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Company Of Heroes Tales Of Valor FullRip-KaOs






Company Of Heroes Tales Of Valor FullRip-KaOs




2009-04-27 (by gansuk)


â•”------------------------------------------------------------â•— |│▓█████ â–„â–„â–€ â–€ ▀▀▓█████ │▓█████▀▀ â–€ | |│▓██▀█▀▀█▄ │▓██▀█▀▀▀▓█████ │▓██▀█▀▀▀▓█████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓█████ | |│▓█████ ▀▄│▓█████ │▓█████ │▓█████ │▓█████ │▓█████ │▓█████ | |│▓█████ ▀▄│▓█████▄▄▓█████▄│▓█████▄▄▓█████▄│▓██▄█▄▄▄▓█████▄| â•š------------------------------------------------------------╝ KaOs! [ a l w a y s c h o o s e t h e b o o z e ] ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────┐ │·······················■ k·a·o·s··p·r·e·s·e·n·t·s··· ■·······················│ └────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────┘ │ │ │ Release Title: Company Of Heroes: Tales Of Valor │ │ │ │ │ │ Archive-Count [ 75 * 50MB ] │ │ Ripped/Packed [ KaOsKrew ] │ │ No-CD [ Battery ] │ │ Ripped/Removed [ Nothing ] │ │ │ │ Trailer/Screenshots │ ││ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │▓██▀█▀▀▀▓█████│▓██▀█▀▀▀▓█████ │░█████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀██▄▄ â–„â–ˆ │▓█████ │▓█████│▓█████ ▄▓█████ │▒█████ ▀▀██▄ ███ │▓█████ │▓█████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄│▓█████ ███ ███ [ r e l e a s e ]│▓█████ ███ █▓█ i n f o │▓█████▄ █▓█ ███ ███ █▓█ █▓█ â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ â–’â–“â–’ â–’â–“â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ Install Notes: â–’â–’â–’ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–‘â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘â–‘ â–‘ 1. Unrar Manually Or Use Our Installer â–‘ â–‘ â–‘ 2. Run ~unpack~ From the Extracted Folder To Rebuild â–‘ â–‘ â–‘ (Our Installer Does This Auto) â–‘ â–‘â–‘â–‘ 3. Run RelicCOH.exe To Play â–‘â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–‘â–’â–‘ â–’â–’â–’ Other Notes: â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–’â–’â–’ â–“â–’â–“ This Version Has Update 2.501 Already Patched. â–“â–’â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Install/Rebuild Is Time Consuming But Must Finish. â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Took Over 4 Hours To Fully Install On Our DualCore â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Loads Of Audio To Encode (Over 113000) â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ DirectX Updates Are Included. (Extras Folder) â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ To UnLock The First Game First Run The Game â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Make A Save Game Then Quit The Game â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Open ExtrasRegInfoCoH.reg With Notepad â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Replace The Serial With This One 1111-2222-3333-3444-dbf3 â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Run The Reg File And Then Start The Game Again â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ If U Did It Right U Will Be Able To Play The First Game â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ Check Minimum Requirements Before Downloading. â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ â–“â–“â–“ █▓█ █▓█ █▓█ Peace Tranquility █▓█ █▓█ Drunk And High █▓█ █▓█ Chilled And Relaxed █▓█ ███ Thats How We Get By ███ ███ ███ ███ [email protected] /* */ ███ ███ No Tech-Support .. No Missing Files .. No Noob/Lamers ███ ███ ███ ███ We Are Hireing Gfx Artists For Our Install.exe ▄███ ███▄ Think Your Any Good? Email Us A KaOs Example. ▄███▀ ▀███▄ (We Do Not Need Anything Else At The Moment!) ███▀ ▀███▄ ▄▄███▀ ▀███████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ASCii BY Wack0.kaos in the style of antibody & muffin^AiiA done 1.07


  1. KaOs

Files count:



3549.88 Mb




PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-27)

ty soo much for your time in helping making that HUGE ISO smaller :D

PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-27)

OHH YEA, EXCELLENT SPEED MAN!!! TY very very much :)

Caroline.87 (2009-04-28)


KeiKun83 (2009-04-28)

Will this one interfere with my original copy of CoH +AddOn (already installed on my computer)?
I don't want my Account banned just because I can't afford the game right now :( (going to buy it within two months).

Caroline.87 (2009-04-29)

I have COH and Opposing Fronts already installed.
I ran RelicCoH.exe from Tales of Valor and it won't go past the Checking for Media, it minimises and tells me to insert the CD. It displayed the Opposing Fronts splash screen.
So I didn't get to the menu or anything so wasn't able to make a saved game. I however modified the registry and it now displayed the Tales of Valor splash screen instead of opposing fronts however it still didn't get past the Media Check screen.

Caroline.87 (2009-04-29)

Had to use a Opposing Fronts mini image in order to make it work.

neosoldier (2009-05-07)

Some Help here
during the installation
it kept on saying "bugsplatrc resource dll not found"
and stopping in the middle
is this a problem?

 muffda (2009-05-15)

Ran the installer and manally ran unpack, the game wouldnt install....why not just create a iso

olivervista (2009-05-17)

Thanks a lot for this upload.
I've just following your instructions and It's working fine, simply It ask me to insert the CoH CD, I did it (I have CoH & CoH OF) and after the CD's verification It shows me the main menu, I choose "Tales of valor" missions and the game begin... So, Really thanks to your hard work.

gansuk (2009-05-23)

it seems previous versions of the game can mess up this version, best way to get this working is to uninstall your other versions and install this one, when asked for the cd click ok to skip it, probbly down to a dodgy no-cd.

johnmuie (2009-06-13)

i used the uninstall.bat
it unpacked about 7.5 GB but i cant find the exe
''reliccoh.exe'' is missing. any sugestions?

johnmuie (2009-06-13)

sry for noob question but do u need the original or is this a standalone expansion?

fire711 (2009-06-14)

for some reason while extracting Data12.arc it freezes at 0.3:% , someone please help me

daredevilcod (2009-06-21)

omg 1 hour just preparing for setup !!!!!!!

killzor55 (2009-07-12)

Hello :) I am new on this page. Can someone plz tell me the way how i can play it? I got those much RAR files. What i do with them and where do they appear after i installed?

zzzmaya (2009-07-19)

dam been stuck at 73.1 % for like 2 hours :(

facc007 (2009-07-24)

Unpack takes forever............blah waiting and waiting....... Gansuk warn next time on lengthy unpack so we can set it up while we sleep. So far so good no nasty bugs found on scan!

facc007 (2009-07-24)

Still unpacking....... thank god for xbox360

ColdZeroxxx (2009-07-24)

I need the original .exe .I want to apply latest ToV update!

DarthChipmonk (2009-07-29)

whoa, getting 3-20 kb/s for awhile now, need some more seeders =D

6r33n (2009-08-04)

I have the same problem as "johnmuie" - RelicCOH.exe is missing after running the extractor...

6r33n (2009-08-05)

I finally got it to work! The problem seems to be WinXPx64. I just finished installing it on Win7x64 without any problems. The working extraction took 5 HOURS!!?! So it's definitely something to do overnight... Anyways, thanks for the hard work KaOs!

MrMikaLee (2009-08-10)

Help Please
I have the same problem as "johnmuie" and "6r33n" No RelicCOH.exe is in any of the files after running the extractor...

the-bad-guy (2009-08-12)

Join new server;
Game: Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Version (Game): 2.500 (Unpatched)
Server: ROFL Game? Net.
Pass: rofl
Notes: im online 11am-8pm (Pacific Time) but not always!

the-bad-guy (2009-08-12)

and its for hamachi

gansuk (2009-09-01)

r u people blind? the description says "Took Over 4 Hours To Fully Install On Our DualCore" took me slightly over that.

qqmr (2009-09-05)

i did make a save game @ first time, then I've changed serial number, and then registry it . . .
but 3 previous game still using the first serial . . .
and i can't play it
what should i do ?

qqmr (2009-09-11)

Great Torrent,
to activate previous COH series
try to using mini image at
btw i can't upgrade with the latest patch . . .
from 2.501 to 2.502
and go on . . .

Taco1 (2009-10-04)

This doesn't even work right, the unpacker is all screwed up. Everytime I unpack most of it comes up with the following error
This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.

cmichaelt (2009-10-19)

if i lost my cd can i use this to install the game with my cd-key for a legit version?

Angerfist_DJ (2009-10-20)

4 hours?!
I have a fast computer with 10.000 rpm HDD but it is unpacking for almost 7 hours now!!

Angerfist_DJ (2009-10-20)

8 hours now

cmichaelt (2009-10-20)

finished unpacking in approx 3 hours.

Angerfist_DJ (2009-10-20)

What the hell?

triste2k (2009-11-27)

For those with errors like: This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Try downloading unarc from the web, rename it to replace the bundled arc.dll.
get it from here

discusowner (2010-01-14)

Excelliant upload thank you works perfectly for me. Does anyone know how to activate the opposing fronts campaigns in this rip. 10/10 uploader thanks again

NotSober (2010-01-18)

u can activate the whole lot by changeing the serial in this file Extras\RegInfo\CoH.reg to
then double click it to overwrite the previous one.

Wayne94 (2010-02-08)

hey guys can somebody tell me if i'm decoding the file halfway then my laptop ran out of battery and i resumed windows right after i plugged it into a power source, will it continue from where it left off? now the place i'm unraring to is 6GB+, Windows 7 Home Premium btw. Thx.

Wayne94 (2010-02-08)

yeah! finished unraring after 5 hours 30 mins, Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53Ghz mobile processor. Thanks Notsober for providing the keys! use CAFE-BABE-ABAD-BABE-132C instead of the one KAOS provided (1111-2222-3333-3444-dbf3) cuz it'll only unlock the later ones, use CAFE-BABE-ABAD-BABE-132C to unlock all!

autumn4ever (2010-04-09)

Is it possible to play a LAN game with it ?

neocero (2010-04-13)

do i need the other version of CoH, or is this a standalone?

Jman514 (2010-05-05)

Damn i wish they made blunts packed this tightly.
4 Hours while have a gaming session on a Phenom II @ 3.0 Ghz.

saiyajins28 (2010-05-07)

7 hours instal:( 7orát instalál majd beszartam ilyen nincs:(

antarezx (2010-06-08)

3h 45m ... sure take alot of pain for the one who packing this .. thanks for all your sweat bro....

Tanzbd (2010-06-14)

@ Wayne94: you said "it'll only unlock the later ones by using (1111-2222-3333-3444-dbf3) which was provided by KAOS.I used CAFE-BABE-ABAD-BABE-132C too, to unlock all! But none of them unlocked the first 3.Can some one post the right Serial?I've done exactly as instruction.Thanks.

tibit (2010-07-05)

dont work for me.
I cant activate it. The NFO says first to make a save game but how could I make if I cant start the missions.
I used both mentioned keys but after using them game still wants to insert a disk. Unbelievable!
Downloaded NoCD cracks, doesnt work
neither. I have no idea what should i do now, but I tell you not to download it.

xaleel (2010-10-08)

do not download this!!!
Better if u download the original one trust me guys

Maggan123 (2010-10-12)

The game works all good for me but I have a problem.. I cannot change to Serial-Key in that file.. I open it as Notes but I cannot save it.. says Acces Denied.. any help plx? :) thx

chirssayscool (2010-10-13)

for some reason while extracting Data12.arc it freezes at 0.3:% , someone please help me shit it is

llovedy (2011-04-23)

whether i can patch it to make run eastern front mod...but eastern front installer says to patch to 2.601.0 to run eastern front ...but this version is 2.501.0...i try to patch 2.501-2.502..but installer says it is unrecognised!!!!!!!!!

llovedy (2011-04-25)

guys please help me ...I am unable to patch this version to run eastern front mod..whether is possible or give other ideas to fix this problem friends....

olleonardo (2011-04-25)

Ey, guys plz help, well, I've Installed it right and stuffs, but when I ran the game, it wanted a disc from me or activations code, I meen, I picked "Retail Store" but it still wanted a disc from me, it asked for the same when I picked "Steam" and activations code for the last one, do I need to reinstall it and turn of the internet of something?.. Plz help, thanks..

jasspy (2011-06-11)

Hi guys 2dy extract it,
take 11hr 33min to completly install
now showing 3 mission unlock,
do as u told kaos
nothng happen what to do plz rply

karkar99 (2011-06-30)

guys im sorry to tell you but kaos krew rip doesnt have a registry entry u cant patch that because u need a registry file to register that game in ur computer ... cuz the patch locate where u install the game but sorry u cant do that unless kaos release a registry entry.. but guys their is some other site releasing a registry file download it double click then ur done...

iWardyz (2011-07-25)

this sounds newbie but how come when i download this all i get is the orginal game of company of heroes ???? HELP.

iWardyz (2011-07-27)

why is RelicCOH incompatible with my pc HELP??????

iWardyz (2011-07-27)

why is RelicCOH incompatible with my pc HELP??????

it says that XThread.dll is missing help

willll111 (2012-02-21)

took about 4 hours to unpack on a Intel i7 1st gen

Bluemartian (2012-02-29)

Fucking bullshit. I downright hate KAOS now. Make me wait 2 fucking days to unrar, unpack, and rebuild the game. Says to me
"That took a long time, lol"
First of all fuck you just for that.
"Game is now ready to play"
I open the game, it says
"Insert company of heroes opposing fronts."
I didn't download OF i downloaded TOV so fuck you again.
I hit continue anyways
"No disk inserted" Retry?
So lemme get this straight.... for 2 days i can't play any games on my computer during unpack and such. Can't watch tv because it's all skippy. When it's finally done you asshole have fucking lied to me...? It's not even fucking cracked but you said it is. SEriously never downloading ANYTHING that says KAOS ever again.
Whch sucks because I used to think they were cool.

ikehendrix (2012-04-25)

Well....decrompression and installation took about 6 hours and everything works just fine now!!! (Win7 Pro 32)

X33s (2013-08-03)

Are you sure you need 4 hour in dual core? Because i was extracting it for more than 12 hours in my quad core computer. (Sorry for the bad English)