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answer to the islam hadith question - THE FLY WINGS mystert - i






answer to the islam hadith question - THE FLY WINGS mystert - i




2011-08-30 (by Anonymous)


answer to the Islam hadith question - THE FLY WINGS - Islam and science related.doc most of these Americans have claimed about the question saying that it is funny and false ....plz read the doc. and keep your's mouth shut .... {reference given below document } this shows that the holy book being 1400 yrs old has all science related facts ....which can never be man written and is truly the god's word ... just think 100000 times before u take any against Islam .. wish u luck for all Americans to their future HELL due to their : 1.pornographic character : parents fuck in front of camera (anauzubillah) 2.pork 3.alcohol even if they are strictly prohibited in bible and science eid mubarak all..


  1. islam
  2. isalm and science

Files count:



116.50 Kb




sarsapil (2011-08-30)

And how about the sura about the sun sinking at night in a pool of water ??!!! :-)

amouly (2011-08-30)

you kidding me?islam has & always had all of it,,
most of the gadgets you use around Mohammad
invented them,,he did the computers(both Mac &
sonic jets,cars,turbines ,everythings,,mohammad was an industrialist by trade,he had the largest sientific research lab inside the cave,,just he forgot to invent the camcorder to take a few shots for the future children of allah for the sake of argument.even he had the cure for cancer ,sar & aids,,acually he invented a few bacteria & viruses himself ,trus me all by his own holy hands.

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

it seems u dont want to talk any gu about islam ...and about my quote to :
1.pornographic character : parents fuck in front of camera (anauzubillah)
even if they are strictly prohibited in bible and science
answer it ....
its a shame spot on Christianity

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

and amouly is just a stupid gay .....

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

and most of all such quesions are answered on the net
u all people just don't want their answers{ u just paste them from ant bloody senseless website } but ...want to blame Islam ....
actually u r preparing for u r future HELL

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

rust gold mind on u r comments ...
ass hole Christians

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

rust gold study the downloaded file and its reference well...all u say is rubbish useless website content
and answer my strong quote:
1.pornographic character : parents fuck in front of camera (anauzubillah)
even if they are strictly prohibited in bible and science
answer it dude if u are 1 fathers child
answer .. i challange .....

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

sarpasil hear the answer ......seems taht u just want to blame islam and u do not search well on google :

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

study well before u blame
study well before u blame

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

excuse me rust gold ....
i belive in modern scince too..
i ju st want to say u that this 1400 yrs old bool has real and scintific facts ,...which were impossible fmr a man to write ....hence it is a gods word ...and no verse can be wrong ...just i want to say that ..thats my aim
i 2 belive in modern scince ...
i think now u can understand me and islam ...
but still u havent answered my quote will i did ...
don think u have the answer .....hahah LOL

sid4321 (2011-08-30)

sarpasil here it is :
Yusuf Ali Translation:
[018:086] Until, when he reached (بلغ) the setting of the sun, he found it (وجدها) set in a spring of murky water (تغرب في عين): Near it (the water) he found (ووجد عندها) a People: We said: "O Dhul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."
[018:090] Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection shade against from under the sun (لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر).
I colored them so that it would be easier for you to locate them and to follow through.
Now while below we will find ample detailed analysis that I've provided from Arabic, but the following points are very important to keep in mind:
1- The Arabic word balagha بلغ (reached) is discussed in great details in this article below. This Noble Word is key because it is used for time determination. Below, I've proven with many Noble Verses and proofs that balagha بلغ (reached) indisputably means he reached the time of sunset.

2- In the Glorious Quran, wajada وجد (found) has multiple meanings, which among them is "to see" or "saw", as the Noble Verses, below, clearly and indisputably reveal. Wajada وجد here means that the sun disappeared from Dhul-Qarnayn's naked eye, especially since the neighborhood was mountainous (18:93). As Dhul-Qarnayn was looking at the sun, he saw it disappearing inside or behind a murky body/pond/lake/sea of dark/murky water. And of course, as I mentioned below, if the sun were to literally set inside a pool of water, then it would have to rise back again from that location and set into another body of water, which the Glorious Quran makes no mention of, and then rise back again from that body of water and set again in Dhul-Qarnayn's body of water, and so on. This never happened, and nor did the Glorious Quran mention it. The sun simply does not bounce back and forth between the east and the west on earth, and nor does the moon. The Noble Verses also do not say that the Dhul-Qarnayn went to the east or the west of the earth. No east nor west were mentioned in any of the Noble Verses, and as I mentioned below, neither does the Glorious Quran mention that there are ends of the earth. On the contrary, the Glorious Quran, as I also mentioned below, clearly and indisputably Declares that the earth is Spherical, Round, is Suspended and orbiting in Space, and is rotating around its own axle. See the ample Noble Verses and ample Arabic Analysis for the proofs, in the link.

jjaworsk (2011-08-31)

Just saw the new film 'Planet of the Apes', and a thought occurred to me, would that be the future in an Islamic world ???

amouly (2011-08-31)

Let's be honest here,,Islam is a backward religion,,it promotes violence,,women and children are subject to abuse and they have no rights in Islam,,in fact women are second class citizens,,Islam is against animals,,environment,nature(Islamic countries all deserts) and educations unless it is a Quranic educations.Islam promotes terror,cheating & looting specially when the victim is not a Muslim..Islam suggests killing whenever it is necessary or the other party argues against Islamic primitive teachings,remember Salman Rushdie when they put a price on his head.the word assassin has a root in the word hashashins which were Muslim murderers in Alamut controlled by Hassan Sabah.In conclusion Islam is a bad imitation of the Jewish faith.

Heave__Ho (2011-08-31)

What I would suspect from a scientific illiterate such as the OP.

ramikaz (2011-08-31)

Always the same lies and fake "quotes" from the jew; the queers; and the retards.
Thanks for the upload, please SEED!

sid4321 (2011-08-31)

here the truth :
prohobited - bible ,, islam ..scince ,,,
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the
consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
"And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud;
he is unclean to you".
"Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you."
[Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you.
Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass."
[Deuteronomy 14:8]
A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and
science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person
can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most
dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in
the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost
all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart
it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can
cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is
that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was
found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked
the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets
deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that
over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It
is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have
modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and
hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No
matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their
own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites
its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after
dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will
sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We Indians look upon America
to be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years.
According to an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become
common in the affluent circles of Bombay.
Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost
countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is
the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates,
increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world
bear mute testimony to the destructive powe

sid4321 (2011-08-31)

here the truth :
prohobited - bible ,, islam ..scince ,,,
( refer
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the
consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
"And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud;
he is unclean to you".
"Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you."
[Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you.
Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass."
[Deuteronomy 14:8]
A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and
science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person
can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most
dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in
the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost
all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart
it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can
cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is
that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was
found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked
the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets
deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that
over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It
is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have
modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and
hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No
matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their
own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites
its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after
dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will
sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We Indians look upon America
to be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years.
According to an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become
common in the affluent circles of Bombay.
Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost
countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is
the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates,
increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world
bear mute testimony to the destruct

sid4321 (2011-08-31)

1. Prohibition of alcohol in the Qur’an
The Glorious Qur’an prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verse:
"O ye who believe!
Intoxicants and Gambling,
(Dedication of) stones,
And (divination by) arrows,
Are an Abomination –
Of Satan’s handiwork;
Eschew such (abomination),
That ye may prosper."
[Al-Qur’an 5:90]
2. Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible
The Bible prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verses:
a. "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not
[Proverbs 20:1]
b. "And be not drunk with wine."
[Ephesians 5:18]
3. Alcohol inhibits the inhibitory centre
The human beings possess an inhibitory centre in their brains. This inhibitory centre prevents
the person from doing things that he considers wrong. For instance a person does not
normally use abusive language while addressing his parents or elders. If he has to answer the
call of nature, his inhibitory centre will prevent him from doing so in public. Therefore he uses
the toilet.
When a person consumes alcohol, the inhibitory centre itself is inhibited. That is precisely the
reason that an inebriated person is often found to be indulging in behaviour that is completely
uncharacteristic of him. For instance the intoxicated person is found to use abusive and foul
language and does not realize his mistake even if he is addressing his parents. Many even
urinate in their clothes. Neither do they talk nor walk properly. They even misbehave.
4. Cases of adultery, rape, incest and AIDS are found more among alcoholics
According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice (U.S. Department of
Justice) in the year 1996 alone everyday on an average 2,713 rapes took place. The statistics
tell us that the majority of the rapists, were intoxicated while committing the crime. The same
is true in cases of molestation.
According to statistics, 8% of Americans commit incest i.e. one in every twelve to thirteen
persons in America is involved in incest. Almost all the cases of incest are due to intoxication
of one or both the persons involved.
One of the major factors associated with the spread of AIDS, the most dreaded disease, is
5. Every alcoholic was initially a social drinker
Many may argue in favour of liquor by calling themselves ‘social drinkers’. They claim that
they only have one or two pegs and they have self-control and so never get intoxicated.
Investigations reveal that every alcoholic started as a social drinker. Not a single alcoholic or
drunkard initially starts drinking with the intention of becoming an alcoholic or a drunkard. No
social drinker can say that I have been having alcohol for several years and that I have so
much self-control that I have never been intoxicated even a single time.
6. If a person is intoxicated just once and commits something shameful, it will remain
with him for a lifetime.
Suppose a ‘social drinker’ loses his self-control just once. In a state of intoxication he commits
rape or incest. Even if the act is later regretted, a normal human being is likely to carry the
guilt throughout his life. Both the perpetrator and the victim are irreparably and irreversibly
7. Alcohol is prohibited in the Hadith
The Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
a. In Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3371.
"Alcohol is the mother of all evils and it is the most shameful of evils."
b. In Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3392
"Anything which intoxicates in a large quantity, is prohibited even in a small quantity."
Thus there is no excuse for a nip or a tot.
c. Not only those who drink alcohol are cursed but also those who deal with them
directly or indirectly are cursed by Allah.
According to Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith
No. 3380.
It was reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), that Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) said:
"God’s curse falls

sid4321 (2011-08-31)

How old are you? I'm asking because by looking at your comment you seem like someone who doesn't even understand how arguments work. You quoted about fasting being prescribed upon muslims and then instead to counter that claim you give another quote that doesn't have anything to do with fasting?!?
Looking at this you seem to have problems with simple concepts as argument and counter-argument.
All those verses have following verses which you didn't added here. I wonder why. Maybe because they say that it's not allowed to kill innocents and not fight those that do not wish to fight you? I know those verses and you couldn't have seen one verse and failed to see the next one or two. That tells me you have a mind poisoned to attack islam with lies and distortion of truth.
Third, war is of course allowed to muslims to defend themselves. What religion are you? Or nation? Are you saying your country doesn't have an army? That your army never killed? Most probably you belong to a religion that has it's armies spread all across the world killing innocent people as we speak. And you have a nerve to point fingers at islam?
Islam is a greatest growing religion on Earth by converts. All these attacks against islam just make people who never heard of it to see what's it's all about. So go on ahead. With you ignorance and distortion of truth, that even a child can find out if it reads a few verses on it's own instead of finding them on pathetic hate sites, you actually are doing islam a good promotion.
Those dumb enough to believe you aren't really wanted anyway.
rust gold - a stuppid , idiot , young boy who never reads these torrent books by me and waselnaser as well ......ans just tries to blame islam .....accept islam and know it porperly ...u will nver fell i single mistake in it ...
and about my quote ..about porn , pork , alcohol i gave the proof to form bible+quraan+scince .....i think u r shamfull know ...and have nothing more to say

boilingmadness (2011-08-31)

Thanks for the upload bro. Eid Mubarak!

4files (2011-08-31)

I encourage all you that follow Islam to dip flies in your drink several times a day in fact get your wives to do so also not your kids they don't deserve to die from disease you however have fun prove us wrong launch a campaign of fly dipping to prove Islam is correct just don't ask us for medical help O.K.

sid4321 (2011-08-31)

u kafirs will never try to understand :
MY AIM IS TO TELL THAT THE HADITH IS NOT FLASE AS U SAY IT TO BE >>....bu t is scintifically correct ...and i do not mean that every time u dip the fly in this 21 century ..
plz answer who can be such scintific facts be written in a 1400 yr old book ? isnt it a miracle ......or u think that all 800 proved scintific verses are just coincidently written ?
ISLAM A++++ in scince ....after ths i cant conveince u ...
those who allah gides can never be misguided
and those who allah ignores can never be guided again ( like u all )
plz try to understand and be not that young boys who every time want to say " i am correct , rest all is wrong "
learn life my boy

4files (2011-08-31)

Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC)
The Romans became practised at draining marshes to rid areas of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Julius Caesar drained the Codetan Swamp and planted a forest in its place.
Maybe they learned about various diseases caused by and transmitted by insects etc. from the Greeks just like the Romans did centuries before your nonsense was written they figured it out by science or do you think the Greeks and Romans got word from God to.

sid4321 (2011-09-01)

@ rust gold i said u never read tor. books like zakir naiks answers it is
Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them ‘Kafirs’?
‘ Kafir’ means one who rejects.
‘Kafir’ is derived from the word ‘kufr’, which means to conceal or to reject. In Islamic
terminology, ‘Kafir’ means one who conceals or rejects the truth of Islam and a person who
rejects Islam is in English called a ‘non-Muslim’.
If non-Muslims are hurt - they should accept Islam.
If any non-Muslim considers the word ‘Kafir’ i.e. ‘non-Muslim’ as an abuse, he may choose to
accept Islam and then we will stop referring to him as or call him a kafir i.e. a non-Muslim.

sid4321 (2011-09-01)

download the book
Islam and science by brother waselnesser and try to understand its miracle ....

sid4321 (2011-09-01)

@kimm see on you tube : zkir naiks -
isalm and science 1/15
also see Islam and Christianity
Islam and terrorism
PLZ GIVE ME THE ANSWER ...i am dying to see what u answer : why do u allow
1.pornographic character : parents fuck in front of camera (anauzubillah)
even if they are strictly prohibited in bible and science

4files (2011-09-02)

PLZ GIVE ME THE ANSWER ...i am dying to see what u answer : why do u allow
1.pornographic character : parents fuck in front of camera (anauzubillah)
Because a lot of would prefer pornographic images to Islam allowing pedophiles and rapists not to mention Islam not only allowing but encouraging slavery and the rape of female slaves
Please check this site so that you are not so misinformed about what the Bible says about eating pork

These sites will correct misinformation you have about alcholol in the bible and science

Please try to come out of the Dark ages of ignorance.

sid4321 (2011-09-04)

@ 4 files ...u lose baby ....even if u say the false in the different way ....truth will remain truth :
what u said was a shit ...about the red wine ...ass hole

sid4321 (2011-09-04)

see what bible says about porn also :

u will fell shame ...
and bible says to prevent this ....shame in the womens should be brought up ....and the should cover their body,beauty like ISLAM PRACTICES
truth is on our side