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Nero 10.0 + Serials en Keygen - DivXNL-Team
Software PC
Nero 10.0 + Serials - DivXNL-Team
2010-06-13 (by Koedje)
Nero - Multimedia Suite 10
Creëer, bewerk, speel en orden al uw video-, foto- en muziek bestanden:
- Voeg geavanceerde persoonlijke toetsen toe aan fotovoorstellingen, en speciale
effecten aan films, om bioscopische dvd-video-, HD-dvd- en Blu-ray Disc-films te
creëren zoals een echte expert
- Voeg aan foto- en videovoorstellingen filmthema?s toe en zet projecten rechtstreeks
naar Nero Vision over voor geavanceerde bewerking en vervaardiging van video
- Gebruik meervoudige video- en audiotracks voor ware multi-trackbewerking met
overlay-effecten (PiP) met behulp van video's, afbeeldingen, tekst en grafische
- Creëer overlay-animatie-effecten met volledige sleutelframebediening en voeg
gesofisticeerde overgangseffecten toe tussen clips op alle tracks
- U kunt gebruikmaken van de geavanceerde ontwerpfunctie voor het individueel
aanmaken van nieuwe grafische objecten, nieuwe knoppen en menu?s. U kunt deze
vrijelijk aan video's linken
- Gebruik SmartEncoding voor een snelle output van High Definition-video (MPEG 2,
AVCHD) op Blu-ray-schijven waaronder het kwaliteitsformaat van 24p frames
- Snel opzoeken en afspelen en gemakkelijk ordenen van al uw foto's, video's en
muziek met de alles-in-één-media-organizer
- Publiceer muziek-, diavoorstellings- en videoprojecten op cd's, dvd's en
Blu-ray-schijven of deel foto's en video's op sociale mediagemeenschappen.
Maak back-ups van al uw persoonlijke gegevens en herstel ze in slechts enkele eenvoudige stappen:
- Maak een back-up van uw gehele systeem in enkele eenvoudige stappen zonder dat
u de instellingen van uw computer opnieuw hoeft te configureren.
- Plan back-ups naar enkel- of meervoudige harde schijven, cd's, dvd's,
Blu-ray-schijven, FTP-servers, geheugenkaarten of online-opslagmedia in één keer.
- Voer incrementele, differentiële, volledige of update-back-ups uit.
- Hoogtechnologische Autobackup met functies voor gegevensrecuperatie en systeem
- Recupereer uw bestanden, mappen, stations, schijven en zelfs uw gehele
besturingssysteem na een computercrash, falen van de vaste schijf of virusaanval.
- Herstel foto's, mp3's, documenten en mappen van gekraste of beschadigde cd's en
dvd's in slechts enkele stappen.
- Synchroniseer gegevens tussen computers en mobiele apparaten voor een
gemakkelijke toegang tot uw bestanden en mappen, waar u zich ook bevindt.
- Recupereer gewiste bestanden van harde schijven, cd's, dvd's, flash-opslagmedia
en diskettes.
- De verbeterde Autobackup-functies bieden geavanceerde opslagopties met maximale
Brand en kopieer op betrouwbare wijze gegevens, muziek, foto's en video's op CD, DVD, Blu-ray schijf:
- Brand- en kopieertechnologie, toonaangevend in de branche, voor cd, dvd en Blu-ray
- Zorg ervoor dat de gegevens leesbaar zijn, ongeacht krassen, ouderdom of sleet met
- Gebruik eenvoudigweg "slepen en neerzetten" om naar cd's, dvd's en
Blu-ray-schijven te branden of op te slaan op harde schijven, netwerken en
- Splits te grote bestanden op om naar meerdere schijven of verschillende schijftypen
te branden.
- Krijg betrouwbare, ononderbroken brandprojecten met een superieure
- Zet opgeslagen audiobestanden automatisch naar andere formaten om.
- Creëer audio-cd's van mp3's om op verschillende mediaspelers af te spelen.
- Rip audio-cd's in alle populaire formaten.
- Compileer cd's die zowel audio- als gegevensbestanden bevatten.
- Controleer het brandproces met snelheid, gegevensinstelling en schrijfmethoden.
- Voeg extra veilige bescherming voor uw gebrande gegevens toe door middel van
persoonlijke wachtwoorden en coderingen.
System Requirements:
Minimum system requirements for Nero Multimedia Suite 10
* Windows® XP SP3 (32bit), Windows Vista® SP1 (32 and 64bit), Windows® 7 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32 and 64bit)
* 2 GHz AMD or Intel® processor
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista® or Windows® 7)
* ÂÂ5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components (including templates, content and temporary disk space)
* DirectX® 9.0 compliant graphics card with 3D acceleration, 16-bit color, and a minimum of 128 MB video memory is required (32-bit, true color, 256 MB dedicated video RAM, and support for Shader Model 3.0 is recommended)
* ÂÂDVD disc drive for installation and playback
* CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning and video authoring
* DirectX® 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006)
* Windows Media® Player 9
* Third party components such as Microsoft Windows® Installer 4.5, Microsoft .NET® 3.5 SP1 and Microsoft Silverlight™ 3 are shipped with the product or automated download if not included in the package
* For some services an Internet connection is required (DSL-1000 and higher recommended). Internet connection charges are the user's responsibility
Officiële Nero Site:
Files count:
293.30 Mb
-wkr- (2010-06-13)
doet het niet.. serial is verkeerd en de keygen werkt ook niet, telkens dezelfde serial9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA
-wkr- (2010-06-13)
laat maar hij doet het al ;)Koedje (2010-06-13)
Die keygen is inderdaad niet erg uitgebreid, maar de serial werkt zeker weten;pjersson (2010-06-13)
Please write in english. I do not understand deutch, I'm sorryKoedje (2010-06-14)
I told the other guy that the keygen only generates a few serials, but they certainly work.rotterD (2010-06-19)
it works fine thanx koedje!!Questionmarq34 (2010-06-22)
Works great. I had no problems whatsoever. Thanks.rotterD (2010-06-23)
heb vandaag een update gehad....perfect!!what6733 (2010-06-23)
Koedje has a great command of the English language.dinolog (2010-07-01)
Thanks,great man werkt als een speer!!!!Grtz D>log
joekewl (2010-07-06)
nero burning rom is about all that works for me. nero vision and the others say trialversionranzizam (2010-07-12)
Why does my windows XP shuts down every time i try to install this? Help plz..JuStReLaXaY (2010-07-27)
Works just like it should on vista after followin ur install notes. Thanks heaps champ!khadill (2010-07-29)
works perfect for me ...tnx dude =Dxenon.atmosphere (2010-07-29)
Thank you! Works great, especially with the host file info i got from another torrent (that did NOT work). Great job- and this is my first comment!Xenon
PROTEOUS271158 (2010-07-29)
Why won't the Disc Copy Gadget stay in the Vista Sidebar on reboot ? Anyone else have this annoying problem?PROTEOUS271158 (2010-07-29)
Why will not the Disc Copy Gadget stay in the Vista Sidebar on reboot ? Anyone else Have this annoying problem ?zaier (2010-08-02)
Does anybody know if this will run on XP?Koedje (2010-08-02)
You need atleast xp service pack 3, it will run with that.Iceman100685 (2010-08-09)
Hey Koedje! How are you doing today? I was wondering since everything is registered already can you or should I say register with Nero to get the updates to this program? Can I or should I check for updates from nero? thanks so much for the torrent because I had problems installing the 1 from Degun.deejay03 (2010-08-09)
9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA (Nero v.10.0.13100) (yours one)9M0C-0190-4Z3K-M008-TM94-P39K-EP7Z-9427 (Gracenote Plug-in)
1K00-6035-0593-5A40-37K0-K776-574C (DTS Plug-in)
1C00-8014-9880-2000-408M-M56E-C718 (mp3PRO Plug-in)
4EC0-3CX9-18X3-X3A1-EMAC-X7M3-X7A2 (Activation Gracenot Plug-in) ; 1E90-AAA3-1803-9KK1-590K-50MM-68X3 (Activation Nero Move It)
1E11-MX21-9805-8188-AX81-7E0M-6CE3 (Activation Nero BackItUp4)
4E91-6M7X-985C-X832-6469-E48C-C094 (Activation Nero BackItUp & Burn)
1E60-CA7C-18E3-X466-6870-K483-A4CE (Activation Nero Media Home 4)
1EX1-AM7C-188X-2069-K93K-9089-9129 (Activation Nero LiquidTv)
4EE0-XC79-19C9-04X2-6C95-5M4A-EKKE (Activation Blue-Ray Video Plug-in)
4E31-6MM9-9895-XE4X-K48C-M45E-2424 (Activation Blue-Ray Authoring Plug-in)
info. custom install;
nero Burning Rom 10
nero Express 10
nero Multimedia Suite 10
nero StartSmart 10
nero Update 10
nero Vision 10
marti-n1992 (2010-08-10)
Werkt prima, Thanx Koedje ;)Works Great, Serials do work !
dennussie12 (2010-08-14)
Hello I downloaded this program and it worked fine till untill I did an update...Then it went back to demo copy and keys did not work I guess I need to use keygen now.... this comment is just so others will know about updating programBTW I used google translate to do this in dutch
Hallo ik dit programma gedownload en het werkte prima totdat totdat ik een update gedaan ... Daarna ging het terug te kopiëren en te toetsen demo werkte niet ik denk dat ik nu gebruik keygen .... dit commentaar is gewoon zo anderen zullen weten over het bijwerken van het programma
BTW Ik gebruikte Google Translate om dit te doen in het Nederlands
987.987 (2010-08-19)
what hosts info Xenon?Toneloc777 (2010-08-19)
The serial doesn't work anymore (at least for me, using win 7). And Keygen just generates the same key as in the txt file.kimloy (2010-08-19)
in installing... try the custom install and do not install the "nero Update 10". coz update make nero detect the serial which you did not actually buy from them. nero will downgrade your nero products to trial mode..andrew-bk (2010-08-20)
whenever i go to vision and try to pre-render or burn i get the activation crap whatsup with that?? i even turnd the internet off on my second install after uninstalling with yourinstaller n did a defrag...reisereise327 (2010-08-20)
works perfectly, thank you verrry much ^^but does anybody know if i can update nero, and if it´s still working then??
koekjesman (2010-08-20)
hey, als ik deze versie installeer wordt nero 10 niet al standaard programma geselecteerd voor .bup .vob en .ifo bestanden waardoor ik niet weet hoe ik ze moet afspelen, nero showtime zit er tog wel bij? ik zou nu geen idee hebben hoe ik het krijg geopentcyberboyke (2010-08-24)
na de update doet de serial ni meer krijgt je dat je andere serial moet hebbe enzcyberboyke (2010-08-24)
de serial wrkt alleen als je de update ni doetdommels (2010-08-25)
Just don't update why update a good working program.xhizorx (2010-08-27)
lol at people who still cant figure out that keygens arent trojansbilly1989 (2010-08-28)
plz helphow can i use nero recode without sending the activation, i want to burn dvds i download from the internet so i only need this tool, any help would b nice
954blade (2010-08-28)
Thanks Koedje!zombiex10 (2010-08-31)
Thank you very much. The serials worked.loes23 (2010-09-01)
Thanks Koedje, works great!loes23 (2010-09-01)
Thanks Koedje, works great!!billy1989 (2010-09-02)
To activate the Patent Activation on Nero Vision, go to the keygen and copy the serial for Patent Activation. Now go to Nero Control Center and add that serial to the database. That should activate Vision and bypass the Patent Activationbilly1989 (2010-09-03)
@manonfirefuck me silly, thanks very much for that, help me out loads,
isepiq (2010-09-06)
Delete all the Patent Activation files in the Nero Common Folder under Program Files. Input the Nero Activation Serail too! Do NOT let Nero or any of ITS programs access your Network OR the Internet. Go to Microsoft Update & update the files you need from there FIRST.waseem3000 (2010-09-06)
Ok everyone facing problem with Nero Patent Activation i.e. Nero Vision saying it is pirated etc etc. follow these steps:Download this torrent and install nero, can also be downloaded from nero website which is the trial version.
Open keygen and use 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA which is for Nero Multimedia Suite to install. Before installer starts it may restart the computer once and there will be a key already present in the key field once it does so, delete that key and use this.
Install complete software and then close the installer when it finishes (it takes time to do so for installing).
Now again get back to the keygen and generate key for Activar Patentes 1E30-9XK2-192A-X2X0-5746-A632-ECCK which will be this one. To enter this key go to your start menu>all programs>Nero 10 and open Nero Control Center inside the menu and under serial number field enter the key. If using Vista or Win 7 accept the security popup to enter the serial. It will accept serial and show "Activation".
Now do the same steps and add the following keys for Bluetooth plugins and Recode. 1EE0-4X07-194A-0K04-9E21-73XA-XAA3 1E31-9ME5-988X-447E-9A21-69X8-XX2X 4E31-5X1X-9990-0KE9-X1AM-9K9K-C9C5 the program will accept them again as "Activation".
These keys will activate mp3 plugins, gracenote and DTS plugin and with each serial entered the program will inform you of the serial entered and you get the names for only these: 1K00-6035-0593-5A40-37K0-K776-574C KC00-203X-1886-2446-051E-54C2-XC60 1EC0-0E89-9849-KA31-K227-MA85-3812
After that press ok and you are good to go. Now if you follow this step-by-step all will work 100 percent. Better to restart the computer so everything works smoothly (not needed and up to you).
You can use the same keys posted here as keygen ONLY generates these keys and one for each listing and save you time as well by using them as I already pasted them.
I have tested this and it works without issues. Now how do I know it works as have a lot of experience fixing computers and have used the above in many computers without failure. So hope I can help and many thanks to the uploader.
Sorry for the loooong post.
carltottot (2010-09-06)
its not fake please seedcarltottot (2010-09-06)
thanks dudepupuhd (2010-09-07)
Excellent, thank you.apollge (2010-09-08)
if you dont understand dutch, let google translate it for you.
if keys dont work in the Instructies + Serial file, use the KeyGen. =]
a many thanks to the ul'er. =]
sharmanhall (2010-09-11)
Safe to update?steelersno1 (2010-09-11)
Thanks for the app. Works great. Very fast as well. 18 min to transcode and burn a 1.34 GB avi file using win7 64 bit i7 930. Excellent.powerslayer1958 (2010-09-17)
This App works Great, not A fake or no Virus'sRichardTexTex1975 (2010-09-17)
Muchachos. Este Torrent funciona perfectamente en Windows 7 y en Vista... En XP la misma instalación de Nero daña el .net framework el cual no puede volver a ser actualizado. La versión que se incluye en este torrent es la misma que el de la página oficial de nero. Los seriales funcionan excepto para el nero visión el cual tiene que ser registrado mediante un archivo .reg que se encuentra en este torrent,
no deben descargar todo el torrent solo lor archivos que no sean el nero 10 trial (lo hacen con el utorrent) le aplican el cleantool, antes de iniciar y le colocan los parches .reg de este torrent a la versión descargada de y listo. Suerte...FMJd (2010-09-18)
Thank you very much!triniguy38 (2010-09-19)
fuck nero!michalisnik (2010-09-22)
Unfortunately not working under Windows7 64Bit... the key is invalid is the only message I get and the keygen does not generate new keys.Santhoshking (2010-09-23)
Wen i click on the setup ... my system gets restarted ... y i don knw ... bull shit ...skydiver8 (2010-09-26)
Just installed this and it works good. Waseems serial worked. BUT i will say windows defender picked up a backdoor trojan. i cant say for sure if its from this or not it just popped up while i was installing. i deleted it and nero works fine. Thanks to the uploader!iamgweedo (2010-09-26)
waseem3000, those worked like a charm. Thanks for posting!shiranavs (2010-09-27)
i try to install this restarted my computer. but it work with windows 7. I want to install nero 10 on my xp machine.plz help memoonwalk11 (2010-10-08)
I am not sure if I'm the only one this has happened to but this doesn't work at all for me. In fact all it does do is restart my computer every time I try to open it. It also does something funny to my controls. Either this thing is a virus or it's my computer. Can someone please tell just what the hell is wrong with this thing.area4689 (2010-10-09)
can u update this?pinz1 (2010-10-12)
GREAT!!! torrent :)worked like a charm :)
thanks for the notes :)
Justin1121 (2010-10-13)
worked greatpranzo12 (2010-10-22)
I did everything waseem300 said to do and it says I have pirated serial. Any help?bebitejkoh (2010-10-22)
@waseem3000Thank you very much for the info.:) this torrent is also great will seed for amonth
tnx Koedje for a very great upload!
bebitejkoh (2010-10-23)
@waseem3000Thank you very much for the info.:) this torrent is also great will seed for amonth
tnx Koedje for a very great upload!
alexspil (2010-10-26)
Excellent! it works fine!thanx to Koedje for the upload and to waseem3000 for the instructions.
jorre22225 (2010-10-30)
Super! Bedankt, gemakkelijk en geen RAR-bestanden die je ongemakkelijk maken.XjapanFOREVER (2010-11-05)
Awesome, just follow Waseem3000's post to get around the Nero Vision 3rd Party Patent Activation thing. Thanks!531531531 (2010-11-11)
could you not write in englishare u dumb?
footron (2010-11-15)
Worked fine for me...Thanks!
Renso305 (2010-11-17)
Well... when i tried to install this package, system tells me that this version is incompatible with my Operative System and i'm using vista 64. I downloaded the trial version from nero's Official Site in order to use the keys included in this torrent but were detected as a fake one.dechef1 (2010-11-18)
thnx!astro2 (2010-11-20)
easy installfirst serial given works fine
perfect torrent
only downside is it installs alot, abit of a lengthy installation
sleeeepyhead (2010-11-21)
seems like it was working perfect intill i tried burning a dvd.It is only letting me burn to CDs?
Amea81 (2010-11-23)
Tx a lot!And thumbs up to waseem3000 for the awesome instructions, everything works and finally no probs w Nero Vision!
coffeepspmom (2010-11-26)
please help! i have installed this easily w/ the instuctions given by the commenter. but every time i try to burn to a dvd, it transcodes it fine, but says my dvd does have enough space or something and it doesn't complete the burn. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled and same thing. anyone??coffeepspmom (2010-11-26)
ive installed this nicely and it transcodes movies but then it says there is not enough room on my dvd disc. anyone know how to fix?coffeepspmom (2010-11-28)
ok i figured it out. i updated my .net framework w/ no problems anymore.Tedsworld (2010-11-29)
I'm gonna write a comment on a couple of differnet programs I have downloaded.......AVG9, Photoshop CS5 and Total Video Converter, why......I forgot who to thank, so, they worked as advertised.........hope this does too!turpulator1 (2010-11-29)
waseem3000, on page 3, follow his instructions.Cheers
TwistedWheelbarrow (2010-12-01)
@531531531Why does writing in a different language mean that he's stupid. You should be appreciative that he's uploaded this. If your so fussed about it, use Google translator.
Thanks, Great download.
madclown7373 (2010-12-02)
works perfectly!! :D ill be seedingRazeth (2010-12-03)
Don't listen the idiots that are saying the keygen is fake yadda yadda.. torrent works fine. Granted the instructions are in italian, but the serials still work.Thanks Koedje.
PanteraO (2010-12-04)
Heads up! Install it and follow waseem3000's instructions on page 3, do it right the first time. Reinstalling is a bitch because this consists of 14+ programs.Disturbed[]ne (2010-12-04)
@mathias921 You do realize that TPB is based out of Sweden right? So you sound incredibly stupid right now...ronbabby (2010-12-09)
loistava torrent!! toimii ainakin W7 64bit TÄYDELLISESTI. kiitos ja kumarrus!!!!!!!!!!tommi256 (2010-12-11)
nice!! works perfectly!!p5yk0tik (2010-12-12)
This torrent is crap.Doesn't anyone test their uploads these days?
Any one got Nero Vision working from this bundle of crap, without asking for activation, after detecting pirated serials whilst running the app #?
Lame newbie crackers.
ooppeliastra (2010-12-13)
oujeeeeYMP_Jakes (2010-12-17)
@p5yk0tik .You are the newbie.
Block all Nero apps with your Firewall. If you dont know how, use the Windows help function.
If Nero is blocked with the Firewall, it is impossible to see that you are using a fake serial.
Hope this worx for a few guys
Anonym156 (2010-12-18)
It seems like it is not cracked. You can install it and all but when you try to use any feature it says you must register your copy online for 1st useDutchd0wnloader (2010-12-18)
BIG PROBLEM. I've Installed and now if i want to burn a downloaded movie he just only takes the pure-movie files. Others like subtitles, I can't put in the venster!!!!!Anyone knows the answer????????????????????????????????
Dutchd0wnloader (2010-12-18)
Heey,ik heb een groot probleem zit tot 1 uur te proberen maar NIKS werkt. Ik wil dus een gedownloade film branden maar hij pakt heb niet. Alleen de pure filmbestanden kan ik naar het venster slepen, andere zoals subtitles en die van 16KB enzo pakt hij niet!!!!!!!!!
Iemand die mij hiermee kan helpen????????
Alvast bedankt!!!!!!
rodivl (2010-12-20)
where is nero player?!!webhound2 (2010-12-20)
Nero vision does NOT work. And it isn't the serials. Once the program has converted all of your videos and formatted everything to fit and work nicely on a DVD, it craps out during the write process. Says it needs to activate 3rd party patents and the burn is halted. That's what happened to me, anyway.shegotthedon (2010-12-21)
downloading at great speedflamegod7 (2010-12-24)
Worked for me. Thanks!maut18 (2010-12-24)
nice,.its working,...keep it up guys.........kertymarie (2010-12-26)
I also got the prompt about 3rd party patents needing to be activated :(GlobalPOS (2010-12-27)
@Man0nFire, thanx mansmalls312 (2010-12-29)
thanks so much for this upload it it worked perfectly as i expected keep up the good work KoedjeHenryGT (2010-12-30)
Thank you very much Koedje..perfect upload...All working.For all you fellow Pirates Have a Blast on 2011..!!HenryGT (2010-12-30)
IF you have installed the serial keys correctly..then there wont be any 3rd party patents needing to be activated..Go to nero control center and add all serial keys one by one..thats all ...!!vellosch (2010-12-31)
Works great! The language of the .exe is the same of the OS.Marche parfaitement! La langue de l'installateur est pareille que celle du système.
edsheil19 (2011-01-03)
how to block all nero apps?jtoffy (2011-01-03)
Is this better than DVDFab Platinum??? Im not sure which one is (2011-01-06)
Awesome torrent, Installed great and now (2 weeks later) its still going hard! Thanks for the up man :)Inderpal (2011-01-11)
Thank You..!!Very Good Torrent...!!
andersio (2011-01-12)
seedrugburn11 (2011-01-15)
Here is the translation for everybody...1) Install Nero 10.0, if he asks for serial enter it into:
2) Start the program and activate the parts you want with these serials (if not yet activated):
If they do not work you can still use the KeyGen.
arrassas (2011-01-19)
Could somebody tell me why the f' my system reboots when I try to install this piece of crap?R3ZBAK (2011-01-19)
I use the default Serial. Is it ok that I used the default serial. but the Serial was accepted. Then it was installed properly..mrnexus (2011-01-23)
this does not work,it did work but now nero are asking for a ps-aac codec it says that this version does not have it,i was using nero vision to copy dvds for me from downloaded movie torrents,please does anyone know any-other software i can use for this purpose apart from nero and roxio please,i just want to copy to dvd tron which i downloaded from here to my laptop,thats all i want it for so i can watch it on my tv/dvd player,iam very new to the net so help would be appre-- please note i just want something that does it all in 1 go,encodes and then burns it thats it,i don't want to have to convert it and all that like u have to do on divx and aimersoft etc,can someone help me out,thks thkscdzo72 (2011-01-23)
Hey guys, I got this installed just fine on one of my laptops, no problems whatsoever, but the other one, in Nero Control Center it says "Demo" and has an expiration date. I have tried to uninstall and clean up with the Nero Clean tool twice and still not having any luck. SO I figure SOMEWHERE there must be a hidden file left behind telling Nero that it has been previously installed as a trial with the included serial... Any help would be appreciated!!Juggalo4Lyf3 (2011-01-27)
mrnexus- convertx to dvd is a great program. you can find it here on PBmitsoulasuper3 (2011-01-27)
thank you man works great for me!!! :)Super 3
LllMEz (2011-01-28)
Not a bad DL speed, about 600 kb/sjaxus (2011-01-30)
thank you very much!works great ;)
polacogaleto (2011-01-30)
this nero hasn't mechanisms that acquire data about user and system to block pirate software.GlacialFlames (2011-01-31)
I got the thing to pop up telling me i had a pirated serial and to buy it, so i pressed buy now, and then it kept going on with what was supposed to happen (burning my dvd), and i just minimized the web browser.mrnexus (2011-02-04)
@Juggalo4Lyf3 ,thks for the advice mate convertxtodvd does the job brilliantlymrnexus (2011-02-04)
@jersson /to understand dutch,german,french,etc,all u have to do is copy and paste the document and put it into www. google. and thats it.hope i have helped u out.nulledzero (2011-02-05)
Awesome Koedje, thanks :)F102 (2011-02-06)
Looks like I also have the same problem as arrassas, As soon as I double click the setup file my PC reboots. ? Any ideas?norttikasa (2011-02-08)
Works like charm. THX for uploader. BTW my comp does not reboot before/during/after install. Must be something else, what causing that.VIVA LA TPB
F102 (2011-02-10)
Yeah I figured it out, Software works 100% My fault was I was running SP2 not 3 as soon as I loaded SP3 works like a CHARM.Thanks Koeje
tmtkid (2011-02-12)
the issue with the pirated user crap... took this from another torrent.. not sure if it works yet.. will check it out3d party patent activation fix:
Go to windows explorer:
C:\program files\commom files\nero\shared\NL3
Look for the file:
"NeroPatentActivation.exe" Delete it,
That should take care of your problem....:)
LvFresh702 (2011-02-13)
Nice d/l speed, about 1mbpsvazhmuni (2011-02-14)
nice torrent its work on window 7 perfectly.thank u divxnl- teamumarnawazkhan (2011-02-18)
it works but it say's is not full version..whats happing?umarnawazkhan (2011-02-18)
but the serial key in nero controlcenter now is full version,,need to ask how to stop nero from conneting the internet ?davidbyrnecrocker (2011-02-19)
works perfect cheers bossCgoff87 (2011-02-19)
About to download...Cgoff87 (2011-02-19)
Thank you DIVXnl, worked fine! As for those it didn't work with, make sure you go to [settings-> using neroburningrom, and choose [set key| then just put in the serial number from the txt file provided.As for updates, I usually block them but I haven't checked if they work. It would be great if someone could verify that one though.
johndavidj99 (2011-02-20)
Not working! Accepted serial as valid then "Nero has detected a non-licensed use of its software. For full access" blah, blah.johndavidj99 (2011-02-20)
Not working! Accepted serial as valid then "Nero has detected a non-licensed use of its software. For full access" blah, blah.piratebarrett (2011-02-23)
Wat doe ik met het serienummer dat standaard al is ingevuld? Kan ik deze laten staan i.p.v. het aangeraden nummer in de bijlage? Als ik NeroVision start, geeft hij aan dat het een illegaal exemplaar is. Hoe werkt het keygenprogrammaatje?anunciado (2011-02-25)
just don't update.... works great..thanks for the uploader..... ginnues workafricanbrit (2011-02-26)
Guys follow these steps by waseemworks like a charm
thanks Waseem
waseem3000 at 2010-09-06 18:33 CET:
Ok everyone facing problem with Nero Patent Activation i.e. Nero Vision saying it is pirated etc etc. follow these steps:
Download this torrent and install nero, can also be downloaded from nero website which is the trial version.
Open keygen and use 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA which is for Nero Multimedia Suite to install. Before installer starts it may restart the computer once and there will be a key already present in the key field once it does so, delete that key and use this.
Install complete software and then close the installer when it finishes (it takes time to do so for installing).
Now again get back to the keygen and generate key for Activar Patentes 1E30-9XK2-192A-X2X0-5746-A632-ECCK which will be this one. To enter this key go to your start menu>all programs>Nero 10 and open Nero Control Center inside the menu and under serial number field enter the key. If using Vista or Win 7 accept the security popup to enter the serial. It will accept serial and show "Activation".
Now do the same steps and add the following keys for Bluetooth plugins and Recode. 1EE0-4X07-194A-0K04-9E21-73XA-XAA3 1E31-9ME5-988X-447E-9A21-69X8-XX2X 4E31-5X1X-9990-0KE9-X1AM-9K9K-C9C5 the program will accept them again as "Activation".
These keys will activate mp3 plugins, gracenote and DTS plugin and with each serial entered the program will inform you of the serial entered and you get the names for only these: 1K00-6035-0593-5A40-37K0-K776-574C KC00-203X-1886-2446-051E-54C2-XC60 1EC0-0E89-9849-KA31-K227-MA85-3812
After that press ok and you are good to go. Now if you follow this step-by-step all will work 100 percent. Better to restart the computer so everything works smoothly (not needed and up to you).
You can use the same keys posted here as keygen ONLY generates these keys and one for each listing and save you time as well by using them as I already pasted them.
I have tested this and it works without issues. Now how do I know it works as have a lot of experience fixing computers and have used the above in many computers without failure. So hope I can help and many thanks to the uploader.
Sorry for the loooong post.
runwitme (2011-03-01)
im try to delete my old nero but now im getting reg errors .. error code 1316- network error while trying to read file C:\windows\installed\ .. does anyone know where i get get the missing file? .. so i can uninstall my old nero 10.3 version? ..MarouaneOfficial2011 (2011-03-02)
Thanks you brotherdaveyd007 (2011-03-03)
Don't waste your time with this piece of shit if you downloaded nero 10 from their website. Serial key listed here is blocked.kukabura (2011-03-04)
this is working fine brother ..........................thanks a lot.....!.!.!.!.!.!B0zz3 (2011-03-06)
sucked ass fucking dutchxonaz (2011-03-09)
Can you format from .avi to a dvd file, anyone know?xonaz (2011-03-09)
Can you reformat from a .avi to dvd? anyone know?invioletlight (2011-03-13)
Thank you, and yes it does work if you go to NeroBurningRom and input the key from the txt file. Before I did that it said it was just a trial version :) It's a really useful suite!oma34567 (2011-03-15)
work perfectly. thanksHeenan (2011-03-16)
@xonaz ... if u come back to read this which i doubt .. but the info might be useful to others... i use xillisoft avi to dvd burner 3 currently because i have a key for it but i also installed #6 but dont have key anyway... it works great insert blank dvd drop avi files into window... hit burn it converts and burns with one click... what i really like about it is the multi file support i dropped mickey mouse dvd a yo gabba gabba dvd and a yo gabba tv episode and it burned all onto 1 disk works like a charm.. and it has the option to turn off the menu option so it goes straight to playing the movie for those revved up kiddie that cant want to hit the remote button.. anyway good program and thanks koedje for the upload and the correct info .. i am d/ling now and appreciate the effort and work uve doneibb7 (2011-03-17)
can someone help me install nero mediahome please. i entered the serial but nothing comes up!TGC1000 (2011-03-17)
So i followed waseems instructions, but when i want to burn something it says i need to activate it online first, how can we skip this stage?TGC1000 (2011-03-17)
I have sussed it out!Follow waseems instructions, but do not use the serial that is in the activation code when you have installed nero, YOU MUST USE A NEW ONE!
I removed the 'trial' activation key in nero control centre>serials and it worked fine now, but it would be easier to install without it - simply using the proper activation code instead of the preinstalled one should work great
kanadahosting (2011-03-17)
you van download it directly from :
robje60 (2011-03-17)
thnx guys works greatjust follow the instructions seen below
and bingo full working nero 10
sibygeorge (2011-03-18)
thanks a lotibb7 (2011-03-18)
TGC were you talking about Nero Mediahome by any chance? Because I still don't understand what I should do?rugal2401 (2011-03-18)
works fine on my windows 7 x86 thanks.lonergan2468 (2011-03-19)
ERE! Im gonna try this, innit.lonergan2468 (2011-03-19)
I enetered the lic code that you gave, no good, got message Nero has detected non licenced use of its software...etc...etc...God2010 (2011-03-21)
Thanks Africanbrit.. It really works... The patent alert is gone....catamaranman (2011-03-21)
Anybody get this working? None of the serials in the nfo and in these posts work anymore....we really need a way to erase the neropatentactivation.exe ala nero8rhead1966 (2011-03-22)
Running the keygen programme installed Perfect Keylogger. File i_BPK2007.exe and others appeared, installed BPK.EXE in system32 directory. Trusted user??? Twat more like.God2010 (2011-03-22)
@catamaranman.....I dont know about nero 8. but u can slove the patent activation problem by adding the key given by africanbrit(search for it in previous pages). remember to refuse nero to access internet. u can do it with your firewall. if u have problem with current installation, uninstall it, clean it with neroclean tool. reinstall version 10. it really works, mate. I was sitting 4 3 three days continuesly to get rid of thi patent activation in nero vision.gerlayn (2011-03-22)
gonna try this..i hope it will work..thanks!
gerlayn (2011-03-22)
just downloading I hope its really great.thanks!
n0_pAnCaKeS (2011-03-22)
Running windows 7 and your Nero 10 works ace!BrocOllie (2011-03-23)
keygen seems fine to me thankstgp1968 (2011-03-27)
tnx koedje.. its 100% works for me.. :)rynnie (2011-03-29)
can u use this for coping movies on to dvdswhazzup3929 (2011-03-29)
wow didn't know it was gonna take 30 fucking minutes to install the damn thing...also ty for not including english translations in this program..yes i know there is google translate you fucktardsGod2010 (2011-04-03)
Thanks Kodje, works great with windows 7. No problem with keys.nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
@whazzup3929First of never uploaded anything. So shut up. Second of all...don't blame the uploader because you have a slow PC. Mine installed within 10 minutes. Third of all...did you see what Nero installed? If not, here's the list:
Nero Toolbar (
Nero Wave editor
Nero Vision
Nero Updater
Nero Startsmart
Nero Soundtrax
Nero RescueAgent
Nero Recode
Nero Multimedia Suite
Nero MediaHub
Nero Infotool
Nero Express
Nero Discspeed
Nero Coverdesign
Nero Burnrights
Nero Burning ROM
Nero BackItUp
So please, shut up cause it took you half an hour. It's just you with your windows 98 machine.
@Koedje, thanks for the upload and don't let these negative freeloaders get to you. I too get some negative comments every now and then when uploading movies. They get what they want for free but cry like babies when it's not fast enough. Screw them !!
:) lol
nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
@whazzup3929First of never uploaded anything. So shut up. Second of all...don't blame the uploader because you have a slow PC. Mine installed within 10 minutes. Third of all...did you see what Nero installed? If not, here's the list:
nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
Nero Toolbar ( Wave editor
Nero Vision
Nero Updater
Nero Startsmart
Nero Soundtrax
Nero RescueAgent
Nero Recode
nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
Nero Multimedia Suite
Nero MediaHub
Nero Infotool
Nero Express
Nero Discspeed
Nero Coverdesign
Nero Burnrights
Nero Burning ROM
Nero BackItUp
nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
First of never uploaded anything. So shut up. Second of all...don't blame the uploader because you have a slow PC. Mine installed within 10 minutes. Third of all...did you see what Nero installed? If not, here's the list:nlx_78 (2011-04-07)
Sorry for double posts, it showed that my comments were removed cause i posted them to quick after eachothersebas3756 (2011-04-08)
es multi or mui?what about spanish language
danyrx8 (2011-04-08)
Tyvm 4 this! I hope it works, cos from all the comments here it definitely does! Ty agn. Amz ^.^cristbuz (2011-04-09)
thanks, is working perfect with my old win vistaRKLn8tive (2011-04-13)
Works Perfectly, thanks for the upload Koedje!. Have to thank africanbrit for clarifying everything too.win7
ozzi666 (2011-04-17) Thats great , you put that trucker right in his place hahaha ThanksTDawgls8 (2011-04-18)
any one else get error while installing visual C++ at the start of set up ?TDawgls8 (2011-04-18)
any one else get error while installing C++ visual ?TDawgls8 (2011-04-18)
any one else get error while installing visual C++ at start of setupspillboy (2011-04-21)
I get a C++ problem also.Googled the codes, found nothing. Help, please?
chromediva (2011-04-21)
Tyvm it worked 4 me;-) I used the nero clean tool b4 installing..of course I turned off internet then blocked Nero in brainer right..Can any1 help me install the plug-in's or find the installer's 4 em...lost on that 1...thanksiste12 (2011-04-21)
can someone translate this please?1. Installeer Nero 10.0, als hij om serial vraagt voer je deze in: 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA
2. Start het programma en activeer de onderdelen die je wilt met deze serials(als ze nog niet geactiveerd zijn):
Als ze niet werken kun je de KeyGen alsnog gebruiken.
Because I don't understand dutch.
iste12 (2011-04-21)
OK found out the translation part but now I have installed nero and what do I do now. I've tried to use this code 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA in the keygen and press generar but nothing happens. And when I open a nero program it askes for a serial number and I have tried with all the codes that came when you installed it and nothing works. So what should I do?arunmoses (2011-05-01)
If anyone install it on other than windows7, they require internet connection.UrbanRebel (2011-05-01)
1. Install Nero 10.0, if it asks for a serial, use this one: 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA2. Start the application and activate the extra parts you want with these serials(if they're not activated already):
If the serials don't work you can also use the KeyGen.
ahmzz221 (2011-05-01)
If you get an erro go to custom instillation and then take out c++jasonjames2011 (2011-05-03)
suprise suprise....another feeble attempt to share nero 10 and expect everybody to have an easy time
for all ur info... there aint no nero 10 that works in this dam bay thing.
captainzain (2011-05-03)
Hi guys,This is to inform all of you that, this torrent and the serial number 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA worked very charmingly.
Thanks Koedje.
_Saint (2011-05-04)
Works perfectly. Danke je.Ef91hatchi (2011-05-06)
Very good job.. Thank you works perfect!stormy1 (2011-05-08)
INSTRUCTIONS --> When you install Nero, make sure you use this serial#9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA.
When Nero is done installing , start "startsmart", under Nero multimedia there is a circle with a piece of paper, click on that, and then click on "set serial", add the rest of the serial numbers on the list, Nero will tell you to restart the program , that's it , you're done. stormy1 (2011-05-08)
thank you Koedje for your time and effort.RedDog007 (2011-05-08)
Thank you so much unkown friend. I have installed Nero 10 and all the plug-ins and have the update box unchecked. I have not burned a dvd/cd yet but everything is working and checking out fine. Last Nero I have is one I bought when it was new. Nero 7 lol. I had to go to a translation website to understand Dutch though. Again, legit real and do not let it update. O and the Blu-ray Disc Authoring Plug-in : 9M13-00A3-8T91-P7L7-2AUH-9CMZ-01UW-7XX4 does not work so you will have to use the Key-Gen and it works too.RedDog007 (2011-05-09)
For some reason I cannot burn dvds from the movies I downloaded from I encoded it and still does not recognize the file as well. Would you be able to help me out?Thank You.
God2010 (2011-05-09)
@RedDog007.... Download DVDflick and use it for burning DVDs. No need of conversion. It is 100% pure and free. You can aldo add subtitles. Its better than nero for downloaded movies.indran007 (2011-05-11)
Thanks, installed perfectly!xDarkSphinxx (2011-05-13)
It works, just restart after it finishes to activate the crack properleymakisunn (2011-05-19)
@iste12 or whoever has trouble with the instructions... anyone consider using babelfish?sdchilderley (2011-05-25)
This torrent contains a virus and maleware both running processes on installation:VISICOM_ANTIPHISHING.EXE
This is not a fake antivirus warning as AV did not pick them up.
hey4769 (2011-05-27)
I have tried to install this NERO many times. It always tells me I need to connect to the Nero site and do a one-time activation. It says, “try sending the Activation over the internet” or “by fax”. If I don’t do either, the product is unusable. Can you please tell me how I can by-pass this issue? Thanks a lot.fixipsi3 (2011-05-28)
is this a trial version?? (plz answer!:S because i dont want the trial)God2010 (2011-05-30)
@hey4769.... Un install nero . Clean your computer with nero clean up tool. Re install nero. Remember to disconnect internet after the installation process asks for installing Ask tool bar and stuff.. now after installation block nero accessing internet. you can do it in your firewall. For activation problems, use the key given by Africanbrat in comments page 7. Everything will run smooth.@fixipsi3... This is not a trial version. This is pirated version.
riddick2011 (2011-05-31)
Thanks, Koedje! No problems installing this torrent!axelrotate (2011-06-01)
Your site shows 403 error. WHY?CarlesNeo (2011-06-04)
Hey! I got a problem ! What is the key for Nero Start Smart ?? some one help plz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!timbear91 (2011-06-06)
I downloaded (and it went super quick, I had it in no time) and after I followed Africanbrat's instructions on page 7, it works like a charm! Thanx so much for posting this!!!MindGarden (2011-06-11)
only can get burning thing to work, nero tells me the rest won't work; tried pg 7 guy, no luck, will try pg2 guy...MindGarden (2011-06-11)
only can get burning thing to work, nero tells me the rest won't work; tried pg 7 guy, no luck, will try pg2 guy... and no go eitherumarnawazkhan (2011-06-13)
nero 10 was good but now have problemsnero 10 stop working now..
can't use nero vision
zidac (2011-06-13)
ist fine on windows XP sp3playazaya (2011-06-15)
thanks Koedja this is the only one that upon setup change the serial to the one provided in the instructions and serial..
shut sown internet connection and set up.
open it and open key gen and gen all keys copy and paste one by one and ur away...
playazaya (2011-06-15)
thanks works fine.....bravo2011 (2011-06-17)
Nero Vision has different copy protection, So Vision will never run right without 3rd party activation (all the other nero stuff does seem to run with crack). Nero rom will work because it has very light copy protection. I only found 2 ways to get Vison to work and 1 was , Download the trail version, when the trail runs out put your computer date back to when the program was vaild, (You also have to rewirte the file that opens related to patent activation with an empty txt or folder of the exact same name) this method worked for me for 2 years with nero 8 ultra. The 2nd way; which I just did was give nero $59 and bought it bacause it was starting to cost me WAY more money in time (related to what I get paid an hr) to get this dam thing working.God2010 (2011-06-18)
God you're probably right, like I said I did the steps 5 times and Vison wound't stop asking for the activation, everything else worked fine. Ive been around for a while and on the most part know alot about computer hardware and software I was defeated by this only one. So glad it worked for you mate, I wish i had better luck but in the end mine works %100 now and I can upgrade so im cool with that.bravo2011 (2011-06-18)
And also God Nero Vision NEEDS to be activated the same way Windows needs to be activated Serials alone shoudn't work with that because there's no loader with this release. Vision requires an activation, So awesome your's worked but also remeber from past releases that Vision will appear to work for a bit and then should shut down without that activationGod2010 (2011-06-20)
@bravo2011..NERO's PAID AGENT....!!!
tease123 (2011-06-22)
all working sound , nice one koedjeunderclock4 (2011-06-28)
Great upload. Have it running for a few weeks now without any pbl. Just follow the instructions-u can't go wrong. Nero Vision working as well. Remember, disconnect your internet bf installing.Good luck!
sithdeath (2011-06-28)
I would like to ask if there is a way to change the language from is"s default?sithdeath (2011-06-28)
I would like to ask if there is a way to change the language from it's default?sithdeath (2011-06-28)
Is there a way to change the default language?manisek87 (2011-06-30)
hmmmmmm workingjodie_dbk (2011-07-01)
This is a great Torrent! Works perfectly if people take the time to read all comments, advice and instructions.. Thanks for the up and ignore the negativity! Great Torrent - keep up the good work :)Saibot67 (2011-07-08)
I got nero 10 essentials off a disc and i can't seem to find a working serial key for it as many other people are having the same problem.. I urge RAZOR1911 or SKIDROW to please crack and upload it.2010matej (2011-07-12)
i from Slovenia and I have just 19 seeders of 1611 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLumarnawazkhan (2011-07-15)
nero vision stops working helpdesib5 (2011-07-16)
Work Like charm...thnxxxxurdoomed100 (2011-07-16)
Why dose it stop working when I restart my computer? Can I get this fixed somehow?Harleyx (2011-07-17)
I am having the MS framework says it has to install netframework 3.0, the current version on my comp is higher than that, so setup shuts downHarleyx (2011-07-17)
I uninstalled 3.5, and it still says it cannot install 3.0, and shuts downHarleyx (2011-07-17)
All fixed, I found a solution (install from your temp folder) in nero forumsbogdanxxx2007 (2011-07-22)
hahahahahahaahahahahahah Slovenja = pederi i cigani xxaxaxax jebem vam mater slovenski ciganiDreaM. (2011-07-26)
ahhahahahahahahhahahah kraaalj.....xDDirtyRose001 (2011-08-01)
works great Thanks!Skavenuk (2011-08-04)
Rather than filling up the comments section with useless JAJAJAJAJ fucking comments shut the fuck up and tell us whether its a good torrent or not.God2010 (2011-08-05)
@Skavenuk... This is a Blue film DVD man..... R U happy...?TbKtBp (2011-08-08)
thanks 4 the dwnload, lots of peeps hav managed 2 make this torrent wrk 4 them. i managed 2 install n got around the activation process and alot of the features wrk but weneva i try n convert files with vision exrta it starts to load the files then crashes, always at the same point in the process, any ideas coz ive tried alsorts to no availkoppiekrauw (2011-08-12)
Install loopt vast , wat je ook probeert.Zuraith (2011-08-14)
works more then greatTyMod (2011-08-16)
Saibot67They only crack games, and hell. Razor vanished for a while. They just came back with Duke Nukem Forever and they havn't even cracked anything since then. SKIDROW has really taken over the scene and is pushing RELOADED out of the game too.
tlbuis (2011-08-17)
na de update doet niks het meer en doen de serials het ook niet meer wat moet ik doen??huggeyface (2011-08-20)
Thankstlbuis (2011-08-23)
After the update does nothing to further the serials and do it not what should I do?Avincy (2011-08-23)
How Do I Stop Nero From going Online Adn I Ran Into Tha Patent Problem Too finto See If Uninstalling And Reinstalling Will workAvincy (2011-08-24)
how do i disconnect nero from the netmshillab (2011-08-25)
tried using this today on windows 7 and it said the subscription had expired... browsed back to page 1 and found this key in the comments, now it works fine!wicked torrent still working :D
mana_bear (2011-09-01)
works great :D thanks so much!!!ragebughaw (2011-09-03)
I have a problem .. i cant import any video .. please help !!!!dutch_subbed (2011-09-03)
kun je bij deze ook updaten?dutch_subbed (2011-09-03)
@dennussie12no theirs not it gets detected by some anti virusses as a trojan cuz it is a hack tool,.. u could see it as a trojan but it Wont harm ure computer some noob anti virusses (lemme geus avg free?) detect it as a trojan -.-
gila_monster (2011-09-16)
agreed with bigjohnmanpost a torrent so we download & hear goddamn good music
liamsullyinc (2011-09-22)
great seeding! got 1.9m/bs thankyou! will post another comment once ive got it all installedliamsullyinc (2011-09-22)
everthing installed fine except nero vision which when i tried added a video file it said pirated key found, i did only use the top key provided there are others you can use but im happy as i have nero vision from my older verion of nero 7 very good torrent thankyou divxnl-team!mojo5040 (2011-09-23)
keygen kom ook in win32 DAT is niet de bedoeling, the keygen zit bij het bestand inbegrepen dat ik download, naar een geheel andere schijf, hoe het dus naar win32 gaat verbaasd mij, gwn delete, voor de rest is alles goed bedankt!BunBun4life (2011-09-24)
IT WORKS, HERE IS HOW YOU GET THE ''KEY''There are 2 APPLICATIONS in your downloaded file -
ONE is the set up Nero - 10.0.13100 with 299,521 KB
The 2nd one is where you get your SERIAL NUMBER !! It is called:
Nero Multimedia Suite 10 - Keygen
Type - application - 641 KB
with a little black and white icon next to it.
Everything else is a text document or JPG
THEN WHERE IT SAYS PRODUCTO - use the arrow to the right to DROP DOWN menu and click on NERO 10 Multimedia Suite THEN PRESS THE GENERAR BUTTON. THAT long number that appears MUST be entered in the serial number line on your INSTALL WIZARD.
ALSO, I THINK THAT LITTLE ''KEYGEN'' APPLICATION CAN BE USED PROBABLY OVER AND OVER. So you an probably download nero right off the net, generate a new serial number, and type it in.
Let me also say this. It is my understanding that NERO has no technical support what-so-ever. EVERY review I've read states that they bought it, had problems, and no resolution because they don't support the program, and advised not to buy it for that reason. I had used this program for VIDEO EDITING, and it was easy to learn and did a wonderful job, also has TONS of effects to use TONS -- 3 track lines for music and/or pictures/video - it was fucking AWESOME, and no other has compared. (RARE for video editors, either cheap and shitty or too hard to use) I mean you got Windows movie maker, it's easy but has barely any ''effects'' - 1 song 1 line of still images.
I was ready to buy this until I read the reviews. I don't care about DVD rips or burns, or organization, or any of that shit. I just want that VIDEO MAKER.
tony_star (2011-09-27)
can i install it in my windows SP 2? pls some one rply soonadisyam (2011-10-08)
Thanks bro...theboss100 (2011-10-20)
in 4 minuten!GEWELDIG!!
theboss100 (2011-10-20)
@dennussie12all the serials you need are in the txt file so
dont talk shit!
cake4all (2011-11-04)
@africanbrit and @BunBun4lifethank you SO much.
cake4all (2011-11-04)
Follow africanbrit (pg 7) and BunBun4life 's instructions and all features work perfectly.Blavorn93 (2011-11-06)
Is the installer or whatever in english?africanbrit (2011-12-04)
Guys, just follow instruction from page 7follow step by step and everything works perfect
xhizors (2011-12-15)
Seriously, NERO team if you read this, fuck you :) I'm not paying to be forced to uninstall 14 shitty programs when I just want one. :) Not a dollar from me, assholes.Starterupsteve (2012-03-22)
where is nero?I just get Lightscribe to make labels, and ofc ask toolbar, but no nero..
skornin (2012-04-25)
It always pauses through the installation process. I would recommend trying another oneDev28Bay (2012-06-12)
After installation i go to use, Nero Vision, and i get stopped before i can burn anything."it say Patent activation failed" and"nero has detected a pirated serial number"
cockymountainoyster (2012-07-09)
Don't use the video editor, or it will detect the generated key and disable the program.cockymountainoyster (2012-07-09)
Don't use the video editor, or it will detect the generated pirate key, and disable the program, thus wasting all your time. Just for that, I will NEVER buy Nero anything, ever.Xandror (2012-07-11)
What a horrendous upload, green skull should be revoked.RazielOO7 (2012-08-29)
Installed Smooth on Win7 32bit.Thanks a lot uploader and also seeders !! ♥
Also I didn't install the updater no update ;P
I followed the instructions provided by africanbrit :
Download this torrent and install nero, can also be downloaded from nero website which is the trial version.
Open keygen and use 9X03-016C-MXEX-4536-T0L7-2W2T-AMPX-97TA which is for Nero Multimedia Suite to install. Before installer starts it may restart the computer once and there will be a key already present in the key field once it does so, delete that key and use this.
Install complete software and then close the installer when it finishes (it takes time to do so for installing).
Now again get back to the keygen and generate key for Activar Patentes 1E30-9XK2-192A-X2X0-5746-A632-ECCK which will be this one. To enter this key go to your start menu>all programs>Nero 10 and open Nero Control Center inside the menu and under serial number field enter the key. If using Vista or Win 7 accept the security popup to enter the serial. It will accept serial and show "Activation".
Now do the same steps and add the following keys for Bluetooth plugins and Recode. 1EE0-4X07-194A-0K04-9E21-73XA-XAA3 1E31-9ME5-988X-447E-9A21-69X8-XX2X 4E31-5X1X-9990-0KE9-X1AM-9K9K-C9C5 the program will accept them again as "Activation".
These keys will activate mp3 plugins, gracenote and DTS plugin and with each serial entered the program will inform you of the serial entered and you get the names for only these: 1K00-6035-0593-5A40-37K0-K776-574C KC00-203X-1886-2446-051E-54C2-XC60 1EC0-0E89-9849-KA31-K227-MA85-3812
After that press ok and you are good to go. Now if you follow this step-by-step all will work 100 percent. Better to restart the computer so everything works smoothly (not needed and up to you).
You can use the same keys posted here as keygen ONLY generates these keys and one for each listing and save you time as well by using them as I already pasted them.
TheBananaRebel (2012-09-09)
holy fucking shit! 2 minutes downloadRazor3982 (2012-11-01)
THIS IS TRASH. Keeps on REBOOTING MY PC Whenever I install it.gregsolo (2012-11-11)
Recognizes generated password. FAIL.Costas169 (2012-12-03)
thank you!!!magnum6764 (2013-01-14)
This release is like a fucking joke. It just keeps installing things that i don´t even know what it is. i think the installation took about an half hour.Not looking forward to uninstalling it.
glendraval01 (2013-04-05)
This works perfectly. Just follow Waseem3000 installation instructions on page 2 of comments.bilys1712 (2013-05-28)
Gracias che!! parece que funciona todo ok!xXT8K8R6AXx (2013-06-25)
Thanks for the good work!!!, Crack it on my first try :) all activation are ready to go, thanks for the help of the previous comments :)Lauchis (2013-07-01)
Ahh, excellent! Flawless upload. Thanks a million.azgjkl (2013-07-30)
waaaaaaaaaaaw thanks3la000e (2013-07-30)
thankx ..... manit worked perfectly