALLED! i got rid of all the files having to do with he sound fix too. any way too fix it?dutchphenomenon (2009-01-28)
thanks for the UL i really enjoy this collection.max payne rox !
sparkshrink (2009-02-10)
really slow downloadsparkshrink (2009-02-11)
can't install max payne 2, says Max Payne 2 - CD1.ccd The above file name is invalid.sparkshrink (2009-02-11)
well i tried to run max payne 1 and that crashes when loading up.. so DON'T bother downloading this torrent it does not workBooster2 (2009-02-11)
sparkshrinkI bet my ass that you're just a fag who says that to every torrent. Shut the fuck up if you can't do a damn thing.
sparkshrink (2009-02-12)
Lol relax, don't pop a blood vessel litle man. Try the torrent out yourself.crowe117 (2009-02-12)
Thanks. Great Upload!Booster2 (2009-02-12)
I have tried the game(s), man. Why do you think it's uploaded here for? Didn't do that just for fun, you know. Besides I uploaded it because someone asked if I had the games. After all, there has been more than 2000 seeders/leechers for about 2 months ago. There something with your computer/OS that fails. Not necessary the games. Ever thought about that?transitvan (2009-02-12)
Both games install and run fine. No problems.I'm a nooby, i just followed the instructions which are clear. THX for the upload, this is a good game.
Works on XP and Vista 32.
On Vista make compatable.
crowe117 (2009-02-13)
Im trying to use daemon tools lite to open the files, but when I try that an error comes up that says: Error in command line. When I try to do it with MagicISO it doesnt seem like anything is happening. I would really appreciate any help.Booster2 (2009-02-14)
The files may not be 100% downloaded properly. Always try it on another computer when something like that happens. In that way you can verify where the problem lies.kantagara (2009-03-28)
this is working. THX MANMadhen (2009-03-30)
ending the download with 19kb\ boaring(( atleast something...just wana remember everything before max payne 3 comes out))) what does THE COLLECTORS EDITION mean ? something new?!no heart attacs with max payne 1 grafix ? 94% done, 3 hours left...brr cant wait lolBooster2 (2009-04-01)
I seed occasionally about 500-600 or 700 Kb's. Depends who's connected to who.shadowstrikker (2009-04-02)
Max Payne 1 keeps telling me that its not compatible with my OS (Vista 64-bit). Gives me that error every time I try to mount image, so I gave up on it.Max Payne 2 I installed, patched, and copied the crack. For some reason when I try to start it up from the start menu, "Windows cannot find Rockstar..." So I found it myself.
It takes me to a setup screen for graphics settings and whatnot, when I click on "play", I get this message now.
"Exception in engineInit:Unable to load save game "Games\Max". File does not exist or it is not a valid savegame file."
shadowstrikker (2009-04-02)
Nevermind, started it up from the "Launch" In Computer->F drive.Working so far.
Max 1 though still seems to be a lost cause.
Booster2 (2009-04-02)
shadowstrikkerTo install Max Payne 1, you have to go directly inside the mounted image (don't use the AutoRun mode. It won't let you install because of 64 bit mode or some shit)
Go to My Comuter - rightclick on the mounted image of Max Payne and choose "Open" - go to the folder called Disc1 - Setup. Then you install it (forget about Not Enough Memory message if it pops up).
The_Lolmaster (2009-04-04)
Thank you so much these games are to epic to be trueThe_Lolmaster (2009-04-09)
my sound is fucked up in max payne 1 in all the cutscenes theres just no sound no sound at all help? and btw when i installed the game it said you need more space to install this game but it still installed fine????Booster2 (2009-04-09)
The_LolmasterThe install: Don't mind about the Not Enough Memory message. It pops up anyway on 64 Bit XP/Vista.
The sound (Only for Creative Sound Blaster users):
8u11d066 (2009-04-13)
i don't says, "181 seeders" but it's not downloading, at all. i tried force starting and it would only download at like 4.5 kb/s at the very most.
I'm on utorrent, any help?
awesome games, played them a long time ago on ps2.
just want to remember why they were so awesome.
rafa90s (2009-04-21)
Please seed....zero29 (2009-04-28)
learn to properly forwarding the port of your bittorrent clients. if you only get 5 kB/s max from 100+ seeders, the problem is on your side not on theirs. if you need help with that, try sites like, but please quit the whining about those evil non-seeding seeders. i'm currently downloading with 300 kB/s ;)Schor47 (2009-05-01)
Game is working great. Haven't installed Max Payne 2, just the first one, but I'll bet it works just as well. Thanks for the great game.Booster2 (2009-06-03)
Yes it does. I have played both on Windows Vista x64 SP1 Ultimate. The only little thing you have to have in mind is that Max Payne 1 doesn't AutoRun like on x32 based Windows OS's. You have to mount Max Payne 1 and open it from My Computer (or just "Computer" in Vista) and go to the folder Disk1 and then run Setup. It case you should ask.Max Payne 2 worked/installed in a normal way.
coldpizza (2009-06-19)
cant w8 to play this killer old gameezrap1909 (2009-06-20)
Good! Work xDfpsman101 (2009-06-26)
dude im am so confusedi mount the img file
i go to my computer and open the drive
guess what!
nothin thats wat!
i just go to the place where the mounted image originally was
wat the heck man
no setup pops up either
and i dont know what yall are talkin about....about this disc 1,2,or 3 crap
but to tell u the truth i use gizmo because i cant find another free virtual drive maker
i need some help dude
(vista by the way)
fpsman101 (2009-06-26)
im pissed cause its not workini spent allot of time on this download too!!!!!
Booster2 (2009-06-26)
Look at the Detail Description. I have written an "Installation Guide". Shouldn't be that hard, man. And wich of the Max Payne doesn't work? The first one or the second?! Or both?!fpsman101 (2009-06-27)
max payne 1 dude!I read ur installation guide
it said to mount the image and install the game
no setup came up like i said in the last comment
i started using the crak to open the file, nothin happened either. Then i made an iso out of that file and.......nothin
am i missing a file?
fpsman101 (2009-06-27)
dude i know it shouldnt be that hardand i did EXACTLY what that manual said
Booster2 (2009-06-27)
Ok. I believe that you are using Windows Vista 64 Bit? If you do, Max Payne 1 has to be opened directly in the ISO were it has been mounted. Like this: My Computer - Rightclick on the mounted game and chose 'Open' - Go to the Disk1 folder - Setup. Then it should work (I hope). And don't mind the message about Not Enough Memory (if it pops up). Just go on with the install.fpsman101 (2009-06-29)
dude when i try to open the mounted says to format iti click yes to format then it says it is write protected
what the heck?
i tried lookin to format it with no mounted image but i didnt know where to go
i use vista home premium
Booster2 (2009-06-29)
Maybe you should use something else then Gizmo or whatever you are using since it looks like that Gizmo only fuck up your scheme. Use either Daemon-Tools or MagicDisc to open it and see if that works.Are you sure that the files are 100% downloaded? Because I got a feeling that they are not. And have someone to look at it. Someone you know that can help you. It's to difficult without being at your computer to see the problem here.
fpsman101 (2009-06-30)
okay. i'll find a different virtual drive software, but every other iso game worked welli ll download it again and i ll hit ya back on wat happens.
Booster2 (2009-06-30)
Ok then.ThePalindorme (2009-07-15)
Max payne 2 works fine on vista.Max payne 1 sound is crapy.
To make it smoother first set vista to 16 bit colour, if you have higher versions.
Then open the sound settings from control panel.(double click on sound).
Double click on speakers in the playback option.
In the window that comes out go to the advanced section. Set the default format to a little lesser quality. Say 16 bit studio quality.
This will make the in game sound perfect, except those areas with a lot of noise, example, the fighting scene with helicopter in background.
The cutscenes will not give any sound. The comic strips will not give any sound. Dont get excited if a few of them do, thats just pure luck.
Trust me, there is no other way possible.
Atleast the game works, thats whats important, as you are getting the game for free.
Booster2 (2009-07-21)
clamo636: I think you are the retard here, moron. I have tested and runed this game almost on every Windows platform. So shut the hell up.Brainkicker (2009-08-11)
It works perfect! Cheers!!1337SkullSplitter1337 (2009-08-19)
Thank you. I downloaded the 1st Max Payne and it worked perfectly just like you said. But the Max Payne 2 folder contains a trojan.Booster2 (2009-08-19)
Yeah, right. Your Anti-Virus is bullshittin' you. Don't always believe what it says.lyndsay (2009-08-20)
"Yeah, right. Your Anti-Virus is bullshittin' you. Don't always believe what it says. "No doubt. My Norton Internet False Security shits the bed for every other keygen.
lyndsay (2009-08-20)
Thanks for the upload Booster2 :)Booster2 (2009-08-23)
I don't have those games.Dltn09 (2009-08-23)
The Fall of Max Payne installed perfectly. However, after I have mounted Max Payne 1 with power iso I am not able to run the installation. An error message comes up telling me to check if it is 32-bit or 64-bit compatible. I am running 64-bit vista home premium, what do I do to make this run?Booster2 (2009-08-25)
Dltn09: What you're saying has been said before. Instead by "waiting" on the AutoRun, have the game mounted and go "inside" the disc, go to the folder called Disk1 and then choose Setup. Don't mind the Not Enough Memory message if it pops up. Just go with the install.looking54 (2009-08-30)
There is two excellent mods for max payne 1 , max payne @ university and Katanathere is another one which really good called The Real World which is in production ,
thanks for share :)
Gunsmith (2009-09-02)
Very nice torrent! And for those with sound issues:
Both in Vista SP2 and in Windows 7 RTM, this fixed all of my sound issues. Extract to the game directory and then run MaxBatch.bat. Great thing is, this works with the Steam version too, if you have and/or know someone who has that. =P
Another tip: on Windows 7, I recommend under compatibility, checking "disable visual themes" as some older games and 7 don't agree in that department.
Great torrent and great game.
Fleskhjerta (2009-09-06)
I have a better way.okay. go into your disk, the max payne, you need winrar.
turn all this into an archive
JAGUAR7 (2009-10-05)
Just Downloaded.Hope It Will Work Fine.
Super Torrent.
Thanks A Lot Booster2 And All The Seeders.
DmnY92 (2009-10-14)
Thanks. Thanks for the Vista fix, Gunsmith.sumanthdatta (2009-11-08)
maxpayne2 works on xp sp2 reply fastBooster2 (2009-11-13)
Yes ,it works on XP SP2.charles338 (2009-11-15)
Thank you for the great upload!ThePalindorme (2009-11-29)
For the crappy max payne 1 sound.What you need to do is
2. type - Max payne 1 windows vista sound fix. The click on search.
3. Open the first link that comes.
4. download the file and you are set to go
or you could use the link
This will make the sound almost 99.9999% perfect. Again, at some areas like the helicopter scene in the background, sounds still tend to be crappy, but they are still a lot better, a LOT BETTER.
dont know why anyone never commented on it before ?
Anyways, you will download a .rar file, so extract the contents in the max payne 1 folder, (the one having the main icon, if you dont know where it is, then sell your computer) Then run maxbatch.exe and wait 2 minutes.
Congrats! you just crossed the biggest barrier created by windows vista in gaming history.
ThePalindorme (2009-11-29)
No, i did not make the file, i only FOUND it, which noone else here, apparantly, could.And now i want to thank booster2 for uploading this torrent, and allowing me to play the classics for free. They work 100%, run 100% and are 100% perfect. thank you, booster2. you boosted my gaming skills, and game collection. THANK YOU.
Booster2 (2009-11-29)
That's why I'm here. ;)Failseeders (2009-12-20)
This is one of the best downloads I have downloaded so far from The Pirate Bay; I've downloaded a LOT! :)But, this one is PERFECT. I only wish to download Max Payne one, and you've got TWO seperate folders for each game, most of them are compressed and put together into a winrar file, yours isn't. Booster2, you're one of the best uploaders I've ever seen. Thanks, man!
Failseeders (2009-12-20)
I've read a few of your comments, and your anti-virus systems are saying you have a virus in the Max Payne 2 folder? LOL?! Half of the virus things ALWAYS say that. I suggest to use KingSoft, it's perfect.Kimochi (2009-12-29)
for all those haters herethis is how you choose the best torrent to download:
1.) how long is he on the specific site
2.) how much did he upload
3.) does he have more than a few seeders
thanks for the upload
sl1pk44 (2010-02-07)
If anyone could run me through the installation step by step, thatd be much appreciated, i have no clue what im doing here. this is my first game download. I don't know thing one about doing this without burning a cd.sl1pk44 (2010-02-07)
okay nvm. i got the game to load and install right, but whenever i start a new game it stops and says the game isnt working.JCDanton (2010-02-10)
thx, greate game.JCDanton (2010-02-10)
to rttlesnke:you banned in Google?
Booster2 (2010-02-13)
Read this then:
ThePalindorme (2010-03-31)
to sl1pk44:Dude use crack.
ThePalindorme (2010-04-01)
erm.......whats the use of the .sub files i find in your uploads, and the .ccd ones?Any answers.
I have already completed these games about 100 times, i hope they dont add anything to the game.
otherwise ill have to play them again 100 times...........
Booster2 (2010-04-01)
ThePalindorme: How about reading the "Installation Guide" on the detail description? Your answers lies there.ThePalindorme (2010-04-03)
What happens if i delete the .ccd and .sub file?And retain the .img file!!!
Just asking dude!!!
I just mounted the .img file of each disc, and it worked so i just wanted to know whats the use of the others.
Are they just there so that some other virtual disc software can read them.
No intentions of pissing anyone offf!!!!!!
Booster2 (2010-04-04)
You can try to delete it if you want to. But before doing that you should copy them in case the Mounting should fail or anything. The files are there becasue they contain certian information wich is needed (according to some people I have heard of).palhinha (2010-04-25)
hello Booster2!! First i wanna regrat you for this great torrent, second i installed the game and installed the Creative Alchemy for the sound issue(wich btw it WORKS) but ive been flippin around in my head to find the Crack and Patch folder but i cant find it?!!! so maybe the folder doesnt exist or im being ignorant:) so plz HELP!!!! ah and when ever i it New Game it passes the helicopter scene an then crashes!! that's probably cause i didnt cracked it so plz help!!palhinha (2010-04-25)
oopss forgot to say i'm using VistaUlt 64!! cheers :)Booster2 (2010-04-25)
Palhinha: The Crack & Patch folder lies with the Max Payne and Max Payne 2 folder. You have probably "deselected it" before the downloading or something. But just re-download this Torrent (use the client uTorrent) and select only the Patch & Crack folder right before you are about to download.palhinha (2010-04-27)
ohhh yeahh probably was that!thanks Lool i never tought in that ahaha! anyway i've got it running with good sound and no crashes! for the sound issue to vista and Sound Blaster users i suggest installing Creative Alchemy wich is here
and down this patch and read instructions, its easy here:
nice upload once again Booster :]Alg70 (2010-06-15)
Wow, The most professional Torrent I have ever seen. Fast Download, very organized, with great bonus features. I can't thank you enough.LeinoH (2010-06-27)
Why do i get "component transfer error" when downloading max payne 2 and trojan horse detected named "suspicious_gen2.BDSKM"?LeinoH (2010-06-27)
Also it comes up a bug report?Booster2 (2010-06-27)
LeinoH: Don't always believe what your Anti-Virus program tells you. It "thinks" that the file(s) is infected because those who developes the program are blacklisting files that are lower that 2-3 megabytes (or something like that) and also files that are in .exe.Otherwise, I can't help you with your issues.
Figgo (2010-11-12)
Hey booster, I've seen that you have helped people with their problems, but none of them had the same problem as I do..Max Payne 1 = Works perfectly, I followed the guide and it works, completed it really quick!
(-really appreciated btw ;*-)
Though, when it comes to MaxPayne 2, something screws up, I used the Daemon tools to extract the img files but when I try to run the setup files it doesnt work, it just doesnt find any directory, it says like that it cant initiate the files or something..
Please help me, give me a guide.. Should I extract the data files too? (Not all works btw..)
Should I extract(img files) all in the same folder?
How?! :(
skumar23 (2010-11-16)
plz someone seed....jakinspider (2010-12-03)
hi i have a problem, the game shuts down halfway through thw loading bar, i cant even get into the menu screen. the error message is 'exception in engineInt: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID'johnz93 (2011-01-05)
Hello, im gonna download now the game pal and try it.To all the haters, the uploader gave you the best shooter game for free without asking a dollar, if you don't like this torrent, you can go fuck yourselves ..!..
Much love John Z 93.
Tomi.Kallio (2011-05-04)
I used this link to get the sound when they speaks. I get some sounds, but not when the comic pages comes up.
But when i used this Maxbatch i couldent start the game. I came to the intro and the loading and then this came up: "Exception in engineInit: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty had same ID" Now when i see closer, i see thats i got accses denid om somethings when it runs the Maxbatch setup. Strange...
I am on a Windows 7 64 bits. I have a XP computer, but i need to get a new battery to the motherboard, so i need help whit this if someone is nice to help. :) If there is a better program to fix the sound on a Windows 7/vista i can try it. :) Otherwise i just skip the sound. :(
Tomi.Kallio (2011-05-04)
I solved it:
Follow that and the sound is perfekt after that. :) I reinstalled just i case.
C0mPr3sSeR (2011-05-15)
Thanks for the upload Booster this game worked fine thanks for helpingDamon163 (2011-05-26)
Does this work with Windows 7 64-bit?SiavashTheOne (2011-10-14)
@Tomi.Kallio I had the exact same problem like you described. Win 7 64bit.SiavashTheOne (2011-10-14)
YES! @Tomi.Kallio's link worked for me!
So happy!! :D I already had installed the game and went through the instructions, and got the sound but no video!! I just reinstalled the game and went ran MaxBatch and pressed C and after it was done pressed L and yeah! that was it :)akash89 (2011-11-17)
really nice torrent.Phuda (2012-02-19)
Hello, everyone i have a problem. I cant burn 3rd cd of max payne 2. it said that rmps is missing.question for buster. Can you try to make again ccd of 3rd cd if you have the original one. i will give you my email for contact if you can/want. best regards phooda.
P.S. I dont like cracks.
Dr.Mastermind (2012-02-27)
Only tried the first game so far and it's good!!Sure brings back memories, with the 3rd one coming soon I wanna relive the story.
! ! Make sure you run Setup.exe from Disk1 folder, apply patch, update, then go here: ! !
That should fix the sound bugs in cut scenes and the other places.
Works on W7-64bit and looks amazing.
Thanks Booster2!!
Donfuckinleon (2012-02-27)
Guys i DOne all the Things u Said.. And Even Fixed the Sound problem before i start the game... but whn i Started it ... At the Loading bar.. it just Crashes without saying any errors... just Closed !.. can any 1 help?ghostrx (2012-05-14)
Thanks! Keep seeding!MEHADImisham (2012-05-24)
i am using win 7 64 bit and i installed it as you said but i am getting " runtime error : abnormal program termination"any idea,how to solve this?
MEHADImisham (2012-05-24)
sorry,i didn't read all the comments and i find the solution by doing so.i renamed "intro" to " intro.mpeg" then it worked perfectly finefancydrum (2012-05-25)
Tried installing the first one by mounting the 1kb .img file but it would say after mounting, 'not compatible with your version of windows that your running, check if its version 32bit or 64bit'. When i tried mounting the second one it worked fine, could anyone guide me into what im suppose to do for the first one.Much appreciated, also thanks Booster2 for uploading this otherwise good torrent!
fancydrum (2012-05-25)
Nevermind guys, after googling my problem i found this fix,
link12817 (2012-06-17)
Works like a charm. Thanks a bunch man.boyznacne (2012-07-29)
Works flawlessly!But damn I forgot how cheap and somewhat difficult Max Payne 1 is.
Thanks for the upload!
RisingPhoenix-Me (2012-07-31)
Relieving The Old Memories! A BIG ASS THANKS TO UMolestat (2012-08-16)
I was playing Max Payne 2 and everything was working.Then suddenly somethimes my charakter just stops moving and stands still. There is nothing i can do to stop it.
Even if i save or load a file it stays that way. I have to go out of the whole game to fix it.
Is there any other way to fix it?
fatqueefrag (2012-09-02)
ZOMG PLEASE SEED!super_rock (2012-09-02)
Okay i followed all the steps required and installed the games (both 1 and 2). but for some reason when i try to run the game, i double click the icon, it asks my permission to which i say yes, and nothing happens..... the game doesnt a matter of fact i opened my task manager, i couldnt find a task for max payne but i found process running for max payne.
any help is much appreciated.... thanks
Topmaddawg (2012-10-23)
It works on Windows 7 64-Bit if I run MaxPayne.exe in Windows 95 or Windows 98 / Windows Me compatibility mode. Thanks Booster2.shephard1 (2012-11-10)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.Both games runs perfectly, thank you for the great upload!
Red_S (2012-11-18)
Can some please leave STEP by STEP instructions on how to get the game installed and playable? I mean, literally, click this, then open this, the look at this and click, watch the loading bar, click this, and you're done. This is my first ever game install.Red_S (2012-11-19)
Hello, can anyone help me?Topmaddawg (2012-11-20)
If you still need help leave your E-mail and i'll help.Red_S (2012-11-21)
I really don't wanna leave my email on a globally accessed website for the world to see. Can you just link me to a video or list some basic instructions. I'm stuck on the install part. I downloaded Daemon-Tools but i dont know how to use it to install the game.Topmaddawg (2012-11-21)
This first part will be to install Max Payne 1 first. First of all download and install MagicDisc from
After MagicDisc is installed start the program and right click on the MagicDisc icon on the taskbar close to the clock. Hover over Set Number of Drives, click on 1 Drive when the new menu opens. Right click on MagicDisc again hover over Virtual CD/DVD-ROM, hover over the next menu that appears, the one that says No Media and click on Mount ..., Browse to where you downloaded the game and double click on the Max Payne.img, it should be inside the Max Payne (The Game) folder. After that open up My Computer or Computer, It should list a new DVD drive that reads Max Payne, double click on the new drive and open the Bin folder, double click Demo32.exe, a new window will open up asking you for a dbd file, just select the maxpayne.dbd file from the same Bin folder, after you do that a new window will appear that gives you options to install, view readme, browse cd contents, etc. choose the install option, now just follow the simple steps and install may payne to your desired directory. After that open up the folder where you downloaded Max Payne to look for a folder named Crack & Patch, open the folder and double click on Max Payne Patch v1.05.exe, after you install the patch, go back to the Crack & Patch folder and open the Crack folder, right click MaxPayne.exe select copy, go to where you installed Max Payne to, right click again and select paste, it will ask you if you want to overwrite choose yes. Now just double click on the MaxPayne.exe choose your video settings and options and click Play when done.Red_S (2012-11-22)
I tried downloading Magic Disc and it fucked some shit up. Can you explain for Daemon tools pro advanced edition? Plus im using Windows 7.Red_S (2012-11-22)
I tried mounting the game but it said this version of the game isn't compatible with mt version of windows. I run Windows 7.SpoonyOne (2012-11-26)
Thank you! Cult classic!capobm (2013-02-18)
Downloadig = OkInstallation = Ok
But when i want to play the game nothing happens,i tried many things in properties of exe but nothing works on my win7 64bits
Waste of time,don't download it
I Fuck those shitty torrents
Mr_Ceiling_Cat (2013-04-05)
Thanks :Dchitoryu12 (2013-05-18)
If it tells you when you try to click Install.exe that it doesn't work with your version of Windows, just go directly to the Disk1 folder and click Setup.exe. It'll tell you that you don't have enough RAM, but ignore it.chitoryu12 (2013-05-18)
Also, some people are having problems playing the game; it just won't run at all and they need to close a process in the task manager.This is likely a problem with your graphics card, especially AMD. At a minimum, run it in Windows 98/ME compatibility mode and run it as administrator (right click, click "Run As Administrator"). If that doesn't work, download Catalyst 13.4 for your drivers and that'll fix the problem. Just run it as admin in compatibility mode at the same time just in case.
Maltadelo (2014-01-05)
Max payne 1 doesn't run at all, after doubleclick just nothing happens.IamFarazM (2014-02-05)
This game (Max Payne 2) works great. I have tried to install (Max Payne 1), and it ended up with an error, which I think is fixable, but I haven't bothered to fix yet. Just wanted to say thanks to Booster2.stalker277 (2014-03-26)
For MP1 to run, select Windows 98 compatibility.This fixed the not running issue, where it would load and stay in memory but not show anything.
unfortunately for me, after the intro, it crashes... I suspect drivers have removed support for older games, so only working situation would be to load some legacy drivers. Not good for new hardware.
kiraxel (2014-05-12)
When I run MP1 the music and dialogues doesn't sound, does anyone else have this problem?encho1989 (2014-05-15)
thxBdellas (2014-07-08)
OK, i have Windows 7 64-bit and here's what i did to get everything working:1) To get rid of the message which says that windows doesn't support this version because the game is 16-bit(or something similar), go to Start, search "Run" and open it. Type x:Disk1setup.exe (replace x with the letter of the drive you mounted the image on, mine was H) and click OK. The game is going to inform you that your RAM is too low. Ignore it and proceed with the installation.
2) Install the patch you found in the torrent files.
3) Go here
and download the sound patch v1.12. Open it and follow the instructions on the website to install it.4)Replace MaxPayne.exe with the crack
5) After replacing, right-click on it and choose windows98 compatibility(i also disabled visual themes, but i don't know if this helped at all)
6)Launch the game(a small window appears), choose your graphics card, change the video settings to whatever you like and that's it.
I tried to be as thorough as possible. I hope this helped.
HAVE FUN!!! :)
Bdellas (2014-07-08)
*EDIT: What you want to type in "Run" is x:Disk1setup.exeI forgot to add the backslashes in the previous comment for some reason. If this doesn't appear with backslashes(maybe a pirate bay issue?), then just put one between the : and Disk1, and put another one between Disk1 and setup.exe
DirtLiz (2014-10-27)
Thanks Bdellas. Patches work wonders =]torrtruk (2014-11-21)
Classics! thank you a bazillion!!Files:
1. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (Official MP3 Skin)/Max Payne 2 Official Skin.wal 717.74 Kb
2. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (Official MP3 Skin)/Readme (Official Skin).txt 1.46 Kb
3. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne Theme.mp3 3.33 Mb
4. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 Bonus Chapters/MaxPayne2BonusChapters.exe 11.20 Mb
5. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 Bonus Chapters/readme.txt 497 bytes
6. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Max Payne 2 Screensaver 1600x1200.EXE 1.31 Mb
7. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/art1_1600x1200.jpg 125.63 Kb
8. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/art2_1600x1200.jpg 136.76 Kb
9. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/art3_1600x1200.jpg 133.06 Kb
10. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/gn1_1600x1200.jpg 776.21 Kb
11. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/gn2_1600x1200.jpg 854.49 Kb
12. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/gn3_1600x1200.jpg 734.67 Kb
13. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/ss1_1600x1200.jpg 569.36 Kb
14. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/ss2_1600x1200.jpg 388.61 Kb
15. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/ss3_1600x1200.jpg 413.34 Kb
16. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/wallpaper_black1600x1200.jpg 160.92 Kb
17. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Bonus/Wallpapers/wallpaper_white1600x1200.jpg 211.31 Kb
18. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Installation Guide.txt 995 bytes
19. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne/Crack & Patch/Crack/MaxPayne.exe 4.71 Mb
20. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne/Crack & Patch/Max Payne Patch v1.05.exe 4.88 Mb
21. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne/Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne.ccd 772 bytes
22. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne/Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne.img 803.75 Mb
23. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne/Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne.sub 32.81 Mb
24. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Crack & Patch/Crack/MaxPayne2.exe 1.42 Mb
25. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Crack & Patch/Max Payne 2 Patch v1.01.exe 5.24 Mb
26. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 1 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 1.ccd 773 bytes
27. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 1 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 1.img 560.33 Mb
28. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 1 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 1.sub 22.87 Mb
29. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 2 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 2.ccd 773 bytes
30. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 2 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 2.img 561.23 Mb
31. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 2 (Install)/Max Payne 2 - CD 2.sub 22.91 Mb
32. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 3 (Play)/Max Payne 2 - CD 3.ccd 773 bytes
33. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 3 (Play)/Max Payne 2 - CD 3.img 389.43 Mb
34. Max Payne 1 & 2 (The Collector's Edition)/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne/Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne (The Game)/Max Payne 2 - Disc 3 (Play)/Max Payne 2 - CD 3.sub 15.90 Mb