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American Mathematical Monthly - Fractal Geometry/Random Process






American Mathematical Monthly - Fractal Geometry/Random Process/




2009-04-19 (by base3)


##======================================## || || || | /| _ ____ || || | / | / |_ || || | / |_ _ _ __/__| | || || | / | | | |/ | | | | || || | | | | | /| | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || || | |_____| |_ |_| |_|___ | |/ / || || /_/ ___| | |_| / || || ______| |____/ || || || || myriad.|| ##======================================## American Mathematical Monthly A selection of interesting papers on fractal geometry, random processes, probability, game theory and related areas of mathematics, taken from the American Mathematical Monthly. A_Characterization_of_the_Cantor_Function.pdf Donald R. Chalice A_Golden_Cantor_Set.pdf Roger L. Kraft An_Interesting_Cantor_Set.pdf W. A. Coppel A_Simple_Example_of_Little_Big_Set.pdf John K. Williams Buffon_Noodles.pdf Ed Waymire Continuous_Nowhere_Differentiable_Functions_an_Application_of_Contraction_Mappings.pdf Hidefumi Katsuura Designing_a_Calculational_Proof_of_Cantors_Theorem.pdf Edsger W. Dijkstra and Jayadev Misra Finding_Saddlepoints_of_Two-person_Zero_Sum_Games.pdf Donna Crystal Llewellyn, Craig Tovey, Michael Trick Fractals_Graphs_and_Fields.pdf Franklin Mendivil Fractals_with_Positive_Length_and_Zero_Buffon_Needle_Probability.pdf Yuval Peres, Károly Simon, Boris Solomyak Geometry_of_Binomial_Coefficients.pdf Stephen Wolfram Georg_Cantor_and_Transcendental_Numbers.pdf Robert Gray How_to_Make_Wavelets.pdf Robert S. Strichartz Inside_the_Levy_Dragon.pdf Scott Bailey, Theodore Kim, Robert S. Strichartz Number_Systems_With_a_Complex_Base_a_Fractal_Tool_for_Teaching_Topology.pdf Daniel Goffinet On_a_Particular_OneDimensional_Random_Walk.pdf Robert Burton Poisson_Approximations_and_the_Definition_of_the_Poisson_Process.pdf Timothy C. Brown Prime_Numbers_and_Brownian_Motion.pdf Patrick Billingsley Random_Intervals.pdf Joyce Justicz, Edward R. Scheinerman, Peter M. Winkler Random_Triangles.pdf Joe Whittaker Random_Walk_and_the_Theory_of_Brownian_Motion.pdf Mark Kac Reflections_on_Rippling_Water.pdf Michel Mendes France Shuffling_Cards_and_Stopping_Times.pdf David Aldous and Persi Diaconis Some_Probabilistic_Aspects_of_Set_Partitions.pdf Jim Pitman The_Finite_Field_Kakeya_Problem.pdf Keith McKenzie Rogers The_Mandelbrot_Set_the_Farey_Tree_and_the_Fibonacci_Sequence.pdf Robert L. Devaney The_Road_to_Chaos_is_Filled_with_Polynomial_Curves.pdf Richard D. Neidinger and R. John Annen The_Shortest_Curve_that_Meets_all_the_Lines_that_Meet_a_Convex_Body.pdf V. Faber and J. Mycielski The_UnderOverUnder_Theorem.pdf Francis Scheid Triangulating_the_Circle_at_Random.pdf David Aldous Two_Functions_Whose_Powers_Make_Fractals.pdf Marc Frantz Visible_Structures_in_Number_Theory.pdf Peter Borwein and Loki Jörgenson Visualizing_the_padic_Integers.pdf Albert A. Cuoco What_Is_a_Random_Sequence.pdf Sérgio B. Volchan What_is_a_Stochastic_Process.pdf J. L. Doob Whats_the_Difference_between_Cantor_Sets.pdf Roger L. Kraft Zaphod_Beeblebroxs_Brian_and_the_Fiftyninth_Row_of_Pascals_Triangle.pdf Andrew Granville FAQ: *What is MYRIAD? MYRIAD is a nontraditional warez group specialising in making mathematical research papers available for all. *Why? Mathematical research should be freely accessible, so research does not need to be duplicated unnecessarily. Mathematicians write, referee and edit journal articles for free, which are then sold back to the community by commercial publishers and universities. *But $JOURNAL now has a free access policy.. We are targeting those journals for which this is not true. We don't upload articles which are available to all from the publisher without a login or institutional subscription. *Do you have $PAPER? We are trying to build a large collection of papers in electronic form, from which the publishers' watermarks have been removed. So far we only got to papers/journals which are very well known. This will change but we probably won't ever get specific papers on request. *How can I help? By seeding, by downloading papers which meet our criteria and passing them on to MYRIAD if you have institutional access, by handing over logins so we can use your institutional access, by helping us if you have technical skills that could be useful, or by letting us know which papers in your field are important and should be made available. *Contact? [email protected] /* */


  1. mathematical
  2. journal
  3. math
  4. myriad

Files count:



32.15 Mb

