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Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED
Video Movies
Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX
2011-05-25 (by extremezone)
Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
Format profile : OpenDML
File size : 1.24 GiB
Duration : 1h 48mn
Overall bit rate : 1 639 Kbps
Writing application : VirtualDubMod (build 2542/release)
Writing library : VirtualDubMod build 2542/release
Original source form : MAX TORRENTZ
Copyright : SIGISMUNT
ID : 0
Format : MPEG-4 Visual
Format profile : AdvancedSimple@L5
Format settings, BVOP : Yes
Format settings, QPel : No
Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
Format settings, Matrix : Custom
Codec ID : XVID
Codec ID/Hint : XviD
Duration : 1h 48mn
Bit rate : 1 385 Kbps
Width : 720 pixels
Height : 304 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 2.35:1
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Resolution : 24 bits
Colorimetry : 4:2:0
Scan type : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.258
Stream size : 1.07 GiB (86%)
Writing library : XviD 58
ID : 1
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 1h 48mn
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 224 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Resolution : 16 bits
Stream size : 174 MiB (14%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 541 ms (13.52 video frames)
Interleave, preload duration : 216 ms
Writing library : LAME3.98.2
Source: PAL vobs + filtered audio (additional volume,perfect a/v/sync quality,
sample included,english hardcoded subtitle on few original foreign parts)
This release is not seedbox supported , please seed it to the MAX
Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX Torrent Free Download
How To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent)
Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each
Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced
Bandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited)
Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.
Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.
Before downloading you should check/google search sample "release name""sample".
Greets to all actual/future p2p/scene QUALITY groups and affiliate websites.
Don't trust IMDb robot or bad ratings,always watch some trailers first.
Ignore stupid comments/fake/mislabeled/no-DVDrips/CAM/TS/RAR uploads.
Please spread this release/torrent to your friends/forums/etc.
If you need translation subs visit some subtitles sites.
Report if you see online streaming or other spam links.
Recommended movie player VLC PLAYER.
Files count:
1282.81 Mb
scfc4eva (2011-05-25)
finally been waiting for forever for thismany thanks..
fankafan (2011-05-25)
fankafan (2011-05-25)
crioskun41 (2011-05-25)
extremezone can you pls upload a 700mb version ^^heavydiamond (2011-05-25)
i like your releasesbfpg8989 (2011-05-25)
WHATS THE AUDIO LIKE ON THIS ONE??-wkr- (2011-05-25)
Thanks!!!xshantle (2011-05-25)
could you pls upload red riding hood?
thank you!
7thSense (2011-05-25)
is this what you do, take imagine's release and rename it, then go and lie on the imagine release and say it's an r5? pathetic, you get paid for this or just want fame?xshantle (2011-05-25)
could you pls upload red riding hood?
jukka7 (2011-05-25)
How can i get the subtitles for this movie?extremezone (2011-05-25)
@7thSense oh no not you again spammer(i think i've seen your username winning on other torrents,games or movies)...see decription for source , imagine was out of sync and audio was on lower volume (on this one video is from original vobs files + audio filtered as is stated in description)dawdyang (2011-05-25)
7thsense............. R u 4 real?????????????? And extremezone................... I have red riding hood that xshantle wants. Perfect quality picture and soundrealbadassboy (2011-05-25)
Im getting 4kb/s on a 15MB connection, Please seed. :(L3fT4D34D (2011-05-25)
Woot! Thanks extremezone, you're the man.Stighen13pro (2011-05-25)
When is JACKASS 3.5 ONLINE HERE?sukdink9999 (2011-05-25)
@extremezone... always worth the download.Thank you so much.
@7thSense: Go eat a knife...
violenstsaint (2011-05-25)
@extremezone your one of the top dogs here and thnx for your uploadsG.i.a.n.t (2011-05-25)
fail downloading speed .. 20-15 KBps fot the last 2 hours .. Zzzmaansii (2011-05-25)
Thanks man!DGZ (2011-05-25)
Thanx for all of your uploadsCould you please make it so i can play these movies on my playstation Thanx
God23 (2011-05-25)
thank yousnowbirds (2011-05-25)
All you ass-kissers slamming 7thsense are wrong.Extreme zone lied on imagine's release and said it was out of sync when it wasn't.
Then he released the same exact R5 (maybe he tweaked the audio, I can't tell from listening to both samples) and is calling it a DVDRIP.
Here is the thing about Exremezone. He uploads TONS of great movies. He is awesome in that regard. But he is also a pathological liar. He lies on his own torrents and he goes onto other people's torrents and lies about theirs. The Pirate Bay even took away his green skull at one point because of this. He got a little better and they gave it back.
The bottom line with Extremezone is that he uploads lots of stuff, but you can't trust what he says. Plus he acts really uncool to other uploaders by trying to steal their downloaders away to his own torrents. In short, the guy is a dick.
All of you people who constantly praise him are sucking up to the wrong guy.
Extremezone, thanks for all the uploads, but seriously, go see a therapist man. You need help. You could be a living legend here on TPB, but instead half the users think your a dick.
peace out yallz
aapb (2011-05-25)
extremezone you're dope!extremezone (2011-05-25)
@snowbirds always if a cam/ts or audio (r5 line also from cam/ts) is bad and mislabeled for real i will comment on them (i don't like movies in very bad quality video and/or audio getting 10/10) , it's a problem with this? why to support some stupid out of sync/pixelated/cams/telesyncs and waste people's bandwidth? this is the reason that i quit uploading other than good r5's/dvdrips-movies ecodesaafz02 (2011-05-25)
I looked at this and saw... "A=10 V=10" written several times.This release is NOT a DVDRip! It is a cam, full of artefacts with washed out colours, terrible white balance and the picure looks like a badly compressed jpeg image.
In short, it is not what it says and I wasted my time downloading.
bfpg8989 (2011-05-25)
im_da_1 (2011-05-25)
ur da best when it comes 2 DVDRIP.....TY EXTREMEZONEmcjiralo (2011-05-25)
thanksTriPPinVdUb (2011-05-25)
As always thanks for the RIP extreme, Im not sure wtf all these people on here are running there mouths for cause I always seem to get nothing but quality from you, much appreciated!sudeus (2011-05-25)
ThanksL3fT4D34D (2011-05-26)
@snowbirds dude, you have 0 fucking uploads, before you make any complaints, why don't you contribute a little?Extremezone is the best/most reliable up-loader on the site..
Don't you notice how once he uploads a DvDr.. hundreds of other copy's come out right after.. He's always the first to upload the best quality, then everyone rips his and re uploads it.
so fuck yourself.
penisfuck (2011-05-26)
Thanks a lot! Been waiting for this. Any chance for English subrip?L3fT4D34D (2011-05-26)
@aafz02 dude... if that's what you saw I suggest going to an Eye doctor immediately!and get some GIANT ass glasses, then come back and watch this film again..
In my eyes, this is a perfect DvDrip..
Rapier_Wit (2011-05-26)
@aafz02. Whatever they've got you on bud, cut the dose. I downloaded the cam back in Feb and this certainly ain't a cam. Thanks extreme.deathwithafi (2011-05-26)
u forgot to mention how u steal IMAGiNE's releases. or do u just use whatever u find first on a scene release site?Joeycobra (2011-05-26)
thanks dude, fuck the haters, shits free shut upsnowbirds (2011-05-26)
@extremezone, I just took a screenshot of Imagine's release [which you say is OOS -which is false] and compared the exact same frame with your release. Guess what? They are EXACTLY the same. It is not a "out of sync/pixelated/cams/telesyncs" as you say. Again, you are lying. I've watched you for years extremezone, and I've watched you lie over and over and over to the Pirate Bay community. I appreciate all your uploads, and you do upload good stuff, but you lie constantly, and I don't like that. Basically, I know longer trust you at all. I still DL some of your stuff, but if I have a choice, I go elsewhere. I know I'm not the only one like this... It's sad, dude.And yes, aafz02 is right that there are pixelated artifacts in the dark parts of this upload, so the video quality is NOT a 10 for a dvd rip. Why? Because this IS NOT a dvd rip, it's an R5 that extremezone probably copied from imagine, reuploaded as his own, and then went and posted a lie on imagine's torrent to steal his downloaders. I don't care how many movies extremezone uploads, this is fucking uncool. You wanna flame me for saying this? Sit on my dick.
Again, extremezone, you have a problem. You lie constantly. This is an indication of a personality disorder. You have a lot of people here on TPB who support you, but you know that they're only ass-kissers and not true friends. Your relationships with the people close to you must suck because of your compulsive lying. Seriously, you need to see a therapist. You don't have to go through life this way. You can have a better life than this.
To all you ass-kissers who flame anyone who speaks the truth, sorry but it's hard to understand what you're saying with extremezone's dick in your mouths.
snowbirds (2011-05-26)
"For a compulsive liar, lying becomes second nature.Not only do compulsive liars bend the truth about issues large and small, they take comfort in it. Lying feels right to a compulsive liar. Telling the truth, on the other hand, is difficult and uncomfortable.
And like any behavior which provides comfort and an escape from discomfort (i.e., alcohol, drugs, sex), lying can become addictive and hard to stop. For the compulsive liar, lying feels safe and this fuels the desire to lie even more.
Making matters even more complicated, compulsive lying is often a symptom of a much larger personality disorder, which only makes the problem more difficult to resolve (see, narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder).
Unfortunately, compulsive lying is hard for the person involved to see, but it hurts those who are around it. Compulsive lying, if not addressed, can easily ruin a relationship (for example, see why does he need to lie).
Compulsive lying can be dealt with through counseling or therapy. But, like any addictive behavior (and/or personality disorder), getting someone to admit they have a problem with lying is the difficult part. Sadly enough, getting someone to recognize that he or she has a problem usually requires hitting rock bottom first."
penisfuck (2011-05-26)
Picture: 10Audio: 6.5
The audio is a bit tripping in some frequences. Sounds like line audio, but not dvd audio. Don't know what went wrong there. However, perfectly watchable. The sound is NOT BAD, but also not as you'd expect from a dvd rip.
Kudos anyway, extremezone. Thanks for your upload.
mage1111 (2011-05-26)
@snowbirds - Wow, you're really touchy on torrent stealing considering you've never uploaded one yourself. Maybe just appreciate what they're giving us for free?Thought so...
Toke420 (2011-05-26)
cool story brou mad?
L3fT4D34D (2011-05-26)
@snowbirds, what the fuck is your problem.. LET IT GO.This is a fucking DVDrip, I just watched it, just like I watched all other extremezone releases..
I don't take a fucking magnifying glass up to it to look for pixels.
you have no life, stop ripping on extremezone when you haven't given ANYTHING to the community.
stop your crying, no one gives a flying fuck if there's a pixel in dark spots... I watched it with no concern about pixels..
you fucking idiot.
PiratesFirstMate (2011-05-26)
How would I get this back onto DVD, the 4.7gb discs?diverdorr68 (2011-05-26)
Thanks extremezone. Always happy with your stuff.@snowbird, everyone should comment what they truly believe. no one would find you to be an idiot for making a statement against an uploader's credibility. but, rambling, aimless diatribes about personality disorders? if you are that emotionally unhappy with yourself, there are better ways to vent then TPB message boards. good luck.
PiratesFirstMate (2011-05-26)
How do you get these 1+ GB movies onto 4.7gb discs?Nikopolo (2011-05-26)
Like always a pleasure !:)awesome quality . Sound is very good too . Thx
kokak2010 (2011-05-26)
Thanks extremezone! Great ripA=9
@Piratesfirstmate convert it to NERO and burn in 4.7GB DVD
McWesternski (2011-05-26)
@PiratesFirstMateTo convert avi file or any video file to DVD use this[TrT-TcT]
Aim_To_Maim (2011-05-26)
Your a legend extremezone, thanks yet again.Shungbat69 (2011-05-26)
Sweet a dvd rip, I've been waiting for this for a while now.herdiana88 (2011-05-26)
Thanks extremezone..!!balistiks (2011-05-26)
si iarasi extremezone , o treaba excelenta :D multumim frumos ! nu vroiam sa scot celalt ,ziceai ca e outsync si deja asteptam sa vii cu aceasta -.- multam !balistiks (2011-05-26)
Everybody who is whining and hating , just keep in my mind that its a pirate site and this guy keep giving us free and quality stuff , who cares where he got them from . Get a life ,comment on the quality, say thanks or just stay silent .prime999 (2011-05-26)
plzzzzzzzz seeedddd !!!prime999 (2011-05-26)
seeeeeedddd it !!!!ug2009 (2011-05-26)
thanks i was waiting from long time for this movie..........ahmadi22 (2011-05-26)
nice work... thanksplz don't forget to seed... (2011-05-26)
soo good (2011-05-26)
awsoome movieRafo1996 (2011-05-26)
Dear Extremezone,Big fan of your uploads.
but can you upload The Hangover 2 soon?
thnx already
redchain55 (2011-05-26)
Dats wat i was w8in for..!!!u got it.,..!! so fast..! homie... downlaodin now.. will comment again for the quality..!!!
redchain55 (2011-05-26)
nice..>!!janssen420 (2011-05-26)
fuck yea thanxsoccerguy421 (2011-05-26)
thanks great copyvikas245 (2011-05-26)
is nt this a remake of an old roger moore movieextremezone (2011-05-26)
hall pass and red riding hood top quality dvdrips 1 cd (1.3gb) it's on the way (waiting for the dvdr or bluray copy to be out first in few hours)Danks420 (2011-05-26)
play on ps3??yes,no?anyone>Hoobius (2011-05-27)
thnx! very good copycopy:)
Hoobius (2011-05-27)
very good copy. Thnx :)greddy87 (2011-05-27)
perfect as alwaysthank you for all your hard work extremezone
PiratesFirstMate (2011-05-27)
@kokak2010, I have been using NeroVision 10 to convert the AVI files to the 4.7GB Dvds. But that only works with the rips that are 700-800mb in size. Whenever I do a movie that is 1Gb or more, it says it wants a larger disc...@McWesternski, I shall try that program. Thank you!
ericv1984 (2011-05-27)
@PiratesFirstMate: I use ConvertXToDVD, it works real good.blacksidex6 (2011-05-27)
extremezone is magicsharik03 (2011-05-27)
thanks good copyschweetlew (2011-05-27)
Your quite the man, making all these perfect Rips! Fucken good on yah. RESPECT !schweetlew (2011-05-27)
Oh and to Snowbirds, get a life dude, you have no better time to go and pay other people out that are just doing everyone a favour...fuck off you ugly scummy piece of shit nerd !deoed99 (2011-05-27)
The truth ("dvdrip" 1.25Gb)V: 9
A: 6
Audio sounds like Line audio...
bragazar1710 (2011-05-27)
thanks.sharon_m441 (2011-05-27)
thanx a d download is very slow...hope it improves..damoneeae (2011-05-27)
Thx Extremezone! Ill be seeding ;)RuneWW (2011-05-27)
audio is like 2 out of 10... not goodiste12 (2011-05-27)
Anybody got a link to English subtitles. Can't find anyone.pinpirin (2011-05-27)
V8/A5.Video is DVD quality but audio is quite poor. Listening on headphones I had to switch to mono as the stereo sound was uneven through the two channels (right channel is a bit muffled) - this may not be noticeable if you're not using headphones. On the plus side, audio is in sync and video has no watermarking.
Overall very watchable but if you're a stickler for quality wait for a proper DVDRip or BRRip.
aafz02 (2011-05-27)
@L3fT4D34D, @Rapier_Wit & @extremezoneOk dudes my mistake and I apologise! The first few minutes does look poor but after that it is good quality and you're right it's not a CAM.
If folks want to watch this film early, before the HD stuff comes out then this is a good Rip so cheers to extremezone.
crf_h0m3r (2011-05-27)
Seed please, downloading 9.7kB/s ._.Thundernail (2011-05-27)
dmagbert (2011-05-27)
thanxxxxxxxbobalazs (2011-05-27)
cutejun (2011-05-28)
good.and morezazally (2011-05-28)
This is more of an R5 this is not a DVD rip it looks like extremezone rushed this one :(spikeyazn (2011-05-28)
V: 9A: 9
M: 9
Sirsmokesalot1984 (2011-05-28)
Great upload as always. For all you noobs out there, use vlc media player to watch and ConvertXToDVD to burn. All the people that are complaining about quality must not be using vlc media player. Its the best hands down and its free!Jeffro503 (2011-05-28)
Plain and simple........Extremezone friggin' rules!!Firedog118 (2011-05-28)
V - 10A - 10
M - 9
Awesome upload extremezone, you've done it again. :D
ryumartin (2011-05-28)
M 9 - A 9 - M 10Liam Neeson, the actor name said all. Great movie!
Persian-boy (2011-05-28)
Software analyzed:
File Name..............: Unknown_2011.avi
File Size.................: 1,334,300,254 bytes
Runtime................: 1:48:34
Frames (Width x Height)...........: 720 x 304 pixels
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR").....: 2.368 (45:19)
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR").....: 2.368 (45:19)
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR").........: 1.000 (1:1)
Video Codec............................: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate...........................: 1414 kbps
25.000 fpsQuality Factor..........................: 0.258 (bits/pixel)/frame
Audio Codec............................: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate............................: 224kbps 2ch CBR 48000Hz
Audio Info...............................: 48000Hz 224 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo
My opinion:
Video: 9/10
Audio: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Thank you for sharing
Serb-ia (2011-05-28)
Finally, a great movie!Ormus_n2o (2011-05-28)
Lol look at Top 100 video torrents. Almost all are from extremezone! We love you!benjilatino (2011-05-28)
this guy is beast!! always has the best DVDrips yeyeeeeeeee keep it up we love you!!pmyy (2011-05-28)
Audio quality in this is absolutely dreadful.V:8
MannyUno888 (2011-05-29)
Hey I've been looking 4 (Take Me Home Tonight) can any1 help me outKraigO (2011-05-29)
cheers. D/loaded this ages ago and great film. Extremezone always do a great job. 10/10damoneeae (2011-05-29)
nice upload. :)andanous (2011-05-29)
thankssaqlain (2011-05-29)
crf_h0m3r (2011-05-29)
heresjonnny (2011-05-29)
how am i getting such terrible download speeds with this torrent? so many seeders and still getting a bad downlaod speedTheBoyka (2011-05-29)
thanks very much extremezone.. please can you upload movie Priest 2011 :))GhostInTheMachine7 (2011-05-29)
@extremezone . .I think I brought you some more seeders from YouTube. My top comment was "Thumbs up if PirateBay is open in another tab! :D"lol just letting you know I appreciate the work as always. Long live PirateBay!!! >:D
childishee (2011-05-30)
hELLO,can i ask sumthing? why the size of DVDRip is large?Rick1024 (2011-05-30)
where can i get korean subs for this?fanta1812 (2011-05-30)
He really isnt martin harris, he's a killer and he suddenly turns good. The wife is in on it tooanarchymedes (2011-05-30)
V: 9A: 5
Tested in VLC (with headphones)
SpecialMonkey (2011-05-30)
A: 6 V: 7 M: 9(8/8/9 After tweaking)
Very entertaining, obviously Liam Neeson is a great actor for this role, reminds you of the movie Taken!
The Audio is worse then the video, nothing a little tweaking cant solve though (Normalize). Once tweaked, the movie is very good to watch and matches a DvD Quality (obviously the player you do use adds or subtracts to this aspect). Very Entertaining!
Marcel7 (2011-05-30)
Who can upload the documentary «stranger Among Bears»? It isnt on TPB! Thnx : )dicecream (2011-05-30)
@ Rick1024Try, unfortunatly Extremezone doesn't put the real source in his uploads so you have to try a couple of differents sources one of them will work 100% guarantee. btw the source is AbSurdiTy
fanta1812 (2011-05-30)
liam nesson => Worst "Trying-to-be-genius-in-every-movie" actorMeRaDil (2011-05-30)
I have excepted more of this movie,not Liam Neeson his best movie.Audio -> 8
Video -> 8
Movie -> 6
THANKS for the up.
matimike (2011-05-31)
thanksbrunomsilva82 (2011-05-31)
thnks mate! awesome qualitytmankeny (2011-05-31)
i enjoyed the movie. its smart and entertaining. nothing slow about it.
xeno100 (2011-05-31)
BEWARE SPOILER ABOVEThe Fanta1812 dickhead has given out the conclusion
Don't read but give him the shit he deserves from now on.
lammy150 (2011-05-31)
seeds pls....mine stuck 2 days!!hostile84 (2011-06-01)
I don't know about anybody else but I've NEVER had problems downloading movies or any other torrents till this one. I don't know why but every time I'd try to down load it, it would dl maybe a half a percent or less then, crash my connection on my internet. I'd have to reset modem each time and I know its this movie because I've done a couple others in between just to make sure so Idk what's goin on with it. Not saying it'll do this to everyones but again, I had never had a problem before ever.fanta1812 (2011-06-01)
XENO100 sorry folks... GAY
panamaLuc (2011-06-01)
shaunzxr (2011-06-01)
Excellent movie, ThanksV9 A9
fanta1812 (2011-06-01)
beat it suckerrrrrsO and btw, panamaLuc is gay =/
Farzin67 (2011-06-02)
Thanks,A: 8
V: 8
cooldoods (2011-06-02)
whole story is on to make it easy, he bump his head and he forgot that he is the killer and then he thought he is Martin Harris who is suppose to be his cover. Then he turn good.its a good movie but not now anymore..
videocop (2011-06-02)
WOW really? ^^^ your really cool.....NOTphoenix0_0 (2011-06-02)
colddood sould be given all the stds known to man assholefuryy87 (2011-06-02)
cooldoods, you will die poor and alone.Now that I spoiled the end, you dont wanne see the rest right?
Idiot for spoiling the end!
cooolsoon (2011-06-02)
jag titta först sen kommer säger ommden e brawhatever (2011-06-02)
Great quality. thank you. PLEASE someone tell me why I can't burn the end of movies that are longer than 1GB. Extremezone has amazing quality but I often encounter this problem and have to watch the end of movies on my laptop. Please help me on this.ccgordon32 (2011-06-03)
really? telling the end of a movie before I download it....tisk,tiskNest101 (2011-06-03)
You assholes don't belong here wish we could wee your asses out. I've been DL'ing from the Zone for a minute now always a good Up bro thank you. All the clowns commenting can't even post a 1.0 ratio thieves. P2P means in laments terms seed. I usually seed when I remember to at night when I'm asleep or at work stop killing the bay you Thiefs.Nest101 (2011-06-03)
To the people that do share please comment it let's us know what's good. I use PS3 so knowing if it's protected by cinevia is important. This one is not which makes it even better. Extremezone we know you battleing bro to defeat it you are not alone just a matter of time. Hang in there Brother.Slickchickbs1981 (2011-06-03)
Hi Extremezone.. Love your work.. Is there anyway you can upload "Love, Marraige, Wedding" I can't find it anywhere..Thanks
budmonkey (2011-06-03)
be warned if your putting this file straight to usb stick to watch on dvd player the bastard film cuts out last 20 mins or so. i'm just d loading the 700 MB version they never do thatburton07rider (2011-06-04)
extremezone ur the shit keep it up. would you do xXx(2002) and xXx state of the union(2005) would appreciate123sid (2011-06-04)
Thanks extremezone. Just had an issue with the stereo quality of the audio.
BrutalCykx (2011-06-04)
M: 1
Okay, it features Liam Neeson on the cover but that's about all you can say
about this film. Interesting theme for a movie but they totally failed to
make it work. It has as much credibility as a first grade theater play,
absolutely none.
Some people must have paid an awful lot of money to push this to a 7.1 score on
Nonetheless, thanks for the upload so I could check for myself what a big
waste of time this was ;)
gratefulforthis (2011-06-04)
A: 8V: 8
It's was always going to be a reliable copy. :)
gask8 (2011-06-04)
defenetly is not a dvdrip quality.intsell (2011-06-04)
Movie wasn't bad at all .BTW (Jeremiah77) Telling the ending is rude , some people wants to watch it and find out what goes at the end by themselves .
Or maybe would be a good idea ... the first to watch a movie could tell the whole story instead just rate it
kongrit (2011-06-04)
Subtitle please......................davidhackman (2011-06-04)
Hello people is there anyone out there,with a DVDrip of super 8 movie,
it would be great if someone could upload it please.
A10 V10 great movie thanks uploader.
charlie30909 (2011-06-04)
wouldn't recommend this movie.also, movie request: bridesmaids
TheBoyka (2011-06-05)
extremezone can you please upload Source Code and Thor :)wistfulbliss (2011-06-05)
havent watched the film yet but no doubt a decent copy!
some people should stop complaining if they cant even contribute.
winnistoned (2011-06-05)
top quailtty as always.... thanks extremezone.... can any1 tell me were i can get a copy of attack the block or anuvahood? cheers...yonnitempo (2011-06-05)
Really bad movie....Good quality although
dpiralis (2011-06-05)
great movie download this!!!!!!!!!!!1dpiralis (2011-06-05)
Great movie is very attractive, download this movie!symbolxp (2011-06-05)
thanks man...prockis (2011-06-05)
the movie is totaly shit , lage every 30s and it even don't have the ending....a-10
kbowk2 (2011-06-06)
Stighen13pro Jackass 3 is online. Is 3.5 got extras or something?fuamiki (2011-06-06)
props to extremezone and team maxspeed
@tactical that really extremezone fan page on FB?...thx
HeyYou88 (2011-06-06)
Video: 9/10Audio: 7/10 (slightly out of sync at the end)
Movie: 9/10 Very good movie, keeps you on the edge of your seat.
umarsaeed89 (2011-06-06)
thanks extremezone
fuamiki (2011-06-06)
@tactical_nukeoh cool...thx mate...extremezone rules babee!
groovygriffo (2011-06-06)
Great movie..Liam Neeson is very good in these kind of movies.
Great work extremezone
RetroidPrime91 (2011-06-06)
Best movie of 2011, besides The Mechanic...your torrents are always superb quality, thank you Extreme.A - 9
V - 9
M - 10
RetroidPrime91 (2011-06-06)
@charlie30909 you wouldn't recommend this movie, but you want Bridesmaids? Hilarious, you must have the same taste in movies as a prepubescent 10 year old...SCHWEITZERG (2011-06-08)
V: 10A: 10
Great torrent!
Thanks again extremezone!
Corey695847 (2011-06-08)
been looking to download Happily Ever After ( a kids movie from 1993 )
could anybody help me out?
xway (2011-06-08)[Sk]
strega72 (2011-06-09)
Thanks!FatFreddy39 (2011-06-09)
Didn't like it in the beginning but got better later on.
aldrinstryder (2011-06-09)
good moviefuamiki (2011-06-10)
Source Code R5, DVDScr, or DVDRip please EXTREMEZONE ;-]...u the bomb diggity mannnnnShadow9002 (2011-06-11)
Video: 10Audio: 10
Movie: 8
Thanks extremezone!
jedlr12 (2011-06-11)
seeders plz.. thanks.. i'll seed it after i downloeded it. :) thanks again..abongwithadong (2011-06-11)
An awesome quality and a great fucking movie!CP_JASON (2011-06-12)
n1 ripXboXtremeStudios (2011-06-13)
Great movie, Never thought it would end like that,A: 10
V: 9,5
Just perfect!
Valon (2011-06-14)
Thanks! MAX ! as always you have the best quality !:D Respect from Finland!ginaant (2011-06-14)
i have downloaded this film and a couple of others but they are all coming out in black and white, am i doing something wrong??alspain (2011-06-16)
Brilliant, best film for a very long time. Download Download Download. Thanks for the film bruv!MsYang86 (2011-06-17)
good quality and audio but too bad the movie was disappointing...he aint no bryan mills from 'taken.' i was waiting for him to say the line, "I have a very particular set of skills. I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." --- but, he was just a weak old man in this film...blehhh :pnoobster95 (2011-06-18)
A: 10V: 10
M: 8
jkesters (2011-06-18)
Can anyone tell me how to burn this movie? I use ConvertXtoDVD3 and get the same error msg with all of extremezones files. Please help...chrisapple (2011-06-18)
great rip.....never ever fails...gotta love the free downloads! :)Rhyno_ZA (2011-06-20)
i loved this movie right up untill i learnt it was all about saving some corn. I mean can people not come up with some good storylines these days?good upload though thanks extreme
ijustdontcare (2011-06-21)
anybody who says the audio is perfect,should either visit a doctor about their hearing,or they lie.V9,A5
jdg28 (2011-06-22)
A: 10V: 10
M: 8
Thanks extremezone
artois88 (2011-06-22)
A - 10V - 10
Thanks very much
lotusclown (2011-06-22)
thx!tease123 (2011-06-22)
Thanks extremezone. first class as alwaysChristofer_Lynch (2011-06-22)
@StanOntarioThat sounds like a problem not with the uploader or MAX team by any means but rather a problem from your DVD converter;burner. What do you use to burn and convert them? I've been using ConvertXtoDVD4 and it is by far the best converter and burner I've ever had the pleasure of using in the past 5 years.
cujo31ne (2011-06-23)
For all y'all concerned with putting files onto DVD, look up the program DVD Flick, completely free and super easy to use! Just check out a youtube tutorial about it and you'll be making DVD's that will play on any dvd player......this is not spam btw, I'm trying to help stupid idiots that don't know how to do this.PitMaGGot (2011-06-23)
A:V: 10 great torrent TY extreme,@ijustdontcare What MP are u using? My sound and video is DvD quality.
@Cujo31ne no the "stupid Idiot" part made it spam, that's trolling, u can give advice without being an ass. There was a time that You, yourself didn't know how to. I'm sure there's a spot 4 reporting trolls on the forums so please be considerate when posting unless u'd jus like to get ban from the site, only takes 1 admin to take offence to what u post. Not Hating on you man just looking out 4 fellow Pirates.
code_brad (2011-06-24)
for a really good DVD burner just dl a copy of Nero 9 or Nero 10 it works perfect. where else are you going to find it, well on the bay.acvaine451 (2011-06-24)
A - 10
M - 10000000++++
asputasdaminhavida (2011-06-24)
Grrrrrreeeeeaaatttttttttt Movie!!Godlike97 (2011-06-24)
I need help...When I watch movies on my DVD player through a memory stick, the movie lags, skips on parts with lots of different colors and it stops near the very end of a film.
Can anyone help me?
If you know what's wrong please send me an email:
BTW, movie isn't as good as Taken.
oglecowboy (2011-06-28)
@Godlike97u said the same thing on other movies ur spamming maybe different user name but same email
meejah (2011-06-29)
great, thanks!awesome movie, too.
rhart911 (2011-07-02)
no audio!crapspray (2011-07-03)
Excellent rip, thanks extremezone.A: 9
V: 9
M: 4
0b0i0l0 (2011-07-04)
thanx alot!!!! and plz seed on every torrent!!! :Dmisterxavier (2011-07-07)
3.2MB/S JESUSSSSS. this movie finished downloading in 3 minuteskaninelupus (2011-07-07)
Appreciate the U/L (if not the general attitude of the host peer)....butSorry but this is NOT a true DVDRip (given that the L5 has only just "hit" I seriously doubt the polished DVD/Bluray releases are yet even compiled yet!), but rather a tweaked L5 - or even dare we say CAM - version.
Now that's OK.... some ppl are impatient and thus happy to settle for less to get a viewing (nothing wrong with that) but can the uploaders at least be honest so others can make informed choices before chewing up their D/L bandwidth??
ryl417 (2011-07-09)
A: 9V: 9
andyc77 (2011-07-10)
Thanks for the download :)You never semm to fail ex,zone.
An thanks again
gcharitha (2011-07-14)
a 10 v 10 m 8Tinny_pb (2011-07-20)
Extremezone, thanks for the upload.If this was a 700MiB rip I'd say video was good. But for a 1.24GiB file, video is below standard. There are definitely problems with the audio: in VLC and in WDTV Live, voices frequently warble, which is distracting.
Despite these flaws the rip is perfectly watchable. If you're looking for sharp picture with perfect audio, consider paying for a disc.
A6, V7.
dmnrocha2 (2011-07-22)
@Tinny_Pb Yay finally a comment that's worth a damn! There should just be a reviews tab or something..mickmac56 (2011-07-23)
mickmac56. Sorry Tinnypb got to disagree.Watched on laptop on VLC media player and rate it A=9 v=9.Movie itself is shall we say ....far fetched but exciting at that.Worth a 7.Thanks as ever extremezone.Adrian4400 (2011-07-24)
Excellent Copy!!! A+++turboindian (2011-07-28)
THXwomoma (2011-07-28)
Lots of crap acting and fake accents, and a whole load of far fetched shite. Well worth a watch though because it's entertaining as fuck.Hi.Jack (2011-08-04)
Excellent movie and perfect download.Watched it with Windows Media Player on my Laptop thru HDMI to my HD tv, and was perfect.
Word of caution with Win MP, do not adjust the play process with the bar adjuster. It screws the sound sync badly and cannot recover.
Thanks a lot.
10 A/V/M
Dermbet (2011-08-06)
Thanks for the up dude!!!Duitendiefje (2011-08-12)
extremezone, I wanna thank you for al your great work. I really enjoyed this movie!colonyofmetal (2011-08-14)
A - 9V - 10
M - 8
Thanks for the upload man. Worked fine for me.
donpulube (2011-08-16)
A-10, V-10 thanks bro keep up d good work .. nice movieSturzz (2011-08-20)
Thanksrelpze (2011-08-29)
if you like movies with great plot twists than definitely watch thisM:8/10
jalanforsy (2011-09-05)
V - 9A - 10
M - 8
The movie was better than I expected with a pretty good climax. Plus Bruno Ganz is in it (check out Der Untergang). Not Liam Neeson's best film, but worth downloading. Great audio/video quality.
cl0wny (2011-09-11)
Another great upload from extremezone. It has a great mind-twisting story line plus the fucking boss Liam Neeson himself is in it. You can't go wrong.maschinegeist (2011-09-12)
Thanks very much for the upload!Watched with both VLC and Windows Player and the audio was subpar. Still very watchable, though.
A: 6
V: 8
M: 8
turtlebot (2011-09-14)
YUM!ordinaryradio (2011-09-17)
THanks! 9v 10amelongsky (2011-09-30)
thanks a lot extremezone! i love this movie. great copy as always.A: 10
V: 10
fits09 (2011-10-01)
thanks heaps. nice workCheyenne-tgy (2011-10-19)
thanks mate.forboyler (2011-10-29)
VERY GOOD FILM!!! even better story!efeffess (2011-11-14)
An excellent movie - one that is easily classified as "Mind Fuck". Although the audio volume at the beginning is a little choppy, it's barely noticeable throughout the rest of the file.Yes, it's not one of Liam Neeson's greatest acting jobs for those who are used to his other films, but he makes the role work.
A9, V9, M9 - highly recommended.
CouldBeSerious (2011-12-10)
A: 10V: 10
M: 6
Wasn't the best. Wasn't the worst. Great car chase scenes though! Overall, I wouldn't watch it again, but it was worth watching once.
Jaffa1978 (2011-12-21)
another extremezone movie I've downloaded tonight,cant remember the last movie that i watched,that wasnt uploaded by you! You are Indeed the Pele,Maradona,George Best or even Lionel Messi of uploading!! Also cant remember seeing so many good reviews for a film on tpb.Looking forward to watching it,give a review tomorrow night.Once again Cheerz :)Halvarssonlol (2011-12-29)
Great movie a bit confusing at the start but a really good movie afterwards quite exciting movie i loved it.JKC2 (2012-02-04)
A - 9V - 10
M - 7
This is not the best movie of Liam Neeson. While watching, it gives you the feeling of other shows similar to this like The Net. But still, Liam was able to pull a good one.
Overall, good enough to watch! Quite a shocker at the near ending part.
cMonster282 (2012-02-12)
Just lemme watch this dvd first "then" ill tell ya if its burnable!aruk73 (2012-02-14)
tunnelsunshine (2012-03-06)
seems ok. havent fully watched it yet. audio is quiet, and video is decent. but ok enough. thanks! a 8 v 8.Rage_44 (2012-03-28)
Fast download Video:10 Audio:9 Movie:8imbusy36 (2012-06-06)
!!!!! AWESOME MOVIE !!!!!A:10+
!!!!! AWESOME MOVIE !!!!!
awimaway (2012-07-09)
Did only wtach some parts.A/10
M/ Looks to me a great movie.
Bassdrop (2012-07-22)
movie2go (2012-09-05)
thanks for the upload...raihanmahmud2012 (2013-02-27)
Thnx to the uploader! Movie was OK as i expected it to be! Storyline is intelligent and entertaining and acters were OK! I usually watch all the movies at because they have HD's but they didn't have this one so im happy to have piratebay :) Good torrent quality - A9 V9,clumsyshadow22 (2013-07-18)
1. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED 1272.49 Mb
2. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/sample.avi 10.18 Mb
3. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/screencaps.jpeg 141.60 Kb
4. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED.nfo 2.81 Kb
5. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes
6. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Torrent downloaded from 40 bytes
7. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Torrent downloaded from 33 bytes
8. Unknown (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED/Torrent downloaded from 32 bytes