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The Atheist's Bible
The Atheist's Bible
2009-02-14 (by timnehguy )
"All thinking men are atheists," Ernest Hemingway famously wrote. True? Here are quips, quotes, and questions from a distinguished assortment of geniuses and jokers, giving readers a chance to decide for themselves....
When I think of all the harm [the bible] has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it. - Oscar Wilde
SAINT, n. A dead sinner revised and edited. - Ambrose Bierce
There ain't no answer. There ain't going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer. - Gertrude Stein
Do not let yourself be deceived: great intellects are skeptical. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. - Susan Ertz
God is love, but get it in writing. - Gypsy Rose Lee
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of our own mind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. - George Bernard Shaw
Files count:
1.40 Mb
kristsj (2009-02-15)
Actually, there are still some... But most of these people live in USA, where stupidity is a norm. lolx2rob (2009-02-15)
Really appreciated! Thank you very muchBe happy
nufc1961 (2009-02-15)
Actually, Ras, it doesn't just apply to a christian god, but to all gods...Here's to a world where no one believes in supernatural forces :)
FurryHamster (2009-02-15)
What a nice assortment of people that deserve to die and suck cock in hell ! Hello heretics , i am a believer and your mortal enemy . Actually Christ is your mortal enemy as you will see when He send you to Hell .You did not know that there were believers in the world ? Too bad for the little heretic . . . there are billions of believers you shit for brains baboon . And we are not going anywhere . In fact my country has close to 100 % belief rate , suck my cock heretic .
Here's to a world free of filth and heretics .
As long as a single heretic still draws breathe , there will be no peace !
Christ is God .
GilmoreGirl (2009-02-24)
Thanks for another great upload.For the inbred poster who says their country has a near 100% belief rate, poor you. If you're telling the truth, that is. We all know how easy it is for 'believers' to believe something absolutely with fuck all proof. Really, we should pity you, but I find myself just thinking that you're an arse. Go on, tell your invisible friend what I said about you.
FurryHamster (2009-02-25)
What was that ? would you like to tell the world that you are an inbred mongrel whore ? I know you are . I was telling the truth , but i might as well have lied , since you dogs have no conception of what truth is , else you would have accepted Christ .Poor me ? My life is wonderful , i am fortunate enough to not have any filth like you anywhere around me , in fact the only place that i see any filthy heretics is the net . Speaking of proof , don't worry heathen dog , you will get you proof !
You feelings for me are irrelevant , you are filth and i would destroy you with the first opportunity that i get . I would tell " my invisible friend " but he knows all ready , been all powerful and all that .
I cant wait to see how he throws you bitch ass in hell . And i will laugh and laugh : )
Go Die Godless Filth .
Zenowa (2009-04-12)
Last I checked, gods and prophets were all about peace.And if they weren't that quite extremists on pacifism, they didn't blatantly support being rude and illogical to strangers in order to get a point across.
FurryHampster, people like you are the reason that religions get shit on. Once religions start forming people into rational, emotion-savvy beings, people might give them a chance again.
Do you think a supreme being would ever need you to defend him? If a god ever does, then the god's not too omnipotent. But, it's always nice to know that non-believes know more about metaphysics and theology than believers.
(As a side note, isn't offering another man your cock a "sin" considering you're a Christian?)
BluesPreacher (2009-04-13)
Science of today has come to the conclusion it is the Athiest who must live by faith now and not the Christian. Darwism is the forgotten and obsolete theory, Sagan and Hawkins are laughed at. Cosmologist proclaim the only resonible explanation for the Universe is a intelligent Creator. I could cover this page with fact after fact of the truths of God and Christ, but athiest who wish to be their own God would blindly deny them, with what? Quotes from more Atheist and Agnostics.Christianity is not an "ism"
Beware the "ism's", such as;
I challenge you to find a good "ism"
BluesPreacher (2009-04-13)
Christ was about peace, by the way, but even he demonstrated his own indignitation and anger towards others who desicrated his fathers temple. Althoug I doubt he used the words cock suckers and whores, but I'm pretty sure the words he did use left little to the imaginations of that time.Christ was a man in flesh, not just a pretending God in a shell. He had the same feelings as us and felt the same emotions. Yet he was filled with Gods spirit and remained Holy. Through this he was able to pay for mans sin with Holy blood.
relaxify (2009-06-09)
To Bluespreacher, who put out the challenge to find good "isms."Here's a list. If BP's logic is sound then all of these are bad.
and of course
fletchdaf (2009-07-02)
VerbatoIf English is your first language, your question is nonsense and a peurile, transparent attempt to be clever.
If your first language is not English, permit me to point out that it is common in English (and in most languages) for words to change meanings as they are used in different ways by the general population that speaks the language. It is called "common usage." This is why dictionary meanings change over time.
The word "bible" has come to mean the "authoritative source" or "complete reference." Thus the plethora of "how-to" books entitled "bible". It is thus entirely acceptable gramatically to use it in the way it is used here, the Atheist's Bible.
Regarding the word "bible" as applied to the various collections of writings canonized by certain Christian and Jewish religions, the word comes from the greek word roughly transliterated "byblíon" and meaning "strip of papyrus".
When was the last time you read anything out of your strip of papyrus? d
fletchdaf (2009-07-02)
Thank you timnehguy. I just skimmed through the book and it's a pleasurable read.hrmitcrb (2009-08-20)
Brute force crushes many plants. Yet the plants rise again. The Pyramids will not last a moment compared with the daisy. And before Buddha or Jesus spoke the nightingale sang, and long after the words of Jesus and Buddha are gone into oblivion the nightingale still will sing. Because it is neither preaching nor teaching nor commanding nor urging. It is just singing. And in the beginning was not a Word, but a chirrup. ?D. H. Lawrencekludge420 (2010-06-19)
Imagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
simon080 (2010-09-12)
I dont knw will anyone will read this or not but still....... All of you here is it necessary to give words for words? "A wise man will always find a place of love even in world of hatreds" It soo simple if u like it take it if you dont like it dont take it why to fight?Try to spread LOVE this is the only thing v find it hard to do.
I love all even beliver of God and Non-beliver and this make me happy in any kind of situation becose science is not God and God is not science but they live in circle ' hard words but the day you all get this you will get a smile in face!! My name Simon.. 21years and i like to make people happy then any other thing......
god... (2011-03-24)
All these comments are so interesting !!neways, here are some quotes that i like :
This one is The 4m bible..
On the first day, God Created Man...
vch really should be :
on the first day, man created god
Im not saying God doesnt exist ..
and if he does ! he is an underachiever !
god... (2011-03-24)
to all the believers : how can still believe in god after seeing so many human beings die ?is that justified ?
i mean, consider this : u av a pet/ur own kid ok..
Now : what would u do : if ne tries to harm ur kid or ur pet ?
U do something ryt ?
Now where is ur God ?
is watching us from Abv ?
Fuck that ?
I would av believed that when i was a kid !
but watching all the suffering in this world my faith has gone !
I lost a friend in an accident ! he was 20 just like . he never hurt nebdy ! yet he died with no fault of his ? why did that happn?
neway !
im outiie !
I;l leave u with this line :
Fuck u (theists) but have a nice day !
mashruf2 (2012-03-26)
You know what I don't understand?Why atheists and believers always argue,
if someone has an opinion, you respect it,
people don't need to argue over if there's a god or not, they can just respect the others opinions, even if you consider them wrong, or have an opposing opinion, you respect it, and let them be.
Of course people are always going to argue about these matters, but why not tone it down a bit? Going so far as to insult each other harshly, just because their opinion is different from yours, is just idiotic.