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Warcraft 3-Reign Of Chaos and Frozen throne
Warcraft 3-Reign Of Chaos and Frozen throne
2009-01-13 (by Daru77)
Install Instructions:
1. Install full game ([Disk1] Warcraft III -Reign Of Chaos.iso + [Disk2] Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.iso).
2. Update, drag War3TFT_122a_English.exe from the included Patch directory to the warcraft install directory
then click on it and it should update by itsefef.
3. Play and Enjoy it.
Patch 1.22
- The game no longer requires the CD to play.
- There is now a replay auto-save feature in the options menu. Replays
are automatically saved to the "replay" folder.
- The game is now automatically saved in the event of a potential
disconnect. These saved games are placed in the "save" folder.
- Player color selection can now be limited by the number of players in
the game using an option in the "Advanced Options" screen during game
- Added an option to always show unit and building health bars.
- You can now enable and disable the display of minimap signals
from players and other observers using chat commands:
/showminimapsignals and /hideminimapsignals.
- Added a new in-game cheat "maxfps" to limit the maximum frame rate to
the given number. Example: "maxfps 30" will set the maximum frame rate
to 30 FPS.
- Scout Tower repair rate changed from 12 to 20.
- Knight damage increased: Attack cooldown changed from 1.50 to
1.40 and base damage increased from 25 to 28 (Average damage is 34).
- Increased Ziggurat base armor from 1 to 5.
- Reduced the build time of the Necropolis from 120 to 100.
- Reduce the Orb of venom poison duration from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Increase the experience gain from Dryads from Level 2 (40xp) to
Level 3 (60 xp).
- The cooldown on unlimited usable items (example: the staff of
preservation) now persists after the item is dropped or traded.
- A cooldown exploit with potions has been fixed.
- When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled
- An exploit bug in which items could lose their cooldowns when transferred
between heroes has been fixed.
- Fixed DotA-specific sound effects on Intel Macs.
- Fixed sound falloff on Intel Macs. Distant sounds should now still be
- New maps from contest winners:
- (2)MeltingValley
- (2)RoadToStratholme
- (4)CentaurGrove
- (4)TidewaterGlades
Patch 1.21b
- The game no longer requires the CD to play.
Patch 1.21
- The game now runs natively on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs.
- Player can now view frames per second using the "/fps" chat command.
- Fixed a timing problem with the game on PCs with dual-core CPUs.
- Fixed a crash that could occur with the Frost Breath ability.
- Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.
- Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games.
Important Note on Patching for Mac Players: The file layout inside the
game folder is changed significantly by Patch 1.21. As a result, in order
to be able to install the Frozen Throne expansion from CD, you must
install Reign of Chaos first, then install Frozen Throne from CD, and then
patch to version 1.21, in that order. If you patch to v1.21 and then
attempt to install Frozen Throne after that, it will not install
- New maps:
- (2)SecretValley
- (6)BomberCommand
- (4)LostTemple (RoC)
- The 4 Forest Troll Berserkers by the natural expansions now drop Level
2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items
- (4)TurtleRock
- The 4 Ogre Warriors along the outer pathways now drop Level 2
Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items
- (6)GnollWood
- The 4 Gnoll Brutes by the central Item Shops now drop Level 2
Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items
Patch 1.20e
- Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games.
- Replays saved with older versions of a map are no longer compatible.
- (2)TerenasStand
- Added some trees to high ground above Red start location to prevent
a siege unit attack imbalance.
- Replaced Mercenary Camp type from Village to Lordaeron Summer.
Patch 1.20d
- Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games.
Patch 1.20c
- Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.
Patch 1.20b
- Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.
Patch 1.20
- Fixed a Bug that disabled Spirit Walkers from resurrecting other Spirit
- (6)WizardsRetreat
- separated two creep camps near both corner starting locations to
prevent them from calling each other for help when one is attacked.
- (6)Gnollwood
- separated two creep camps near merchant buildings to prevent them from
calling each other for help when one is attacked.
- (6)BlizzardTD
- Fixed phase-shifting units to behave normally when attacked.
- (12)WormWar
- Fixed a bug that causes player worms to become immobile after using
powerups while respawning.
Patch 1.19b
- Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.
Patch 1.19
- (2)Echo Isles
- Added ranged creep to expansion goldmines.
- Replaced both Fountains of Health with Mercenary camps and changed
the creep composition so that they're not all piercing attack.
- Replaced the mana fountain with a Market Place and changed the level
3 perm item drops to level 3 charged items.
- Replaced one Troll Trapper with an equal level Ogre to the all troll
trapper green camp next to each start location.
- (2)Tirisfal Glade
- Added a tavern to each side of the map, reduced the level of the creep
that guard the Mercenary buildings as well as the level of the items
they drop, and reduced two Orange creep camps and level of the item
- (4)Turtle Rock
- Opened areas of the map to help alleviate strong choke points that
favor ranged unit combat.
- (4)Broken Shard
- Replaced the 4 center orange camps with 4 green camps.
- Replaced two ranged units with two melee units to the creep camps
guarding the Goblin Merchants.
- Increased the Orange camp levels near each start location and added
an additional item to each of those camps.
- (4)Hellfire
- Reduced the creep level on the two middle Red creep camps.
- Reduced the creep level on the East and West Goblin Laboratory creep
- (4)Stonecold Mountain
- All creep with the ability to possess units have been removed from
this map.
- (4)Lost Temple
- Added a few trees to all the start locations to ensure better
balance of lumber harvesting for all races.
- (4)Twisted Meadows
- Changed the level 4 charged item drops at the Goblin Merchant to
level 4 permanent drops.
- (6)Sunrock Cove
- Added pathing room around Goblin Laboratory and removed the clump of
trees in front of the Goblin Laboratory to enhance game play.
- Lowered the goldmine creep camp from Red to Green
- Pushed Blue's West ramp further from its start location.
- (6)GnollWood
- Removed all Gnoll Assassins from the Goblin Merchant creep camps,
replaced with Gnoll Brutes.
- (6)Typhoon
- Fixed Red and Teal start locations to be closer to the goldmines
like the other start locations.
- (6)Silverpine Forest
- Removed the Tavern from all start locations
- Can now path across the center of the map, added a Tavern to the
center of the map.
- Reduced the Item and creep levels of the 4 Red camps in the center
of the map.
- The 6 center goldmines have been reduced in difficulty of creep
- (6)Dragonblight
- The two center creep camps have been pushed away from pathable area
to prevent accidental attacks.
- The players alliance settings have been changed to favor 2v2.
- (6)Moonglade New Map File
- Two center creep camps and buildings have been removed.
- Added two taverns to the center of the map.
- Opened up all chokepoints
- Added some trees to all start locations to help harvesting.
- (6)Everfrost
- Added a few trees to Yellow and Teal start locations to ensure
lumber harvesting balance.
- Added ground Anti-Air units to the East and West Red creep camps.
- Bonus Maps Added to
- (2)Shrine of the Ancients
- (2)Terenas Stand
- (4)Phantom Grove
- (4)Deathrose
- (6)Everfrost
- (6)Sunrock Cove
- (6)Emerald Shores
- (6)Duststorm
- (8)Full Scale Assault
- (8)Hurricane Isle
- (8)Cherryville
- (10)Skibis Castle TD
- (12)Worm War
- Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the
same level will now generally sell for the same amount.
- Skeletal Mastery research time reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity research time reduced to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses research now costs 75 gold / 50 lumber down from 125
gold/ 100 lumber.
- Destroyer armor reduced to 3 from 4.
- Spiritwalkers now have the passive Resistant Skin ability. This
causes some spells such as Cyclone and Slow to have a much shorter
duration when used on a Spiritwalker. Resistant skin also grants
immunity to certain other spells such as Polymorph and Possession.
- Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
- Batrider hit points reduced to 325 from 400.
Night Elf
- Tree of Life build time increased to 120 seconds from 110 seconds.
- Human Towers (Guard, Cannon, Arcane and Scout) now gain 1 armor per
masonry upgrade, down from 2.
Trigger Editor
- The "Image" category and actions now appear after the "Item" category.
- The "Ubersplat" category and actions now appear after the "Unit Group"
- Fixed script generation errors when using the "Terrain Pathing Is Off"
function. This is now a Boolean function.
- Fixed script generation errors when using variables of the following
- Attack Type
- Combat Sound
- Damage Type
- Effect Type
- Pathing Type
- Sound Type
- Sorted lightning type presets.
- Appended "Cliff" to cliff terrain types, to distinguish them from
non-cliff terrain types.
- Renamed "Life Drain" and "Mana Drain" to "Drain Life" and "Drain Mana",
- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the
following trigger functions/calls:
- (Boolean) Environment - Terrain Pathing Is Off (was Terrain
- (Unit) Event Response - Damage Source
- (String) Game - Ability Name
- (String) Game - Ability Effect Art Path (was Ability Effect Art)
- (String) Game - Ability Effect Sound Name (was Ability Sound)
- (String) Hero - Hero Proper Name
- (String) Trigger - Trigger Name
- (Real) Lightning - Red Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Green Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Blue Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Alpha Value of Lightning (was Alpha Color of
- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the
following trigger actions:
- Environment - Change Terrain Type
- Environment - Turn Terrain Pathing On/Off (was Turn Pathing
- Floating Text - Suspend/Resume
- Floating Text - Permanent/Expires
- Floating Text - Change Color
- Floating Text - Change Lifespan
- Floating Text - Change Fading Age (was Change Fadepoint)
- Floating Text - Change Age
- Game - Enable/Disable Selection (was Enable/Disable Select)
- Game - Enable/Disable Drag-Selection (was Enable/Disable Drag
- Game - Enable/Disable Pre-Selection (was Enable/Disable Pre
- Image - Create
- Image - Change Color
- Image - Change Render State
- Image - Change Render Always State
- Image - Change Above Water State
- Lightning - Create Lightning Effect (was Create Lightning Effect
At Points)
- Lightning - Move Lightning Effect (was Move Lightning Effect To
- Lightning - Set Lightning Effect Color
- Unit - Add Classification
- Unit - Remove Classification
- Unit - Issue Drop Item Order (was Drop Item On A Point)
- Unit - Issue Move Item In Inventory Order (was Drop Item In Slot)
- Unit - Issue Give Item Order (was Drop Item On A Unit)
- Unit - Damage Area
- Unit - Damage Target
- Unit - Decrease Level Of Ability For Unit
- Unit - Increase Level Of Ability For Unit
- Unit - Set Level Of Ability For Unit
- Ubersplat - Create
- Ubersplat - Change Render State
- Ubersplat - Change Render Always State
- Added an event and three new trigger functions for future tournament
- (Trigger Event) Tournament Event
- (Real) Tournament Time Remaining
- (Integer) Tournament Melee Score
- (Integer) Tournament Finish Rule
- PATCH 1.18
- 6 maps from our Bonus Map program including (4)Excavation Site, (2)Echo
Isle, (6)Hinterland Raid, (6)Ruins of Stratholme, (8)Azeroth Grand Prix,
(8)Extreme Candy Wars 2004.
- Fixed a problem that prevented selection sounds from playing when
units were drag-selected.
- Fixed a problem that caused Gargoyles to become stuck in Stone Form.
- Fixed a problem with Dark Ritual or Death Pact leaving an unusable
- Fixed a problem that caused a player's units to continue to harvest
resources after they were dropped and no one has control of them.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Ethereal units to take Physical damage from
missiles that were in flight as they became Ethereal.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Magic Immune units to take Magical damage
from missiles that were in flight as they became Magic Immune.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Unstable Concoction to kill the casting
Batrider even after its target became Ethereal.
- Fixed the visibility of the Flamestrike de-buff icon.
- Fixed a problem with Defend not absorbing Piercing splash damage.
- Fixed a problem with melee units with Incinerate not damaging any units
that they would Incinerate.
- Fixed a problem that caused Heroes holding items that increase their
primary attribute to display an increase in their base damage on the
info panel. Their actual damage was not affected.
- Fixed a problem that allowed morphing units in their alternate form to
retain their alternate form bonuses when killed by a Mana Flare when
activating their alternate form.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Destroyers to use Devour Magic on Watcher
- Fixed a problem that prevented Watcher Wards from being revealed by the
Dust of Appearance.
- Fixed a problem that removed the Summoned state from Carrion Beetles
when they burrow.
- Fixed a problem with Metamorphosis and Chemical Rage that allowed the
timer to remain active after the Hero had died.
- Fixed a problem with Goblin Zeppelins being considered Undead instead of
Mechanical in custom Reign of Chaos maps.
- (8)Crossroads - Fixed a grammatical error.
- Banshee build time has been reduced to 28 seconds from 35 seconds.
- Drunken Haze movement reduction has been changed to increase by level.
The new ranks are: 15% / 30% / 50% from the previous 50% / 50% / 50%.
- Breath of Fire initial damage reduced to 65/125/170 from 65/130/175.
- Tornado mana cost has been reduced to 200 mana from 250 mana.
- Incinerate can now be turned on or off. When turned on, it
consumes 6 mana per attack. It is otherwise unchanged.
- Lava Spawns now require 15 attacks to replicate, up from 14.
- Summon Quilbeast cooldown increased to 25 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Summon Hawk mana cost increased to 50 mana from 35 mana.
- Pocket factory hit points increased to 300/450/600 by level from
- Healing Spray effect per wave increased to 40/55/70 from 35/50/65
- Staff of Teleportation gold cost has been increased to 150 gold from 100
Trigger Editor
- Added new functions:
- Environment: Terrain Pathability
- Environment: Terrain Tile Type
- Environment: Terrain Tile Variance
- Floating Text: Permanent/Expires
- Floating Text: Suspend/Resume
- Floating Text: Change Position to Point
- Floating Text: Change Position to Unit
- Floating Text: Change Age
- Floating Text: Change Lifespan
- Floating Text: Change Fadepoint
- Floating Text: Change Text
- Game: Enable/Disable Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Game: Enable/Disable Pre-Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Game: Enable/Disable Drag-Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Trigger: Get Trigger Name
- Added new unit states:
- Plagued
- Snared
- Stunned
- Poisoned
- Polymorphed
- Sleeping
- Resistant
- Ethereal
- Magic Immune
- Lightning triggers now have their own category.
- Lightning triggers now use the Z coordinate of the specified Location.
- Custom Lightning triggers can now use an explicit Z coordinate.
- Fixed custom buff support for Black Arrow, Cloud of Fog, Inferno, Aerial
Shackles, and Tornado.
- Fixed multiple-level support for Shadowmeld.
- Fixed Rain of Chaos' order id.
- PATCH 1.17
- Two new Neutral Heroes, the Firelord and the Goblin Alchemist, have been
added to the game. For further information on these exciting new Heroes
and a listing of their abilities, visit .
- A "Profile" button has been added to the toolbar. You can now
look at your profile from the news page without ever entering
- Replays now display their version number in the Replay selection screen.
- Designating a new clan chieftain now includes a confirmation dialogue.
- 9 maps from our Bonus Map program including (8)Funny Bunny's Egg Hunt,
(8)Shamrock Reef, (8)Dragon Falls, (8)Deadlock, (8)Gold Rush, (8)Slalom,
(6)Copper Canyon, (6)Rolling Hills, and (4)Predators.
- Fixed a problem with Burning Oil that caused the effect to not be created
when buildings were attacked directly.
- Fixed a problem that caused some instant spells cast after a targeted
spell to execute before the targeted spell.
- Fixed problems with the Melee AI when it attempted to use certain
instant spells.
- Fixed a problem with Morphing units re-executing commands that were
interrupted by the morph timer expiring.
- Fixed an exploit that would allow players to track enemy units under
the fog of war with queued move commands.
- Fixed a problem with units following enemy units and never proceeding
to the next order when they moved underneath the fog.
- Fixed a problem with Envenomed Spears wearing off too early if the
affected unit was also affected by Slow Poison or the Orb of Venom.
- Fixed the invisibility transition time for levels 2 and 3 of Wind Walk.
- Fixed the orb air attack speeds for the Blood Mage, Pit Lord, and Fire
- Fixed the armor upgrade values for Human, Orc, and Undead shops.
- Fixed a problem preventing Phased Faerie Dragons from teleporting.
- Fixed an issue with Faerie Dragons that could cause them to become
unresponsive to most commands if you Phase Shifted just as the unit was
attacking something.
- Fixed Doom so that the spell now has a maximum creep level.
- Fixed an issue that caused Crypt Fiends to deactivate Web when they
- Fixed a problem with Cleaving Attack that would prevent it from working
when Orbs were equipped.
- Fixed an issue with Cleaving Attack that would cause Thorns Aura to
reflect damage on targets that took splash damage.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Orb of Annihilation's splash damage
to ignore armor.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Metamorphosis to cancel the effects of
a Staff of Teleportation.
- Fixed Devour such that devoured units now give experience to the owner of
the Kodo Beast if it gets polymorphed/hexed and instantly digests the unit.
- Fixed rally points such that friendly units will no longer cancel rally
orders to Heroes that teleport, Blink, or Mirror Image.
- Fixed illusions so they now get correct damage, armor, life, and mana
bonuses consistent with the original units.
- Fixed an issue with morphed units that could cause them to cost food when
revived by Animated Dead if they had died in their morphed form.
- Fixed the Storm Pandaren (from the Pandaren Brewmaster's ultimate) so it
now correctly displays Wind Walk's backstab damage.
- Fixed a problem with Flame Strike that wouldn't allow Blood Mages to
become invisible after they finished channeling the spell. Prior to this
fix, the Blood Mage would become visible for as long as damage was taking
place, despite the fact that he was no longer casting the spell.
- Fixed upgrading buildings such that they now receive the correct hit point
bonus from the Masonry upgrade.
- Fixed a problem that could cause manually cast arrow abilities to
occasionally fail.
- Fixed racial shops so they no longer block line of sight.
- Fixed multiple units' casting the same spell so they now distribute the
load more efficiently.
- Fixed creeps so that missile spells no longer wake them when launched.
Instead, the creeps now wake when a spell hits.
- Fixed channeling units so they will auto-queue orders issued to the entire
selection except for Stop and Hide. Orders issued to the selected subgroup
will break channeling (so you can teleport out of the area while
- Fixed units in the middle of a non-channeling spell such that they will now
auto-queue all orders until the spell is complete.
- Fixed Hero icons so their order is now consistent throughout the game.
- Fixed replay speeds so they can once again be changed while the replay
is paused.
Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (4)Turtle Rock - Top right and bottom left creep camps now drop equivalent
- (4)Twisted Meadows - Added some trees near the south Mercenary Camp
to prevent mercenary purchase without engaging the creeps. Also added
some trees to prevent item purchase from Goblin Merchant without
engaging creep camp.
- (6)Demon's Crossing - Removed the two Dragon Roosts and their accompanying
creep camps from both sides of the map, then altered the creep camp
guarding the remaining Dragon Roost. Rebalanced most of the creep camps to
be more player friendly.
- (6)Monsoon - Added some trees near the water line to prevent units from
moving behind them.
- (6)Typhoon - Added some trees near the expansion gold mines to prevent the
creeps from harassing players when they pass by. Added some trees to start
locations and moved bottom middle start location closer to trees to help
with initial harvesting.
- (6)Upper Kingdom - The two center creep camps that are guarding gold mines
have been pushed back from common pathing areas.
- (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Center creeps pushed further back away from common
pathing areas through the middle.
- (8)Gold Rush - Fixed missing Tavern from the bottom left corner.
Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (6)Dark Forest - Cleaned up some trees to provide wider areas for larger
groups to path through. The creep camp guarding the top middle expansion
gold mine no longer attacks units that path nearby.
- Haunted and Entangled Gold Mines are now indicated on the minimap.
- The experience bonus for having a single Hero and owning a tier-2 or
tier-3 town hall has been increased to +15%/+30% from +10%/+20%.
- Line damage spells such as Shockwave, Carrion Swarm, Breath of Fire, and
Breath of Frost no longer damage a targeted friendly unit.
- Default autocast spells (like Abolish Magic or Bloodlust) that require
research will now have autocast enabled when the research completes.
- Arrow abilities set to autocast now override Orb effects.
- Repairing an upgrading building now uses the repair time and cost of the
original building.
- Harvesting, building, and repairing workers are the only units left
behind by a teleport.
- Hexed and polymorphed units now have the same statistics as the normal
units except for movement speed and the model. Previously, these abilities
were changing the armor type and hit point regeneration type.
- Constructing Peasants are now included in group selections. A
constructing Peasant will automatically queue all orders unless it is
the only unit selected, or until it receives a Stop order.
- Channeling ultimates now cancel invulnerability. If an invulnerability
spell is used while channeling, channeling will end.
- Damage-capped AOE spells now have a seperate cap for friendly, enemy,
and neutral units.
- Enemy units now take damage from Lightning Shielded illusions.
- If a unit is rallied to a unit/Hero that dies, the rallied unit will
now continue to move towards the last spot the rally target occupied.
- Defend has been reworked. Piercing damage is still reduced by 50%, and
there is now an additional 30% chance that a defending Footman will
reflect unit attacks back on the source for full damage. Piercing damage
building attacks have a 30% chance to do no damage.
- Banish now costs mana 75/60/50 by level, and has a 0-second cooldown at all
levels, down from 5/3/1 seconds.
- Siphon Mana drain per second has been reduced to 15/30/45 from 18/35/55.
- Siphon Mana has been reworked. It now transfers mana from an enemy to the
Blood Mage, or from the Blood Mage to an ally. Additionally, Siphon Mana
can push the Blood Mage's mana up to as much as twice its normal maximum
value, though mana gained in this way drains off rapidly if not used.
- Blood Mage attack speed increased by 30%.
- Flame Strike damage cap set to the equivalent of 6 targets, up from 5.
- Knight hit points increased to 835 from 800.
- Arcane Towers now deal 20 bonus damage per attack to summoned units.
- Divine Shield can no longer be deactivated.
- Phoenixes no longer regenerate life from a Fountain of Health.
- Death Knight base armor reduced to 3 from 4.
- Banshee attack range increased to 600 from 500.
- Units raised by Animate Dead are now invulnerable to dispels as well as
- Destroyers no longer regenerate mana from a Fountain of Mana.
- Unsummoning an upgraded building now provides resources for the original
building in addition to the cost of the upgrade (before it was just the
cost of the upgrade).
- The Nerubian Towers' frost attacks now properly affect magic-immune units.
- Devour Magic now dispels the owl summoned by Sentinel, but does not give
mana to the Destroyer.
- Since we have corrected the splash damage bug with Destroyers, we have
reverted Destroyers to their old 1.14 statistics. Destroyers now have
mana regeneration of -3/sec (down from -6/sec), Orb of Annihilation
now costs 25 mana down from 50 mana, and Devour Magic restores 75 mana
per unit dispelled, down from 150. Note that Devour Magic no longer
gives health or mana when a player devours friendly buffs.
- Wind Walk now allows the Blademaster to walk through units.
- Wind Walk's backstab damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/85/120.
- Unstable Concoction primary target damage increased to 600 from 550.
- Chain Lightning will now jump to sleeping targets if the primary target
is also asleep.
- Tauren Chieftain base Intelligence increased to 15 from 14.
- Troll Batrider build time increased from 25 to 28.
- Experience granted for killing the Spirit Wolves summoned by the spell
Feral Spirit increased by approximately 40%.
- Spirit Link can now be used to affect illusions.
- Spirit Walkers now appear before Raiders and Kodo Beasts in the group
- Troll Batriders can no longer use Unstable Concoction while Banished.
Night Elf
- Abolish Magic no longer auto-dispels hero spells.
- Abolish Magic no longer removes positive buffs on friendlies or negative
buffs on enemies when manually cast (it already did this for autocast).
- Rejuvination can now target magic immune units.
- Faerie Fire armor debuff reduced to 4 from 5.
- Archer hit points increased to 245 from 240.
- Faerie Dragon damage increased to 14-16 from 13-14.
- Level-1 Entangling Roots base duration reduced to 9 seconds from 12, but
level-3 Entangling Roots damage increased to 25 per second from 15 per
- Ancient Protector's attack now uses a homing missile.
- The Huntress' bouncing attacks will no longer bounce back to the initial
- Shadow Strike is no longer removed by Banish.
- Taunt now affects only the 10 closest units. It is also now disabled by
- Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 270 from 300.
- Cluster Rockets mana cost reduced to 70 from 75.
- Voidwalker mercenaries now cost 2 food, up from 1.
- Hydras spawned from a splitting parent are no longer considered summoned
- Targeting an unwalkable location with a Scroll of Town Portal will now
try to place units as close to that location as possible. If no valid
location can be found, the units will be teleported to an area around
the town hall.
- All Orbs now affect magic-immune units.
- Orb of Corruption debuff can no longer be dispelled.
- Orb of Fire now deals Spell damage instead of Magic damage.
- Mechanical Critters are no longer displayed on the minimap.
- Mechanical Critters no longer teleport with you.
- Amulet of Spell Shield no longer blocks physical skills (e.g., Ensnare).
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.16
replays cannot be viewed with the 1.17 version of Warcraft III).
Custom save games will not load from version 1.16.
- PATCH 1.16
- Rifleman hit points reduced to 505 from 520.
- Destroyer negative mana regeneration increased to -6/sec from -3/sec.
- Mana gain of Devour Magic increased to 150 per dispelled unit from 75 per
dispelled unit.
- Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 50 from 25.
- Orb of Annihilation had a splash damage that was dealing full damage to
all targets instead of full damage to the primary target, and reduced
damage to nearby targets. This discrepancy has been fixed and the orb
now deals damage identical to the functionality in patch 1.14.
- Bladestorm mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
- Troll Batrider hit points reduced to 400 from 500.
- Demolisher build time increased to 40 seconds from 36 seconds.
Neutral Heroes
- Cluster Rockets cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
- Pocket Factory cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 40 seconds.
- Pit Lord base Strength increased to 26 from 24.
- Dark Minion hit points increased from 200/260/320 to 215/290/405 and armor
reduced to 0/0/0 from 1/2/3.
- Breath of Fire has been damage capped to 8 targets. Note that this does
not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Breath
of Fire / Drunken Haze combination.
- Storm, Earth and Fire Pandaren hit points increased by 200, and attack
damage increased by 33%.
- Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items.
- Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown.
- Staff of Preservation max stock set to 1, down from 2.
- Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes.
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.15 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.16 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.15.
- PATCH 1.15
- A new Neutral Hero, the Goblin Tinker, has been added to the game. For
further information on this strange new Hero and a listing of his abilities,
visit .
- The matchmaking system has been significantly updated. New accounts should
more quickly begin playing against opponents of equivalent skill level.
- Clan ladders are now functional. Games against ranked players will now
contribute to your clan's ranking on the ladder.
- Clan information is now displayed in your player profile, including your
clan name, tag, ladder ranking, and more.
- Display of channel moderators has changed.
- Ladder information is now more clearly separated in your user profile.
- Free For All (FFA) games are now anonymous. Account names and player levels
will no longer be displayed to other participants. Other players will be
displayed as "Player X", where X is the number of the player in the game.
- Added an on/off button for the "Alt" formation toggle functionality to the
Options --> Gameplay menu. The option is "On" by default.
- Added a "Worker Selection" button that appears beneath the construction
progress indicator for Night Elf and Orc buildings. This allows Orc and
Night Elf players to re-select workers that are currently constructing a
building and give them additional way-pointed orders.
- Added the ability for users to double-click replay files (*.w3g files) from
system directories. Doing so will automatically launch the game and load the
appropriate replay.
- Buff and debuff icons (not including auras) now flash when their duration
has 10 or fewer seconds remaining.
- Buff icons will display in the tooltip when a group-selected unit is
highlighted in the info panel.
- Fixed an issue with cargo based structures/units (Entangled Gold Mines, Orc
Burrows, Goblin Zeppelins, etc.) which could cause units to get stuck
inside permanently.
- Fixed a problem where water elementals that died during Mass Teleport were
not being properly removed from the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused hit point bars not to show up properly for some
teams when viewing replays.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Anti-magic Shell art to display incorrectly
on Crypt Fiends after they unburrow.
- Fixed a problem where a Scroll of Town Portal could be wasted if the
targeted town hall was destroyed before the spell completed. The Hero now
retains the Scroll if the spell doesn't complete.
- Fixed an issue with the Mountain Giant's Taunt that could cause Invisible
and Shadowmelded units to improperly attack and reveal themselves when the
ability was activated.
- Fixed an issue with the "Observers on Defeat" functionality that caused
units not to be displayed on the minimap.
- Fixed a problem with the Pandaren Brewmaster that caused incorrect
regeneration of health and mana while his ultimate was active.
- Fixed a problem with Spell Steal and Polymorph that could turn a ground unit
into a Flying Sheep.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Web and Ensnare graphics to display
- Fixed a problem that caused the Inferno stun damage to not be applied to
magic-immune units in The Frozen Throne. All ultimates should ignore magic
- Fixed some spell targeting issues with Resistant Skin. Doom (and possibly
other spells) should work the same way as Charm.
- Fixed an issue with Metamorphosis which prevented some Orb effects
from working while the Demon Hunter was in his altered form.
- Fixed a problem with the Scroll of Town Portal which did not allow Heroes
to regenerate the appropriate hit points and mana while the spell was being
- Fixed the accidentally inflated hit point regeneration rate on the Naga
Sea Witch, Beastmaster, Pandaren Brewmaster, and Spell Breaker back to
the standard .25 hit points per second.
- Fixed Shockwave's damage radius to 125.
- Fixed Orb items to now cause the proper damage versus air for melee Heroes.
- Fixed an issue with Militia in which units ordered "Back to Work" could
change back into Militia when arriving back at the town hall.
- Fixed Breath of Fire's damage area to more accurately represent a cone area
of effect, rather than a line.
- Acolytes harvesting from a Haunted Gold Mine with the Entangling Roots buff
now register as idle like other peons.
- Fixed the Blight generated by the Sacrificial Skull such that a
non-Undead building placed on top of the Blight will not remove the
Blight when it finishes construction.
Detonate, Dispel Magic, and Disenchant correctly dispel this Blight.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Banished worker units to build, Repair,
and harvest. Note that Detonate and Unsummon will remain unaffected by
Banish since they're considered "magical".
- Fixed Lightning Shield so that if two units with Lightning Shields overlap
each other, they both correctly take damage.
- Fixed an issue that allowed an ally that did not have Shared Control to
Uproot and command your Ancient of Wonders. Allied players without Shared
Control should only be able to purchase items from the building.
- Fixed a problem with item-summoned units which would cause them to leave
corpses and spawn units from Black Arrow.
- Fixed an issue with Animate Dead which in some cases caused the spell to
transfer the unit upgrades to the new owner.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from way-pointing the Faerie
Dragon's Mana Flare ability.
Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (2)Tirisfal Glades - Added more trees to bottom start location. Mercenary
creep camps are better suited to drop a level-4 charged item.
- (2)TheTwoRivers - Removed the Rune of Rebirth from Ogre Mage; added Rune of
Mana to Ogre Mage. Lowered Ogre Lord drop from permanent level-6 item to
level-5 item. Increased level of power up.
- (2)GlacialThaw - The drop tables have been re-adjusted for better one-on-one
- (4)TwistedMeadows - Corner creep camps harder to Gargoyle rush. Replaced
Tavern with Goblin Merchant; replaced Marketplace with Tavern. Lowered creep
strength for Goblin Merchant. Goblin Laboratories are harder to purchase
from without engaging creeps.
- (4)TurtleRock - Added some trees to the south Goblin Merchant area to
prevent the player from making purchases from the building without engaging
the creeps that guard the building. Changed several creep drops to help with
game flow.
- (6)DemonsCrossing - Fixed alliance settings.
- (6)RiverOfSouls - Removed the creeps from the taverns and fixed a cave
- (8)AzureTowerDefense - Fixed the hotkey for the Azure Wisp 'A'. Fixed a
spelling error with 'Upgrade Arrow Damage' tooltip. Azure Witch had a
conflicting ability hotkey that has been fixed. Brilliance Aura and Frost
Arrow both used 'R'; Brilliance Aura now uses 'A'. The +3 Tome's description
now correctly states that it adds +3 to all Hero attributes.
Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (2)Plunder Isle - Added some trees to the north and south location near the
Goblin Merchant to prevent the player from making purchases without engaging
the creep guarding the building. Cleared some room around the Goblin
Merchant to prevent Archer cheese.
- Flamestrike damage capped to 5 targets. If more than 5 targets are hit, the
damage done to 5 targets normally is split evenly across all available
- Mass Teleport cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
- Level 1 water elemental damage reduced to 1d5 + 17 from 2d5 + 19, but hit
points increased to 525 from 450.
- Bash % chance to hit increased by 5% across all levels.
- Slow mana cost increased to 50 from 40.
- Control Magic mana cost is now calculated based on the target unit's
current hit points instead of its maximum hit points. The dynamic mana
cost of Control Magic has also been increased to .45 mana per hit point
from .3 mana per hit point.
- Spell Breaker feedback damage vs. Heroes reduced to 4 per hit from 5 per
- Dragonhawk Rider damage reduced to 1d3 + 17 from 1d3 + 18.
- Flying Machine damage vs. air increased to 1d2 + 13 from 1d2 + 11.
- Militia are now level-1 units, instead of level-2 units. This causes them
to give less experience when killed.
- Scout Towers can be repaired twice as fast as before.
- Frost Nova cold effect now lasts 2/3/4 seconds against Heroes. It previously
lasted 4/6/8 seconds against Heroes.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 175 from 250.
- Death Coil cooldown increased to 6 seconds from 5 seconds.
- The damage a Banshee takes while possessing a unit has been reduced to
225% from 300%.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 75 from 100.
- Anti-magic Shell correctly allows self-targeting now.
- Devour Magic cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8 seconds.
- Ziggurat armor reduced to 1 from 5.
- Abomination hit points increased to 1175 from 1080.
- Obsidian Statue hit points reduced to 550 from 700.
- Frost Wyrm build time reduced to 65 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Boneyard build time reduced to 70 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Necromancer build time reduced to 24 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity now costs 50/75, down from 100/75, and can be researched
in 30 seconds, down from 60 seconds.
- Necromancer Adept and Master training now take 30 and 45 seconds to
research, down from 60 and 75 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses now requires Halls of the Dead instead of Black Citadel.
- Level-2 Carrion Beetles are now the same size as Ghouls, instead of the
same size as Crypt Fiends. Level-3 Carrion Beetles are now the same size
as Crypt Fiends, instead of the same size as Abominations.
- Possession damage multiplier reduced to 166% from 225%.
- Disenchant range increased to 650 from 500, and mana cost reduced to 100
from 125.
- Feral Spirit cooldown increased from 25 to 30.
- Troll Batrider's Unstable Concoction has changed such that the Batrider
increases speed dramatically when it gets within a short range of its
- Liquid Fire damage reduced to 8 per second down from 15 per second.
- Demolisher damage reduced to 1d18 + 71 from 1d19 + 75.
- Troll Headhunter build time reduced to 20 seconds from 22 seconds.
- Spirit Walker build time reduced to 38 from 42.
- Blademaster speed increased to 320 from 300.
- Wind Walk bonus damage increased to 50/85/120 from 50/75/100
- Watch Tower build time increased to 60 seconds from 55 seconds.
Night Elf
- Chimaera movement speed reduced to 250 from 270.
- Fan of Knives level-2 base damage increased to 125 from 120, and
level-3 base damage increased from 180 to 190. Although this appears
to be an upgrade, it actually is a reduction in overall power. The
previous patch had a bug at levels 2 and 3 in which, if 6 or more
targets were available, the ability did more than the expected
amount of maximum damage. This change remedies that error.
- Mana Flare splash damage no longer harms units that lack a mana pool.
- Wellspring now upgrades Moonwells to 425 mana, down from 500 mana, and
Moonwell mana regeneration scaled proportionally.
- Force of Nature casting range increased to 800 from 700.
- Faerie Fire mana cost increased to 45 from 35.
Neutral Units and Heroes
- Dark Ranger starting Agility increased to 21 from 19.
- Breath of Fire now correctly has a cone shape at all levels. Previously,
the level-2 and level-3 versions were shaped exactly like Shockwave,
while the level-1 area was occupying a much larger area than intended.
The spell now hits far fewer targets, which roughly matches the graphic.
The damage of Breath of Fire has been increased to 65/120/175 from
50/100/150 to compensate for this change.
- Level-3 Quilbeasts' splash radii have been reduced from 75/100/150 to
- Drain Life damage increased to 25/40/55 per second from 20/35/50.
- Cleaving Attack damage increased to 30%/55%/80% from 25%/45%/65%.
- Tornado can now cyclone a particular unit more often once every 22
seconds, down from once every 30 seconds.
- Tornado speed increased to 75 from 60.
- Zeppelins are now available at the start of the 2nd day, rather than at
the first nightfall.
- Neutral Hero lumber cost increased to 135 from 100.
- To purchase from a neutral shop or Mercenary Camp, a valid unit or Hero
must now be within 450 distance units, down from 600 distance units.
Note that this change does not affect racial shops.
- Boots of Speed now cost 250 gold, up from 150 gold. They are not
available until the first nightfall, and are now considered a level-3
permanent item, up from level 2.
- Talisman of the Wild is now a level-5 charged item, up from 4.
- Legion Doom-Horn is now a level-5 permanent item, up from being a
level-4 permanent item.
- Wand of Lightning Shield reduced to 2 charges from 3.
- Orb of Venom poison damage increased to 9 per second from 7 per second.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 275 gold from 300 gold.
- Staff of Preservation cooldown increased to 30 seconds from 15 seconds.
- All autocast buffs and debuffs cast by racial units now have a cooldown
of 1 second. Before, some had cooldowns of 0 seconds, while others had
cooldowns of 1 second. This change does not include Priest Heal.
- Hero spell resistance increased to 30% reduction from 25% reduction.
- Added Game Interface fields for "Text - Unit Classification".
- Reduced minimum map size to 32 (was 64).
Trigger Editor
- Added new functions:
- Hero - Hero Proper Name (string call)
- Player - Divert Player Income (Tax) (action)
- Player - Player Tax Rate (integer call)
- Unit - Add Classification (action)
- Unit - Remove Classification (action)
- Unit - Issue Order Targeting An Item (action)
- Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting An Item (action)
Object Editor
- Enabled additional abilities for modification: Poison Arrows and Blighted
Gold Mine ability.
- Added checkbox UI for Channel ability "Data - Options" field.
- Added new fields:
- Stats - Hero - Hide Hero Death Message (Hero units)
- Stats - Hide Minimap Display (units)
- Custom abilities are now disabled properly via the Ability Properties
- Object Properties dialogs now properly load facing angles between 270-360
- Fixed a crash that could occur when modifying very long Game Interface text
Trigger Editor
- Abilities added via "Unit - Add Ability" action now properly apply currently
researched "Ability Level Bonus" upgrade effects.
- Dialogs now respond to clicking the 12th button.
- Compile errors in the custom script section no longer disable all triggers
or lead to an infinite loop of error messages.
Object Editor
- Import/Export menu items now properly update text for Buffs/Effects tab.
- Warnings about resetting objects now appropriately refer to the current tab.
- Maximum value of "Data - Maximum Creep Level" has been increased in order
to work with some abilities (Devour, Possession, Item Command).
- Ability "Item Attack Corruption Bonus" now has the correct data fields.
- Ability "Thorns Aura (Neutral Hostile)" now has the correct data fields.
- Fixed some abilities that did not recognize non-default buffs and/or
- (Mac only) Mousing over the "New Custom Buff" toolbar button will no longer
crash the editor.
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.14 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.15 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.14.
- PATCH 1.14b
- Fixed an issue with recalling control groups and quickly pressing 'TAB'
to change your selected subgroup.
- PATCH 1.14
- Fixed an issue with custom save games from version 1.12 (including those
from Orc Act I) so Hero Agility is recognized properly. Attack speeds
will now be correct when loading from a previous save game.
- Fixed an issue that caused Scroll of Town Portal to always place your
units to the lower right side of your town hall instead of the location
you clicked.
- Fixed an issue with the Skeletal Mage upgrade that prevented the Raise
Dead skill from working on the corpses inside Meat Wagons.
- Fixed an issue that caused a unit to permanently lose 75% of its attack
speed if it was Polymorphed or Hexed while under the effects of Unholy
- Fixed an issue with Spirit Link in which, if one of the linked units was
a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, all units linked with
that Troll would take the increased damage penalty associated with the
Berserk ability.
- Fixed an issue in which, if a unit casting a channeling spell died from
Mana Flare, the channeled spell would linger in the area permanently.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Call to Arms command not to work if you
clicked the button an EVEN number of times.
- Fixed an issue with Hero and unit ability orders in which, under certain
conditions, ability orders would not be dispatched properly, causing
"lag" or unresponsiveness.
- Fixed an issue that caused Glaive Throwers to lose damage when the
Vorpal Blades upgrade was researched.
- Anti-magic Shell cost reduced to 100 from 150, and hit points absorbed
reduced to 300 from 350.
Night Elf
- Mana Flare area-of-effect damage radius reduced to 200 from 250.
Neutral Units and Heroes
- Nerubian Webspinners now cost 200/35/3, up from 175/25/2.
- Stampede damage reduced from 80 per beast to 60 per beast.
- The Beastmaster bear's Bash ability now stuns Heroes for 1 second instead
of 2 seconds.
- Summoned Treants no longer give large gold bounties.
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.13 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.14 version of Warcraft III).
- PATCH 1.13b
- Fixed an issue related to copy protection.
We are aware of some new issues that came up with the release of the 1.13
patch. We will be releasing a 1.14 patch in the near future that addresses
some of these issues, including:
- Custom save games from version 1.12 (including those from Orc Act I)
incorrectly recognize Hero Agility, causing slow attack speeds after the
1.13 patch is applied. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- Town Portal always places your units to the lower right side of your town
hall instead of the location you clicked, as it previously did. This will
be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- If you research the Skeletal Mage upgrade, then you will no longer be able
to use the Raise Dead skill on the corpses inside a Meat Wagon. This will
be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- When a unit with Unholy Frenzy is Polymorphed or Hexed, the unit
permanently loses 75% of its attack speed. This will be fixed in the 1.14
- If an Orc player uses the spell Spirit Link, and one of the linked units is
a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, then all units linked
with that Troll will take the increased damage penalty associated with the
Berserk ability. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- If a unit casting a channeling spell dies from Mana Flare, the channeled
spell lingers in the area permanently. This will be fixed in the 1.14
- The Call to Arms command does not work if you click the button an EVEN
number of times. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
* Any other confirmed issues that we can fix in time for the release of the
1.14 patch.
Regarding balance, we are currently assessing the state of balance of 1.13
based on user feedback, online testing, and the review of replays. Although
we will make some number of balance changes in 1.14, these have yet to be
We appreciate the community's patience and support in our endeavor to further
tune the play balance, enhance the feature set, and increase the stability
of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
- Blizzard Entertainment
- PATCH 1.13
- Acts II & III, the conclusion acts to the bonus Orc campaign contained in
The Frozen Throne, are included in this patch. To play these levels, you
can simply click the "Chapter Two - Old Hatreds" link from the Bonus Campaign
screen. If you have completed Act I, your Heroes will carry over to Act II.
Otherwise, your Heroes will be default-level Heroes with basic starting items.
- Warcraft III now supports binding an email address to your account,
so that you can recover your password at a later stage, similar to the
functionality that was added to D2.
- Race selection on the scheduled game dialog (tournament finals) is now saved
for future scheduled games.
Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (2)Tirisfal Glades - Red creep camp a bit easier; lowered the level of item
drop from 7 to 5.
- (2)Glacial Thaw - Switched the start locations to face the center of the
map. Lowered the level of a few creep camps; lowered the level of a few
item drops.
- (4)Paradise Island - Creeps are less likely to aggro passing units.
- (4)Twisted Meadows - Added ground-based anti-air creep to the island. Added
some trees behind the 3 o'clock start location to prevent building NE town
hall behind the gold mine. Changed a level-4 drop from charged item to
permanent item.
- (4)Bridge Too Near - Switched start locs with the expansion gold mines.
- (4)Devil's Cauldron - Lowered the total level of 4 creep camps.
- (4)Turtle Rock - The two large turtles that are placed between player bases
each drop a better item. Removed Rune of Lesser Healing from the expansion
- (4)Floodplains 1v1 - Removed the easy creep camp outside of player's base
and moved it to the other easy creep camps further from the player's base.
- (4)Lost Temple - Adjusted creep camps and item drops.
- (4)Avalanche - Weakened the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock expansion creeps. Added
a green-sized camp in place of the orange camp.
- (6)Bloodstone Mesa - Moved expansion creep back. Removed Marketplace and
added Tavern.
- (6)Rice Fields - Changed all the randomly generated creep camps; they are a
bit easier for the user now.
- (6)Wellspring - Added more trees to the starting location and moved the
lumber a bit closer to the town hall. Removed the east and west gate from
the center and created a bit more room around the Taverns.
- (6)Stranglethorn Vale - Expansion creeps are a bit easier now.
- (6)Timbermaw Hold - Moved the bottom Dragon Roost creep closer together to
eliminate two creep icons. Moved bottom middle start location deeper into
forest to prevent the easy (green) creep camp from being nuked from start
location placement. Same change to the bottom left position. Added a tree to
the hole in the forest at the top left position to prevent units from
getting stuck when portaling home.
- (8)Friends - Changed drop item classification from 'any' level-6 items to
'charged' level-6 items.
- (8)Feralas - Removed some creep camps to help the flow of the game.
- (8)Rock Quarry - Added some trees to several start locs that needed more
lumber. Added ground-based anti-air to the center of the map.
- (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Added another 1500 gold to the starting locations.
- (8)Deathknell - Removed the center creep camp and neutral building.
- (8)Plains of Snow - Moved Teal's easy creep camp farther away to prevent
them from being nuked at the start of the game.
- (8)Garden of War - Moved Yellow's easy creep camp to prevent them from being
nuked at the start of the game.
- (8)Battleground - Moved 12 o'clock easy creep camp further away from start
location to prevent them from being nuked at the start of the game.
Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (2)Plunder Isle - Added some ground-based anti-air units to the Dragon camps;
also added some trees to the top start location.
- (4)Lost Temple - Adjusted item drop in center area. Expansion gold mines
should be a bit tougher. Each player's expansion gold mine now has one melee
creep. The Goblin Merchant camp is now tougher and has anti-air.
- Storm Bolt stun is now 5 seconds vs. units and 3 seconds vs. Heroes at all
levels. Previously, it had this level of stun at level 1, but went up 2
seconds vs. units and one second vs. Heroes each level. Additionally,
level-2 and level-3 damage are now 225 and 350, respectively.
- Militia can now only be created from a player's starting Town Hall, but they
can still be created from any of the player's Keeps or Castles.
- Blizzard is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Blizzard hits
more than 5 targets per wave.
- Scout Tower hp reduced to 300 from 500, and armor reduced to 0 from 5.
- Human towers now gain 2 armor per masonry upgrade, up from 1.
- Banish has been reworked. Previously durations were 12(5) / 24(7) / 36(9)
by level, and mana costs were 75/50/25 by level. Instead, its mana cost is
now constant at 75 mana; its cooldown decreases with level (5 / 3 / 1); and
its durations only slightly improve with level (12(4) / 15(5) / 18(6)).
- Siphon Mana maximum range reduced to 800 from 850.
- Flying Machine hit points increased to 200 from 175.
- Holy Light mana cost reduced to 65 from 75.
- Web upgrade cost increased to 150/150 from 75/75.
- Spirit Touch now restores 3 mana per casting, down from 4.
- Possession has been reworked. It is now a channelled spell with a 4 1/2
second casting duration. During this time, the target is disabled and
frozen into place, but is also invulnerable; and the Banshee takes triple
damage from all attacks. Stunning or killing the Banshee that is casting
Possession will cause the spell to abort. Additionally, the range of
Possession has been increased to 350 from 200.
- Anti-magic Shell has been redesigned. The spell now absorbs the first 350
points of spell or magic damage dealt to the target, but does not grant
magic immunity. Note that spells absorbed by AMS can still deal secondary
effects, such as stun, paralysis, or mana drain. Also the mana cost of
AMS has been re-balanced to 150.
- Troll Batrider Unstable Concoction damage reduced to 550 from 900, and
splash damage increased to 140 from 100.
- Troll Batrider damage increased to 13-15 from 11-12.
- Level-1 Spirit Wolves now move at speed 320, down from speed 350.
- Level-3 Spirit Wolves now have 500 hit points, up from 400 hit points.
- Damage sustained over Spirit Link is now never fatal. Fatal damage sustained
via Spirit Link instead reduces a unit to 1 hit point, and dispels Spirit
- Stasis Trap area of effect reduced to 400 from 500.
- Shockwave now has a damage cap of roughly 12 units affected. Note that this
limit will not typically be reached except in team games.
Night Elf
- Shadow Strike level-1 DoT damage reduced to 10 per period, down from 15.
- Detonate mana drain reduced to 50 from 100.
- Druid of the Claw caster upgrade times reduced to 25 seconds and 35 seconds
respectively, down from 45 seconds and 1 minute.
- Dryad damage increased to 17-19 from 16-18.
- Glaive Thrower damage changed from 39-50 to 36-53.
- Eating trees now heals 500 hit points over 30 seconds, up from 200
hit points over 10 seconds.
Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes
- Beastmaster Strength reduced to 22 from 25, and base armor reduced to 2 from
- Level-2 hawk hit points reduced to 450 from 625, and level-3 hawk hit points
reduced to 650 from 875.
- Breath of Fire and Drunken Haze mana costs reduced to 70 from 75.
- Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 300 from 320.
- Frost Arrows mana cost is now 10 per shot, up from 7 per shot.
- Pit Lord footprint, or collision size, has been reduced to 32 from 48. This
means that he takes up less space on the battlefield.
- Rain of Fire is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Rain of
Fire hits more than 5 targets per wave.
- Level-1 Black Arrow no longer has a cooldown, but level-1 Minion damage
reduced to 9-10 from 14-15.
- Cleave attack splash radius increased to 200 from 150.
- Dragonspawn Meddlers have been rebalanced to correctly reflect their food,
level and gold cost. They now have 370 hit points, down from 500 hit points,
and deal 12-13 damage, down from 21-25 damage.
- Mercenary Barbed Arachnathids are now available at the start of the second
day, instead of very early in the game.
- Creep Bloodlust mana cost increased to 75 from 50.
- Creeps with Faerie Fire always use the creep version of Faerie Fire now.
Additionally, creep Faerie Fire cooldown increased to 8 from 5.
- Creep Curse cooldown increased to 8 from 5.
- Thunder Lizard cost increased to 6 food from 5, and 150 lumber from
80 lumber.
- Replenishment Potion can now be sold to a shop for 75 gold, down from 200
- Sentry Wards now have 2 charges, down from
Files count:
1142.38 Mb
joebob998 (2009-01-26)
please seed.joebob998 (2009-01-26)
for everyone looking to download this, i'm fairly sure that
is the url for the same torrent with seeders. hope that works for you