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Intuit QuickBooks Premier 2008 R5 Registration Crack Expiration






Intuit QuickBooks Premier 2008 R5 Registration Crack Expiration




2008-05-17 (by Beast_iND)


************************************ * QuickBooks Premier 2008 R5 * * [REGISTRATION CRACK] * * EXPIRATION FIXED (BETA) * ************************************ * Replace The Original File In The * * QuickBooks Directory With The * * Cracked One To REGISTER QB2008 * * And Disable The 30-Day Limit! * * * * NOTE: Tested With Release 5 * * (R5) ONLY! Update Before * * Applying Crack. Keep A * * Backup Of The Original * * File For The Next Update! * * * * This Should Work With All 2008 R5* * Flavors (Pro/Premier/Accountant/ * * Enterprise). * * * * Also, 30-Day Expiration Should * * Be Fixed, Read README!.TXT * ************************************

Files count:



1.11 Mb




fiesty99 (2008-05-22)

Thanks for your continued efforts. Would happen to have the fix for 2007 R11?

fiesty99 (2008-05-22)

So far so good. Installed, applied crack, changed the date and it's still registered. But, as you've stated before, it's still only for single user access. The serial for the 2007 version was for multi-user access so I'm going to stick with that for now. I'll keep looking for the updates for 07 and new serial for 08.
As always, great work and thanks. Your efforts are much appreciated.

FiredFox (2008-05-23)

Unfortunately this did not work on my Vista installation. I have the Accountant 2008 Premier Industry Edition and upgraded it to R5 as suggested, both manually and by online update.
I have tried each of the Feature.dll files provided in the various torrents.
The error is failed to get entry point "?GetHap@@" something. Am using Vista Home Premium

Beast_iND (2008-05-23)

@Firefox: that's odd, that does sound like a missing .DLL export, but I don't touch these. You sure the update to R5 went OK? I haven't tested this on Vista, I'll give it a shot.
@fiesty99: How can I test multi-user access? If I remember right, you have to install it on every PC you're going to access the server from and you have to have different serial on every PC, correct?

fiesty99 (2008-05-24)

So far as I know the serial number is what determines whether one can access the files in multi-user mode. In other words, even though your patch gives the program x amount of users...the serial number will we have available to us currently does not allow multiple users to access the company files simultaneously. And that just happens to be a critical function for most who are using QB Premier. That's why I'll stick with the 07 and would like to see your patches for R11 and higher.
I know that you hadn't provided the install serial but I remember you saying that there was a way to retrieve/access/generate the serials for the different install options. I wish I had your skill otherwise I would have done it already...but it might be a nice challenge for you. I, and many others, would be grateful for it.

Beast_iND (2008-05-24)

@fiesty99: ;-) If I have time, I'm up for a challenge. But first I must understand how to setup an environment in which to test the multi-user thing. What's you setup? One machine runs as server, the others access it? Or do you put the file in a central location (shared folder) and simply open it simultaneously from different machines (without need for server software)?

Beast_iND (2008-05-24)

@fiesty99: Nevermind, I figured the multi-user thing out. I also realized that 30 licenses is the internal limit for Quickbooks... If I try to activate more, ILLEGAL ACCESS FAULT...

fiesty99 (2008-05-24)

IMHO...30 licenses would be more than enough for most. I personally would like at 5. So....what do you think?

Beast_iND (2008-05-25)

I've got mine activated for 30 licenses using the phone activation with a file patch, working on making it a bit more user friendly. Once activated, all files can be updated, no need for a new patch with every update. I haven't tested yet if a different serial is needed on every machine, but there's a keymaker by Lz0 if needed...

drowlflood (2008-05-26)

I've got it installed in single-user mode just fine, but when I try to import .QBO files from my bank it's telling me I can't because it's not registered... anyone else?

pir8man2 (2008-05-31)

separate serials should not be needed on each machine. I was using Enterprise 05 with a features.dll crack. the same serial worked fine.
where is this LZ0 keymaker? can it make me a premier professional services serial?

Beast_iND (2008-06-01)

Keymaker is here (among other places):

It generates only Enterprise keys (which is the top-of-the-line $1000s cream of the crop Quickbooks products).

fiesty99 (2008-06-08)

Any chance you could upload that patch with instructions? I would love to get 2008 working in multi-user mode. Thanks. you have a handle on demonoid?

pir8man2 (2008-06-10)

can we get a re-release of this patch with the mentioned 30 user license? I only need 2, but as you stated 255 crashes the app.

pir8man2 (2008-06-11)

simply amazing work Beast. I wish I understood DLL's like that. Even if this app stays handicapped to one user, Great job! That give me most of what i need to test this.

FiredFox (2008-06-12)

Beast, If you could email me what needs to be done to the dll to crack it, I can tweak that for the Vista dll I have and release it. May be you could give me the name of the function or something, and i will modify the code... [email protected] if you can... situation is grim, got 6 days left!

yougogirl1 (2008-06-12)

Thanks for the instructions...everything worked...have you come across the Canadian version at all?

p0nk0 (2008-06-13)

Hi guys, i've been looking like crazy for the Premier Professional Services Edition it doesn't matter if it's 2007 or 2008?? anyone can point me in the right direction i already torrent sited and googled yahood blah blah

FiredFox (2008-06-15)

For Vista Users: Until someone releases a working crack, deleting the C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v5\EntitlementDataStore.ecml does reset the counter back to 30 days.
The thing is you have to type this path, as searching for the file does not find it, I even tried searching after checking 'hidden & system files' but no luck.
The ProgramData folder is not visible so I was wondering where the file was. Its a Vista thing. Let me reiterate 'I hate Vista', & 'XP was murdered by Microsoft'

Iforgotmyname (2008-06-22)

Beast, I am having a hell of time trying to install this crack. I have installeed the prog and followed the directions verbatim and for some reason it is coming up with an error and QB will not open. Could you please let me out here. Thank you very much!

Iforgotmyname (2008-06-22)

Sorry, I mean help me out here.

Beast_iND (2008-06-25)

@Iforgotmyname: What is the error?
@Everybody else: Can you give me the version of the .DLL file found in a sub-directory of
I'd like to know how many different versions are floating around for the patcher...

pir8man2 (2008-06-30)

my version says

jr20098 (2008-07-01)

Sorry for this stupid question, since im going to have personal and business information stored in this program is there any posible way for quickbooks to know that i am using a cracked version ? also can i use all the features with crack ? thank for your replies

fiesty99 (2008-07-11)

Beast...Your patch 2007 Premier works in mulit-user mode. Any chance we could get the fix for the R11 patch? Thanks.

darkxero (2008-07-22)

@Beast, any luck on Multi-user "user friendly" dude, i use it with my brother and we can speed up a bit with it, thanks in advance man

xray5733 (2008-07-23)

Hello Beast I am having the same problem as
@Iforgotmyname at 2008-06-22 06:37 CET: I have installed the prog and followed the directions verbatim and for some reason it is coming up with an error and QB will not open.


xray5733 (2008-07-23)

PROBLEM=There was an unexpected error reported while trying to run Quickbooks with complny file''''.
Error Code 80029c4a: Description Error Loading Type Library.dll

darkxero (2008-07-24)

Well I dont get any errors and everything is just fine and good, just well if the 2 of us can use it at the same time we should finish in half the time you know :)

yoyash (2008-07-27)

I got a problem with importing qbo bank file..
Says, I have to register..

jennifer101430 (2008-08-11)

Downloaded QB 08 and this crack and everything works GREAT! Thank you. Just have one question, if I sign up for Payroll Services with the program and the crack am I going to have trouble? Does anyone know? Has anyone else tried it with this download?

billydv (2008-08-14)

Beast, Great patches, your 2008 r5 seems to work perfect so far on XP, (I don't use vista so I can't comment) but I really need a working patch for 2007 r11. There is a serious problem with the 2007 r10 patch. After updating and replacing the features.dll, you are unable to open more than one company file. If you click open company file, nothing happens. The only way to make it work is to open a company file when you first install and update it prior to replacing features.dll, if you do you will always be able to open the original file that you opened but no other one. It would be great if you could release 2007 r11 and post a link to it here. Thanks again for your great work!!!!!!!!

LD101 (2008-08-18)

Unfortunately, this does not seem to work with the Enterprise version. The expiration count down continues.
Do you have one that works with the Enterprise version?

Iforgotmyname (2008-08-20)

Hey Beast, excellent work on the cracks. I've been working with my Premeir 08 for some time now but I am now currently needing another user(remote access from a website) and when I switch QB over to the multi user it works just fine. Until I close the software and reopen it, both under Multi-user mode it comes up with a message stating, "You've exceeded the maximum number of users who can access the company file at one time" then I hit ok and it trys to sync with intuit online and says that it had a problem synching with intuit and to try again later. Leaving locked out of my QB. I suppose I can reinstall my QB but that'll suck and I just need to be able to have two users, not 255. Would you be able to help meout at all with this problem. THanks for all your work again. Much Appreciated

snowmanrene (2008-08-24)

ok ppl, I have in my possession a little program that will keep resetting the activation timer, but so far it only works on xp, i need the path for the .ecml file in vista.....if someone posts it, i can add it into the program then upload.

snowmanrene (2008-08-28)

This program resets the validation timer automatically
everytime you start it, then it automatically opens QuickBooks.
You won't see any confirmation
dialog, you'll simply see QuickBooks starting up. Simply
remove the initial shortcut created by QuickBooks on
your desktop, then copy this program to your desktop.
When you're ready to use QuickBooks, simply run this
program from your desktop.
EDITION 2008***
CREDITS TO CU-420 (AKA. Computer User) for writing

snowmanrene (2008-09-02)

new version 1.1
vista issue fixed

stabillo (2008-10-14)

Is there any working crack from quickbooks Point of Sale pro?

scripto195 (2008-11-05)

I downloaded program, downloaded update from qb site. I tried running update to R5 prior to running program and received error that there is no program to update. I then tried using the crack by backing up the FEATURES.DLL and copying the cracked version and run into an error upon trying to run the program. Any suggestions?

investindy (2008-12-07)

R6 is out.....Ir tried going back to the original features.dll update the patch then overwritting the new DLL again with this patch, no dice. Anyone have any luck with R6??

BoomK (2009-01-03)

i ran into the same problem as scripto195
whats the fix?

Iforgotmyname (2009-01-09)

Hey there Beast, sprry but I have no other way to contact you so I thought I'd reach you this way. I have 2 new issues/challenges for ya. Am trying to use PE-Design ver 7 by Brother, and it requires a specific card reader for it to work. Can you get past that so I can just use the software? Also do you have any good connections or even the software or crack for adobe acrobat. Preferably 9. If you need any other info for me just ask. Thanx for all you do!

jatupornakk (2009-01-19)

can anyone provide serioual/product nbr for qb2008 uk. prompted for this during setup.cannot get pass it!

saltfruit (2009-03-17)

Not working on Vista.


1. Intuit.QuickBooks.Premier.2008.R5.Registration.Crack.Expiration.Fixed.BETA-BEAST.rar 1.11 Mb