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Adobe Master Collection CS3
Adobe Master Collection CS3
2008-02-06 (by Michael_Zeora)
This is the post production Adobe CS3 Master Collection within those four .ISO files is the entire suite with the MAGiTUDE Cracks on DVD1.
Good Luck
-- MZ --
Note: I take no credit for this, just a repost of an older Torrent.
Files count:
9968.01 Mb
morestuff (2008-02-08)
Looks good but please seed.Michael_Zeora (2008-02-08)
doing the best I can, the torrent was down for a day due to Comcast being my ISP...Beebee18 (2008-02-13)
Please seed.Michael_Zeora (2008-03-04)
Comcast has been giving me a big hassle with constant outages and with what I'm paying them it's constant BS.Oh well, at least in a day or so there will be a good couple of more seeders.
compyou (2008-03-05)
Ah, my download is totally stopped. Please - please seed someone. Almost done. Need a push :) thanks.compyou (2008-03-05)
please. someone seed thisi'm stuck at very low speeds and have some design work to do. :(
Skala4 (2008-03-05)
I read somewhere that this has beta versions of some aps...Not sure if that is a smoke screen, because this is a huge d/l compared to most similar versions
Upon install can someone tell me AE version
Also check to see if you can access Color Finesse 2 in AE CS3...
Get there by loading something and going
Effect>synthetic aperture>color finesse
compyou (2008-03-06)
Come on and seed :)I need this and i'm not over 80% - give it a mighty power push. please.
compyou (2008-03-06)
What I don't how I had great speed and then dropped to nothing :(crazycomm (2008-03-13)
please seed...stuck at 90.0% for 3 days nowub1992 (2008-03-13)
Someone please seed....we're stuck at 96.2%...It would be nice to finish this dlDirty_Pretty_Thing (2008-04-16) just realising after downloading 70% of this...this isnt the actual final version of CS3 is it?? its just a pre-release??coz that wud just SUCK BAWLS if it is.
oh mr zeora, i do hope u havent pissed us all about with this :(
Dirty_Pretty_Thing (2008-04-17) iv got sum good news, and some bad news.good news is...almost everything works, ALMOST.
thats the bad news:
Adobe Illustrator wont install, neither will Acrobat reader 8.0, it says they failed to install once everything is finished.
However Reader 8.0 can be manually installed from the very 1st page of the installation which is fine.
Adobe Encore will load up fully, and just as its done that, the program window will just dissapear into thin air. happens everytime u try and use it, so theres something wrong there.
Adobe Device Central wont work because its expired, and if you try to set ur clock back, another error message just comes up.
Finally, Adobe InDesign doesnt work either. It crashes whilst loading up with the whole 'Has to close, sorry for inconvenience' bullshit.
So basically, if your ok without Illustrator, Encore and Indesign then everythings fine.
Device central is just sum stupid program that isnt really neccesary anyway.
Besides all that, thanx for the upload, uv just saved me $2500 :D
platinumcream (2008-05-13)
Can anyone tell me why my cs3 gets to the end of the installation and only installs the shared components and the software component says install failed... all 55 components... I'm so new at this and i can't figure it out... please help meJMJimmy (2008-07-26)
This is a confirmed, full version of the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection. It can be updated via Adobe Updater with no trouble.Notes:
It comes with a Macrovision callback service installed which is loaded every time you load one of the programs, as well as on system start. IT CAN BE DISABLED, it's difficult but it can be.
Notes on installation:
1) Begin install
2) When prompted for a serial copy the D:\MAGNiTUDE\asneu.dll file to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\[insert long directory name here]
3) After copy enter any series of numbers you want
4) Install what you want
5) Upon completion, copy all folders located in D:\MAGNiTUDE\ to C:\Program Files\Adobe\ overwriting all.
Macrovision Removal instructions to follow (not for the faint of heart)
1) Go to msconfig under the services tab remove Flexnet Licencing service and Adobe Version Cue CS3, and if it appears Adobe LM service. Under the startup tab remove any blank entries, acrotray, and versio~2
2) Go to task manager, kill those processes if they appear (not needed if you didn't reboot after install)
3) Search for FNP and Adobelm, delete all files that appear in adobe directories
4) Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\Flexnet Publisher delete the fnp_registrations.xml and FNPLicensingService.exe files and create 2 new directories with those names (extensions included) ie: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\Flexnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe\
5) Backup your registry
6) Search for FLEXnet, delete key folders containing this (should be 2)
7) Search Flexnet, you'll find ACMru folders with 'flexnet' 'fnp' and 'adobelm' - delete these keys and rename the other key(s) so they start with 000 and increment by 1 for each key present (ie: 000, 001, 002). Also delete any folders with the FLEXnet Publisher name.
8) Search Macrovision - delete any folders with that name (keys can stay, just folders)
9) Search FNP, when you get to a key that has a long series of numbers and a value pointing to a dll file with FNP in the name, don't delete the key. Modify it and remove the place it is pointing to. There's a lot of them so be patient.
10) Goto C:\Windows\Prefetch - delete anything relating to adobe product, adobelm, flexnet, versio~2, macrovision, etc. You can clear the whole directory if you want, but I prefer to just remove anything adobe/macrovision related. The stuff that is actually needed reinstalls itself there, the crappy macrovision does not.
11) Reboot, run updates. Repeat step 3 if desired, though I haven't observed FLEXnet Publisher issues after updates have reinstalled some of the dll files. I remove them just for the sake of it.
If you did reboot after install and try to do this, it's more complicated, there are keys you need to leave in the searches described above, and there are some legacy keys that you can't remove.
I haven't noticed any issues with doing this, though I can't say that there won't be any with a program this massive. Use this advice at your own risk, backup or be prepared to re-install if an issue crops up that is unforeseen.
Also, regarding the "beta" concern on Adobe Encore and some others... it's untrue. These are final versions, the problem is that Adobe screwed up - updates won't apply properly because they got the path wrong in there config file. Here are instructions on how to fix it from Euregit:
Euregit - 6:16am Oct 20, 07 PST (#15 of 20)
Thanks, now we found a solution. The problem is a wrong path in the config.xml file. So the steps are:
1) Start the Update
2) Ignore the Error
3) Go in to the newest directory Patcher**** (in the Temp-Directory of the User)
4) In the file config.xml the value (C:\ ...) has to be replaced with the correct pathname
6) Then go to ../Installer
7) Start PatcherApplication.exe
And everything works
JMJimmy (2008-07-26)
So, after assuming Euregit's instructions were correct (my bad) here's the correct way to get the Adobe Encore patch to apply:1) Run the updater located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater5\AdobeUpdater.exe
2) When you download, it fails the install, leave it in the background, don't quit out. It won't work if the updater isn't running.
3) Goto the following directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp\Patcher
4) Find the directory there (Patch####) that contains a config.xml file and a CAPS folder. Open the config.xml in Notepad. If it says "Adobe Encore" you've got the right file, otherwise keep looking.
5) Add the following line after before :
[INSTALLDIR]\Adobe Encore CS3\AMT\application.xml
6) Save.
7) Go back to the \Patcher\ directory and look for a \Patch####\ folder that contains the folders "Installer" and 1 other folder (localization data).
8) Go into the \Installer\ folder and run the .exe located there, a window will popup with a patch installer - Make sure it says "Adobe Encore" otherwise you have the wrong \Patch####\ folder and need to keep looking for the right one. Once you find the correct one it will install properly.
9) Quit the AdobeUpdater and everything is patched properly.
10) Copy all folders from the MAGNiTUDE folder to the C:\Program Files\Adobe\ folder and you're ready to run. The Adobe Installer will report that you need to update, and while it's true you can never update the .exes in this way, all the dlls etc do get patched. Usually there is no difference in the .exe except the version number anyway.
calle_66 (2008-08-07)
This is a confirmed, full version of the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection!!! NO BS, this is the shit!! I have installed this data on XP, Ultimate Vista 64bit & Home Premium Vista 32bit. Easy to install, just replace the ansu.dll. It can be updated via Adobe Updater with no trouble.Many Thanks Michael!
raul5660 (2008-08-16)
hey im having a little bit of trouble installing the software like i install disk 1 but when i put in disk 2 it doesnt read it...... any ideas on what might be wrongcreative5 (2008-08-23)
hey.i installed (and also crckd it) and some functions in flash is not usable. (activiton expired thing, tried only flash)
how can i make it work? any ideas?
or JM Jimmys soultion will solve my problem?
thx the help!
GoranZoran (2008-09-08)
Hey raul5660Disk 2 works fine for me. But disk 3-4 is broken.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection DVD with Crack.
It´s the same MAGiTUDE release. But it works. the file size is a bit different, I guess that's what makes it work. Use Power iso to mount it, DaemonTools want like these files for some reason, otherwise I guess Nero could still burn it.
God luck!