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2009-09-16 (by movieFOX)
It comes on 3CDs each with different content. Read more in NFO. Btw, it’s compatible with Win7.
Description: Roxio delivers the industry’s best and easiest tools for burning CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The new, handy Roxio Burn desktop widget lets you easily drag and drop files for burning or copying right on your desktop. Edit movies and burn DVDs like a pro - even if you’re a beginner! Capture, burn and share video, even from HD camcorders. Save web video for convenient offline playback on DVD, mobile phone or iPod. Easily copy data, audio, photo or video CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Copy an entire 9 GB DVD movie onto a standard 4.7 GB DVD. Create custom DVD compilations. Convert video files for playback on a device of your choice.
Files count:
2589.44 Mb
JAYmasta (2009-09-16)
soundsoap need online activationor for serial need e-mail
so it's not cracked
movieFOX (2009-09-17)
no one said it was craked it says in nfo serials and disable updates.JAYmasta (2009-09-17)
movieFOXno one said it was craked it says in nfo serials and disable updates.
for soundsoap not enough only serial only trial version 14 days
movieFOX (2009-09-17)
ok fair enough JAYmasta as i havnt installed soundsoap.Still nice to have the rest for free tho.imsharing (2009-09-18)
so when if possible can u up s.s.? thanks for this btw :)policia12 (2009-09-21)
I cant get the serial number from the NFO file, keep getting the error, "System Information cannot open this NFO file. It might be corrupted or an unrecognized version."movieFOX (2009-09-21)
use notepad++ or damm nfo viewer to openkershaw (2009-09-21)
Anyone else get that annoying notice "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" after you install and restart? I had restarted just before installing this. So I know it wasn't anything else. Why would it be in a Roxio product?dAr3_d3vIl (2009-09-23)
Does it have bd plugin..?neways, thanks
emisaki (2009-09-28)
must also install DISC2 and DISC3 or it is enough just to Disc1?thanks
grimreaper420 (2009-10-02)
Well here it is people...thank you movieFOX!!I?ll post what I did so it may help someone out there?.
Keep in mind that not all people?s computers are gonna install this as fast as mine.
My comp specs quad 9650 oc?d 4.05ghz, 3x 280gtx oc edition tri sli?d, evga 790i ultra sli, ocz 8gb ddr3@ 1800mhz, and 3xWD 1TB hD?s. running Windows 7 Ultimate X64.
it works on Win 7 X64 im pretty sure it will work on Win 7 X32 and XP X32/X64
I started up Power ISO virtually mounted 3 .ISO drives
first one is d-131rcp
second one is d-131rcq
and third one is d-131rcr
All you have to do now is run the first ISO, insert serial and watch it install.
install times vary dependant of ur hardware configurations.
*Serial(s) is in DVTfolder open first ISO file it?s there look for it
After install you will see the icon Roxio Creator 2010 pro on ur desktop
Look in C:>Program files(x86)
Should find 3 folders:
CinemaNow (8.72mb)
Roxio (440mb)
and Roxio 2010(618mb)
Do not register, click cancel, go to tools>preferences> and uncheck whatever is obvious to you.
Enjoy :)
PESURO (2009-10-04)
Can you post de email for soundsoap activation´s?the rest of the aplications works fine
thanks a lot
osdarko (2009-10-04)
downloaded but could not find the serial. please can anyone email it ti meosdarko (2009-10-04)
I tried installing when it demanded for serial..but i cannot locate any. plz i seek your assistance....this is my email address...oskaforever@yahoo.comPESURO (2009-10-05)
prmayner (2009-10-07)
the serial in the dvt doesn't work for me what could i be doing wrong?grimreaper420 (2009-10-08)
u must be kidding me...dude copy and paste sooooo simple man.I'm not going to post the serial here...that would be dumb on my part.
sorry bro...good luck next time.
Darkave10 (2009-10-08)
thnX grimreaper u were creal as crystal! now if anyone's having troubles with DVT serial (i dont think the problem is from DVT, probably its from u!) can download the keygen from CORE group! i downloaded it from netloadedurahara1908 (2009-10-09)
does this work without windows media player 11? also, is there a way to get wmp 11 if you don't pass the windows software verification test? please let me know..archi88 (2009-10-10)
Getting low bandwith on 4MB Broadband connection, 15Kbps....Helpdishto (2009-10-10)
The main application works but I can't get the Content 2010 to show up. For example, if I try to start Creator Classic then there is a search for Creator12.exe file. It can't be found :( Can someone help??Anyway thanks for the upload!
prmayner (2009-10-10)
i did that, copy and paste , it still says the key is not valid. it starts with 3v and ends with rpxd1.prmayner (2009-10-11)
ok, got it with the key gen. thanks for all your help. new to the game, thanks againMohamedN (2009-10-11)
The amount of seeders is Great, but yet again cant figure out why exactly this torrent is so damn slow!!anyway man i really cant thank you enough for the up, really thanx a milion :)
MohamedN (2009-10-13)
I get this message when im trying to install Setup up has determined that your configuration does not support any of the included productsCAN SOMEONE PLEAASE HELP
im running windows 7 ultimate 64
Jocho (2009-10-13)
Does exactly what it says on the tin foolow the instructions from grimreaper420 in comments Many Thanks to Moviefox and grimreaper420Excellent upload
Syno7777 (2009-10-14)
hey im having a problem with activating the torrent. when i click download torrent i sends me to web seeding in publisher idk what to do help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im new at these whole torrent thinggabriel1475 (2009-10-14)
What an egomaniacle kid.....listing all the specs of him comp. Many would be ashamed of doing such things. Got to be proud of something...I guess.Liquidizer38 (2009-10-17)
Can't begin the download. Says something about "web address". Can the author fix the problem.c3321068 (2009-10-19)
Liquidizer38, you ignorant slut.dagobah (2009-10-24)
OMG... NFO is the "information file" That usually gives the lowdown on package..."System information cannot open this NFO file. It might be corrupted or an unrecognized version."
Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are!
Just starting the download for "evalutation," Thanks for the hookup movieFOX!!!!
grimreaper420 (2009-10-26)
@gabriel1475hahaha yeah im proud for sure:)
have a great day:)
dragon02uk (2009-11-04)
NICE WORKocyrus70 (2009-11-06)
good torrent moviefox for keys you can't find them don't download simple really you don't have the know how..also you need to stop roxio all communication to the web in your firewall.. i have my firewall set to manual and i have yet to see a program that never wanted Permissions to the net maybe not in the 1st few weeks but it will ask even after unticking all the setting that tell the program not to!!..jhansman (2009-11-09)
This fucking pig of a program managed to do what no other app has yet been able to, i.e., bring my 3GB quad core, 8GB RAM system to its knees. What a total piece of bloated shit. In every way, typical of what is wrong with PC apps today. Good torrent, shitty software. Back to Nero....Theendofdays2come (2009-11-17)
Works On win7 32bit no problems. easy install. Brilliant Software. Thanks movieFOX im seeding.passdone (2009-11-18)
Hi I have a problem with the instalation, it stops in installing Microsoft .Net 3.5 SP1 and there's no progress after that.Any idea why?
My OS is Windows 7
batman714807 (2009-11-23)
hey there guys i'm having some problems with the program. the thing is that when i install it everything goes well but some of the futures of the program wor ans some don't such as the "creat dvd" function and every time i try to open it, it is says "error ca not find skin"? even though the when i go to the program folder in my "c drive" the programs are clearly there but for some reason can't seem to acess them. this same error has happened with other downloads be there the 2009 or 2010 version it's always the system is vista 64-bit but i don't think thats the reason because the instalation when fine it's only that one part that bothers me can anyone help me with this problem also the other two cds what exactly are they cause on of hem has the other 3 programs and the other says extra content do you have to install them and? if you do what do they do
miller126 (2009-11-24)
done everything as grimreaper 420 said...... after reboot pc would not start all the way back up... why??? i don't know ??????????? i have W7 32bit... i done a back up to get pc back onmiller126 (2009-11-25)
i done what he said and everything installed just fine........... and everything went fine.......... till i restarted my pc...........saint4eva (2009-11-30)
Hey movie fox thanks very much for this break-through software you uploaded. remain blessed and keep doing yah good deeds.saint4eva
saint4eva (2009-11-30)
hey Quintos-torrent you can use a DVD disc (one) since is 4.7GB and the total size of this software is 2.53GB.saint4eva (2009-11-30)
For those asking of serial key for Roxio Creato Pro 2010, you can use this:3V-CV6N2-47J0S-RPXD1.
it works perfectly.
Kudos to you movie fox
ashwin11 (2009-12-01)
Work for my but i didn't have to put any key i hope it don't matterashwin11 (2009-12-01)
and movieFOX great upload works on my 1.73 ghz pros and 1gb intern with windows 7 ultimate 32-bitand on my 5ghz pros and 8g intern with windows 7 ultimate 64-bit
So it works on both
Shadooky (2009-12-01)
good torrent, thankyou. For those of you having trouble, read the instructions on page 1 of the comments But i noticed there arn't many instructions for how to use virtual drives. To mount the virtual drive ( i use magicISO, its freeware so i recommend getting it), run magicISO then right click the icon in the task bar, click create drives (3 disks, so use 3) then after creating them, right click magicISO again and click mount drives, find the first file mount it and install. Then do the same for mounting the next three( do everything but create new drives, all you need to do is the mounting process)miller126 (2009-12-05)
great!!!!!!!! i finally got this to work....... my problem was that i had never used power iso b4.... once i figured it out........ well lets just say that i now have the "BEST" media burning software on the market...(as far as I'm Concerned) Thank you soooooo much movieFOX....... and I wanna send a big thanks out to the "GRIMREAPER" as well....ROXIO 2010 is so much better than 2009... i really didn't wanna change over to 2010 but i had to because i just upgraded my XP Machine to Windows 7 and ROXIO 2009 wasn't compatible.. but i knew what kind of program it was and i was not gonna stop trying until i got it back on my PC............
guruPirate (2009-12-08)
fantastic goods, have a great 2010 u excellent
the first Roxio update is ok. disabled automatic updates inside Roxio immediately after Restart... use Tools-->Preferences. uncheck the obvious.
fellas, usually the first one gets by un-noticed. i've done it plenty times with no problemos.
for other programs use EDIT-->Preferences, shut off auto updates, click ok,
tip for all mankind: follow Darkave10's cab driver.
having the keygen by CORE makes gettin' updates a phantom spectator. if they shut ya down, generate another code...the updates still exist bc they're downloaded on your HD
HeadlessFrog (2009-12-10)
Hey please help im having a bit of a problem im using windows 7 and its not doin anything when i tell it to convert i suspect its because windows is telling me that a driver for it has been disabled due to it causing conflict with the other drives i thought 2010 was compatible i however did have 2009 easycd/dvd installed first and i had the same thing with that although it did work anyway im wondering if theres anything i can do about this thx.Hatman53 (2009-12-10)
Serieal # doesn't work for me either. Running Win 7. How do i get the keygen that was mentioned in an earlier post?cstx05 (2009-12-13)
Works great, no problems. Muchas gracias!!!ronnie138 (2009-12-15)
i have to say thanks but i done everythin right no come to actually try it i click icon nothin works but lightzone and sonicfire work but not roxio pro and im usin windows 7 ultimate can someone helppatrickdk (2009-12-15)
what are the languages for this software, does this one include dutch??greetings
cr250msr (2009-12-18)
I've had a really difficult time installing the app once I downloaded so I thought I would help out those in need. I'm running XP and have had a lot of conflicts that others (people who purchased the software) have run into but the program still works.1. Download file
1.5 Before installing anything you should update your Windows Media Player to WMP 11. I had issues with this later on.
2. Download MagicISO (skip steps if you know how to use Virtual Drives like Power ISO or MagiceISO)
- Start MagicDisc or other Virtual mounting software
- In you task bar right click MagicISO, Set Number of Drives to 3
- Virtual CD/DVD, Mount Disc one d-131rcp, Repeat for Disc two and three
- The installation should start when you mount the first disc, If not go access the virtual disc one and double click.
3. Enter in the serial number 3V-CV6N2-47J0S-RPXD1. It worked as of 12/17/09.
5. Restart cpu and start the Roxio. Skip the Registration there is no need for it. (This is where I ran in to problems. If people have solutions for them I would love the help.) First block Roxio from calling home. Go to preferences or settings in the bottom left hand corner and uncheck the obvious. Then I blocked Roxio or any of the affiliates from accessing the Internet using Norton Internet Security. Click NIS, Network -> Settings -> Smart Firewall -> Program Control. Block all ?free? software here so it won?t phone home.
6. I had 3 Error Messages that kept popping up. The errors started from indivdrm.exe, dwwin.exe and ehrecvr.exe. The first two stopped popping up after I did the following: Start -> Run -> type msconfig -> Start Up tab -> unchecked anything that has to do with Roxio or those error messages. The last error message I still can?t figure out how to prevent it from popping up. Google hasn?t help a lot either with answers other than other people were having the same issues that I am.
7. After that the program works great. I?ve been d/l movies to DVD, Copied DVDs, burned CDs, etc.
By no means am I an expert so for what is worth. If anyone else can resolve the issues once the program is installed that would be cool.
-]ViRUS[- (2009-12-19)
will Daemon Tools work to mount the .iso?06jpearce (2009-12-19)
Hi,Whats The Product Key Thanks
llprodz (2009-12-23)
Disc 2 & 3 work beautifully, but disk one gives me an error message:Setup has determined that your config does not
support any of the included products. Could someone please let me know what to do from here.running vista sp2
bits_bytes (2009-12-24)
It seems to have installed. I followed the guidelines above by cr250msr.But, when I go to run an app from the launch screen it says "No Permissions to Launch Application".
Sounds like it won't activate unless you register.
qosmio2008 (2009-12-24)
Thanx a million FOX, great upload........Anyone know how to burn it to a DVD? so you can install it from it, not throw magic iso?
Thanx in advance.......
bits_bytes (2009-12-24)
gosmio2008 .... you just need software that wil write ISOs to the CD. This software will do it, but of course you need it installed and activated to do that ;-) .It would be interesting to know how anyone is getting this activated.
aripe (2009-12-25)
tranks!!!!cwgate (2009-12-27)
Disc 1 is Roxio Creator Pro. If thats all you need then jus burn that ISO to a DVD and run setup from it. Imgburn is good for this. Serial No works ok but watch the Os (zeros) and os (ows) dont mistake.Works on Win 7 64 bit AMD cpu
cwgate (2009-12-27)
As noted, Disc 3, BIAS Soundsoap requires original EMAIL address as well as Serial number to activate. Creator works without it though.Boogurz (2010-01-04)
This thing is a pain in the ass! EVERY time I launch it, I keep having Windows trying to configure it and then requiring a restart, only to go through it all over again the moment I relaunch this program.AND, you can't even run the features on it. I tried to launch something as simple as "Edit Video", and I get a popup error message saying that it was unable to load skin.
This thing is a f'ing nightmare!
Maniakis143 (2010-01-05)
I upgrade my vista to W7 from TPB, download this Roxio and other program that I need like Sony Vegas 9 and other stuff, it's more than a month and never had a problem....thx moviefoxJoshy13588 (2010-01-06)
got serials using note pad mounted n installed, perfectly nice 1arkimede (2010-01-10)
Hi, is this multilanguage ? Many Thank'sbigswoopmcgee (2010-01-21)
ok, so i usually dont have a problem installing any of these apps but with this one i have one question.... i got everything installed and working the only question i have is about soundsoap, i found the serial but you need an email to activate, i cant seem to find the e-mail address anywhere, where should i look?tenchi88 (2010-01-21)
@vloblu: WHAT?? I dont mean to sound like a Dick or anything but most people wont understand that. But sweet upload, thanx a-lotbigdavep74 (2010-01-23)
Thanks so much for this up.I'm having issues with this install though. The install goes ok, but when I go to run ANY app within 2010 pro I get an error message, "No permissions to run application".
Anyone else having this issue...better yet, any solutions?
Thanks loads!
100bugs (2010-01-24)
I had no problem installing disc 1 (vista sp2) and everything seems working fine.I didn't look deeply into each prog so i can not really tell how powerfull they are.
However, my first feeling is:
Many applications but not as powerfull as expected.
wntrwlf (2010-02-07)
I cant get this to work right. First install.. nothing... second install.. well kinda worked..third install.. worked, but cant burn DVDs.. am I missing a step here someplace?wntrwlf (2010-02-07)
Installed 6 times now. Still no option to burn DVDs. Friend installed it no issues what so ever. Both are running WIN7 Ultimate....any suggestions? Its prob easy as all get out, just missing it. Thanksbeserke121 (2010-02-07)
Um, wat email address do I put into the Soundsoap authorization? I put in the serial, entered a random email and it said "this serial number may have been authorized or deauthorized already, or a different email address has already been assigned to this serial number!". So either this serial has been blacklisted or I need the right email address.savva (2010-02-09)
i keep gettin the error messgae your system has not been modified.any help on how i can fix thisrnnr (2010-02-15)
Works fine on Windows 7!! Thanks movieFOX!beserke121 (2010-02-24)
Can someone plz upload Arcsoft Media Converter 4?pseyeco (2010-03-06)
AWESEOME WORKS PERFECTLY ON WINDOWS 7 64 BIT!!packed full of awesome features and a sweet UI!
( disable updates in tools/preferances! )
soricozaurus (2010-03-10)
I like more then Nero!!!Excelent
letstorrent (2010-03-12)
Clean d/l // Good job. Works great.maizie (2010-03-16)
excellent works great on win7 32bit thanks for a great download... but can't see the point in installing disc 2 and 3 ??Stefenatefun (2010-04-18)
This is by far the fastest torrent this size that I have ever seen, and the program works so great, my band will seed this torrent foreverKaiScar (2010-04-20)
I keep getting "No permissions to run application" every time I try to run an app. Any ideas?Bebras2 (2010-04-25)
ThanksReissmeister (2010-05-13)
Burned ISO no problem but when I try to run I get error: Config does not support any included products. Crap crap and more crap. Tried install 4xviper628 (2010-06-10)
i downloaded, used the thing from the first disc only and was able to get the burning program. What is in the 2-3 discs?Good download btw.
ocyrus70 (2010-06-11)
movieFOX nice upload thankyou, but has anyone got an upload of roxio sp1 for this software!!..existoo (2010-06-23)
Nice and easy torrent. TY movieFOXJust wanted to know if you could update?
LH-TAIMI (2010-06-30)
Works, Thnx :)xianggang2010 (2010-07-05)
"No permissions to launch" error when attempting to run Creator 2010 applicationsKnowledgebase Article : 000243CR
When trying to start applications in Creator 2010, the following error message appears:
No permission to launch
1. Close any Roxio applications currentely running.
2. Delete the following folders depending on your operating system:
Windows 7 or Vista: C:\ProgramData\Sonic\
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sonic\
3. Relaunch your Roxio software.
If the above doesn't resolve the issue, then you will need to perform a clean install of your Roxio software:
Rocco9999 (2010-07-13)
I only downloaded the first DVD and it worked.Rocco9999 (2010-07-13)
I downloaded the first DVD and it worked.torrent143 (2010-08-26)
Works great on Win 7 64bit! Great Torrent MovieFOX!Cheers!
twenty-four (2010-08-31)
THXLOGIX (2010-09-05)
installation goes ok everything installs correctly no errors. after restarting the computer and running the roxio only a few of the application from the menus work!!!! I'm guessing there is something conflicting with roxio or the download is bad ive tried installing and re-installing it but nothing worksso it might or might not work for you!
windows XP professional 32bit