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Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Video/TV shows
2006-09-25 (by iv81)
For original "Mighty Morphin Power Ranghers" Fans as Myself - Enjoy :)
Video: DivX 5 320x240 29.97fps
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 44100Hz mono 63Kbps
See also Season 2 and 3
Files count:
6059.57 Mb
Firesnake (2006-11-18)
GREAT upload, downloading now =)ngoducthang (2006-12-08)
i've longed for this series for who knows how long =) thank you! what a great classicSir_Viktor84 (2007-01-14)
Just has one thing to say to "iv81", and that is you are my hero! Many many thanks for this upload!citrus-moon (2007-02-20)
These have got to be the best torrents ever! Thank you so much!! :)fernandoBOT (2007-04-11)
seed plz.JoeDefoe (2007-04-27)
i hoped i could watch power rangers again, but no, no one is seeding so it will never finish:(JoeDefoe (2007-05-04)
wooow, it finished after 20 days, thats what I call high level seedingvalpen_audi (2007-05-21)
Hey!!Thank you for uploading this torrent!!
You're great!!
But there are some episodes non viewable.. Episodes nr: 4,13,14,22,25,27,29,30,31,37,41,42&44 doesn't work!!
If you have the episodes you're more than welcome to upload them!!
Thank you for the other episodes!!
flamehercules (2007-07-16)
Hey iv81 big fan of PR just as big a fan of ZR ever though of Uploading Zeo RangersKimberly_Janna1 (2007-08-09)
Thank You!! I have long seen after episodes from MMPR! Greaaaaat upload!ChrisHKDK (2007-09-04)
Yo dudes. I really like this show, but i can't seen itPenny_Rain (2007-09-22)
Episodes nr: 4,13,14,22,25,27,29,30,31,37,41,42&44 is just audio! No video!dom you have working episodes! Please contact me im a big fan!
u2020bullet (2007-11-23)
you need the lates codecs for that kind of video encryptiontigermaja (2007-11-25)
seed plz. ...=)u2020bullet (2007-11-25)
can someone please seed? ill return the favor by seeding for too weeks or longer.PS: awesome torrent :)
soccerskeet23 (2007-12-04)
your pretty much awesome cuz of this i haven't seen these episodes in forever nice upload i'm downloading them nowtigermaja (2007-12-19)
seed plz. ...=)yolabandola (2008-01-12)
wtf is power-rangermwvarley (2008-02-10)
What codec do i need to view some of these? and where can i get it for a mac?ErmacArgonian (2008-02-11)
Thank you!!! =)qwerty7878 (2008-02-15)
Fucking hell yeah i have to get this seed mo fuckaswolfie22 (2008-03-11)
DON"T BOTHER DOWNLOADING!! These are extremely low res, poor quality .avi's. I can't see how any of you like these downloads.Ohmstar (2008-04-03)
This torrent is better than nothing, but I would rather some high quality versions. Even rips of the Italian DVDs would be awesome, since those are the highest quality DVDs of the show that exist.ramajuko (2008-04-28)
@wolfie22What the hell do you expect from VHS rips? It even says in the description that the resolution is low, learn to read.
ajkriiseowen007 (2008-05-06)
plzzz..seed i need to finish this plzz...lawrencecrf150 (2008-05-11)
thanks soooo much been looking for this foreverDeathofSocrates (2008-05-29)
This is the most amazing thing ever please seed!!anotherarunan (2008-05-29)
please seed! only getting a 5kb/s download speed! this brings back SOO many memories! I am uploading what ive got at around 80kb/s so people please give what you get!! even if its for a day or two!zappo23 (2008-10-10)
iv, Thanks for the MMPR! I missed that stuff. For all you other guys, I'm seeding right now. I use GOMPlayer to play all my movies, and it works with almost everything. Get it and all your "OMG i cant see or hear it" shit will disappear.Safebuz (2009-01-15)
haha. so nice !! been looking for this for some time now.!!! thanks for UL and please seed! i will seed as long as there are leechers when i get it all down.Thanks again all!!!
ThePoliticsOfStarving (2009-01-21)
It's amazing how many people will download this and admit to enjoying it, and we're probably all in our 20's too.Is it just because it reminds us of our childhood, or because we actually like cheesy 1990's kids shows?
henryc78 (2009-01-27)
plz seed if you have the episode green with evil part 3 im stuck at 99.9 percent and i cant watch is because of that episode so if you have it plz seed and the person that uploaded if ur not seeding can you just seed for like 20minutes plz the episode is at 95 percent so u wont have 2 seed for long plz seed thisJCStyles (2009-03-18)
Thank You Dude OMG!! I Spent So Many Mornings Watching This Show I Can Wait To Relive My Childhood When I Watch The Green Ranger Episodes. Or The Dream Island Episodes. I Loved The Power Rangers. When It Went To Power Rangers Turbo It Got Alittle To Watered Down.An Whats Bein Aired To Day Is Crap. I Have All My Old Power Ranger Toys all The Zords.An Even The Power Plaster.In The Original Box. All I have To Say is GO GO POWER RANGERS!ambhoy (2009-04-09)
Thanks for the upload.. My nephews will be delighted...Shannaro (2009-04-17)
For the love of God SEED before I kill myselfXDQuestionmarq34 (2009-05-08)
Thanks for the upload!!! I've been hoping for something like this for a while! God I miss the '90s.kurayami0501 (2009-07-16)
There is something wrong with my audio. Any sugguestions?kurayami0501 (2009-07-16)
nvm I found it. ^_^ I love MMPR!Eman10 (2009-08-03)
if ne1 is a power ranger fan plz email me for details on a 1 mnth challenge i will be holding via email.Eman10 (2009-08-03)
my email is e-man-eman10@hotmail.comrevdfowl (2009-11-17)
i just finished down loading this maxed at 300kbs took about 10 hours but well worth it...A:10
video is not the best but Its still watchable and besides its hard to find dvds of the show I know cause i looked every where.. But thanx for the torrent this rocks...
Damascus25 (2010-01-04)
Thanks for the UL, but all should know that some of the titles are in the wrong order. I recommend checking the series Episode list on IMDB for the correct order. In season One episodes 41-55 are jumbled. Just a word of warning so you don't watch it out of order.primalclaws1974 (2010-01-20)
Downloaded during the night, and was done this morning. I wanted to save some space, downloaded this torrent opposed to another one that was 2 gigs bigger. I should have went with the other. The video is a 4 at best! Looks like VHS copies. Will prob burn one dvd worth and never use this again. Sorry to sound harsh, as this uploader is trying to help people, but it's just not very good!CovertOPSDragunov (2010-04-26)
Best Kids Show Eva Remember watching this as a kid and now i m a teenager :( didn't know puberty will be this hardMustafa1990 (2010-08-27)
PEOPLE FOR FUCKS SAKE DOWNLOAD " vlc player " IF U WANT TO HAVE A DESCENT VIEUWER !!!! i swear i have downloaded 100s of movies and shows and i NEVER EVER had any problems..stop using fucking windows media player or winamp or divx player or whatever you are using USE VLC MEDIA PLAYER !jbeast662 (2010-09-06)
thanks guys for seeding iam seed when iam done downloading lets keep seeding for other people it only fairjbeast662 (2010-09-06)
been looking for this everywere thanks guyssynergy18 (2010-10-02)
seed? i've been questing for this show for a LONG time.Calvinloser (2010-10-24)
I used to watch this as a kid all the time. They wre great lol. This was my first TV crush with the Pink Ranger, .. she is soo cute :psynergy18 (2010-11-02)
seed? i've been stuck at 8.2% for like the last monthyoshi39 (2010-12-06)
0 (91) seeds...
yoshi39 (2010-12-06)
It's downloading =Dhopesdead (2011-02-07)
Thanks. I never really watched any of the Disney stuff but with Saben doing the Samurai, I'll watch them all from the beginning.sakechan4ya (2011-05-08)
haha thanks so much! So many great memories!9525.hondaman (2011-06-15)
thanks alot will seed for as long as i have ita:8
19KeNnY86 (2011-09-15)
i got the kid the movie and he loved it so this will go down a treat thanksbradgin (2011-12-29)
Could someone please seed this. I really want this.Deminted4eveR (2012-03-29)
i normally dont complain when something is free but giving this a v/10 REALLY!? sure if you leave it small it is okay i guess but man full screen is an EPIC FAIL i was so pumped to watch these old original episodes SO LET DOWNit was a fast DL though and for that i thank you
jetf (2012-05-10)
63 seeders.. guys, where are you? =)Milos2020 (2012-09-11)
Where can I find subs for this?kaliasa (2012-10-11)
А че такое качество паршивое??4rch4 (2013-02-08)
to all ppl QQing about quality of this: wtf did you expect, full HD? this was aired in 1993, do your research before you show your stupidity in public.waiyan22 (2013-03-23)
seeding....plzRoboguy91 (2013-06-07)
@Deminted4eveR Are you fucking stupid? what did you expect? Full HD 1080p @120Hz? this was fucking aired in 1993!! GTFO you asshole... video is fine considering how old it is.starfight12 (2013-09-08)
this was aired on mobile 240p and not on tv wtfi saw this on tv 480 and quality is good
starfight12 (2013-09-08)
@4rch4 are u stupid this was aired on TV aspect ratio 4:3 480 resolution and not 240 mobile phone resolution i was borned 1985 and i know all about resolutionsstarfight12 (2013-09-08)
@Roboguy91 yes ur stupid this was aired on tv 480 and not mobile phones resolutionsNatsubak (2014-03-18)
wow over 200K on download and its gonna take 8 hours that's fucking insane I can download DVDRIPS of full movies faster then thisFiles:
1. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x00 - Day Of The Dumpster (Lost Episode).avi 152.76 Mb
2. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x01 - Day of the Dumpster.avi 101.79 Mb
3. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x02 - High Five.avi 96.14 Mb
4. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x03 - Teamwork.avi 90.47 Mb
5. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x04 a_pressing_engagement.avi 121.72 Mb
6. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x05 different_drum.avi 106.32 Mb
7. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x06 - Food Fight.avi 107.96 Mb
8. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x07 big_sisters.avi 80.79 Mb
9. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x08 - I, eye guy.avi 87.79 Mb
10. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x09 - For Whom The Bell Trolls.avi 133.74 Mb
11. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x10 - Happy birthday, Zack.avi 102.68 Mb
12. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x11 - No clowning around.avi 90.98 Mb
13. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x12 - Power Ranger Punks.avi 93.43 Mb
14. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x13 - Peace, love, and woe.avi 89.61 Mb
15. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x14 - Foul play in the sky.avi 119.13 Mb
16. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x15 - Dark warrior.avi 88.90 Mb
17. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x16 - Switching places.avi 107.23 Mb
18. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x17 - Green With Evil Part 1 (Out of Control).avi 92.39 Mb
19. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x18 - Green With Evil Part 2 (Jason's Battle).avi 88.79 Mb
20. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x19 - Green With Evil Part 3 (The Rescue).avi 87.89 Mb
21. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x20 - Green With Evil Part 4 (Eclipsing Megazord).avi 88.56 Mb
22. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x21 - Green With Evil Part 5 (Breaking the Spell).avi 87.82 Mb
23. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x22 - The Trouble with shellshock.avi 102.73 Mb
24. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x23 - Itsy bitsy spider.avi 92.95 Mb
25. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x24 - The Spit flower.avi 99.97 Mb
26. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x25 - Gung Ho!.avi 158.38 Mb
27. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x26 - Life's a masquerade.avi 93.05 Mb
28. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x27 - Wheel of Misfortune.avi 103.63 Mb
29. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x28 Island Of Illusions Part 1.avi 135.18 Mb
30. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x29 Island Of Illusions Part 2.avi 104.81 Mb
31. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x30 - The Rockstar.avi 87.55 Mb
32. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x31 - Calamity Kimberly.avi 107.26 Mb
33. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x32 - A Star is Born.avi 88.34 Mb
34. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x33 - The Yolk's on you!.avi 94.36 Mb
35. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x34 The Green Candle, Part 1.avi 88.97 Mb
36. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x35 The Green Candle, Part 2.avi 84.49 Mb
37. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x36 - Birds of a feather.avi 93.82 Mb
38. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x37 - Clean-up club.avi 105.21 Mb
39. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x38 - A Bad Reflection On You.avi 81.07 Mb
40. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x39 - Doomsday Part 1.avi 88.93 Mb
41. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x40 - Doomsday Part 2.avi 86.73 Mb
42. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x41 - A Pig surprise.avi 88.27 Mb
43. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x42 - Lions and blizzards.avi 87.40 Mb
44. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x43 - Rita's seed of evil.avi 92.19 Mb
45. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x44 - Crystal of nightmares.avi 90.53 Mb
46. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x45 - Something fishy.avi 122.91 Mb
47. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x46 - To flea or not to flee.avi 124.01 Mb
48. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x47 - Reign of the jellyfish.avi 115.03 Mb
49. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x48 - Plague of the mantis.avi 86.35 Mb
50. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x49 - Return of an old friend Part 1.avi 97.99 Mb
51. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x50 - Return of an old friend Part 2.avi 100.71 Mb
52. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x51 - Grumble bee.avi 94.25 Mb
53. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x52 - Two heads are better than one.avi 90.77 Mb
54. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x53 - Fowl play.avi 87.11 Mb
55. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x54 - Enter... the lizzinator.avi 97.89 Mb
56. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x55 - Trick or treat.avi 91.19 Mb
57. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x56 - On fins and needles.avi 97.84 Mb
58. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x57 - Second chance.avi 98.01 Mb
59. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x58 - Football Season.avi 84.68 Mb
60. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x59 - Mighty morphin' mutants.avi 100.67 Mb
61. Season 1 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 1x60 - An oyster stew.avi 97.47 Mb