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Paul Stewart And Chris Riddell\\\\\\\'s Edge Chronicles+Extras










2011-09-25 (by JoshAtWar)


This is a collection of 10 of the Edge Chronicles books, written by Paul Stewart and illustrated by Chris Riddell. Don\\\'t take the fact that it is illustrated to mean that it\\\'s a book for illiterates.. The illustrations are quite sparse throughout the book, but they are excellent sketches and really add to the story as a whole, helping you picture the authors creations. I first read these when I was about 14/15. I\\\'d say anyone 18 and under, down to about 10 or 11, depending on reading ability, would be at a suitable age for these. They can of course be read by anyone older than that as well. Or younger, if they\\\'re bright. They were point blank, the best books that I have ever read, with few others coming close (maybe the northern lights, subtle knife and amber spyglass books). They are -easily- better than Harry Potter or anything by Terry Pratchett, and I would wholeheartedly recommend them. Do not let yourself be fooled by the bright coloured pictures and light hearted narrative ... They are *those* kind of books. The ones where you sit in shock for about 15 minutes re-reading the same page until you\\\'ve got over what just happened - like, remember that bit at the end of the amber spyglass?? There are 3 parts in the books that are equally as bad as that :\\\'( :\\\'( :\\\'(. (and that\\\'s just from memory, its been 6 years since I read these. Seriously, it\\\'s stayed with me haha If you are female, you\\\'re probably going to cry. Just a heads up :) This is the order: The Curse of the Gloamglozer (2001) The Winter Knights (2005) Clash of the Sky Galleons (2006) (The Quint trilogy) Beyond the Deepwoods (1998) Stormchaser (1999) Midnight Over Sanctaphrax (2000) (The Twig Trilogy) The Last of the Sky Pirates (2002) Vox (2003) Freeglader (2004) (The Rook Trilogy) BEARING IN MIND that I actually read \\\'Beyond the Deepwoods\\\' first. I\\\'m really glad I did actually =\\\\ you might want to move that one to the top. While it doesn\\\'t strictly follow the chronology, it gives a good grounding of knowledge about the edge and its inhabitants. But it means you\\\'re gonna have to read about the banderbear. Oh banderbear :( ♥ THEN read The Immortals (2009) as it supposedly concludes all 3 trilogies. I have not yet read it *suspense*. There is also a book of maps for the Edge... However there are enough illustrations in the books to render that a bit redundant... The are other, standalone books, not included in this torrent, that I have not read either, but that is because I did not know they existed back when I read these :( they are called \\\"Cloud Wolf\\\" and \\\"The Stone Pilot\\\". If I find them as an ebook, I will surely upload them for anyone who wants it. As you can probably tell, I love these books and will be seeding 24/7 so that other people can as well. Don\\\'t let anyone you know miss these :) It\\\'s better to read them when younger, but don\\\'t let that stop you. I\\\'d actually recommend BUYING these as well for the best experience :P I\\\'ll even make it easy for you. Start there. haha :P


  1. paul
  2. stewart
  3. paul stewart
  4. chris riddell
  5. chris
  6. riddell
  7. edge chronicles
  8. edge
  9. good book
  10. good books
  11. good series
  12. beyond the deepwoods
  13. over sanctaphrax
  14. cloud wold
  15. clash of the sky galleons
  16. curse of the gloa

Files count:



142.57 Mb




0j0g (2011-10-26)

Can somebody seed please!!!

darkdragon0493 (2012-08-03)

So, I see an exceptionally large amount of people stuck at 92.9%... I'm guessing that's all that I'm going to get? Can anyone re-upload this please?

darkdragon0493 (2012-08-03)

Yep, stuck at 92.9%. Well, time to play the waiting game.

funkshitup33 (2013-01-11)

C'mon, everybody is stuck at 92.9%! We need a seeder or two so we can reestablish our youthful happiness...

dhsviking (2013-02-02)

92.9% myself. Hopefully someone will finish seeding soon.

twisteq (2014-08-22)

Still stuck at 92.9% as of 08/2014. Midnight Over Sanctaphrax is the only file which is complete.