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Deus Ex 3 Human Revolution-CRACK ONLY




Games PC






2011-08-25 (by blaze69 )


Deus.Ex.3.Human.Revolution-CRACK.ONLY Crack Works For Steam English And Retail Version

Files count:



5.63 Mb




GoatDancer (2011-08-25)


Casevil (2011-08-25)

Now please, point me to where I can download either of this versions you mentioned in a description and god bless you.

Arizona-Ash (2011-08-25)

Can someone confirm if its working and if so on which version(like the russ/polish one)

Stubhose (2011-08-25)

Fo real?

premiado (2011-08-25)

Credits to be given to 3DM

 blaze69 (2011-08-25)

Some Say at a Certain Point , the game crashes.. seems we all gotta wait for scene release, One WORD > SKIDROW :P

maxovitsj (2011-08-25)


YeOldeSnake (2011-08-25)

This is indeed real , trusted uploader

phx87 (2011-08-25)

For Realll ???
Will try this ASAP.. when the results came out. i will tell u guys

blixkling (2011-08-25)

which version is this for? so i know which one to dl

lionfw (2011-08-25)

is there any reliable upload of the actual game?

premiado (2011-08-25)

I was testing this crack from 3Dm a couple of hours ago. Note that this crack is v0.8 further improvements are to be made. Game will crash to desktop when you manually save or you try to change the aspect ratio in game.

prodygy (2011-08-25)

Is it fully working? can someone confirm it please?¿

BakaBaka11 (2011-08-25)

is this the one that crashes on save?

AKERSEKOMIS (2011-08-25)

This works fine but crashes when you manually save your game (quick save works though). Its not the final version which will be released later today.
Thanks for the upload!

BakaBaka11 (2011-08-25)


Snoopzeh (2011-08-25)

Damn, its not working with RUS\POL ://

nomadspartan (2011-08-25)

if posted by blaze thn it has to be real :)

steve30x (2011-08-25)

This is not only real but also very unstable

GrimyGhost (2011-08-25)

holly shit!! is it legit?? and for what version?

premiado (2011-08-25)

3DM have just updated their crack from v0.8 to v1.0. Not sure what improvements are made.

Stubhose (2011-08-25)

Yup, working 100%

premiado (2011-08-25)

I am gonna try out ali213's crack. Will be back to tell you guys which is the better crack

petar122 (2011-08-25)

my antivirus found it liek a virus but its not because its not an original file so some of the antivirus will find it as a virus

Zharik (2011-08-25)

Crack works, but the game closes when i try to save. And the game don't save settings (like controls).
Any advises on game paths?

Gargoli (2011-08-25)

... yes dis is real shit

Paul_NZ (2011-08-25)

Is this the crack from 3DM?
If so, it does indeed work.
HOWEVER... the crack isn't 100%. The game will crash while making manual saves and quick loading.
Checkpoints and Quick Saves are fine.
The game may also crash at other points.

Gripen221122 (2011-08-25)


echo0 (2011-08-25)

THANKS dude,you ROCKS !! :-)

GrimyGhost (2011-08-25)

will this work with this version???

Please tell us!!

Snoopzeh (2011-08-25)

Guy's. I've got ali213 RUS\POL from here. Encypted.
not working :/. So it's for another ali's upload?

th0ma5 (2011-08-25)

it crashes after first level

Xe1887 (2011-08-25)

Ummmm upload the game first".....

Cucumber06 (2011-08-25)


Cucumber06 (2011-08-25)


kik6666 (2011-08-25)

if this crack is the real deal PLZ seed

bodza07 (2011-08-25)

we need the GAME first... and a non-crashing crack

DjDede (2011-08-25)

guys, please, read comments first and then post your own

skivan88 (2011-08-25)

2011-08-25 Heur.W32
[F-Secure Anti-Virus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Avast! antivirus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Backdoor.Win32.Fynloski
[Avira AntiVir]
2011-08-25 TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2
[Kaspersky Anti-Virus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Softwin BitDefender]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Panda Antivirus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Quick Heal]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Emsisoft Anti-Malware]
2011-08-25 Backdoor.Win32.Fynloski!IK
[VirusBlokAda VBA32]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
[Frisk F-Prot Antivirus]
2011-08-25 Found nothing
2011-08-25 Found nothing
False positive?

Digimaul (2011-08-25)

You know, i could write up a whole post about how the save system does and doesn't work with this, and how it works with "X" and "Y" versions which have been posted...
but you know what? If you mouth breathers actually read these posts, you wouldn't need me to write it.
For those of you who aren't shit in the gene pool, everything you need to know is in the comments already.

GoatDancer (2011-08-25)

Ungrateful scum! It's a crack that works on some level :) It's not a fake at least. :)

4rch4ng3l (2011-08-25)

Retarded....ALL the released cracks crash after the prologue.

fishboy11 (2011-08-25)

theres a new ali123 crack out that will let you change all your settings and save and load

Snoopzeh (2011-08-25)

I heard that POL ali213 version work with this crack but must apply patch0.000
Can any one upload this shit?

McRobert (2011-08-25)

The game crashes when you save :;(

fishboy11 (2011-08-25)

a new crack from 3dm just came out

sizons (2011-08-25)

ofc it doesnt work for the encrypted version!! any solution for the encrypted which has theese big files ..!

sizons (2011-08-25)

doesnt work with ru/pol alie123 release! pls help

 blaze69 (2011-08-25)

As I posted comment on the first Page Of This Torrent
"Some Say at a Certain Point , the game crashes.. seems we all gotta wait for scene release, One WORD > SKIDROW"

iceache (2011-08-25)

So upload the new crack and we'll find out if it works

stassano (2011-08-25)

agreed with blaze69 :-) I can wait for a decent crack / version ~

petar122 (2011-08-25)

game crashes after that cutscene where they kill you

Maximatum (2011-08-25)

Crashes after the lab.

Likeadidas (2011-08-25)


Likeadidas (2011-08-25)

yes,crash after revolution.
lets just wait anothercrack ;)

Mattmatt420 (2011-08-25)


DeDude (2011-08-25)

just wait for a proper crack..

haggisofdeath (2011-08-25)

This crack is new. not on pirate bay yet. its 19.41mb anyone tryed it yet?

premiado (2011-08-25)

ali213 crack works the best. I can manually save and change aspect ratio without crashing

haggisofdeath (2011-08-25)

this what your looking for?

 .Dude. (2011-08-25)

Do try this.

Valmont1982 (2011-08-25)

Well one more day and this game might get a proper crack. Guess Ill wait.

charlie19866 (2011-08-25)


Valmont1982 (2011-08-25)

skidrowcrack com

Mattmatt420 (2011-08-25)


 blaze69 (2011-08-25)

Try This Guys
1. Decompress
2. Copy the files (dxhr.exe and dxhr5_win7.exe) to the game folder
3. Overwrite when prompted (be smart and backup the original files!!)
XP = dxhr.exe
W7 = dxhr5_win7.exe

Mattmatt420 (2011-08-25)


notdone23 (2011-08-25)

That Russion noDVD actually worked. it did get past the intro i'm on first mission after the accident. And it had the patch0.000 file that Snoopzeh mentioned

GrimFandango21 (2011-08-25)

I have the Russian/Polish version, i can't install the game because it's not english. I only have stream folder not the deus ex. I don't know what the fuck i'm doing, could someone please help?
By the way i wasn't able to download the retail or repack version from the skidrow site. Is there a way i can download the retail or something?

buckfastmonk (2011-08-25)

ive downloaded the augmented edition and the new crack and works fine but the graphics are a bit shit for the pc version!!! this is probally expected think i will just wait for retail version

lozzer22 (2011-08-26)

Download Bone's crack, it works, this one crashes after the prologue.

liebing (2011-08-26)

Avira Premium Security Suite found a virus in dxhr.exe "TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2" ...

montanamb (2011-08-26)

I'm downloading it from there right now. I just want to be sure that it's working,you can confirm it right?

notdone23 (2011-08-26)

GrimFandango21------ Someone posted the english file

Don't know if you have to erase the russian or polish files and leave this one or what.

GrimFandango21 (2011-08-26)

notdone23: I have the english file but i don't know where to put it since i only have a steam folder, no Deus ex folder. I can't install the game because it's in Russian. Me not understand that. :(

Shinyshoe (2011-08-26)

Works for me, dowloaded the "steam-version"
and just placed the crack. voila! the game has been running smoothly the last 5 hrs ^^

guitarman1400 (2011-08-26)

People have said that 4.11 GiB file is the bonus disk and not the game

munkman (2011-08-26)

Hey, everyone, I thought that the 8gb
torrent was removed for a good reason here? Why was it removed if it works?

iceache (2011-08-26)

Hopefully Skidrow has a working release

Shinyshoe (2011-08-26)

Cant see the problem? this combo works:

Dont care that the argumented edition is small in size, i assure you it works! ^^ you dont even need to install the sheit.

dusty-2011 (2011-08-26)

This is an old version of the 3DM crack. A new version which does not crash when saving and does not crash after the prologue has been up for hours... I have been playing this new version for hours without experiencing any huge bugs. I was only unable to enable FXAA, but edge AA worked properly. I don't know if you can continue after the first boss; I'm not at that point in the game yet.
You can download the crack here: The page is in Japanese; you should look near the bottom of the page. There is a blue eye with orange text to the right of it. Click on the blue text to the right of the orange text to dowload the file.
This is the only crack which resulted in an English game for me. I've tried Ali's crack but the game stayed in Japanese, whereas I've clearly set the language to English in the .INI.

Xe1887 (2011-08-26)

Is this the first game that hasn't been pirated?

streetbum149 (2011-08-26)

@dusty-2011 thanks mate, was hoping for skidrow or some other haxors to come out with it but this may work. will look into it. already have a virus i cant get rid of so i don't really care about that possibility. thanks again.

klord2010 (2011-08-26)

Thanks for the link.
who cares but it's chinese. lol.

Datastreamx (2011-08-26)

@dusty-2011 3DMGame crack 1.0:

8/42 detected. All generic signatures. Most likely to be false positives. Safe crack.

rozdvd (2011-08-26)

Just w8 for Skidrow/FLT/RLD/Razor1911

fat_squirl (2011-08-26)

where can i get the game?

 blaze69 (2011-08-26)

@ fat_squirl
Google Search this hash

lozzer22 (2011-08-26)

@Datastreamx Yes its a safe crack but it doesn't work past the prologue, use Skidrow's v1.0 crack that .Dude. uploaded.

streetbum149 (2011-08-27)

ah, its nice that others are trying but i imagine this is some pretty hard shit to do. what if i get half way into the game and...oh shit, it wont work anymore! better off to just wait till legit scene release. again, nothing against those who are trying to get a working crack up (i actually applaud you! i def cant do this shit) i just don't want to risk it.

thcfreak666 (2011-08-27)

@ dusty-2011 your Crack is infected please update your Virus scanner

Henkjandoedel (2011-08-27)

Can somebody send a CD key? Would be awesome!

ZonzoMaster (2011-08-28)

The real Skidrow crack is up in the website. Skidrowgames. There's even a ripped version.