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2005-06-30 (by suvas2ga)


_________________ __________________ ___________ __________________ / _____|_ ___ \_ _____/ \_ _____/ _ _____/ _ _____ / / | __)_ / | | __)_ | __)_| | | / ____| Y | | | |_/ | _ /_______ /______ /_______ |____|__ /_______ | |______ |_______/ |_| / / / / / / __________________________________________________________________ _/ _ ² Microsoft.Windows.XP.Scene.Edition.v1.6.INTERNAL-ZiMiNi / ² ² ________________________________________________________________/ ² ² ² ² Supplier .....: ZiMiNi Release Date .: 06/02/05 ² ² Cracker ......: - Release Size .: 1CD 27x15MB ² ² Packager .....: ZiMiNi Method .......: ISO+RAR ² ² Protection ...: Serial Type .........: OS ² ²_ _² ² __________________________________________________________________/ ² ² ² ² Windows XP Professional sets a new standard for performance and ² ² reliability. If you demand the most from your operating system, ² ² this version of Windows was designed for you. ² ² ² ² This release is jam packed with Performance Enhancing tweaks ² ² of every nature. Also included is the excellent System 4a theme ² ² and a converted G.A.N.T. 2 Shell Theme, along with custom boot ² ² and logon screens. The standard compilation of Cracked WFP and ² ² uxtheme.dll should make your life easier and the added ² ² convenience of the almost fully automated install will bring a ² ² smile to your face. ² ² ² ²_ _² ² ___REQUiREMENTS___________________________________________________/ ² ² ² ²  PC with 300 megahertz or higher ² ²  Intel Pentium/Celeron family or compatible ² ²  128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher ² ²  1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space ² ²  Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher video adapter and monitor ² ²  CD-ROM or DVD drive ² ²  Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device ² ² ² ²_ _² ² ___iNSTALLATiON___________________________________________________/ ² ² ² ²  Unrar with WinRAR or Equivalent ² ²  Burn the Image with your favourite tool ² ²  Restart and boot from Cd ² ²  Select Partition and filesystem ² ²  Done ² ² ² ² ... Enjoy this fine ZiMiNi release! ² ² ² ²_ _² _______________iF YOU ENJOY THiS RELEASE SPREAD iT!_______________/

Files count:



397.87 Mb




suvas2ga (2005-06-30)

whoaaa, you`re killing my upload :D Sry for slow speed, but my connection isn`t so good. Anyway enjoy and seed.

suvas2ga (2005-06-30)

hm.. does comments works?

gaynigga (2005-06-30)

Some nice tweaks, but a ugly custom interface.
Install time, size and items is allmost like default Win XP Pro.
You may like it, i don't.
Thx anyway.

zoner81 (2005-06-30)

is this with service pack 2??

bill-gate (2006-04-06)

What the fuck have you done to my Windows? This is amazing! I install it and runs fast! Yes, the interface is a little ugly, but I think it can be change very easy. I like the fact that has the SATA driver already installed. Also, some of the service has been disable, like "fast user switching", etc. But is is fast!!!

n1179 (2006-12-29)

Will some one please reseed