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Lost Season 1 HR-HDTV Complete Episodes 1-25 XVID






Lost Season 1 HR-HDTV Complete Episodes 1-25 XVID


Video/TV shows


2005-06-29 (by OneStepAhead)


Im sure many people would like to see these episodes all combined in to one big post, as these files are kind of spread around and somewhat difficult to find in hi res format. My upload speed isnt great so this is going to take at least 4 days to seed, sorry guys. If you havent seen Lost I highly suggest you check it out, one of the best shows Ive ever seen, and here it is Hi Res format. This is actually better quality then the Season 1 DVD that abc will put out, since mpeg2 is limited in resolution. The only way to watch Lost in HD is to download this version and play it on either your computer, htpc, or hd dvix/xvid player (see for info on where you can get one of these). This will NOT play in a regular divx/xvid player, trust me I have tried it. This will however play on a modified Xbox running Xbox Media Center, this is probably the best and cheapest option. Files are 960x580 23fps XVID .AVI (700mb) x 25 Swedish sub .srt files are available for episodes 1-14 only sorry. Enjoy! -OSA

Files count:



17481.16 Mb




yalooze (2005-06-29)

Oh, thank you OneStepAhead!
This torrent is so awesome!
*bows down* ^_^

ge5239 (2005-06-29)

you're not even suposed to those "SEED?!?!?!" comments, neither the comment nor person who made the comment is worth the effort.

Skammich (2005-06-29)

thanks, i've been waiting for this post since the season finale!

OneStepAhead (2005-06-29)

Like I said in the post, my upload speed isnt the best, my ISP caps it at 30Kbs so this torrent wont be moving to fast at first...bare with me :) -OSA

OneStepAhead (2005-06-29)

If someone with a bit more upload speed then me wants to post this to Usenet once I finish seeding that would be awesome, thanks -OSA

OneStepAhead (2005-06-29)

If any of you have already downloaded the pack of episodes 1-14 thats on this site feel free to join in and help seed the rest of this torrent. I see a couple people have already done this...I didnt rename files 1-14 for this exact reason-OSA

Creamyg (2005-07-02)

I WANT THIS SO BAD! I will pay 50US via paypal + Media and postage costs if someone wants to ship this completed torrent. I will then seed it for a month. I can also disperse more copies.

OneStepAhead (2005-07-02)

You should already know this, but these files can easily be converted to mpeg2 and be recorded to DVD as to play in a regular home DVD player. You will lose the High-Def this way, but the 5.1 audio will stay intact. The results should be pretty good actually. You might want to try NeroVision Express 3 for this, it can be downloaded from or from this site. It will allow you to easily setup a menu, convert, and burn. -OSA

grinster (2005-07-04)

No seeders?

Ravve78 (2005-07-04)

Downloaded 43 times, and only 1 seeder...

OneStepAhead (2005-07-06)

well sorry it wasnt fast enough for you and you had to download it since wednesday I had to seed the torrent since last sunday dick head.

OneStepAhead (2005-07-06)

if you would read the description you would of known that

tadet (2005-07-07)

thanks dude gonna try to d/l this for my xbox oh yeah and to every one else whom is moaning shut it, we dont up stuff for selfish peeps we do it for all and appreciation goes a long way.

flippizzle (2005-07-08)

i'm sorry guys i didnt mean to whine it's just that i'm new at this whole bittorrent thing and i had no idea what was going on but now it's cool and stuff. thank you for this great torrent. but i do have one come there's only sound if i play it using VLC player but everything else there's no audio? for divx it said i was missing a codec tag 8192 and when i downloaded ac3 filter thing, there WAS sound but its all slowed and what not. also is it possible to burn this as a VCD / SVCD? Im so sorry once again..OneStepAhead.

flippizzle (2005-07-08)

basically what i'm saying it, how come when i try to burn it as data cd or vcd there's just no sound..just video

yalooze (2005-07-08)

The ac3filter from here: is all you need to make your other players play the files. If u're getting laggy video/audio then ur cpu may not be up to decoding the files due to their large resolution. As for converting to vcd/svcd, i can't help, but to be honest if your intention was to convert to vcd from the beginning then u may as well have downloaded the 350mb versions because your going to lose the additional quality (higher res) and sound (surround 5.1) by converting. Frankly it's a waste of time to get these versions if ur going to convert to vcd. I would recommend either using tv-out, or an xbox. If your adamant on making vcd's should tell you how (look in guides).

flippizzle (2005-07-09)

thank you very much yalooze. i got the sound working and i've done 3 episodes (converted to SVCD). I don't know why it won't let me do the 4th says its too big or won't fit in the CD but the Pilot (1st) episode was bigger than the 4th and it worked just fine.. weird. anyways thank you!

OneStepAhead (2005-07-09)

I used Nero Vision and made DVD-Video discs with 5 episodes on each using a custom bitrate of 4800, which is just slightly lower then the normal mpeg2 bitrate, it even allows you to make a custom menu. Total setup time per disc: 2 min Converting/Trascoding time: 45 minutes per disc, but this will depend on if you keep the 5.1 sound and all sorts of other factors Recording Time: 2min @ 16x. So basically it will take you about 5 hours to turn this into a DVD set, assuming you have a fast computer and you keep the 5.1 sound. As for converting this to VCD, please dont you make me want to cry. -OSA

OneStepAhead (2005-07-09)

CTU and VFUA ripped most if not all of these episodes, I found them all on various torrent sites and Usenet.

Marita_81 (2005-07-12)

seeda.. please :o)

Red Lightning (2005-07-15)

Onestepahead >>> absolute legend. Champion.
May there be more of us like him!

mlg (2005-07-16)

> This is actually better quality then the Season 1
> DVD that abc will put out, since mpeg2 is limited
> in resolution.
No, MPEG-2 in *NOT* limited in resolution. (Especially since the HDTV transmission that this was made from was/is MPEG-2. However, DVD is limited in resolution. :) )
Anyway, the missing subs can be found on

outcazt (2005-07-21)

When is season 2 airing?

thugzclub (2005-07-23)


OneStepAhead (2005-07-26)

whatever you obviously knew what i meant, i am aware that mpeg2 can be any resolution, i was refering to the dvd mpeg2 standard of 720x480 -OSA

Koven (2005-07-29)

OMG thx dude!!! this show r0x! keep seeding plz :D

tomdrayson (2005-07-29)

Where can we get Series 1 Episode 26? There are 3 Exoduses (Exodii?) and the end of this series....
Thanks to OneStepAhead and any seeders out there!

yalooze (2005-07-30)

well technically there's only 24 episodes (according to abc's official website)
(the 24th ep obviously being double length) if you were to count the last ep as two seperate eps you would have 25 episodes, as is the case with this torrent. You will only ever find a 26th episode if you include the "Lost Special" as ep 21, but it is not in fact a proper episode, it's just that some groups and tv guide websites labelled it that way.
In conclusion, you will find all episodes of Lost Season 1 in this torrent, hence the phrase "Complete Episodes" in the torrent name ^_^

OneStepAhead (2005-08-02)

There is 25 1 hour segments of Lost season 1. One of the episodes is a recap episode and some websites dont count that as an episode. This torrent is the complete season it has all 3 exodus episodes dont worry -OSA

OneStepAhead (2005-08-02)

Missing subs are on -OSA

Rusna (2005-08-04)

Keep on seeding, thanks.

Metaldream (2005-08-05)

En dum fråga kanske, Finns det season2 ??

Jokkos (2005-08-06)

Finnes det flere trackers som deler denne torrent da montro?
Eller er det i det hele tatt noen som har en fin tracker-list ?

xianze (2005-08-08)

kanske skulle seeda lite? typ stått still i en vecka...

Bafang (2005-08-08)

ok är det bara jag som har problem med texten på vissa avsnitt?? i VLC syns inga texter alls, och i media player och winamp ligger den flera sekunder före!! sjuuukt jobbigt! snälla nån som vet hur man fixar till skiten!??

spiveym (2005-08-12)

why does it say permission denied?

blomsten (2005-08-15)

This isn't HD. HD is AT LEAST 1280 * 720.

Aegnor (2006-01-27)

Excellent torrent! Keep seeding!

ysipallo33 (2006-02-04)

Why am I getting this error when trying to download:
Error: No Torrent information found in file (IO Error: BDecoder::getByteArrayFromStream: truncated)

stofie_stofie (2006-02-09)

I've donwloade the episode 22 from this torrent. But when i play it i don't have 5.1 sound. the sound is 2 channels and not 6 or am i doing something wrong, help me please. Or are just a few of the files in 5.1. when i write episode 22 to dvd my home cinema gives 2.1 ->also no 5.1

DolphWulff (2006-05-29)

Just in case anybody else is wondering the same thing I was... I have a 3.2 P4, and got playback stuttering, out-of-sync issues, etc. due to not quite enough processor juice to play back at realtime speed.

DolphWulff (2006-05-29)

So, it struck me, what I had forgotten, that deblocking and deringing post-processing is really only useful when you compress something more than what is "good", i.e. they fix the problems that occur when you really should have used a higher bitrate. This doesn't apply for these rips, they have plenty of bitrate (mostly).

DolphWulff (2006-05-29)

So, take my word for it: deblocking and deringing actually only smooth the picture unneededly here, turn them off, you get a much nicer, crispier picture and can play back using much less processor power!
Awesome quality :)

OneStepAhead (2006-11-20)

man when i uploaded this i never thought so many people would end up downloading it, glad i didnt upload 17GB for nothing! :)

AndrewMartin (2006-11-23)

Wow! Thanks for uploading this. I am downloading and once complete I will seed for a good while.

OneStepAhead (2006-12-07)

Check out my post of the fall episodes of season 3 in 720p x264 format.

jokke_nr_1 (2007-02-13)

seede pleas?:P

jokke_nr_1 (2007-02-13)

Keep on seeding, thanks.

Mukerji41 (2007-08-16)

Please seed and if you do i will seed for soooooo long, i beg you seed!

NIKOSGATE13 (2008-02-17)


Tidus11 (2008-06-10)

omfg im gonna seed so fking long when im done with this.

OneStepAhead (2008-07-24)

holy shit i cant believe this torrent i uploaded 3 years ago is still alive and kicking. im glad it is, because i need these again since my apartment burnt down.
thanks for all the comments guys

mmx9999 (2008-10-31)

YEARS after the series started, I decided to give it a try and liked it after the pilot episode ;-)
The video quality is probably something between PAL DVD and 720p (I will compare it as I've ordered the boxset, "try before you buy" worked here at least for me and the industry should thank TPB) and the audio DD 5.1 - GREAT release if you've never seen it and 17 GB and some days for the download is not a problem.
However, in ep. 8 or something, I've had some problems with the audio, and the breaks are not cut out perfectly.

donut17 (2009-01-08)

hi, if i got it right then seeding is just letting limewire upload. if this is right im seeding with 10mbit... hope someone enjoys...

josh_b (2009-02-01)

thanks for seeding all, just 0.15% completed now xD

Filmerion (2010-08-02)

when i make the mkv into mpg it isnt synced

Filmerion (2010-08-04)


zimmy41 (2011-02-04)

C'mon, folks, seed like hell!