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The Sims 2 + 10 Expansion Packs & Cheats






The Sims 2 + 10 Expansion Packs & Cheats




2007-09-11 (by Ubehage )


The Sims 2 + 10 Expansion Packs & Cheats ---------------------------------------- Includes: - Original The Sims 2 (4 disks). - Update for the original The Sims 2. - The Sims 2 University (2 disks). - The Sims 2 Nightlife (2 disks). - The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Open for Business (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Pets (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Seasons (1 disk). - The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff (1 disk). - The Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff (1 disk). - Update for The Sims 2 Seasons - Super Nude Patch for The Sims 2 (Removes all censorship, and even adds more "fun" to the game). - Extra objects: - Mind Control Mirror (Control all sims on your lot). - Multi-Purpose Painting (Cheating has never been this easy!). - Time-Control Clock (This clock has what everybody needs). - And more..... Of course, everything is with working cracks and serials. Remember to read the instructions before installing! Doing something wrong, is at your own risk!

Files count:



7767.45 Mb




S_h_e_e_b_a (2007-09-11)

Hoppas att alla dessa fungerar och att det finns giltiga nycklar till den.....Skall börja att ta hem den och sedan seeda så får vi se om nån vill fortsätta att seeda den

Robbie785 (2007-09-11)

i did it! my screen showed me "erikbark's mom" thats interesting.

steff_ice (2007-09-11)

Multi lang?

 Ubehage (2007-09-12)

Yep, multi lang...

TujaBuja (2007-09-16)

Fungerar verkligen denna ?/Do this torrent work ?

On09 (2007-09-16)

hi all!
I cant update it, and cant instal the expansion packs, because it wants the origial "The Sims DVD". What can i do? can someone help?

NinaGreen (2007-09-16)

Hur installerar man The sims 2 ?
måste man bränna ut det på skiva?
jag får inte alls rätt på det. / tack .

 Ubehage (2007-09-17)

Yes, you can burn the iso's to cd, or you can mount them with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%
Follow the instructions :)
It will not ask for the original dvd, if you do as instructed..

On09 (2007-09-18)

Thx! than i will burn the iso, because i have already tried whit daemon tools. Again, thx guy's.

DeathByGAMES! (2007-09-19)

i burned the first 4 disc to one disc. now that i have done that what to i do to install them? Do I click on set up or autorun?

 Ubehage (2007-09-19)

You click on setup..

fozybear (2007-09-20)

I burnt all iso's to cd using nero.
But when i go to update sims 2 it asks for cd 4.
and also when installing expansion packs, with cd 4 in drive the updater just flashes.
Please Help.

biglem (2007-09-22)

i have the same problem

 Ubehage (2007-09-25)

The update for Sims 2 will ask for CD4. That is normal behaviour.
All the expansion packs will try to update Sims 2 - which is, of course, already updated and therefor the updaters will not do anything.

ernesto87 (2007-09-25)

Hoppas du kan svenska nu, såg ut som du svarade en kille som skrev på svenska innan. Iaf, tror andra har samma problem men dina svar har inte hjälpt. Original-sims går att installera korrekt. Sen när man ska uppdatera kräver den cd 4, och när man då sätter i cd 4 "blinkar" det bara till, och uppdaten verkar inte installeras. När man sedan försöker installera exp. (university) så kräver den uppdatering och cd 4. När man då sätter i cd 4 kraschar hela installationen. Hur går man till väga?

 Ubehage (2007-09-26)

Does these cd's work for anyone at all ?
Has anybody installed it with no problem ?

bassgoonist (2007-09-28)

You should really use the sims 2 disc from my collection

Its a dvd with nightlife included, cutting out 5 discs from the install process, plus it compresses better. Plus you should add Happy Holiday Stuff and bon voyage.

aylatje (2007-10-09)

Hi Can somebody help me???
i've dowloaded this file, when i instal the sims 2 i need to have cd 2 but cant find that link anywhere. i dont know with button can anybody tell me how to do that.
sorry my english isnt that good im from holland

al3xman (2007-10-20)

use daemon tools to mount and unmount the iso's.
and please seed!

coolstuff57 (2007-10-21)

With the iso files do you have to put them on a cd because it will only thet me put them on a cd but i dont have any at the moment

al3xman (2007-10-21)

eh? i'm using daemon tools and everything works fine.

coolstuff57 (2007-10-22)

Also when i used daemon tools it said to run daemon tools for the first time you have to be logged on as the local administrator, wat the hell does that meen

maggut (2007-10-23)

i did install all of them, and followd the instructions, but when i starts the game it is about to start when it says: "The program has krashed, the program will close" Why??

anna-fr (2007-10-24)

people, i need help! i have installed the 1st disk, than i need to install second disk, BUT i cannot to install it, i click on link of second disk but theres no reaction! please, help me!

cazar (2007-11-08)

var hittar jag serienummren till de olika spelen?!
tacksam för hjälp snarast!

a7med-at-large (2007-11-10)

Only one seeder? C'mon please help just Seed

narcissa (2007-11-12)

A problem occurred with: 'support\EReg.bin'
Any idea why?

Finggo (2007-11-19)

Cazar ladda ner någonting som heter typ serials and crack typ sök på The SIms 2 här på pirate

Stadsbo (2007-11-21)

I just dont get it. I´ve downloaded Bon Voyage, extracted it with PowerIso and installed it. Then, I mounted the ISO file (Cant find another ISO file but the one I extracted) in Daemon Tools, but the program says i have the wrong disc.
Where is the image file??

Stadsbo (2007-11-21)

Never mind! I found what I was looking for. XD
GTW Thanks for a great upload.

Jontey (2007-11-29)

CD key`s and cracks can be found at..
there are all the serials !

cetduree (2007-12-03)

3 kbs/sec
seed svp!!!

megamanfre (2008-01-10)

Every time I try to extract The Sims 2 initial file (not one of the expansions) I get an error from WinRAR saying:
"The Sims 2 - (01) Original and nightlife.rar: CRC failed in The Sims 2 (01) Original and nightlife\Sims2Deluxe 1.mdf. The file is corrupt"
"The Sims 2 - (01) Original and nightlife.rar: CRC failed in The Sims 2 (01) Original and nightlife\Sims2Deluxe 1.mds. The file is corrupt"
When I just browse the contents of all the .rar files without extracting, they show up in blue text.
I tried to install using the .iso burnt to CD, and got a few different error messages, just like the text file said.
Anyone else have this problem, or know what may be the cause, and a possible fix for it? I restarted the download, hoping that maybe it was something with when I downloaded it, but hoping I can somehow get the .iso install working.
I appreciate any help, you can email me at and put in the Subject Line "Sims 2 Torrent" so it wont get filtered.

Zelando (2008-01-30)


mjusiik (2008-01-31)

does it work?

mjusiik (2008-01-31)

seed, seed, seed and again seed!!

Sebban77 (2008-02-02)

NO SEEDERS! please someone leg out the sims 2 orginal version... been looking but i cant find any seeders at any torrent that includes the sims 2! please i have all expansion packs but not the orginal sims 2 and you gotta have that to install all the expansionpacks! so please listen to me and leg out a orginal the sims 2 and seed! seed! seed! seed! Sorry bad english
ingen som seedar! snälla kan ingen lägga ut en torrent med orginalet the sims 2 för jag har letat hur länge som helst utan att hitta nån torrent där the sims 2 är med i men hittar ingen som seedar har kanske testat 50 torrents utan resultat alla går i 0 kb/s eller så stannar de efter ett tag så snälla lägg ut orginalet av the sims 2! och seeda seeda och fortsätt seeda i evigheter och jag kommer att bli jätteglad för jag har alla expationspaket men inte orginalet... så jag ber er! Tack på förhand!

Saaally (2008-02-13)

This torrent suuuuuuuuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!
i've downloaded it twice on diffrent computers and it crashes . THIS SUCKS

undergod (2008-02-26)

anyone some seeds plssssssssssss 10q :)

alexagold (2008-03-10)

hi i just installed all the expansion and i read the instructions ! but when i put the last expansion wich is h&m stuff nothing works can someone help me please ?

alexagold (2008-03-11)

can someone help me ?

alexagold (2008-03-11)

i installed all the expansion packs but when i try to play it says i dont have the right cd

Julie23 (2008-03-17)

I've installed all the expansion packs and copied the file to the sims 2 seasons folder but when I try to load the game it freezes at the loading screen (the one where it has all the random 'reticulating splines' and what not go by). What do I do? Thanks.

delorana (2008-03-27)

stuck on 80.7%

OmfgWtfBbqUrFace (2008-04-05)

Yeah, mine's freezes too, and there's this box with a big X thing on it. Noobish does that mean?

CrazyJufo (2008-04-05)

stuck at control1.dat (78%) while installing student life expansion.. help? (i tried cd2 but it doesn't ask tto put cd2 in and when i do (emulate it with daemon tools) it doesn't continue..)

CrazyJufo (2008-04-05)

called university in english, srry ^^

durbin92 (2008-04-05)

I have a problem ...
I already have the sims 2 on disc but lost the Serial Number and couldn't find a good site to get the Number so I downloaded this torrent mostly for the Number and the Expansion packs.
I installed the Sims 2 with my disks, then installed the updates after I tried to install the expansions but at the end of the installation an error message would come up and it said "Update couldn't be found, Terminating Installation" and it stoped and de;eted everything. I then uninstalled everything but it wouldn't let me uninstall Sims 2 as it said there was Expansion still installed so I deleted evrything then uninstalled it but know every time I try install the Sims 2 via the ISO files and Daemon Tools it comes up with (after the Serial Number Screen) Sims 2 University Expansion and Freezes at the end of Disk 2 ...
I know this comment was long as I thought I should tell everything but I really need help as I don't know what to do ...
Thank You for your Time

999kirk999 (2008-04-06)

hi im having trouble downloading the sims 2 to my computer could you help?

CrazyJufo (2008-04-07)

erm.. i installed everything fine but it doesn't seem to work very well
or it was just made this boring
sims toy shops: no fcking toys atall, only thing u can do is make bricks
pets: no fckin pet shops or ways to find or go to one, all i can do is adopt one by phone
business: what the hell am i supposed to sell, something special? noo, all i find is regular stuff i can buy in my house too.. that was allready there ?!
i see some changes like new town, shops with a few things.. pets by phone, robots i can make, plants i can plant, season but nothing more special..
should i trie installing the expansions again?

durbin92 (2008-04-07)

Forget About the other problem I have sorted it but now I have another. I fully installed all of the sims games and they installed fine but now it just keeps asking for the original H&M Sims Disk, I burned by mounting the file then by copying all of the contens onto a new disk and it still won't work ...
Any suggestions, anybody ...

jeffman89 (2008-04-21)

I installed everything successfully, the updater and the game, and im getting an error saying "please insert the correct CD-ROM" when i try to start the game. I tried putting each disc in, but none of them work. any suggestions?

sexymama704 (2008-04-22)

I'm new to this and the instructions are a little confusing...i placed the files in the 7z archives and extracted them and they don't work what am i doing wrong...

jeffman89 (2008-04-22)

you need to burn the cd images onto discs. if your cd burner software doesnt have that feature, there are freeware programs that you can download to burn .iso (cd images) files to cds

kev200 (2008-04-30)

Plz seed :( 3 days no seeds PLease and stuck at 83.0%

serialtra1226 (2008-05-22)

i have downloaded the sims2 pets but i can't install it even if i have sims2 installed because the file is corrupted. can anyone give me a working sims2 pets, pls.?

waterwitchbabe82 (2008-06-18)

I'm so totally comp illiterate right now....I was able to download the files....they're seeding, but I am unable to open them. It keeps telling me that there is not enough storage available to process the command. I dont' undertand that when I know the space is available on my comp. What am I not understanding? Please help.

DaFukker (2008-06-25)


wasmuth1039 (2008-07-01)

The downloading and installing went fine, so thanks for the upload.
But I have this one problem. All the lots are blinking pink, and so is the wall when I make the sims. Even more annoying, the walls I build on the lots are red, and there aint no way to remove that red-color.
Anyone else with the same problem?

MissRiv (2008-07-09)

this sucks. It's like you have to use all the things for it to work. Thanks for trying but.. i tried installing and uninstalling trying many different things. If u want something simple this isnt it.

punkfreak73 (2008-07-09)

works great thanks a lot 8)

PrinceNabil (2008-07-09)

Hi Ubehage, I've been downloading your torrent and I do that because it's save.*100%NoScam* And I just registered, but I don't know how to all this torrents to can you teach me how.... Pls......
Pls Respond

Hattifnatt123 (2008-07-21)

I`ve only downloaded the expansion packs, and it all works. But you`ll need crack for seasons. I found that here on tpb, only search for it. I`ve made a comment today on an crack that works.

creedymchoody (2008-07-23)

okay, I only wanted the original game (with the intention of perhaps installing the expansion packs later) So I burnt the appropriate files onto discs, successfully installed them, copied Sims2EP5.exe into the TSBin folder... then I get a friendly message asking me to insert the CD. Do I need to install everything for the crack to work?

dannynboobie (2008-07-24)

hi i installed everything the way the instructions said but i still get the message that i have to insert the correct cd to play. can some one help???

melissaishere (2008-07-25)

>hi i installed everything the way the instructions said but i still get the message that i have to insert the correct cd to play. can some one help???<
If you want to run your game from your stuff need to go to
and get a "crack" for the game. Download the .exe crack file and copy it into the files where the game was installed. Replacing the original .exe file.
otherwise, if you got freetime or any other current expansion, don't go any further.
just run your current expansion and you'll see your stuff!
don't worry cause it'll run all your expansions and stuff packs as long as they are installed properly.
Make sure you also have the most up to date patch for your current expansion ONLY.
*a tip: you only need to have one crack for the current most released game, like free time. hope this helps? :)

melissaishere (2008-07-25)

This happens to me all the
okay, before saving the game, go into your options menu and select "don't show dialog box at start up" and select "custom content" on. save game and restart the game. if that doesnt work switch them, save, and start over. i cannot totally remember exactly what it said, but close enough. you'll get it!!:)

melissaishere (2008-07-25)

The posting above was in response to:
wasmuth1039 at 2008-07-01 14:27 CET:
The downloading and installing went fine, so thanks for the upload.
But I have this one problem. All the lots are blinking pink, and so is the wall when I make the sims. Even more annoying, the walls I build on the lots are red, and there aint no way to remove that red-color.
Anyone else with the same problem?

tesskaalen (2008-08-14)

varför seedar ingen? :(

Gangsta545454 (2008-08-15)

I downloaded and extracted ALL the files and went to install disk 1 and it went through fine but it got to the part where it says "insert disk 2" well I have daemon tools and there's no ISO files or anything to mount so how do I get the installation to continue to disk 2. Thanks

DeathByGAMES! (2008-08-17)

i installed the sims 2 and then updated it and everything was fine. then i went to install the university it installed up until the it says checking to see if it was updated and told me that it wasn't, so it just canceled. anybody know what went wrong?

bartozozo (2008-08-17)

I'm sorry, it's my first time downloading a torrent, and I wonder if you could tell me EXACTLY hhat should I do after the download is complete.

bartozozo (2008-08-17)


onizuma13 (2008-08-29)

I'm sorry but this torrent is a piece of shit.
Don't download it.
And its not that I couldn't figure out how to mount the images that part is fine.
the problem is IF you are like me and were only looking to get a few of the expansion packs, then it doesn't work unless you download it all.
and that's a good 8 gig right there.

KhalilHammoura (2008-11-09)

what do you mean with install the original sims 2?
i try to install it but then it stops at 23% and sais put in cd 2 and when i open cd 2 with deamon tools light it wont start!! please help me someone

nibbyface (2008-11-16)

Very complete collection. Download speeds are like a roller coaster... Up... Down... Up... Down... Took forever to download but well worth it in the end.

KodiakSkins (2009-01-10)

Amazing download, thankyou!! As the guy before me said "download speeds are like a roller coaster" (took me 3 days :o) Once done though it only took 20 minutes at the most to mount and install everything. For those having "wrong disk" problems i installed everything, copied crack, and then to play mounted the Sims 2 Seasons image (to make it easier burn that image otherwise you will have to mount it everytime you want to play) Seasons for some reason is the only disk/image it will accept to play, all others it will say wrong disk. Once again thankyou, i especially like the AlienWare PC!

zafiro08 (2009-01-20)

I Got a problem here... hope somebody can help me...
I followed the right instructions and xMasacrex tips too... but I still got this problem...
Let me put it this way...
I Installed the 1st expansion pack and got it working perfectly...
Then followed by the 2nd w/c is nightlife and the pack is working fine but here's the prob...
when I open then Nightlife... there's a pop-up saying that the Sims 2 University was uninstalled ( but NOT ) so therefore I wasn't able to play University while in Nightlife... i haven't tried to install the other packs coz I was afraid that the same thing will happen...

zafiro08 (2009-01-20)

One more thing...
If you're gonna tell me to uninstall then reinstall...
I've done it awready and the same thing happens...
Poor me...

isann01 (2009-01-24)

hey, im a totaly n0000b, can someone please explain how to istall this game from the beginning to the end? =P ill get really happy if someone do..

isann01 (2009-01-25)

i have installed the game after the directions, but it says ''insert the right disk'' when i want to play this fucking game.
please please just tell me what i should do cause i dont get this-.- i hate computers XD just tell me what to do =)

funk.89 (2009-01-26)

I am new to this and just downloaded this. its my first time. once its downloaded....wat do i need to do then. Sorry never done this b4. would like some help please.x

SCADucky (2009-03-22)

Wow! It has taken me 9 days to download this file. There are so many people who don't allow uploads. C'mon people, if you're going to take, give a little back. I've been downloading this all day today and have only gotten 3% because the rates have been less than 10KB/s all day. I'm at 95.3% and will probably not get to 100% today.

Streakyferret (2009-03-23)

Please seed now! Atm, it's ONE person seeding, and that one is a leech! Please, I don't want to wait for years to download this D:

Bp906 (2009-03-30)

ok I have a situation here where I already have a Sims package, that is included in this torrent. I have Sims 2 Double Deluxe edition, where it includes nightlife, the base game Sims 2, and the Celebration stuff pack. The download isn't finish yet, but I wanna know if the expansion packs in the download will be able to work with the Sims games that I already have installed on my computer?

Bp906 (2009-03-31)

OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, this thing really works, I know I wrote a comment earlier about a concern I had, but despite that everything works just fine. I read peoples comments about the issues they had, and from reading and following the instructions I had zero problems, or at least minor problems that I couldn't handle. I can't say it enough, Thank YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK

rtamsessions (2009-05-09)

THANK YOU for a torrent that actually WORKS! I downloaded another one that gave me so much hassle and wouldn't install. This one is installing like a dream so far, though I haven't played it yet. Thank you for giving a bored housewife something to do with her time!

Firestorm28 (2009-05-19)

Ok, I installed everything, and i deleted all the old files; I tried playing and it says "insert disk, etc" =[
is there any way I can play without a disk?
or am I going to have to download all 7.59 GBs again?

hdrezz (2009-05-28)

I keep getting this error: "This application has crashed. The application will terminate."
I'm trying to play off the cracked EP5.

MuppetsRfUN (2009-05-28)

Okay you guys, seed this bitch I don't want to wait a year to download it, so if you haven't already downloaded it and are doing so now, don't forget to seed! And if you downloaded it and are checking out the comments because you're having problems, SEED. I feel certain that everybody likes to have the "favor" returned to them after having a "favor" done for somebody else! SEED DAMN YOU SEED! :)

truemornings (2009-06-01)

First off, thanks so much for uploading this! I recently lost my Sims 2 CDs and University CDs as well. Second off, PLEASE SEED YOU GUYS. I don't wan't this to take forever to download!

bloodybee (2009-06-05)


AntGadget (2009-06-05)

Glamour Life Stuff contains a Trojan Horse.

skadeskutt (2009-06-06)

Most of the super nude package didnt work, anyone else had this problem? not the f-word and not the nude

skadeskutt (2009-06-10)

just tells me to put in the right disk. i followed the instructions, but it doesnt work no matter what i do. help please?

mikuo (2009-06-12)

please get some seeders? ;__;

joshierawrs (2009-06-18)

>.> umm thanks i got in trouble for downloading this...

Samxi (2009-06-20)

I did everything it asks.
it worked great until the loading part.
Every time it's about to load on the main screen it instantly crashes.

jimithethird (2009-06-21)

Ok i have been having trouble with this for a couple days now.
I have followed the instructions and installed everything in the proper spot (i believe), and when i go to click the sims 2 icon it tells me to put in the H&M stuff cd, and when i do, it tells me to do it again, and it just closes out and wont load the game. WHAT DO I DO?

Samxi (2009-06-23)

I didnt install H&M cause i had the same problem.
After that I had no problems
I can finally play sims :)!

tdouble (2009-06-26)

ok i am lost i have installed everything mounted each iso and everytime i try to play it ask for a cd i thought that was the point of mounting them so i did not need the cd. i am i right or wrong? someone please help !!

iDunnoLoL (2009-07-15)

woah I've been downloading this for over a week now O_o.
I even excluded the expansion packs in properties but it's still only at 96%. =(

iDunnoLoL (2009-07-15)

Woah thanks to whoever is seeding right now o_o
It just went from 0kb/s to 60kb/s :D

irsex (2009-07-16)

Can you uninstall the nude patch after you've installed it (in case I don't like it)?

slugbug62 (2009-07-22)

Hey i went to install the original sims 2 and it says the trial version is over.....what do i do??

slugbug62 (2009-07-22)

i try and install it and it says the trial version of this product has ended. what can i do to install it?

slugbug62 (2009-07-23)

it says insert a cd into the drive. can someone help me?? my email is:
i sure hope theres an answer to this because i really want to play

diamondrain (2009-08-24)

i'm sorry if i sound like a n00b but um, i seem to be having a little trouble too. i'm doing exactly what it says but when i try to start the game a "cannot locate the CD-ROM: please insert the correct CD-ROM select OK and restart application" msg pops up.
can you please help... cause i totally seed if the torrent will work for me!!

SalmaTarzi (2009-12-19)

PLEASE people SEEEED ! I'm like at 0.4 % !

SalmaTarzi (2009-12-24)

i installed the sims 2 and then updated it and everything was fine. then i went to install the university it installed up until then it says checking to see if it was updated and told me that it wasn't, so it just canceled. anybody know what went wrong?
-Someone wrote this comment and I have exactly the same problem!
I'd really appreciate it if someone helped me :)

terrachick1 (2009-12-26)

Please seed more ill seed this for 2 weeks at max if this works

terrachick1 (2009-12-26)

wtf u have to be kidding me, 8 people were on that have this and i was getting like 200kbs now theres 7 and now im getting 0. 7 damn people and not one can seed.....People wonder why it takes so long to DL stuff these days...

lawlaw5 (2010-01-05)

this game works tysm!!

lawlaw5 (2010-01-05)

dude seriously what with ten hashfails?

mgmt (2010-01-06)

i may sound a bit dumb, but im not an avid "gamer" or a computer expert, and i need specific instructions on how to install this i need to burn something onto a CD or what? do u need to merge some files? what is DAEMON TOOLS? someone please e-mail, i really could use some help! it would be greatly appriciated =)

evathediva00 (2010-01-14)

i cant find any of the .iso fiiles.
help ?

skadeskutt (2010-01-22)

Please, i beg you - seed! :/ It was downloading up to 1000 kb/s, and then suddenly it stopped :((

skadeskutt (2010-01-22)


skadeskutt (2010-01-22)


ferfer5676 (2010-01-27)

ok i am lost i have installed everything mounted each iso and everytime i try to play it ask for a cd i thought that was the point of mounting them so i did not need the cd. someone please help !!

elShadow69 (2010-02-03)

i need help i cant figure it out...
email me at

wyattwyatt (2010-02-07)

Please seed everyone, I am only getting around 5kb/s, last night I was getting 150. I will seed forever like I do for everything.

bardgodo (2010-02-11)

I think I got a virus from this. My internet provider told me that my PC startet sending virus, the day I downloaded this file. Just wanted to let you kow!

miranduh21 (2010-03-16)

ok after 3 days of downloading i finally got this downloaded. I burnt everything on cds. except for seasons because i dont have a dvd cd. I already have the sims 2 double deluxe and the buisness game.. just got done installing pets and its telling me i need a cd.. what do i need to do to make it work

xxcompleteprincessxx (2010-03-23)

Can anyone tell me how u can install the sims 2 originally without burning it 2 disk because my disc drive doesnt work and i dont wanna play it on another computer my boyfriend said that u can download software that makes it think theres a disk in the drive but that didnt work either

canababe23 (2010-05-02)

1st your game ask for cd because you have to take the crack example deluxe, and go to
c:/computer.program files. eagames. and put crack in deluxe file. hope it works!!
and the other thing is to get it going like a dvd but there is no dvd in there you have to download
deamon tools pro, you can find that at any torrent site also this one,, and then you can convert it so it plays it like a cd. but i am not too formiliar with that i am still testing it out myself.. hope it all works for you

canababe23 (2010-05-03)

Great Great upload thanks sooooooo much i just instaled the games + all expansions game works super good thanks soo much for the people that it say you need cd is because some people dont start sims 2 seasons but they start sims 2 start sims 2 seasons people thats how it works.. thanks soo much ubehage for this upload i keep seeding!!!!

tigerjen (2010-06-15)

I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this comment but I think I'm out of luck otherwise.
I just downloaded everything and burned the images to dvds and all of that. I have the sims 2 installed already. I ran the update, installed all of the expansion packs, ran the second update, moved the crack, all in order.
However, when I go to open the program it says to insert the correct disc. I've tried the original Sims 2 disc that I have, and H&M Fashion Stuff. Neither work. It tells me to "please ensure the cd/dvd is in the drive, select ok and restart the application" and to "insert the correct cd/dvd and press ok to retry" but nothing happens. After I press ok and restart it gives the same message.
I don't claim to be tech-savvy, but I do know when a disc is in the drive, and it is.
Any thoughts?

Brentbrw (2010-06-29)

Very nice man!
For people with startup problems, after your complete with installing, click the shortcut for SEASONS that it should have installed to your desktop.
you do NOT need to mount images to PLAY the game, after your DONE installing.

SnakeTrail (2010-08-23)

I got a slight problem. Everything works, but on occasion the game freezes. I go to the desktop and I get a message saying "The application has crashed. Application will now terminate." I'm running on an HP desktop with windows 7 and an Intel core 2 Quad with a chipset graphics card. (It can play C&C Kane's Wrath on Medium detail with no problems) Can anyone help me out?

SnakeTrail (2010-08-23)

I got a slight problem. Everything works, but on occasion the game freezes. I go to the desktop and I get a message saying "The application has crashed. Application will now terminate." At first it was only once in a while but now its almost constantly (I can barly go through 2 days without it crashing) I'm running on an HP desktop with windows 7 and an Intel core 2 Quad with a chipset graphics card. (It can play C&C Kane's Wrath on Medium detail with no problems) Can anyone help me out?

wrestledazombieonce (2010-08-24)

ok so i downloaded everything and installed everything in the right order and i click to start the game by clicking seasons and it starts up and plays the lil video after the EA games window then an error message pops up it doesnt say anything just says sims2 and i click ok and it closes the game what did i do wrong and how do i fix it? email me at

chrismanlol00 (2010-08-28)

their simpally is way to much noobs. dont fucking use thepiratebay if u dont know how to mount the images crack it use keygens.. its not worth it. it takes months - weeks to learn how to do this and then u need to keep on doing it or u might forgit..
U MOUNT THE IMAGES , USE THE PROVIDED SEIRAL CODE (if none go to INSTALL DRAG THE CRACK INTO THE INSTALL PLACE... (if theirs no crack to gamecopyworld) WALA U CAN PLAY and if it asks for a 2nd cd just mount the 2nd it is so fucking simple

NotaGirlNotaWoman (2010-10-15)

No lie - one of the best torrents in the world. I'm not even kidding. It's simple, directions are RIGHT THERE if you need help, and setup is a breeze. Thank you, poster! :D

ravenbloom (2010-10-30)

DOWNLOAD - done!
I downloaded PISMO file mount. I can now open the encrypted file.
TS2 disc 1 is fine>>Please insert disk number 2>>
now thew problem is i can open the iso file yet the autorun does not function. I tried opening the rungame.exe but whenever i click OK for the "Please insert disk number 2" it keeps showing and i can't proceed...ANYONE kind enough to explain what i did wrong?

kt_420 (2010-11-22)

I installed everything perfectly, but when I try to move the seasons crack into the csbin folder it won't let me, it says 'cannot copy here, create shortcut on desktop' I'm running on windows 7. Help a n00b? >

FreeMoney (2010-11-25)

I got a problem. I installed the sims 2 and the expansions. Now when i try to run it says that i have to put the disc in my DVD player n then start the sims 2 again. I got the disc in my dvdplayer (i burned the iso's). How can i play the sims?
Even when i got to DVDplayer n click autorun on the DVD it dont work.

starcrossd (2010-12-15)

Alright, so I don't know what I did wrong/what went wrong, but after I downloaded everything, installed it, and etc, but when I try and run the game it won't go past the little intro section. When it gets to the loading screen it freezes and sends me an error message. Anyone know how to fix this?

ZombieShe (2011-01-08)

Easiest way is to make your computer think it has the disk in it. Burn the immage. I recomend Daemon, if you have windows 7, it comes with a desktop gadget that is simple to use and you dont need to use any disk (:

Danetria (2011-01-29)

umm so i couldnt put the sims2ep5 into the seasons file and then when i think i got it right and i run it it says please insert the correct cd rom ...

ZomgPancakes (2011-03-01)

The serial code for the Pets expansion pack didn't work. I used QM8G-UPPA-R3Z3-LWU5-GCFC instead.

PC_Girl (2011-03-27)

Ok, so I'm a rookie at this whole 'Torrent thingy'. This is my very first Torrent download :)
My question has to do with the installation instructions.
So far I have "Installed the Original The SIMS2", as stated in the instructions as Step 1. I mounted each "Disk" (1-4) one at a time and with each one I clicked on "Burn Image With Astroburn. Then I installed "The Original SIMS2" with each disk (in order) as it prompted me to.
After that, I proceeded with Step 2: I ran "The SIMS2 Update" from the "Updates Folder" and it updated successfully.
So now I'm on to Step 3: "Install the expansion packs in the correct order". My question is this: What is the correct order? Is it what's listed below? I wanna make sure I install everything right so I don't mess it all up. Any help from anyone is welcome and appreciated :) Thanks guys!
The Sims 2 University (2 disks).
- The Sims 2 Nightlife (2 disks).
- The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Open for Business (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Pets (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Seasons (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff (1 disk).
- The Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff (1 disk).

bnwnom (2011-04-03)

I don't want to sound like a complete noob, but I'm just going to go ahead and do it.
How the heck do you do this thing? OK, I have PowerISO. But.. I don't know what to do next. :(
I only want the expansion packs since I already have Sims 2. (2011-04-18)

Can someone please email me? My computer does not have a disk drive. I need a program that will enable me to use this download without a disk that is extremely user-friendly.

zuleika1988 (2011-05-06)


zuleika1988 (2011-05-06)


jessicaly (2011-05-13)

Does anyone have 64bit problems/solutions/success stories?
My error: "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application"
I get this every time I try to install disc one of Sims 2 folder. I have tried mounting to Daemon and also burning to a DVD. I am looking for solutions online with no luck. Will keep trying things but if anyone has a solution for this it would help a ton :)

trickertreat (2011-06-22)

For the people having startup problems, here's what I did. I had sims 2 double deluxe and I just downloaded everything except for the things that I already had on my original game, and after I mounted everything and installed it and I started it up I kept seasons mounted and took the original double deluxe disk out of my disk drive. It works fine I just have to keep seasons mounted. Thankkks so much for this I keep seeding :)

Tacofromheck (2011-08-23)

Trying to install the expansions now did both steps 1 and 2 it works but when I try to install university it freezes at 78% and doesn't ask for second disk or anything should I mount second disk anyways or what should I do from here?

Mi-ho (2011-09-12)

someone please help me!!! i've been wanting to play all the expansions packs together but i can only play seasons... i followed all the instructions and it still won't work... i even tried re-installing it and still only seasons works... please help me!!! :(

nekommm (2011-10-14)

Hi, can you help me?
The update sims 2 doesn't work.
It asks for disk4 and when i mount it it says error or cannot copy from disc.
What should I do?
Please answer fast.

nekommm (2011-10-14)

Tacofromheck you just have to go to deamon tools and mount the second disk. It's in university folder.
You're welcome.

1brett13 (2011-11-23)

My problem:
When I try to open 'The Sims 2 Update', it says: The Sims 2 is already up-to-date.
How do I continue???

insaneClockwork (2012-01-07)

can someone help me? i followed the instructions and completely installed the sims but when i try to play it it asks for a disk "please insert correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application" i've tryed just mounting the image of disk one to drive D and converting it with daemon tools pro but nothing has worked, and i cant burn it because i have a netbook and no external or internal disk drive

insaneClockwork (2012-01-07)

okay so i took the file from the crack folder that your supposed to put in TSbin/seasons and put it in every EP
then click that when i want to play the game, but now it runs through the intro then when it gets to the loading screen it closes and comes up with an error message that doesnt say anything but has an okay button

rituska36 (2012-03-22)

while I'm installing the university file, it asks for the Cd/dvd 2.. am I doing something wrong?

Condunum (2012-07-08)

Alright. So I installed everything, and it worked fine, expect for my computer isn't up to date for the Seasons expansion. I tried to uninstall, which didn't work, so I deleted the program files manually. I'm now trying to re-install the rest of the game. I've gotten the original installed, and it's fine, but I can not install any of the expansions, regardless of the order I use. I've updated Sims 2 as I should. At the end of every installation, the usually check for Sims 2 to be up to date message appears, followed by the error message of failing to install, and the installation terminated. Any clue what's wrong?

Volfness (2012-09-13)

Okay, and what do I do if I don't have a single .iso file in the whole download? I unzipped all compressed packages, and NOTHING.

natynate (2012-11-13)

So what disk do I mount to start playing the game?