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FEAR 3-SKIDROW-[tracker BTARENA org] iso










2011-06-23 (by AiTB)


info, crack F.E.A.R. 3 (c) WB Games 22-06-2011........Release Date Protection.........Steam + CEG FPS..................Game Type Disk(s)..................1 DVD RELEASE NOTES Alma is expecting and a new level of terror grows as you and your cannibal brother battle through a hellish nightmare. Fight together or die alone on a deadly mission to confront your twisted mother. Players can take on the role of Point Man, a genetically enhanced soldier with superhuman reflexes and the ability to manipulate time, or the undead spirit of his brother Paxton Fettel, a paranormal entity who possesses incredible psychic powers. Features: Blood Runs Deep, F.E.A.R. Runs Deeper: F.E.A.R. 3 delivers all the hallmarks that define the F.E.A.R. brand: terrifying paranormal experience, frenetic combat and a dramatic storyline. Never Face Fear Alone: F.E.A.R. 3 evolves the brand, introducing Divergent Co-op: deep, social gameplay that gives players distinctly different abilities that affect their own play as well as the experience of gamers they are playing withΓΓ鼪 or against. Frenetic Combat: Active 360 degree cover, evolutionary slow-mo modes, scoring systems and best in class mech- combat aid players in facing an army of soldiers and paranormal enemies. Experience the Almaverse: The game world is tainted by the Almaverse, the alternate dimension where Alma\\\'s psychic essence subsists. New sinister and fantastical enemy creatures birthed in AlmaΓΓé¼Γäós warped mind spill into reality and intensify the panic. Generative System: Proprietary technology creates random events to increase the feeling of isolation and unpredictability when playing alone or with a friend, and offers new experiences each time gamers play through. Masters of Horror: Legendary film director John Carpenter and writer Steve Niles provide their expertise and guidance to take F.E.A.R. 3\\\'s intensity to the next level. Niles co-wrote the twisted storyline that reveals the motivations and family dynamics of the main characters, and Carpenter helped craft the cinematics for maximum storytelling and fright factor. INSTALL NOTES 1. Unpack the release 2. Mount or burn image 3. Install 4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation 5. Play the game SCREENS


  1. FEAR
  2. F.E.A.R

Files count:



4170.18 Mb




Doc.Strange (2011-06-23)


scottjwkelly (2011-06-23)

thanx AiTB been waiting 4 this:)

BulletproofAllah (2011-06-23)


milosjea (2011-06-23)

downloading at 0.1 kb/s XD

BulletproofAllah (2011-06-23)

Holy crap. I downloaded @ 11mb/s and its already done. I can also confirm its working perfect And you will No longer die on recruit ;)

vincentdesrd (2011-06-23)

Interesting to see SKIDROW not talking shit about other release groups for once in a major release...
I guess they realised how awful they have been in the past 4-8 weeks...
Let's see if this release actually works. ;)

RezaNL (2011-06-23)

Crack contains trojan watch out!

tjexp (2011-06-23)

does this game have windows live? or is that just a cover?

scottjwkelly (2011-06-23)

Your AV is seeing a modified file and flagging it as a Trojan... its a false positive

scottjwkelly (2011-06-23)

Your AV is seeing a modified file and flagging it as a Trojan... its a false positive

lordnaul (2011-06-23)

just a black screen on windows 7x64. any ideas?

blacksidex6 (2011-06-23)


 PirateBoy (2011-06-23)

@ RezaNL
Its a false positive.
Its d 1st time that u hv supplied a cover image in ur torrent!!! thnx.... :)

BAW146 (2011-06-23)

please seed. ill give you a cookie :(

Arfafuksake (2011-06-23)

Ah Good Things come to those whom wait, on ya Skidrow

BAW146 (2011-06-23)

please seed ill give you a cookie :(

lukegoodman2001 (2011-06-23)

anyone got coop working?

vrocks94 (2011-06-23)

hei guys i downloaded the torrent by razor1911 which apparently has been removed from this site.........just wanted to ask that this one release by skidrow is a proper setup(installer) or u have to extract it using phoenix or something....

lukegoodman2001 (2011-06-23)

real install no nonsense like the others

haf322 (2011-06-23)

any problem with win7 64bit

haf322 (2011-06-23)

please help me

neomatrixin (2011-06-23)

I copied the contents of the skidrow folder to program files/WB Games/F.E.A.R.3 and ran the launcher. The launcher window pops up with the language options and the save and launch button. When I click the button I get "unable to launch executable, are you sure you placed the file at the right directory" which Im pretty sure I have. Anyone else run into this problem and have a fix for it? Thanks

neomatrixin (2011-06-23)

anyone else getting "unable to launch executable.." when clicking the launcher? I have the crack files copied over to the installation folder so not sure why it wont run

neomatrixin (2011-06-23)

anyone else getting the unable to launch executable error when running the launcher? I copied all the crack files over to the installation folder so not sure whats wrong

DeViLplantaza (2011-06-23)

Finally SKIDROW release... :)

zippyderppyguy (2011-06-23)

LoL What's up with all the SKIDROW trash talk? If their releases don't work for you, you've got problems. Seriously, I've never had an issue with their versions.
If a SKIDROW game doesn't work for you, uninstall and follow the directions next time. Or get rid of your computer and get yourself a calculator.

nikita2011 (2011-06-23)

My version with SKIDROW Crack is 00.20... Is that beta or full realese?

Ubler (2011-06-23)

Is this the full version though? Lots of talk lately about beta crap etc.

microze33 (2011-06-23)

Guys, if its not Working For you. Reinstall USING the Instructions okay. its Working Fine for me. and it DOESNT HAVE VIRUSES. i scanned it with Microsoft Security Essentials and it doesnt have any Viruses inside. so if it doesnt work TRY AGAIN. this is a REALLY SIMPLE Torrent. if yall cant understand this. Then you shouldnt try any other Torrents.

microze33 (2011-06-23)

This is a Really Simple Torrent.
1. Download the Torrent Torrent with Vuze / Utorrent and wait till its done.
3. open DAEMON Tools and add the iso to it by going to your Vuze / Utorrent Downloads Folder. Open the Fear 3 Folder and Double Click on the
4. Mount the sr-fear3.iso File by clicking on the Fear 3 name on the Image Log. then Press the Green Triangle.
5. Afterwards there will be a Thing that pops up that says "RUN.........ectectect" and "OPEN....ectectect" Click on the TOP one that says RUN.
6. Install the Game.
7. Install the Crack on this Page. Torrent it by using Vuze/ Utorrent the File Copy all the Text you NEED TO HAVE 7-Zip or WinRaR (i think WinRaR works with this) it will say Copy to.... open the FEAR3 File Location then Copy the Folder's Link. and Click on "Copy To" and Past it in the space above.
9. Your Done! now you can play

mokaey (2011-06-23)

wow this is slow....

raijian9 (2011-06-23)

Not working for some users.
I followed the instructions CORRECTLY. They are not hard, and I'm getting the same error as others.
Unable to launch executable, etc etc, make sure the side by side configuration etc etc.
Not working until somebody fixes this or posts help.

brianxxx (2011-06-23)

Thanks! I thought the last FEAR sucked so I am testing it first...then if it is good I will buy it. Sadly though, I think the whole FEAR thing has run its course. IMO, none of the sequels have beaten the very first one.

H3roChr1s (2011-06-23)

Seed u fucks,upload speed,1,5mb/sec.

haf322 (2011-06-23)

this file working on win7'64bit please help me....................

Demon340 (2011-06-23)

JUST 28.2 KB/S

Demon340 (2011-06-23)

this file working on win7'64bit please help me.................... YES WORKS GREAT

cornelsu (2011-06-23)

working fine bro

Neo1771 (2011-06-23)

Please Seed! Im at 24.6 kb/s. Ive been downloading this since yesterday!

Doc.Strange (2011-06-23)

very good

Dukeslay (2011-06-23)

When i mount the iso it does not work. Im using daemon tools. It never happened to me. And so i cant open the virtual device. I get a message that windows cant open this device? I realise that instead of saying "dvd-rom" in the virtual device it says "bd-rom". I never had this issue can anyone help me?

 charlesfire22 (2011-06-23)

Work Fine For Me On Window 7 64bits Thanks AiTB

blackcaterpillar (2011-06-23)

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, game works perfectly! Thnx for upload!

eLitePunK (2011-06-23)

HOW THE F0CK CAN THiS BE REAL WHEN iTS ONLY 4 FUCKiNG GIGZ?? I don't get it...F.EA.R 2 back in 2009 was 3x3gb discs=9 gigs !! am i missing something here, or did the developers just want to be easier on our downloads this time lol xD peace.

ludvas (2011-06-23)

have this spanish lenguage?

mytusin (2011-06-23)

Works flawless on Win7 / 64 :)...if you get an error like: the program can't start because xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer
Thanks AiTB

Ithalimoon (2011-06-23)

The game installs and runs just fine, but it won't let me go into fullscreen mode.. Resolution is set to 1920x1080, but when I try to change it to fullscreen, it just reverts back to windowed.

Dukeslay (2011-06-23)

I am using vista. I cant understand the DAEMON TOOLS issue. It never happened to me. Is anyone else having the same problem? When i mount the iso it gives me a curupted message. It does not run the instal nor i can open the emulated dvd.

THmancer (2011-06-24)

plz is sooo slow.... this is madness...

blade4481 (2011-06-24)

i was told there is a way to play it online u create a new steam account so u dont use ur one and somthing called smart steam but i cant find the crack for it anywhere does anyone know of this ?

pedroreis238 (2011-06-24)

seeed pls!

Medina123 (2011-06-24)

How are you guys installing the game?
I mount the image hit install but then I need to enter a STEAM KEY and there is no way beyond that.
What do I do? I've downloaded hundreds of torrents before..

Neo1771 (2011-06-24)

This is Insane... Ive been downloading this thing for well over a day. Please Seed. Im at 33 kb/s ... Its pissing me off. Please Seed guys...

whysomad (2011-06-24)

guys please tell me how to fix HOST HAS QUIT THE SESSION error!!!!im soo pissed about it..i dont know is this demo or full..answer pls..

marcusfenix919 (2011-06-24)

I got the game installed and running no problem. BUT my spec: 5850, 4GB 1600 DDR3, Phenom II X4 955 and the game runs like A$$ and the mouse control is f*cking terrible. I can't get the Xbox 360 controller to work with it either. Help?

olimpas83 (2011-06-24)

Hmmm is it really full?or BETA of 4GBs??? or need to wait more for FULL game???

MCholas (2011-06-24)

I got this game installed on my Win 7 X64, 2 5970 CrossfireX, Phenom X6 1100T, 4GB DDR3 1600. The game launch but what the hell is up with the mouse. Anyone having issue with their mouse controller in the game?

microze33 (2011-06-24)

Guys, This is the FULL GAME. i played the whole way through it. its Fine. Just look at my Instructions on Page 2 or SKIDROW's Instructions. its very simple. if you have an Error ect. you Didnt do it right. Reinstall FEAR and try again.

Sony7 (2011-06-24)


haf322 (2011-06-24)

thanks Demon340,cornelsu

Roboghrunt (2011-06-24)

i dont have any problems with fear 3 but im using the one i uploaded. i made it myself and it works fine i have no errors. mouse works good and everything else. fullscreen is also working. and i made it directplay so just extract :) and play. click my name to see my torrents

jnkml (2011-06-24)

Not a PROPER release. Coop doesn't work, neither online nor LAN.

DeViLplantaza (2011-06-24)

Works on win 7 ultimate..tnx AiTB..I will seed :)

dantemax (2011-06-24)

I have a problem. I installed a game and crack. When i start, black screen showed and message "out of frequency". I hear sound but no picture. How to change game resolution, outside of game?

MCholas (2011-06-24)

This game needs to have a patch soon. It seems a USB mouse will work fine but sucks ass with wireless mouse. I know it's not my wireless mouse cause it works fine with all my other games.

Metalsand (2011-06-24)

It never does you fucking moron. If it's online, they can check your shit and stop you.

brianxxx (2011-06-24)

Damn. Game does not work for me. Installs fine but when I try to run FEAR 3.exe or the LAUNCHER.exe, it asks what language..I choose English, a small FEAR screen pops up and then nothing! DirectX, etc. installed, everything running fine on all other games. Not my first rodeo
Got me baffled.

EbinKebab (2011-06-24)

how the shit to play CO-OP campaing?
it says "connection to steam was lost" when i click to host a game

EbinKebab (2011-06-24)

anyone got any ideo of how to get coop working...?
it says steam connection is lost...

jobcool0 (2011-06-24)

@EbinKebab you can't play online its downloaded.. buy it if you wanna play online :)

Furious1964 (2011-06-24)

when i play FEAR 3 and after the cutscene involving pregnant Alma and the crib, the colors go all negative and it also effects my desktop. I have to log off every time to get it back to normal. I run other newer game with no problem.
I have a GTS 450 video card.

Hollandkerel (2011-06-24)

I've a GTS 360 and it run's perfectly, The colour issue is most common due the GPU is damaged, If it is you can put it into your oven en let it warm up about 20 minutes on 220 degrees to make the tin liquid again and they will automatically stream into the originally path.
Thanks again for this upload SKIDROW is always the best ! Keep it going.

dantemax (2011-06-24)

I have a problem. I installed a game and crack. When i start, black screen showed and message "out of frequency". I hear sound but no picture. How to change game resolution, outside of game?

gtx_extreme88 (2011-06-24)

Works flawlessly without any problems.
SKIDROW rocks!!

dantemax (2011-06-24)

I have a problem. I installed a game and crack. When i start, black screen showed and message "out of frequency". I hear sound but no picture. How to change game resolution, outside of game?

shootemupnl (2011-06-25)

works great on Win7 Pro 64bit first use launcher to start the firsttime after that use the fear3 crack

saequa253 (2011-06-25)

needs a fucking password what a waste of time

ripson (2011-06-25)

works gr8 as always tanks

yarghhh (2011-06-25)


M ▓████
















S-7d7 (2011-06-25)

Anyone else shit brix upon discovery of SKIDROW's awesomeness?

Neo1771 (2011-06-25)

Seed Please. :( I only have 14 Seeders

patriautism (2011-06-25)

Works perfect, except for it recognizing the 360 controller. It shows that the controller is active, and it shows the mapping for the controller, but you can't use it at all. A lot of people are reporting this problem. That might actually be a developer problem, not a problem with this release, though.

no_spoon (2011-06-25)

This is insane 30.1kb/s download speed! Please seed and check you have Intial seeding turned off.

ThMaggot95 (2011-06-25)

DUDES I HAVE THE FIX FOR THE LAUNCHER AND EXE FILE NOT WORKING!!!! You have to go into 'redist' in the games program files and install that little vcredist file then it works fine. Hope it helps, you could probably also instal this at the end with direct x

ThMaggot95 (2011-06-25)


ThMaggot95 (2011-06-25)

GOT THE FIX FOR EXE AND LAUNCHER NOT WORKING, if you get a message like side-by-side or problems with it, go into program files, wb games, fear3 then open up 'redist' (i think thats what its called) and go to vcredist, theres a file for a microsoft visuals pack that you need to install, then just launch it(with the crack) and shld work perfectly, it did for me. Hope it helps you guys

Furious1964 (2011-06-25)

It's not my video card as it's working OK and I'm running the latest games without any problems. I have MSI Afterburner with tells me that my card if functioning normally.

Furious1964 (2011-06-25)

I also ran FEAR 3 in Windowed Mode and the game had no graphics problems.

Bludeous_Whallean (2011-06-25)

CAn someone tell me how to fix the difficulty in the game. Recruit seems pretty hard.

Bludeous_Whallean (2011-06-25)

how to fix difficulty in fear 3? recruit seems pretty hard T-T

msmojomaster (2011-06-25)


msmojomaster (2011-06-25)


appie366 (2011-06-25)

who can help me..
i cant change the resolution in this game
please sombody help me leave a comment then i will read it:)
Intel GMA X4500M
Dual CPU T3400 2.17Ghz
this are my system specs;)

Pearlisius (2011-06-25)

Works perfectly , no problems at all.
thx for this skidrow!!

zabrin (2011-06-25)

For anybody that's looking for a trainer go here:
it works perfectly!
i'm playing with it for the last 2 days and i'm kicking ass!!

zabrin (2011-06-25)

for anybody that's looking for a working trainer
i've been using it for the last 2 days and i'm kicking ass with it!

bilek41 (2011-06-25)

why there's no blood and gore effects while shooting :( ?

bwannbwa (2011-06-25)

why would you use a trainer on such a great game. unless you've already finished the game and are just having fun of course

NickManch (2011-06-25)

As always an absolutely amazing upload - thanks a lot AiTB/SKIDROW.
For those having problems playing (remember single player!) just follow the uploader's instructions (see the description) and you won't go wrong. I didn't use the auto-loader though from the mounted .iso - cancel that and use the installer from the virtual drive. Don't forget to copy the entire SKIDROW folder contents over once the game installs too. For me that's all it took. Great. I shall now seed it as much as I can to say thanks. You're the business SKIDROW! :)

Vigst (2011-06-25)

Is there any way to play this in Co-op without actually buying the game?
btw the single player works perfectly.

appie366 (2011-06-25)

for people who thinks this is a GFWL `it isn't`
Its just an normal without GFWL.
And if sombody can help me with resolution problem then your the best.
And if you want to play coop (i know how);)

kiwovo (2011-06-25)

For online tut search "Tunngle wiki Fear"

Meppster (2011-06-25)

appie366 at 2011-06-25 12:11 CET:
who can help me..
i cant change the resolution in this game
please sombody help me leave a comment then i will read it:)
Intel GMA X4500M
Dual CPU T3400 2.17Ghz
this are my system specs;)"
Thats an integrated gpu that was not meant for gaming the time it got released around 2008?
in short, i belive that your specs does not fill the minimum req for this game. the minimum specs i managed to find is as follows:
FEAR 3 Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 4800+
GFX: NVIDIA 8800 GT 512MB RAM, ATI 3850HD 512Mb RAM or better
for a "average" gaming experience your specs should be something like
FEAR 3 Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93Ghz+, Intel quad core 2.66Ghz+, AMD Phenom II X2 550, 3.1Ghz+
GFX: NVIDIA GTS 450, ATI 5750HD 512Mb RAM or better

appie366 (2011-06-25)

Jo Meppster i know my laptop isnt that good but i can play on highest settings around the 30 FPS.
so i just want to know how to change my resolution lower for higher fps.
because i want to do a lower resolution but it wont i just stay at 1366x1280.
please sombody help

uroshuchiha92 (2011-06-25)

Works fine for me win7

Gamekingg (2011-06-25)

Can someone please help me!? when i click on campain new game the game F.3.A.R gets stuck and it quits! what do i need to do? realy want to play this game!

Meppster (2011-06-25)

you might be able to force the game boot up in 640x480 or similar with right cliking on the application .exe and selecting properties and compability, i have no clue if this actually will do any good tho(probably not but might be worth a try). if your drivers with the gpu and display is up-to-date its probably a compability issue?

appie366 (2011-06-26)

It hasnt work but thnx for your advice.
i found another solution just run in windowed mode and then with your mouse you canadjust the resolution:)
and gamekingg what are your system specs then i can help you.

brianxxx (2011-06-26)

Solved my NO LAUNCH problem.
Seems (not sure really but only thing that changed) was that launching this game went OK after I resolved an issue with my Creative X-Fi card. Sometimes Windows 7 (or Vista) will "lose" the card and you need to Device Manager - uninstall it then reinstall it. PITFA!!!!!!!! Anyway...once I did that and the card was recognized again by Win 7, this game launched fine.
Now playing it and enjoying myself finally!

gabrielaraujo (2011-06-26)

When I run installer it closes quickly!!!!
My operation system is Windows xp sp3 !!
Help plissss!!!!

gabrielaraujo (2011-06-26)

When I run installer it closes quickly!!
My operation System is windows xp!!

Dahmastah (2011-06-26)

! ! ! ! == ATTENTION == ! ! ! !

Morphesto (2011-06-26)

Well, well, well. I think I´ve reinstalled this game 14 times today and couldnt get it to work. Major buggs like it crashes everytime I start playing it. I realis(z?)ed that it's effing up my graphic driver so I simply cant play it. I know skidrow is the real deal and this is the first time I ever have a problem with one of his/hers uploads.
I tried all cracks out there exept this one:

They say it will work so we'll see...
btw Win 7. gtx 570

Morphesto (2011-06-26)

NOPE! THE SO CALLED CRACK was just sheeeit! Commercial sheit....

ClipTheOne (2011-06-26)

I like it, I seed it, I play it, It works.

1udex (2011-06-26)

Has anyone figured out the "Host has quit the session" error when starting a new SP campaign?

6789 (2011-06-26)

Slow dl speed < 20kb/s. by the time it finishes downloading it will be cheap enough to buy

KeX03 (2011-06-26)

@6789 then get a better LAN , cause im loading with 1,2mb/s

paulpayne1991 (2011-06-27)

Guys, i downloaded, installed and player interval 1 and 2. Suddently, at interval 3, When i go to the scene where the tv's are, 3 guys come and i kill them. Then supposely this door must open which is behind 2 tv's. I saw it on the walkthrought. But on this fear, the doors wont open to continue the game. If any1 knows how to fix this in oder to continue the game, would be really appriciated.

beniokk (2011-06-27)

Game WORKS perfectly and is GREAT! Thank you, SKID! AMD X2 4200, 2GB RAM, 3850 512MB - works on high over 30fps - nice optimalisation!

TaleMunja (2011-06-27)

Game work fine. Follow instructions and you can fail at all!
You who complain that this is fake-you are crazy or simply-malicious.
Everything work just beautifully.
Big THANK YOU AiTB@Skidrow :)

proxysoul (2011-06-27)

Anyone able to get a wired xbox 360 controller to work? is there a patch or something?

proxysoul (2011-06-27)

cant get xbox controller to work :(

Tinhajj (2011-06-27)

Co-Op works with this. Please repost this link if it works for you so everyone can get it to work.
Uninstall if you've already installed it and cracked it.
Install the game again, but this time don't crack it.
Install steam (like the version from their website if you don't have it.)
Then download this and extract contents to steam folder in Program Files:

Then run smartsteam.exe from the steam folder if you ever want the co-op to work.
Then download

and take the contents of that and overwrite it with the stuff inside the Fear 3 installation folder in program files under WB Games
Then it should work I think.

Razmastr (2011-06-27)

This game is the balls. Works great on Windows 7 32bit. Easy install and no hangups. Thanks AiTB.

yiannis667 (2011-06-27)

core i7 , gtx285 , 6 gb ddr3 - installed game and crack , pc will freeze while playing game , any ideas why is that ?

yiannis667 (2011-06-27)

core i7 , gtx285 , 6 gb ddr3 - installed game and crack , pc will freeze while playing game , any ideas why is that ? win 7 x64

appie366 (2011-06-27)

have you installed steam already that should be an option...
and if you can help me with my problem i cant change the resolsution of this game it stays at 1366x768 sombody help me:)

parmourson23 (2011-06-27)

Working fine on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 nice1 :)

egozi44 (2011-06-28)

its probablly because of te nvidia driver (270+) that the game freezing to you mate
try to go back to the 260.99
the most stable driver right now... through any driver have bugs

lukegoodman2001 (2011-06-28)

If you’re anything like me, you will find one of the most frustrating part about PC games that are ported from console the lack of configuration control you’ll get with most games. Fear 3 is no exception to this rule, with motion blur enabled by default with no easy way to turn it off, and no way to do so via the tried and tested method of messing with configuration options.
So then how are you supposed to turn it off? well we’re about to tell you.
Install a hex editor of your choice and open the games main executable file, when open search for the following hex:
Once found, change it to this:

lukegoodman2001 (2011-06-28)

if you are have resolution or stutter problem run in dx9 edit exe with -d3d9 no AA tho

Aypolo (2011-06-28)

Does multiplayer work with this crack?

Tinhajj (2011-06-28)

@Aypolo using the instructions from Skidrow you will not be able to get multiplayer working, but I posted how to get multiplayer to work.

Paladin0 (2011-06-28)

@Tinhajj tried your method and the game wouldnt even launch, giving it 1 more try right now.

Paladin0 (2011-06-28)

I got it working following your instructions, but theres another thing to make sure of.
If you follow Tins inscturctions tog et the game working with co op, when you uninstall (if you havnt already) the Skidrow crack is left behind, you have to go to the FEAR 3 install folder and just delete it or the files left inside after uninstall. If you follow his instructions then everything works fine online, me and my gf just got past Interval 03 and were deciding to call it a night.

shayriley1995 (2011-06-28)

AVG says that the launcher is a virus but im guessing thats supposed to happen, just wanted to say. great download, seeding

appie366 (2011-06-28)

how to fix resolution problem for intel graphics card?
for nvidia and that other Grafics Card had a solotion for the resolution problem.
but still there is no resolution fix for an intel Grafics Card.

xvp40 (2011-06-28)

105mbps connection, I will seed 100GB

Aypolo (2011-06-28)

Er... App Id not configured, then it quits.
(starting from launcher, and starting from regular, neither work)
I copied everything over..

Misklahr2 (2011-06-28)

Any idea how to get a cracked F.E.A.R. 3 coop to work with a bought F.E.A.R. 3?

Aypolo (2011-06-28)

Oops, nevermind. fixed.

vaikou15 (2011-06-28)

i may add this is a steam d/l and i have never purchased from steam these games wont run for me (for the most part), well i can't read russian anyways.

hrishd (2011-06-28)

works like a charm...thanx uploader

ona468 (2011-06-29)


ona468 (2011-06-29)

working crack at wupload file number 36607113

Farukfk (2011-06-29)

K so i get this error when i try to install the game a file might be corrupt and blabla it says press ignore or continue and quit i can only click on quit whats wrong with the files help?

ale.lemke (2011-06-29)

I done everything as told, but it crashes after I click on anything on main menu.

xvp40 (2011-06-29)

I have the host has quit the session error, and have found no answers or fixes. For me this is not playable, best of luck to the others.

shadowx9110 (2011-06-29)

When i open the launcher and press save & launch, fear 3 opens a little rectangular box with alma and f3ar on it and then it closes. Nothing happens after that. Help pl0x?

shadowx9110 (2011-06-29)

It also makes a steam start file & says ver 00.20 june etc.

appie366 (2011-06-30)

you need a steam fix @ page 4 or 5 look and what are specs..

Rivera232 (2011-06-30)

I copied the crack and everything to the F.E.A.R 3 folder, but when I click on the launcher.exe in the folder or the F.E.A.R 3 icon in the folder, it says AppId is not properly configured. How would I go about fixing that?

Tinhajj (2011-06-30)

@Paladin0 Good point about deleting whats left from Skidrow if you uninstall, I'll add it to the guide.
Co-Op works with this. Please repost this comment if it works for you so everyone can get it to work.
Uninstall the game if you've already installed it and cracked it. After you've uninstalled it navigate to the program files folder and ensure you have no folder called WB Games. If you do delete the folder.
Install the game again, but this time don't crack it.
Install steam (like the version from their website if you don't have it.)
Then download this and extract contents to steam folder in Program Files:

Then run smartsteam.exe from the steam folder if you ever want the co-op to work.
Then download

and take the contents of that and overwrite it with the stuff inside the Fear 3 installation folder in program files under WB Games
Then it should work I think.

Jimmy54669 (2011-06-30)

Just wanted to give respect where respect is due. I've gotta say this. When a new game..any game comes out that i really want i always come to the pirate bay. I'm not a newbie to this. I been on it for years. I know common sense says look for a skull and cross bones first read the comments second.... every matter who the uploader is!! But i gotta say...when it comes to any game uploaded by SKIDROW, EXTREMEZONE, or RAZOR1911...thoes are the only ones I trust 100%. I don't even bother with the comments on their torrents. I have been downloading from them for years and i have never had a problem with anything from them. please keep up the good work and if there is anyway i could help out just let me know. LONG LIVE TPB!!!

appie366 (2011-06-30)

install the game again and look a next page their is steam fix to play with steam.
andddd pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sombody my problem?
i cant change resolution intel graphics card.
Intel GMA X4500M.
32 bits vista.
2.17 GhZ.

shadowx9110 (2011-06-30)

so.. i got the game started.
everythings black but i can hear the sound.
if i ctrl alt delete i see the main menu for a split second and if i try to open it back it crashes.
Any ideas...?

DeaDxxZombiE (2011-07-01)


RAAM34 (2011-07-01)

thanks cool man work for me on windows 7 64 bit but then again i have never download a skidrow torrent that didnt work all the people having trouble must of did something wrong or there computer block something why downloadint the torrent thanks man if u could upload the multiplayer crack that be cool

Tinhajj (2011-07-02)

Co-Op works with this. Please repost this comment if it works for you so everyone can get it to work.
Uninstall the game if you've already installed it and cracked it. After you've uninstalled it navigate to the program files folder and ensure you have no folder called WB Games. If you do delete the folder.
Install the game again, but this time don't crack it.
Install steam (like the version from their website if you don't have it.)
Then download this and extract contents to steam folder in Program Files:

Then run smartsteam.exe from the steam folder if you ever want the co-op to work.
Then download

and take the contents of that and overwrite it with the stuff inside the Fear 3 installation folder in program files under WB Games
Then it should work I think.

jtcarey18 (2011-07-02)

My game wont launch when i press the launcher app and the regular fear 3 app. When i press the launcher it says "Unable to launch executable, are you sure you placed this file at the right directory".
Can someone help me please and thank you?

snthss (2011-07-02)

Just installed it and copied over the cracked files. Started - works perfectly.
But I have a question:
I read that a Patch was released yesterday via steam. It adds an option.cfg to the install directory. Will the update be available for this version too? I really want to change the FOV :).

jtcarey18 (2011-07-02)

When i press the launch application it says "Unable to launch executables, are you sure you placed this file at the right directory".
Can someone help me please and thank you?

mastah_p (2011-07-02)

@jtcarey18: This download doesn't come with a crack, it's just the game. Download the crack from skidrow and copy everything from that file into the program files-->WB Games-->Fear 3. It will work after that.

Furkan0707 (2011-07-02)

Please HELP ! There is no blood effect in game .. ı have HD4870 ..

jtcarey18 (2011-07-02)

@mastah_p: i did do that but im still receiving the same message.

hgcool (2011-07-02)

New complete and real system requirements for FEAR 3:

snthss (2011-07-02)

It does come with a crack. Just open the .iso with winRAR or mount it and open it. There's a skidrow folder. That's why it says "4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation" in the nfo.
Any news on the patch?

appie366 (2011-07-03)

can sombody send a link off the patch of this game:)

appie366 (2011-07-03)

if you sombody have some problems here is a solution it worked for me.
i replaced it and my game runs now 5 fps faster.

snthss (2011-07-03)

Ok Skidrow released the first Update. Not sure if it's on the bay already though. But google shall help you if not :).

appie366 (2011-07-03)

i found update for skidrow worked for me allot:)

appie366 (2011-07-03)

i found solution for intel resolution problems..
press right click on fear 3 -> where it says goal (bad english mine) type in end like this. "D:\F.E.A.R.3-SKIDROW\F.E.A.R. 3\F.E.A.R. 3.exe" -d3d9 then run game and you can change resolution to 640x480 :)
im the best yeah.

GameTesterOfficial (2011-07-04)

excellent torrent easy install, everything fine.
game runs great.
I will seed for a couple of weeks. Thanks

Omniverse (2011-07-04)

Binkw32.dll was not found. Please help

Angelsbane12 (2011-07-05)

I have an issue... someone said that if you install the vcredist shit it'll fix the launcher and game not starting... well I can't cause I don't have x64 or x86... I have Vista x32 home edition.... what the fuck do I do??!!

SalazarAnja (2011-07-05)

You will need to also install this to make it run!

Towel3 (2011-07-05)

Torrent works great. No problems during install or game play.
For people with older graphic cards, the game runs fine on a 9300m GS 512, If you can tolerate lower resolutions than you may be used to. Running at 1056x660 on all high settings except shadows and AA.
Also I had issues with the skidrow patch, made every thing extremely blurry for me. So I just stuck with the no motion blur or dof patch easily found here on pb. Very clear even at my low res.

Furkan0707 (2011-07-05)

Please HELP ! There is no blood effect in game .. ı have HD4870 ..

Furkan0707 (2011-07-06)

I fixed it from game option..

xaleeeeeel (2011-07-06)

very nice game thank u very much

ChefMan777 (2011-07-06)

please seed... Thank you :D Remember what you sow, you reap...

ncc46537 (2011-07-06)

Angelsbane12, 32-bit systems are x86 systems.

tomols1 (2011-07-07)

Erm... I downloaded the game, works great :D But only for a while... After i beat the first enemy, the game froze, but not for ever. When it stops freezeing, it takes like 10 sec and then it freezes again! Please help me =( I am desperate to play this game!

mrpirater (2011-07-07)

UUGGGHHH. i don't get it!!! i installed a bunch of SKIDROW releases before.
i mount and install the game, i copied the crack files, i start the game, but if i do anything in menu other than QUIT, the game crashes and says that "FEAR 3 has stopped working"
i cant change any setting, start any campaign, NOTHING! please help.

mrpirater (2011-07-07)

ok, so i can sometimes go to CREDITS and once go to see the GRAPHICS OPTIONS, and other times the moment the menu opens the game crashes. wtf? i try running as admin, change compatibility, i changed the player name in the skidrow.ini, nothing works.....

Yacksoba (2011-07-08)

there's no such thing as a vista x32
all vistas are or x64 or x86(same thing as x32)

appie366 (2011-07-08)

you need to play the game in d3d9 then you canplay on lowest settings :)
see ya later im going to morocco :D

Krolden (2011-07-08)

It workded for me so:
Co-Op works with this. Please repost this comment if it works for you so everyone can get it to work.
Uninstall the game if you've already installed it and cracked it. After you've uninstalled it navigate to the program files folder and ensure you have no folder called WB Games. If you do delete the folder.
Install the game again, but this time don't crack it.
Install steam (like the version from their website if you don't have it.)
Then download this and extract contents to steam folder in Program Files:

Then run smartsteam.exe from the steam folder if you ever want the co-op to work.
Then download

and take the contents of that and overwrite it with the stuff inside the Fear 3 installation folder in program files under WB Games
Then it should work I think.
credits to Tinhajj at 2011-06-29 23:59

sleepykev (2011-07-08)

excellent again easy install many thx bro

pager120 (2011-07-08)

Torrent is greas but I have problem.
When I start game is problem:

I copy files from SKIDROW folder to game folder.

xReaperx36 (2011-07-08)

for some reason o dont hear fettel's voice at all, ive played it on 360 already but wanted it for pc. so i did everything normal for a SKIDROW installation but al of fettel's voice overs dont play, unless they are in game. help?

xReaperx36 (2011-07-08)

for some reason i cant hear any of fettel's voice overs

bloodybloodred (2011-07-10)

I have a problem with the game. It runs fine and everything but it only runs in a window and it doesnt allow me to change it to full screen in the game menu. alt+enter doesnt do the trick and havent found anything that would help me
if you can help then thats my email adress looking forward for some help with this

bloodybloodred (2011-07-10)

my specs are
nvidia GT 425M
4gb DDR3

darusdei (2011-07-11)

Yepyep. the game starts fine but soon as i click to actually play the first mission my whole computer just reboots :D

cyounow1113 (2011-07-11)

Skidrow: As an older game player I do appreciate you making life easier when it comes to installing and playing a game. Many thanks! I am having a problem for the first time with the playing of fear 3.
When the game starts and I choose single player, I get the message "the player has left the session". I get this same message no matter what I choose. I have tried to reinstall many times with the same results. I can set all the settings but I continue to get the message and I have to exit the game. Can you please offer any advise. Thank you.

elena.a (2011-07-11)

I found something that works with the HOST ERROR. I read a comment about having a USB plugged in so I plugged in my Kindle and no more error. :D Also the thing about your emulated driver being a letter more down the alphabet than your real driver is crap. Hope this helps.

supastaa88 (2011-07-13)

I have an issue... someone said that if you install the vcredist shit it'll fix the launcher and game not starting... well I can't cause I don't have x64 or x86... I have Vista x32 home edition.... what the fuck do I do??!!
Don't know if anybody already slapped you upside the head and pointed this out, but 32 bit IS x86. No biggie. It gets alot of people.

yellowbeard68 (2011-07-14)

CO OP working? Would be the only reason I would want to check it out...wouldn't be asking this if AT&T didn't put a @@&#&@ cap on their services last month @&@#& cap limits.

bharath012 (2011-07-14)

Thanks, everything works fine, my only problem i'm not be able to play in 1360x768 resolution.... the last resolution is 1024x768
Any solution for this...?

hamwitch (2011-07-16)

there is the crack

Bloodwolf69 (2011-07-16)

Okay so what i had to do to fix this problem is that i had to put my usb-stick into my computer and reformat it to make it a C: drive, since i don't use C on any of my harddrives, and i just made a shortcut of the F.e.a.r 3 exe and put the shortcut on it and started it, worked for me. Hope this helps someone :)

Sedascious (2011-07-18)

supastaa88 there are 2 cpu types they are 32 bit and 64 bit
if you have 32 bit(Vista x32 then use x86 programs)
If you have 64 bit(Vista x64 then use x64 programs)

Akkedis777 (2011-07-19)

I just want some help to plai Single player?everytime I go in it says "Disconected from Steam, returning to main menu" how do I fix this?please help!

anichu (2011-07-21)

FOR NUBES: This is the first game I ever install and it worked out just fine. Here is what I did:
1. Download the torrent.
2. Unpack the torrent with WinRAR (freeware)
3. Open the (.iso) file with DAEMON TOOLS program. In case you don't have this program, which was the case for me, it is a freeware, so don't panic. Just go to:
and download the "DAEMON TOOLS lite"
4. The DAEMON program is basically a virtual DVD drive. Hit the play button (green triangle) which will then open a window where one of the options is "Run", click this.
5. You are now installing the game on your main disk drive (presumably C:). At the end of the install, you will be prompted to check the boxes for some programs (DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++). I recommend you select the general DirectX option (the top one) just in case as the game wasn't running until I did this. It didn't work when I chose the DirectX (x64) option for some reason, even though I have a 64-bit system. Check the "C++" option too if ur unsure whether or not you already have this program.
6. Now open the folder "Skidrow" from the original file you downloaded and unpacked using WinRAR (step 2). Copy all the available files and paste them into the folder where the game is now installed (from step 5). Make sure to "copy and replace" the files.
7. Now download and unpack the crack for this game. Download from:

8. Copy all the files in the crack folder you just downloaded and, similar to step 7, paste them in the folder where the game is installed. Again, make sure to "copy and replace".
9. Click on the executable file and (hopefully) enjoy!
Hope the above proves useful to some fellow gamers :)

skrillex124 (2011-07-23)

I seem to have a problem in the middle of Interval 5 , when entering a checkpoint it freezes with the "loading" on the corner of the screen and then goes all black. I installed the update , got the blur remover and changed it to d3d9 yet still get the same problem. The rest is fine except for this part.
Anyone may know how to resolve this ?

FadeToBlack21 (2011-07-27)

The instructions say to copy and replace files in the game folder with files from the SKIDROW folder. I dont see any SKIDROW folder in the torrent, only the image file and a INFO file. Whats the deal?

anichu (2011-07-29)

@fadetoblack21: u have to extract the iso file with winrar. to get the skidrow folder... refer to the instructions i posted above... good luck :)

Hirouakan (2011-07-29)

Wtf, i have no cut-scenes.
Whenever a movie starts, i get only the audio, and the screen remains black or shows a paused gameplay. Any solution? ):

Chilli_jerez (2011-08-01)

anybody know how i can set up a LAN match with my friend... he has the same game, same release. We were just wanting to play co-op... help please? btw, Awesome work Skidrow

dauthiatull (2011-08-02)

how do i play fetell i have unlockeh him but cant fugure out how to switch

dauthiatull (2011-08-02)

nevermind i figured it out lol

cocki (2011-08-04)

I can't get this to work!
Can anyone help me out please?
When I try to start it, it says:
"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect

Drillsy (2011-08-07)

Game Works Thax
Installed Game With PowerISO
Download anichu Crack In His Link
Loading Game From Created Desktop .exe When U Install Game An After Copying Crack
PC Specs AMD Phenom II X6 1100 Black Edition Processor Asus Crosshair IV Formula Motherboard Corsair Dominator DDR3 8GB Ram ATI Radeon HD 5970 2GB Graphics Card
tHaX SKIDROW 4 Upload

wsda (2011-08-12)

this game is a big dissapointment, comparing with earlier versions..
..great torrent btw..

nolimitz_4me (2011-08-19)

Just deleted it . The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect .Installed it 3 times , it`s fucking annoying .

asrmoreno (2011-08-20)

doesnt worked for me.
PC Specs AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition Processor Asus Crosshair IV Formula Motherboard dual Corsair Dominator DDR3 8GB Ram ATI Radeon HD 5970 2GB Graphics Card.

Skullshot7777 (2011-08-23)

Ok ive installed the game and pasted the stuff from the SKIDROW folder to the game folder. I also downloaded and extracted the crack. When I then tried to start the game, this came up: "The program can't start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
What did I do wrong?

jtampinco (2011-08-24)

@Skullshot777 Just install the directx using the installer from the installation directory. F.E.A.R 3 -> redist -> DXSETUP. I was having the same problem and Im just glad thats over. :)

UrF4CEizN00B (2011-08-31)

the hell with all this GEEK squad shit, just buy the game, Way easier and FASTER. wait till it goes on sale on steam FTW

TheAC30fSpades (2011-09-04)

Game works fine, download time not too bad.
Mount, Install, Copy cracked files over, no problem whatsoever.

DeadEcho3 (2011-09-05)

Great, the game wont even start after installation

Mikeee200 (2011-09-06)

AWESOME GAME! Works on my Alienware M17X 64bit Computer everything on the highest possible graphics

invisiblek (2011-09-21)

@TinHaj Does your fix work on LAN? my friend and I have TERRIBLE internet connections and probably won't be able to play it using your fix. Or does the game not require a lot of bandwidth?

splente (2011-09-29)

I've been downloading your fear 3 torrent from another site , I installed in my PC windows 7 home premium 3 GB RAm , Processador pentium dual core 3.0 Ghz and it worked like a charm man, thank u so much papi, ate a proxima ( see ya later )

Stianwc (2011-10-09)

Great job dude!
game is scary ass hell and i will seed :)

ollarb (2011-10-09)

You can play this, but NEVER EVER
play co-op.

lancstar (2011-10-12)

had it working on vista64 bit no problem would not work on windows 7 64bit but i did what thmaggot95 said and wala it works great thanks thmaggot95 and the rest of u ps can i copy my saved games from my vista pc to my win7 thanks

SerbianBlackAdder (2011-10-25)

Great torrent, works perfect. Thanks.

p4nth3r (2011-11-02)

game working 100%

Najdihojca (2011-12-05)

works with windows 7/64bit nicely, no issues whatsoever so far.

oloringtw (2011-12-31)

Hey there folks, can anyone please help me out here? I keep getting the message D3DCOMPILER_43.dll is missing from the computer, now I read somewhere that it might be an issue with DirectX but I am running Windows 7 with DirectX 11 and I believe its up to date, any recommendations? Thanks

niko165 (2012-01-31)

Whenever i try to start the Campaign it says "The storage device containing required downloadable content was removed. You have been returned to the main menu."

Aaron_The_Lucky (2012-02-07)

Works fantastic. To get the skidrow folder guys all you have to do is right click the .iso and extract here. a bunch of files will be extracted too but just copy those inside the skidrow folder. now all i need is a faster computer :S

harsh487 (2012-02-12)

i ve downloaded the game.....mine is a 32 bit windows do run the game...pls tell me

aremic (2012-03-21)

Dont extract the ISO. Instead right click the mounted drive in Daemon Tools and select "open in file explorer".

manav1984 (2012-04-06)

works fine. just follow instructions in skidrow text file.

TadVan (2012-04-17)

To anyone who can help,
First off, i love SKIDROW....never had any issues and i hate when ppl bitch about something thats basically free.....i downloaded fear 3 and, like always, installed game, and replaced the files in game dir with the files that were given....but when i try to run the game, it opens steam on my computer.....i do have steam but i was under the impression that it wouldnt get there something that im doing wrong or is there someway to still play the game bcuz i dont mind uninstalling steam if i have to

iLirian (2012-05-13)

Work Great
1. Mount - [Power Iso]
2. Install
4. Play

aegunn (2012-05-21)

what do you mean by copying them into the instalation

massi95 (2012-05-26)

Can someone help me?
I followed all the instructions, but when I start the game it opens steam and it brings me on the fear page... The game doesn't start

Neobreaker (2012-06-07)

Game works 100% Beat it with Point Man and Ferrel, no errors at all, going to be seeding for awhile.

TheBanano (2012-07-31)

Thanks, worked well on Win 7 Home Premium 64 Bits. Flawless.

macsuper (2012-08-26)

Thx! it scares the shit out of me sometimes!

MadMody (2012-09-17)

Thanks man, your torrents are great, you are second, after Extremezone :)

Kenzenlolzors (2012-09-23)

Does anybody know if this game could be played online?

Puxes (2012-09-24)

Thank you so much the installition went great everything is fine but i have 1 question will i be able to play online? With other players? anyone respond please.

spiroupap (2012-09-26)

pls seed........

Dudespooky (2012-12-24)

Great game, also a pretty fast download for me. Really easy to set up.

TaleMunja (2013-01-03)

Easy installation, good torrent-horrible game.
If they just fix mouse horror movement it will be much playable but... When i start Fear 3 and play after a while my eyes hurts me because of no mouse smoothness on moving like in Fear 2 where is awesome seriously. Because of that it's unplayable.
I beg you guys, tell me, is this only me or someone else have this issue?

TaleMunja (2013-01-09)

I regret i say about game because it's not so bad as i tell. Mouse issue fix is here but first i need to tell you: My PC is I7 configuration, 6gb of memory, gamer PC to the core.
What i found that kill mouse move smoothness is simply incredible! The main guilt is on god damn Antialiansing! I put on off and game work much better.
No matter how long you have PC or how pro you are-something new will appear for learning.
I know that antialiansing never make any problem on any game i play because computer is god so i never checked Antialiansing. Damn.. o.O

killa4kilos (2013-02-07)

Win 8 x64
I would like to ask for help i never encountered this problem before. When i click Campaign / Single player i get a message. Host has quit the session. ??? Can somebody please help me fix this issue.

alex_fot (2013-02-28)

perfect torrent as always SKIDROW...thank you so word people..SEED!!it doesn't cost anything

SnowLVL100 (2013-03-20)


Chicken82 (2013-03-20)

Awesome torrent! No problems at all, been a while since i could say that! Thx for the upload, im going to seed for a week :)

Pufna068 (2013-07-10)

..the game works excellent..but i dont like FEAR ...well thats it..end of horror games :D yeaa and NOW I WAIT FOR GTA :D

Mr_Ceiling_Cat (2013-07-16)

works fine, ignore the noobs

Mr_Ceiling_Cat (2013-07-19)

update here (trusted)
fixes fps lag

r0nmaker (2013-07-26)

can you play online with tunngle?


1. F.E.A.R.3-SKIDROW/skidrow.nfo 13.65 Kb
2. F.E.A.R.3-SKIDROW/sr-fear3.iso 4170.17 Mb