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Windows XP Professional with SP2 ISO, Pre-activated, and key inc




Software PC


Windows XP Professional with SP2 ISO, Pre-activated, and key inc




2008-04-12 (by Aufseher )


Windows XP Professional with SP2 ISO, Pre-activated, and key included I downloaded a torrent and it was in .ccd format, which I dislike. I like the standard iso, it makes it easier to mount (so you can fiddle around in VM). So I converted it, but along with converting it, I also slipstreamed the key into it so you don't even have to enter a key, it's already entered for you! Once you install this, it will already be activated and it will pass WGA so you can get the latest updates as well! You will need WINRAR to extract the .rar, google it if you don't have it already. Then use your favorite CD/DVD burning software (Nero, Alcohol 120%, etc) to burn the iso to a cd or dvd. Then boot to it (make sure you have boot to cd set in your BIOS!) and enjoy! I tested and burned the iso myself and it works - I'm on it as I am uploading it! Enjoy Windows XP Professional (Pro) with SP2! Slipstreamed and key added using nLite.

Files count:



579.81 Mb




dhaqur64 (2008-04-13)

Any chance you're going to seed this, or are you just another waste of Fucking space

 Aufseher (2008-04-13)

Wow moron, open your ports before you try to look stupid.

mishari (2008-04-13)

Thanks, Aufseher. I hate Vista and bought my laptop 2 weeks before it was relkeased, just to avoid it. XP SP2 is the most stable OS Microsoft have ever released. Of course, the problem is that you don't get a XP disc with a new laptop, it's just one of those OEM deals, the fuckers, so this will be be a very handy back-up. God knows what dhaqur64 is babbling about. I'm geting an average 250 kB/s. Thanks again...

sonyx1911 (2008-04-14)

How do i make this thing bootable... doesnt boot automatically.

dhaqur64 (2008-04-14)

My ports are open you retarded fuckwit, you weren't seeding. and as for being a moron you must have been looking in the mirror. fucking imbicile

dhaqur64 (2008-04-14)

check this twat out some of his other torrents has virus's in them

 Aufseher (2008-04-14)

Yes I was seeding you twit. 200kB up constantly, go complain somewhere else you nitwit. You don't have to download my torrent anyways. *yawn* Oh, the mirror joke, har har. No, it's you.
disaksen, it is OEM.
sonyx, did you burn the image to disk or did you just put the .iso on the disk? You have to BURN IMAGE, not just BURN. After that, make sure you have your BIOS set so that CD will boot first.

dhaqur64 (2008-04-14)

Aufseher you are a lying retarded backward arsehole, you weren't seeding when I tried this torrent. My friend finally downloaded this torrent, it's the key they use for the education Corporate one. so go and do you're bullshitting elsewhere. Mishari take your dick out of aufseher's arse you retarded queer

dhaqur64 (2008-04-14)

the reason it passes wga is because he's used the corporate education key

sonyx1911 (2008-04-14)

dhaqur64, go kill urself lamer.
Aufseher, thanks, nice iso. The reason it didn't boot at first was an issue with nero express, probably the "buirn image" thing you noted, works now.

dhaqur64 (2008-04-14)

sonyx1911 you retarded little turd you can't even unrar an iso file and burn it to a cd and you call me a lamer. with regards to the killing part, meet me and you'll find out who'll die. now crawl back under the stone you came from and let the grown ups use this service. By the way do you call your sister Mother

mishari (2008-04-14)

dhaqur64 ,nice to see that charm school has worked out so well for you. You're one of those weedy little twerps with lots of zits who's never been laid, right? I understand. I'd be bitter too. Better luck in your next re-incarnation. In the mean time, do try to understand how pitiful it is to make physical threats from the security of your fake name and unknown location. Try to get out more. Try to bathe more often. Read a book or two. Buy some teeth...who knows? You might meet someone as desperate as wishes, mishari

stevekasian (2008-04-14)


 Aufseher (2008-04-14)

One good thing about TPB that Demonoid doesn't have... rude and hilarious comments! :D mishari, nice comebacks. :)

gobit (2008-04-14)

I am missing Demonoid so much!

josssticks (2008-04-15)

been watching this arguement for a while. downloaded the torrent and dhaqur64 is right this isn't an OEM disk

josssticks (2008-04-15)

perhaps people on here should agree to dis-agree

 Aufseher (2008-04-15)

The torrent I downloaded which gave me the .ccd format said it was, so I was just basing it off of that. If it isn't, what is it? And even if isn't OEM, what are the consequences? I've been on it for a month, been able to get my updates, WMP11, etc. I'm sorry I made that mistake, but it still works overall.

josssticks (2008-04-15)

Perhaps people who were looking for an OEM version would be annoyed to find out after having spent a lot of time downloading, that it was not an OEM version

 Aufseher (2008-04-15)

I never advertised OEM in the title nor in the description so for them to assume OEM by default is silly.
And even if they were looking for OEM, again, tell me the consequence and disadvantages of using this iso?

frequent980 (2008-04-15)

dhaqur64 is the kinda guy who's so small in life he goes to the web to talk shit cause he knows he would get his head knocked off talking this shit in person.

 Aufseher (2008-04-16)

According to someone on Demonoid, you are wrong. This is not academic, but in fact a Volume copy. I am wrong about the Pre-Activated part though. This torrent HAS NO ACTIVATION! That's even better imo.

nagamas868 (2008-04-17)

good work aufseher - just ignore those rude remarks. Some people just have nothing better to do - they don't have to download if they don't want to. Even if it is not what they expected, what the hell is 600 odd mb ?

Magnuh (2008-04-17)

Slipstreamed and key added using nlite. Sounds wonderful. Is IE, Media player and some of that other bloat gone then?

sonyx1911 (2008-04-18)

I can confirm this baby passed WGA, good stuff.

MousePad (2008-04-18)

dhaqur64, you sound like a li'l kid that hasn't got enough attention the last five minutes, ...what? You feel like noone is taking anything you say or do seriously? You just lost a great opportunity to practice patience, instead you bear witness to the rest of us that your emotional development could use quite some practice in general. Besides you're nothing but a moralist, a category where the least intelligent people belong to, becuase they end up doing the same mistakes as those who they are blaming. And I bet you belive you're really clever. Come back five years from now, and study your... "comments", and you'll see how "clever" you really were, you "fucking imbicile" =) (and it's not just like I'm calling you names, you really are one of those rare living ibiciles. It's almost like going to the Zoo, to bump into a real ibicile - not something you do every day, and quite exotic actually)

edinbchickx (2008-04-18)

Took ages to download ! ........BUT...........
thank you , well worth the wait !
thanks you !

ryanpetey (2008-04-18)

Probably a dumb question, but I'm getting prompted for the key, so could you give it to me? For whatever reason, the automatic aspect of it isn't working...

white_raven (2008-04-18)

I'm downloading now...i'm crossing my fingers that it will work! hehe..but it sounds like it will! do you guys know what would be the best way to install xp on one hard drive and linux on the second? xp is my only os right now and i'm going to replace it with this!....thanks!

ryanpetey (2008-04-18)

Nm, found it on another torrent. Thx for the upload

andonisap (2008-04-18)

works great thanks!

furiousStylesHxC (2008-04-19)

Free XP Keys:

white_raven (2008-04-20)

THANKS ALOT "Aufseher" I DIDNT WORK!!! NAAAA I'm just playing It worked great!! It was so beautiful! it passed WGA! this rocks thanks alot!

UObaby (2008-04-20)

I burned the ISO with magic iso to a CD and upon booting my PC up it doesn't even recognize it. What would be the problem? I tested it on my PC with XP cause I know it detects cds on boot up and it does, but then it just hangs for some reason. Just trying make sure I can get it working before I get rid of shitty vista.

nakk (2008-04-21)

Works really great, easy install without any wga crap, thanks!

Busa2009 (2008-04-25)

Will someone explain to me how to do this.

LerT (2008-04-25)

this is 32 bit right

AndraBullar (2008-04-25)

Eeeh, it won't start. Been standing here for thirteen minutes, and the speed is still 0,0kb/s and 0,0%...

Richkez (2008-04-25)

hey there when i boot this when im already in my copy of xp it asks for product key, do i have to boot from cdrom to start of with? or has anyone got a key? thanks

dweezy1 (2008-04-26)

hey could someone please give me detailed instructions on how to install this, i have poweriso and stuff.
thank you!!

ryaxin (2008-05-01)

WHERE ARE ALL THE SEEDERS???!!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!
c'mon guys/gals.....TPB is useless if y'all take but don't share....

ryaxin (2008-05-01)

You need to 'burn the image' of the .iso file to the CD.
Use Nero or any other burning software for this task. I prefer Nero.
Once the burn image file process is complete, you're done.
Ensure you're PC is bootable from your CD/DVD drive, slap the newly created CD in the drive and let her run her course.
Hope this helps!

santose3 (2008-05-01)

thanks aufseher i download and tested it works great thanks again this is good!

Nathan123456 (2008-05-06)

Please seed! The speed is so slow.
Once I have tested this file, if it works as it should, I will upload this brilliant ISO to Rapidshare and post a link for everyone to download directly.
Many thanks in advance Aufseher

Echo_419 (2008-05-13)

Downloaded nicely and passed AVG scans good job. Ill be trying it once my last few components for my new pc comes. And if this doesn't work for whatever reason I have a copy of vista *That came with my other pc* laying around.

FunkFlexCaptainSex (2008-05-15)

Hey! i downloaded this not to long ago & have only just made a pirate bay account hehe even tho i have been using this for bloody ages!!
anyway! just to say that this torrent is not fake or anything like that it works 100%
if you have a look at another xp torrent there is a guy that sent a valdition code & it works fine

lolwhere (2008-05-16)

Very nooby question, but where the hell is the ISO file? :/

Evil_Laserlord (2008-05-19)

Brilliant torrent! Great with .iso, that helps alot when you're doing boot camp. Mine works like a charm. Highly recommended!

troopas (2008-05-26)

Very good torrent. I've just installed it and it works perfect. Recommended!

nikkhoo (2008-05-27)

i burned it and everything but when i am going to install it , it needs a key ?????????? its pre acitvated , right ?

Hatecomplications (2008-05-27)

I hope this baby works. Every keygen and wga file doesn't work.

ioriissoevil (2008-05-28)

Can someone verify if Aufseher really did program the product key into the .iso and if it does have windows WGA. NICE JOB SEEDING!!!!

ioriissoevil (2008-05-28)

Yo Lolwhere The "ISO" is the .iso file that is included and the biggest file in the torrent. Burn it with nero or a program that burns iso's as a Bootloading disc
ALCOHOL 120% is good to just beware of trojans and look for the right comments.
WE WERE ALL NOOBS ONCE, and sometimes I have
noobish moments especially with UBUNTU
ALSO Aufseher how did you install the Key in Windows, Or did you just happen to come across the file and took credit? If you did the probablity your a MS programer or a liar is almost 97%

nikkhoo (2008-05-29)

IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paco_paco31 (2008-05-29)

i burned the iso onto a dvd but no installer comes up
where is it?

coolguy2008 (2008-05-30)

hey. how do i use this with boot camp on Mac OSX leopard. 10.5.2

shaele (2008-05-30)

Just downloaded and installed, passed WGA, installed WMP 11, IE 7, and SP3. All is working well and passing. Had some file that didn't copy at start of installation, just skipped and installation continued without a hitch. Great torrent, nothing detected by AVG, downloaded in less than one hour. Thanks a million!

Travis_0992 (2008-06-01)

Works 100% All the time. Thanks Aufseher

cowpuncher (2008-06-02)

it's not hard to integrate a serial into an install... just google slipstreaming installs.

jt78963 (2008-06-03)

I cant find the ISO file in the torrent anywhere.
Can anyone tell me where it is?

nuGFX (2008-06-03)

the only large file there, the other is nothing

jt78963 (2008-06-03)

I don't understand. There are 5 folders, 11 files and 2 shortcuts, as well as the setup program for XP. The largest file is the setup prgram. So where is the ISO file?

1daypass (2008-06-03)

It's weird... The Pirate Bay says it has 198 seeders, but my client is only picking up 11..... I've checked all the settings, should max out at 60. Weird..... Can't wait until it's finished though, this looks great!!!

Babooon (2008-06-04)

I'm a noob, please help.
I downloaded this and burned it to cd. I took the whole 1 .isofile and burned it in nero. I just upgraded my PC so i need to make a fresh install, but the CD wouldnt boot? I have set the CD to boot first in BIOS, but nothing happens.
I tried to press F8 and then i can choose to start in safemode and so on,but no option to format and install XP. XP is already on the harddrive.
Did i burn it the wrong way? Am i suppose to extract the ISO into all those small files, select them all instead and burn?
Plz help!

montypi (2008-06-04)

@ Baboon:
Open your disc in Windows Explorer. If you see an .iso file, you've done it wrong. When you burn in Nero, choose the option "From image" (or similar). Then open the new disc in Windows Explorer. If you see heaps of folders and random files, you've done it right (anything other than a .iso file is usually right)

Babooon (2008-06-05)

montypi: Thank you very much. I had burn't wrong, i hadn't burned as a bootable disc :P
This works just great, but i think i had to enter a key anyway, but that doesn't matter!
Now it's gaming time :D
Thanks a lot for upload, it works great!

cubanitoloko23 (2008-06-07)

Thank you very very much for this up;oad, i thought i was going to have to trash my laptop but this will work. I dont know why Dell is doing this crap now where if you dont have WinXp with Sp2 it will not let you install. Keep upthe good work

Cokeaholik (2008-06-07)

Awwww man the key doesn't work anymore anyone know where I can get another one?

Mike_Collie (2008-06-07)

anyone else not getting sound? My sound card is intergrated so I don't have a clue where I can get the driver from, I tried running Linux from a Live CD and the sound works perfectly on that. Can anyone help? :|

Alucard187 (2008-06-07)

Damn thats hot! My Wife just plugged in my old PC cuz she needs it for Work but Windows NT is way too fucked to install my internet on it... So great torrent Aufseher!
Achso ja und grüße aus Deutschland!

Katsurui (2008-06-07)

Can someone put a TUT up for this?
Sorry, I am the hugest noobs on computers!
After I burned the .ISO in my CD, I opened it in a Windows Explorer and I see 11 files, 5 files, 2 shortcuts. Do I restart and press F8?
Or do I click on the setup in the CD?

Cokeaholik (2008-06-07)

IS Anyone Else having a key issue

Babooon (2008-06-08)

I tried this code from another torrent, worked for me :P

saebod (2008-06-09)

heelp it work on my old pc (it have xp before) but my new one have vista but i cant click on install WINDOWS XP help plz

sokkyu (2008-06-09)

So can I just install this and replace vista or will it just fuck my computer if I try to install it over vista? Also will my files be all gone?

piratarex1 (2008-06-09)

goog torrent... i'm runing parallels it's bitching

dr.aiyoku (2008-06-10)

sokkyu, The Peoples Republic of Micro$oft doesn't officially allow you to downgrade your operating system. Ever. Your best bet is to backup you data and format your HDD. If this isn't an option for you then go to this website and grab a copy of the GRUB super disk. It's a good tool for windows and linux newbs who want to screw around with their OS without loosing all their files.

rassholeehhh (2008-06-11)

there is one .img file, one .sub file and one .ccd file, where is that famous .iso file!!??!

hatervista (2008-06-12)

hatervista (2008-06-12)

wow! 348 kb/s

hatervista (2008-06-12)

wow! 450 kb/s!

phatfish78 (2008-06-16)

Jupp...F U C K V I S T A!!!

gettofabulous2000 (2008-06-17)

I Haven't read all the comments at all, but I just wanted mac users to know this worked perfectly fine with BootCamp. I was also able to enable automatic updates without any hassles. Great torrent!!!

Jantte- (2008-06-17)

I dont understand this, has the ISO file been hidden in somewhere or what?
The single largets file i've got here is the setup file, could it be that us who have problem with it has had some problems with the downloading and we just simply dont have it?

Jantte- (2008-06-18)

I suppose that i have to just take all the files that there are and make them in to a iso file, right?

bongodaddy (2008-06-20)

quote dr.aiyoku at 2008-06-10 06:05 CET:
sokkyu, The Peoples Republic of Micro$oft doesn't officially allow you to downgrade your operating system. Ever. Your best bet is to backup you data and format your HDD. If this isn't an option for you then go to this website and grab a copy of the GRUB super disk. It's a good tool for windows and linux newbs who want to screw around with their OS without loosing all their files. end quote
bullshit.. I have been running dual boot vista+xp with no problems whatsoever.. if you can read and google then it´s easy.

Oren_Yul (2008-06-21)

This is GREAT file (torrent)!!
Worked like a charm... Nothing else to do but a simple install and windows was up and running.
All the rest was to install specific HW/SW related to newer version that were not during the time of the creation...
Great Job!!
Thanks a lot...

007BL (2008-06-23)

Is the disk bootable??
Please, awnser :-)

j-nasty (2008-06-23)

how do i take it off?

Unit3dOne (2008-06-25)

This torrent works great. I downloaded it and burned the ISO and installed without even asking for a key... And being that my model computer was never intended for xp, THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE GETTING DRIVERS, I SHOULD HAVE THERE JOB. . .

fandreea (2008-06-25)

Wow! It's for real! It works fine.....thank you Aufseher. Clean install, without asking the key and activation! I recommend this one !!!

shreyasrinky (2008-06-25)

Awesome Torrent.. Works Great... Really Great.. I installed It ... It downloads and installs HIGH PRIORITY UPADATED... Thanks you very much for sharing this torrent.. Works Really Great... Thanks again... :-)

mclovinit2 (2008-06-26)

Just downloaded this one in less than an hour. Boots from CD, no serial requested by the installer. Thanks Aufseher!

Hypnyp2 (2008-06-26)

I made the CD, and the setup.exe runs corectly. Except I can't click "Install Windows XP" or "Check my system automatically". I can click everything else.
I have a vista operating system.
Can anybody help me out?

Enemy04 (2008-06-28)

May someone please help me? Can I boot with Boot Camp on my mac? I seriously want windows and mac on my laptop. I burned the .iso file to a CD Rom, but I put it in and it's not readable. I then mount it with "Toast Titanium" and I get a fucking error saying "No Bootable Device" and I did the freakin' partition!

Enemy04 (2008-06-28)

And burn your cd set in your BIOS wtf?

bicolano (2008-06-28)


addy_sidd (2008-06-29)

Hypnyp2:u cant install windows xp on vista,cause xp is an earlier version so i recommend u to boot from CD i.e insert the disk and restart ur PC and start the instalation prosess it is good to install on a new partition.Hopes this works for u ;)

sohjo01 (2008-06-29)

Is this 64 bit versio ??

MMK89 (2008-06-30)

it has no sounds and sound files have no sounds
can any one help me please.....?

Oskarkemi (2008-07-01)

Sorry to ask but. is it possible when you use Windows Automatic Uptades it will tell you when you have uppdated for a coupple of days it is a false verision of windows? becouse when i used an old XP CD i had it told me when i had updaded for a while im using an Fake versision of windows. Thanks =) ?

rzkk (2008-07-03)

didnt work for me at all.. i checked BIOS and everything is correct, it just when i want it to boot from the CD it goes into a screen asking if i wanna start my operating system in safe mode, with netwroking etc, or normally. and i select normally and it goes back to where i am. Please help if there is something to do

dizznork (2008-07-03)

damn good downloadspeed on this torrent 118 seeders and 476 kb/s

dizznork (2008-07-03)

sorry xD... 653 kb/s

patton303 (2008-07-03)

Jesus fucking Xmas.....
Can't anyone follow directions?
You want us to wipe your ass too?

Ianpbx (2008-07-05)

Excellent. Thanks. Installs perfectly without entering key. Updates work too. Excellent no-nonsense download. I burned it to CD using IsoMagic.

jeanleroux (2008-07-06)

to anybody trying to install this currently running vista: youre gunna have to
1. back up all the files etc you want to external hard drives/dvds etc
2. write this to a dvd
3. boot from the disk when your computer starts up
4. write over the hard drive(s) youre running vista on

shadow-of-leaves (2008-07-06)

worked a treat but can anyone who lost sound tell me how they fixed it please?,seem to be going round in circles,quiet circles.

dinmor35 (2008-07-06)

Hi, I downloaded this and it installed nicely, it is now running good! Except I have one problem.
I can't connect to the internet!
My computer used to be Vista and could easily just plug in the broadband cable and I was online.
Im new to XP, so can anybody tell me how I get online?

sloefie (2008-07-07)

this works great , thnx dude =^)

SURLEWEB (2008-07-08)

Works fine ! I just followed the instructions of Aufseher. Just one problem, can't get my language inside Windows ( French )

SURLEWEB (2008-07-08)

I let the automatic update work today ( July 8 2008 ) and it worked fine. Just one pb, i can't get my language work inside windows

SURLEWEB (2008-07-09)

Concerning the language problem, it seems not due to this torrent: it seems that SP in english cannot be changed to other languages...i did not know, but now, people, beware.

montypi (2008-07-09)

Works perfectly. All security checks M$ throws at it, it passes. WGA passes without any problems. SP3 and all other updates working 100%. One of the best torrents I've ever downloaded. Great work!

Amethystrayne (2008-07-11)

I don't know what I am doing wrong. Yes I downloaded the file, copied it properly, and reset my boot priority to boot disk, but now I am getting the message " BOOT DISK FAILURE, PLEASE INSERT DISK AND PRESS ENTER" Is this a software problem, or might this be my disk drive?

montypi (2008-07-12)

@ Amethystrayne
Burn another disk, then try again. If it still doesn't work, then you've either got a corrupted file, or your drive is stuffed up. Try a different drive after the second time (if it fails again) and if it still fails, you've got a corrupted image. Download again, and if it STILL fails, I don't know what to do :P

Jrgamespot (2008-07-13)

thanks a ton - downloaded at an average of 600 kb/s. havnt tried it out yet but burning now. hope it works :D ill seed a little to help all out

christophersquid (2008-07-13)

k i downloaded the file, and there is no .iso to be found, just the same folders and shortcuts mentioned before. i take it that i have to make these into an .iso file, and then burn the image to a disc? also, how do i change my bios to boot from a cd?

mdgoalie (2008-07-13)

im downloadin now at 300kb + so far thanx hope it works

Shaddai (2008-07-13)

Vista and Nvidia screwed me so I decided to work around my problem and dual boot. I was about to spend cash money on a copy of XP but I thought "fuck those motherfuckers." And this torrent helped me do exactly that. Everything here functions properly...unlike my Geforce with Vista.

christophersquid (2008-07-14)

ok so all i have to do is make an iso file and then burn the image to a cd, i dont have to make the iso bootable with the program i use?

lully (2008-07-15)

this worked great@@
i had to slip in some sata drivers for my motherboard but after that it didnt ask me for a CD key or anything worked great :]

t1du (2008-07-15)

install was fine and effortless, but my version was loaded with spyware... I didn't even start up IE and pop-ups started flying. I got some pretty nasty stuff too, it requires more rummaging and work than just running spybot, it's not even worth it.

evildajesus (2008-07-15)

can i use this disk to upgrade my home edition or do i have to remove home ed before i run this disk?

evildajesus (2008-07-15)

xp home edition( see above)

evildajesus (2008-07-15)

xp home ed. (see above)

 toxicjuggalo (2008-07-16)

thank you

Amethystrayne (2008-07-17)

Thanks for the help. I had actually started to install another version of windows pro the didn't work and had to delete that installation before installing this one. The other installation had a corrupted disk and thus didn't work.
I just have one quick question; will this version pass the validation for windows or should I skip this step?
Otherwise this is a perfect install and is awesome so far. I have had it a week and has worked fantastically. Thanks so much for the awesome upload.

mr.bojangles (2008-07-17)

hey im sorry about this beacuse the torrent looks really good and i downloaded it burnt it on a cd even at a slow speed started to install it got to a point where it said starting windows and up pops this big blue basterd of a screen saying error of some sort. if someone could help it would be much appreciated

Brooklyn_God (2008-07-18)

i have winrar do i need to extract the files before burning it? please dont make me feel stupid for

mr.bojangles (2008-07-18)

to bockyln god
yeah you extract it with first and than burn it there will be an iso after you extract it

Amethystrayne (2008-07-20)


christian350z_dude (2008-07-21)

Works Perfect! im downloadng AGAIN because i need the MOUHID.SYS driver for my mouse and i cant copy it from my XP CD to my computer. let's see if it works.

babymaimer (2008-07-21)

This could be dumb as hell. but will i have to format my HD to install this? i am running vista at the moment.

majca (2008-07-22)

@babymaimer: I'm looking to do the same thing and no, you won't. You can make a partition and install XP on/in that partition, so you can choose between Vista and XP. Go to:

babymaimer (2008-07-22)

Thanks majca:) just what i was looking for.

Hoopsy (2008-07-27)

D/L now. I see some comments about POP UPS. Anyone else got the same problem ?

alkjsdhflk (2008-07-28)

Is there any reason why my entire hard drive is hidden after installing this? When I try to load certain webpages it says that they don't even exist. Downloading a different xp torrent to see if it's this one or something I'm doing.

NekoMaster (2008-07-29)

Hey, this installs allright, and I didnt need to input the CD during installation, but for some reason every now and then (usually 4-5 Hrs) Windows says that Important Windows Files have been replaced with un reconized files and must copy the proper files from the CD, well, after this happens it wont let me get on the internet much less re-install my BELL Modem, WTF IS UP WITH THAT!!! IF ANYBODY HAS THIS PROBLEM OR KNOWS HOW TO FIX IT PLZ TELL ME!!
email : or

NekoMaster (2008-07-29)

Edit : when I said CD I ment the CD Key

Martin91DK (2008-08-01)

If I install it on my computer, will it then delete the stuff on my harddrive?

Martin91DK (2008-08-01)

Are there only english language? or can I get it on Danish?
Or if you know were to download it with danish laguage, that would be great:)

TheDarkLight (2008-08-03)

Did you try to do a fresh install. Cause apparently it does not work if you attempt to upgrade it. Or so i've been hearing (is dl it now)

rowlodge (2008-08-03)

copied iso image doesn't work with "roxio" will try nero or cd clone next.
i'm getting FD 1.44 mb system type-(00)

Maurice119 (2008-08-06)

Little help here please. When I boot from the CD-Rom, everything goes well until... It says the installer can't find any Hard Disks connected to my computer. Do I have to format my hard disk first?

queenie00 (2008-08-11)

Would this work okay if I were to install it in a computer that doesn't already have an OS?

CPripper (2008-08-12)

Could someone please confirm whether this is the 32 or 64 version, cheers.

ip00nyou7 (2008-08-13)

when i try to sownload it the file is 23.5kb. what do i do?

demonicz (2008-08-14)

Works great. I couldn't get automatic updates to work, so I used the microsoft website to get the updates. (: I recommend this torrent. It's everything the description says.

LucasCain (2008-08-15)

Which file do I burn onto the cd? I can't find an iso file after I unrar it. Surely I don't just burn the entire winRar archive straight onto the disk do I?

HolyArrows (2008-08-15)

nice seedings downloading 450 kb/s atm

HolyArrows (2008-08-15)

think you can download language packs with windows update after installation
(well thats with vista) ;)

HolyArrows (2008-08-15)

sorry for 3rd post but @maurice 119 and every1 elkse you can burn iso files with alohol 120%

CPripper (2008-08-16)

Sorry to post again, but could someone PLEASE tell me whether this is the 32 or 64 version ? cheers for any help.

bldvdinc (2008-08-16)

holy shit, super fast download! 1MB/s =O took under 10 minutes to download :) thank you

Boteq (2008-08-17)

download it in 4mb/s :D thx m8

Shaduf (2008-08-19)

Can I install SP3 on this?

frangocy (2008-08-21)

"LucasCain at 2008-08-14 20:18 CET:
Which file do I burn onto the cd? I can't find an iso file after I unrar it. Surely I don't just burn the entire winRar archive straight onto the disk do I?"
The winrar you just unrar IS the iso file.It's not a winrar archive file.
Great torrent.I installed it on 4 new pc and it was just perfect.I had a problem with automatic updates but I did it manual and had no problems.
CPripper 32

JeremiasDK (2008-08-21)

incredible speed =D
Now I will try to install it... lets see if it works ;)

x3lace (2008-08-24)

This is missing files, including winsock files needed to be able to connect to the internet! I've been toying with this shit for hours now without any luck and this is the second XP torrent I've downloaded from here today.

humanisfilth (2008-08-27)

I have never seen so many retards in my entire life. I'm going to find out where each of you live, come to your home and take away your computer because you're simply too stupid to be operating one.
Windows XP SP2 is just an operating system. It does NOT, I repeat, NOT have every single driver you retards need for your modems and sound cards and all the other shit. Those should be installed via your motherboard or chipset CDs or the CDs that came with your expansion cards etc etc. So for fucks sake, STOP blaming this goddamned installation!!!
I don't even know you assholes and I already know what your problem is. You're trying to install XP on a brand new laptop that came with Vista and now you're SHOCKED that all the drivers aren't there so a bunch of your hardware is dormant. Well of COURSE they're not there - the hardware was built specifically for Vista!! So now that you've decided to install a non-supported O/S on hardware you were probably already told XP wouldn't work on, you're gonna have to google and hunt and peck for XP drivers for your hardware elsewhere. And when you find them, they're not going to work 100% correctly in every case. So your sound will be glitchy and your modems may be integrated into your sound chip and need another driver that will be flakey and so on and so on. GET OVER IT and start hunting for those drivers you DOPES!
If you need help with your specific hardware, why don't you try a forum for such things or at least have the decency here to tell us what it is so maybe we can help you....although it's too late for that. I just found out where you live and I'm coming for your computer... ROFL
I downloaded this, installed it on a very old DELL PC, put on the proper drivers for my old ass hardware and VOILA! It worked perfectly. Soundblaster works fine and I'm blasting tunes right now, Zoom modem operating (but who the fuck uses modems still??? backwater cave dwelling apes), Cable modem fully operational with router keeping you bad boys off my PC AND I got a shitload of updates immediately afterwards for some other stuff. Piece of fucking cake.
buncha dumbasses

defusion. (2008-08-29)

Really fast download worked fine installed it on a vmware no problem.

richpirate1 (2008-08-29)

thanks for the BLAZING speed mr. 768kb up!

justjenkins (2008-08-30)

Sorry if this sounds stupid but I already have a version of XP but it wont pass verification. I tried to reinstall this one over the old but it asks me for a key. If I dont put a key in it wont allow me to continue the installation. In your description it says you slip streamed the key into it and I dont need to add one. It doesnt continue with out a key. Could you possibly give me a clue as to what I am doing wrong? DO I need to completely delete the other version then install this one?

mattaust (2008-09-03)

236kb/s damn that is not what m looking for, i was expecting atleast 700kb/s on this
And yes i have fast internet.
Is it because i live in australia?

ironroses (2008-09-09)

I suggest those of you wanting the SP3 version (XP with SP3 slipped in) just to down this one and slip SP3 in yourself then use Nlite to remove any shit you don't want. Thats exactly why i'm grabbing this.
Most of the XP's with SP3 out there don't even boot in to XP, they stay at the "welcome screen" wanting you to activate instantly.
Thanks for this my friend.

Hokeye (2008-09-09)

Wow Aufseher... Good Job! Your name is written on my Boot CD with a gold star next to it. Really. I put it there myself. Great windows XP. Installed quickly, no fuss, no key, passes WGA. None of the junk You usually have to remove yourself (REDXP anyone?) I installed this on a Sony Vaio from 2006, a machine I have had nothing but Headaches trying to get anything to boot on other than XP MCE, and about 20 mins and 7 clicks later, I'm running Ableton 7 without a hitch. Even installed the sound driver that Sony says wont work on anything other than their OEM XP MCE. Great Job. Runs clean and fast. Best XP I've seen in my Pirate days!

usereight8 (2008-09-10)

There is no way this is SP2? I am downloading this to use on a Mac (not by choice, I need it for school, haha!) and it works but I can't install my drivers. The drivers only work with SP2 and Winblows Vista. Are you sure this is SP2?

killer9551 (2008-09-11)

If some one needs a Windows XP professional Key i have 2 on me that im givein away for free so just send me a email at and i'll send one to ya

usereight8 (2008-09-12)

Disregard my comment. XP wasn't reading the autorun.exe and I checked out the system info...definitely SP2. haha!! This is a great upload, thanks so much!! And everyone keep seeding, that was fast; I know I will!!

burnxamber (2008-09-13)

QSI CDRW/dvd SBW-243 For Sony VGN-B77GP
anyone know where to download the firmware for this? help please. T____T need badly.

imtheboy2008 (2008-09-19)

Great torrent download speed is awesome, All the people that are saying does not work are just talking bullshit this torrent downloaded and installed fine and it also passes WGA. THANK YOU AUSFSEHER your the best thanks to you i never have to use vista on this pc again

QDogg (2008-09-20)

idk why but i needed a key, if that happens to you use this key:

Robztah (2008-09-24)

I have installed this version of windows xp. My AVG 7.5 finds many viruses in Windows/system32....
I removed them (maybe 6 virus) and got blue screen!
I reisntalled xp and here Iam and avg is shouting about all virus. what shull in do? this really sux...

1nv3rt1g0 (2008-09-29)

I love this. You just made my life a whole lot easier.
I'll be seeding this bugger for a few days

scottaii (2008-09-30)

First of al im not a noob, i've just re-done my old Piratebay account just to comment this.
What Robztah says is correct.
Viruses were found all over the system32 of this baby!, AVG's having a field day and i also sent the (infected) files to and it doesnt look good.
Please whoever has installed this take a good look at your system32, Really like to warn you

tosinsparks (2008-10-04)

Works great! Thanks Aufseher

nast13boy (2008-10-14)

check it
i downloaded this on my laptop
im running vista ultimate on it
n i downloaded this for my my oldest desktop
n it is running on xp home premium
i installed it in my desktop
so i can delete all the viruses i had
it asked me for the key thing
n i found this key in a differ torrent thing
it works
n now my desktop runs like new
it only took like 1 hour n 30 mins to finish restart my desktop
thank u aufseher
this torrent works
just u need to put a key in
so put this in
thanks agian

Aragnath (2008-10-15)

no winrar recuired. this is not packed.

stevekasian (2008-10-17)

Any virus alerts you're getting are because you're using a shit antivirus like AVG! Use a REAL antivirus, like NOD32, and you won't get all sorts of stupid-assed false positives.
AVG fucking blows. It's almost as bad as Norton.

stevekasian (2008-10-17)

...and another thing, you dumbasses keep posting your keys here for everyone to see and they'll be blacklisted that much sooner. Keep your keys to yourselves and share them in PMs or email, not on a public posting! Dumbasses.

AtomicKnob (2008-10-28) the risk of have people tellin me I'm a schmo, why is Nero showing the message "This Nero version can only be used with recorder it's bundled with"
I used key Gen for serial. Whats the prob?

gmailcesar (2008-10-30)

its fucking free what u expect

AtomicKnob (2008-10-30)

Hey thanks AUFSEHER for the upload.

nakk (2008-11-11)

I've been using this almost 8 months and everything works perfectly. It has passed every wga-test without any trouble.
Thanks to uploder!

peegee23 (2008-11-24)

i registered just to say thanks to the uploader.. i've downloaded the file, unrared it and i got an ISO file. i just burned it using Nero 9 portable with the lowest speed and make sure to check the verify its contents. done! i formatted my pc, just make sure its a clean installation. no key is needed and it did pass WGA. thanks man! btw, its a 32-bit version, and probably the best of windows.. i don't know yet of Windos 7.. but its the most stable..thanks again for Aufseher. thanks man! thanks! u

lordnino (2008-11-25)

thanks a lot!!! i've been looking for this kind. now i can install it to my friend's old computers.

lordnino (2008-11-25)

thanks a lot again for a very fast download!!

teh8thdeadlysin (2008-12-02)

Time to Duel Boot =D
Thx Aufseher

Rangerjo (2008-12-10)

Please excuse me being a noob and all. I'm building a system for the first time. And I dont wanna pay for XP.
I'm currently under the impression, I just burn the iso to cd, then I can install this upon booting my new build for the first time ? What else would I need to do ?

Rangerjo (2008-12-18)

OMG ! It worked !!!! Thanks sooooo fuckin much.
I figured everything out through some searches.
I used "free burner xp" to burn the iso, and bam,
typing this on the computer I just put together !
Thanks Aufseher !!!

GN85 (2009-01-02)

.ccd format? Yeah I think I know what torrent you're talking about. Mounts fine, but just fucked two of my CDs. This burned successfully on the first try, work well thanks!

Stevo1989 (2009-01-02)

This isnt some Chines crap copy is it?

KEA_Justiceforall91 (2009-01-30)

This torrent saved my ass. And my wallet.
Works perfectly if you know how to use it!
Thank you Aufseher sooo much, you have no idea how much this helped!!!

lxlcantar (2009-01-31)

I can confirm that this work on my MACBOOK with bootcamp! Burn the ISO in Disk Utility then pop the sucker back in once you have set the partion size and start the windows installer. During the set up be sure to format the partion to the FAT format and not the quick FAT format either. After the reboot press & hold down the option key after the chime you will now have the option to boot OSX or XP! Be sure to put in your Leopard install DVD after the windows install is complete to install drivers. Thanks Aufseher!!!

bingram (2009-02-01)

Just because you can type curse words does not mean you are intelligent...I usually follow my fathers advice on these sort of situations...Never argue with drunks or idiots.

dontfearreaper (2009-02-08)

ok i just downloaded unrared and burned but for some reason when i reboot it wont boot the cd on either of my computers (yes i have boot from cd set to first on both computers) im not sure if my crap ass comp. burned it wrong or if i didnt exclude or include proper files (i simply dragged and dropped the contents of the unrared file onto the to be burned folder thing) please if anyone has an answer e-mail me at and please put subject (or regarding or whatever) as "windows xp" so i know that it's not spam thank you

mialien (2009-02-17)

Worked flawlessly! Thank you kindly Much appreciated. The only problem I encountered is I no longer can connect to the internet via wifi. In fact I cannot even view wireless networks. There is no icon. Im trying to uninstall and reinstall the driver now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im putting it on an old gateway latop for a friend.

mialien (2009-02-17)

Where Can I go to get drivers that will allow me to use the internet via wireless? Please help.

crytek2 (2009-03-10)

works perfect,more stable version then others out

blown_zed (2009-03-15)

Very nicely done. Downloaded in about 25 minutes at 450Kbps . Don't be dumb and burn the ISO file as a data CD like I did first. Hey, I'm working on 3 hours sleep here anyone need a backup disk?).... Fire up NERO and burn ISO "Image to CD" then just slide it in- no key required. I downloaded SP3 ISO directly from Microsoft and dropped that in on top of this- nobody blinked. Kudos Aufseher.

bigern36 (2009-04-10)

aufsher, keep up the good work. this is awesome using it now. installed nicely. just wish it was the whole orignal install all comp.

Doovde (2009-05-10)

What is the name of the original install disc?
I can't install this on Mac if I don't have the original name of the disc. Thanks for anyone who replies.

Doovde (2009-05-10)

Scratch what I've said above I read on page 9 you can instal this on Macbook. Thanks for the U/L.

africansk8er (2009-05-10)

Sorry if I sound dumb, but will I be able to go online with this?

{AlphaShame} (2009-05-15)

I was wondering if this wipes my hard drive if i install?

bird4mspace (2009-06-14)

LaMeRz and n00bz, plz dont ask sTuPiD question like whether it'll erase ur HDD, whether it'll work on new PCs, whether it's chinese copy etc etc. This ain't a support forum. Dont spam and flood the comment section. GTFO

rxkat (2009-06-16)

Used the .iso to install with Parallels (version 3.0) on Mac OS X 10.5.7, worked perfectly.
It asked for a key, though, so I tried the one Baboon posted and it went through.
I also did this same procedure when I was running Boot Camp and it was flawless.
Thanks. :)

don6876 (2009-07-22)

I want to have your baby! This rocks. Downloaded super fast. Installed easy. Now running windows on my mac! Yay! Keep up the good work sir.

Lloydo21 (2009-07-25)

Is this the Attended or Unattended Version?

Ciffelenn (2009-08-20)

It says that i need to put in the disk for Service Pack 2 and won't work, anyone that knows the answer for this ?

biropen (2009-09-03)

Many thanks Aufseher, i have tried the lot but this BEATS the lot. NO virus and it works all o.k Good Luck ;)
p.s you should have a green skull..;)

ripset (2009-09-04)


ripset (2009-09-04)


THX_1138 (2009-09-08)

Thx Aufseher. I haven't tested it yet. I see lots of good comments. thx again.

jdash007 (2009-10-20)

I have the Original Windows XP SP3 ISO released by Microsoft but it requires activation. I tried to slipstream SP3 to this downloaded XP torrent and it still preactivated. But when I copy the wpa related files from the slipstreamed downloaded XP torrent to the original XP ISO (e.g.: wpa.dbl, msoobe.exe, winlogon.dll), The original product still refuse to be pre-activated. What files in this XP torrent make it pre-activated?

cal909 (2009-11-17)

Please just 1 more seeder! I'm downloading at a speed of 5 kb/s

laptoplover2 (2009-12-07)


Markrtoon (2010-01-18)


Daniel_Whelan (2010-02-14)

it says enter service pack 2. please help!

looneyk2 (2010-03-12)

theres the one i was looking for! my 7 yr old pirate copy is splitting :(

vuliwillis (2010-05-15)

will i be able to install this on my laptop? it came with windows vista and i upgraded to windows 7. Thnx

psyco69 (2010-09-26)

Can Some please SEED.

anon197 (2011-01-12)

This sounds very tasty. Can anyone confirm:
For Boot Camp I will simply need to use Toast Titanium to burn the 'Windows XP Pro SP2.iso' file. The follow bootcamp installer. Let it do its thing, and then install all the drivers from my leopard install CD? It is a quick download and I am liking the look of it. I will post my results.

Qualanqui (2011-02-05)

Works awesome as a side note if anyone needs WGA stuff get this one small but extremely effective

benhurda (2011-03-08)

dude thanks a lot.... u r really a life saver

Kanga666 (2011-03-08)

Thanks muchly! :-)

Alchemistry (2011-03-26)

the key isn't valid anymore mate, any chance to have this sorted please?
Thanks for the upload brother

ssakhadeo (2011-05-02)

How to burn this image to a usb drive and make a bootable one ?

pexxoo (2011-07-14)


good torrent
worked again for me.i installed through USB. still it worked. no key required. all essential softwares also get installed like WMP11, IE8, etc...

Florese (2011-09-04)

I dowloaded and it worked great I am usin a mac with a virtual ware and I tried to install in my other user and it is asking me for a key. If you can help and email it will be great

sorryboutit (2011-09-04)

Student-Teacher Volume License:

JAKEBROWN (2011-09-11)

Excellent. 1mb/s download speed. seeding for a while. Thanks Aufseher.

tlecheva (2011-10-19)

This bootable iso works fine once brunt into one single CD. Good. Reg key given the 2011-09-04 works fine. Cheers!

kaos9 (2011-11-01)

thanks man works like a dream!!!

aanwae (2012-01-24)

some file is corrupt i think, like "ks.sys" is nothing. can't load when installing the system...

torrentakis (2012-04-21)

Just installed in a VM.Works fine.Good job.Thnx.

computermangrafix (2012-05-26)

"Quick Question", 64 or 86 ?????

jackle86 (2012-07-09)

Fuckin' awesome! And 122 seeders! THANK YOU SO MUCH, AUFSEHEHER!

luhadia (2012-07-12)

should I directly burn the iso file to a cd or there is some other process. Plz if someone could explain. I am using nero burning rom 7.

aimango (2012-10-21)

works great for vmware. thanks a ton!

BurningThemDown (2013-04-20)

Starts up and begins loading the Windows XP files but then it
goes to the BSOD. I'm working with a hard drive with no OS.
Any ideas?

Volcanthegreat (2013-07-09)

Use a CD. Extract the files with Daemon Tools or WinRAR and burn em in a CD. Follow Regular installation

RGBFINAL (2013-08-12)

can anyone please tell me if this is 64bit or 32bit
thanks alot


1. Windows XP Professional with SP2 ISO, Pre-activated, and key included/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
2. Windows XP Professional with SP2 ISO, Pre-activated, and key included/Windows XP Pro SP2.iso 579.81 Mb