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Half Life 1 Source -Addon- Vengeance






Half Life 1 Source -Addon- Vengeance




2005-01-05 (by SniperFin)


²²Ü °°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °° ° °°°° °° ° ÜÛÛÛ °°°° ° ° °°°°°°°°°°°± ÜÜÜ ÜÛÛÛß Ü± ° ÛÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÛÛ° ÞÛÛ ÜÛÛ °Û ÜÛÛÛ²° ÛÛ² ܲÜÛ ÜÛÛÜ ÛÛ² ÛÛÛÝ ÜÛ²ßÛ± Üß Ü ÜÛÛÛ ÜÛÛßÛݱÛÛÛÛß²²² Üß ÛßÜ ÜÛÜßÛÛÛÝ ÜÛ²ßÛÛÝ ÛÛ² ÛÛÛ ÜÛ²ß Û²ÛÛ ²ÛÜ²ß ÛÛÝ ÜÛÛß ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛ ÜÛÛ°ÛÛ ÛÛß ÜÛ²ß ÛÛÝ ÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ²Û ßßÞÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛݲÛÛÝ ²ÛÛ±ÛÛ ÛÛ² ÛÛÝ ÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÞÛÜÜÜÜܲÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÝ°ÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÝ ÛÛ²ÜßÛÛÛÛ² °ÛÛ²ßÛÜÞÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÞÛÛ±ÛÛ ßÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ² Ü Û²² ÛÛ²Û² ßܱÛÛßÜ°ßÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛßÜ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ² ²Ü ²²² ÛÛ²Û² Þ²ÛÛ ßÜÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ßÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ² ²Û ²²²Ü ÛÛ²Û²Ý ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ²Ý ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ² ÞÛÛÛ²ÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛ²Ý ÛÛ ßßÛÛÛ²²ÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛ ÞÛ²ÛÜÜÛÛÛÛ²² ÜÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛ² ßÛÛÛßÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛ² ÜÛÛ ²²²ÝßÛ²ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛ Þ²²ÝßßßÛÛÛ²²ÛÜÜÛÛß ßÛ ÛÛÛÛ² Ûß ßßÛÛÛÛÝßÛ²ÜÜÛÛÛÛ Þ²²Ý ßßßß ÜÛ² ß²Ý ÛÛÛÝ ßßßß ß ÛÛÛ²²Ý ß ÛÛÛß ßßßß ÛÛ ²²² ß ßÜ ÛÛ² ÞÛÛ²Ýß ²ß Üß °°°°° ß²Ý °°°° °°° ° ÞÛÛ² Ü ÜÞÛ²²Ý ° °°°° ß °°°°°°°°° °° ß ßÛÛ²Û Û²²² ° V E N G E A N C E ß²Ý Þ²ß± cH! & S! ° ²Ü ßþ þß ° ܲ ÛÛßÜÜÛ²ÛßÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÛÛßßßßß²ß ß ß ß²ßßßÜßÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ ± ° Proudly Presents.. Half-Life 1 Source *Addon* (c) VALVE/Sierra Release Date : 01-04-2005 Protection : SecuROM / Steam File Count : CD=25x15mb Game Genre : FPS ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- - - - Ä ÄÄÄÙ --ÄÄÄ [ R e l e a s e I n f o r m a t i o n .:::::::::: ] ÄÄ--- ÚÄÄÄ Ä - - - --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The original game that rocked the industry, on a faster, more advanced, and superior graphics engine, Source. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- - - - Ä ÄÄÄÙ --ÄÄÄ [ R e l e a s e / G r o u p N o t e s .:::::::::: ] ÄÄ--- ÚÄÄÄ Ä - - - --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ "Vengeance is not the point, change is. But the trouble is that in most people's minds the thought of victory and the thought of punishing the enemy coincide." ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- - - - Ä -ÄÄÙ --ÄÄÄ [ I n s t a l l I n f o r m a t i o n .:::::::::: ] ÄÄ--- ÚÄ-- Ä - - - --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Install Notes (Please follow these instructions IN ORDER) 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent 2. Run hlsinstall.exe and HL1 Source will automatically install. 3. Run the game using the shortcut on your desktop and enjoy the original epic, Half-Life 1.

Files count:



349.85 Mb




SniperFin (2005-01-06)

Works with Vengeances release of HL2, have not tested other. If you have original this does not work.

MaXZooM (2005-01-06)

måste man ha hl2 vengeance för att spela eller?

Jolaki (2005-01-06)

Maxzoom: Ja det måste du...

SniperFin (2005-01-06)

Man you need goggles

warius (2005-01-06)


skn (2005-01-06)

Nice upload:-) I have an orig copy of HL2 so unfort i cant try this one out. Dont wanna pay money for a 5 year old game that I bought at retail a long time ago.

SniperFin (2005-01-06)

Vengeance has their own steam engine and other stuff altered to make the game work without internet connection. In nforce forums people report that they have not got this rel working with other than vengeance release. I do not recommend that you download this rel if you do not have vengeances rel of the game.

Craigen (2005-01-25)

Jag ser ingen hlsinstall.exe i denna release =/

danne-r (2005-02-24)

denna fungerar den med:

WhoiSTech (2005-02-24)

UNEXPECTED END OF ARCHIVE kommer upp mär jag packar upp det
vad för fel hjälp mig

Mogge123 (2005-03-03)

troligtvis använder du en för gammal win.rar uppdatera =)

Volvo_240 (2005-03-25)

Nån som har möjlighet att seeda denna?

sebu42 (2005-04-20)

Is there a way to get hl:source working with real hl2 version?

KOBBEN72 (2005-05-09)

Varför i HVTE funkar inte autosave hos mig?Om jag dör i början hamnar jag långt fram som fan i spelet.Någon som har en lösning?

Rodni (2005-05-13)

Why this ain't work? It says "enabling" and stuck. Do i have to remove my steam and then install this or what?

Boomer_RS (2005-06-05)

så, ja måste tanka hl2 Vengeance för o köra detta? :S

Nerladdare (2005-06-28)

How to get half-life source work?

music_master_no_2 (2005-07-07)

kan ni seeda eller

Ghuntax (2005-08-05)

Hur får jag igån det?? har insalerat men de står bara hl2.exe har stött på ett problem och måste avslutas. Någon som har fått igån det snälla säg hur ja ska göra plz!!!

Schuy01 (2005-08-12)

The hlsinstal file will try to launch, it flashes the command propt then exits it. Does someone know whats up with this?

defer (2006-01-12)

Does this really work? :) (i have 64bit windows xp pro)
Please seed!

L4MA (2006-02-14)

Please seed...

0scar123 (2006-03-12)


0scar123 (2006-03-12)

do i have to use steam??

0scar123 (2006-03-12)

some one help me add my msn :
i do really need help

pikke (2006-05-18)

Is this the singleplayer or is it just multiplayer??

loko08 (2006-06-29)

Seed please

loko08 (2006-06-30)

wheres the hlsinstall.exe

Need_50cent_Password (2006-07-26)

Is this game for steam or won2? I want this game because i want to play counter strike 1.3 =)

nicke_anna (2007-06-21)

the hlsinstall fins i en av filerna när man öppnar dom med winrar

nicke_anna (2007-06-21)

men när jag trycker på install så häner inte ett skit ? det här funkar säkert inte ? de e säkert bar skit ..

leotrotti (2007-11-10)

I Unpack the files and I run hlsinstall.exe
A window open bit this window close after 1sec and the game is not install :(
Help PLZ

didgy (2008-01-21)

hi! its one thing ive been wondering about for a good time now what is the difference by half life 1 and half life 1 source?

my_monkey88 (2008-02-14)

I will seed this for as long as possible as it is cool and it won't work unless you have this HL2 installed, "Half-Life 2 DVD Retail-VENGEANCE" this is the one I used and it worked just fine for me :)

my_monkey88 (2008-02-19)

Has any one got the high def mod to work on this?

baab32 (2008-07-16)

i got the steamless half life 2 and the one from pacafe....what should i do after? do i need to change shortcut directories?

SniifF (2008-07-24)

Guys, I'm sorry to tell you this but.
- All who Downloaded this got virus/Trojan.
'cause if you look in this link:

Then you see that, The First few comments is:
"SniperFin at 2005-01-05 19:01 CET:
Works with Vengeances release of HL2, have not tested other. If you have original this does not work.
MaXZooM at 2005-01-05 19:14 CET:
måste man ha hl2 vengeance för att spela eller?
Jolaki at 2005-01-05 19:27 CET:
Maxzoom: Ja det måste du...
SniperFin at 2005-01-05 19:29 CET:
Man you need goggles"
(The same as here)

Locelo (2008-08-11)

Seed please! Is this clean? Works? Crap? Answer me, please and seed.

juks30 (2008-10-19)

im seeding this for a few days but can someone help me i click the hlsinstall.exe but nothin happens someone help me

juks30 (2008-11-04)

I click the hlsinstall.exe then a black box will pop up for 1 second and then closes and the game is not installed. Can anybody tell me what i have to do to make it work????

LordOrwell (2009-05-27)

real simple: the difference between half life and half life source is some effects use physics now to take advantage of the source engine. paper-doll deaths. The bad news is they never released a texture pack for source so the hi-res texture pack makes the original look better. And i am not sure why the uploader claimed the source version runs faster. That's just silly. The original one will run on a pentium.