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Smashing Pumpkins - Live Sao Paulo 2011 Thru the eyes of Brazil
Smashing Pumpkins - Live Sao Paulo 2011 Thru the eyes of Brazil
Video/Music videos
2011-08-22 (by andrewsfg)
Smashing Pumpkins, Live
Brazil, Sao Paulo, 20/nov
Single Layer DVD
Video>Widescreen by
Quality A
Ãudio A (soundboard
Share for free
created by Andrews F.G
1. The Fellowship
2. Lonely is the name
3. Today
4. Ava Adore
5. A Song for a son
6. Bullet with butterfly wings
7. Tarantula
8. United States
9. Splanged
10. Drown
11. Cherub Rock
12. Zero
13. Stand Inside your Love
14. Tonight, Tonight
15. Heavy Metal Machine
1. Astral Planes
2. Shame
São Paulo, SP – Planeta Terra 20 de novembro de 2010:
1. The Fellowship [8]
1. aflavio83
2. Alexandre Dias -
3. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
4. Carol Murray
5. Eduardo Souza
6. IvanBMRJ
7. ociocretino
8. jorgianylavor
2. Lonely is the Name [3]
1. Alexandre Dias
2. Edwin Bianchi
3. willtube666
3. Today [10]
1. @Chemalle
2. Alexandre
3. Eduardo Souza
4. Edwin Bianchi
5. Franz Valentini
6. L7slap
7. Luh
8. ppunipar
9. Thiago Hebert
10. zebackes
4. Ava Adore [8]
1. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
2. Carol Murray
3. Dan
4. IvanBMRJ
5. Luh
6. Marcelo Daniele
7. Thiago Hebert
8. Sheila Alves
5. A Song for a Son [4]
1. Edwin Bianchi
2. Gabriela Barreiros
3. quesono
4. Ricardo
6. Bullet With Butterfly Wings [19]
1. Alexandre
2. Alexandre Dias
3. annariot666
4. anysio
5. Caroline
6. Dan
7. DaniValleDella
8. Eduardo Souza
9. Eduardo
10. Edwin Bianchi
11. gundlax
12. IvanBMRJ
13. Juliana
14. kdukdu
15. pauloleme
16. Moriplanet
17. Sheila Alves
18. Tatiana
19. thata12345
7. Tarantula [7]
1. Alexandre
2. Carol Murray
3. Dan
4. Eduardo Souza
5. KurtKun06
6. ramiroc22
7. Sheila Alves
8. United States (Drum solo Moby Dick Led Zeppelin’ cover) [6]
1. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
2. Eduardo
3. Edwin Bianchi
4. Gabriela Barreiros
5. Marcelo Daniele
6. Thiago Hebert
9. Spangled [3]
1. Alexandre Dias
2. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
3. Gabriela Barreiros
10. Drown [3]
1. ramiroc22
2. Sheila Alves
3. Gabriela Barreiros
11. Cherub Rock [12]
1. Alexandre Dias
2. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
3. Carol Murray
4. Edwin Bianchi
5. Elisa Polonio
6. Gabriela Barreiros
7. Giovanne Torres
8. GlauberMartarello
9. iR0B0
10. marysalad
11. Sheila Alves
12. thata12345
12. Zero [8]
1. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
2. Carol Murray
3. Edwin Bianchi
4. EirasMoon
5. GlauberMartarello
6. KurtKun06
7. ramiroc22
8. thata12345
13. Stand Inside Your Love [7]
1. César Munhoz
2. Carol Murray
3. Edwin Bianchi
4. eforville
5. Gabriela Barreiros
6. ramiroc22
7. thata12345
14. Tonight, Tonight [15]
1. aflavio83
2. Alexandre Dias -
3. Brian
4. Carol Murray
5. Edwin Bianchi
6. Thiago Hebert
7. fabiredhair
8. felipe86ata
9. Fernando Arrais
10. Gabriela Barreiros
11. KurtKun06
12. Moriplanet
13. ramiroc22
14. Sarah Oliveira
15. thata12345
15. Heavy Metal Machine [3]
1. Carlos Alexandre Diniz
2. Edwin Bianchi
3. Gabriela Barreiros
Videos: 118
Participam também:
• Sheila Alves
• Bernardo Batista (envio de trecho de vÃdeo para a faixa
• Fernando Ramires - Divulgacao e apoio
• Thiago Hebert
• Fernando Arrais
• carlão/eduardo
• ϟ Speedsound 7.7ß
• Gabriela Barreiros
About this project/ Sobre
The proposed project is to gather video for the production of
a DVD multi-camera made by fans of the Smashing
Pumpkins concert in Brazil in November 2010, the Planeta
Terra in Sao Paulo.
The edition of the show is all done with amateur video
recorded by people who were there or published content on
sites like YouTube. In addition, people from all over Brazil
sent material by mail, email, twitter etc..
Conceived by the same creator of the collaborative project /
crowdsourcing- Rain Down Radiohead, Andrews F.G, the
mission was to revive the show\'s band in Brazil with an
aspect not captured by official images of the Planeta Terra,
the view of fans.
More than 118 videos were used during the whole edition of
the show sent by different contributors, including several
angles on the performance of the band and audience
All this material is available for you to download for free at
any time, including watching the broadcast of the show
online in its entirety.
More details on the project who participated in website
O projeto tem a proposta de reunir vÃdeos para a produção
de um DVD multi-câmera feito por fãs do show do Smashing
Pumpkins no Brasil em novembro de 2010, no festival
Planeta Terra em São Paulo.
A edição do show é toda feita com vÃdeos amadores
gravados por pessoas que estavam lá ou publicaram
conteúdo em sites como Youtube. Além disso, pessoas de
todo o Brasil enviaram material por carta, e-mail, twitter etc.
Idealizado pelo mesmo criador do projeto
colaborativo/crowdsourcing - Radiohead Rain Down,
Andrews F.G, a missão foi reviver o show da banda no
Brasil de um aspecto não captado pelas imagens oficiais do
Planeta Terra, a visão dos fãs.
Foram mais de 118 vÃdeos utilizados durante toda a edição
do show enviados por diversos colaboradores, contando
com vários ângulos na perfomance da banda e na reação do
Todo esse material está disponÃvel para você baixar a
qualquer momento gratuitamente, inclusive assistir a
transmissão do show on-line na Ãntegra.
Saiba mais detalhes sobre quem participou do projeto em
Files count:
4181.65 Mb