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Avid Media Composer 3.05 Mac cracked.dmg






Avid Media Composer 3.05 Mac cracked.dmg




2008-12-22 (by antonderkinderen)


This is a 100% no dongle required Mac version of Avid Media Composer 3.05. MC 3.05 is included, as Avid changes versions very fast and that stops the crack from working. FIRST Install AvidMediaComposer_3.0.5.dmg - it'll nag about a dongle THEN Copy AvidMediaComposer -> /Applications/Avid Media Composer/Avid Media THEN Copy SuperPro32 -> /Library/Frameworks/SuperPro32.framework/Versions/A THEN chmod -R 755 /Applications/Avid Media Composer/Avid Media THEN Avid won't nag anymore. This works! Enjoyer, neviens, Alf-Zetas. Djavdet.


  1. avid
  2. mac
  3. media
  4. composer

Files count:



783.89 Mb




pepechuelo79 (2008-12-23)

No Britmick.
chmod -R 755 is not the name of a file.
It is a command to be executed in Terminal.
Chmod command sets UNIX file permissions.
-R, set permissions recursively.
755 means read and execute access for everyone and also write access for the owner of the file. When you perform chmod 755 -filename- command you allow everyone to read and execute the file, owner is allowed to write to the file as well.

hobbeskind (2008-12-23)

I am sorry, but do I do? Click on the file and then go to the terminal?

hobbeskind (2008-12-23)

I tried to copy the whole line :chmod -R 755 /Applications/Avid Media Composer/Avid Media
into the Terminal but it returns the mesage no such file(several times actually) yet the mediacomposer seems to work and save and export.
What do I wrong

pepechuelo79 (2008-12-23)

I guess antonderkinderen must explain here.

QuestMCoupe (2008-12-24)

Alright guys I figured it out...the chmod command is wrong, here is the correct one...
chmod -R 755 /Applications/Avid\ Media\

It works perfect after this. Thanks to antonder for this app.

hobbeskind (2008-12-24)

Yess, it works.. Great guys thanks alot

keptone (2008-12-25)

On step two.. there isn't a Contents or Mac OSX folder in the Avid Media Composer folder. Only the Avid Media Composer app and other folders.

imalittleslow (2008-12-26)

I'm a new to this is there anyone who has more detailed instructions for a newbie like me I have tried several times and just can't get it to work.

Shunnabunich (2008-12-26)

Alight, guys, here's a bit more detailed description. I've had to do similar stuff before to correct the permissions on Mac apps that were torrented without being zipped first. :)
? Find the Avid Media Composer application. Right-click it (or Control-click, or whatever), and select "Show Package Contents" from the menu that appears.
? A window will open, showing the contents of that application bundle. Go to the "Contents" folder, then the "MacOS" folder inside that. There's a file with no three-letter extension, simply called "AvidMediaComposer". (This is the actual, executable code that makes up the program. Everything else in the bundle is support files, graphics used in the user interface, and so on.)
? Drag the provided cracked copy of AvidMediaComposer (I'm assuming that's what they're doing) into the same folder as the original to replace it. Click the "Replace" button when it asks you whether you're sure.
? Do the thing they mentioned with the SuperPro32 framework. More of the same, really.
? NOW. OKAY. There's an easier (and perhaps more accurate) way to do the next bit than typing it all out by hand. When you copied the cracked AvidMediaComposer file into the "MacOS" folder, you left that window open, right? Awesome. Open up Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities), bring up a new terminal window, type the following:
chmod -R 755
...and add a space at the end. Now, take that cracked AvidMediaComposer file (the one which is now snuggled safely within the app bundle, not the one in the DMG) and just drag it onto the Terminal window. Presto, its full path appears right after that space you just typed. Now, when you hit Enter, it'll change that file's permissions so that OS X can properly run it as a program...otherwise OS X thinks it's just another regular old file, won't execute it, and the application just sits there refusing to open.
Hope that clears it up, guys. Have fun!

Shunnabunich (2008-12-26)

Oops, I guess the dot/bullet-point character doesn't show up properly with whatever comment system TPB uses. Just pretend those question marks are dashes or something. :P

Neriahyea (2008-12-26)

After Shunnabunich's detailed (and correct) explanation, there's no more excuse... App is working fine on my iMac.
Thanks to antonderkinderen

keptone (2008-12-26)

Thanks a bunch Shunnabunich!!! You rock. Instructions work perfect!!!

hobbeskind (2008-12-28)

Still one (small?) problem.
First it works great on my Intel iMac Then my son wanted it too. He has a PPC Mac Mini.
The installer checks if the computer is compatible and then duly install the files. After restart th application starts and ask for the dongle. And despite all cracks applies as given (and working on my own computer)
On the Mac mini it keeps asking for the dongle.
Anyone any idea?

sotamurphy (2008-12-31)

so i hit enter as the last step,
Do need to do a SAVE or a SAVE AS?

Neriahyea (2008-12-31)

hobbeskind: I don't know about the dongle problem, but Media Composer itself is not supposed to work on PPC macmini. Allow your son to use your iMac.

hobbeskind (2009-01-01)

Neriahyea, I actually suspected that, so I can live with it.
But... why did it install the application after checking the compatability of the computer.
Anyway thanks for the response.
Best wishes for 2009

hobbeskind (2009-01-01)

Sotamarphy, just close the terminal and all will be well.

carlito18 (2009-01-04)

I've just followed precisely the indications by shunnabunich and the applications still asks for the dongle.
It seems the problem comes from the third step. In the folder frameworks, I don't have any of the subfolder mentioned.
I tried putting it in the frameworks folder, or creating the subfolders and both failed.
Thanks for your help

surfer123 (2009-01-04)

hi everybody, i m new here and not familiar with these installation instructures. in addition i have a mac only since two weeks...
i tried to install the program close on the instructions online and in the nfo-file, but i still have problems:
- after having opened the AvidMediaComposter_3.0.5.dmg, i clicked on Avid Media Composer.mpkg and installed the program. Was this correct. I also had to restart my pc after.
- Then i have to copy AvidMediaComposer in /Applications/Avid Media Composer/Avid Media (etc.) but cannot find the folder Applications or a path that fits with the instructions. Where do i find the right Applications folder?
- SuperPro32 did work.
- chmod -R 755 etc. i don t understand. Where do i have to type this?
Cheers for your help.

lostboy6978 (2009-01-05)

I just got a new macbook pro. I followed every step through and I've redone it several times, but it still asks for the dongle. Any advice? Thanks

misterE73 (2009-01-10)

Howdy all buccanneers.....
head fried on this one...
Followed Shunnabunich and Antonder's instructions and still keep getting the Dongle request.
I will list exactly what i have done as it helps to clarify some other issues that some people seem to be having re installation even though i have not had a full install yet.
1. I have replaced the Avid MC file with the cracked Avid MC file in the Mac OS folder.(some people are not seeing the Mac OS folder, you must install and attempt to launch for this folder to be created)
2. I have dragged and dropped the super pro 32 file to the frameworks folder by opening Avid MC , show package contents, opening contents folder, opening frameworks folder and dropping super pro 32 file. ( i have also tried copying the super pro file to the location User/ Library/Frameworks on my HD.
3. i have opened a new terminal window, typed the following:
chmod -R 755
..and add a space at the end. then taken cracked AvidMediaComposer file (the one which is now snuggled safely within the app bundle, not the one in the DMG) and just drag it onto the Terminal window.

still jackshit
attach dongle request..
could somebody even better Shunnabunich excellent step by step and give a very detailed account, with exact locations and/or any other possible work arounds.
not a noob just annoyed

chaosbleeds625 (2009-01-11)

misterE73 -
I followed your directions exactly, but after I attempt to launch, i go to:
Applications --> Avid Media Composer
and there is no frameworks folder. I also checked the folder that the torrent was saved to and there also wasn't a folder in there. I attempted to launch it again, checked, and there was still wasn't a folder created.
do you know why it isn't being created after the attempted launch of the program?

misterE73 (2009-01-11)

Yo Chaos
i am crtl clicking Avid MC in applications. From that drop down menu i open "show package contents".when i allow show package contents to open, the contents folder should be there. within the contents folder u will find both the Mac os folder and the Frameworks folder...
anybody else out there got the time for a detailed step by step or work around...
CMON guys this sis a rockin package to have runnin,
give us a hand guys and gals..
share the knowledge share the luv... not just the apps.....

chaosbleeds625 (2009-01-11)

Thanks! but does anyone know why I dont have a:


chaosbleeds625 (2009-01-12)

you can ignore my last comment, but yeah, I followed Shunnabunich's really good directions, but still it says no Dongle was found.
how do I make this work work?

misterE73 (2009-01-12)

Yo chaos
thats the same deal with me there is no SuperPro32.framework/Versions/A in the /Library/Frameworks location. Therefore it is not possible to swap these packages out..
c'mon 4o+ plus successful downloads somebody out there must have the answer....
right .......
or is this bogey.....
a miserable

indyfilm (2009-01-15)

Okay, I need help. I can't for the life of me find the SuperPro32 file in the Frameworks folder. But here's the thing that's strange: when I copy the AvidMediaComposer file and try to paste it, it pastes as a copy, it doesn't overwrite the original file. So I guess I'm stumped. Everything else worked up to that point. Help, anyone?

indyfilm (2009-01-15)

Figured it out. If u haven't already, here goes:
The Library folder is under your Mac HD. That's where you'll find the frameworks folder that contains the SuperPro32.framework folder. Go back to the dmg folder and take that SuperPro32 file, then drag it into the Versions/A folder. Then you can do the chmod thing and it should work.
Thanks, antonderkinderen and co!

misterE73 (2009-01-16)

First and foremost this app does run...
YES big up to Antonkinderen..
i finally got me woolly head around it...
follow indyfilm's tips for super pro folder replacement and buccines for the first part.
next this an NTSC version cannot capture any pal HDV footage or DV pal or is my sys not up to it ?
No pal options in any capture prefs, or apps prefs.
coming from FCS2 long time since used avid..
all tips and help answered with thanks and prayer
Mac os x 10.4.11
3 gb ram
intel machine.
ATY radeon 1600 graphics

Axxxxp (2009-01-16)

OK, first off, a big thanks to Antonkinderen for this upload and for all the very useful comments here.
However, I haven't yet managed to get it to run but that's probably something I've done or something to do with my Hardware/software setup.
As it stands at the moment, and I've followed all the instructions, the Media Composer icon has a cross through it.
If I try to launch the app it tells me: You can't open the application "AvidMediaComposer" because it is not supported on this architecture.
I'm running a Macbook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4GB 667 Mhz Ram, Mac OS X 10.5.6
Perhaps I need an earlier version of Leopard?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this. A

hypersilent (2009-01-18)

Where do I find the SuperPro32 file? Ive installed the dmg file and copied the AvidMeciaComposer file, but I cant find SuperPro32 anywhere on the computer..
Please help me anyone

misterE73 (2009-01-19)

Yo hypersilent the super pro file is in HD/Library/frameworks..

elect_86 (2009-01-19)

Someone has tried it on a PowerPc MAC?

sotamurphy (2009-01-20)

I read the comments carefully and got this working just fine even thou I'll never use it.
FCP is better for me
Thanks for the upload.

like_satellites (2009-01-21)

Hi can someone please help...?
I have done everything said, i no longer get asked for the dongle, or whatever.
(When i was following the instructions, i never got a pop up message asking me to replace AvidMediaCompser, when i did move it. I just plopped in the Applications Avid folder). But anyway..
However, when i go to open Avid now, i get a message pop up saying "You do not have the minimum physical memory needed to run the application".

ebin5446 (2009-01-22)

hey everybody, so i have done everything asked for in all of these comments and the install instructions. i still continue to get the dongle request poping up and then it just closes avid. any help please.

miki_vip (2009-01-22)

Alguien me puede aclarar unas dudas en castellano sobre la instalacion de este programa??

chicagobat (2009-01-24)

I followed every direction to the letter... still getting the dongle nag though. Using it on a Power Mac G4 running 10.4.11. Damn... it sucks seeing the whole program installed but no way to use it. Even did the terminal instructions before starting the software (terminal looked like it was accepted) but the nag is still there. How can you crack this without a physical dongle tough? Isn't it looking for a USB port dongle? Any 3.0.5 dongle emulators anywhere?

like_satellites (2009-02-03)

Please someone help.
I'm still getting the memory message, as i said in my post just above.
I've uninstalled and re-installed but same thing.
I'm wondering if it's because when i go to drop the cracked Avid file to replace the original Avid file, i don't get asked to replace. It just sits in the same folder. Could someone perhaps make this step clearer, or explain where i could be going wrong.

polge (2009-02-04)

I think there's a specific problem with PPC machine. If somebody have the solution, he's welcome ! Thank a lot for all those experiences and informations.

stopimalreadydead (2009-02-08)

I've loved my experience with Avid more than with FCP. I really want to install this but I don't understand the chmod -R 755 part. Can someone explain?

cliveyw (2009-02-14)

Hi - thanks for this - it works well once you realise that the media composer patch has to go into the media composer application have to right click and 'show package contents' then drop the patch into 'contents/macos'. I was annoyed with Avid 'cos I have a legal copy of Avid Xpress but it won't run on OS 10.5 ! Now I can access my stuff...

LadyyKiim (2009-02-28)

I'm downloading at speed; 30 kB/s!
Could you guys help me to get some more speed and seed..? please?!
Otherwise it's going to take me hours to finish this!
ps. antonderkinderen thanks for this torrent!

supapete (2009-03-21)

I'm running os x 10.5.6 on powermac g4 dual 867. This downloaded like lightening. No matter what I do, I can't ditch the dongle nag. Clean install of OS and media comp 3 with CORRECT installation proceedure still won't do it. Thought you all might want to know this. I'm running avid media composer on win XP sp3 no problem, by the way. regards to all. P

noubroz (2009-03-24)

thanks for this torrent.
I'm not sure to understand ;
what file do I have to copy ?
I mean do I have to copy the
AvidMediaComposer's file from vidMediaComposer_3.0.5.dmg ?
if yes where I have to paste it ?
thanks a lot to everybody to answer to this ;)

stopimalreadydead (2009-03-26)

Yes it works! After you learn how to do the chmod crap.
In all honesty the only thing Avid has going for it is the one button editing. Sure it's quick but it's a lot harder to correct once you've made a mistake than Final Cut.
Thanks for the upload though!

avidcutter (2009-03-26)

PPC problem. Has anyone managed to install this on a PPC Mac yet? I still get dongle nag.

Sova20 (2009-04-02)

Did anyone tried to work on network with 2 Mac's and 2 same copies?

alphabeta666 (2009-04-04)

First a big thanks for the upload.
But still I cant get i to work. I, like many others, still have the dongle problem. I have replaced the AvidMC file and the SuperPro32 file, the first one in the MACOS folder and the second one in the Framework folder (found in HD/Libary). Then I copy/paste the path to the AMC file in MACOS folder, using terminal.
Can anyone see the problem? It would be really nice to get this app running.

alphabeta666 (2009-04-04)

So if this doesnt work. Anyone knows another AvidMC torrent for mac???

elmas_7777 (2009-04-05)

[b]direct link download:
PC version:

MAC version:

PC startup project:

MAC startup project:

this is the trial version....[/b]

alphabeta666 (2009-04-05)

Thanks for the links elmas. I run Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, so I get ; "Leopard required, This software is only supported on Mac OS 10.5.5 or greater" message...
Can that be the the problem for me with this torrent..? (Avid Media Composer 3.05)
Is there a way to upgrade from "leopard" to "Panther". Mabey a stupid question, but Im quite new with Mac.

zolonia (2009-05-31)

It took me a couple of attempts but thanks to all helpful instructions I made it. Works perfectly!

marcussens (2009-06-12)

Hi everyone! I've done everything right (at least I think so).
copied the AMC and overwrote it, but when I copy the SuperPro32 it doesn't overwrite. There is no file to overwrite?
After that I run terminal and did that atleast 10 times, have uninstalled 2 times, anyone know what I do wrong? Is there supposed to be a file to overwrite as the first one?
Thanks guys, really appreciate an answer!

marcussens (2009-06-12)

mohaha, I fucking concured this shit. been sitting with it for over an hour.. just need to reinstall it, by misstake I overwrote another superpro32 file, not the one in the "A" folder, follow the instructions people and find the SuperPro32 in your LIBRARY, NOT in the CONTENT folder!!!
Thanks for an awesome upload

toribolas (2009-06-19)

Hey people dis dmg it`s awsome it works definetly just follow every instruction there`s a little trick on chmod -R 755 try this guy: QuestMCoupe at 2008-12-23 19:02 CET:
Alright guys I figured it out...the chmod command is wrong, here is the correct one...
chmod -R 755 /Applications/Avid\ Media\

It works perfect after this. Thanks to antonder for this app.
do it sevaral times.... it f...... works!!!!!

cazman72 (2009-07-22)

Works perfectly on my Intel Macbook Pro.
Be sure to read all comments re installing instructions.
Thanks very much antonderkinderen!

sacredflash (2009-11-24)

I need some help here, this is one of the first cracks I'm doing on a mac and this step is throwing me off:
"Copy AvidMediaComposer -> /Applications/Avid Media Composer/Avid Media"
how do I access a "Contents" folder in an application? I don't quite understand this, thanks in advance!

eiermeier (2010-01-06)

Is there anyone out there who has this running on ppc g5?

xniggler (2010-04-01)

bigup "toribolas" thanks for figuring out the correct terminal code...

danilobodra (2010-04-24)

Guys, i've read all the tips you wrote in here, but still could't do the "chmod thing"... Need help, please...

mjluvvy (2010-10-19)

this file doesn't seem to want to download...

56reghall (2010-11-01)

this is my first torrent install. having trouble. need help please.
i have installed amc mpkg, found it in application and have opened contents window. can see the MacOS Folder and amc in it, but can't replace the orginal amc from app window. its saying can't replace into subfolders. am i completely off track. also no sign of SuperPro32... when and where am i meant to see this? am i completely off track. sorry just a beginner. any suggestion would be appreciated

56reghall (2010-11-02)

... just a little more information for my above post ...
in AMC Folder (from the installed package) - it is the application file (size 304.1mb - this is one one i'm to drag into the MacOS folder)
in the Contents/MacOS folder the AMC is greyed out as it an Unix Exe File (correct? - size around 32mb)
thanks in advance..

mhero (2010-12-27)

For those of you who can't find your Library/Frameworks directory, go:
Finder>Go>Go to Folder
then type in the directory supplied in the instructions. It'll take you right to it.

SamFerol (2011-09-18)

to show the contents folder in the app right click and select show package contents

falaserio (2011-11-02)

Hello to all and thanks for the upload and clear instructions.
After installation, I got the message: installation failed (and no reason). Just checked and I had all the files in app. folder, tried to open the avid and got the dongle nag. Cool. Thought maybe the failure was a hoax heheheeh.
Went through the other steps (patch, super pro, chmod...)
Opening the application, theres no nag about the dongle (yey) but when I get the opening screen of Avid, it gets stuck at the "initializing media streams manager" uploading (you know, when you open a program and it lists at the bottom of the opening screen what its opening or doing at the moment - sorry I don't know the exact term)
Tried installing only the avid, without the rest. Didn't work.
Any ideas if this is a compatibility problem?
I have a mac OS X 10.7.2 2GHz Intel Core i7.
I would love to get some help. Thank you all in advance...

falaserio (2011-11-02)

Oh, and after a long time waiting now I got the following message:
"Exception: OSXMidi IO MIDIClientCreate failed, OSStatus: 268451843".
When I click ok, avid closes :(
Help please! Thanks!!!

falaserio (2011-11-02)

and another update. After removing the file DirectIO.framework from the frameworks folder in library, everything works. Any idea how I can put things back in place and still get avid going?
brilliant torrent BTW

remycjn (2011-12-28)

help, i am not sure how to amend the instructions for the dongle free Avid.
I am not sure what i am copying and where is supposed to be copied/paste to or replace... Please advice

remycjn (2011-12-29)

still having problem to resolve the issue of copying the cracked avid media files... Upon copying the avidmediacomposer from applications and trying to paste, error msg 'You can’t paste “AvidMediaComposer” at this location because you can’t paste an item into itself.
what is it i am doing wrong?

Sheppard52 (2012-02-29)

Just to let everyone know, this torrent does not work with Leopard!
I cannot get it to work no matter what I do, it keeps asking for a dongle.
Help would be appreciated, but I doubt it will work.

thats2neat (2012-03-01)

Everything seemed to work fine, but for some reason now when it used to ask me for dongle, the application just bounces a couple times then quits.
I ran repair permissions with no avail
Restarted computer which didn't work
Am running a MacOS X 10.4.11

user7642 (2012-08-10)

I'm very confused. I understand what to copy and where to put it but not how, I think? I got through the first step but it won't let me put anything into terminal on the second step. Just says process completed and won't let me type. any suggestions?

user7642 (2012-08-10)

This is what my SuperPro32 terminal looks like:
Last login: Thu Aug 9 11:35:33 on ttys000
Zoes-iMac-2:~ OfficeiMac1$
; exit;
cannot execute binary file
[Process completed]
Please help!

ZimDeller (2013-01-27)

Thank you!!

eventsis (2013-03-29)

Im am a bit of a geek knew the instructions but i ended up doing chmod -R 755 and dragging the file to the terminal it will autofill and press enter.
I had the info window open and there was no change in permission so i did 777 and changed so whent back to 755 and changed in the info back to how the file was originally i deleted the original files from the locations and put the cracked ones in place everythign fine .
TRY TO START AND BOOOM needs a dongle??
the origianl 2 files have been deleted so i know its not that i remove the medai composer cracked file and try to run logo jumps up but doesnt load so i know its either the crack or somthing i missed.
Should i restart after the install? or crack first? while the instructions are fairly clear theyre not detailed and im struggling.
I will continue to try and post a full detailed instruction list if i can get it working

eventsis (2013-03-30)

Ok so after another day wasted thinking it was the OSX 10.5 i got Tiger 10.4 installed and same problem asking for a dongle!!!!
I have copied all the files in exactly the right places and done the chmod
What is every one doing what OS is this on and why are so many having a similar problem to myself

simgreg (2013-06-17)

it didn't work, says there's a failure in downloading.

SoulMac (2014-05-08)

Is anyone aware of any way to make this version work on Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9? I try to install it but just at the end of the installation it gives an error :(


1. Avid Media Composer 3.05 Mac cracked.dmg 783.89 Mb