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Starcraft 2 Lan / Free Multi Player (Correct Upload)






Starcraft 2 Lan / Free Multi Player (Correct Upload)




2011-08-03 (by Frozeer)


*Here is another "All in one" for my semi-lazy/ semi-savy t3cHy buddies out there* (or at least the ones with friends to multiplayer with) =============================================================================== All you have to do is Copy the whole Starcraft II folder from the Torrent into you Program Files. Then, Copy the Blizzard Entertainment folder into the Program Data <-(Show hidden folders to find this) Once you do that just follow the directions below and you will be playing in no time. ================================================================================ (This is also in the "Read Me") ^How To Play: If you are hosting make sure it says that server IP address is default Although when hosting, the other players are going to need Your IP not the default to connect If you are game host you need to start SarFriend Server first. Start Server_0.44 located in SC2 directory /Server Make sure you clicked Unblock for Windows Firewall or other player will not be able to join. ^Now start StarCraft 2. As username use [email protected] /* */ and password gg Game host need to connect first! You will be named Slayer Now to create game click Multiplayer Game, select Game Mode, Race and click Create Game Chose map and create game. I Game Lobby click + Players and invite players (other players first need to be connected to server to join) PS: You need to give other players your IP address so they can connect ^Other Players: Other players to join game host's game need to add host's IP address to configuration file. You need to edit config file located in SC2 directory Replace with game host's IP address. Now start StarCraft 2, login username: [email protected] /* */ & password: gg Now wait until game host invite you to game. -Your Favorite Porcupine Frozeer


  1. Sc2
  2. SC2
  3. LAN
  4. Lan

Files count:



9979.59 Mb




Frozeer (2011-08-03)

I am seeding dispite what is says lol

 musy2 (2011-08-03)

working online?

Frozeer (2011-08-04)

I apologize if i did not make it clear enough that this is Starcraft 2 Lan.
Aka you can play computer to computer or you can play with your friends online.
But, this is only with the ones that are connected directly to your sever (IP address)

wolfmic (2011-08-04)

Seriously ? not a fake ?

ajwen93 (2011-08-04)


um4d (2011-08-04)


hottshot25 (2011-08-04)


89cents (2011-08-04)

A couple of questions:
1. Does this use the Taiwanese version of Starcraft II?
2. Can you add AI in so two players can play coop against the AI?

Frozeer (2011-08-04)

Yes the base of the game is the TW verison but i replaced the audio and most texted with english.
Also yes you can add AI to play.
Also if you are having any problems installing or connecting remeber i had the idea in mind that there was no pre exisiting SC2 file on your computer to start with.

wolfmic (2011-08-04)

Well done...
Now, downloading from the seedbox...
All the players will have the same name ?
Is it possible to add accounts to the database ?

Frozeer (2011-08-05)

At this point i do not believe that you can add new users to the database
Also remeber this is a direct peer to peer play so you do not have to worry about everyone having the same name

wolfmic (2011-08-05)

I tried offline...
It's easy and it's work perfectly offline.
I will try at a lan party today.
PS : Funny to hear thai voices

arkiscee (2011-08-05)

I already have a previous SC2 and All in 1.. what should I do in order for this LAN to work for what I've downloaded?

Frozeer (2011-08-05)

Hmm... i made this in mind that you have no Sc2 files to start with, if you have pre exsisting ones you are going to be hard pressed to have this work. All i can tell you is to delete old files and replace it with this.

arkiscee (2011-08-06)

I see your point.. I downloaded Godslayers 1st torrent the time it came up..btw, is ur SC2 already updated to the latest patch? and the maps used in SC2 competitions are already there?

Frozeer (2011-08-06)

Yes, it has the majority of the maps.
No, it is not the newest update, as for Blizzard has patched this so it is at 1.3.2.

89cents (2011-08-06)

Thanks for the upload as I got it working between two computers, even coop. I've been waiting for a LAN crack since the beta to replace SC1 for after work fun with coworkers.
However, I still had the TW audio, but replacing mods/zhTW.SC2Assets with the English one fixed that. Too bad games sometimes freeze on load.

stephas89 (2011-08-07)

Is there amy way to make the audio in English?

hottshot25 (2011-08-07)

thank you werry mutch its working exelent.. i just dont andorstand how to play online, but offline mode works perfect .. thanks agen and keep up the good work :)

89cents (2011-08-07)

Yes, I have English audio for the units. Replace zhTW.SC2Assets with this download:
http://ul dot to/7quh5u2r
Replace " dot " with "."

stephas89 (2011-08-07)

Thanks for the audio 89cents but is there a way to change the subtitles to english too?

Frozeer (2011-08-08)

Part of that is my bad, I could of swarn that i uploaded it with english audio.
Also to anwser your question when you get the english audio it also has the english subtitles.

stephas89 (2011-08-08)

i only have english audio :x

sirmarq (2011-08-11) too only english audio, titles thai

Frostymourne (2011-08-11)

Hi 1st of all i want to thank Frozeer for uploading this. I just want to give some technical help & feedback =D
2ndly I am a user who have an original copy for starcraft 2 but my cousin wants to play the game with me casually and does not want to purchase the game. So this LAN version of starcraft 2 is really what i needed.
I want to highlight some issues i have encountered and already solved to be able to play LAN. Keep in mind with the fact that i do have an original SC2 game installed and this still works.
I am using a 64bit OS. So my original SC2 is in program files 64bit while the LAN version is in the normal program files. But i think it should be fine if both in the same program files folder, because they do not share the same name.
For people with original copy. Please rename your original Blizzard entertainment file if you paste the LAN one. So this way you can switch to original or lan by renaming.
1) If you are using wireless router, the LAN will not work. So you need a virtual LAN for it to work, so please download hamachi if you are going to play LAN via wirelessly. For players joining host. Paste the hamachi IP in the config.ini file instead of the normal IP add.
2) For people who are unable to create any multiplayer game(Stuck at the choosing maps screen no maps at all). You have to press the log in as guest button on the main menu, an error message will appear. Press Ok and log in again. This time round the maps will be loaded and you will be able to choose the maps.
3) If you quit SC2, if you are host, you have to quit server 44 also. Because if you do not quit server 44 and relaunch SC2 again, You are once again unable to choose the maps.
4) Theres also another issue encounter that my game will crash or hang the computer if i try to adjust anything in options, so far i encountered crashing after changing something in options or pressing the menu button. Its advisable you make changes in options fast and not too many times.

sirmarq (2011-08-11)

Do you have solution for audio/subtitles i copied zhTW.SC2Assets file and still no titles only audio, do i need to do somenthing else beside that file? (i apologize for my english)

vLx91 (2011-08-11)

hi can i get some help? i did everything as instructed but i can not play. when i try to login it says BATTLE.NET CONNECTION LOST. I click Play Offline and it says "To enable offline play, connect to to authorize your game client. You also need at least one StarCraft II character on the account.
What am i doing wrong? I disabled firewall and everything

vLx91 (2011-08-11)

can i get some help please?
i cant even log in. It says BATTLE:NET CONNECTION LOST. I click "play offline" and it says "To enable offline play, connect to to authorize your game client. You also need at least one StarCraft II character on the account"

Frozeer (2011-08-13)

Ok, my friend had the same problem.
You need to delete all files that have to do with Starcraft 2. Which means Documents files, Program Data, Program Files, All of that.
Then once all of it is gone restart your computer and make sure it is all still gone. Once you have done that re-download the torrent and follow directions exactly.

varie22 (2011-08-14)

can you help me how to make the audio to English i did not find the http://ul dot to/7quh5u2r and what particular folder i will Replace zhTW.SC2Assets

Frozeer (2011-08-23)

Always happy to help out and be your #1 spot for the best working "All-in-One" online games.
Also I am trying to figure out why some do not have the english audio. It seems to be that some of the seeds do not have it in it, while others do.
I would not image it is "That" impacting on gameplay (if not humorous sometimes" to have the VT audio. But, I am working on a fix for it now.
Any other problems or anything of that sort just leave a message.
Also remember to check the + button at the top and check out my other torrent.
-Your favorite porcupine

arkiscee (2011-08-23)

Works great, thank's Frozeer.. The only problem is that most of the texts are on Thai or Chinese(I don't have a clue).. any solutions on how to change the texts?

Filiph33 (2011-08-23)

I cant log in its just searching for hours whats wrong? is it my pc?

arkiscee (2011-08-23)

@Filiph33: Start Server_0.44 located in SC2 directory /Server

Frozeer (2011-08-24)

I have heard that there is a way to change the text into english.
Staying on the safe side though, 90% of the time I and people I know have tried to fix it, It resulted in the game either not connecting or the game crashing in general.
Again, I will continue to try but at this point don't hold your breath.

bigdee2470 (2011-08-26)

Hey Man Thanks so much. Everything is working great but ran into a problem setting up a 3 player free for all. So far 1 vs 1 is great but when a 3rd player is in I can create the game but it won't start. Any Ideas in what's going ? Thanks

mccory (2011-09-01)

this rock, bro !! thanks for the hard work!
test all good ~

hepy_mouse (2011-09-02)

Hi, really thx for the torrent. I downloaded it and we played with the roommate for several hours. However since the next day I cannot enter because of the problem. I deleted everything and downloaded it again, but no use. Still cannot enter. If someone has any ideas glad to hear, because for two days I am deleting and copying non stop

vatitou (2011-09-05)

where should I find the "program data" folder? inside program files or starcraft II folder.. thx

vatitou (2011-09-06)


mbikker (2011-09-07)

This one realy works, just read the readme.
The only thing that isn't working is coorpetive. anyone any ideas for that?
The korean is some what anoing.

arkiscee (2011-09-15)

Anyone tell me how to add maps for this game?..thanks.. and the link if possible.. :)
This is not Fake, only those who doesn't know how to follow instructions call it a fake. The only problem for this version is the Campaign coz the Audio is still Chinese even if you replaced the audio for the LAN game..

Frozeer (2011-09-25)

I swear the internet does not like me fixing that audio lol, I think I unloaded the right one this time but don't get hopes up to high lol

killer274 (2011-10-05)

why does it have to be in another language it seems like an easy problem to fix. i really wouldnt care but i have like 300 maps and there all in korean or whatever. the audio is the least of my problems

My_ass (2011-10-12)

Who don't like korean (or taiwan ?whaever)language better redownload fresh SC2 digital version ,update it to 1.4 (not 1.4.1) download starfriend 0.73 and play it ,works for me .

ProblemNotSolved (2011-10-17)

Cant load maps even if i try your advice Frostymourne :( All this time waiting for nothing :'(

Frozeer (2011-10-20)

I am going to try to upload a new torrent in all in english this time lol, but it is a huge pain in the ass.
The main problem is that "yes" you can download normal Sc2 client and do this, yet for some odd reason or mabye just rule 32 (lol) the files get all messed up when they are put into a torrent.
But worry not, I swear to you some time in the near future I will have the english verison up and running.

alien_pl (2011-12-31)

let me ask about the maps, how to add any? when i launch the game, there are no maps available, not a single one.
and when you wrote "copy into the Program Data", which one do you mean? i pasted the folder to each one of three i found on my xp and i still cannot make any map appear.

elegent (2012-04-04)

i hv download it, but i get a problem when playing 2 player vs ai, the game won't start.. what was the prob? did i have to download something else? note : Ai mode in single player works fine :)

zygis979 (2012-04-05)

Please seed !!!

tmae (2012-05-29)

Frozeer, I can't pass the login part. "Login, LAN ACCOUNT NAME (if you are unsure check README). i put this in as the login lan.sc2c@dark.blizzz. deleted everything and copy starcraft 2 to program file and Blizzard Entertainment in to program data. i try a feel times. any one with any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

EnKriip (2013-01-04)

try this method to change the language.

EnKriip (2013-01-04)

ignore my last post you are no longer able to do change the audio

vragoslav (2013-01-11)

Is this working if i want to play 3vs3

Roockie (2013-01-14)

work 1human vs 1 human lan 2 human coop vs 2 ai free for all not working