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Adobe Design Suite Premium CS 3 Final Mac 3672044 TPB






Adobe Design Suite Premium CS 3 Final Mac




2007-04-24 (by chillong)


[k] for all final apps guaranteed... 100 % :) njoy 100mbit upload for the next 3 hours :)

Files count:



3751.15 Mb




Punks_4_Live (2007-04-24)

how should I dl this when there are no seeders??? pls seed

chillong (2007-04-24)

i am seeding. sorry but i have no clue why its uploading so slow, and why it wont show me as seeder (there are 3 guys downloading from me)

chillong (2007-04-24)

ok, upload is now on 5mb sec. but i will leave in about one hour, then il stop seeding. if u wont upload to eachother urself, the file will not be done!!! open your fukin upload-slots so this will be uploaded asap. i already upped 2 gb of those 3.5, but most of u guys are still at 3.5% :S

Olive74 (2007-04-24)

Is this the multilinguage version ? Or only US version ? Hav u the multi one ? Seed it plz if u hav this one, THX

chillong (2007-04-24)

they will come later...

chillong (2007-04-24)

fast speed is over now, uploaded 20 gb. noone further than 40 %, not my problem. open your stupid upload, bitorrent wont work like that!
now u have 300kbit...

puggy (2007-04-25)

Does this have a keygen? Does it include a volume license serial? Thanks.

chillong (2007-04-25)

[k] included, if you can read. means: crack

puggy (2007-04-25)

Okay, nowhere did it mention crack or anything. And second, a crack is not a keygen. Learn to fucking communicate better, nerd.

cooter (2007-04-25)

first of all, you just insulted the guy who posted the torrent, at a time when the torrent is DEAD at 80% asshole.
I was about to make plea that he might help us ALL by re-seeding long enough that we ALL could get the last 20% because the 4 or 5 people who grabbed the whole thing bailed as soon as they got it and left everyone else hanging.
But after your Einstein move, I wonder if any offer of appreciation can make up for the sheer insulting stupidity you put forth.

cooter (2007-04-25)

further more not only are you arrogant, insulting and ignorant your just plain wrong, . assuming you even knew what [k] means, and apparently you don't when CLEARLY says "[k] for all final apps guaranteed..." yes , there is a fucking crack, not a keygen, learn to fucking read.
266 people who have been dl for 20 hours thank you for your petulance

puggy (2007-04-25)

Then so be it. Since when did participating in the torrent network about ass-kissing and fluffing and all this emotional shit. If he can't handle it then that's his choice. Besides, there would be hundreds of seeds from other releases soon, and it will include a nice keygen. Do you realize that if Adobe Update does a patch it will render your stupid crack useless? Finally, here's a tip: Don't get insulted or emotional over an internet post. And seeders are not gods to behold. I'm out.

chillong (2007-04-25)

ok, chill now
im continous UPLOADING, if u cant see that, then my bad...
its just, i am seeding with 300 kb, and this is slow, if you are not uploading to each other. i uploaded now on this line about 1.5 gigs. at the office, i upped nearly 20 gig. this is torrent is 3.5 gig, do the math. tomorrow (thats in about 12 hours) i will seed it again with 100mbit, then it should be finished by time. but, when u read the descriptino (i was too lazy to write a good one), there is [k], what means crack. this version needs a sn, but with the crack u get around the activation...
volume version would be better, but there is any out yet...
about "emotional stuff". normally i laugh about people u stop seeding, when u get fucked by other. i just said, a bit moore upload is needed, to get this fucking torrent seeded, again, 20 gigs uploaded should be moore than enough to get enough seeders... but again, now lets chill, and pls dont think that the other version is final. 2.5 gigs is NOT the final, that would be the latest beta, which is definatly not the same... (i mean the one that got uploaded just after mine. i have this verison also ( maybe already deleted))
and sorry for that maybe a bit weird comment (concerning language and phrases) but im totaly stoned right now, its beautiful weather here since about 2.5 weeks :)

chillong (2007-04-25)

sorry for this fucked language lol, i cant even follow myself when i reread it :)
as i cant edit my comment:
"emotional shit": i wanted to say, that i laugh about seeders who complain about the leechers, and they are definaty not gods :), but still, u also have to understand the situation a bit

all_souls (2007-04-26)

I've got my ratio set to 1:2.
So, when it's done, it'll seed until it's uploaded twice over.
Is that adequate?

WorldFamous (2007-04-26)

90.2% ... c'mon people - SHARE!

chillong (2007-04-26)

yes, this is very good.
I will be offline now untill 8 clock GMT. then it will be 100mbit again... sorry for this slowness, but too many leechers for 300 kbit =)

ashattar (2007-04-26)

great thx!

bradword (2007-04-26)

Anyone have a serial for it?

bradword (2007-04-26)


goofus29 (2007-04-27)

Seemed to download ok, but double clicking on Setup did nothing. Is this just for intel Macs or am i doing something wrong?

all_souls (2007-04-27)

Out of curiosity, will I need to get rid of all of my CS2 applications before I install, or was it just the CS3 betas?

No_Doubt (2007-04-27)

all_souls - you can keep your CS2 programs. I've installed it and used the CS3 remover (I had the pre-release installed). It didn't affect my CS2 programs so all is good there. =)

all_souls (2007-04-27)

Thank you, No_Doubt.

CherubRock (2007-04-27)

what is the CS3 remover?..some kind of app to remove the ps3 beta properly?

Unfrozen Caveman (2007-04-28)

Installed and running great ! The crack [k] works great as well - nicely done. Best loooking crack I've seen. (insert joke here) I ran included script to remove Photoshop beta but it missed some stuff in application suppport, in both the user/lib. ans system/lib.
Thanks, Chillong !

all_souls (2007-04-28)

This is a universal binary, correct?

Patjak (2007-04-28)

Maybe a stupid question, how do you use the crack file?

all_souls (2007-04-28)

Just installed a few hours ago.
Works absolutely flawlessly.

jandk (2007-04-28)

Thanks for a great upload, chillong:-)
I've installed and applied the crack to all applications.
Do I need to add a serial number for each application? All of them seem to work ok.
What happens if I don't add a serial, are the programs time limited?

Patjak (2007-04-28)

Can someone please tell me where to put the CRACK FILE?

jandk (2007-04-29)

Patjak...just install CS3, then double-click the crack file, then double click on the icon in the new window that comes up.
Now a "drop zone window" pops up. Drag & drop each of the Adobe apps from the Applications folder and wait for the "successfully patched" message after every drop. Done!
Watch the QT movies in the dmg file.
Where can I find serials?

all_souls (2007-04-29)

I'm pretty sure you won't need serials, my friend.
I've used this every single day (with the crack) since I've gotten it, & there has not been a single time-limit notice.

bicep (2007-04-29)

I made a mistake early this morning when installed this software; I started the wrong (?Ri?) ?setup? app., the one in the ?Assets folder?, located in a foilder called ?B6F91C0A7C6383C1?. and, I do not really know why I choosed the wrong set up app... Now, only PS, Ill, and Acrobat is working. Do I have to do it all over again?

ftotheboy (2007-05-05)

works great! Thanks for all the seeders!
but it doesnt include fireworks :S :( ;)

daniel.irons (2007-05-06)

please seed, i've been going at 3kb/s for ages, it'l take me all year at this rate :)
also, is this the full version of cs3, or the upgrade?

daniel.irons (2007-05-07)

come on, can some people please seed? I'm seeding at unlimited whilst i'm downloading, and i'm getting nothing back, 3-5kb/s ... have a heart, seed :)

bohfink (2007-05-07)

im clicking on the cs.dmg file, but the diskmounter says: unknown.....?
what to do guys???

Ornithorhynchus (2007-05-08)

I'm also uploading at unlimited here, approximately 100 kB/s, continuously, and I'm not getting any higher download rates than about 10 kB/s.
Seeding would be greatly appreciated.

Nudiiee (2007-05-09)

I cant get this to work, pls help ! I open up the dmg file and a image of (for example) photoshop apperes, the image is like 10mb, when I open it there is no exe file setup or any file that I can use for installing the progr. What is it that I am doing wrong ? prob. somthg easy......

all_souls (2007-05-10)

It took me five days, buddy. Be patient...

Ornithorhynchus (2007-05-12)

Great upload! It worked flawlessly, even though I had to up 23 GB before getting down the shebang.
Thanks anyway!

alistaire (2007-05-19)

everything worked for me except photoshop...which was why i was downloading it; i had the CS3 with beta photoshop, and wanted to replace it. now the crack makes photoshop not run. i just uninstalled i need to run the cleaner script? help would be appreciated...

aleksandrjames (2007-05-24)

ive seen the videos and dragged and dropped and stuff. but it says something about cannot be applied to this file. any ideas people?
(ive read all the comments i didnt see a previously posted solution?)
p.s is it maybe because connected to net?

puffpuffpuff (2007-05-25)

The download took me about 20 days, but the app is fantastic...
it's much faster on my macbook than cs2...
thanks for the app...
when is the german version uploaded?

rubberkeith (2007-05-31)

How long will I be into the download before the CS3 [k] is done? That's all I really needed ? could you perhaps put that up separately as well, for those who have already downloaded the other stuff?

rubberkeith (2007-06-01)

The zip file got to 29.3 MB in size and then the dmg file started downloading, but the zip file won't unzip :|

tabatson (2007-06-03)

has anyone else had problems with the zip file? this one does not open...

oddshawaii (2007-06-03)

did anyone have a problem getting photoshop to run? I got everything going great but PS. Says a required application library failed to load.
Any Ideas?

Dragon.76 (2007-06-12)

I just want the crack files!!! Why do people always bundle the crack and the apps together?

kyotograph (2007-06-19)

I really need help.
I had a previous version of Photoshop CS3 installed, but it had no crack, so I downloaded this one instead. I uninstalled my previous version by dragging the app to the trash (I realise this was my mistake) INSTEAD of using the uninstaller under Utilities. Unfortunately now I can't install Photoshop anymore because it conflicts with trace files left over from the previous version.
I tried CS3Clean but I can't even type my password into the Terminal window. I tried typing but nothing comes out.
Is there a way I can wipe out all traces of the previous version of Photoshop? The uninstaller under Utilities does not work.

tyrone3141 (2007-06-23)

could anyone be so kind as to seed, please?
much appreciated people!

penguain (2007-06-27)

is this upgradeable to updates from adobe

penguain (2007-06-28)

you CAN update this via /Applications/Utilities/Adobe\ Utilities/Adobe\ Updater5/Adobe\

jonnym23 (2007-06-29)

Not an expert, and trying to get this going. I've seen the videos, but like someone posted above me, when I try to drag the file into the drop zone it says "Cannot Apply Patch on this File." What am I doing wrong, or don't have?
I dont have the expanded folders as shown in the videos, where I drag file of each application folder...I just have the 1 icon for each application...

richardX (2007-07-01)

hey guys,
Downloaded and installed everything, then when I try to drag the file into the drop zone it says "Cannot Apply Patch on this File." the only application that gets patched is th eadobe acrobat professional. The rest won't. I can see that many others have asked similar questions, if any of you know a way to fix this or if there is another crack, PLEASE help!! Cheers

eddie22487 (2007-07-15)

Is there a torrent for plug-ins for Photoshop (Mac)?

Giopiu (2007-07-19)

Explanation to run the programme:
Open Design Suite Premium CS3 Final(R).dmg
Install all programme's into your applications folder; inside each app.folder take the program file itself and put it into the patch file and wait until it tells you that the patch was succesfully.

Giopiu (2007-07-19)

Does any one know what I have to do with the extra resources.dmg files and where to put them?

Densets (2007-07-29)

Hi, im having problems crackin them. any1 knows a crack that works with leopard?

Sudim (2007-08-11)

When I run the Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3 Final.dmg and run the setup the programs are failing to install....anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

akkhan360 (2007-08-11)

There are sooo many torrents one the internet for downloading CS3. Its very overwhelming to the average user. Use the torrents I gave in the instructions, and everything should work fine. I'm not too sure as to how good this, or other, torrent works.

Troels999 (2007-08-11)

Could someone upload the other Adobe applications for Mac ?

xvxvxv (2007-08-20)

is there a crack for adobe device central?

deejtilt (2007-08-23)

I am having a problem, The only patch that works for me is the acrobat pro... any other patch I try to use gives me a "file cannot be patched error"
I have deleted all adobe files and started over from scratch twice now with the same result.
Any ideas?
Thank you

deejtilt (2007-08-23)

BTW, I am using PPC Powerbook G4, does that explain why the patches won't work for me?
Is there a way to make it work?
Thank you

genghis69 (2007-08-23)

Can someone please seed this? I really need these patches & I am a good seeder :-)

GULBLA(swe) (2007-09-28)

Does any one know where to find the Adobe CS3 Design Premium Suite in SWEDISH?

anihex (2007-10-01)

This works like a dream...thanx !!!
Installed on G5 and intel eMac but won't install
on Mac Book Pro or Mac Pro they have both been using the Flash CS3 demo !!!
Yeah and someone crack Device Central..
it DOES NOT WORK on this torrent !!

anihex (2007-10-02)

D'oh !! follow the instructions above and delete those nasty adobe files from your librarys and yes oh will have this package...even if u did try the trial versions....until i learn how to make money outa this s**t...thanx guys we can learn stuff withoit having to shed out £1600 !!!
still, device central anyone???...oh go on....!!!

rashida (2007-11-03)

really great torrent!
Thank You!

wahr (2007-11-28)

Please seed this, I've connected and have 1 peer and zero seeds.

smashinguk (2007-12-26)

Just a comment to anyone who's been clicking on setup and nothing happened. I had the same problem and was working from a burned DVD. When I simply opened the disk image from the downloaded file the setup file worked. Hope this helps a few people.

OribitofGlass (2008-01-18)

Adobe Photoshop 10.0.1 and InDesign 5.01 ask for a serial when updated from 10.0 and 5.0. As of January, 2008, there are no known cracks for the updated versions.
When trying to reinstall the programs, the setup asks "Please insert Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 to continue installation". The installation can not continue without Disc 2, and the programs wont install. This is an easy fix.
To reinstall or revert back to the original 10.0 and 5.0:
Download Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 from Adobe
Abobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2
Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3
Adobe CS3 Design Premium Setup
Install or Reinstall>Select Programs (Photoshop and InDesign)
The programs should be rolled back to the original version. All you have to do now is follow the directions on the keygen patch

OribitofGlass (2008-01-18)

take out the space in the link above, it should be

Guibber (2008-02-02)

I have a problem to run the crack, when I double i got this error message : Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premiumen (US) [k]/Adobe Photoshop CS3 10.0 (20070222) [k] (Universal).app/Contents/MacOS/iPatcher
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
/usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
anyone can help me ?

da_monst (2008-02-26)

That's because Leopard shipped those libraries with PPC can fix it by typing the following commands (commands start after $ sign) into Terminal:
$ cd /usr/lib
$ sudo cp libcrypto.0.9.dylib libcrypto.0.9.dylib.old
$ sudo cp libssl.0.9.dylib libssl.0.9.dylib.old
$ sudo ln -sf libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib libcrypto.0.9.dylib
$ sudo ln -sf libssl.0.9.7.dylib libssl.0.9.dylib

Clubbernox (2008-03-02)

I get this error:
Examining File : /Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS3 -> SHA1 Error
I was told I need to change the the ipatcher icon under contents/macOS/ipatcher to the updated ipatch from, but I get this error saying MacOS cannot be modified and when I control click the MacOS folder and select "get info" the lock is greyed. Any ideas on how to get Permissions to change the ipacher icon to ipatch

SkinnYFroG (2008-03-11)

I've never commented before but I just wanted to thank-you for the Torrent & everybody else for all the great help.
(So far) everything has gone well, a bit nervewracking but smooooth.
The only thin I did differently was use stuufit to open the [k] as it did'nt open w/ 'the Unarchiver' I lucky guess but so far F**kin' eh.
I will continue to seed...

maanitrules (2008-03-15)

so i've read and re-read all the comments on here..
and im still not very successful at installing this successfully..
i had the dmg and the crack for Design studio which worked completely fine on my mac osx 10.4
but since i've installed leopard.. its giving me lots of problems..
so i tried to follow akkhan360s instructions..
and downloaded both those (and i suppose that crack is fixed for leopard by arcticblue)..
now i had uninstalled everything from the previous install.. and removed the library/application support/adobe folder as well..
but i was totally confused when he said to find the home/library/application support/adobe... I just could not find that.. i figured they are the same exact thing.. just different locations for maybe different versions of macs...
once i downloaded the two said downloads (the dmg for the install and the new leopard crack), i installed the application and ran the patch process as described. I keep getting the This patch cannot be applied to this file error that a bunch of others on here got as well.
i even went ahead and did the Terminal code things and I dont even know what that did. I am so frustrated that I am almost considering reformatting and going back to the old OS just so I can use my photoshop... please someone HELP...
thank you

galloche (2008-03-16)

It works fine :)
thank you

benaroia (2008-03-24)

damn slow seeding here. something like 1.6kb/sec

onionjim (2008-04-08)

pleeezzzz seed

solvent_d (2008-04-12)

i'm running Leopard 10.5.2, and the crack in this bundle didn't work for me. after some frustration-ridden searching, i managed to find a crack that seems to do wonders for the installer in chillong's bundle:

the catch is that apparently this crack by articblue2 doesn't work when you update the programmes, hence the general advice for the crack is DO NOT UPDATE. hope it helps.

overgame (2008-05-12)

All the apps works fine, thanks guys

unsung (2008-05-26)

Thank god for this torrent. It took me a week to download but I thought I'd never get design prem on my mac.
Steps (OSX):
> Download, install Design Premium.
> rename adobe folder at HD > Library > Application Support > adobe to anything else
> Patch
> rename folder back to adobe.

unsung (2008-05-26)

BTW: I tried about 6 other torrents, none of which worked.
Download speed was around 98 kb/s 00:00 midnight, GMT.

unsung (2008-05-26)

"i'm running Leopard 10.5.2, and the crack in this bundle didn't work for me. after some frustration-ridden searching, i managed to find a crack that seems to do wonders for the installer in chillong's bundle:

the catch is that apparently this crack by articblue2 doesn't work when you update the programmes, hence the general advice for the crack is DO NOT UPDATE. hope it helps."
Yeah note that the patcher in this torrent doesn't work, I had one installed previously - try searching 'Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3 US [k] (universal)'

teamedu (2008-06-09)

Thank You! I didn't dl the [k] provided after reading the comments. I already had the Leopard [k] from trying to use a previous ver. CS3. Works Perfectly!

loranthis (2008-06-19)

Hi. This is CS3, not CS 3.3 so you'll get acrobat professional 8 in this torrent file.

highinthesky0094 (2008-06-25)

okay. i have downloaded this entire torrent and installed it. the problem is, i haven't actually installed it. It says i still need a serial, and i couldn't find one. so i installed as a trial and applied the crack. when i applied the crack the message left afterwards read "patch applied to all but 1 file" or something of the sort. i think that this may all go back to not having the serial number. so for all of those who have successfully installed it, can someone please give me the serial you used? or give me a link to find one, because i can't find a serial for this ANYWHERE. thanks

Crazy3lf (2008-09-23)

Hey, can someone help me out with this? I got a spankin new intel macbook, and I got all the applications installed and got a key to work with it and all, but it says I have 30 days till activation, and I'm assuming the patch gets around this...
Here's the problem... The patcher doesn't work! I keep tryin to open it up and it just keeps quitting "unexpectedly".
I've tried a similar patcher, but it's the same dam thing... And I've deleted both the adobe folders from the my libraries.
Would love a lil help on this, thanks in advance!
[email protected]

Crazy3lf (2008-09-23)

Oh, and here's a serial if u need it...
fer real though... If u can figure out how to download torrents, it's not much harder to stick in ur other toe and find a key somewhere, even a noob can google a serial...

doublev22 (2008-10-15)

Hats off to akkhan360
The directions on Page 4 of the comments worked like a charm.

sDeath (2009-03-26)


Herkimer (2009-04-17)

Getting a bad codec on extraction.


1. Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3 US (R) copy with [k]/Adobe DSP CS3 US [k] (Universal).zip 29.27 Mb
2. Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3 US (R) copy with [k]/Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3 US (R) copy.dmg 3721.88 Mb