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911 WTC NY NYC POLICE AND FIRE Department\'s Radio Dispatc






911 WTC NY NYC POLICE AND FIRE Department's Radio Dispatc




2007-10-06 (by ed4ed)


The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For over three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005. GO HERE TO DOWLOAD DIRECTLY: But download and seed this TXT text file to spread the word-- Fire Department of New YorkNY Fire Department's 9/11 Radio Dispatches (0) The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For over three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005. The audio CDs were obtained and ripped to MP3 by The Memory Hole, then posted here. For more information, see Author: Fire Department of New York Date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Keywords: government documents Individual Files Whole Item Format Size 911_fdny_dispatches_64kb.m3u 64Kbps M3U Stream Audio Files 128Kbps MP3 Ogg Vorbis 64Kbps MP3 EMS Citywide 1 42.5M 37.7M 21.3M EMS Citywide 2 44.6M 39.0M 22.3M EMS Citywide 3 45.0M 39.8M 22.5M EMS Manhattan Central 1 46.5M 41.4M 23.2M EMS Manhattan Central 2 46.2M 39.5M 23.1M EMS Manhattan Central 3 44.6M 37.8M 22.3M EMS Manhattan South 1 44.7M 39.7M 22.4M EMS Manhattan South 2 45.0M 38.6M 22.5M Fire Brooklyn 1 44.5M 39.5M 22.3M Fire Brooklyn 2 45.3M 40.3M 22.7M Fire Brooklyn 3 44.8M 40.1M 22.4M Fire Brooklyn 4 45.4M 41.0M 22.7M Fire Brooklyn 5 45.1M 40.5M 22.5M Fire Brooklyn 6 44.8M 39.4M 22.4M Fire Manhattan 1 45.9M 41.4M 22.9M Fire Manhattan 2 45.2M 40.6M 22.6M Fire Manhattan 3 46.2M 41.6M 23.1M Fire Manhattan 4 48.3M 43.1M 24.1M Fire Manhattan 5 45.8M 41.5M 22.9M Fire Manhattan 6 45.6M 40.2M 22.8M Port Authority Audio Repeater 70.1M 55.6M 35.1M Information Format Size 911_fdny_dispatches_files.xml Metadata 28.4K 911_fdny_dispatches_meta.xml Metadata 1.2K 911_fdny_dispatches_reviews.xml Metadata 8.2K Write a review Reviews Downloaded 23,728 times Average Rating: Reviewer: SteveBros - - July 25, 2006 Subject: EMS Tape Speaking as an EMT at FDNY EMS Station 19 in The Bronx, My fellow EMTS/PARAMEDICS ,and fellow Firefighters,Civillian Volunteers,Port Authority Employees did a good job inspite of the confusion of that day. Unfortunately I was two years to late, I got sworn in 7/7/04 as an EMT. It's a gut wrenching feeling for me to listen to The EMS TAPES, BECAUSE I WAS NOT THEIR TO HELP! I worked in Manhatten before and two of the Units I worked on are involved, 04-Henry, and 07-Charlie were sent in. At The EMS ACADEMY IN QUEENS AT Fort Totten, I had the pleasure of having instructors that were there that day, and they said IT WAS A TOTAL CLUSTER F----. The Musuem in the basement at the academy has artifacts from the 93 Bombing and 9/11. Also I like to add we lost two medics, and recently two EMTS from the asbestos they inhaled. The starting salary for Emt when I came aboard was 27,900, and we recently got an 8% raise. If you want more details visit The unoffical FDNY EMS PAGE- EMS Still the best inspit of FDNY Incompetence. Sanatation gets more then EMS. Now don't get me wrong they should be paid a good wage, but they should pay EMS the same rate of pay,because we have to take a college level course to perform our jobs. Bottom line is The City of New York does not consider our job hazzardous, so we don't get paid a livable wage. NO LIE VIST THE ABOVE WEB SITE EMT STEPHEN BROTHERS #3628 FDNY EMS BERAU Reviewer: amidar - - July 7, 2006 Subject: A day for heroes These tapes prove forever the FDNY title of "The Bravest". From the calm voices of fire fighters and chiefs, many of whom died that day, to the desperate calls from trapped firemen and civilians, this is a historical snapshot of the worst day in my living history. Forget all the BS conspiracy theories, these tapes show again and again that firemen and EMS run in while veryone else runs away. May God Bless Them All. Reviewer: Critter183 - - July 6, 2006 Subject: True life heros in action! I have to respectfuly disagree with k1mgy, about the reason for fighting the release of these tapes. Having listened to them in their entirety, I see nothing at all to be ashamed of. In fact, I see everything to be proud of. I don't pretend to know thier reasons, but I can say that the FDNY had everything to be proud of that day. These people performed heroically from the minute they arrived on the scene. Despite all sorts of chaos and confusion brought about by conditions that only a very few could ever imagine, they never flinched in the performance of their duties. To say that it was an efort to hide anything is... well... unspeakable. God rest the souls of Ney York's Bravest! Reviewer: Samizdat - - July 4, 2006 Subject: "Freedom Tower" Is an Abomination Excellent work was obviously done gathering this material. I'll revise this review once I've heard all recordings. The sounds of Battalion 7 Chief Orio Palmer and his huffing and puffing assistant, Lieutenant Stephen Belsen, who was trying to reach the older but far better-conditioned man (yes, I've learnt the names of many of these heroes, as I'm sure you have as well), are awe-inspiring. They had no idea the South Tower was about to fall, and they inside, high up, along with it. They had no idea that Thermate charges had been working on the steel structure for at least an hour, cutting through steel that a fleet of Boeings could not. I will not soap box on your work here, my friend. But I will not leave for now, without stating that the demon who stood over the sacred graves at Ground Zero, bleating into his bullhorn, was, and is, no man. See Alex Jones' 2003 documentary "911: the Road to Tyranny" right here on the Internet Archive: Reviewer: k1mgy - - October 22, 2005 Subject: Confusion, disorganization, disaster These tapes - all of them - but particularly those of the Manhattan dispatch and the Port Authority Repeater - demonstrate what happens when an efficient, well trained fire department is faced with a rapidly-unfolding disaster of a scale never before faced. Their job, one paid for by many wasted lives, was to save as many of the innocent as possible. Many of these crews rushed into one, then the other building, struggling to reach trapped occupants. Most people run from a burning structure. Firefighters often rush in. But they know the limits of what they do and, with proper communications and procedures, generally do not go beyond a reasonable limit where their own lives are put in unnecessary risk. Except in this case. Communications were a shambles. Crews continued on. Procedures were non-existent. A situation like this had never been faced. Crews continued on. The scene had all the markings of disaster with people hurling themselves from smashed windows 70 and more floors above the ground. Crews continued on. Elevators in one building would not go beyond the 40th floor and so firefighters and their commanders struggled on foot, with heavy equipment, up the narrow stairways, some climbing 30 or more floors to find "many" of the dead and injured. In the end, just prior to one collapse, firefighters were using axes to free themselves from a jammed elevator, "chopping our way out". A division chief, leading his crews, struggled his way to the 74th floor, to find fire, dangerous openings in the stairwell walls leading to deadly drops, and more bodies. The New York Fire Department bitterly fought to prevent the release of these recordings. Having listened carefully to them all, more than once, I understand why. They stand as an indictment against the Department's lack of communications skill and facilities; lack of coordination with other agencies; lack of training for this level of situation; lack of cooperation and coordination even among their own command structures. Individual heroics were not enough to overcome these. Many died, in my view, unnecessarily because of them. I do not know if, by listening to these recordings, others will be left with the same impressions. Perhaps the evaluations are best left to the professionals, yet a sinking, disturbed sense that things could have turned out much differently remain. The deficiencies that these recordings evidence may leave you, too, with the same emptyness. A loss that no man with a bullhorn standing upon a sacred grave will ever fill. Reviewer: Condorsoldier - - September 24, 2005 Subject: The truth hurts.. but must be free. People try to hide away pain and suffering, to forget what has happened. By doing so we damn ourselves to repeat 9/11. You cannot hide knowledge of the wolf from the shepherd. Listen and learn, so you will know what the wolf brings.

Files count:



936 bytes




ChazEmock (2007-10-11)

I Want to say thank you all for your posting this information about 911. Iam a American.
I would like also to say even though the information is right or wrong. Its going to take time.
And those who don?t want this known. WE WILL NOT SHUT UP. And we will stop your
Wanting a WORLD WAR. We will not go quietly in to the night. Some of cant be brain-
Washed in to excepting some lame story of the events. Some of are sick of you using the world
Militaries to kill the innocent for oil, money, and power. We want peace, truth, honor, freedom,
And LOVE. NOT WARS and DEATH?. So go stick it? We want a real investigation.
Thank you all for the help?.keep it up..

5UP3RD00P3R (2007-10-17)

This looks very interesting, I am a Canadian so we are somewhat removed from the brainwash and banter of the American media. Thank god for the brave people of FDNY and NYPD and all the other heroes that risked their lives. Allot of Canadians believe that Bush caused this attack on the two towers to cause fear and epidemic among Americans and give reason for his continued attacks in the middle east. If this continues and gets worse I don't expect anything less then a revolution, and all of North America turning against the American Gov't.

5UP3RD00P3R (2007-10-17)

For an interesting outlook on the "Higher Powers" plan for the world, and a very good fact based documentary download

or visit

duhprane (2007-10-26)

Notice how bobdaslob, aka tomtomx, aka greyriver wont comment on this, because this is irrefutable. If they do, well theyre bullshit US Govt shills and they'll say anything to deeply please their neocon master's colons

ed4ed (2007-11-03)

Hear all of the Police and Fire radio conversations as they happen, all real, no whitewash or gag orders here, just chilling reality. Dont forget 911 and dont forget the 3000 people sacrificed for ~th$eir~ cause.

mazzer123 (2008-04-18)

also0 good:

ed4ed (2008-11-28)