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Windows XP Activator Geniune[SP1,SP2,SP3 S]




Software PC


Windows XP Activator Geniune[SP1,SP2,SP3 S]




2010-09-24 (by mustaphanaru)


Proof: Watch it on Validate Here: [code][/code]

Files count:



103.18 Kb




mustaphanaru (2010-09-25)

it's working

PiMp144 (2010-10-02)

does it work on all versions???

mustaphanaru (2010-10-02)

[SP1,SP2,SP3 S]

eidnaj (2010-10-04)

fuck!!! This doesn't work!!!!

jflaire21 (2010-10-07)

wtf its work!!! thanks!!!! try this one and after that check if its working you will see

pritzzy (2010-10-10)

works like a charm.. \,,/

eidnaj (2010-10-10)

i activated windows then i went to but they said my windows isnt legal. What have i to do to make this working ?
Sorry about my english

dave1998 (2010-10-14)

The best of the best. Simple and easy. Activated mine copy of xp and certified genuine.

jbernal77 (2010-10-18)

worked perfectly thanks. no virus

j_wet (2010-10-28)

Need .Net framework 4 ....
....starting windows activator.....
.....ACTIVATED....checking Geniune....
.....ITS WORKING!!!!!!!!! ;D

nauriceprivat (2010-11-07)

not working for me
after actiavation, did restart,
and cannot log in anymore because the message:
you must activate your copy...

yurishizu (2010-11-07)

not working on me
Windows XP Home Edition

bjroks93 (2010-11-15)

thx works like a charmmmm.......i got a genuine windows now i will download MSE from their website dude u totally rock....

vickypunjabi (2010-11-27)

ya it's working for me thx

yurishizu (2010-12-02)

not workin on Windows XP Home Edition SP3

essaji (2010-12-18)

works fine.. thanks

gladiator3901 (2011-01-04)

how to check it is genuine.....after going to page what to do?

Rastamanse (2011-01-23)

Google - net framework 4, download it, and after use the Windows Xp Activator, or els the second? am i right?

Rastamanse (2011-01-23)

Ive just tried it, it worked! It passed true genuine..
1. Install Net FrameWork 4
2. Use Second Activator to Reg it on your comp
3. Use activator
4. Go to start - all programs - windows update, it will pass, then install all updates! :)

TestSmith (2011-02-08)

I still cant get this to work. When i click on the second reg i get a error.
Not all data was successfully written to the reg. Some keys are open by the system or other processes.
Anyone able to help.

Plan9x128 (2011-02-12)

XP is old. Move on MAN

krakemann (2011-02-14)

Apparently does not work with XP Home SP3, I followed the instructions, installed Net FrameWork 4, used second activator and then the activator, clicked on activate, it gave me the “You Have Successfully Activated Your Windows” dialogue and then “You Have 30 Days Left For Activation” I did repeat the process a couple of times with the same result, after 30 days Windows stopped working.

krakemann (2011-02-14)

Apparently does not work with XP Home SP3, I followed the instructions, installed Net FrameWork 4, used second activator and then the activator, clicked on activate, it gave me the “You Have Successfully Activated Your Windows”, after 30 days Windows stopped working.

krakemann (2011-02-14)

Does not work with XP Home SP3 I got the “You Have Successfully Activated Your Windows” dialogue and then “You Have 30 Days Left For Activation”, after 30 days Windows stopped working.

rolin28621 (2011-03-08)

WARNING!!! Does not work on XP Media Center SP2 Dell OEM. Had 25 days left to activate, tried this method to activate, now says "Must activate now to log in" THIS DL IS JUNK!!! Now have to re-install windows. Use at your own risk!

GenijeCG (2011-03-30)

Works great XP/Pro/SP3

Cruzian012 (2011-05-20)

I'll try doing this on XP Professional SP3.

n1ghtwolf (2011-06-22)

Hi there. Thanks very much for sharing. I can't get the activator to work. After I click the windows activator, I restart my PC but its still not activated. I've tried before running 2nd Activation.reg and then the Windows Activator but then when I'm loggin in, I get an error "Windows XP has expired and you need to activate it" or something like that so would anyone know how I can get this working? Thanks.

HK88 (2011-07-29)

Sweet worked for me running Windows xp media center 2005 edition - roll up 2 - SP3

cindos (2012-01-18)

acrodecolumbira (2012-03-06)

A mi me funciono, GRACIAS

galaxyworldwide877 (2012-04-16)

Worked perfectly on WinXP Professional SP3. THANKS!

seVen-kun (2012-07-02)

I agree with krakemann. THis still gives me the activation warning on the most popular winxp version here (the sp3 home version)
will try another activator

palmerous (2012-07-05)

Holy shit! no need to restart.. so genius

Freebart (2012-08-07)

Works great. This fixed an XP SP2 installation that failed WGA after virtualizing with VMware.

fridam3 (2013-01-23)

thnx! it works for my xp mce2005 sp3 :)

brian02 (2013-05-14)

Works great! (Win XP Pro SP3)
Thanks a lot

Gakoy (2013-07-27)

thanks you!!!! work!

Q__boii (2014-03-24)

Does not work on XP SP3. Instead it threw a 0xC105 error on me and instantly expired my license. Luckily I can still logon in fail-safe mode and try a patch that actually work.


1. Windows XP Activator Geniune[SP1,SP2,SP3 100% WORKS].rar 103.18 Kb