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Native Instruments Guitar Rig 4 Pro STANDALONE VST RTAS v4 1 1 x
how just input guitar in pc jack and try i dont konw never try ? i am manual reel guitar amp pedals and go so im not shure how to use this but little bit infos merry christmas anyway
jmp101694 (2010-12-28)
you have to have an interface. i have the inspire 1394 by presonus. you cannot just plug the guitar into the back of your computer. not the same frequency.
ChrisPee (2011-01-09)
Works perfectly :) I had to move Directory Guitar Rig 4 from folder Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NAtive Instruments to folder Programs\Common Files\Native instruments on Windows 7 in order to use the software Thanks
noiseblast (2011-01-11)
If you don't want to shell out cold hard cash for a sound card, you could just use asio4all instead. It's free and works great on faster computers
dyson4444 (2011-01-26)
You can plug your guitar into your standard sound card usually and its got nothing to do with frequency. Asio4all can help with lag, its basically a better soundcard driver than your standard. But you probably want a decent sequencer program if you want to record anything, i have ableton live. Before i had a proper audio interface i used a big to small adapter and plugged into my mic line or line in. If you use your mic line you shouldnt have problems. If you use line in it may be a stereo input, your guitar has a mono output so you will have to change the track in your sequencer to 1 input only (mono) to counter only getting sound out of one speaker if you have that problem. Its definately worth forking out for an external interface. Stay away from TASCAM US-122L my current device soon to be replaced- Its a piece of shit that crackles when the LEDs on it change. The lag is better than on board soundcard but the sound quality is actually worse. I think the cheaper range of externals are a lot better now than when i got the tascam. Oh yeah get a sequencer program and use guitar rig as a plugin on an audio track look up vstplugins
shutppsitdn (2011-02-14)
While the program works for me in Win 7 64-bits, none of the presets appear. Components have only init, and the entire left side with the browser and preset is empty. No amount of importing will cause them to work. I tried copying them from "common files\native instruments\guitar rig 4" to the "my documents\native instruments\guitar rig 4" directory to no avail. I tried ChrisPee's solution of moving the main "program files" directory to "program files\common files" to no success either. I guess I'll try another version.
TheHooper (2011-02-25)
This Guitar Rig 4, NOT Guitar Rig 4 PRO. Missing Cool Plex, Hot Plex and some other upgrades.
eddie7314 (2011-02-26)
you need to download and install the 4.0.8 version from ISO first, then install this version and all the presets will be there + all the amps (coolplex,hotplex,rammfire) will a peer as-well ,,it worked for me,,