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James Bond 007: Nightfire [PC] Full+Online Play by Bullet$
Games PC
James Bond 007: Nightfire [PC] Full+Online Play [FastSeed!]
2007-11-27 (by click4dylan)
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Guess what? We have a dedicated line seeding this torrent with a 1Gb upstream for screaming fast downloads!
If you would rather download via an HTTP link with download manager support, download Nightfire using this link:
COME ON PEOPLE, 465 PEERS AND 65 SEEDS AND STILL 20 PEOPLE PLAYING AT A TIME ONLINE?? SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND PLAY ONLINE! Click multiplayer then click join game, click internet and then click update, thats all there is to it!! play online and we will have hundreds and hundreds of people playing online!
James Bond 007: Nightfire is brought to you by [NORULEZ]
For info on creating your own new maps (AND GET THE GEARCRAFT MAP EDITOR FROM GEARBOX SOFTWARE!) or make your own models for this game visit
To download tons of mods and maps or to contact me visit(down)
Torrent info updated as of 10/25/2008
Troubleshooting: if you have problems with cutscenes showing up white, you need to install a specific codec driver available at:
Troubleshooting: Can't get online to work? Don't use the 1.1 update patch! Also make sure when you click multiplayer to also click Join Game and then Internet rather than LAN and then press Update to get the list of servers. Click on a server and then press join game. To talk to other players while in game press Y and type your message then press enter.
the pc game james bond 007: nightfire fully cracked and ready to play. online features work perfectly for up to 32 players at a time. also includes the bond storyline with all the cutscenes. for a lot of my mods that i created for this game, go to(my clan site). No serial is required, and you don't need daemon tools or any image burning software to play. Just run the bond.exe to play the game after extracting the rar. no need to worry about updating the game version, all servers use 1.0 or 3.5 (both compatible). seed everyone, seed! we need new players! requires 128MB of ram and a direct3d capable video card (uses directx 8.1). just unzip it with winrar from and play it using Bond.exe. no installation necessary! thanks for downloading.
this torrent by 2GoldenBullet$
- James Bond 007 Nightfire PC FU
- James Bond 007 Nightfire PC FU
- James Bond 007 Nightfire PC FU
- Nightfire
- James Bond nightfire
- James Bond 007: Nightfire
- nightfire
- game
- 007
- james bond
- bond
- night fire
- elec
Files count:
1058.08 Mb
gm4653 (2007-11-28)
been lookin for this ever since it came out on ps2 thx, will seedclick4dylan (2007-11-28)
thanks dude!!!! this game is very rare now and i have not seen it in retail stores for at least 2 years now. oh and i forgot to mention this is the English versionclick4dylan (2007-11-28)
if you have gamespy arcade from you can join servers and chat with lots of people from nightfire using that and a whole lot of other thingsgm4653 (2007-11-28)
ya i got gamespy too, ill check it out tonightclick4dylan (2007-11-28)
if ya guys want me to upload other stuff, i cant think of anything lolclick4dylan (2007-11-28)
comments anyone? oh and by the way, if you wish to install any of my mods located on my other torrents or from, you must change the install path to where you extracted these filesclick4dylan (2007-11-29)
i have to reformat as i got a trojan on my computer :( i wont be able to seed until tomorrowkitcer (2007-12-03)
Thanks man!I lost the CDs for this, and I can't find anywhere to buy replacements!
kitcer (2007-12-03)
Works great! Only problem is all the cut scenes are white screens :-(andres_ronaldinho (2007-12-04)
hello, im not a noob,but?how do i nstall this?
wat do i click first?
im really smart with this stuff but ther are no steps to tell me wat to do
andres_ronaldinho (2007-12-04)
nvm.i didnt read ur headlineandres_ronaldinho (2007-12-04)
is gamespy free?click4dylan (2007-12-04)
the cutscenes shouldn't be white. i added them all. try moving everything to c:\program files\ea games\nightfire (nightfire should be the main directory where bond.exe and everything else is located). if that doesnt work, try adding it to the registry. if all else fails. try updating drivers, because i had a problem with the cutscenes before and what fixed it was to install the indeo video codecs and all other codecs (can be found on the internet for free, just search video codecs). you can download the indeo video codecs for free from my website at (if you try to download them from the indeo website, they ask you to pay for them which is insane!). the nightfire manual says that windows xp doesnt come with them, so you might try and download those indeo codecs. also guys. you dont have to play just the mission mode (nightfire button on the main menu). you can play online with tons of people if you click the "Multiplayer" button from the main menu. the NORULEZ servers (just click join game then click internet and click update) contain the mission maps just like single player except you get to play with tons of people! so sorry for a long boring comment but thanks everyone for downloading! we need players!click4dylan (2007-12-04)
oh and gamespy arcade is free, just goto and click download (get the free version, not the subscriber thing).click4dylan (2007-12-04)
if you guys ever see me in the game (multiplayer), my name in it is 2GoldenBullet$ or Bullet$.messupper (2008-01-09)
oh totally forgot i got this game at home belive i got it on the release day here in sweden :) it truly is an awesome game (exept the last map i hate that 1 it should be harder :P)dead_man93 (2008-02-10)
Thanks for this game!!!:) it is a good game!!dead_man93 (2008-02-10)
ALL seed!!!!!!!!!!!!woody11692 (2008-02-26)
hey i tried to download this but i ran the .exe file and it said please insert disk 2. im good with computers but i just don't know what to do with this.click4dylan (2008-02-27)
woody, make sure you use winrar to extract the entire rar file to a folder on your desktop/my documents. the reason it is asking you to insert disc 2 is because it is missing movie cutscenes from the 'movies' folder. try unzipping it again and if it does not work, please try downloading it again because many people have this and say it works. me, myself have used it when i was at another's house. so thanksThePirateTuna (2008-04-13)
Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be missing all the levels that have racing games in them, paris prelude and alpine escape. :( just wondering what was up.click4dylan (2008-04-14)
the PC version does not include the racing levels like the console does nor paris prelude, but instead gives you online multiplayer. :)Jeenebeck (2008-05-02)
EVERYBODY SEED ! PLEASE !booten2 (2008-05-02)
Where can i download delta.lst for this game? I can't open the game coz that file is missingclick4dylan (2008-05-03)
you must first extract the game from the .RAR file. if you don't you will get that error message. delta.lst is already located in ASSETS.007 so if you keep getting that error after unzipping it/unraring it, it is corrupted. you can't just run Bond.exe from the rar file itself as it doesnt have any resources to use it without extracting. ok? thanks!Mafiaenshevn (2008-05-11)
Seed please!!:D:D-MH
click4dylan (2008-05-16)
roger that! just got my other pc to work again, spent forever having to use this program to destroy all the contents of the hard drive so that it would work again. now i will be able to host a 24/7 server and seed at the same time :) please everyone seed, i need to redownload it on this comp. thx. btw my 24/7 server will be called [NORULEZ].net or anything with [NORULEZ] in it :) please join that server for i dont waste my time and electric bill by keeping a 24/7 server runningclick4dylan (2008-05-16)
ALSO, i'm developing on a new james bond game compatible with this one with all new missions, weapons, sounds, and everything, and multiplayer maps. it is not released yet, and probably wont be for a few months. for updates on the progress of the new game by me, or mods and maps for this one, and if you need to contact me or join my clan, visit , we are always here for you. thanks for downloading everyone! it makes me so happy to see more people playing again. be sure to click the 'multiplayer' button on the main menu, then click 'join game' and click the 'internet' tab. then click update on the left. choose a server, and then click 'connect' at the botttom. when in game, press Y to chat with other players, and then press enter. change your name by going to the edit agent tab of 'multiplayer'.persiansoul (2008-05-18)
does this work on LAN also?and whats missing in this version compared to the original disc?
,thx in advance
click4dylan (2008-05-19)
it includes LAN too. and nothing is stripped from the disk :)click4dylan (2008-05-19)
i'm seeding at 550KB/s (highest my upload is)click4dylan (2008-05-19)
make that 596 :O never seen it that high b4Mc_Matzku (2008-05-20)
Why fuck 1-30 kb/s ??????Mc_Matzku (2008-05-20)
My normal is 300-500kb/s :(Mc_Matzku (2008-05-20)
Slow downloadin but nice working!! Thanks!click4dylan (2008-05-21)
sorry about that, i had my torrent running nonstop and it wasnt uploading at all.. i re-added the torrent and its fixed, your speed should be up now :D keep seedin everyoneclick4dylan (2008-05-21)
this torrent seems to have more seeds during the daytime here in eastern time zone, so try downloading then!gromit5432 (2008-05-25)
seed as much as possible please :)357slug (2008-05-28)
please seed!!!! i want to play!!!Apollo99 (2008-07-05)
umm yes hi even been to your website and stuff and im trying to make a server for my friend and i downloaded custoum dedicated server thingy now 1 problem i did everything i saved then started it it opens up but then when i play NF it doesnt work??? Can you help me?Please.Apollo99 (2008-07-05)
o and dont say did you portforward it i already did that.Apollo99 (2008-07-05)
from here
click4dylan (2008-07-10)
sry for late reply bud, what does the dedicated server window show when you go to start it? sometimes the server will only show in LAN section of NF for you but will show up for others in internet. i can help you a lot faster if you email or IM me (msn) at [email protected]click4dylan (2008-07-26)
hmm the only thing it sounds like is you got to the main menu where it fades, minimized, then maximized while it was still fading. that causes it to go black but sound to work. does it work otherwise? try creating a shortcut to bond.exe and then rightclick on it, select properties and ad the end of the target box, type -windowed -width 800 -height 600 +console 1so it would look similar to this depending on where you extracted the files:
"C:\Program Files\EA Games\Nightfire\bond.exe" -windowed -width 800 -height 600 +console 1
what is your video card? are your drivers updated? if its an nvidia card (geforce) if ati (Radeon)
if your video card is made by SiS (such as mirage 2, 3, 760, 939, etc)
if intel (graphics media accelerator)
make sure directx is updated by visiting
if all of the above fails, contact me again and i will try to help you some more. thanks for seeding and playing!
click4dylan (2008-10-25)
your dedicated server may only show up in LAN for you, but promise me if your ports are open other people will see it listed for Internet. it depends on your router and its capability to show ICMP echo requests (ping) whether or not YOU yourself will see it.click4dylan (2008-11-25)
ya dont need a patch or a serial for this version. its already precrackedAlllexxx (2008-12-07)
Thanks for seeding hardly =DGlenniBenni (2008-12-18)
nice classic game..remember playing this on ps2 non-stop a few years ago hehe..hope this works fully :)jberd (2008-12-19)
Downloaded the game and it has run perfectly! Much appreciated. Cheers!nutmaniv (2009-01-11)
Well until about 45% i was getting amazing 200 kB/s dl speed and now it's fluctuating between 30 and 40 kB/saditya_ramlochan (2009-02-22)
Downloading at good speeds thankz alotclick4dylan (2009-03-21)
watch out, a guy with a torrent called " James Bond 007: Nightfire [RIP]" stole our rar file and renamed it. this is the original!!!pettergull (2009-03-21)
Please seed :) thanks guys:)click4dylan (2009-06-02)
sorry for that man, theres many seeds now thanks to the many people who seed now (THANKS GUYS!!!) see you all in the game!! [NORULEZ] 4 life!Deewalt (2009-06-25)
Why can't I get my game controller to work with this game?Eradino (2009-06-30)
plz seed guys ;)paulharmo (2009-08-07)
The website seems to be down... it times out. I would be very interested to see some of the mods for Nightfire!marsguy (2009-08-12)
Great speed Cheersssss..........marsguy (2009-08-15)
Thanks working.....Sraigux (2009-08-21)
Is it just me or are there no servers period?Xamnes (2009-12-25)
Can you open with daemon tools?click4dylan (2010-02-18)
if you see no servers, you are clicking the wrong thing. click multiplayer on the main menu, click join game, then click internet and then click update. my god 465 peers and 66 seeds yet still theres 20 people playing at a time max? CMON PEOPLE PLAY ONLINE!!!click4dylan (2010-05-23)
i updated the fast HTTP link because the old was brokenclick4dylan (2010-05-29)
added a dedicated 1 Gbps server as a seed!pulkit366 (2010-06-26)
does it work on windows 7?click4dylan (2010-07-02)
yeah it works on windows 7 (put it in compatibility mode for windows xp or the multiplayer menu might lag).btw everyone it is highly recommended to update to the latest 3.6 patch at to stop the notorious Outgoing message overflow (lag out) that happens on unpatched versions of this game and all the crashing
[TPG]Mikey (2010-07-28)
O.o 2mb/s average :)matthewh222 (2010-07-30)
hey um this might be a stupid question but how do you write a comment i cant seem to figure it out. Other then that game is working GREAT. thanksJacob5150 (2010-08-02)
Im going to seed this as well. glad the download speed was fast.Damien_Hexicola (2010-09-20)
Can i use the X-box 360 Controler with this game?MistaH83 (2010-10-07)
There is barely anyone playing online and this is one of the best 007 games next to goldeneye for 64. Lets get more people online. Be sure to download the Client patch from the site provided. Everything works on my end im using WIN 7 x6447adok (2010-10-17)
it works thanksRAKENROL_PINOY (2010-10-28)
@ NATE_DOGG19391Hey dude! Ill tell ya if it works in my PC :3....Im using in Windows XP SERVICE PACK and might help ya out there :D
RAKENROL_PINOY (2010-11-03)
Hey it didn't worked it just say application error T_THALP ME PLEASE T_T ill seed this if it worked T_T
C0MM3NT3R (2010-11-10)
Seed, please. I'll seed. This is one of my favourite games. Please don't let it die :D.(I hope the download is finished so I can play this on my lan party).
C0MM3NT3R (2010-11-10)
Aah it's downloading really fast now. Thanks I'll seed this.killer331 (2011-04-07)
Works great and the download is super fast. The console version is betterRienspy (2011-04-08)
Thnx mate! I had no problems, with it to install (just unrar, copy-paste it in program files and create a shortcut icon of Bond.exe) I played all the levels in three days! I love this game!movieFreak18 (2011-04-20)
thx click4dylan!!!amazing fast download!!
been looking for this!!
click4dylan (2011-04-23)
Since pirate bay still doesn't let anyone edit existing torrents, i might delete this popular torrent and start a new one. People are still downloading this and neglecting to install the latest community patch. Please ignore the http link in the description. I have re-packed Nightfire with the latest patch already pre-applied and in zip format instead of RAR at If you already have this torrent, just go to and download the patch (it's only about 5 MB). Also there is a widescreen FoV patch to increase field of view, tons of new maps, mods, and more. Thanks for downloadingclick4dylan (2011-05-27)
it is a repackaged version with the latest 5.3 patch integrated
mirce2 (2011-07-26)
well this torrent is deadclick4dylan (2011-10-09)
actually ignore that last link. you can still use this torrent, just make sure you update to the latest patch from you can also download a direct HTTP link of the game from there as well06porterr (2011-11-20)
Really good. Very fast and so easy you dont even have to install just extract files using bitzipper and click the icon for the game and thats it really good link welll donethoufu75 (2012-01-17)
dis game completely works or not ?? pllzz reply fo dis ...broken47 (2012-02-14)
fast download! thank you!amoghrane (2012-02-18)
does this work can anyone tellMike007626 (2012-02-23)
hello...pls when i finished installing..its not playing.,just showing a white and black page.click4dylan (2012-03-23)
You can now visit to get this game and the latest patches, cheats and updates for it. Also there is a fix for the white screens on it as wellclick4dylan (2012-04-16)
Be sure to update to the v5.5 patch (or newer) from - It adds the ability to download custom maps automatically when playing online, fixes numerous crashes on single player and multiplayer, heavily improves performance on newer machines, reduces the amount of connection problems when playing multiplayer, improves hit detection, adds widescreen support, improves the multiplayer server browser, and much more.click4dylan (2012-04-16)
Be sure to update to the v5.5 patch (or newer) from - It adds the ability to download custom maps automatically when playing online, fixes numerous crashes on single player and multiplayer, heavily improves performance on newer machines, reduces the amount of connection problems when playing multiplayer, improves hit detection, adds widescreen support, improves the multiplayer server browser, and much more.kassmilk (2012-06-29)
Hey thanks for the torrent. I downloaded and unrar...but when I try to run it the screen just turns white. My drivers are updated, also downloaded the codec just in case. Please help. thank you.click4dylan (2012-07-01)
For the above poster, set the game to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP.To all other users, there is a new torrent intended to replace this one. I am the author of this torrent. The new one is fully patched to the latest version. Please help us seed the new one:
kassmilk (2012-07-02)
Sorry to bug you again bro, I have a windows 7 home premium 64-bit system. Should i set it to run compatibility mode for windows 7? If yes tried that and didn't work (still the same white screen). Thanks in advance bro.langsakers (2012-11-20)
seeed pleaseeegrvveer (2012-11-22)
Thanks....Yorkfield (2013-10-27)
Latest patch is v5.67 (25.3 MB)Added February, 16 2013
Yorkfield (2013-10-27)
@ click4dylanHi, I have downloaded the 1.13 GB big file from your link:
There's a ReadMe file included, saying:
-- quote --
This copy of the game has been updated to the v5.6 patch as of July 01, 2012. To play the game, simply unzip the file and create a shortcut to Bond.exe
To play online multiplayer, click MULTIPLAYER, then click JOIN GAME. Press INTERNET, and then click the UPDATE button. Click on a server and then press JOIN at the bottom right.
-- end quote --
Does that mean I just downloaded the full unlocked version or is this just a trial? Thnx
havoc1986 (2014-04-09)
works great until u get to Qhavoc1986 (2014-04-09)
works great until u get to upload the Q worm in the hunt it wont work any fixes? after that I cant get the guns or any thing to show upSerbianBoyZz (2014-07-18)
Thanks. Works fine.Files:
1. nightfirepc.rar 1058.08 Mb