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2011-06-06 (by thethingy)
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended
Adobe Illustrator CS5.1
Adobe InDesign CS5.5
Adobe Acrobat X Pro
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5
Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 Premium
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Adobe Contribute CS5
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
Adobe After Effects CS5.5
Adobe Audition CS5.5
Adobe OnLocation CS5
Adobe Encore CS5
Additional components:
Adobe Bridge CS5
Adobe Device Central CS5.5
Adobe Dynamic Link
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection Content;
Adobe 32bit Support Pack;
Files count:
5699.01 Mb
leapinlizards (2011-06-06)
thx mate!Ivantav (2011-06-06)
Thanks, thethingy!!!!Lost_Player99 (2011-06-06)
thanks for the upload.I just have a question.
Is it already activate and if not is the activator ativate it for ever or its just for a short period of time like 3 months?
10011100 (2011-06-06)
Thank you for this fine release, finished in 13 hours, seeding now till ratio is 10, that should do to keep this torrent alive, so keep seeding...and don't run10011100 (2011-06-07)
Thank you thethingy , Another Great Release, finished downloading in 13 hours, will seed till ratio 10, that will do to keep this alive... Leechers, don't hit and run in order to support the community...TheAslan (2011-06-07)
Can u use update too or will it block serial code?WOLFGANGTHOR (2011-06-07)
Works perfectly great! Thank you! Aalso at first i was having trouble because it kept saying it was a trial version and that I needed to buy a serial code, but by going to this directory and changing/adding this line to the hosts file made it workComputer/OS(c:)/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/hosts.file
and the line you need to add/change is
hopes this helps anyone that had that problem!
gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi Thingygr8 stuff as always .......but we have a problem
Downloaded trial and this and checked each and both exactly same size and number of files..also run UltraCompare on it and its came up the same.
All we really need is a temp account and bogus email on adobe site an it comes down fast..6mb a Plus the CS5 keygen an host file entries.
thethingy (2011-06-07)
gbovs, its esd english, all of them have trial options though so whats your point?gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi MateShould have said:
Dont need to download this one as its the same as the TRIAL available FASTER on the adobe site.
Then DOWNLOAD the keygen available, and use the HOST file entries.
Lot easier to download it from ADOBE and faster.
That was all I was saying.
But I do make the point that YOU are the No 1 (apart from this trial stuff......the full commercial is on 2 x DUAL layer dvds and one normal dvd ..and is about 13 gb approx.
gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi MateShould have said:
Dont need to download this one as its the same as the TRIAL available FASTER on the adobe site.
Then DOWNLOAD the keygen available, and use the HOST file entries.
Lot easier to download it from ADOBE and faster.
That was all I was saying. (and the less opportunity for others to mess with it...:D and I dont include you !)
But I do make the point that YOU are the No 1 (apart from this trial stuff......the full commercial is on 2 x DUAL layer dvds and one normal dvd ..and is about 13 gb approx.
gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi MateShould have said:
Dont need to download this one as its the same as the TRIAL available and FASTER on the adobe site.
Then DOWNLOAD the keygen available, and use the HOST file entries.
Lot easier to download it from ADOBE and faster.
That was all I was saying. (and the less opportunity for others to mess with it...:D and I dont include you !)
But I do make the point that YOU are the No 1 (apart from this trial stuff......the full commercial is on 2 x DUAL layer dvds and one normal dvd ..and is about 13 gb approx.
I normally have these sent direct to me...:D
gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi MateShould have said:
Dont need to download this one as its the same as the TRIAL available and FASTER on the adobe site.
Then DOWNLOAD the keygen available, and use the HOST file entries.
Lot easier to download it from ADOBE and faster.
That was all I was saying. (and the less opportunity for others to mess with it...:D and I dont include you !)
But I do make the point that YOU are the No 1 (apart from this trial stuff......the full commercial is on 2 x DUAL layer dvds and one normal dvd ..and is about 13 gb plus.
I normally have these sent direct to me...:D
from adobe site on install
24.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation;
thethingy (2011-06-07)
gbovs, it is commercial, the second part is here;
if you dont want to download then dont, feel free not to spamm this torrent, if you think there are different functions then you are confused.
jordzen (2011-06-07)
thank you thethingy - you rock.can i just ask: will you also be uploading CS5.5 PRODUCTION PREMIUM? (i see you've already uploaded the extra content).
Just wondering if that's coming, for those of us that just require the SW in CS5.5 Production, as opposed to whole suite.
If not, cool bananas, i'll just go with SUITE...
gbovs (2011-06-07)
@thethingyNo sir its not the commercial its the TRIAL ESD from the adobe site....the other link at the bottom you gave is the content AGAIN available on the adobe site.
The COMMERCIAL comes on 3 discs as mentioned above. AND it would ALSO contain the content.
Also the ESD (downlable version) of CSS5.5 is not available on the adobe site for a while yet...ONLY the
Not spamming but the site (this one ) is very slow to reg the messages and hangs sometimes so hitting the send does that ...sorry.
gl and thanx for your response.
thethingy (2011-06-07)
gbovs, all right smart ass, post the adobe link to the content, you cant cause you dont get the link till you buy it, also this is esd and only esd and it is clearly available because it's being sold, comercial is 2 dvd's the other is the 32bit support pack thats linked in the description.thethingy (2011-06-07)
and I posted most of the cs5.5's at least a week before they were available for people on the adobe site cause I had access to the esd's.Uiharu (2011-06-07)
Great Job, keep with the good work mate x)pirbay1958 (2011-06-07)
Hi all,This esd vs trial thing is making my head hurt,lol.Not asking thethingy since he cant be expected to answer all dumb questions but is not the esd just the downloadable version whether it be trial or otherwise?
presuming this is an esd trial version abobe states basically lacks encore (CS5 version anyway) and various after effcts plugins,codecs,and presets.It would no doubt lack functional content titles,menus,templates
Actually looking back at adobe's esd description,
it appears esd is some kinds volume license thing but really its what they dont tell you that makes me curious,like some special way of "managing" upgrades and possibly any updates ie if not an ESD Account Administrator you cant update?
Anyway this torrent is still amazing value=free=well done thethingy!
averti2 (2011-06-07)
Does it include premiere pro presets ?gbovs (2011-06-07)
Hi again.links below that I used and were available to all.
To clear things up ESD trial cs5.5 contains limited stuff and is missing codecs and third party plugins req for video output.
The content is the same as you have supplied EXACTLY ........
NOT a smartass just been around for a long time and 25yrs at this game. :D
Have respect for your releases JUST dont like the BS ones. :D
Wont call you names either.....
As regards the GENIUNE FULL CS5.5 downloadable WILL be avialable from the adobe site....shortly ALL the other CS5.5 packages are.
CS5.5 Master Collection & Production Premium Extra Content (175 MB)
CS5.5 Design Premium & Web Premium Extra Content (175 MB)
CS5.5 Design Standard Extra Content (166 MB)
InDesign CS5.5 Extra Content (155 MB)
Illustrator CS5.1 Extra Content (English Only - See below) (120 MB)
Fireworks CS5 Extra Content (English Only - See below) (130 MB)
After Effects CS5.5 Extra Content (744 MB)
Premiere Pro CS5.5 Extra Content (2.5 GB)
gbovs (2011-06-07)
1/ to hidemyass and make up new email.2/ go to adobe site and open new account
3/ download WHATEVER PACKAGE YOU WANT INCLUDING THIS ONE... (added bonus is that YOU can be sure NO ONE has fkd with it)
4/ Use keygen freely available for CS5.5 by XFORCE (if you cant find it I will post)
5/ alter your host file (instructions with the Keygen) or/and here.
6/ thats it. It will update and it will work.
Notes: Bear in mind that if you download the trial from adobe and this is the one CURRENTLY availabe (here as well) its ONLY a small 6.8gb .......LATER in fact shortly they will release the FULL CS5.5 master collection as a ESD (electronic Software Distribution ie Downloadable). End.
Please dont take this as a insult to you or reflection on your post. :D
Yes I have access to the trials before they are posted on the public post...not hard to get.
Once again thank you for all the stuff you have brought us....and hopefully continue to ....
You obviousley spend a lot your time doing it and I am sure that lots appreciate it including me even if you think that I do not I do.
good luck
pirbay1958 (2011-06-08)
@gbos1)The missing stuff in trial is specified here
relates to Encore (the CS 5.0 v) comes not working and AE missing 3rd part plugins,codecs and presets.One infers other progs are 'complete'...although
2) The 'functional content' you mentioned is the same as thethings in his separate torrent.This(when extracted) however is only over 3GB of FONTS.Where is the other content,Prmiere designer title templates and encore designer menu templates etc?
3)What is the "genuine full CS 5.5 downladable (?also "esd") versions" ? Are not the "trial" versions always there to trial? Are the full versions the trial versions now with the previously missing stuff for paying customers who bypass the trial and buy outright?Even then it seems "full retail versions" of torrents in the past are still missing the 'functional content',yet again a separate dload from Adobe and only if you have access.
5)the dload of trials from adobe (to avoid dubious torrents,not relevant to thethingy's),..."make a new email" they accept yahoo or msn anonymous accounts?Somewhere I read a similar method to yours except it specified extra step something like "click on dload but then cancel but dont close out page,then hit links (that you also listed).Presumably further covering ass?
Totally echo your respect and appreciation to thethingy,absolutely amazing job.
gbovs (2011-06-09)
@pirbay1958Hi mate
In a nutshell, if you have lots of money you pay adobe for the CS5 MC 5.5 if not you download a trial and kegen it and it works MINUS the missing codecs etc etc. You can download the content as I posted the links above and THEY not just Fonts but templates and presets and lots more, POSSIBLY only 10 percent is
NOT 3.8GB of FONTS thats for sure...
When you log on to update and adobe 'accepts' your CS5.5 MC version ie seriel number...then it automatically downloads the files you need INCLUDING you CAN do it via a trial.
When you buy it then it comes on 3 DVD (2 of which are dual layer) and its about 13 to 14 gb that you install the other 7gb is only for 32bit systems ...
At the moment ONLY the other packages ie premium and production have ESD FULL downloads available INSTEAD of TRIALS.
Adobe in its wisdom did not allow anyone to download the FULL CS5.5 Master Collection YET.
Its TRIAL only.
I prefer to log on to the site.
download what you want.
Adobe I mean :D
But its worth waiting a bit and the FULL package will be able to be downloaded in FULL ie NOT 6.8 but the 13-14 gb.
Up to you.
Good luck and respect flies out to the thingy.
mgadallah (2011-06-09)
@ [thethingy]Please do you have any ME (Middle East) versions of the Adobe Master Collection!?
Especially Photoshop & InDesign & Illustrator ?
I am really do hope you can find them as I am searching over the web since a while and no hope to find them at all.
Thanks a lot,
justkris (2011-06-10)
thanks thethingy for great upload ,it is working and NO error for me.d.palapuz (2011-06-10)
Man, why didn't I see this before? I ended up download and installing Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe After Effects, and others individually. Now it's starting to mess things up because I had to keep switching and modifying the hosts I guess. I might have to uninstall everything again and download this instead. TheThingy, sorry to bother you man, but is there also a crack on each of the softwares on this torrent? It would help a lot. SO the same thing that happened to me doesn't happen again, hopefully. Thanks! Cheers!Kamidora (2011-06-12)
A thorn in the flesh of Adobe!!.The Messiah of the oppressed.
Thank you
diegoodor (2011-06-15)
thethingy, in adobe master collection cs5 uploaded by yourself, why when im running the installer, it push me to conect to adobe with an adobe id to continue with the installation? without it it doesnt run. it wasnt like that before and i already passed the windows cleanup cs5 several timesplease help....
I decided to go back to master collection cs5 due to most of the redgiant plugins are not compatible with master collection cs5.5
and i found this new installation problem after i tried to go back to cs5
RVGirlAlice (2011-06-16)
will this work for me on windows 7 64bit??? do i need a special set of stuff to make it work in 64 bit mode??? TY in advance and thingy u are the best :)pirbay1958 (2011-06-17)
@gobvsThanks...have been away for a week.
If understanding correctly you are saying there are 3 ways of getting the full CS5.5 MC content
1) Use a temp email/make an account with adobe/they email you the functioning links to downloads (or give you access to their website with the links)…..presumably you would need to supply a 'valid' serial number?
2) Separately download the trial MC version from adobe,use a keygen and hosts file to make it work,then simply log on via abode updater from within a suite program and content will download automatically (btw this method didn’t work for CS5.0)
3) Wait till adobe releases the full 13 GB CS 5.5 MC inclusive of all content as an esd (downloadable) then wait for a torrent to apear
Is that correct?
dosanko (2011-06-17)
OK so firstly, a HUGE THANK YOU to TheThingy for this and all the other wonderful bits n bobs you share!Um, in my download of this, I got an exe and a rar - what am I supposed to do, install the exe, then unpack the rar? Unpack the rar in the same dir then run the rar? I couldn't see a guide or instructions in the rar and the hosts folder was empty, and I tested the rar which came up with 0 errors.
Sorry to hassle, all the other CS suites I have used were just isos- fire up, make some tea, then reset and use so a bit baffled this time. Thanks again thethingy I hope you can help me out : )
amenaza (2011-06-17)
it would be awesome if you release a cinema 4d R12RVGirlAlice (2011-06-17)
i only use the main unziper right???RVGirlAlice (2011-06-17)
i only use the main unziper right and it dose part 2 atomatickly???RVGirlAlice (2011-06-17)
ty for this file will it work on 64bit mode or do i need a extra file??? also is the part2 rar don automatickly by regular install???RVGirlAlice (2011-06-17)
sory for multipl post dint think it was posting my ie9 wasnt showing it postedthethingy (2011-06-17)
pirbay1958 , he is full of shit, there is no new one comming out, he cant grasp that this is English only so does not have the extra DVD that contains all the other languages. there are features locked in this but when you put in the serial they become unlocked.dosanko (2011-06-18)
some answers to our questions would be much appreciated; not everyone on here is a l33t haxor :)thethingy (2011-06-18)
dosanko, the exe & rar are a 2 part archive, double click on the exe and it will extract both parts.Llampa (2011-06-18)
Thanks!! I followed the RECOMMENDED instructions and is working great. I could even update.alexiito2209_TPB (2011-06-19)
thank you very much.pirbay1958 (2011-06-19)
@thethihgythanks mate for ALL your time and effort,I cant stress that enough!.Gbovs also expresses his admiration
The point of confusion is what if any content is missing and how to get it.Apart from fonts which you uploaded separately do we actually know if this MC 5.5 comes with prem pro codecs,presets etc and encore templates/styles etc.The other big one for me is photoshop but would appear no other special content reqired here?
At end of day its no huge deal,more a matter of knowing what is or isnt complete. I dloaded your ADOBE ENCORE CS5 CONTENT [thethingy]
Pasted from [thanks] and it works perfectly in my W7 64 bit encore CS5.0 so should also work when added to CS5.5 5 (unlike say plugins which may be version specific)
so its just a matter of searching a bit for bibs and bobs but the hard part is not knowing what is or potentially isnt there.This has gotta be hard for you sice if you dont use all the progs you can not be expected to know.You are just passing on the best of whats available and in good faith.Cant ask more than that :-).....and you go to the trouble of being a one man tech support service,doing a better job than adobe staff,I know coz I tried them in previous paid versions of progs....which is why I am here ;-)
All the best man and keep up the good work
For me its mainly Prem pro
chrismalla (2011-06-19)
You're right, this torrent doesn't contain any functional content at all (templates, menus, buttons etc...)The "functional content" doesn't come with the ESD. This is ESD.
ESD means Electronic Software Download. You can purchase a Software as a download link from Adobe.
The ESD contains all of the plugins and codecs that comes with the DVD. The trial version is missing some codecs, plugins and presets that comes from parties other than Adobe.
These missing things in the Trial version will be downloaded through an simple update as soon you put a valid serial number.
But now we don't have to worry about these missing plugins etc, because this is an ESD.
As said above, the only thins missing in the ESD is the functional content (templates, menus, buttons etc...)
These things can those, ONLY who have bought the product, download from the Adobe website. That's what is written on thier site;
"If you purchased an electronic download (ESD) from the Adobe Store, log in to your account and download any additional available content or applications for the product you purchased. You can use your Adobe ID and password to access this content for up to three years after the product is released"
This is how you get access to the additional content (functional content);
1. In a web browser, go to
2. Sign in with your Adobe ID and password.
3. Click View Order History.
4. Look at the row with your order number and click Download.
5. On the download page, look at the row with the description for function content.
6. Download this content using Akamai Download Manager or Alternate Download Method.
7. Go to the folder where you have downloaded files from the download page. For example, Desktop\Premiere. And install. (.exe)
Again, this can only be done by those who have purchased the software.
The functional content should be on the installation disc also. It would be awesome if someone who have purchased the software could download the files and upload them somewhere.
I still think thethingy has done a great job with this. You can't get a better copy than this one. You can update it, it's safe, it's clean, it's ESD! The only thing that is missing, as mentioned, is the functional content, that probably is 15GB+, i dont know.
Now i hope that you all understand the difference between ESD and Trial and whats in it and whats missing!
I still love you thethingy! Your'e the man!
thethingy (2011-06-19)
pirbay1958, I dont know if there is an additional stuff other than the 32bit support pack or the content already posted, if there is and you can get the file name of it then I can get it and post it, if you search here for cs4 content & resources then you'll see all the extra stuff for cs4, mc cs4 only has fonts if I remember correctly.LatinoKillz123 (2011-06-20)
@thethingyI seriously need some help with the download.
You already put tons of instructions which helped and i did all of them except one.
I dont know how to replace the dll 32/64bit folders.
If you could give me some instructions on how to do it then i might be able to download this.
Tried downloading this 1000 times buht kept giving me errors.
chrismalla (2011-06-20)
@LatinoKillz123If you got 32bit OS, then all apps are 32bit too.
But if you have 64bit OS, then there's 2 "program files" folders.
All 32bit apps are located in the one marked with "x86". Most apps are 32bit yet.
All 64bit apps are located in the other "program files" folder (marked with nothing).
Now... you go and replace each dll file in the adobe folders with eather the 32bit dll or the 64bit dll, depending on in which folder you're in, "program files" or "program files (x86)".
dosanko (2011-06-20)
@ Thethingy, thanks mate, just wanted to be sure before trying it. I seriously would buy this if only the price were more reasonable...I can't thank you enough for taking the time and effort, and risk, to put up clean, working torrents of software for those less able to afford them, and who need to learn and use programs like this. Your kindness and dedication do us all proud : )pirbay1958 (2011-06-21)
@chrismallaThanks for explanation. Got it,this ESD MC CS 5.5 version comes complete with all codecs,presets and plugins (and presumably a functioning version of Encore) otherwise missing from Trial version.It does not contain any "functional content" (Many GB of predesigned menus templates,predesigned title templates,buttons etc which Adode only supplies separately with proof of purchase (which includes your "order number" for purchased ESD)
The workaround is to reuse former versions of functional content like
for CS5.5 functional content we will just have to wait for you to do your "thing" when you get access to it.Thanks again
chrismalla (2011-06-21)
@pirbay1958Exactly, Everything is complete in this except the functional content as you mentioned.
We'll just hope that thethingy will find the content as soon as possible! Thanks thingy!
lostalot (2011-06-21)
hi help please im a noobe ive downloaded the files but it asked for rar 6then when i try to install get
WARNING: DW024: The payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core {08EF22BC-43B2-4B4E-BA12-52B18F418F38} requires a UI parent with following specification:
Family: Photoshop
ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core_x64
This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode: {857CC5F0-040E-1016-A173-D55ADD80C260} has required dependency on:
Family: InDesign
ProductName: Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Icon Handler x64
This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
PS you rock thingy !!!!
lostalot (2011-06-21)
hi can you help pleasewhen i unpacked it asked for rar 6 then i tryed to install i get WARNING: DW024: The payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core {08EF22BC-43B2-4B4E-BA12-52B18F418F38} requires a UI parent with following specification:
Family: Photoshop
ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core_x64
This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode: {857CC5F0-040E-1016-A173-D55ADD80C260} has required dependency on:
Family: InDesign
ProductName: Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Icon Handler x64
This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
ps thanks for the torrents
chrismalla (2011-06-21)
@lostalotWhen did you get the error messages? Before, during or after installation?
1. Uninstall ALL adobe apps on your computer.
2. Restart.
3. Install:
4. Restart.
5. Now try installing Master Collection again.
lostalot (2011-06-22)
hi i tryed that still get the same error code 7im a bit lost ???
lostalot (2011-06-22)
sorry hi chrismilla i got the error during and the stop the installi tryed delateing the torrent and redownloading tho whole thing
chrismalla (2011-06-22)
OK, then try following the steps in the link below.
Hope it will solve the problem.
burritoooooooooo (2011-06-22)
hey thingy great work on this torrent.this is my 1st post, but i've been a long time pirate bay user.
i installed your version of the adobe master collection cs5.5 and i got everything to work except one thing.
The dynamic link between premiere and after effects does not work when the DLLs you provided, replace the original ones.
i've always had this same problem with other torrents and i can never figure it out.
It simply says that i need adobe production premium to use dynamic link.
This only happens when i am hooked up to the internet. When i am offline, it works fine.
When i select to use a proxy server in my LAN settings under Chrome, i no longer have online access; i get the message saying Unable to connect to proxy server.
i am a win7 user. 64-bit.
any help is much appreciated. Thanks man
d.palapuz (2011-06-24)
Sweet content here thethingy! I got one question though, if I wanted to register the software and I can't use my personal e-mail address, where do I go? I've seen a comment here on the 1st page about a website that generates a working email address for or something like that, but since thepiratebay is not really fully loading up and I can't click previous pages, I might as well ask it here. Thanks in advance!tonka27 (2011-06-24)
It worked fine for four days then it told me the serial was invalid and it was a trial version.Waste of my time.
chrismalla (2011-06-24)
@tonka27Check the host again. If its correct and you've followed the instructions and it stil dont work.
Then replace the dll files. Everything is written in the instructions. Read it...
nickstar1993 (2011-06-24)
is this the triall or full version comment bk rapid cheerswellboy (2011-06-24)
372 seeders, but only 62seeds with 1kbps-10kps download only?Oh come on guys.....
d.palapuz (2011-06-24)
Finished installing it, seeding it now. thethingy, I just have a quick question. Do I have to register it, 'cause it's asking me to register when I open the software. What's the best way to do that? I made a temporary account in but when I tried to put the serial number, it says it's invalid. And when I try to register product directly from the app under Help menu, it says the same thing. Thanks!chrismalla (2011-06-25)
@nickstar1993It's ESD (full version). Read the large post on page 2.
You should not register a adobe ID. If you having trouble with the serial after registering then replace thee dll files. Don't register!
bajistapro (2011-06-25)
Can I update after install or will block applications?? thanks!By the way thumbs up to "thethingy" !
chrismalla (2011-06-25)
@bajistaproWhy aren't you guys reading the instructions?!
Read the "UPDATING THE APPS" txt document.
barnchad (2011-06-25)
As always, great upload. Will be downloading this and just keep it seeding as I have not acquired a 64 bit system yet, but when I do, OOOOHHH BABY!!!! Thanks Thingy!bajistapro (2011-06-26)
@chrismalla I can´t find that "UPDATING THE APPS" txt document you are talking about!! I read everything else! no info about it!bikerabhinav (2011-06-27)
Awesome torrent!! Will seed till 2:1Thanks TheThingy :) much appreciated!
Tama_ (2011-06-29)
Rather than go through all the hassle of file swapping and internet disabling, just install the software using the KeyGen by CORE. Way easier. Allows updates too.tonka27 (2011-06-30)
Modified the host file in safe mode. Seems to be working.d.palapuz (2011-07-02)
I tried installing this a bunch of times on a laptop and I keep getting the same errors after 2%. I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right. I actually installed this in my desktop computer and I had no problem with it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help?netloot (2011-07-03)
Thanks for sharing!I encoutered an error when extracting:
! G:\wares\Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection\Adobe Creative Suite 6.rar: The required volume is absent
! G:\wares\Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection\Adobe Creative Suite 5.exe: CRC failed in Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master
The file is corruptDoes this mean I got a corrupted RAR file? Should I download again?
Thanks for any help!
netloot (2011-07-03)
First of all, thanks for sharing and those who seed!However, I encoutered an error when extracting:
! G:\wares\Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection\Adobe Creative Suite 6.rar: The required volume is absent
! G:\wares\Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection\Adobe Creative Suite 5.exe: CRC failed in Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master
The file is corruptDoes this mean I got a corrupted RAR file? Should I download again?
Thanks for any help!
(I submitted the same message, but didn't see it posted, sorry in advance if this becomes a duplicate post)
secretninja1 (2011-07-04)
When I try to install, it is asking for trial cd in my dvd drive. Can't run this directly from expanding the files. Please help.secretninja1 (2011-07-04)
@zMTz - It doesn't come as a ISO. It comes as self extracting exe which when run creates folders in your drive. I don't see any iso in the files.DoEds07 (2011-07-05)
@thethingy I updated the suite, after few days my serial flagged as invalid. And everytime I run a program it ask for me to enter a serial or continue in trial. Hope you could help me.DoEds07 (2011-07-05)
@thethingy I forgot about the instructions sorry, i just have to replace the dll file. Thank you for your great upload. More power.kiki1409 (2011-07-06)
I don't understand step 8 in the hosts set up. Do I copy and paste what's written after new line or what's written after example?uhav21dr (2011-07-06)
Thank you so much. The instructions were A1+thethingy is what legends are made of!
Plan9x128 (2011-07-07)
Anyone has latest Embrace, tam/CORE keygen for Adobe CS 5.1 or later products?bearsass (2011-07-10)
Hey thingy, one quick question. Am I supposed to rename the original host file and then add the file that came with the HOST SET-UP file. Because I'm a little confused about the editing. Not with the how to-but with the new content. By the way, I love your torrents.punknitout (2011-07-11)
I tried to DL this yestrday but I couldn't as it said Corrupted File. Has anyone tried DL this recently? The separate Illustrator file worked, but I thought I'd get teh whole lot...drmicael1011 (2011-07-13)
I'm having a bit of trouble installing this one on a laptop. My friend asked for a copy so I burned it on a dual layer dvd. We followed all the instructions,(hosts, internet options, etc.). However when we get to the part after entering the serial key, it says "Please insert disk Adobe Master Collection 5.5-trial-English to continue". What's supposed to be the problem?supanut2000 (2011-07-16)
Seems like a good torrent.dutch1640 (2011-07-17)
Hey Thingy,Thanks for the great torrent, I have it working just great, one question, can I open an adobe accout to use their widgets?
dutch1640 (2011-07-17)
Hey Thingy,Thanks for the great torrent, I have it working just great, one question, can I open an adobe accout to use their widgets? will it effect the install?
upload69 (2011-07-18)
TY thethingy.Application was extracting, but now say it needs:
"Adobe Creative Suite 6. rar"
Anyone know what to do?
crs720 (2011-07-19)
@upload69 you need to direct the unpacker to the Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part2 and it will continue with no errorshyper_2002 (2011-07-19)
Do Adobe updates work in this release ??nasty_pasty (2011-07-21)
big ups to THETHINGY!thanks for another awesome release.
ilocano1968 (2011-07-23)
I install this software today, by adding the text included in this stuff into my hosts file which is already added some text before I install CS5 fr thethingy also and ofcurse I uninstall that CS5 before install this stuff. Thats all I do, no dll copy, no blocking internet and I update and works great. dono why some of you got problem...Thanks thethingylif3isfr33 (2011-07-27)
Hey, thanks thethingy. I have a question. I have Adobe CS5 Master Collection that I installed years ago. Been using it for many days with no problems. However, I decided to get CS5.5 the other day. I assumed it would update my old CS5 but, it didn't. Instead it created a new folder in programs with the new CS5.5 stuff in it. So basically now it didn't update, I now have two versions of them and can only use one of the same program at the same time. Bummer.. OK I can tolerate that. But like I do with all my cracked/patched programs I always forward time by adding four years ahead of time. So I put in the year 2018. Opened CS5.5 and it told me I had the trial even after successfully being full in 2011. I read and followed all your steps and edited host. After the prompt that CS5.5 as a trial and asked for a new serial it took none of the new generated serials from crack. So I double checked my host file and it still had :# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost
So I read your instructions again and decided to take another route. I replaced all the DLLs you put in one folder. Now after replacing the DLLs with the cracked ones when I open any programs in Adobe CS5.5 it crashes. I really don't know what to do anymore. Seems to me that the serial only last for a certain of time. And testing it by changing the year it proves it brakes down.
HOWEVER, CS5 that is still on my computer works flawlessly. Every program in CS5 works like a charm even after going to the year 2018.
Any help?
amishbuggy116 (2011-07-28)
If anyone is interested all the functional content can be downloaded from
I installed all of it in 5.5 and it goes without a hitch.
oldtownoc (2011-07-30)
Hi thethingy,Can you please upload Visual Web Ribber with crack key?
Urenotasgood (2011-07-31)
thethingy or anyone help me please?first of, thank you and great work thethingy!
i just have some questions.
1. I have installed the apps first before the host editing - is this okay?.
2. Do i need to block the apps with a firewall?
3. I've run the apps and they seem to work fine without license errors... do i still need to replace the cracked dlls with the original ones?
4. I see that you have instructions for updates do i have to follows if i want to update or shall i let it do its thing?
I hope you or someone can help!
Thanks alot again!
lif3isfr33 (2011-08-01)
@Urenotasgood I'm not speaking for thethingy since he is more smart than I am. You can take my advice if you like. (Excuse my ignorance if wrong.)1. Not OK. If thethingy gave specific instructions you need to follow them exactly. Many people here fail cause they don't read and follow instructions in the txt file.
2. Block every program you crack unless its retail or cracked. Serials are vulnerable when going online. You have to block them from connecting to the internet.
3. If you don't get errors, its OK to leave it as it is. I believe the txt file said that if you run into trouble you can always replace the dlls in and out with the new ones or the original. Its for backup.
4. Follow the instructions.
Also, I know I haven't gotten a response to my q in page 4. But, for those of you who are happy with this torr, good. FYI, it expires in a few months. Whatever you do, it will ask for new serial. I personally hate that. So I'm going to wait for a more deep cracked version of CS5.5 or maybe wait til CS6. I'm rolling back to CS5. It seems that Adobe has learned their lessons from crackers. I'm rolling back CS5. Hopefully some other crack that fully activates it comes out.
Those who don't believe me, just move up a year or two. I went to 2018 and went back and got trial mode.
Anyways, thanks thethingy. Great upload.
Derragon (2011-08-01)
Currently downloading this at an awesome rate of over 1MB/s. I'll post my findings and any comments that I have once I have completed downloading it and am back from work. Looks like another piece of art from TheThingy, thanks man!Also, @Urenotasgood, you should always follow the instructions piece by piece and double-check each step that you are on. If you do not follow these instructions to the very letter then there is a good chance that the programs may not be activated/may not work properly. If you fail the first time you can always try again though, so trial and error buddy!
Thanks again TheThingy.
- D.
oldtownoc (2011-08-01)
Do anyone know a good website to download Visual Web Ripper 2.77 with crack serial key?thank you
petola80 (2011-08-01)
Hi thethingy-ur the man.One comment though: Doc "hosts setup" § 8 lines 1 and 2 looks incomplete to me (line 1 ending:.........ereg.wip1.adol and line 2 ending: .....www.adob). Is it correct to assume line 1 ending and line 2
Thx for help anyone.
jrmongrut (2011-08-02)
Hi there, i need help... i tried to install this CS5.5 and i followed all the instructions but at the end of the installation says that there were several problems during installation. i went through troubleshooting and still got the same result. 0 fatal errors, 6 errors, 8 warnings.I'll appreciate any answer
Thanks :O)
blackarrowpro (2011-08-02)
Hey guys, I figured out how to get the serials to work!Like most of you, I was happily using CS5.5, when all of a sudden I recieved a 'Please Enter A Valid Serial To Continue Use'. WTF? I'd already 'registered' my full Master Collection using a 'valid' serial.
Anywho, cut a long story short, I searched TPB for ANY working CS5.5 serials, but NOTHING worked. Then I read the comment from 'lif3isfr33' about changing the time on your computer, and that gave me an idea...
So, I changed back my computer time to Febraury, and TADA - the serial worked no problem! I hope this works for everyone as it has worked for me.
Happy editing/digitising/painting/music scoring/looting.
drmicael1011 (2011-08-02)
ANYONE PLEASE HELP!!!!I'm having a bit of trouble installing this one on a laptop. My friend asked for a copy so I burned it on a dual layer dvd. We followed all the instructions,(hosts, internet options, etc.). However when we get to the part after entering the serial key, it says "Please insert disk Adobe Master Collection 5.5-trial-English to continue". What's supposed to be the problem?
(I burned the extracted files already...Should I burn the unpacked one instead????)
amishbuggy116 (2011-08-02)
My version of CS5.5 which I installed last month won't fire up anymore. I'm being told my trial period has expired.amishbuggy116 (2011-08-02)
***UPDATE***After switching out the .dll files everything fire up again.
Bullitfreeflow (2011-08-02)
I made a mistake with updating the app's so it asked for a new serial. The .dll files fixed that, now blocked the app also trough firewall and no problems :)Great Upload!
eamonpm (2011-08-02)
Installed this and followed all the instructions in early June and had no problems until today when all of the Adobe apps are asking for a serial number or to continue as trial for 30 days.Has this happened to anyone else recently? I haven't changed hosts file or in fact installed anything over the last few weeks so I'm not sure what could have changed.
thethingy - cheers for the upload. Is there any point uninstalling and reinstalling again?
amishbuggy116 (2011-08-02)
I did the same thing and I thought everything was working until I tried to open one of my Premiere Pro projects and it could'nt because all of the HDV sequence settings are gone. Oh well I just got a new HD so I guess I'll do a clean install of everything and try it again.burtlee (2011-08-02)
Where can I find DLL file to replace? I can't find it among files downloaded with this torrent. My CS 5.5 installation just stopped working and says "Serial number expired" :-(burtlee (2011-08-02)
Instruction doesn't say a word about DLL replacement:WINDOWS :
1./ Install Adobe Master Collection
2./ Use XFORCE keygen to generate your serial
3./ When installation is finished
Execute disable_activation.cmd from Win folder(double click on it)
(in vista or Win7, run it as admin if you have uac enabled)
4./Enjoy it
5./ Check WIN/install_color_finesse3_osx.txt
to install Color Finesse 3
NB: If you have problem with authentification when you launch the application
check your %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file
and make sure there is a line like this one :
If not add it manually. But it shouldnt be required if you followed
our installation procedure.
adc240485 (2011-08-03)
This has been working beautifully for me for the last month and now all of a sudden it wants a new activation key. I rolled the date back on my computer to earlier this year and the keys worked again, but that is not a viable solution for me. Does anyone know of another solutions?thethingy.......Could you please post a solution? Also, thank you soooo much for your torrents and all your hard work!
NagatoYuki (2011-08-03)
But for dll replacement method, Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended would changed back to non-Extended version ... who could do with that, since we need 3D functions?thethingy (2011-08-03)
burtlee, your posting on the wrong torrent, there is no keygen in this & there are detailed dll instructionsthethingy (2011-08-03)
NagatoYuki, 3d is graphics card dependent, dont expect it to work on netbooks or cheap pc/laptopJomama4 (2011-08-03)
Seems like they did something that made the key invalid...or it was on a timer for today because a lot of us got this message today. I replaced the dlls, actually did it wrong and put the 64bit in the 32bit folders and vice versa. Got an error message, realized what I did wrong and fixed it with the proper dlls in the proper folders. My 32bit version of photoshop will start up no problem, but the 64bit version does nothing when I try to start it...I click, and errors, nothing. When I do start the 32bit version it does say extended...and I am able to make 3d shapes....but would much rather be using the 64bit version since im on a 64bit OS. Anyone else get this issue or have a solution?Jomama4 (2011-08-03)
Is anyone able to use the photoshop 64 bit version with the dll replacements now? Im affraid to try to reinstall since my 32bit version is working and I dont want to lose having at least that. Just wondering if Im alone out there having the one work and not the other.thethingy (2011-08-03)
Jomama4, everything works as it should, there have been no updates to add anything to the software recently so its not possible for things to suddenly stop working, your hosts will be not set or edited by your antivirus.Cavey80 (2011-08-03)
Hey guys, mine was working fine too till yesterday. I think I'll have to go in and replace the dll files as instructed. Thing is I'm computer illiterate and this one makes me nervous. Would someone be able to provide more detailed instructions as to how to do this on Windows 7?Murk1 (2011-08-03)
Yep, I am with JoMama on this. Something had a timer. My host file is fine, Same one I have been using for months since I installed this. Today, got the "serial number you used to activate this has expired" message. Sure sounds like a timed deal. I have not done anything yet, but I need to be up and running shortly.What say you, Thingy?
Jomama4 (2011-08-03)
Im looking all over TPB at the dif realeases and realease for keygens and within the last day or so tons of people are posting that they have gone down and the serials are all saying invalid. These people are all saying that theyve changed the hosts file, dlls, etc. I tried a bunch, all invalid, then set my clock back a few months and it accepted the next serial i put in. Course I was just trying to re-install photoshop to get my 64bit version back but the install had a bunch of errors so I dont think it worked...especially since only my 32bit is working and not the 64 still. I dont know how I could have corrupted to 64 bit by just changing the dll...and i changed it back to the original with no luck. I dont know if its coincidental, but I only ever used the 64bit version, not now that im forced to use the 32 Im wondering if its a matter of time before that "trial" expires. Oh and my hosts file is the same as it was after the original install, I even recopied yours to make sure of it. I dont dare trying a complete uninstall/reinstall of the suite to try to get my 64bit PS back until someone figures out what the issue is.amishbuggy116 (2011-08-03)
**ATTENTION**I installed CS5 MC (using pseudos "Complete Licensing system) and then installed the individual CS5.5 programs that I wanted (primarily AE, Premiere & Photoshop). The serials still work for individual installs just not the Master collection. I hope this helps. I also installed CS4 MC just in case.
thethingy (2011-08-03)
Cavey80, everything is in the readme, just copy the dll and paste it where your told to.thethingy (2011-08-03)
^^^ people, its not possible for the app to suddenly stop working unless you have had an update, there has been no updates lately, so its either;1: your av or other security software has changed your hosts
2: you are using a proxy
3: you haven't set your hosts properly.
4: you haven't read the instructions properly and put dll files in the wrong place.
understand that keygens that pactcch the hosts dont do it properly and know that there are many kinds of hosts and dll files, the hosts and dll files in my torrents work and I dont support others torrents so I cant help you if you have used another on or if you have the trial from Adobe themselves, the software here is esd not trial and this works just fine if you follow the instructions.
Dont strat messing with system dates and such as that will mess up the activation.
if you need more serials then look in the tutorials section of the forum;
you need to be a registered member to view them so register here;
Murk1 (2011-08-03)
Yup, rolled my puter back a few days, put in one of the not working serials, baddaboom, working. Thingy, (Houston), we've had a problem.I guess I can clock back every time I want to use the suite, but, jeepers, I have always gotten so much better from thethingy. I still don't fathom how you release the Ginormous amount of stuff you do.
adc240485 (2011-08-03)
This has worked flawlessly for me for the last 2 months. I have not changed anything and all of a sudden I get a message today that says my license has expired and I must enter a new one. It seems like an awful lot of us are getting the same error message on the same day. If I roll back my computer clock though to a few months ago the keys work again.You are amazing thethingy! Thank you for all you do! I hope this can get resolved soon. ;)
genius88 (2011-08-03)
i installed them but acrobat pro x is not workingJomama4 (2011-08-03)
I understand what youre saying thingy, and it makes sense, but like the others, I did have it working flawlessly with your instruction....up until today. Hosts file hasnt been changed....and setting the clock back seems to make the serial take....I dunno, doesnt make sense. I think my issue with the 64bit version not working is prob something corrupted and I need to do a clean install, Im just scared to... :(Murk1 (2011-08-03)
Aren't computers neat the way they make the impossible, possible?How likely is it that a whole sh*t ton of us who have installed correctly (or it would not have worked from the git go) suddenly get the same "bang yer dead" message the same day due to individual error? Occam's razor says somehow the serials got timestamped. OK, check the host. No prob. Check for AV influence. Nope. Check on DLL. Don't need to, I didn't install that way cuz I know how to handle the host file and what not.
What more can I look at or check? You certainly know more than me and I bow to your generous nature, but sure seems like a funky prog prob, not a user fart.
thethingy (2011-08-03)
Jomama4, if a serial is blacklisted it gets stored on you pc and wont work again on your pc, if serials are taking again with the date being moved then the serials not blacklisted and there must be some other issue causing the serial to be removed.thethingy (2011-08-03)
Murk1, my one still works just fimeadc240485 (2011-08-03)
I agree with Murk1.....The serials are time stamped. I followed the directions to the letter and everything worked perfectly until today......There are just too many of us experiencing the exact same problem on the exact same day for it to be an individual user error.Murk1 (2011-08-03)
I believe you thingy, so what am I looking for here? Not only is my host file correct, certain entities can not be reached due to my firewall. So how can i have an expired serial?Do I pull back from orbit and nuke the whole thing?
Murk1 (2011-08-03)
Oh yeah, and I can't connect to superbay. Browser times out... nutz.adc240485 (2011-08-03)
I can't connect to the superbay links either......Tried it in 2 different browsers,misteryam (2011-08-03)
As usual, thethingy, you have come to the rescue! Thanks for the detailed walkthru and all the work put in!That said: One of the caveats of the .DLL method of cracking is that it leaves the software in trial mode, but circumvents the activation, the result being that Premiere Pro does not have any (real) HD presets enabled (there may be other caveats with other CS5.5 progs). Any further wisdom for us here? I can't open any of my previous projects until those presets come up working!
I fixed the hosts file just fine, but none of the serials work, so I can't serialize it normally, so have to fall back on the DLL method. I'll try updating via download and see if that helps...
thethingy (2011-08-03)
Murk1, expired serial? or invalid serial?, can you post a screen shot?
thethingy (2011-08-03)
adc240485, the forums under maintenance, back latermisteryam (2011-08-03)
Ok, after trolling thru the comments, i'm having the same issue. I even refreshed the DLLs so I'd get the trial/serial request again, rolled the clock back, fed in the *now working serial (the date rollback worked for that), but the progs wouldn't run after the initial request for an Adobe ID. So, I re-replaced the fixed DLLs and it works like a charm - EXCEPT for the fact that I have to set my clock back. I know my hosts file is fixed properly. I think they [Adobe] have developed a way to trial-limit some serials according to date (?). It seems only a matter of time before someone as knowledgeable as thethingy comes up with a solution. To date it seems that the only person like that is ... thethingyGood Luck! You have all our support. Pouring on more of the gratitude I have for you seems like overkill after all the comments I've seen here, but do know that I have it
Rebel4xlt (2011-08-03)
After reading all of the comments left here today.. I have taken the time to replace all the .ddl files in the 32/64 folders.. Hell, I even added them to the folders that didnt matter... I checked my host file to insure the script was still edited and BAM! Not even a need for a reboot.. progs opened right back up... Simple to fix! now it's time to go back to my photoshop work.. thanks again thethingy for all your hard work.Bellisima911 (2011-08-03)
I have had it for months as well and all of a sudden today I am getting the put serial in...I had followed all instructions to a T and like I said had it working for months. Ty thethingy for all you do..I hope we can get this resolved quickly.upload69 (2011-08-03)
Do I copy paste the entire hosts file (the "hosts file" in the HOSTS SET-UP folder) over everything in my newly renamed hostsbackup file?Murk1 (2011-08-03)
Dood, yer still tryin to figure out host file?? OK, thethingy spoon feeds you a sweet host file. Your host file (in the place he specifies) is a system file. You want to replace that with the one in the download. OK recap. You install win 7, you got a host file. Save it with a new name like, hostOG (host original h4x0r) [save as} now you paste the host file you downloaded here into the host file on yer puter. Save as host. Now yer puter will look at the thing it is looking for (host) and say, yo, this sh*t is blacklisted, Ima ignore them be-actches. OK, that was a little street, I faked it. I hope you can extrapolate and successfully install....whitefinger (2011-08-03)
Just would like to say that theThingy is the best you have been so good that if i had any money i would give it to you and too the software "Bit che" :)And that i also have the same problem as everyone else, i turned my computer on yesterday and Adobe cs5.5 said that my trail serial had expired and that after today i would continue on a 30 day trail
My adobe master cs5 that i installed at Christmas from thethingy is still working :)
i checked the host file and all address are still there in fact i have duplicates!
Its not a big Problem for me i will just un-install in a month's time use CC-Cleaner and do some maintenance and re install :)
Murk1 (2011-08-03)
check my snaps thingy..
gotta get sleep, check you tomorrow.
thanks mang!
amishbuggy116 (2011-08-03)
misteryam- If you swap out the .dll's after a fresh install you'll have all of the presets.hallogal (2011-08-03)
today adobe asked me to update adobe acrobat:"this update addresses customer issues and security vulnerabilities". this happened after i opened some PDF's from a website.i took everybody's advice and switched my computer back in time, but it doesn't work. i still can only use the master collection in 30 day trial mode. however the update pops up again now saying i need to update. obviously Adobe created something we (especially theTHINGY) can't fix. still thethingy is probably the only one who can fix this. Which master collection does work in full mode?
the host file is still there. i want to replace the dll files, but there are no dll files on my windows computer to replace.
hallogal (2011-08-03)
why are my comments gone?what happened to me is that adobe asked for a acrobat update. i did it. after that it's in 30 day trial mode only. switching back windows doesn't work. dll file replacement not possible, there are no dll files in the collection.
adc240485 (2011-08-03)
Thingy.....Here is a link to a screen shot:
If I roll my computer back to July 31st, then I can enter any of the serial numbers and everything is fine, but as soon as I set the calender back to the current date I get the screen shot above.
thethingy (2011-08-03)
hallogal , look on my acrobat torrent and get one of the acrobat serials from the comments, stick in the serial and you are done.anyone else with this torrent then know that the dll files work & the hosts works but the serials appear to be grace serials for cs5 to cs5.5 so start the trial and I'll post cs5.5 serials shortly.
if you want you can use the individual app serials as they work fine and you get them from the tutorials section of the forum.
whitefinger (2011-08-03)
theThingy is right as alwaysi downloaded the flash builder for php tried to install it but it didn't work but i think that's cos I'm 64bit or its cos I'm running 2 other versions of flash builder
anyway i took the serial number for this stand alone software and tried it in my flash builder cs5.5 master collection version and the 30 day count down went away all good
whilst im here "theThingy" is there any chance you could find Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP Premium edition and please keep them stuff coming.
theThingy you are a god to us poor people i would have no chance in this world if it wasn't for you, Have you ever thought of creating a Pdf on how you go about all your tips and trick and how to do the things you do that none of us can?
I did once look into it but the info out there is very bleak in my opinion
many thanks
Bellisima911 (2011-08-03)
Yea thethingy..all dll files seem to be fine and the host files are perfect...I had the same thing acrobat asked for an update although i ignored it and didn't do the update being afraid it would do exactly this lolhallogal (2011-08-03)
thethingy, thanks but the serials don't work from the acrobat torrent comments. shit :(hallogal (2011-08-03)
weird thing: i am unable to update as well. should i re-install and do a clean install? weird!!!hallogal (2011-08-03)
link to the tutorial section with individual serials?amishbuggy116 (2011-08-03)
The individual downloads are on the bottom of page 1 or on page 2 of thethingys main page.L3GiTPro (2011-08-04)
Ya, I tried doing a clean install and it did not work. I guess they got blacklisted.hallogal (2011-08-04)
yes. which suite does work? does your version still work the thingy? i don't understand. i use windows 7 - 64 bit.amishbuggy116 (2011-08-04)
Hallogal did you try doing a system restore and then installing the individual torrents/Jomama4 (2011-08-04)
5.5 serial coming? awesome, thx Thingy!!! Quick question for you though...once we have a working 5.5 serial, I may try to do a complete uninstall/reinstall to get my PS 64bit back and working...would that Adobe Clean Install & Error Toolkit V4 file run after the uninstall clean out ALL Adobe registries etc so that my computer never knew I had it installed? I just dont want to uninstall and for some reason my computer decide that I cant reinstall because I had a blacklisted serial or something.whitefinger (2011-08-04)
Just a quick edit to my last post Mr theThingyForget about my last request for the Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP Premium edition. Because as i used the serial from a stand alone version of the above on my flash builder master collection it has now decided it is the php version that i wanted in the first place :) it was all in a serial :)
Jomama4 (2011-08-04)
Just an update...I uninstalled all of CS5.5, did the reg clean, reinstalled the components I need under the trial, and my PS 64bit is working again...yay! :) Looking forward to the 5.5 serial so I can make it permanent. As a side note, I made a bunch of outbound firewall rules blocking some of the adobe progs. Someone mentioned a acrobat update that came through the other day...I think I might have seen that at some point in the last few days and cant remember if I updated....maybe they snuck something in.Bellisima911 (2011-08-04)
Is the forum still down I can't get inMarreco69 (2011-08-04)
What about the new serials for the 5.5 dude??? Thanks!stinger90210 (2011-08-04)
This may be the fix:[deep
I am now up and running. Post Aug 3rd date. Pr has the HDSLR sequence presets again. Encore actually starts again. I am still testing, but so far so good.
I used original dll to get Premiere to gripe and make me put a serial in. Used from this new keygen which was accepted and worked fine. Closed Premiere. Then replaced with TheThingy's 64bit dll. Fired back up and all seems awesome again.
thethingy (2011-08-04)
upload69 (2011-08-04)
You can mix Xforce keys with [thethingy] stuff?LiveWire_Lou (2011-08-04)
Hi Thingy.Thanks for the upload - I downloaded it a month or so ago and it has been working perfectly.
Yesterday though I was on a cable connection and Acrobat asked for a serial number.
As the hosts were already set up I followed your instructions for replacing the .dll files.
All programs in the suite still work apart from Acrobat. It will open but then asks to be reinstalled as some components are missing or damage.
What have I done wrong and more importantly - how do I go about fixing it?
Thanks in advance,
thethingy (2011-08-04)
LiveWire_Lou, use a serial from the 3rd comment up from yourshallogal (2011-08-04)
thanks so much. i started the 30 day trial and can't find a place to enter the serial anymore. what should i do? where to go? thank you, thethingythethingy (2011-08-04)
hallogal, it will ask you for a serial by itself in a few daysrknock (2011-08-04)
can this still be updated.?or can you post the keygen you used. (if ever you did use one because the xforce i used doesn't work anymore when adobe asks for another serial.)
stinger90210 (2011-08-04)
That is the NEW keygen
Jomama4 (2011-08-04)
I did a fresh install and started with the trial, I just now put in one of those serials and made it permanent (THANKS!), but do I still need to do any dll replacement or am I good with the ones that originally installed?misteryam (2011-08-04)
So has anyone tried the "new" xforce keygen? or gotten working serials from suprbay?amishbuggy116 (2011-08-04)
jomama4 - I would still do the .dll just to cover your bases just don't do the amtlib.dll for Acrobat, use the amtservices.dll for that.fzmch (2011-08-05)
hi friends don't know why today its say's that the serial number you used to activate this product has expired this is your last opportunity to launch the product before it is automatically deactivate to activate you must provide new serial number or launch as trial on next launch any idea about thisJomama4 (2011-08-05)
fzmchTry reading the last 3 pages of comments.
adc240485 (2011-08-05)
thethingy......All I can say is.....Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! The new keys worked like a charm! As always, you are the greatest! :)Marreco69 (2011-08-05)
Thanks Thethingy!!! The new serial works well.. but i still cant instal premiere and after effects. I have a windows 7 x32. I tried to install Premiere and After Effects CS4 but when i finished a "license has expired" mensage appear. Do you know what it means?? Thanks again dude..justkris (2011-08-05)
thx thingy these series work.dannyrcastro (2011-08-05)
my serial stopped working after I updated. I uninstalled and am currently attempting to reinstall but the serials are invalid. :Splaximize (2011-08-05)
Marreco69, you really cannot install premiere pro and after effects on a 32bit system. also, 32bit is x86 not x32.644437 (2011-08-07)
The serial numbers thethingy posted on the page before were accepted at first, but then after opening again said they were invalid.Is there a fix?
oceanfront6969 (2011-08-07)
Installed as trial using method 2 and everything seems to be working except Dreamweaver wont install at all and my Acrbat X Pro says theres a problem with a file in the library and to please reinstall. Oh and using Method 2, updates ARE working for me! Thanks much!!!zwitterelf (2011-08-10)
How do i keep the program completely interfacing with the internet, printed someonething online(as i print my pages in pdf), acrobat ran, and then it started asking for serial, so I had to manually fix it ?JimmyInHB (2011-08-10)
Perfect installation and keygen worked brilliantly. Rated up!!P.S. Thanks for the awesome video on how to update the hosts file. That was a big help!!
Murk1 (2011-08-10)
Yo, I have been plugging in individual cereals to get around this time-bomb prob. Checked back in today and saw new fruit loops posted (cereals) plugged one into AI CS5.5 and it works! Yay, I don't have to download the entire suite one prog at a time.thanks TT!
ditch_666 (2011-08-10)
I used "stinger90210"s fix of replacing original .dll file in premiere, used the x-force key gen and now premiere has the HDSLR presets back..BUT ADOBE DYNAMIC LINK IS STILL to fix pls? this is the whole reason i got the master collection.
thethingy (2011-08-10)
new serials
AndrewB2010 (2011-08-10)
When i open dreamweaver, or indesign it says "The application was unable start correctly (0xc000007b)."why is this?
AndrewB2010 (2011-08-10)
when i open dreamweaver or indesign it says "The application was unable start correctly (0xc000007b)."jazchill (2011-08-11)
Does anyone have the Master Collection for Mac? Please... Thank you in advance for the help.squashme10 (2011-08-11)
part 2 of this does not work failed to extract archive bad crc check as usual with thethingys torrents so cannot use this :(burak.82 (2011-08-13)
hi thingy, is this 64 bit or 32 bit?Exiled59 (2011-08-13)
Hey thingy, great torrent! DLing at about 500 kb/s but I'm pretty sure that's my own internet.I was wondering if you could compile your training DVDs into one torrent as that would be more convenient!
Will seed for a couple days
chblue (2011-08-13)
i can't figure it out. Every other Photoshop I've downloaded from you has worked except this one. My host file is set up per the instructions (which is the same as the prior files) yet no key works. Quite frustrating.chblue (2011-08-14)
Got it figured out. As someone mentioned it above, I changed my clock back to to February and the serial was accepted.jdb264c (2011-08-15)
@thethingyThank you SO much for everything you do in here, I use pretty much all your releases :)
A question: Having installed your CS5.5 Master Collection release, the update trick works, but not for Acrobat. Should I install this from a separate release?
warrennocos (2011-08-15)
hmm...should i download both 2 files? What if downloading any of the files? Will it work?nasty_pasty (2011-08-16)
THANKS !~!!tomswiftx (2011-08-16)
How should I install these new versions over the CS5 Master Collection I got from you? Thanks! Do I need to uninstall everything first?condem78 (2011-08-20)
thumbs up from me m8te,good uploads as expected, changed to 64bit and will come in handy,
respect to you chap
MikuruX (2011-08-21)
Hello! I got a problem.I currently installed this and everything works just fine but when I reopened any of the programs after using it for the first time, I get the trial message asking me to reinsert a new serial key. Everything works fine when I set my calender back to Feb but when I set it back and try to work things as normal, it keeps requesting for a new serial.
Can anyone help me with this and yes, I did add everything into my host file.
mrmut (2011-08-23)
As always, YOU ROCK! Thanks for the new serials. I went to download the attachment for the host to see if there were any changes and it is blank? No worries everything is back to Great! Again many thanks!ninjax32 (2011-08-24)
guys, serial keys not working. somebody pleaj help! :(ninjax32 (2011-08-24)
ok. newer keys worked well. Thanks TheThingy! Awesome torrent. Very fast.PimboG (2011-08-24)
Again a Excellent download., like always from you thethingy... just needed to set back the clock to february to accept the serial, and it installed and worked like always with your torrents., keep up the good worklif3isfr33 (2011-08-24)
I'm just going to wait for cs6 since this program has time stamped expiration. Thanks for the effort though. I'll keep using cs5 for now.chordakat (2011-08-26)
I need this thing very much and as soon as possible...I tried several times but I couldn't work it out...the key is not working and the hosts file too. I had a trial version of this before and I removed that completely...and now as many times I install this one the result is same...please help some one!!!bwjr (2011-08-27)
Something I'm doing, I'm sure, is going terribly wrong. I keep getting "This serial number is not valid for this product" Anyone have an idea? And before the smart a$$ pipes in, yes, I have done each one of them and am SURE they were entered correctly. Next?Thanks, thethingy, all your stuff usually ROCKS and I'm certain this is user error.
The-Ho-Mo (2011-08-29)
Hi thethingy, thank for the great work that you've been doing non-stop.I just have a problem with the key gen and was wondering if there was a torrent for new key gens for this master collection.
Once again, thanks :)
Lykos2210 (2011-08-29)
Hi! I got a problem.I currently installed (while I was disconnected from the internet) some Adobe Products CS5 and CS5.5 and everything works just fine but when I reconnect andreopened any of the programs after using it for the first time, I get the trial message asking me to insert a new serial key because the old one is invalid. Can anyone help please??
Lykos2210 (2011-08-29)
Hi! I got a problem.I currently installed (while I was disconnected from the internet) some Adobe Products CS5 and CS5.5 and everything works just fine but when I reconnect andreopened any of the programs after using it for the first time, I get the trial message asking me to insert a new serial key because the old one is invalid. Can anyone help please??
jr1323 (2011-08-31)
Can't download torrent, says its corrupt. Any suggestions?Thootje (2011-09-01)
Can't thank you enough, will seed for some weeks.Works perfectly, only problem is that adobe dynamic link doesn't work within premiere, did a re-install after deactivating premiere. Any suggestions?
Thanks anyway!
Daman246 (2011-09-02)
DOnt listen to doofus All Serial work perfectly ty again ThethingyAmogh (2011-09-03)
My serial key is not working, it says invalid key genxxcrak (2011-09-03)
The following data values need to be set to deactivate the Adobe CS Live Services internet connectivity at a system level. When these connections are disabled at the system level, it will override the users ability to enable connections through the user interface.
On Windows
Do the following:
1.Quit all CS5 applications.
2.Launch the Registry Editor:
For Windows XP, choose Start > Run and type regedit then press return to open the registry editor, or...
For Windows 7/Vista, choose Start, type regedit, and press return when the registry editor appears in the results.
3.Create and/or edit the string value AdobeOnlineDefault:
For 32-bit systems:
For 64-bit systems:
If the sting value does not exist, you'll need to create it (right click on the container and choose New > String Value).
4.Double-click this string value and set it's Value Data to "0" to disable; click OK.
5.Close the Registry Editor.
xxcrak (2011-09-03)
The following data values need to be set to deactivate the Adobe CS Live Services internet connectivity at a system level. When these connections are disabled at the system level, it will override the users ability to enable connections through the user interface.
On Windows
Do the following:
1.Quit all CS5 applications.
2.Launch the Registry Editor:
For Windows XP, choose Start > Run and type regedit then press return to open the registry editor, or...
For Windows 7/Vista, choose Start, type regedit, and press return when the registry editor appears in the results.
3.Create and/or edit the string value AdobeOnlineDefault:
For 32-bit systems:
For 64-bit systems:
If the sting value does not exist, you'll need to create it (right click on the container and choose New > String Value).
4.Double-click this string value and set it's Value Data to "0" to disable; click OK.
5.Close the Registry Editor.
ozanare (2011-09-05)
Call me crazy but why include a .rar and .exe that are both the same files, just archived differently?Seems like just trying to bloat up the file size to me.
skf73 (2011-09-05)
God, I feel like a noob.Someone please help out. I've uninstalled and re installed this thing so many times my head hurts. Every time, I either get the prompt to start my 30 day trial or everything works except adobe pro which is something I need the most.
I renamed my hostfile as back up. I used the hostfile given. I did the CMD prompt thing. I rebooted, checked the host file, installed. All while off the internet. I only install photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, indesign, and pro X. After install I reboot with the internet connected and I get hit with the 30 day trial. If I use the DLL files instead adobe X pro doesn't work. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? This sucks so bad. I know its something I'm doing and I have no idea what.
Masamushia (2011-09-06)
@AmoghThe keys are invalid for me as well, just use the .dll swap listed under method 2 and register as a trial. The .dll swap worked for me and hasn't prompted me for a serial key.
skf73 (2011-09-06)
I tried DLL files and Pro X didn't work. I tried host files but as soon as internet was turned I had an invalid keygen.So I just did the best thing I could. I installed with internet off and then I blocked all connections adobe updater makes with my firewall on my anti virus. Works perfect now.
Overall I would give this a 7/10.
If I knew what I was doing with the host file thing I probably would have given this a 10/10 but I tried it 10 different ways nothing worked. Thanks thingy.
marcosdipaolo (2011-09-06)
@thethingythanks a lot for sharing this.
I have a problem though, i followed the instructions and edited my hosts file, rebooted and all, the hosts is fine but it doesn't accept any serial you wrote in the instructions (This serial number is not valid for this product).
marcosdipaolo (2011-09-06)
sorry thethingy, i already tried with the new serials and it worked ^^thegamble (2011-09-12)
is this the 64bit version? Also any plans on office 365?artinusa (2011-09-16)
Lots of problems logging in to Superbay..tried at least 6 times each time says I am over the limit for attempts..even tho its first each time..renewed password 5 times..nothing..sorry can you help..RichardDR15 (2011-09-16)
Keys didn't work for me, and to avoid the dll patch option, I downloaded a keygen.
That'll do nicely.
unitejulz (2011-09-19)
this is rookie but im downloading now and just wondering where do i find the serial key?unitejulz (2011-09-19)
im downloading now and just wondering where i find the serial key ? sorryunitejulz (2011-09-19)
im confused as hell i downloaded now what do i do?i cant open anything up?
tombloff (2011-09-20)
Thanks for the upload THETHINGY. I have activated mine and replaced the hosts file, do I have to put the dll file in. I have tried but dont know where to place it. Any help re dll file would be great. Thanks.Hawkhell (2011-09-22)
Changing date back to February worked for me.MythStream (2011-09-23)
Hey Thingy,Well I have done everything I can think of to get the files installed, and working properly.
Install works fine, it's the Host/DLL setup I am having problems with. I feel I am doing everything as explained, but for whatever reason it just isn't working.
Was wondering if you have a messenger we could communicate over, or if possible we could do something like remote install. You seem like a creditable guy, and honestly I am at wits end with this, and I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!
jus_ArRoW (2011-09-24) changing date,worked for me too..
Hawkhell (2011-09-25)
Somehow I only can use when I roll back my date, anyone know how to get around this?Hawkhell (2011-09-25)
@unitejulzUnzip the file then open the folder and its in the install instructions, should have a list of them.
Some how I have to keep rolling my time back and re-entering my serial number. Works fine if I keep my time back, but... alot of websites stop working because of security certificates not being valid until the future.
BTW all the links to other sites I've tried for key gens are riddled with viruses or fake DL sites.
jonbie (2011-09-25)
The Thingy you are a legend! great torrent! anyone who is having trouble with the keys just reset the clock on your computer to the 2nd of feb 2011. Then turn of time/date sync with the internet, restart your computer and the keys will then work.....just dont forget to reset the date after install!lif3isfr33 (2011-09-28)
CS5.5 / CS5.1 are all time stamped. No firewall, no new serials or keygens or editing host files will work on new stuff from ADOBE. I rolled back to CS5 and everything works perfectly no stupid time stamps on CS5. I will wait for CS5.5/1 retails release or until CS6 comes out. And no I'm not changing my time back for a few addons in CS5.5/1. Also for anyone saying to just update CS5 to CS5.5 is a dumbass. Since they were created to run separately. Thanks anyways thingy.Hawkhell (2011-09-29)
@lif3isfr33How can I roll back to CS5?
ZarquoN (2011-09-29)
This keygen produces serials good for t his release!(at least it did for me..)
lif3isfr33 (2011-10-01)
@Hawkhell What I meant by "rolling" back was me just going back using CS5 pre-installed on my PC. But the dummy that I was trusting adobe (they're fighting back this year, lol) was encountering that time stamp limitation. Anyone who doesn't know it yet this CS5.5 will expire in a few weeks/months no matter what. So enjoy your time now. And for me, entering new serials here and there is annoying. For CS5 its permanent. So Hawkhell, I just uninstalled CS5.5 and installed CS5 master collection.Tokiopop (2011-10-04)
Reposting thethingy's new serials---
riahc3 (2011-10-07)
Is Premier Pro CS4 included for non 64 bit users?Revenga3115 (2011-10-09)
Hey, I get a "Please Insert Disk AdobeMasterCollection5.5-trial-English to continue" message! What should I do? Thanksmtbhrd (2011-10-10)
Included Keys didn't work, but I can confirm that XForce's keygen does generate valid keys, and the rest of the install went fine.Thanks
ItsPete (2011-10-12)
Thanks Tokiopop for the add'l serials. Yours worked just fine for me!Thanks Thingy for the great upload... But the video regarding the HOSTS... A it lame my friend! :)
ljbew (2011-10-15)
TO ALL THE DUMB ASS that post SERIALS "STOP IT"Don't you think that Adobe browses this shit and says humm!
saji_robert (2011-10-21)
The activation codes in the txt provided by the thethingy don't work for me. I can only install it as a trial and even though it runs like it's activated, some functions are missing from it. (ex: mpeg support) Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?jsanfilippo (2011-10-23)
This may sound like a stupid question but is it safe to create an adobe id for the cs live features?chaos0153 (2011-10-24)
Revenga3115: extract the iso to your C: drive then install it as it is. worked for me. :)jsanfilippo: yeah go ahead it's safe. i have one myself.
enjoy guys
arrfried (2011-10-24)
Thanks everything works perfectly,,, but aftereffects hangs up inte the start, with the text, Initializing MediaCore, and will not open after that, do somebody know how i can get around this problem?LikUranus (2011-10-31)
At first I installed and had to use the dll's because the keygen serials didn't do the trick. The dll's worked, but... soon after I needed to use dynamic link and it wouldn't link. Also, because of the dll Pshop showed up and functioned as the not Extended version (which makes a difference to me). So, I used the serials posted and they worked, I also replaced the dll's with the originals. All working well now. Thank you Mr. The Thingy.zu1900 (2011-10-31)
can any one tel me plzzzzz middle east keyyyyyyy illu,photo,indesi,, plzzzz mail to suhairumar2010@gmail.comkennaken (2011-11-07)
hi! I downloaded this the other day and i'm not sure if i did everything right but its started asking me for a new serial number when i try to open the programme! please help!KMarxman9 (2011-11-13)
Serials don't work, all have been blacklisted. Otherwise, quality torrent from thethingy, just like always. I have installed and used every program without a hitch so far, so I downloaded this to get all the rest at once. Thank you thethingy!pilopi (2011-11-15)
Hi Thethingy, Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 and Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5's installs don't work. I tried on Windows XP and on Windows 7, but it can't be installed in both computers...snapnpop (2011-11-16)
If I have CS5 installed, do I need to deactivate/uninstall everything before proceeding with CS5.5, or can I just install this as an update?BigMacc (2011-11-24)
Wow... Your torrents are absolutly amazing! This one is dowloading at 2.0-2.3 mb/s!aga13 (2011-11-25)
Hey ppl, I can´t open the forum website ( It´s just me or something is wrong?bbcsuk (2011-12-15)
Is there any chance of some more liscences the ones which you have on here dont work. Great torrentbbcsuk (2011-12-15)
Great torrent, is there any chance of some more liscences because the ones that you have given dont workdanielcr (2011-12-17)
who has got team viewer 7 so they can help me get adobe CREATIVE SUITE 5.5 working on my computer if you have it email me a time to do it i live in the UK my email is (2011-12-18)
thnx m8danielcr (2011-12-18)
can someone help me i really want this and don't know how to get it i have tried and it not working so if you got teamviewer so you can go on my computer and fix it for if. if you have it email me my email is and i am from the UKdanielcr (2011-12-18)
can someone help me i really want this and don't know how to get it i have tried and it not working so if you got teamviewer so that you can go on my computer and fix it for me. if you have it email me my email is and i am from the UKdanielcr (2011-12-18)
can someone help me i really want this and don't know how to get it i have tried and it not working so if you got teamviewer so that you can go on my computer and fix it for me. if you have it email me my email is and i am from the UKjlajhoe (2011-12-19)
danielcr at 2011-12-18 16:36 and i am from the UK
--->> just trying to help, im figuring out what do you need? downloading using this torrent? u need a peer to peer program that supports torrent download... JDownloader, utorrent just google what is the best... usually they are using utorrent, me im using flashget. just click the
"download this torrent" then it will prompt you to save it... if you have peering program on your PC it will detect.. if not then save it then install a peering program, google it. then go back to the file you downloaded, double click it then it will be opened to that peer to peer program... and it will download it smoothly esp from thethingy... Goodluck
iUbrStonr (2011-12-19)
Trouble Installing?Setup Host, Run installer, Select Trial, Complete Install ... DO NOT RUN ANY of the ADOBE PROGRAMS YET!
Copy DLL to all proper folders (Each Adobe Program must have a DLL file copied to its Program folder)
After all DLLs are copied, Run PHOTOSHOP
You will get a Screen for Master Collection, asking To enter Serial or Continue Trial.
Select Continue Trial.
Now all Adope programs will function as normal.
idk about After Effect, since Sony Vegas is better, so I did not install After Effects.
zerbz (2011-12-21)
Hello thethingy,I need help as I am a complete noob at using p2p etc. I was wondering if you could give me a dummies guide to making this work. Infact if anybody knows please help.
Thank you for your upload of office 2010 pro, its great + it practically installs itself.
iUbrStonr (2011-12-21)
@zerbz There is a guide in the download. Run the File rar1 (the one with the red icon) it will extract all the install file and documents.resweb (2011-12-24)
opened installer, entered serial... serial not valid. tried all other serials provided... serial not valid. fail dude.ashsohat (2011-12-24)
Thanks ! It is working for me .ashsohat (2011-12-24)
May i get some Help ? :)ashsohat (2011-12-25)
Okk ! Thanks to all for helping me :)konx (2011-12-26)
Hi guys, I managed to installed the apps and launch it without any errors. Do I still need to replace the DLLs?Nerris121 (2011-12-28)
Will this work on Lion, or is it only for Windows?konx (2011-12-29)
Hi thethingy, thanks for the all your awesome torrents. May I know if I need to copy the DLLs even though the serial worked for me? I'm afraid it might cause other fellow user not being able to use the key or something like that.wazaaaap (2012-01-05)
I dont get it, my utorrent client says it downloaded 5.57 gb but the file size is 5.56 and also the progress bar shows 2.5%? How is this possible? Yesterday before i stopped the download it was almost finished, it was 97% like. Why now its 2.5% and its still downloading files when it exceeded 5.56 gb size?wazaaaap (2012-01-06)
Please anyone help (here is screen shot, look at the highlighted parts), why this is happening?Screenshot:
danielcr (2012-01-06)
can someone help me i uploaded it and it not working my email is (2012-01-07)
need some assistance here buddy, can you or anyone else here invite me at teamviewer if you got an account there?my email is
edhem77 (2012-01-08)
I have installed this on an other computer... but now it asks me to put in a disk cause the following is missing: C:\Users\Downloads\Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection\Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part2.rarleelocka (2012-01-13)
Hi, pretty much a noob, but I've been downloading and hacking Photoshop since it was 7.0; and i cannot figure this one out. but this is the most hosted torrent and looks like the most legit one (ive got most of the UL's out there). Someone help plzz....First problem: First off, in your IMPORTANT SO READ FIRST FILE: found the LAN settings button under the connections tab in internet options (another question, do these steps have to be done for all browsers; or is the internet options one place that is just accessed through each browser?) Anyway in LAN settings 1. Do I uncheck 'automatically detect settings' 2. Under the "proxy server" box, my "address" box is blank, is there supposed to be something here? the "Port" blank says 80, is this correct? 3. "Bypass proxy for local..." is checked; under "Advanced" are all the "Address" and "Port" blanks under "Servers" box supposed to be blank? Under the "Exceptions" box, in the text field "*.local" is entered. I entered after a semicolon so it looks like this: "*.local;" When i click "OK" it says the proxy server blanks are empty and that this prevents internet access? Whats going on?
Second problem: The hosts file. I watched the video. In the video you just add after "# ::1 localhost" in the hosts file. The written instructions say to add all the text that is in the"hosts.txt" in the "HOSTS SETUP" folder of the DL. Do I add both? Could you paste text of what the correct hosts file looks like? I am so confused, I know Im just missing some minor details.
Also, When I click the "Set-Up" application. Do i install with serials? (they weren't working, tried a few, it IDed the serials as "not correct serials" immediately after pasting....) Or just install trail then other steps.?
berzha101 (2012-01-15)
I love your torrents and everything is working perfectly,but the After Effects export function does only has the export to a flash file, a .swf, or a premier project
can you put out a patch
evil_may_cry (2012-01-17)
How can i get you [thethingy]raiz97 (2012-01-18)
THnx! but your keys are ain't working.............but found new one and this is working....!!!!!!!!!!!1325-1002-9088-4094-1756-3666
Beowulf6666 (2012-01-22)
why is it that there is no REAL crack for this...except shitty temporary cd key cracks ?any1 get a good crack for this (like a permanent fix i mean)
EduardoRT (2012-01-26)
@raiz97Thanks a lot for the key!
radie1230 (2012-01-27)
@pBmn101 go fuck yourself.....with a shovel you garbage scum
bay985 (2012-01-28)
Thank you, @raiz97! Brilliant! Great download! Thank you thethingy! :)lif3isfr33 (2012-01-28)
Time stamped expiration.. waste of time no matter how many new serials are generated..Colpevole (2012-01-28)
worked great thanks a lot!krobiwan (2012-01-30)
First, thanks for making this available. Good, clean torrent as always. I have downloaded and installed and as per instruction I changed the .dll file in each program folder. For some reason Dreamweaver will not run, error message 'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)' I assume this has something to do with the .dll file as other programs in the suite are working fine. could someone tell me how I can resolve this? Can i restore the original .dll file? If so would I then only have access to a trial version? Really would appreciate if anyone could help. Cheers.ricetea (2012-01-30)
Great torrent, I only installed the programs I needed, and it only required a serial to work. (one of the bunch posted in the comments a few pages back) I didn't move or copy any dlls. My only error that popped up after installation was something about not finding flash shockwave 10.0 and some missing related file in payloads.I do have a question however, and its in regards to Adobe Acrobat X Pro. The file size is 2.1gb in the install checklist, which is approximately 4x as large as the downloadable trial from Adobe at around 465mb. Its the same with the other single-program torrents on the site. What is the difference between the Acrobat included within this torrent and the official trial and other torrents that could cause the drastic difference in file size?
kixoh (2012-02-05)
"Adobe Encore CS5.1 cannot run in non-royalty serialized mode. The application needs to be serialized with a royalty bearing serial number."711thorwor (2012-02-08)
Thethingy: Hi. Is it true that CS5.5 is time stamped and will at some point expire as lif3isfr33 says?Good work uploading:)
jaguarefx (2012-02-08)
Awesome torrent thanks!for all the ppl finding hard time to follow the instructions, here's a video tutorial on youtube
called adobe creative suite cs5.5 master collection (hosts file) instal method.avi
LHRRecon (2012-02-10)
Ok... I've downloaded everything put in the serial number and everything worked fine. but after i used something it said i needed to put in the serial code again and now it doesn't work. How do i fix that?cushrd (2012-02-13)
really slow....!!!,,,ghost_runner (2012-02-16)
thank you raiz97!!!Serial: 1325-1002-9088-4094-1756-3666
LHRRecon (2012-02-17)
READ THIS FOR BEST INSTALL FOR Newcomers of this sort of thing or prosPROCESS #1 - Same as process #2 but you install it fully in #2 **it doesnt act
Follow These Instructions Step By STEP...
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it.
10.go into the, HOSTS SET-UP file
11.copy the file called hosts the file Click here to find your hosts
13.replace the host file.
13.a)open first file.
13.b)Then open the top file
13.c)Open the file that says SOFTWARE
13.d)Click Set-up.exe
13.e)install as a trial
13.f)Select all the programs you want to download
14.Open file called DLL FILE
14.a)Search for file called amtlib.dll
go back one file.
14.b)copy your system bit .dll file (amtlib.dll) from the file on your
desktop to the one you found on your computer by searching.
**to find what system you have right click on 'my computer' and click
14.c)copy the Acrobat X .dll file (amtservices.dll) from the file on
your desktop to the folder by sep 14.b)
*Remember don't worry if you make a mistake theres backup files of the
originals which are labled original.*
15.Run Photoshop
16.You will get a Screen for Master Collection, asking To enter Serial or
Continue Trial.
17.Now all programs will be good
Follow These Instructions Step By STEP...
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it.
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it. first file.
5.Then open the top file
6.Open the file that says SOFTWARE
7.Click Set-up.exe
8.Copy and past this code in
9.Select all the programs you want to download
10.go into the, HOSTS SET-UP file
11.copy the file called hosts the file Click here to find your hosts
13.replace the host file.
14.Open file called DLL FILE
14.a)Search for file called amtlib.dll
go back one file.
14.b)copy your system bit .dll file (amtlib.dll) from the file on your
desktop to the one you found on your computer by searching.
**to find what system you have right click on 'my computer' and click
14.c)copy the Acrobat X .dll file (amtservices.dll) from the file on
your desktop to the folder by step 14.b)
*Remember don't worry if you make a mistake theres backup files of the
originals which are labled original.*
15.Run programs all is well
Live long and prosper =Þ
LHRRecon (2012-02-17)
sorry top part about zip files is for something else... don't pay attention to steps 1-3... sry =OLHRRecon (2012-02-17)
PROCESS #1 - Same as process #2 but you install it fully in #2 **it doesnt actdiferently**
Follow These Instructions Step By STEP...
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it.
10.go into the, HOSTS SET-UP file
11.copy the file called hosts the file Click here to find your hosts
13.replace the host file.
13.a)open first file.
13.b)Then open the top file
13.c)Open the file that says SOFTWARE
13.d)Click Set-up.exe
13.e)install as a trial
13.f)Select all the programs you want to download
14.Open file called DLL FILE
14.a)Search for file called amtlib.dll
go back one file.
14.b)copy your system bit .dll file (amtlib.dll) from the file on your
desktop to the one you found on your computer by searching.
**to find what system you have right click on 'my computer' and click
14.c)copy the Acrobat X .dll file (amtservices.dll) from the file on
your desktop to the folder by sep 14.b)
*Remember don't worry if you make a mistake theres backup files of the
originals which are labled original.*
15.Run Photoshop
16.You will get a Screen for Master Collection, asking To enter Serial or
Continue Trial.
17.Now all programs will be good
Follow These Instructions Step By STEP...
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it.
1.Make a new file on your desktop.
2.Right click on .zip file and extract it to that new file.
3.After its extracted open it. first file.
5.Then open the top file
6.Open the file that says SOFTWARE
7.Click Set-up.exe
8.Copy and past this code in
9.Select all the programs you want to download
10.go into the, HOSTS SET-UP file
11.copy the file called hosts the file Click here to find your hosts
13.replace the host file.
14.Open file called DLL FILE
14.a)Search for file called amtlib.dll
go back one file.
14.b)copy your system bit .dll file (amtlib.dll) from the file on your
desktop to the one you found on your computer by searching.
**to find what system you have right click on 'my computer' and click
14.c)copy the Acrobat X .dll file (amtservices.dll) from the file on
your desktop to the folder by step 14.b)
*Remember don't worry if you make a mistake theres backup files of the
originals which are labled original.*
15.Run programs all is well
Live long and prosper =Þ
!!!Forget about steps 1-3... they were for a different process... sorry =O
Sit3UserX (2012-02-17)
Hello people! Is this multilingual or English only?rdb9028 (2012-02-22)
what if you already have the trial downloaded? Whats the process then? I've tried all the serials i've found on here but I can't get it to work. Do I have to uninstall it?joao_tpb (2012-02-24)
Hallo girls and boys!today: 23 feb 2012. Just passed by to show you all my gratitude! This is a great torrent quite comprehensible. After been looking for a long time to a healthy one, got this. By the moment I see 1006 seeders. Let's carry on. Thx a lot Thethingy.
Sit3UserX (2012-02-27)
Hello, is this multilingual or English only?aafz02 (2012-03-07)
People having problems with some apps not working? I had the same issue, here's what worked for me...I downloaded this torrent and only half the apps worked, so I uninstalled everything, downloaded the entire trial version again from Adobe and reinstalled it all. I always use Revo to monitor installations so I can remove it properly.
The trial from Adobe is exactly the same as the files in this torrent!!
I locked down my internet connection with my firewall so nothing was getting in or out, used the serial number in the readme file and same again, only half the apps working.
So I used Zonealarm to allow the apps to access "localhost -" but NOT access the internet and ALL APPS ARE WORKING!!!!
yo1988 (2012-03-08)
Thank U very much thethingy for this awsome upload!!!keep up the good work :)
MystiTsu (2012-03-13)
My problem is that NONE of the serial numbers are working. Any ideas?Scunthorpe (2012-03-21)
I just registered to leave this comment. 1 million internets for thethingy. Much appreciated!By the way, tip: There's more to add to the hosts file if you want a full block of Adobe's spy servers. I found it at this site:
Or I've posted the full list at Pastebin:
Also, the ~6GB size is about the same as the direct download links on Pro Design Tools. I've actually had difficulty with the direct one from Adobe (always an incomplete download) and have successfully downloaded this set from thethingy. I'm seeding it now, but it probably won't be fully seeded for quite awhile (128k upload speed on DSL).
But again, much appreciated; keep up the good work!
Azagedon (2012-03-21)
Thanks LHRRecon.I would like to double that, anyone getting errors that has done the host file correctly:
Reflush dns and copy and paste ANY key but remove the "-" before copying!
Like this "132510029088409417563666"
MikeJr84 (2012-03-29)
Thanks man!! Your awesome!LHRRecon.....have a question for you,new to this so hope this is not dumb or didnt look hard enough for a quick fix.
But anyway, followed your directions for install and did option 2, everything went fine but Acrobat X Pro wont work. Everything else works perfectly except for that!
Does step this step....14.c)copy the Acrobat X .dll file (amtservices.dll) from the file on
your desktop to the folder by sep 14.b)...cause X Pro to malfunction in a way to allow the rest to work? Guessing that downloading and installing just X pro would not work, have a good 9 pro version that i could install, but would that conflict...?
Any ideas would be appreciated!!
sambar (2012-03-29)
thethingy, you are great sir.MrSubflo (2012-04-01)
How can I PM thethingy? I can't find a working serial. Any websites that I can get them?cszackery (2012-04-01)
Hey guys... I'm new to Pirate Bay and I've downloaded torrents before, but I can't seem to figure out how to download anything from this site. Can someone please help me?speedyzx (2012-04-04)
@ the thingy,, thka a million for the upload..TO all the other guys,, if your serial doesnt work..
try this one.. it works for me..
cheers & keep seeding .
speedyzx (2012-04-04)
1325-1007-1277-4338-3511-5886this one works perferctly
blackandblue85 (2012-04-08)
Oh.. my... GOODNESS. Do you know how long it took for me to find a right working version??? I looked, and looked, and then I gave up. Then, thanks to advertisements, I started to look again. Why??? Because the actual product costs A THOUSAND DOLLARS. I was, like, "oh crap"!!! Then I started looking again until I found this. I downloaded the torrent and followed the directions just like it said. None of the codes worked, so I followed the second method, and to my surprise, IT WORKED. thethingy, YOU ROCK!!! 5/5wickhd (2012-04-09)
mine woyldnt accept the code but this one works:1325-1007-1277-4338-3511-5886
dap2012 (2012-04-10)
Is this available for a mac or is it just for PC? I have downloaded it but it won't open with any of my applications. Please help!!!!AWESUMNESS (2012-04-15)
I have a quick question again, is it safe to install any updates that may come in the future with this or should I stay away from themBTW great torret TheThingy
czaser (2012-04-16)
Just followed instructions and had everything working just fine as always with thethingy's releases!! A great contribution, thanks a lot!!danielhv (2012-04-19)
@thethingy: You sir are a true asset to this site - I appreciate all of your work! your downloads are always PERFECT!!!A++++++++++++++
indyfan (2012-04-19)
I'm getting something that says "Please insert disk AdobeMasterCollection - trial" or something like that..... any solutions?kobbbac (2012-04-19)
Thank you mr Speedyzx. You saved my life!.JKR1979 (2012-04-19)
THINGY, please help. Followed instructions given and pasted DLL files in appropriate folders. Apps will not open. Any ideas?ramarmy777 (2012-04-19)
Thanks sooo much man keep up the good work.Works perfect!!!!
simolino (2012-04-20)
It doesn't work unless you roll back the time to before 2009 and enter the serial. If you roll back the time just to run it, windows will start going crazy and the internet, among other things will not work. So there is no use. Unless there's a keygen that makes it work perpetually, like the good old phone activation trick???ICMP10X (2012-04-22)
Hi Just letting everyone know the serial's in the .txt document don't work any more. It just tells you they are invalid. I used a keygen off another site and that worked.meharateeq (2012-04-24)
How to install this (Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part1) (Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part2) please help me......geekchick (2012-04-27)
All hail The Thingy! Thank you so much for all of your work. You are absolutely amazing. Thank you.Lordwise (2012-04-29)
I registered just to say thanks. As of 4-28-2012 everything seems to be working. Installed on one computer without success but did not give up and installed successfully in another laptop I had. Got a little bit of info from everyone that posted. Followed instructions.1.Turn off internet and disable antivirus
2. Install trial.
3. Follow "host" video and do EXACTLY as the guy in the video instructs.
4. Copy "dll" into every application in Creative Suite folders.
5. Reboot
6. Open Photoshop.
7. Have fun
I did not have to use method 2 and install serials. Do not know if that is a good or bad thing but seems to be working so far. Thanks again thethingy.
If anyone does not follow these instructions one by one then they will end up having issues.
maximus40 (2012-05-02)
in the winrar files, where am I looking for the exe files for the apps? I see dozens of more zip files under "payloads." thanks.razLeEET (2012-05-09)
thethingy, just one question, I have troubles understanding some directions, but just would like to know that if it say invalid serial number, but the hst file is still setup, should i just let it be? but other wise thank you, keep on keeping ondandfx (2012-05-13)
Thank you very much for this torrent! Everything works the first time :)I used method 2 with the dll files as Lordwise posted above. (open program files/ adobe then click search to ensure you get them all) Also I used thethigy's clean install tool prior to updating.
bajistapro (2012-05-23)
@thethingy are you planning to upload CS6 Master Collection?XSky0 (2012-05-26)
I have 1 question. This pack is 64 bit ?Thanks for answers
bajistapro (2012-05-27)
@XSky0 Yes 64 Bit!gengisKon (2012-05-31)
@thethingyFirst of all thanks for your work.I really apreciate it!
I'm trying to get the 3rd party components but i don't find the way to manage it.If some one can give me some guidence this will be really helpfull cause right now i'm stack at this point.
Once more thanks for your work!!!
b76aa1 (2012-06-05)
Wow. Someone loves me. Downloaded with an average speed of 5.9MB/s.Gotta love Thingy's torrents. Always blazing fast.
Dj666P (2012-06-06)
found new working serial1325-1006-9610-3374-2888-5569
by the way thankyiu thethingy, asweome job!
booboo45 (2012-06-12)
@ Dj666P - FYI - SN allows you to install but is not recognized when you try to use it. Comes back as invalid. Anyone else have a valid SN they'd like to share?emcinc (2012-06-14)
Where are the install instructions please advise because I am looking and cannot find CS 5.5 M.C. install tutorial/instructions whatever you call them they are not readily apparentemcinc (2012-06-15)
Where are the CS 5.5 install instructions located!Please advise Sincerely, EMCINC If I already have the old "Thethingy" CS4 installed is it easier or harder do I need to uninstall the old one or is there an update can I use the adobe updater Please Advise!!
AWESUMNESS (2012-06-18)
This torrent works perfect, all the instructions are on the readme files, just follow them and youll be setDillin (2012-07-05)
@thethingy I downloaded this and when i clicked on the exe it's stops and ask for the disk, the rar it's there but it stops and no matter what I brows for it can't find the .rar at all.. I need help with this so badly is there anyone here who can possibly help?Supermilanesa (2012-07-23)
soundbooth is not included? thanks for the upload :DYepii (2012-07-28)
** just work fine** UK/ver, x64 in W7. I use thethingy tool 2.1Yepii (2012-07-28)
Please I find a Spanish or multilanguage version to work with thethingy tool 2.1 - Any link?Seeker19 (2012-07-29)
thanks awesome torrent!wstng327 (2012-08-02)
I have no idea what to do after it finishes downloading. Can someone walk me through it? Dumb it down a bit?Dillin (2012-08-30)
I tried to install this and I got that there was a part missing there are two parts to this so where is the other part at? I will download this again unzip it and see what happens again.headlock9 (2012-10-22)
Dynamic Link isnt working...There is an error message saying it requires Production Premium.Everything installed fine.
Any help anyone?
CMOR64 (2012-11-21)
Looks like it's working, for me! I followed the Hosts File instructions, and disconnected from the web while installing... Thanks SO much, Thingy!! I am new to torrents, so this leaves a good impression on me...lykeminds (2012-12-07)
pls can anibody help me wif dis..... trying to download cs5.5 mc torrent wit torch browser buh seems not workingblueeyes111 (2012-12-17)
I want to thank thethingy so very much for all that is offered here. It's amazing what's available and I appreciate the dedication that is brought forth to share with us.It's beyond words the skills thethingy possesses. Certainly beyond my comprehension. Yet, the process is explained so that even I can understand it for the most part.
I thank you, the thingy, for making these things available. You are amazing! I'll always be a fan...
ut1880h (2013-02-02)
Stop posting serialz in these comments! Can't you stupid fucks read???Go back to the beginning and look through this mess. 98% of the pleas for help are from dumbasses that are too lazy and stupid to read through the comments - their questions were already answered.
This whole fucking deal is nothing more than doing 2 things correctly.
1. Follow the instructions for the hosts file.
2. DONT use any of those serialz that are in the INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS.txt file - they will NOT work!
All you have to do is go back to Page 7 of these comments and you'll find the revised set of serialz that thethingy posted. They work - use one.
Hollywood101 (2013-07-24)
@thethingy Do you have a version for Mac? If yes can you direct me to it. f not is it possible for you to get it?snowm74 (2013-11-26)
Thanks for a super cool, easy install! I am so turned on by this, I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABY!...but really can't cause I'm a dude, so thanks will have to do.
vdovydm (2013-12-24)
Thank you, work perfectly!pops.theoldguy (2014-04-07)
Thanks! Appreciate your work.zonkamatic (2015-06-08)
Thank you for another excellent offering. Though this may be redundant, and unnecessary, there are some errata in the "method 2" of the installation instructions that I would like to report for the sake of completeness.Although the serials on page 7 of these comments render these errata moot, they are nonetheless present.
* There is no mention of Flash Builder, which is contained in the package, in the installation instructions. Furthermore, the hack provided will not work for this program.
* Though they are mentioned, the hack will not work for Encore, Catalyst or llustrator.
* Thogh the hack works, the instructions do not mention Flash Professional.
* The folder where the hacked dll should be copied is incorrectly listed for Contribute. It should be ,,,Contribute/App instead of ...Contribute.
* Though they will function properly with no need of a serial or a hack, the installation instructions make no mention of Device Central, EndScript Toolkit or Estension Manager. This may not be a bad thing.
Again, I mean no slight against thethingy or anyone else associated with this project. I include this information in a spirit of inclusion and completeness. If I had the skills to hack these proggrams, I would have posted a work-arounds mysellf in anticipation of the time when the serials that are posted on page 7 of these comments become obsolete. Please accept this post in the terms in which it is meant.
1. Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection/Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part1.exe 3000.00 Mb
2. Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection/Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.part2.rar 2699.01 Mb