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Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 crack [zerogear] 1.0.182 WORKING a






Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 crack1.0.182 (PrivateMatch only)




2010-02-15 (by encyre013)


new working crack... this crack using zero gear method.. this crack is probably u wont find much any players..but it WORK!!!! thanks to Bebop Just overwrite the files on your zerogear directory.. [C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonzero gearServer] 110% working! Seed the crack so we can get players on this version!! *UPDATE* CRACK ONLY WORK IN PRIVATE MATCH

Files count:



2.22 Mb




 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

Looks cool.
Im in! :)

KingXerxes (2010-02-15)

there are currently 34 leeches and 0 seeders displayed on my utorrent.
Please seed people - It's been 3 days with no cod and I'm really missing it (as depressing as that is)

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

Spread the word people!
Lemme know if it works!
i really wanna play right now!!!!

 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

We can't download moron!
You have to seed it!

 Mbb15 (2010-02-15)

I think its the same as my torrent so it works, download people and play the game!

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

i dont care if its the same.... all i want is to lt other people to know about the crack, so we all could play again!

 Mbb15 (2010-02-15)

me to! we meed those people in private matches lol

 Mbb15 (2010-02-15)


 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

I care, you stole it! :(
People this is the fast downloading, working:

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

@Mbb... are uploading this right now?
Im not gtting any peers.... any idea why?
its my first time posting a torrent actually...

 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

hm, Did you add any of these tracker to it?


 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

Nice, uploading with 100kb/s!
Nicely done.

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

yep... already added the trackers....
its ok now... im getting peers... thx...
and btw, dont say that the torrent was stolen from you... coz as far as i know, BEBOP made this crack and released it to the public... are you bebop? coz if you are... you have the right to say that... If i know you found the crack same way i did...
All im doing is helping to get players on this version... is that bad?

 FRITZBox (2010-02-15)

No, I ment Mbb15. But you released it 9 mins earlier.
Sorry sir! :)

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

Its not a problem... :D
all i wanna do is play...

bloodknight3621 (2010-02-15)

Whenever i try to join a game it says "Trying to find X more players" "Searching for games with

bloodknight3621 (2010-02-15)

Whenever i try to join a game it says "Trying to find X more players"
"Searching for games with

cultavix (2010-02-15)

This crack is only for Private matches only, it does not work in multiplayer mode yet... lets see what happens.. I think we are getting closer

qariboy (2010-02-15)

thanx God ... I thought I was the only 1 who cudn't find players.

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

lets wait for the update on this crack...
Whats good with this crack is that it was able to access the IW server... only problem now is picking up players on the net..

guigui456 (2010-02-15)

same thing as everybody else,
I can connect to IW servers, but can't find players
wating for an update
good luck to the crackers :)
let us know here if that's possible, if an update is available
thx !

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

will keep you updated whenever theres a nw crack out....

cabriolet2009 (2010-02-15)

and I want to play with you ,add me to you on the list, send your invitation ... I respectfully ... ferodo206 (steam id)

encyre013 (2010-02-15)

sorry i cant add friends on my steam account yet...

guigui456 (2010-02-15)

I can't either :
"Some features of the Steam Community become available once you have games in your steam account"
I only have zero gear installed, I guess I have to buy a full game in order to add friends ?

guigui456 (2010-02-15)

maybe u could try to add me ?
here's my nick : kourou59
see you

Bobzyman (2010-02-15)

i have same prob as others cant add people on steam hopefully they crack the multiplayer version to prevent this

Bobzyman (2010-02-15)

guys try to add me aswell hopefully i will see u in game my nic is bobzyman

Jonashunter (2010-02-15)

Add me Jehasser

rockstarnetonline (2010-02-15)

plz add me-anume bad

rockstarnetonline (2010-02-15)

add me
anume bad

guigui456 (2010-02-15)

do you guys get this message as well ?
"Some features of the Steam Community become available once you have games in your steam account" ??

dangirdas (2010-02-15)

add: dangirdas

dangirdas (2010-02-15)

add: dangirdas10

Bobzyman (2010-02-16)

could someone tel us if they can add others ty

x3mlygood (2010-02-16)

add me tooo x3rmlygood

guigui456 (2010-02-16)

add me sanflamme

1Belka1 (2010-02-16)

Join this group, and you will see when someone in this group plays modern warfare so you can join them !!! Its better solution, you dont have to add everyone as a friend...

Dre3000 (2010-02-16)

add Dre3000

rockstarnetonline (2010-02-16)

how can you play private match?I mean no one's online!

germ81 (2010-02-16)

Add me please
my steam name is

Bobzyman (2010-02-16)

@ 1belka1 : how do i join the match via the group cant realy navigate steam as i am new to it help ty

reinier145 (2010-02-17)

Add me reinier_aarts

reinier145 (2010-02-17)

steam name redviper01

Atom_ (2010-02-18)

ADD ME : Atom Con

Gdow (2010-02-18)

Hey add me:
Thanks!! =)

tiutzu (2010-02-19) id is .....tiu_saint....pls add me...

Gdow (2010-02-19)

Please Add me:
Thanks =)

cabriolet2009 (2010-02-21)

ferodo206...add me pls...i want to join

NodesOfRanvier (2010-02-24)

add: Krust.... only private invites then?

NodesOfRanvier (2010-02-24)

also just looked up that error (Some features of the Steam Community will become available..)
i guess you can't even invite friends til you pay for a game using steam?.. so this crack is worthless atm right?, never used 50c3nts so idk if it was the same typa thing

ticklord (2010-02-25)

Ung why does everybody like the steam lol I have it and games on it. Just sucks for pirating XD

Atom_ (2010-02-27)

ADD ME : AtomicJuice

RoBiN31320 (2010-03-24)

Add me : The_French_Ass [BoBuS]

Thug-Life (2010-04-20)

Add me