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Final Cut Express 4 for Mac




Software Mac


Final Cut Express 4 for Mac




2008-07-25 (by VTW)


Final Cut Express 4 for Mac with serial. Unrar, burn, mount and instal. Yeah, I know! Mac sucks! I agree! But give them a chance. Even if they are a group of losers with no taste for comuters they still deserve a program for editing films! ^^ -Enjoy!

Files count:



732.35 Mb




Mac_Mad (2008-07-26)

"Comuters"?? A good example of the typical intelligence of a PC user...

PTSD (2008-07-26)

Seriously...seed! How long does it take to up load?

toy38 (2008-07-26)

wel if you like to crash Windows machines are a sure system and will garantee U a compleet week of problem solving ..but thanks
a Mac user

VTW (2008-07-26)

Stop beeing a bunch of whiny bitches!
And stop posting comments of how much you love Mac! Didn't I just give you FCE4 for your Mac? Jeez..
I would rather have some responds on how the torrent worked!
>Yeah, commuters... *not*
A PC is a computer with Windows. A computer is a machine with the possibility to have one or more Operating systems, like Unix/BSD, GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, DOS, Mac OS, Embedded and real-time or Experimental

BIoodBIade (2008-07-27)

i use both so i dont care what anyone thinks

scooply (2008-08-09)

Please help, first download ever and it is taking way long. Need this software ASAP. Can someone seed?

satnapar (2008-08-09)

for those who can't install anything but livetype. first find and download a "Final Cut Uninstaller". it can be easily found on the web. then you are ready to continue. By the way I can't run LiveType. When i try to open it, it show the logo and after that quit. I tried to re-install it and i have the same problem. even when i install the Content DVDs the result is the same: double-click, logo, and nothing....

wslax7 (2008-08-17)

can we stop talking about which operating system is better? this is a mac software so i dont see y we r even talking about windows, AND CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE SEED!!!!!!!!!!!!

zeepanda (2008-08-24)

I don't mean to sound dumb, (or maybe I do?), but where is the serial number?

gzinga (2008-08-26)

luckily we don't need your help for giving us a better movie editing software than windows movie maker because the free iMovie is already way better.
but still thanks for uploading this one :P
will try it

gzinga (2008-08-26)

THANKS VTW: seems to work for me. it's installing right now and the serial did work

Girl-Matrix (2008-08-26)

WOW! I searched for months for 3.5 with no luck! I amazed to have looked for a few minutes and DL'd the latest version overnight (1am-7am) and wake up and use it! Everything works, even Live Type.
Thanks VYM, your a lifesaver!
: )

mhale622 (2008-08-30)

Thanks for this from another happy Mac user.

Mr.Ash (2008-08-30)

Final cut express 4.0.1 is on it's way.
Please provide SN for 4.0.1

wslax7 (2008-09-03)

so i used bittorent and it is 100% downloaded.... now what? my computer keeps trying to open it with word, please help!

monksealpup (2008-09-04)

FCE 4.0.1 Serial:

sl1200mk2 (2008-09-04)


theameraguy (2008-09-05)

fast seed! dl and using *PERFECTLY* within 30 mins. no viruses or anything! thanks!

wabbo (2008-09-08)


Sonaeru24 (2008-09-09)

"Yeah, I know! Mac sucks! I agree!
But give them a chance. Even if they are a group of losers with no taste for comuters they still deserve a program for editing films!"
Shut the hell up you ignorant fuck. Mac is the simplest and most user-friendly platforms to date. And they aren't a "group of losers with no taste for computers." They make more money in a week than you do in a year, so learn your fucking place, noob. And while you're at it, learn to spell, you stupid asshole.
Next time think before you speak, you fucking idiot.

wslax7 (2008-09-12)

so i used bittorent and it is 100% downloaded.... now what? my computer keeps trying to open it with microsoft word, please help!

Noupette (2008-10-01)

Both Final Cut and Live Type work perfectly. All installed without the slightest hitch. AND, these are Volume Licenses. Great for someone like me with 5 Macs. So thanks for that.
I think it's OK to have an intelligent debate about PCs/Macs but just to call Mac users "losers" and say "Macs suck" (wow, what a demonstration of intellect) just shows that we probably wouldn't value your rather limited, uninformed opinion on the matter anyway. I've used both platforms for 20 years and Macs are FAR superior for creative people like myself. And did you know that Microsoft have installed Spyware in Vista (in cahoots with some of the big software developers) that automatically wipes off stuff from your computer that it considers you don't have the right to have? (Like pirated software, for example). And by buying a new computer with Vista on it you agree to these terms. Look it up in Google and you'll see it's true. None of that nonsense on a Mac, they don't crash and they don't get viruses etc. They are fast, beautiful and efficient. They make work a pleasure. If that "sucks", so be it.

Noupette (2008-10-01)

Just to comment that I just upgraded to version 4.1 and the serial number that monksealpup gives works great. So thanks to you, too. :-)

mannycrap (2008-10-03)

This was awesome! I was able to download and install it in a matter of minutes. Well not the download of course. But the install was flawless! Just ran Software update and currently updating to 4.0.1. Thanks for this!

izzy33 (2008-10-11)

i tried to download this into bittorrent but its not working and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong... HELP!
i'm a new bittirrent user and this is the first thing i've tried to download and i need it asap so HELP!!!

deliciousbaconsandwich (2008-10-24)

Fantastic torrent. Installed and downloaded within the hour. Saved me from a late hand in... And the mac-user-provoking made me laugh. Thanks VTW!

Nicholas16 (2008-10-29)

someone SEED PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicholas16 (2008-10-29)

i only have 14 seeds and ive been at zero percent for like 20 mins

maxval54 (2008-11-01)

Thank you!
You safe my life with the SN!!!!

nmbooya (2008-11-03)

@ VTW "no taste for comuters" I don't mind commuters, I wish they would take the bus... But I hate to say all videos are edited on macs.

JONESY69 (2008-11-03)

hey, i am not really a noob at computers but i am not to up with how to do the unrar burn n mounting? can someone help me out plz. thanks.

tcpilla (2008-11-05)

seeders? eh?

JONESY69 (2008-11-07)

hey, this seems like a very small file for such a large program. the actually system requirements for FCE 4 is like 12Gb HDD space for all the content. is this just the raw editing software or is it just super compressed including livetype content + all effects/transition. how do u install do u do the mounting stuff? PLZ HELP

markj77 (2008-11-08)

Is this SN still working for the update? i just updated and it's asking me for the SN and says it's not valid. :-(

markj77 (2008-11-08)

Nevermind, found it.
FYI, when you update:

soali (2008-11-16)

the serial number worked the first time i opened it. but not now?!>...

JONESY69 (2008-12-01)

fricken awesome...worked the second time i downloaded it, first time it was a corrupt download and the dmg wasn't regonised but then i re DLed it and all is good. does it have all the content thats included when u buy it?
great torrent =)

spyvspy (2008-12-30)

I'm following the comments and downloading, good seeds and fast, I'm going to leave the source as a seed too ^_^

Rob.Brooks (2009-01-15)

Thanks, this worked perfectly on all my computers ranging from a G4, a G5, and two Intel Macs, 10.4s and 10.5s! Thanks.

image1985 (2009-01-21)

hey man please dont put another description like that again if you hate macs then why do you put this torrent up there macs get the best of both worlds i can everything a pc can do and even more

chrdra (2009-01-28)

help please!!!!! i downloaded everything installed it fine. the SN seems to work and livetype works fine as far as i know....but when i try to open final cut express, it stops loading it unexpectedly quits (it quits right when it says loading audio files or something like that)...i have tried everything, i reinstalled it, redownloaded the dmg, updated to latest version, burned it to cd and reinstalled it from there...what should i do?? please help

Torune (2009-01-30)

If your having problems installing it, Use CleanAPP for mac. it removes the previous install entirely, including any remnants a delete may have. then try installing again. email me at [email protected] and we can trouble shoot if it doenst work.

libnan01 (2009-02-22)

Before you get really happy with yourself for making fun of the mac users downloading this torrent, you spelt computers wrong. You didn't even spell commuters properly so what you wrote is not eve a word. lol. By the way OS X checks you're spelling while you type. ha ha.

paolo93 (2009-04-03)

if you update this you can't use it anymore becouse the serial dont work then i'm trying to find a crack or something but i think i have to reinstall...

rh128592 (2009-04-10)

As another use wrote, the latest Apple updates (April 2009) kill this program. The serial number:

no longer works.
Ahh well. It's not like this will motivate me to buy it.

enjourni (2009-05-10)

Another idiot PC user suffering from mac-envy. ROFL... if mac's suck so bad, then why are you releasing a mac-only program? Could it be because FCE OWNS THE CRAP out of other PC video editing software? And that you had to install hackintosh on your pathetic little dell just to even have this file available to release to anyone? lol.. go back to your mindsweeper and let us real computer users get some work done.

MarkWindsor (2009-06-06)

ok im mentally challenged umm it i downloaded this torrent through vuze and when i say launch the and i click install final cut express and it says i have to choose an application and i dont know what to pick or what to do, helllllp

donnywith (2009-06-14)

ok, yeah i know the crabby VTM uses "comuters" which we don't understand...

alchera (2009-06-18)

Well, we may be losers, but at least we can spell.

ratm4life (2009-06-28)

and your uploading a mac torrent because you hate macs?

id3sire (2009-07-08)

holy shit!!! this was soo fucking fast! 30 min to complete...but im gonna b such a douche and not seede for every1 else

Dimitra03 (2009-07-14)

What up?! Okay so being that I am a new user to this whole piratebay shit, how the fuck does this work? This is my first download for a torrent and I am not sure where to file it and in that matter what the hell is seed? hmmm do i need another program to actually access the torrent to this file. It would be lovely if someone took the time to comment back to me and help. Much appreciation, and also I have a mac and will admit they aren't perfect, but neither is a PC...both freeze so equally suck major sweaty balls but get the job done eventually. As for your spelling error's, everyone can shut the fuck up, he is saying his opinion even if his opinion is grammatically incorrect. thanks and much love! ha ha

mrlahey (2009-08-17)

Thanks for the upload, and at the same time fuck you for being PC snob.

bigstar43 (2009-08-18)

this was a fast download!!! less than 30 minutes. works, not viruses. thanks for post VTW (2009-08-26)

Has every single person given up seeding this or something? Not a single peer, seeder or leecher. Odd.

partchimp (2009-09-12)

Not now they haven't, I've just downloaded it in under 15mins!
Serial worked fine, then I updated to 4.01 using software update and used a serial from KCN as the previous one no longer worked.
Thank you VTW... one day you'll see sense and get a mac!

VTW (2009-09-27)

Just checking in to see if the torrent is still working.
Seems like people are still downloading it. Isn't there a new version by now?
btw, my "provoking" message was ment as a joke, yes. But I AM using Windows.. Only..! :p And the reason why I uploaded this prog. was to be nice and sharing. But for myself, I'm using Adobe Premiere.. fyi :p

kiwijuice (2009-10-08)

anyone know a new serial to get this working? or where i can find one? having no luck
thnx for the torrent tho

kurakun (2009-11-06)

i dont think anyone downloading this would agree that mac sux. macs are far more capable than the average PC its just that macs are more premiere was the first thing i learned to use, personall i think final cut is a little better except for one missing feature than premiere has

dskmac11 (2009-12-05)

awesome program MACS ARE AWESOME
GO ?

gabycat9 (2009-12-18)

i was able to download, install(SN worked that i got from someones comment thanks btw!) but now when i try to run it i get a window saying that it cant locate the external device: Apple FireWire NTSC(720 x 480)
it also says my configuration may have changer or my deck/camera my be disconnected or turned off. i have no idea what any of this means some one please help!

happybuddy (2009-12-28)

VTW, I honestly do not care if you prefer PC over Mac!!!! They both contain great applications. I like the Mac more than the PC I use to have because of the longevity battery life and user-friendly icons. And I am not offended by your comment, I found it kind of funny.
To Gabycat9 & others that encounter that pop-up message, I clicked on do not warn me again and clicked on continue. After that, Final Cut Express Works. Good Upload took approximately 2 hours for me.

SigurdSolheim (2009-12-28)

Doesn't work on my macbook pro, it just opens in Text Edit. Does somebody knows how to fix this ?

dskmac11 (2010-01-05)

? rocks

badamailey (2010-01-13)

What the hell is going on with the serial number? I used the program a couple times for a few days and then it started asking me for my first and last name and the serial number again and it keeps saying it's invalid now!! Has anyone made a generator or a crack for Final Cut? PLEASE HELP!

dtklamf (2010-01-23)

yeah my serial just stopped working today too

dtklamf (2010-01-23)

and it look me this long to find another working serial :)

gquaggia (2010-01-23)


for 4.0.1

lucasvdv (2010-01-28)

What are you talking about, mac isn't for losers. You are a loser because you can't afford such a brilliant computer. And why do you upload final cu express if you are so anti-mac?

DikHead (2010-02-01)

Thanks For this mate but mac are way better then pc!

bstnbri (2010-02-02)

On install I was getting error on startup,
Program stopped unexpectively. Anyone have this issue?

underfunk (2010-02-03)

mine just about topps out at 600KB/s.

bstnbri (2010-02-03)

No, I can't run the program. It installed successfully, but get program stopped unexpectedly every time. Any ideas how to run?

FR05TB1TE (2010-03-17)

I got PC's and an iMac, both operating systems rock! (XP, Win7 & OSX Snow Leopard)

NickyP (2010-06-07)

Works a treat.... Was getting over 400kb/s at one stage too!

m188756 (2010-08-17)

I downloaded it, but I can't get it to run. It installed, but when I try to run the application, I get the message "The license file will not be written to disk because the user does not have enough privileges."
Any suggestions?

blamotoys2 (2010-08-23)

We really love to see your Windows crashing... Thank you.

ekakarott (2010-09-28)

mac sux? You are very easily manipulated my friend @VTW

lonnetjee (2010-10-11)

Wow, you really are dumb. You are writing comments on your own torrents, that everyone must stop bitching around. Well mister windows, think a minute, and guess what it is that's got everyone bitching. Yes, your own ego, as I quote below. One tip, If you never wrote that, people had nothing to bitch about.
Yeah, I know! Mac sucks! I agree!
But give them a chance. Even if they are a group of losers with no taste for comuters they still deserve a program for editing films!

usedtbg (2011-01-07)

Wow, 8.3 min. download time on a 732 MiB file. Impressive with only 19 seeders...

SkySilver (2011-03-18)

Mac is the best! Don't Dis! And why make a Mac Torrent and then slagging of Mac's? Good Torrent though Loaded in less than 5 minutes! Just uploaded by the wrong person... Check out my Uploads for a REAL Mac user!

daniloblm (2011-04-16)

hello guys
the serial number is not working!
anyone have one that works?