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SPORE Galactic Adventures iso






Spore Galactic Adventures




2009-06-24 (by Sweet_Tooth663)


Here it is again from me Sweet_Tooth663 the full working ISO please download and seed thank you I need all the seeders I can get since this is new :D Im trying to spread this as much as I can to all of you downloaders, and to anyone who is wondering yes this is real, I copied it last night directly from the DVD there are no problems except fro the key and keygen :D NO KEY OR KEYGEN INCLUDED YET!


  1. Spore
  2. Galactic
  3. Adventures
  4. Epansion
  5. Games
  6. Windows
  7. ISO

Files count:



2219.63 Mb




Atsyannix (2009-06-25)

Could you plz seed it? Just open ur torrent program and let it upload, u can do it while u sleep!

Hello849 (2009-06-25)

Seed!!!! Hurry you have 400 People you need to share it to!!!

Detinator73 (2009-06-25)

Seed it plz???

animeworld (2009-06-25)

This looks like fake

Lucky13s (2009-06-25)

Fuck this shit, Sweet_Tooth has been putting these up everywhere for since the 23rd and not seeding a single one. This is bullshit, if you're gonna fuckin upload something SEED IT FIRST! NO ONE CAN DOWNLOAD IT IF NO ONE HAS IT TO SEED!

Lolada69 (2009-06-25)

Cmon, seed it, i'm at 18%, i wanted to have this today, so please, SEEEEEEEDDDD!!!!!!!

Lolada69 (2009-06-25)

28%, just keep seeding it!

Detinator73 (2009-06-25)

Once you guys make it into 100%, seed it, and check the folder for any viruses..... I dont want my computer to be infected.....

Apachey (2009-06-25)

How did you get this one?
Anyway 28,5...]
Hope that it free of viruses!
Btw, its not fake!!! Im just opened not complete-downloaded file, and i see there some files what attempt to the Galactic Adventures...
Soon will be keygen, crack???

Lolada69 (2009-06-25)

Please, seed, i'm stuck at 32,6%, and don't worry Detinator73, i wil check for viruses when 100% and i post a coment here to say. But to that i need seeders, cmon, who ever have the file, just seed it please.

Detinator73 (2009-06-26)

Alright then..... I am at a 34.2%.

Alaron251 (2009-06-26)

Fuck. You.

Detinator73 (2009-06-26)

Did anybody made it into 100% yet???

Lolada69 (2009-06-26)

Not me, only 36,8% yet :(

Lolada69 (2009-06-26)

Ok, it's 100% and it has no viruses :)

Detinator73 (2009-06-26)

The key for Spore Galactic Adventures

Detinator73 (2009-06-26)

Does anybody know where I can get a no-cd for this???

Lolada69 (2009-06-27)

Thank you very much Detinator73 for the serial :)
And, no, don't know where to get a no-cd for this, but i'll keep looking...

g3nocid3.1589 (2009-06-27)

download speed is really slow, i wonder why? looks like there are ennough seeders

Detinator73 (2009-06-27)

It gets faster once you get used to it...... And Faitu, there is no crack for this, but try this...... Get PowerISO, mount it onto an image, and thats it, play......

Lolada69 (2009-06-27)

I'm finally playing it :D
Go through this steps:
1. Download the ISO
2. Mount the ISO file with POWERISO, i could only get it to work well with that, with DAEMON TOOLS i get the same error TheeMan0 had.
3. Install the game. It automaticly apply's all the patches
4. Launch the game from C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\SPORE_EP1\Sporeapp.exe and play Everytime you play you need to mount it until a crack comes out.
Hope this helps :) Good luck everyone

savya (2009-06-27)

do i need the old game of spore to play this
i mean is it a expansion

Lolada69 (2009-06-27)

Yes you do.
Yes it is.

madanchi (2009-06-28)

can u go online with this? nd ive got all the other spore games n expansions (genuin original) so will it effect it

Aurella (2009-06-28)

258kb/s,goes fast enough for me...imma report if it has viruses and if its working after dl-ed...

Aurella (2009-06-28)

Works perfect for me.
Thanks Sweet Tooth!

Detinator73 (2009-06-29)

So once there is a crack released, then will there be a missions pack, so we can increase our mission status for every character???

Aurella (2009-07-01)

READ THIS! There are adventures instead of missions in space phase...when you accept a mission from other empires in space phase they will send you to an other planet,each mission is made as an adventure there

airforce8731 (2009-07-06)

works great this keygen works!
try it i am only installing it now so i don't know if
it will play the game.
: )

airforce8731 (2009-07-06)


airforce8731 (2009-07-07)

how do u play it!
when i start up galactic adventures it tells me to enter the dvd!
please help me out!

connorw138 (2009-07-07)

This Works Perfect For Me If Your Having Problems Starting it UP the
make sure your clicking on SPORE GA Icon Not SPORES
And Disconnect The Internet Whilst Playing
PS Cheers For The Upload Sweet Tooth Perfect Upload Hope It Works For Eveyone Else

connorw138 (2009-07-07)

I Forgot U Also Need To Have Spore, Spore Ga & Spore C&C All Mounted On A Drive Just Use Power ISO You Can Get Upto 28 Virtual Drives On There

airforce8731 (2009-07-10)

so do u have to have spore and g/adventures in the same folder for you to play!
can you or someone give me some instructions.

airforce8731 (2009-07-10)

sweet tooth help me!
it says please insert dvd every time i onen the game!
what do i do!
help me out!
someone, anyone, please

airforce8731 (2009-07-10)

this is bull!!
can know one help me with this!
sweet tooth or any one help me out!!

airforce8731 (2009-07-11)

anyone please help me!
what do i do!
every time i open the game it says please insert
spore GA dvd!
did i install it wrong?
what do you do?
help me!
can someone please give me some easy and simple instructions on how to play the game!
thanks for whoever is nice enough to help!
sweet tooth help me!!

airforce8731 (2009-07-11)

where do u mount it when u are going to play!

Iamthejebus (2009-07-22)

I couldnt post the details on here without it saying Database Error so i made a thread on where to get it
Crack details HERE

Not my upload
It has worked for me, i found it on google

GOLFH (2009-07-24)

hey noobs.
you need something called.

anschnaller (2009-07-25)

people like you make me hate torrents

xxxxxHACKERxxxxx (2009-07-31)

So, someone knows how to download full adventure? I've downloaded some of them, but the game need to login for downloading the content.
Please help me!

HappyTreeFriends94 (2009-12-14)

Can you go online with this? I have baught spore and downloaded creepy and cute and im about to download this. but can i still play noramly online with out being caught?

ytlegend (2009-12-28)

cant you just download a crack and replace it with the other app

Nyakata (2010-02-24)

very good work

LegozPwnt (2010-04-06)

Which Mount do you use? PowerISO or Daemon? Because I downloaded one before, and it told me to insert the original Spore GA DVD and the only option I had was "Quit" I have spore and spore creapy and cute parts. Am I forgetting something?
I installed the game before with Daemon Tools and played it with Daemon Tools.

apb91781 (2010-08-11)

for any kind of crack, gamecopyworld is your friend. Look it up.

Gerry19101986 (2011-01-06)

Detinator tnx for the serial

SporeLover (2011-05-28)

HELP!! You see, i installed it and did it as i was supposed to, but when i run it in my electronic arts folder, it opens, the screen is black and before it even gets to the galaxy screen, it crashes! PLEASE HELP ME I WAITED SO LONG FOR NOTHING T-T

LordMerkadis (2011-06-02)

For those generations after me who will want to download this pain in ass of a game heed my words and be enlightened:
1. Install Clean v1.0 Spore
2. Install patch v1.5.1
3. Install patch v1.6
4. Install creepy and cute mod
5. install Galactic Adventures
6. WIN!
Found all of this out after i donated some good amount of my blood to this games altar.. Or in other words after god damn annoyingly long ass research, so you better be thankful bitches.
Tested on Vista x64 with gtx nvidia 8800
The problem was apparently in the v1.5.1 patch if u install this bitch on top of GA mod it messes it up making the animation static aka non-moving-shit. I couldn't bring myself to play static shit so i had to go researching p_p

zanpiques (2011-06-26)

here i got the crack for spore GA!7z

choose "Spore: Galactic Adventures v3.0 [MULTI16] No-DVD/Fixed EXE #2"
* Install Spore - Full Installation.
* Install Spore: Galactic Adventures Add-On - Full Installation.
* Replace the original \SPORE\SPOREBIN\SPOREAPP.EXE file with the one from: \SPOREBIN
* Replace the original \SPORE_EP1\SPOREBINEP1\SPOREAPP.EXE file with the one from: \SPOREBINEP1
* Enjoy the Game!
PS : it works for me 100 % :))

fondelaar (2011-08-12)

it tells me to instal spore first..

SPOREAD (2012-03-21)

Yo!Is it normal to burn the disk?I can't find a DVD-R
does the disk need to be empty or the cover of the CD is blank?REPLY REPLY >_

Minato9 (2012-07-04)

Got it fully working at first, few hours later booted my PC back up and now it says please insert Spore GA disc? Never did this before? Help!

greenllama (2012-08-15)

How to play the game without broken animations:
1) The issue here is that the no cd cracks that exist were all made for version 1.4 (1.004 or whatever) of spore. This is the same version that Galactic Adventures starts out as without any patches and which Spore is automatically updated to when you install Galactic Adventures. If you simply leave the game as 1.4 and use the no cd crack, the game will work perfectly fine.
2) Also I personally have tried using poweriso instead of daemon tools and i still got an incorrect cd is inserted error when I tried to play the game with the correct install order to 1.6. As 1.5 and 1.6 don't really add all that much, i suggest leaving the game in 1.4 as it works 100% fine.
3) If you try to use the no cd cracks that are out there on 1.5, 1.5.1, or 1.6, you will have varying levels of bugginess throughout the game, most notably that in all stages of the game with creatures (creature, tribal, and adventures) the animations will be either messed up or completely frozen depending on the version you have. These stages are still completable though... the animations don't occur but the action does actually still happen so you can still socialize it's just a bit weird. Or if you don't have an old spore account like I do and you're playing offline anyway, you can just use cheats to unlock the civ and space stages so that you can skip creature/tribal.

Commador_Porkins (2013-04-28)

No key or keygen, but can one still get around that in the same manner one did while installing normal 'Spore'? Or can I just disconnect from the internet, put in a random key, and install it that way?
Assuming the no-cd crack also prevents successive key-checks.


1. SPORE Galactic Adventures.iso 2219.63 Mb