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[PC]The Sims 3 (EA) [Repack]




Games PC


[PC]The Sims 3 (EA) [Repack]




2009-05-19 (by paul0808 )


Year: 2009 Genre: Strategy (God Sim / Manage / Busin. / Real-time) / 3D Developer: The Sims Studio Publisher: Electronic Arts Platform: PC System requirements: For WINDOWS XP * P4 processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz or equivalent * 1 GB of RAM * Video card with 128 MB of graphics memory, with support for pixel shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Operating system Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 2 * At least 6.1 GB free hard disk space, as well as at least 1 GB additional space for saving games and set up materials For WINDOWS VISTA * P4 processor with a frequency of 2.4 GHz or equivalent * 1.5 GB of RAM * Video card with 128 MB of graphics memory, with support for pixel shader 2.0 * Operating system Microsoft Windows Vista, Service Pack 1 * At least 6.1 GB free hard disk space, as well as at least 1 GB additional space for saving games and set up materials Type of publication: license Language: English, Hungarian, Dutch, Greek, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Finnish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese Tabletka: Present Description: In reality, each person is given only one life to live. But with the help of The Sims 3, this limitation can be removed! You decide - where, how and with whom to live, than to engage than to decorate your home and develop. The Sims 3 - is a unique simulator of life that have, and multiply all the best from previous episodes of the legendary series. The third part is erasing boundaries and destroys convention! If before the whole world seems divided into separate enclosed areas, but now he is one and is huge. Imagine that many years you lived in a large, cozy, but the house, then suddenly opened the door to the street. The Sims 3 offers you the city's new generation - the bright, beautiful and full of unbelievable surprises. Shagnite in it, and virtual life tune up with new colors! This city! It was time to leave their cozy cottage, and get acquainted with other inhabitants of the quiet town. In The Sims 3 virtual men can freely walk around the streets, meeting friends and colleagues coming together to visit and factories to meet new people. If the character is in the right time in the right place, it can happen a lot extraordinarily interesting - exactly as in real life! Portrait similarities. Advanced Editor allows characters to work wonders. His ability practically unlimited, so if you want you can draw on the other side of the screen itself or its friends. You can adjust the height, build, facial features, hair and eye color, skin tone and shape of hair, as well as pick up hero clothes and accessories. More people of good and different! All people are different - reads age-old wisdom. The Sims 3 clearly confirms this, with the inhabitants of the virtual world are not only good looks but also character. On the choice of number of features, which combined, can create a really bright personality. Among the features of personality have the courage, artistry, romanticism and even «strange», as a paranoia and kleptomania. But this is not an exhaustive list! Index - a roof over your head! However, doubly pleased when the roof is attached to this okleennye wallpaper walls and floors with rugs and comfortable furniture. All of this in The Sims 3 предостаточно, but first you'll be able to change the texture and pattern of different materials. Floor covering, furniture upholstery, wallpaper and curtains - all this can be changed to your own taste! Everyone has a dream! And virtual characters - no exception. They have a «global» dreams that have to walk most of his life and a more modest desires, which you can perform a relatively fast. Assist characters embody their own destiny, or hinder them in doing so - you decide. ================================================================================== Год выпуска: 2009 Жанр: Strategy (God Sim / Manage/Busin. / Real-time) / 3D Разработчик: The Sims Studio Издательство: Electronic Arts Платформа: PC Системные требования: Для WINDOWS XP * Процессор P4 с частотой 2,0 ГГц или аналогичный * 1 Гб оперативной памяти * Видеокарта со 128 Мб видеопамяти, с поддержкой пиксельных шейдеров версии 2.0 * Последняя версия DirectX 9.0c * Операционная система Microsoft Windows XP, пакет обновлений 2 * Не менее 6,1 Гб свободного пространства на жестком диске, а также не менее 1 Гб дополнительного пространства для сохранения игр и созданных материалов Для WINDOWS VISTA * Процессор P4 с частотой 2,4 ГГц или аналогичный * 1,5 Гб оперативной памяти * Видеокарта со 128 Мб видеопамяти, с поддержкой пиксельных шейдеров версии 2.0 * Операционная система Microsoft Windows Vista, пакет обновлений 1 * Не менее 6,1 Гб свободного пространства на жестком диске, а также не менее 1 Гб дополнительного пространства для сохранения игр и созданных материалов Тип издания: лицензия Язык интерфейса: Английский, венгерский, голландский, греческий, датский, испанский, итальянский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, норвежский, польский, португальский, русский, финский, французский, чешский, шведский, японский Таблэтка: Присутствует Описание: В реальности каждому человеку дано прожить лишь одну жизнь. Но с помощью The Sims 3 это ограничение можно снять! Вам решать — где, как и с кем жить, чем заниматься, чем украшать и обустраивать свой дом. The Sims 3 — это уникальный имитатор жизни, взявший и преумноживший все лучшее из предыдущих эпизодов легендарной серии. Третья часть стирает границы и уничтожает условности! Если раньше весь мир как будто делился на отдельные замкнутые участки, то теперь он един и огромен. Представьте, что долгие годы вы жили в большом, уютном, но все-таки доме, а потом вдруг распахнулась дверь на улицу. The Sims 3 открывает перед вами город нового поколения — яркий, красивый и полный невероятных сюрпризов. Шагните в него, и виртуальная жизнь заиграет новыми красками! Настоящий город! Пришла пора покинуть свой уютный коттедж и познакомиться с другими обитателями тихого городка. В The Sims 3 виртуальные человечки могут свободно гулять по улицам, встречая друзей и коллег, заходя друг к другу в гости и заводя новые знакомства. Если персонаж окажется в нужное время в нужном месте, с ним может произойти много всего необычайно интересного — точь-в-точь как в реальной жизни! Портретное сходство. Усовершенствованный редактор персонажей позволяет творить чудеса. Его возможности практически не ограничены, так что при желании вы легко изобразите по ту сторону экрана себя или своих знакомых. Вы можете регулировать рост, телосложение, черты лица, цвет волос и глаз, тон кожи и форму прически, а также подбирать герою одежду и аксессуары. Больше людей хороших и разных! Все люди разные — гласит вековая мудрость. The Sims 3 наглядно это подтверждает, причем обитатели виртуального мира отличаются не только внешностью, но и характерами. На выбор предложен ряд черт, комбинируя которые, можно создавать по-настоящему яркие индивидуальности. Среди особенностей личности есть смелость, артистичность, романтизм и даже такие «странности», как паранойя и клептомания. Но это далеко не полный список! Главное — крыша над головой! Однако вдвойне приятно, если к этой крыше прилагаются оклеенные обоями стены, полы с коврами и удобная мебель. Всего этого в The Sims 3 предостаточно, но впервые у вас появилась возможность менять фактуру и орнамент различных материалов. Напольное покрытие, обивка мебели, обои и шторы — все это можно изменить на свой вкус! У каждого есть мечта! И виртуальные персонажи — не исключение. У них есть «глобальные» мечты, к которым приходится идти большую часть жизни и более скромные желания, которые можно исполнить сравнительно быстро. Помогать персонажам воплощать свою судьбу или мешать им в этом — решать вам.

Files count:



4087.94 Mb




 djDEVASTATE2009 (2009-05-19)

gti repack installer in russian

lone_walker92 (2009-05-19)

the thing is the game is in russian how do i change language to english.please reply asap

tj01 (2009-05-19)

To change the Game Language to english; Open registry editor then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Sims/The Sims 3 and change the string Named 'Locale' to EN-us instead of ru-RU. Have Fun! =)

tj01 (2009-05-19)

Oh and Great Upload Thanks =) Still going to buy it when it comes out though!

random90 (2009-05-20)

Hey.. I cant find the sims 3 in my registry, well I can but not 'Locale' help?

xRedster (2009-05-22)

I can't fin "Locale" either, someone help please?

Dutchy131 (2009-05-22)

For those thath ave the russian i have found an solution
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DisplayName"="The Sims? 3"
into anything.reg make sure it is .reg and run it it wil make the game english works i just downloaded another torrent of the sims and tried it works good

vira92 (2009-05-24)

can somebody write all the steps i needs to do to make this game work

Rosos (2009-05-28)

Seed please i beg u.atm 30 peers and only 2 upload :/.the only thing 12 seeders can do is 10 kb/s?

Rosos (2009-05-28)

i upload 20-30 kB/s and download 15 kB/s help me plz

doorpoop (2009-05-28)

What's the HKEY_LOCOL_MACHINE cause I can not find it anywhere please, I need assistance.

madeline686 (2009-05-28)

HEY okay i need help i'm getting stressed over this installation process.
i know how to install torrents i've done it many times but while its installing in the wizard it stops at C:\...\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Thumbnails\CasThumbnails.package its been stalled there for.. a couple hours now i've restarted many times and this is the second torrent i've downloaded. they all seem to stall during the install.
help? please.. i can't find anyone else who is having a problem like this

Bouncer1986 (2009-05-30)

The Sims 3 Language Changer:

musicguitar (2009-05-30)

I really don't know how to install it? I don't get the mds. and mdf. files..
I can't install it..
someone could help me please?
very very thank you.

tifftom (2009-06-03)

I changed the registry to en-us but it is still in russian. I also tried the language changer and it didn't work for me either...plz help

dojodawg (2009-06-04)

Is it buggy and glitchy for everyone, or is it just me?

RoxiAmaryllis (2009-06-04)

ok so i downloaded and got it all set up but when i go to run the game i get this " this application has failed to start because d3dx9_31.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." i tried that and it did not work. any thoughts?? help? lol

basehitt (2009-06-04)

RoxiAmaryllis: reinstall DirectX 9.0C

Haven923 (2009-06-04)

I torrented it, but when it finished, I just had an MDF and an MDS file. What do I do!?

Dragon1213 (2009-06-06)

hmm... do you need a serial for this?

Dragon1213 (2009-06-06)

haven923 mount the .mds file with a program such as deamon tools

Jark55 (2009-06-09)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jark55 (2009-06-09)


Jark55 (2009-06-09)


duckmasker015 (2009-06-09)

Thanks a ton

Pat_l08 (2009-06-10)

im still having problems i tried the language changer that didnt work and i cant find a .reg file so if any one has any advice it will be much appreciated thx

kyle_trull08 (2009-06-20)

hey i downloaded this and i am seeding it right now, but it says windows cannot open the file because it is a .mdf file. what do i do?

iljutz (2009-06-20)

Download latest Daemon Tools (

Mount through Daemon, install, crack the game and enjoy!

NekronMorgoth (2009-06-21)

Is anyone else getting this error when clicking sims3setup.exe?
"Runtime Error (at 194:574):
Cannot open file C:\Temp\is-06k7c.tmp\line_black.bmp.
How can I get past this?
Thank you very much in advance!

NekronMorgoth (2009-06-21)

I typed line_black.bmp to google and got some pages which probably have answers. But they're all in Russian and I can't read that :(
If anyone who speaks Russian could check those first few forum hits for a solution and post it here, I would be eternally grateful!

NekronMorgoth (2009-06-21)

Ok, I got past that error by disabling Kaspersky. But when I click äaeaa on the Russian installer (which probably means next) a few times, choose the path, click next, it starts installing but finishes in 5 seconds and opens a window with only 1 option which closes the installer. The game does not get installed.

Naffs (2009-06-23)

I have the same problem as NekronMorgoth, although the installer reaches around 26% then suddenly closes, leaving me with one option which kills the installation.

rockerxchick12 (2009-06-25)

okay so my problem is like NekronMorgath, although i just need help to install!!
the .BIN file has all the data, but cant open!
please someone tell me how to do this! my email is [email protected]
i need an answer or someone who can help me get this working!

rockerxchick12 (2009-06-25)

i have a BIN file that is HUGE that has all the sims3 data as well as a setup.exe , but the setup does what NekronMorgoth's does and i cant find a way to "open" the BIN file!

Naffs (2009-06-26)

Anyone gotten any closer to finding a solution?

psv-er (2009-07-04)

how can i change the language to dutch?

Stix2-55 (2009-07-14)

I've got a problem... I'm from Italy and my operating system is Windows Vista... That's the problem:

I don't really know why it shows me these strange characters... Do you have any idea?! How can I resolve this? .-. ...

Stix2-55 (2009-07-15)

Oh well... now it tells me that he need a dll file or something... =_=

noahzhang (2009-07-23)

Stix2-55, i think it's because the setup is Russian or something

noahzhang (2009-07-24)

the game works but how do you change the language?

cheem_1 (2009-07-25)

Hope this works!!

noahzhang (2009-07-26)

never mind i changed the language to englis and it works!

nkatong (2009-07-30)

CLICK ON THIS LINK (2009-08-04)

hi guys
i just discovered this yesterday
you can change the language but you CAN'T change it to english
go to The Sims 3\Game\Bin\bin
there will be the language files but there is no file en-us
maybe someone could add a en-us file from another torrent but it's just a thought

tbane (2009-08-13)

really thanks man it works fine :B
to change the language it's very simple,
after installing the game go to start menu and run 'regedit' then:
in 'locale' change 'ru-RU' to 'en-US' for english, 'pt-PT' for portuguese... done!

emppumaister (2009-08-14)

when im running the game it comes the little movie or wath you call it and after that it comes some numbers,sunset valley and a box. And when i click the box it comes electronik arts welcome text and something else and then the game closes. Can enyone help my!!???

that70sdude4564 (2009-08-31)

wholy crap i got 1.0mb speed. i never got that before on a game torrent. ill be seeding for a long time

HamDaddy (2009-09-10)

NekronMorgoth and rockerxchick12; go here to and copy and paste the senences you want traslated. i went through and looked a few but found no real resolutions. Good luck.

baGK8 (2009-09-17)

I'm having problems with this language, too. I'll try translating some and hope someone will figure it out.
With other games (I think my other Sims games too) there was a folder with different languages to change the game to. I'm still installing the game, but when it's finished I'll check.

baGK8 (2009-09-17)

I installed the game, changed the language with this torrent:

When I got an error message saying the "d3dx9_31.dll" file was missing, I downloaded it here:

That was the end of the installation problems I had. Sadly, my brand new computer doesn't have the right video card for The Sims 3... :o(

hitman7744 (2009-12-29)


Vedu_King (2010-01-31)

This sucks man, HOW DO I INSTALL IT? After selecting the directory in which I want to install, some crappy non-English language pops up, and I dunno what to do. PLEASE HELP!!!

AKED (2010-11-11)

If you guys still have problems like I did, try this torrent:


1. The Sims 3/Sims3.mdf 4087.93 Mb
2. The Sims 3/Sims3.mds 4.23 Kb