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True Crime.Streets of LA.PC.ISO - MaZZa






True Crime.Streets of LA.PC.ISO - MaZZa




2009-02-28 (by Mazza101)


1. Unrar 2. Mount/Burn ISO file 3. Install game 4. Copy Crack from the Crack folder into your game folder 5. Enjoy. True Crime: Streets of L.A. for the PC will feature online multiplayer gameplay. Using either Gamespy or a Local Area Network (LAN), up to four players can join up and play any of five different multiplayer games. Drawing from the characters in the single player portion of True Crime, gameplay will vary from the “Fast and Furious” style of “Street Racing” mode, to patrolling the city and bagging the most criminals in “The Beat.” Other multiplayer games include hand-to-hand combat in “Dojo Master,” slaughtering opponents with new weapons such as a rocket launcher or crossbow in “Battle Master,” and Los Angeles wouldn’t be complete without a high speed car chase. In “The Chase,” gamers can play either the police or criminal in a desperate race across the City of Angels.

Files count:



1980.72 Mb




Hutlernn (2009-03-01)

This game's pretty old, does it work with Vista?

Mazza101 (2009-03-01)

I'm running Vista 32bit and it runs fine.

Jambost (2009-03-01)

Your a legend, Thanks!

Hutlernn (2009-03-04)

Thanks for the rapid answer... I'm gonna download and see if it works..

Hutlernn (2009-03-04)

BTW, True Crime: Streets of NEW YORK didn't work with Vista... I'm surprised if this will run, actually.

craig6669 (2009-03-15)

where is the crack file located if it there at all?

Hutlernn (2009-03-21)

It worked with Vista. Thanks Alot :D

tecnic_style (2009-04-26)


bzzzr (2009-06-22)

When I try to run the install i get a message saying:
This installation package could not be opened.
Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

bzzzr (2009-06-23)

someone plz respond

DragMar_RUS (2009-07-09)

Add speed !!!!

hedges25 (2009-08-04)

Download was pretty fast (averaged out at 250kb/s) and completely clean. No viruses or anything. Super easy install (Took about 10 minutes) and game works brilliantly. 10/10 Mazza! Just one problem, I can't get my controller working on it ;) Otherwise great! Well worth the download!

hedges25 (2009-08-04)

By the way, all I did was mount with PowerISO, run the autorun, install from the autorun menu. Copied the crack and played the game! Easy as that! And I have Vista Home Premium 32bit.
The crack folder is inside the iso file. So when you mount it, it will be in the True Crime drive in My Computer. And just install from the autorun and it should work fine :)

malone121 (2009-11-27)

were do u put the crack once u copy it plz help

pwnza (2010-01-05)

uhh quick Q: whers the crack???

vlad_ivx (2010-02-13)

Hi, if anyone needs a crack for this game, my Yahoo id is ivan_ciux .

ricarduks (2010-04-17)

thx true crime new york city works perfectly on vista and so does true crime streets of la

ricarduks (2010-04-17)

btw why are there so many so manny SO MANNNY winrar files? i mean this isint reloaded at least it dosent say so in the description

froggybusiness (2010-05-13)

Ok so I have Vista 64bit Home Edition, and when I try to copy the crack it asks for the usual Permission but it will not copy and I cannot figure out for the life of me how the fuck to do it. Anyone that can help it would be appreciated, or if anyone is willing to email me a copy of the one they are using it would be a huge help. Cheers

jordanidk (2010-05-27)

Guy above me ^ try installing the game to a different directory that MAY help.
Thanks to uploader, works great.

TheLoneWanderer (2010-06-10)

can someone help i sucessfully installed game but when i click game it goes on black screen then takes me back to desktop and says true crime streets of la has stopped working.

deadbeat88 (2010-08-12)

works on windows7
its just...
the display sucks.
mouse is useless
gun aiming sucks
controls are weird.... and sucks
read reviews first before playing this game.

cr1m3_c1ty (2010-11-04)

thats a big shit when i click on new game singleplayer i wanna save and its says save failed .
what its have?
P.S.:sorry for my bad english

cr1m3_c1ty (2010-11-04)

can somebody answer to me? please

ha4012 (2011-02-28)

Thanks man. I finally can play this game!

Adnel (2011-03-29)

When I click True Crime - Streets of LA, It says that I need to run setup.exe. Soemone please help!

Adnel (2011-03-29)

When I click on True Crime - Streets of LA to play it, it says I need to run setup.exe, any help please!!!!

falkon193 (2011-09-18)

I tried to install the game, but when I auto start nothing happens.
Now I tried to install "setup exe" and then I could have installed the game. When the installation was finished I started the game and I got the message
"please insert crime1 true, select OK and restart application"
How can I get the game to work

arslanshah99 (2011-09-19)


arslanshah99 (2011-09-19)


silver1998 (2011-10-27)

adnel:then run the setup.exe:D

silver1998 (2011-10-27)

AMAZING TORRENT!!! my usual download speed is 200 kb,this one i got 700 KB!!!!THANK U MUCH!!!

DoubleBass91 (2012-06-13)

Great Job Mazza! Downloading at 1.5MB/s ! Great game!

DoubleBass91 (2012-06-13)

O yeah and Falkon193, you need to apply the crack. On most ISO torrents the crack can be found in the ISO file In a crack folder, just copy the crack and paste it into the Game Directory
(where the game installed) you will be prompted to replace the existing file say YES. and then run the game from that .exe Simple as that.

shubhdud (2012-06-18)

Goood torrent..........amazing

timmarlott (2012-08-23)

hey is there a way to make the xbox 360 controllers work on this? really hard to play a game with this caliber on a keyboard/mouse

KingLesl (2012-12-24)

@timmarlott google a software called pinnacle game profiler..... now help me which of these 42 files should i extract..

solitaire (2013-07-11)

Works great!
W7 64bit
Phenom 2 x4 965
Nvidia GTX 650 Ti

AncestorZix (2014-04-14)

Great game! Downloaded at 2mb/s, Seeding for a month.

AncestorZix (2014-04-14)

Steps to getting this game:
1. Download the torrent.
2. Unrar part 0 with winrar.
3. Mount the Iso, i use Daemon Tools.
4. Install the game with setup.exe or autorun.
5. Go into the Iso and open the folder called crack.
6. Copy and paste the application in there into where you installed the game.
7. Play the game!

Yorkfield (2014-08-14)

Thanks very much.