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AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English
AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English
2009-05-21 (by rubengarciajr)
AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English
NOTE: You can also download the keygen
instead of replacing the DLL file.
Files count:
1290.50 Mb
vojax (2009-11-29)
Ah, at last - a release that works as is should. Thanks, you rock!mrtnw (2009-12-03)
Trojan. :(andreasmetal (2010-01-05)
please an activation code?thank you
traylorre (2010-01-25)
Anyone got this to work with Windows 7?I can't. Autodesk announced support for Win7 in their 2010 line of products in Oct 2009. I am guessing that this release is prior to 2009 then?
I have tried running "AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English.exe." in compatibility mode for various versions without success. Since this .exe is merely an unpacker, I tried running the unpacked "setup.exe" in compatibility, but still no dice.
Any advice? Thanks!
5cott171 (2010-01-25)
quite new at this sort of thing too. anyway of helping me activate the full version so im not stuck with the demo that is soon to expire.achaudha (2010-02-03)
I tried using it but am getting an error that says not an authorized user! Any help?? Also i copied the adlmint.dll from the readme you think that messed it up?magikx55 (2010-02-22)
the Keygen is virus look at the
Robzzon68 (2010-02-24)
For all you trying to install this program on Windows 7 - dont do it. Its not compatible with windows 7. Only with Windows XP & Windows Vistadededo666 (2010-03-05)
im new to this and i carnt work out how to down load it. do i need a seeder first?11western (2010-03-05)
Please explain how to change out the dll file. I went into adlmint and deleted it then pasted this one here and it wouldn't take. checked the props and it's not a read only file or anything, even check the driver hosts like I did for illustrator but didn't see anything.any ideas?
"dede" if this is your first d/l then you might not know that you need to d/l a client. a lot of people use "utorrent" make sure u have an ip blocker " peerblock "is a good one, and encrypt.
11western (2010-03-05)
ps: after d/l it's nice to keep utorrent running for awhile to help with the seeding. good luck11western (2010-03-06)
why is it saying that the dll file is not for windows? since noones on this one think I'll just delete it and d/l a different copy.Scotthanky (2010-03-14)
Can anyone help me with a serial number and activation code please?irontowngeek (2010-06-20)
I did not have a problem with it.I installed AutoCad in a VM,and used a key-gen.
If anyone wants to "replace" a *.dll,use the program "replacer",found on many Windows themes sites.
Works better than trying to manually replace the DLL.
As a note "peerblock" is an ACL program.(access control list).
If you truly want to "hide,use ProxyARP in your router,or firewall program,if offered.
I use LINUX,so this is no problem.
nirgoen (2010-09-22)
Many ThanksBesman87 (2010-10-07)
From what I've seen and experienced, this program works great. However, there is one confusing thing about this that may help everyone if it is clarified. After installation, the program is actually in two locations: the default (C:\autodesk...) and also in program files (as autocad 2010). The program files folder is where you need to put the adlmint.dll file. Hope this helps and happy torrenting. :)bobekucor (2010-10-11)
this works on win7 32bit without any issues. thanks!primoz84 (2010-10-12)
Thank you Besman87fAhd_mOLco (2010-10-23)
Lalala!!! Tnx ; )trojani1982 (2010-10-29)
thank you , it works finetrojani1982 (2010-10-29)
it work for me in W7 ultimate 32-bitsokomania (2010-11-03)
seed!!! please :)TenFrogs (2010-11-13)
Works on Windows 7 32 bit. The .dll patch did not work, but I followed the link to the keygen and used it. It was a bit tricky, and I had to go to the Autodesk website to get the product key number for AutoCAD. (the two mentioned in the keygen readme will not work)sherin_kh (2010-12-01)
Thanks....It works perfectly. No trojans no errorsEnvy9o9 (2010-12-08)
Alright, So I'm having some trouble with Autocad2010, I have a trial version. It's 32-bit. So I downloaded the keygen, used the request code and I get a code. When I try to type it in and press OK it says it's not correct (I've tried this with multiple ones.When I click the "Type the activation code" option it shows that I'm missing 2 boxes (Or 4 numbers).
Help please?
Hovey (2011-01-25)
Works perfect, just followed the instructions (Win 7 32 bit). Thank you very much.rajan016 (2011-02-04)
skriv in 000-000000det va en kille som visa mig på you tu be
SÖK: Como Instalar AutoCAD 2010
kolla noga på vad han skriver in när han installerar jag är glad att det funka här hemma liger lite efter i plugge
shelbyz (2011-02-16)
omg do NOT install!NgZeng (2011-05-04)
When I finish extracting the AutoCad it throw me a Error saying"Some installations files are corrupt.
Please download a fresh copy and retry the installation."
Why D:
I downloaded clean, no problems, and it throws me that error
Windows 7 Ultimate x86/32 Bits
Please Help
pree1011 (2011-08-10)
Works like charms......just follow the "read me" instruction.Thanks so very much...!!!!!
pik0lina (2011-08-10)
Already installed and working perfectly. Thx 4 the download. Im using Win7 32b, and followed the instructions according the Read Me file. Serial key 000-00000, and the replacement of the adlmin.dll file, and that's it. Never had the AutoCad installed, so I cant say much if it works with trial versions previously installed. Maybe the best way is uninstall whatever you had and install this one. Works just fine, no errors during installation, really gr8! :)longms (2011-08-29)
where is the dll file that i need to copy to replace installed one?longms (2011-08-29)
Found it I am just dumbLaith_88 (2011-09-05)
Followed the readme and it works great. Thanks.english.teacher (2011-09-10)
I initially had the same trouble activating the account, but after reading the reviews and trying a few things I came up with this: 1. Uninstall autocad. 2. turn off the internet. 3. run setup and install w serial code in "read me" 4. copy the .dll file as per "read me" instructions. 5. replace said .dll file in the "autoCAD 2010" file under your PROGRAM FILES. 6. AutoCAD works for me. I hope this helps others.winderred (2011-09-28)
goodS-E-A-G-A-T-E-S (2011-10-26)
SEEDING...alfmql (2011-11-09)
it works just fine!I just needed it so much
thx :)
Johnnyeinstein (2011-11-26)
PLEASE HELP! There's no file in the directory to replace. When I paste the file in the directory, it just paste, instead of replacing. What do I do?superus3r (2011-12-21)
Clean!!! No viruses found after a battery of scans.DO NOT TRUST ANY TROJANS
It could be as simple as some jack-hole stealing information to a agency tracking you.
Bearnapper (2013-02-09)
C:Program FilesAutoCAD 2010 is where you paste the file or whatever drive you installed it too. Works on Windows 8, 32bit.jesus1123 (2013-03-02)
podrian hacer el favor de mandarme el torrent a este correo porfavor lo necesito[Aoshi] (2013-03-20)
Very nice! Good program and good seeding too!Crack instructions as written in the "read me" file and it worked out G R E A T !
zawawi92 (2013-03-27)
its work! w7 ultimate.just follow instruction.
CLEAN! NO VIRUS! or any other shit. :)
raid2606 (2013-04-16)
Installed on win XP SP3, followed instructions from readme, no problems, it workshary.su35bm (2013-10-19)
note from meso "readme instructions" don't work on vista
so u have to take keygen way but don't use 000-00000000 for serial because it's for trial,just follow serial n instructions on keygen n patch by XFORCE
for serial n pass just try one by one the serial n pass that available on keygen readme that match to your installation
thx (vista-core 2 duo- 3GB RAM)
varantaz (2013-10-26)
guys im installed the program ..but when i double click on the icon nothing is happening ..any ideas ? thxfeltpen46 (2013-11-12)
whenever i tried this, i got to a screen that has 4 options and when i click install, it keeps saying that i don't have the correct operating system installed. i have windows 7 64-bithaima77 (2013-11-18)
Seriously feltpen46... is it so hard to read? This is 32-bit version! Clearly won't work when you have 64-bit Windows!mikzzta (2013-12-13)
could somebody please upload Softplan v 2014...?rmttechnicalservices (2014-01-09)
HELP! When I try to install it, using the product key 462B1 OR 527B1, it says "The product key entered is not valid. Verify and re-enter it. Any comments or suggestions?g4sp4r (2014-07-04)
eu extrai e tentei instalar e deu errado, depois rodei o executavel direto, e funcionou!!!.
I tried to extract and install went wrong and then ran the executable directly, and it worked!
# 100% ok!!!
1. AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English/Read Me/adlmint.dll 1.17 Mb
2. AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English/Read Me/readme.txt 260 bytes
3. AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English/AutoCAD 2010 [32-Bit] - English.exe 1289.33 Mb