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Pro Evolution Soccer (2012) [PS3][EUR][MULTi5][3.70]




Games Playstation


Pro Evolution Soccer (2012) [PS3][EUR][MULTi5][3.70]




2011-09-28 (by webchella )


Pro Evolution Soccer (2012) [PS3][EUR][MULTi5][3.70] -------- English: -------- Platform: PlayStation 3 Language: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German Region: EUR Firmware: 3.70 Load: JailBreak/PS3Key Format: ISO Available for: PC X360 PS2 PSP Wii 3DS Available at: Retail / Offer: Pre-order for only € 46.95 Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Genre: Sports, Football Players: 1-8 (Competitive: 2-8 / Cooperative: 2-8) Released: September 29, 2011 (Pegi: +3) Description: ------------ New installment of the popular football video game series from Konami for the 2011-2012 season. Its main assets according to its creators are a better AI, superior control and players with personality, among other improvements. -------- Español: -------- Plataforma: PlayStation 3 Idioma: Ingles, Español, Frances, Italiano, Aleman Region: EUR Firmware: 3.70 Carga: JailBreak/PS3Key Formato: ISO También para: PC X360 Wii 3DS PSP PS2 Disponible en: Tiendas / Oferta: Resérvalo por solo 46,95 € Desarrollador: Konami Distribuidor: Konami Género: Deportes, Fútbol Jugadores: 1-8 (Competitivo: 2-8 / Cooperativo: 2-8) Lanzamiento: 29 de septiembre de 2011 (Pegi: +3) Descripcion: ------------ Nueva entrega de la popular serie de videojuegos de fútbol de Konami correspondiente a la temporada 2011-2012. Sus principales bazas de acuerdo a sus creadores son una mejor IA, un control superior y jugadores con personalidad, entre otras muchas mejoras.

Files count:



8727.35 Mb




larsbergie (2011-09-29)

Webchella, when you upload FIFA12 (european, pal) and in dutch, your my hero!!

larsbergie (2011-09-29)

@goku_dbz you must install 3 .pkg files and then you can play that, i think you can upload the cracked games, alone the 3.pkg files ... i think!

warehouse_man (2011-09-30)

So this is 3.70, so whe cannot play since there is no 3.70 cfw.

alithegamer (2011-09-30)

pls confirm does it work on 3.41 or 3.70? after so long there is a NEW game on psx... is there any hope to play on jailbroken system... pls reply

xaleeeeeel (2011-09-30)

does it work with 3.55 kmeaw????????

stubborn_b0ris (2011-09-30)

I haven't downloaded this yet, but rebug has a version spoofer (latest is 3.72), might work with rebug

xaleeeeeel (2011-10-01)

how about spoof does anyone know something to make spoof over 3.55 CTF

larsbergie (2011-10-01)

@stubborn, You need a CFW to play this game and there is no CFW for 3.66e
** This game needs firmware 3.66 and not 3.70, that told me ps3 **

stubborn_b0ris (2011-10-01)

rebug is a CFW
google "spoof" (if you dont understand what the word means) or "ps3 version spoofer" to see what I'm talking about.
I haven't tested it yet (have other stuff to download and an exam soon-dont want to get caught up in pes) but it should work

CGN3 (2011-10-02)

Anyone got it running? I had 3.72 spoof but not working any ideas

Liongooder (2011-10-03)

is it playable on 3.55

siboneloz (2011-10-05)

just wondering what the point of uploading this if we cant play it on 3.55CFW, it will just repatch your PS3 to the latest firmware then we screwed.
please advise us uploader?

d1t1 (2011-10-06)

By the way, while i was downloading i think NOD32 detected dt00_h.img as a Win32/Rematsu.0 trojan, but after going 80% it is no more detected as virus, strange thing how torrents downloading works! I know there is no point at putting a virus on a PS3 file system! i dont think there is a virus, somehow data was adapted a way that can be recognized as a virus because we know that only some bytes of hex can detect a virus!

Demon_Gate (2011-10-12)

Okay GUYS I need your help HOW the hell do I put these games on the PS3? I JUST changed the internal 80gb that has all my recent stuff with a 320GB HD That is blank and has nothing.. So I can add any games on there and can switch whenever i desire. IS this a smart thing to do? and can someone give me the links to all the things I require to do this PS3 Fusion? Or merging.. Or etc.? I wrote this in another. Just to make Sure I get a reply.

warehouse_man (2011-10-13)

Demon_gate , you need to jailbrake your ps3, and only then you can play games, go to google and serch kmeaw, its easy to install

Demon_Gate (2011-10-14)

ahh man it doesn't look easy i got 3.72.... help me more man D: been going though this for 5 days straight with no hope :S

Demon_Gate (2011-10-14)

@warehouse_man Hey O_o

warehouse_man (2011-10-17)

So you have 3.7.2 you have to downgrade to 3.55, (if its possibly )and only then you can aply the jailbrake. serch the foruns like psx-scene, they helped a lot

Demon_Gate (2011-10-19)

D:!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT AIN'T POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit T_T I guess imma wait :S

emake04 (2011-10-23)

does this even work on 3.55kmeaw???

warehouse_man (2011-10-23)

Every one of us have to wait because the new games cant be played until they made a new cfw.
Till then you can only play this game if you buy it.
No its not playable on 3.55.

b1a050147 (2011-10-24)

so what's the point of uploading this if this is not compatible with the current cfw?

djbaaz (2011-10-28)

Looks like they have done it again, They call it JB2.

lets see what happens next

xaleeeeeel (2011-10-28)

stop posting fake shi......

picketf (2011-11-01)

First of all: JB2 usb dongle is real. Every retail store in singapore has it for sale. All you need is a bluray recorder and specific media (some brands work). Until the dongle is reverse engineered it will be the only way to play new ps3 games.
Second: For all the noobs saying what's the point in uploading this. PS3 games (like Burnout Paradise) where ripped and uploaded 2 years before any way of playing it. You don't get it do you? Groups release this so pirates can make a profit from the day an exploit is found. It's2all BUSINESS

drangeid88 (2011-12-23)

Hello! I just downloaded this. But, how do I get it onto the PS3 and be able to play it:) can you explain to me briefly and well:)? webchella:)

vitor.fernandes1983 (2012-04-13)

Why do people download this without any research. It definitly works, you need true blue dongle. First you need your ps3 on firmware 3.55, if you have updated firmware, then good luck, there has not been any new custom firmware for ages. Your only hope is to downgrade it somehow. The true blue is so cheap, so many new games are worth it.

darkiiboy (2012-07-11)

......................... gd

KuntaBlackKnight (2012-08-16)

have to get patch eboot to play on 3.55 cfw and there is no english to select from, but the game works

KuntaBlackKnight (2012-08-17)

ok im back with good news:-
1. The game works fine you just need a "patch eboot" for the game to run on "3.55 CFW"
2. This version don't come with any english in-game text nor commentary you will need to download these two files "dt0_e.img" for in-game text and "d00_e.img" for the commentary. note ensure that these files are for PS3 and not anything else. I found that if you install the incorrect file the game will load show the "KONAMI" logo and then you will get blank screen and you will have to turn off the game manually, deleting the incorrect files will bring the game back to normal, just delete what you had put on and nothing more.
I'm now playing this game

KuntaBlackKnight (2012-08-17)

ok im back with good news:-
1. The game works fine you just need a "patch eboot" for the game to run on "3.55 CFW"
2. This version don't come with any english in-game text nor commentary you will need to download these two files "dt0_e.img" for in-game text and "dt00_e.img" for the commentary. note ensure that these files are for PS3 and not anything else. I found that if you install the incorrect file the game will load show the "KONAMI" logo and then you will get blank screen and you will have to turn off the game manually, deleting the incorrect files will bring the game back to normal, just delete what you had put on and nothing more.
I'm now playing this game